I Searchproject

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1602 Zinfandel Dr., Petaluma, CA 94954 707-774-5997 [email protected]


A Brand Management position in the marketing industry where my expertise in

sales and advertising would be needed.


Assistant Marketing Manager with 7 years of marketing experience, and a

Bachelors degree in Marketing.
Especially skilled at management, sales, and marketing.
Extensive knowledge of sales and marketing tactics.
Expertise in business administration.


Macys, San Fransisco, CA

2025 to present
Assistant Marketing Manager, SEO
Successfully executed ROI positive SEO initiatives
Implemented best SEO practices across multiple families of
Job Window, San Fransisco, CA
Junior Associate
Assisted clients
Negotiated with clients



B.S. Marketing, Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA

Minored in Business
Major GPA: 3.6/4.0, Overall GPA: 3.2/4.0

2022 to 2025

May 2022

Strong communication skills

Strong sales skills
Strong presentation skills
Strong interpersonal skills
Goal orientated
Creative under pressure
Expert knowledge of current marketing trends
Strong leadership skills


English: Native language

Spanish: Intermediate Listener, Intermediate Speaker, Intermidiate Reading and


Coaching (Redwood High School Mountain Bike Team), Mountain biking, Running,
Computers, Cycling, Hiking, Photography, Cinematography


Lauren MacPhail, Marketing Director, SEO and Organic Growth

Macy's, San Fransisco, CA
Phone: 414-624-2389
Norm Borin, Marketing Area Chair
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA
Phone: 805-756-6347
Amanda Santos, Marketing Admin Coordinator
Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, CA

Kandler 1

Phone: 805-756-1543

Kandler 1

Matt Kandler
Ms. Gardner
English 10h/ Period 4
1 March 2016
I-Search Resume Reflection
Through my creation and research of my career choice, marketing, I was pleasantly
surprised by the vast amount of information available to those interested in the field. I was able
to find far more information than I needed and a plethora of job opportunities available. Through
the creation of my resume, I was able to visual my life in 15 years and realize the potential I
have. The resume helped me to organize and prepare for what I will have to do in the future to
reach my goals.
Through the surveys we took with the counselor, I saw myself consistently lean towards
factors of marketing and business. I was not surprised that marketing professions was my most
compatible career choice, as I am very passionate about entrepreneurship and already am
dedicated to my online business on eBay. The science of what makes people buy items and the
complex ways of persuasion marketers use interests me greatly. Even the movie, The
Persuaders that we watched in class intensified my interest in the science of marketing.
I was surprised to find how many marketing companies are eager to hire new college
graduates at entry level positions with no previous experience other than their major. Further, I
was pleasantly surprised to find that many of these companies offer great in job training with
experienced professionals during these entry level positions. I was also surprised to find how
many skills I already have acquired that are expected for any marketing position. I was even
more surprised to find how happy and enthusiastic professionals in the field are, such as the man

Kandler 1

I interviewed. Overall, I feel that these many surprises have made me even more passionate to
acquire a job in this proffesion.
I contacted Tom Boylan, the owner and creative director of his marketing agency. He
explained what tasks he performs daily at work, such as managing, overseeing employees, and
consulting for brands and businesses. He also informed me that his most enjoyable days are
when he is directing videos and radio commercials, or learning about other peoples businesses.
Further, he explained that he acquired a BA in Speech Communications and a minor in
Journalism. One of his most important pieces of advice was to never stop learning, and to keep
up with technology. Using these principals, he was able to pick up many skills over the years,
such as music production, video scripting, directing, and editing. Finally, he highly
recommended taking a business class. His final statement was, If you can speak to a person in
business about the things that matter to them, you can be successful.
I greatly appreciated the information that I gained from Tom, and insured that he knew
that. His advice motivated me to become talented in business and reach my true potential in
communications. His ideas supported my passion of finding a job that I have fun at everyday in
the field I love, marketing. Overall, through my research and communication with Tom, I feel
that I am now very knowledgeable about what it takes to succeed in the business world and
marketing field.

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