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Balaji Deekshitulu P V, GJEE, 2019; 1:2

Review Article GJEE (2019), 1:2

Global Journal of Energy and Environment


Impact of Homeopathy in Agriculture

Dr Balaji Deekshitulu P V

Homeopathy (Alt. Medi) Physician and Counseling Psychologist, Sri Balaji Homeopathic &
Counseling center, Tirupati, A.P, India.cell:8885391722, 7207255557.


Agro-homeopathy, which allows to influence biological process- *Correspondence to Author:

es of plants by either accelerating or delaying growth. Moreover, Dr Balaji Deekshitulu P V
it can contribute to the control of plagues and diseases, directly Homeopathy (Alt. Medi) Physician
promoting an increase of the yield and an improvement of prod- and Counseling Psychologist, Sri
uct qualitative traits Balaji Homeopathic & Counsel-
ing center, Tirupati, A.P, India.
cell:8885391722, 7207255557.
Keywords: Agriculture and Homeopathy

How to cite this article:

Balaji Deekshitulu P V. Impact of
Homeopathy in Agriculture.Global
Journal of Energy and Environ-
ment, 2019,1:2.

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Balaji Deekshitulu P V, GJEE, 2019; 1:2

Introduction Think of how much money you can save not

having to buy expensive fertilizers, pesticides
Homeopathy not only used as medicines in
and other soil amenities while increasing your
human diseases, but also applied in agriculture
crop yield. Plus, when you decrease your use
in this modern era. Potentised substance
of even “organically certified” pesticides, you’ll
(Arsenic trioxide, Gibberellin acid, Lysine,
be reducing your local and global toxic impact.
Sodium Chloride, Cupper Chloride) were used
You can’t beat those benefits!
in the plant for germination, growth, and
development of the plant. The studies aimed to COMMON AGROHOMEOPATHY REMEDIES
understand the effectiveness homeopathic Here are some of the more common plant
medicine and also identification of therapeutic ailments and their most helpful natural, side
effect on different plants. They strengthen effect-free, homeopathic treatments.
plants in the early spring by giving Aconite napellus – light rust
them Silicea 200C (made from silica, a building Allium cepa – onion and carrot fly, weevils
block of all cells). Place 6–8 pellets in water to Belladonna – red-brown rust
melt them, then use that liquid to water trees Bombyx processionea – caterpillars
and shrubs by pouring it directly on their trunks Bufo rana – pests
and in the soil around them. Bovista – spider mites
WHAT IS AGROHOMEOPATHY? Calendula – mechanical damage, repotting
Agrohomeopathy is the specialized area of Camphora – ants
homeopathic practice used to treat your garden Carbo vegetabilis – strengthening weak plants
and agricultural. Agrohomeopathy is the most Coccinella septempunctata – aphids
chemical free, non-toxic method of growing Cuprum metallicum – mildew
food and other crops that you can get. Helix tosta – snails
Agrohomeopathy makes your plants resistant to Manganum – monilia, chlorosis
disease and pests by strengthening them from Mentha – pests of cruciferous plants
the inside out. In nature, it is the weakest of Natrum sulphuricum – fungus in rainy
organisms that are attacked and destroyed. weather, brown rot
Agrohomeopathy helps build up the plant’s Ocymum – to keep tomatoes healthy
basic structure and gives it optimum health, Ricinus communis – pests in viticulture
thus reducing and sometimes even eliminating Salicylic acidum – aphids, fungus
it’s susceptibility. Sambucus nigra – prevention of pests
Silicea terra – strengthening resistance,
healthy soil
One of the reasons crops are fertilized is to Tanacetum vulgare – pests, black vine weevil
make them absorb more nutrients. However, Thuja occidentalis – leaf curl, scale insects,
we never consider that the plants may need spider mites
additional help being able to absorb the Zincum metallicum – nematodes
nutrients already present. A properly selected
The body is a brilliant mechanism and only
homeopathic remedy can do just that – help
needs the correct information to right itself
increase the nutritional absorption of the plant
(as do plants and animals).
making them stronger and making them
produce truly nutritious food – the way it was list of symptoms agro
meant it to be! best to list as many symptoms as you can find
Imagine how organic and biodynamic farmers 1. The type: spot, wound, colour, pest, etc.
can take their farming to a whole new level.
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2. The location: leaf, stem, roots, whole plant, 4. Things or circumstances that make the
soil, or elsewhere. problem better or worse: time of day, location,
3. Events that caused the problem: shade, heat, etc.
dehydration, waterlogging, transplantation, etc.
Disease Homeopathy Medicines
Bacterial Nat-sal., Sal-ac. : Acet-ac., Acon., Am-c., Bell., Cit-ac.,
Ferr-m., Ferr-p., Nat-c., Ox-ac.
Fertiliser: Am-c., Nit-ac., Kali-n
Fungal: Berb., Bov., Carb-v., Equis., Sil.
Heavy metal poisoning: Sulph.
Herbicide Sulph.
Injury Arn., Calen., Carb-v., Cham., Ferr-p.,
Fire : Acon., Bell., Canth., Caps., Carb-v.,
Ferr-m., Ferr-p., Nat-sal., Sal-ac.,Sulph
Grafts/cuttings Calen., Sil.
Transplants Calen., Sil
Wind damage Carb-v., Nat-s., Sulph
Sunburn Acon., Bell., Canth., Caps.,Carb-v
Natural salts Mag-p., Mag-s., Nat-c., Natm.,
Viral : Acon., Am., Bell., Canth., Nat-sal., Salac
Drainage Valer
Salination Mag-p., Mag-s., Nat-c., Nat-m.,

Disease Homeopathy Medicines
Cracks Calc-p.
Dry Berb., Bov., Equis., Sil., Sulph., Vib.

Eruptions Sulph
Engorged Arn., Calen
Flabby Sulph.
Foamy Berb., Carb-v., Cham.
Loose Arn., Calen., Sil., Sulph., Ust
Mouldy Cham., Coch.
Shrivelled Sulph.
Slimy Berb., Camph., Carb-v., Sulph
Soft Calc-p.
Sunken Sulph.

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With patches Berb., Sulph.
Thin Calc-p.
Wet Berb., Bov., Equis., Sil.

Deficiency Homeopathy Medicines
Ammonium Am-c., Kali-n.
Boron Borax

Calcium Ferr., Mag., Mang., Phos.,Sulph., Zinc.

Carbon Sil.

Copper Ferr., Moly., Phos., Sil., Sulph.,Zinc.

Iron Cupr., Kali., Mang., Phos., Zinc
Magnesium Calc., Kali., Nat., Phos.,Sulph.

Manganese Calc., Ferr., Kali., Mag.,Phos.

Molybdenum Am-c., Cupr., Kali-n., Nit-ac.,Phos., Sulph.
Natrum Berb., Camph., Carb-v., Sulph
Nitrogen Sulph
Phosphorus Alum., Calc., Ferr., Kali-n.,Mag., Mang., Nat-m., Zinc.
Potassium Ferr., Mang., Nat-m., Sulph. Silica: Carb-v.
Sulphur Calc., Cupr., Kali-n., Moly., Zinc.
Zinc Ferr., Calc., Cupr., Phos., Zinc

Pests Homeopathy Medicines
Ants Calen., Camph., Menth., Tanac., Teucr.
Aphids All-c., Am-c., Chrysop., Cocc-s. Menth., Nat-c., Nat-sal., Nat-s., Oci-
b.,Phos., Sal-ac., Salv., Samb., Sil., Syrph.,Trop.,
Yellow dwarf virus Acon., Bell., Natsal.,Oci-b., Phos., Sal-ac.
Beetles Aran., Bac-thur., Calen., Canth.,Hyssop., Menth., Oci-b., Phos., Sat-h.,
Bugs Aran., Canth., Ferr-m., Hyssop., Kali-c.,Kali-perm., Oci-b., Sat-h., Sulph.,
Squash Syrph., Trop.
Caterpillars Bac-thur., Bomb-pr., Cocc-s.,Hyssop., Menth., Nat-c., Oci-b., Ric.,
Salv.,Samb., Sat-h., Sil., Sulph., Syrph., Tanac.,Teucr., Thuj., Valer., Vib.
Army worms All-c., Bomb-pr, Samb.,Syrph., Tanac.
Budworm All-c., Bomb-pr., Samb., Sil.,Syrph., Tanac.
Cluster caterpillar Aran., Bomb-pr.,Samb., Syrph., Tanac.
Cutworm All-c., Bomb-pr, Samb., Syrph.,Tanac.

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Loopers All-c., Bomb-pr., Syrph., Tanac

Cicada Kali-perm., Oci-b., Syrph

Cockroaches All-c., Aran., Camph
Flies All-c., Aran., Bac-thur., Bomb-pr.,Hyssop., Oci-b., Ruta., Salv., Samb. Sat-
h.,Syrph., Tanac., Teucr., Thuj., Trom., Tro
Mosquitos Cocc-s., Oci-b.
Russet Ambly., Cocc-s., Oci-b.
Sawfly All-c., Aran., Bomb-pr., Hyssop., Ocib.,Salv., Samb., Sat-h., Sil.,
Syrph.,Tanac., Thuj., Valer., Vib.

Honeydew Coc-c., Shellac

Slaters Nat-sal., Porce., Sal-ac.
Termites Camph.
Wasps Aran., Hyssop., Sat-h., Syrph., Thuj.
Weevils All-c., Aran., Ferr-s., Hyssop., Nat-c.,Oci-b., Sat-h., Thuj.
Woodworm Camph.

Roots Diseases Homeopathy Medicines
Damaged Arn.
Discolouration:Red Am-c.
Discolouration: Whitish Valer.
Dry Am-c., Berb., Sulph.
Exudate:Frothy Berb.
Exudate Viscid Berb., Camph.
Exudate Lumpy Zinc.
Mouldy Trom.
Pale Vib.
Red Berb.
Short and brown Calc.
Slimy Camph., Sil., Sulph

Smell:Bad All-c.
Putrid Bov.
Swelling Am-c
Vesicles Am-c., Sulph., Valer., Zinc.
White Berb., Valer.

Seed Homeopathy Medicines

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Absent Calc., Sil., Sulph.
Seed bath Sil.
Spongy Calc.
Sterile:Fruit Calc. and Grain: Acon

Stem & Grain

Stem & Grain Diseases Homeopathy Medicines
Bark:Dry and harsh Calc-f
Chalky look Calc.

Lodging Am-m., Berb., Calc-p., Camph

From waterlogging Camph
Rot Calc-p.
Base Calc-f.
Nodes Calc-f.
Swollen:Base Calc-p.
Nosodes: Calc-f.
Oedematous Samb
Tillering:Distorted Calc-f.
Numerous Calc-f., Calc-p

Poor Acon.
Sterile Calc-p.

Water Requirement necessary. Add one pill to each 200 ml of

But worse watering: Acon. water, shake vigorously, and then spray or
water your plants. Avoid using other chemicals
Increased: All-c., Am-c., Am-m., Berb., Bov.,
or fertilisers for 10 days following treatment so
Calc., Sulph., Valer., Zinc. that the energetic effects of the treatment are
Afternoons and evenings: Bov. not antidoted. (One vial of 100 pills makes 20
Regularly: Am-c. litres. Plants remain insect or disease free for
Reduced: Berb., Calen., Sil. up to 3 months following one treatment.)

Weeds Large Plots or Farms: Add the remedy to

water and apply with the dispensing device of
General: Acet-ac., Athyr., Cit-ac., Foen., Oxac.,
your choice: watering can, backpack sprayer,
Ph.-ac., Pyruv-ac., Ruta., Sil., Tingis, boomspray, reticulation systems (add to tanks
Vacc. or pumps). Make sure your dispensing
Instructions for Use equipment is not contaminated with other
chemicals or fertilisers as these may antidote
Small Plots or Gardens: Make sure your
the energetic effects of the treatment—rinse
dispensing equipment is not contaminated with
with hot water or steam clean before use if
other chemicals or fertilisers as these may
necessary. Avoid using other chemicals or
antidote the energetic effects of the treatment—
fertilisers for 10 days following treatment.
rinse well with hot water before use if
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Balaji Deekshitulu P V, GJEE, 2019; 1:2
Dosage rates are approximate and may vary exhibited growth promotion at higher potency
according to different circumstances and (6X) and growth inhibition at lower potencies
experiences. Suggested doses are: (1X-5X) on Bacopa monneirie.
A: 10-50 pills or 10ml/10 litre on small areas Pavankumar S and Archana S(2014) finding
B: 500 pills or 125ml/500l per hectare that the Homoeopathy medicines Silecea12,
Dulcamara 30 and Sulphur 6c to fight stress
C: 1000 pills or 250ml/500l per hectare
caused during wet weather and also during hot
D: 2500 pills or 500ml/500l per hectare and dry conditions this are improving
Add pills or liquid to your water and mix (with a germination and growth; to control pest,
stick if necessary for large containers). disease and viral infection, etc.
Datta SC, Datta R (2011) support that the José Renato Stangarlin and Carlos Moacir
effective homeopathic medicines Cina 200Cand Bonato (2015) study that the homeopathy as a
Aakashmoni 200C- at an extremely low dose tool to control plant pathogens and its
and also increases silk production and effective contribution for a sustainable agriculture.
rate of rearing commercially which directly Ileana Rindasu et al(2017) concluded that the
enriches sericulture industry as well as homeopathic medicines can influence also the
agriculture sector genetic activity in plants, this phenomenon
Toledo et al.(2011) studied that the control of being explained with the help of experiments
disease, because is necessary a time between made on mungbean, gram, cotton, wheat etc.
the treatment with inducing agent to improve Meneses Moreno(2017) Studied that the
changes in the plant metabolism before the agrohomeopathy allows a control of diseases in
infection with pathogen, to give an effective plants, caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses and
protection. At this point, biochemical and pests, it also helps to improve and promote
histological studies can collaborate to clarify the seed germination, as well as by enhancing the
phenomenon. growth of plants.
A. M. Scofield (2012) findings that the Ashraful Alam (2017) suggested that the Ars
homoeopathy may be of value in the treatment alb Q significantly inhibited (96.40%) the growth
and prevention of diseases in crops as well as of C. gloeosporioides.
domestic animals.
Giovanni Dinelli et al.(2012) suggested that the
Homeopathic basic research models using
works on agro-homeopathy can be
impaired plants are usually short term, allowing
conceptually divided in two main groups: effects
large numbers of experimental replications, and
of ultra-diluted preparations on crop growth and
eliminate disadvantages such as the placebo
applicability for crop disease control.
effect or ethical concerns. They provide the
Tatiani A Modolon et al. (2012) finding that the opportunity of studying the presumed
potential to replace Bordeaux mixture, a characteristic equilibrating (regulative) effects of
traditional formulation largely used by organic homeopathic medicines, and at the same time,
farmers. Despite its well known insecticidal the stress applied may allow stabilizing the test
action, B. thuringiensisshowed to have system. Results of the studies included in this
deleterious effect on phytopathogenic fungus. review support the notion that the plant models
The high dilution sulphar 12CH can be used to are useful tools to investigate the controversial
protect tomota fruits against the small borer aspects of homeopathic preparations.
damage. Furthermore, this type of basic research model
Vivek Kumar Gupta et al.(2014)reported that may be used for investigations of the mode of
the Homoeopathic drug (Zinc sulphate) action and may develop a method to study the
GJEE: http://escipub.com/global-journal-of-energy-and-environment/ 7
Balaji Deekshitulu P V, GJEE, 2019; 1:2
stability of homeopathic preparations against to tomato crop under organic production system,
external influences and to compare different Hortic. Bras. vol.30 no.1 Vitoria da Conquist.
5. Manasa Kumar Panda, Swati Sucharita Panda,
production methods. It is necessary to further Nabin Kumar Dhal and Prasanna Kumar Panda
improve the quality of the experimental design, (2017) Application of potentised homeopathic
by blinding, randomization, statistical analysis, medicinde on agriculture,IJCR, Vol. 9, Issue, 06,.
and appropriate controls to identify specific pp.52932-52935.
remedy effects and to enable replication. 6. M. V.Toledo, J. R. Stangarlin and C. M.
Bonato(2011) Homeopathy for the control of
Furthermore, the use of systematic negative plant pathogens, www.researchgate.net
control experiments is strongly recommended 7. Vivek Kumar Gupta, Jutika Rani Ray, Vishal
to control system stability. Kumar Singh, Surya Deo Pathak, Chaturbhuja
Nayak, Mahendra P Darokar (2014) Dose-
dependent effect of homoeopathic drug Zinc
1. Ashraful Alam, Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary and sulphate on plant growth using Bacopa monnieri
Mahtalat Ahmed, 2017. Effectiveness of as model system,IJRH, Volume : 8 | Issue : 1
Selected Homeopathic Medicines | Page : 19-23.
Against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides. Asian
8. Datta SC, Datta R (2011) Homeopathic
Journal of Plant Pathology, 11: 118-129.
Medicines Protect Environment, Health and
2. M. Scofield (2012) Homoeopathy and its
Development by Controlling Mulberry Diseases.
Potential Role in Agriculture, JBAH, Vlume 2.
JJ Homeop Ayurv Med 1:104.
3. Ileana Rindasu,Roxana Ciceoi, Florin
Stanica(2017) The homeopathy products used in 9. José Renato Stangarlin and Carlos Moacir
plant protection,www.researchgate.net Bonato (2015) Homeopathy for the control of
4. Tatiani A Modolon; Pedro Boff; Mari Inês C Boff; plant pathogens, Science against microbial
David José Miquelluti(2012) Homeopathic and pathogens: communicating current research and
high dilution preparations for pest management technological advances, www.researchgate.net/

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