Flipped Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Comparing Three Digit Numbers Using Place Value
Flipped Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Comparing Three Digit Numbers Using Place Value
Flipped Lesson Plan Lesson Title: Comparing Three Digit Numbers Using Place Value
Comparing worksheet
Art Manipulative (buttons, seeds, cotton balls)
Paper chart
Chalkboard and chalk
Notebook paper
Instructional Procedure(s):
Experiential Engagement: At school students will be have already been introduced
to place value. Students will be given a chart with columns for hundreds, tens, and
ones. They will use some type of manipulative and glue any amount up to 9 in each
column. Using their appointment agendas students will go around and compare who
has more or less according to place value. They will then go back to their seats and we
will go around and find who has the highest place value chart by starting with the first
student and comparing by bringing the next student up. When students are coming up
two at a time the teacher will be writing the symbols <,>, and = on the board to
reinforce these symbols when comparing.
Conceptual Exploration: Students will go home that night and engage with at least 2
of the resources provided (one resource must be a video). To show they watched the
content they will write a quick write (2 -3 sentences) stating something they learned,
found interesting, or had a question about.
Meaning Making: At home students will create five of their own problems with two
numbers, that have three digits on the template that was given to them at school that
Demonstration and Application: The next day at school students will trade
worksheets with their elbow buddies. Each student must figure out using <,> or =
signs the problems that their buddies came up with. Once completed students will
discuss with the elbow buddies which problem out of all ten they came up with was
the most challenging. Each pair will present to the class that problem and how they
came up with the answer. They may use base ten blocks, drawings on the chalkboard
or smart board or any other physical representation of each place value to show how
they understood the problem.
Quick Write
Write one thing you found interesting, have a question about, or something you learned:
Directions: Come up with ten numbers, all having three digits. Place them on the lines
provided. Leave the circles blank. Bring to school tomorrow to be compared by your classmate.