P5 - S &amp T ANSWERS - NEW

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Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 1 – ‘not only ……but also’

1. Sam is fat. Sam is lazy.

Not only is Sam fat but he is also lazy.

2. Mr Roland is kind. He is also generous.

Not only is Mr Roland kind but he is also generous.

3. William has not started on his project. Neither has he submitted his proposal.

Not only has William not started on his project but he has also not submitted his proposal.

4. My grandfather is deaf. His vision has degenerated.

Not only is my grandfather deaf but his vision has also degenerated.

5. I have not seen the movie. I have not read the book.

Not only have I not seen the movie but I have also not read the book.

6. He took a loan from the bank. He took loans from his relatives.

Not only did he take a loan from the bank but he also took loans from his relatives.

7. The new student excels in Mathematics. She also excels in languages.

C: Not only does the new student excel in Mathematics but she also excels in languages.

8. She has been late three times. She has also not done her work.

Not only has she been late three times but she has also not done her work.
Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 2 – ‘besides’

1. Isaac has two computers. He has a playstation too.

Besides having two computers, Issac has a playstation.

2. Angela is learning French. She is also learning Japanese.

Besides learning French, Angela is learning Japanese.

3. Jane was always late for school. She was often absent too.

Besides always being late for school, Jane was often absent.

4. My grandfather has poor vision. He is also hard of hearing.

Besides having poor vision, my grandfather is hard of hearing.

5. Jim should turn off the fan. He should also turn off the lights.

Besides turning off the fan, Jim should turn off the lights.

6. My cousin is talented in writing and painting.

Besides being talented in writing, my cousin is talented in painting.

7. He enjoys reading and listening to music.

Besides reading, he enjoys listening to music.

8. Jane’s parents are coming to our party. Linda’s parents are also coming to our party.

Besides Jane’s parents, Linda’s parents are coming to our party.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 3 – ‘apart from’

1. Mrs Tay had no other choices but to borrow money from her friends.

Apart from borrowing money from her friends, Mrs Tay had no other choices.

2. Jenny has no one else to turn to except for her teacher.

Apart from her teacher, Jenny has no one else to turn to.

3. Sally’s maid helps her. She does not seek help from anyone.

Sally does not seek help from anyone apart from her maid.

4. Mr Seng jogs once a week. He does not do any other form of exercise.

Mr Seng does not do any other form of exercise apart from jogging once a week.

5. Sally only read the report. She did not gather information from any other sources.

Sally did not gather information from any other sources apart from reading the report.

6. Ming Lee does not show interest in playing games except for golf.

Apart from golf, Ming Lee does not show interest in playing games.

7. The millionaire has a house in London. He also has a house in Australia.

Apart from a house in London, the millionaire also has a house in Australia.

8. I have finished the paper except for the last question.

Apart from the last question, I have finished the paper.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 4 – ‘except’, ‘except for’

1. He had a slight bruise. He was not badly hurt.

Except for a slight bruise, he was not badly hurt.

2. Angela is not learning Japanese. Everyone is learning Japanese.

Except for Angela, everyone is learning Japanese.

3. Jane did not ask anyone for help. She only asked me.

Jane did not ask anyone for help except me.

4. No one agrees with him. Only Jack agrees with him.

No one agrees with him except Jack.

5. We did not take a rest. We took a ten-minute break.

Except for a ten-minute break, we did not take a rest.

6. He works from Monday to Saturday.

He works every day except Sunday.

7. They invited everyone to the party. They did not invite Mr Tan.

They invited everyone to the party except Mr Tan.

8. Every pupil has handed in his assignment. Samy has not done so.

Every pupil has handed in his assignment except Samy.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 5 - ‘All but’

1. Everyone is going to the movie. Cheryl is not going to the movie.

All but Cheryl are going to the movie.

2. None is like Mary who can read and speak well.

All but Mary cannot read and speak well.

3. Jacob is the only pupil who did not complete his homework on time.

All but Jacob completed their homework on time.

4. Everyone knows two languages except Mr Li.

All but Mr Li know two languages.

5. Every pupil sang the national anthem except Jeremy.

All but Jeremy sang the national anthem.

6. The audience clapped loudly after the performance. Jamie did not clap.

All but Jamie clapped loudly after the performance.

7. The suspects did not plead guilty to the crime. One of them pleaded guilty to the crime.

All but one of the suspects did not plead guilty to the crime.

8. Only one apple in the box was rotten.

All but one apple in the box were not rotten.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 6 – ‘unlike’

1. Angie does not like to watch cartoons. Most children like to watch cartoons.

Unlike Angie, most children like to watch cartoons.

2. My sister is an extrovert. I am not.

Unlike my sister, I am an introvert.

3. John’s siblings are good at their studies. John is not.

Unlike his siblings, John is not good at his studies.

4. My grandfather is patient but not my grandmother.

Unlike my grandfather, my grandmother is impatient.

5. Miss Li is strict. Miss Tan is not strict.

Unlike Miss Li, Miss Tan is not strict.

6. A hen is not like a duck. It cannot swim.

Unlike a duck, a hen cannot swim.

Unlike a hen, a duck can swim.

7. Ben’s classmates do not have a sense of humour. Ben has a great sense of humour.

Unlike his classmates, Ben has a great sense of humour.

8. Mr Pang is an easygoing person. Mrs Pang is not.

Unlike Mr Pang, Mrs Pang is not an easygoing person.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 7 – ‘instead of’

1. I should buy a book. I should not buy a file.

Instead of a file, I should buy a book.

2. My sister boarded bus 155. She should have boarded bus 151.

My sister should have boarded bus 151 instead of bus 155.

3. We decided not to take a bus but to walk to school.

Instead of taking a bus, we decided to walk to school.

4. The driver should have turned right. However, he turned left.

Instead of turning right, the driver turned left.

Instead of turning left, the driver should have turned right.

5. The baker did not use sugar. He used honey to bake the cakes.

The baker used honey instead of sugar to bake the cakes.

6. Susan gave up solving the problem. She did not try to think of other solutions.

Instead of trying to think of other solutions, Susan gave up solving the problem.

7. Miss Tay did not buy the silver bangle. She bought the gold one.

Miss Tay bought the gold bangle instead of the silver one.

8. Mr Chen did not buy a house. He bought an apartment instead.

Mr Chen bought an apartment instead of a house.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 8 – ‘despite’, ‘in spite of’

1. He was famous. Yet he was unhappy.

Despite his fame, he was unhappy.

2. I am efficient. Yet I cannot complete my work.

Despite my efficiency, I cannot complete my work.

3. Angie worked very hard but she failed the examination.

Angie failed the examination in spite of having worked very hard.

4. The weather was bad. Yet the men went out to fish.

The men went out to fish in spite of the bad weather.

5. She enjoyed the show although she had a headache.

In spite of having a headache, she enjoyed the show.

6. The servant pleaded for mercy. The king did not forgive him.

The king did not forgive the servant despite his plea for mercy.
The king did not forgive the servant despite his pleading for mercy.

7. Although my father was in poor health, he was always cheerful.

Despite his poor health, my father was always cheerful.

8. Anita was a strong swimmer. Yet she was nearly drowned in the pool.

Despite being a strong swimmer, Anita was nearly drowned in the pool.
Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 9 – ‘rather than’, ‘rather … than’,

‘would rather … than’

1. I prefer watching television at home to going to the movies.

I would rather watch television at home than go to the movies.

2. My sister prefers to take a bus. She is not keen to drive.

Rather than driving, my sister prefers to take a bus.

3. We prefer to walk instead of waiting for the bus.

Rather than waiting for the bus, we prefer to walk.

4. I shall buy a book. I do not wish to queue up for a free copy.

I would rather buy a book than queue up for a free copy.

5. Between jogging and swimming, my uncle prefers jogging.

My uncle would rather jog than swim.

My uncle would rather go jogging than swimming.

6. Would you prefer to stay here or go home?

Would you rather stay here or go home?

7. My grandfather does not like drinking tea as much as coffee.

My grandfather would rather drink coffee than tea.

8. Mr Li prefers repairing the car himself to sending it to the workshop.

Mr Li would rather repair the car himself than send it to the workshop.
Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 10 – ‘none of’

1. All my drawings have not been selected for the exhibition.

None of my drawings has been selected for the exhibition.

2. All the soldiers were unprepared when the enemy attacked them.

None of the soldiers was prepared when the enemy attacked them.

3. I tried all the keys. They could not unlock the door.

None of the keys I tried could unlock the door.

4. Every one of the crew did not panic when they saw the pirates.

None of the crew panicked when they saw the pirates.

5. All the participants were not good enough to be selected for the play.

None of the participants was good enough to be selected for the play.

6. All the tickets for the musical were sold.

None of the tickets for the musical was unsold.

7. All the players have not been trained for the competition.

None of the players has been trained for the competition.

8. Not even one of the applicants has work experience for the job.

None of the applicants has work experience for the job.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 11 – ‘whatever’

1. She will believe you no matter what you say.

Whatever you say, she will believe you.

2. My boss will not accept my ideas no matter what I suggest.

Whatever ideas I suggest, my boss will not accept.

3. Make sure that you do not lose your self-control no matter what happens.

Whatever happens, make sure that you do not lose your self-control.

4. I will try my best to assist you no matter what your request may be.

Whatever your request may be, I will try my best to assist you.

5. No matter what John’s father gives him, he will always share it with his brother.

John will always share with his brother whatever his father gives him.

6. No matter what decisions you make, you must be responsible.

You must be responsible for whatever decisions you make.

7. No matter what you offer him, he will definitely eat it.

He will definitely eat whatever you offer him.

8. No matter what he tells you, always take it with a pinch of salt.

Always take whatever he tells you with a pinch of salt.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 12 – ‘because of’

1. I passed the test with flying colours. I had worked very hard.

I passed the test with flying colours because of my hard work.

2. Mrs Li resigned from her job. She was ill.

Mrs Li resigned from her job because of her illness.

3. John was conned by the men. He was greedy.

John was conned by the men because of his greed.

4. Miss Liu is honest. She will be respected by her friends.

Miss Liu will be respected by her friends because of her honesty.

5. The gambler was greedy. He lost all his money.

The gambler lost all his money because of his greed.

6. We are perspiring. The weather is warm.

We are perspiring because of the warm weather.

7. He succeeded as he had worked hard.

He succeeded because of his hard work.

8. She had outstanding achievements. She won many prizes.

She won many prizes because of her outstanding achievements.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 13 – ‘in case (of)’

1. The hiker carries a compass. He may need to refer to it.

The hiker carries a compass in case he needs to refer to it.

2. Keep some coins in your purse. You may need small change.

Keep some coins in your purse in case you need small change.

3. We will bring our raincoats. It may rain heavily.

We will bring our raincoats in case it rains heavily.

4. I may forget the telephone number. I will write it down.

I will write down the telephone number in case I forget it.

5. We will light candles if there is a power failure.

In case of a power failure, we will light candles.

6. All outdoor activities should be halted if there is a lightning alert.

In case of a lightning alert, all outdoor activities should be halted.

7. There must be alternative plans for the sports day if the weather turns bad.

There must be alternative plans for the sports day in case of bad weather.

8. If there is a fire, there must be enough exit points for everyone to evacuate the building.

There must be enough exit points for everyone to evacuate the building in case of a fire
Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 14 – ‘due to’

1. The soccer match is postponed. The weather was bad.

Due to bad weather, the soccer match was postponed.

2. Mrs Li resigned from her job. She was ill.

Mrs Li resigned from her job, due to her illness.

3. Janet made an error. Her calculation was wrong.

Janet made an error, due to her miscalculation.

4. Miss Liu is honest. She wins the respect of her colleagues.

Miss Liu wins the respect of her colleagues, due to her honesty.

5. The drought caused the farmers not to have good harvests.

The farmers did not have good harvests, due to the drought.

6. She failed to get the job she wanted. She lacked perseverance.

Due to her lack of perseverance, she failed to get the job she wanted.

7. Timothy failed his test. He was careless.

Timothy failed his test, due to his carelessness.

8. Joel won the game. His moves were strategic.

Joel won the game, due to his strategic moves.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 15 – ‘owing to’

1. All the flights were cancelled because of the fog.

Owing to the fog, all the flights were cancelled.

2. As a result of his poor health, Mr See decided to retire early.

Mr See decided to retire early owing to his poor health.

3. David was conned by the men as he was greedy.

Owing to his greed, David was conned by the men.

4. Miss Liu had to close her shop early because of the power failure.

Owing to the power failure, Miss Liu had to close her shop early.

5. I did not answer all the questions. I did not have time.

I did not answer all the questions, owing to the lack of time.

6. Peter lost his job because he was physically injured.

Owing to his physical injury, Peter lost his job.

7. Miss Brown did not go shopping. She did not have money.

Miss Brown did not go shopping owing to the lack of money.

8. He has a good nature. He makes friends easily.

Owing to his good nature, he makes friends easily.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 16 – ‘in order to’

1. You must study hard. You will do well in your examination.

In order to do well in your examination, you must study hard.

2. The salesman lowered his selling price. He wanted to attract more customers.

In order to attract more customers, the salesman lowered his selling price.

3. The athlete trained hard for the race. He wanted to be the champion.

The athlete trained hard for the race in order to be the champion.

4. Miss Liu wants to slim down fast. She goes on a crash diet.

Miss Liu goes on a crash diet in order to slim down fast.

5. The teacher constantly encouraged Sam. He wanted to give him confidence.

In order to give Sam confidence, the teacher constantly encouraged him.

6. My brother walks to school every day. He wants to save money.

In order to save money, my brother walks to school every day.

7. Jack has to learn Chinese. He wants to work in China.

In order to work in China, Jack has to learn Chinese.

8. She wants to gain everyone’s attention. She speaks loudly.

She speaks loudly in order to gain everyone’s attention.

Cluster S5 Primary 5

Synthesis and Transformation Worksheet 17 – ‘so as to’

1. Sharon sets off early. She wants to catch the first bus.

Sharon sets off early so as to catch the first bus.

2. The job applicant dresses well. She wants to project a good impression.

The job applicant dresses well so as to project a good impression.

3. The actress puts on heavy make-up. She wants to look attractive.

The actress puts on heavy make-up so as to look attractive.

4. Mr Tan takes on two jobs. He wants to earn extra money.

Mr Tan takes on two jobs so as to earn extra money.

5. To save travelling time, I am taking a taxi.

I am taking a taxi so as to save traveling time.

6. They are exercising daily. They want to be fit for the hike.

They are exercising daily so as to be fit for the hike.

7. Kim Seng trained hard for the competition. He is determined to win the first prize.

Kim Seng trained hard for the competition so as to win the first prize.

8. Mr Li hires a maid. He wants to relieve his wife of housework.

Mr Li hires a maid so as to relieve his wife of housework.

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