Service Now Faq

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The document discusses the various experiences and capabilities one can have when working with ServiceNow including administration, development, scripting and customization across different modules like incident management, change management, notifications etc.

The document discusses experience in areas like incident management, problem management, change management, notifications, knowledge management, configuration management database (CMDB) and administration.

The document discusses various scripting capabilities in ServiceNow like business rules, client scripts, UI actions, UI policies where both client side and server side scripts can be written. It also discusses use of scripts in areas like UI policies.



1) Tell me your experience with Service-Now?
a) Earlier my client was using a legacy tool, they want to migrate to Service-Now, so they have trained
me on Service-Now. Initially it was just administration part but later I am involved in development and
customization part as well.

2) Could you please tell me what all you have done in Service-Now?
a) I am involved in all kind of activities from basic administration to advanced scripting and
customization. I have contributed my work in Incident, Problem, Change, SRM, Configuration
Management areas.

3) Tell me about your work in incident management?
a) I have done the designing of the forms using for layout, created different kind of fields like reference
field, choice field, string field. Also I have worked on serverside scripting like business rules and client
side scripts like client scripts.

I have also designed the email templates for email notifications, and also triggering the
notifications when the conditions are matched.

4) What do know about problem management in service-now?
a) Repetitive incidents will be logged as a problem ticket, technically I have done the same stuff which I
have done for the incident management like business rules, client scripts, ui actions, ui policies,

5) Please share your experience on change management?
a) I have modified the workflow of change management table so that it can move for cab approvals as
per the requirement, also I have created new workflows for emergency change request.

6) What is a business rule?
a) It is the name given to server side scripting for a table in service-now. Here we can write a script which
can be triggered while insert, update, or deleting a record on that particular table. We have different
operation like before, after, async, display.

7) What is a client script?
a) Script which runs on browser side or client side. This can be triggeredon load, on change, on submit,
on cell edit.

On load will run while loading a page, on change will run while changing the cursor from the specified
field, on submit will run while submitting a ticket.

8) What are UI actions?
a) UI actions are helpful to create buttons and links on form as well as list. These ui actions script will run
only when we click on that ui action.

9) What kind of script can we write in UI action?
a) We can write both client side and server side script in UI action. To write Client side script we need to
tick the check box against client field. It asks for on click function. We need to start the script with
function which we have mentioned in on click field.
For server side scripting we can directly write the script.

10) What are UI policies?

a) It is the easy way to make a field visible, read only and mandatory. These ui policies will be activated
on load but triggers when condition is matched.

11) Can we do scripting in UI policies?
a) Yes we can, when we tick the advanced check box, it displays script field. There we can write client
script like g_form.setMandatory, g_form.setVisble, g_form.setreadonly.

12) What is your experience in Notifications?
a) I have written email templates, and used in notifications. Also I have created 2 kinds of notifications 1)
sending the notifications when a record inserted or updated 2) sending an email when an event is

13) Please tell me the process of triggering event based notifications?
a) To create an event we need to create a record in event registry. That event can be used in notification,
we need to select the notification as when event triggers and use the event in business rule with the
function gs.eventqueue.

14) What is a dictionary?
a) It is a table which maintains the information of all the tables and fields.

15) Did you work on SRM? (Service request management)
a) Yes, I have worked on Service Catalog. (Note: SRM = Service catalog in servicenow)

16) Could you please tell me your experience in SRM?
a) I have created catalog items with variables and variable sets. I have used workflows and execution plans
to design the workflow of an catalog item.

17) What is a workflow?
a) a workflow diagrammatic approach to design the process of a catalog item.

18) Could you please briefly explain about how to design the workflow?
a) go to the workflow editor, these you can find an IDE. Click on the new to create a new workflow. After
finishing the design by using different activities then publish the workflow.

19) What is an execution plan?
a) It is an alternative to the workflow to design the process of an catalog item. It can be done by using ui

20) How to choose between a workflow and execution plan?
a) Depends on the complexity of the design we need to choose. If the design is really complex then we
can go for workflows.

21) How to create tables in servicenow?
a) Go to tables and columns, there you can create application, modules and respective tables

22) What kind of roles typically we have in service-now?
a) ess (self-service), ITIL, admin.

23) Do we have any cheat codes to open tables and forms for which we dont have access?
a) and table_name.list.

24) How can we restrict the users seeing the application and modules?
a) we can give roles to access a specific applications and module.

25) What are access control lists?
a) They are security rules to restrict the users based on their roles on a particular table, UI page .

26) How many types of access controls do we have?
a) Record, UI Page, Processor, client callable script include.

27) Can we have a template without a form for a table? (OR)
Do you have any idea on Record Producer?
a) Yes we can create a record Producer.

28) What is a Record Producer?
a) A Template which can be created to make the user comfortable while filling a form to create an incident
or problem or any other table.

29) What is the difference between Record Producer and catalog item?
a) Catalog items are for SRM and create a ticket in request table which has request items and tasks,
whereas record producer is a template to insert a record in any required table.

30) What is the hierarchy of a catalog request?
a) Request will be having request items and request items will be catalog tasks.

31) Can we have a workflow in another workflow?
a) Yes, we can add a workflow in another workflow by using workflow activity.

32) How can we fill mandatory fields if we use a record producer?
a) We need to make sure while scripting that a record producer that has mandatory fields should not be
missed. Scripting will be
current.table_field_name = producer.record_producer_field_name.

33) Where are using g_form keyword?
a) In client scripts.

34) Where are we using the current and gs keywords?
a) Server side scripting.

35) What is a script includes?
a) it is the table where we can write functions which can be invoked in any scripts either server side or
client side.

36) Why cant we use a global business rule instead of a script includes?
a) Global business rules will be invoked every time when there is an insert or update of a record. It will
hamper the instance performance. So it is recommendable to use the script include.

37) What is glideajax?

a) We use this invoke a script include into a client script provided the script include should be client

38) Please tell me what are different versions in servicenow?
a) Aspen, Berlin, Calgary, Dublin, Eureka

39) Have you worked on reporting?
a) Yes, I have created many reports and scheduled the reports as well.

40) Do you have any idea on ITIL Processes?
a) Yes, I have undergone the training for ITIL, I have basic knowledge on ITIL Processes.

41) What is an configuration item?
a) We can call any item either hardware or software as configuration item while raising an incident,
problem or change. It is mandatory to put a configuration item to know where we have an issue.

42) Where the configuration items are stored?
a) Configuration items are stored in CMDB (configuration management database).

43) Did you get a chance to work on the configuration Management?
a) Yes, I am involved while migrating the configuration items from our legacy tool to servicenow.

44) Could you explain me your role in Configuration Management?
a) We were using some legacy tools, when we were planning to migrate to servicenow we have moved all
the inventory of CMDB into excel sheets. We have imported that excel sheets into appropriate classes of
servicenow CMDB.

45) How to import excel sheets into servicenow?
a) We have import sets in servicenow through which we can import the data of different formats into

46) What Data Formats are supported by servicenow?
a) Excel, CSV XML.

47) Could you please explain about Import Sets?
a) Through Import sets we can import data into servicenow. We use data sources and transform maps in
import sets to import the data.

48) What are the data sources?
a) It is the table which creates a import set table and build the connection between external data source
and servicenow.

49) What is a transform map?
a) It transfers the data from import set table which is created by data source to the table which is in

50) How can we write a transform map?
a) We can develop them in 2 ways
1. Direct field mapping
2. Scripting

We need to select the target table and transform them by using these 2 methods.

51) Have you done any integration with Servicenow?
a) Yes, I have done email integration.

52) Could you please explain about email integration?
a) We use inbound action to create email integration. We have given a specified format to Orion system.
As soon as some alert comes in Orion system, it generates an email to servicenow in a specified format. By
using an inbound action scripting we have created a incident ticket.

53) What kind of email the inbound action accepts?
a) It accepts New, Forward, Reply emails.

54) What kind of basic administration work you have done?
a) I have done like adding users to groups, assigning Roles to users and groups.

55) How many instances your current project has?
a) We have 3 instances 1)Dev 2)test 3)Production

56) How do you migrate the customization and code into different instances?
a) We use update sets.

57) Could you please tell me about update sets?
a) Update set is the functionality which captures every change in an instance.
Go to the local update sets, create an update set and do the changes once changes are done, put
The update sets in complete state.

58) How do you migrate update sets?
a) We need to go to Target instance and create an update source, we need to give credentials of the
source instance. It will pull all the completed update sets of source instance to target instance and we
need to commit them in target instance.

59) Did you work on Slas?
a) Yes, I have created SLAs as per the client requirement.

60) Could you please tell me the procedure for creating an SLA?
a) We go to Sla tables and select the table on which SLA need to be established and give start, stop, pause
conditions to it.

61) What is the difference between SLA and OLA?
a) SLA is the agreement between Vendor and Client whereas OLA is the agreement within the

62) Did you work in the knowledge management?
a) Yes,

63) What all you have done in knowledge management?
a) I have created knowledge articles, and make them available to specific-role-users.

64) What do we need to do to make a knowledge article available to all the users?

a) We need to assign public role to the knowledge article.

65) What kind of knowledge articles we can create in servicenow?
a) We can create attachment links, attachments, HTML pages etc.,

66) How can we search a knowledge article?
a) We can use Meta tags for it. Whatever we give in the Meta tags, they can be the searchable elements
for the knowledge article.

67) Could you please tell me the areas we can search for knowledge articles?
a) We have a module self-service application, and also we can search on any field which has a knowledge
icon against it. For example short description in incident management.

68) What are the classes in CMDB?
a) Classes are tables for storing a dedicated type of devices like servers, computers databases, data base

69) What is a table extension?
a) We can extend any new table with one existing table. This brings all the existing table fields into the
new table.

70) Could you name some extended tables?
a) Incident, Problem, Change are extended from Task table.
CMDB classes are extended from CMDB_CI table.

71) How does the Servicenow Charges the Licenses?
a) On role-users basis.

72) Do you have any idea on content management system?
a) Yes, I have worked on it.

74) How can you redirect the users to portal page when they login?
a) We should use Login rules in content management system.

75) Do you recommend Service-Now over other tools? Why?
a) Yes, I recommend because of its flexibility to implement the applications also we can use Javascript,
Jquey, HTML like more flexible web technologies.

76) Please tell me about Glide record?
a) It is java class which is used in scripting to bring the object of the particular table by which it is being
used into a variable.

77) Did you work on LDAP integration?
a) No, That was done by a different team.

78) Do you have an idea on LDAP?
a) Yes, I have fixed couple of issue on LDAP. I know that LDAP will be used to import the users list from
active directory to Users table in servicenow.

79) Did you work on Discovery?

a) No I didnt get a chance to work on Discovery.

80) Any idea what is discovery?
a) Yes, it is used to import different configuration items into different classes of CMDB.

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