Parorexia and Homoeopathy
Parorexia and Homoeopathy
Parorexia and Homoeopathy
Definition............................................................................................................... 2
Etymology.............................................................................................................. 2
Causes................................................................................................................... 2
Risk Factors............................................................................................................ 2
Types..................................................................................................................... 2
Malacia............................................................................................................... 2
Pica..................................................................................................................... 3
Allotriophagia..................................................................................................... 3
Signs and symptoms............................................................................................. 3
Symptoms.......................................................................................................... 3
Signs................................................................................................................... 3
Complications........................................................................................................ 3
Complications of lead toxicity............................................................................. 3
GI tract complications......................................................................................... 3
Nutritional effects............................................................................................... 3
Diagnosis............................................................................................................... 4
Management.......................................................................................................... 4
Homoeopathic treatment....................................................................................... 4
Repertory of Parorexia........................................................................................ 4
Bibliography........................................................................................................... 6
Parorexia is the medical condition in which the appetite is manifested for some
special and peculiar kinds of food (Psora).
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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)
Origin of parorexia. New Latin, from para- + -orexia
The cause is not known. There are several factors like cultural influences (Causa
occasionalis/ Psora); low socioeconomic status (Causa occasionalis/ Psora);
deficiency diseases (Psora); and psychological disorders (Psora/ Sycosis/Syphilis).
Eating clay has been associated with iron deficiency (Psora). Some cultural
groups are said to teach youngsters to eat clay (Causa occasionalis).
Persons with iron deficiency anemia have also been reported to chew on
ice cubes.
Eating paint is most common among children from families of low
socioeconomic status. It is often associated with lack of parental
supervision. Hunger may also be responsible (Psora/ Causa occasionalis).
Inability to tell the difference between food and nonfood items as seen in
dementia, may also result in parorexia (Psora/ Syphilis).
Pica, iron deficiency, and a number of other physiological disturbances in
humans have been associated with decreased activity of the dopamine
system in the brain (Psora/ Syphilis).
Risk Factors
There exist three degrees of parorexia-
An increased desire for spiced food-stuffs, as for instance mustard, salad,
vinegar, green fruits, etc. It is met with in many disturbances of the stomach or
in different neurotic conditions of the system e.g. neurasthenia (Psora).
The appetite manifests itself for substances which are not in reality foods, thus
for coal, ashes, chalk, earth, sand, insects. It appears only in severe forms of
hysteria, and more frequently in idiots and lunatics (Psora/ Syphilis).
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There seems to be a craving for substances which are decidedly disgusting and
harmful, as for instance fecal matter, needles, pins, etc. Like pica, it also appears
in severe forms of hysteria, and more frequently in idiots and lunatics (Psora/
Syphilis/ Sycosis).
Suffering infants and children commonly eat paint, plaster, string, hair,
and cloth.
Older children may eat animal droppings, sand, insects, leaves, pebbles
and cigarette butts.
Adolescents and adults most often ingest clay or soil.
Complications of lead toxicity
Neurologic, hematologic, endocrine, cardiovascular, and renal effects
GI tract complications
Mild as constipation to life-threatening as hemorrhage
Nutritional effects
Perhaps Iron and zinc deficiency syndromes
No specific laboratory test is available for parorexia. Only consequences may be
evaluated. Imaging studies may be used to identify ingested materials and aid in
the management of gastrointestinal (GI). These may include
Abdominal radiography
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A multidisciplinary approach involving psychologists, social workers, and
physicians is needed for actual treatment.
Behavioral treatment may include
Antecedent management
Training in judgement between edible and nonedible items
Self-protection devices that forbid placement of objects in the mouth
Sensory support
Differential strengthening of other or incompatible behaviors
Additional management measures include the rectification of
nutritional deficiencies
Homoeopathic treatment
GENERALS parorexia- abies-c. abies-n. acon. adam. adel. aids. aloe Alum.
Alumn. am-c. anan. androc. ang. ange-s. ant-c. apis aq-mar. ara-maca. arg-met.
arg-n. arist-cl. arizon-l. arn. ars. asar. aster. atri. Aur. bac. bell-p. bell. ben. benzac. benzol. Bry. calc-f. Calc-p. calc-s. Calc. caps. carb-an. carb-v. carc. caust.
cham. chel. Chin. chir-fl. Chlor. choc. Cic. Cist. clem. cocc. Cod. colch. con. Cor-r.
cory-b. crot-c. crot-h. Cycl. des-ac. dig. Elaps eup-per. ferr. Fl-ac. galeoc-c-h.
glycyr-g. graph. ham. HEP. hyos. ign. irid-met. jal. Kali-i. Kali-m. kali-p. kali-s. lacac. lac-c. lac-f. lac-leo. lac-loxod-a. LACH. lepi. lept. Lycps-v. Lyss. Mag-c. mag-f.
Mag-m. mag-s. Manc. mang-p. Med. merc-c. merc-i-f. musca-d. Nat-m. nat-p. Nats. nat-sil. NIT-AC. Nux-v. oci-sa. oci. oena. onos. orot-ac. ozone paro-i. petr-ra. phac. phos. pip-n. plut-n. podo. positr. Psor. Puls. rheum rhus-g. rib-ac. ruta sabad.
sacch-a. sacch. Sang. Sep. ser-ang. Sil. spong. staph. stram. stront-c. stront-n.
stry-p. succ-ac. Sulph. symph. TARENT. ter. tritic-vg. tub. urol-h. vanil. VERAT.
Repertory of Parorexia
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - ashes desire tarent.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - bitter drinks desire acon. aids. aloe arist-cl. cocc. Cod.
dig. graph. Nat-m. nux-v. sep. ter. vanil.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - bitter food desire acon. arist-cl. cod. dig. glycyr-g.
graph. ign. Nat-m. nux-v. rhus-g. sep.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - blood; her own desire plut-n.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - burned food desire nat-m.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - caffeine desire des-ac.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - charcoal desire alum. Calc. Cic. con. ign. nit-ac. nux-v.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - cider desire anan. ben. benz-ac. benzol. puls. sulph.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - citric acid desire puls. verat.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - cloves desire Alum. Chlor. stront-n.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - coal desire Alum. Calc. Cic. ham. ign. psor.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - coarse food desire abies-c. alum. ant-c. calc-p. calc.
ign. pip-n. psor. sil. sulph. tarent.
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GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - digest; food he cannot desire bry. Chin. phos. Puls.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - dirt desire calc. cic.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - earth desire alum. calc. cic. con. ferr. hep. hyos. ign.
Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. oci. puls. Sep. sil. sulph. tarent.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - flour desire Calc. lach. sabad.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - ice desire acon. ange-s. arg-met. arg-n. ars. bry. Calc.
choc. clem. Elaps eup-per. irid-met. lept. Med. merc-c. merc-i-f. Nat-s. oci-sa. onos. paroi. petr-ra. phos. puls. ruta sil. tritic-vg. tub. VERAT.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - incredible things desire cycl.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - indigestible things desire abies-c. Alum. alumn. Aur.
bell. bry. Calc-p. Calc. cic. con. Cycl. ferr. ign. lac-c. LACH. nat-m. Nit-ac. nux-v. petr-ra.
positr. psor. SIL. sulph. Tarent.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - insects - desire - black beetles, slugs, grasshoppers
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - lime [= derived from limestone] desire ALUM. calc. cic.
con. ferr. hep. hyos. ign. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. oci. Sep. sil. sulph. tarent.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - lime, slate pencils, earth, chalk, clay desire Alum.
Alumn. ant-c. calc-p. Calc. chel. cic. ferr. ign. lac-f. nat-m. NIT-AC. Nux-v. oci. petr-ra. psor.
Sil. sulph. tarent. tub.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - paper desire lac-c. lac-f.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - peppermint desire carc. galeoc-c-h.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - pungent things desire abies-c. acon. alum. am-c. ang.
ant-c. arg-n. ars. aster. aur. bac. Bry. calc-f. calc-p. caps. carc. caust. chel. chin. chir-fl.
cic. Cist. cocc. cory-b. crot-h. Fl-ac. glycyr-g. Hep. kali-p. kali-s. Lac-c. lac-leo. lach. mags. med. nat-m. nat-p. nat-sil. nit-ac. nux-v. ozone petr-ra. ph-ac. phos. puls. ruta sacch-a.
sacch. Sang. sep. ser-ang. staph. stront-c. stry-p. succ-ac. sulph. symph. tritic-vg. tub.
vanil. verat. Zing.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - sand desire sil. TARENT.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - snow desire crot-c.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - soda pop drinks desire arizon-l. lac-ac. nux-v. phos.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - soda water desire choc. colch. nux-v. plut-n. sacch-a.
spong. vanil.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - strange things desire alum. atri. Bry. Calc-p. Calc.
carb-v. Chel. cic. Cycl. Hep. Lyss. mag-c. Manc. sep. ter.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - sunflower seeds desire ara-maca.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - tea - desire grounds Alum. con.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - vegetables desire abies-c. abies-n. adam. adel. Alum.
alumn. androc. ant-c. ars. asar. bell. calc-s. carb-an. cham. elaps ham. Kali-i. lac-leo. lacloxod-a. lepi. Lycps-v. Mag-c. mag-f. Mag-m. mag-s. med. onos. orot-ac. ozone phos.
podo. positr. ruta sabad. succ-ac. Sulph. symph. tritic-vg. urol-h. vanil. verat.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - vinegar desire ant-c. apis aq-mar. arn. ars. asar. bac.
bell-p. carc. chel. Cor-r. HEP. jal. Kali-m. kali-p. lepi. mang-p. musca-d. Nat-m. oena. puls.
rib-ac. sacch-a. Sep. stram. sulph. symph. vanil.
GENERALS - FOOD and DRINKS - wood desire nat-m. Nux-v. Puls. sep.
Mental Disorders >PICA Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine... Pica is
diagnosed when the individual, over age 2, eats one or more nonnutritive,
nonfood substances for a month or more and requires medical attention as a
result. There is usually no specific aversion to food in general but a preferential
choice to ingest substances such as clay, starch, soap...
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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)
Chapter 6. Normal Pregnancy and Prenatal Care > Pica CURRENT Diagnosis
& Treatment: Obstetrics & Gynecology, 11e ... Pica is the ingestion of substances
with no nutritive value; some common examples are ingestion of clay or laundry
starch. Pica is harmful, as nutrition may be inadequate with the ingestion of
nonnutritious bulk. ...
Examination, 10e
Prenatal Care > Pica and Ptyalism Williams Obstetrics, 24e ... The craving of
pregnant women for strange foods is termed pica. At times, nonfoods such as ice
pagophagia, starchamylophagia, or claygeophagia may predominate. This
desire has been considered by some to be triggered by severe iron deficiency.
Although such cravings usually abate after iron...
Children with pica eat dirt, stones, ice, paint, burned match heads, starch, feces,
hair, and so on. ...
the opening. Acute cerebellar mass lesions (ie, tumors) can readily induce these
cerebellar herniation syndromes as well as lead to brainstem compression,
obstructive hydrocephalus, and ischemic infarctions from posterior inferior
cerebellar artery (PICA) and superior cerebellar artery (SCA) compression...
Chapter 31. Intellectual Disability > Feeding & Eating Disorders of Infancy
or Early Childhood CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Psychiatry, 2e ... Pica
(persistent ingestion of nonnutritive substances) is seen sometimes in children
and adults with severe/profound ID and may be life threatening, as is rumination
disorder. Medical assessment is essential, including testing for trace metal
deficiency (which may be associated with pica...
Chapter 30. Wound Care > Species of Biting Animal CURRENT Diagnosis &
Treatment Emergency Medicine, 7e ... Carnivorous animals (especially skunks,
foxes, badgers, bobcats, coyotes, raccoons, dogs, and cats) and bats are more
likely to be infected and are vectors for rabies. Lagomorphs (rabbits and hares),
Picas (chinchillas), and Rodents (squirrels, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils,
chipmunks, rats...
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Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)