Math Lesson Perimiter

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Gwynedd Mercy University-School of Education

Lesson Planning Framework

Subject Area: Mathematics____________ Grade Level: 6th____________
GMercyU Student Name: Danielle Patton _________________________
Stage 1 Desired Results
PA Core Standard(s):
6.EE.A.2c Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include
expressions that arise from formulas used in real-world problems. Perform
arithmetic operations, including those involving whole number exponents, in
the conventional order when there are no parentheses to specify a particular
order (order of operations). For example, use the formulas V=s3 and A= 6 s2
to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of length s=1/2
Big Idea: (Overarching Theme) Objective
To find the perimeter of polygons and complex figures
To find the length of an unknown side of a polygon
Essential Question(s):
Students will consider and reflect on
throughout the lesson:
How do I find the perimeter of
polygons and complex figures?

Enduring Understandings:
At the conclusion of the lesson students
will understand:
How to find the perimeter of polygons
and complex figures.
How to find the length of an unknown
side of a polygon.

Student Objectives (Outcomes):

At the conclusion of the lesson students will know and be able to: implement
their new knowledge or perimeter to the various polygons found in their text
books and find the perimeter of these shapes.

Stage 2 Assessment Evidence

Performance Task(s):
Other Evidence:
Students will show what they know
Other evidence which demonstrate
by: applying their knowledge of
student competence with the
perimeter to the exercises in their
text books. They will then be
Other evidence of competence with the
instructed to break into groups to
concepts will include observation and
find the perimeter of various
the completion of the cloudy/clear cards
polygons set up throughout the


Stage 3 Learning Plan

Learning Activities:
Preparing students for the lesson: How will you activate prior knowledge, build
background, or review previous lessons?
I will distribute graph paper and instruct the students to grab rulers. I will
instruct the students to draw a rectangle on the graph paper with two sides
that are 3 3/8-in and two sides that are 4 -in. I will then ask the students to
add up all the side measurements. When the students have the answer, I will
explain to them that they just found the perimeter of their rectangle. I will then
build prior knowledge by reviewing important vocabulary and formulas that the
students will need to know in order to complete the lesson. The students will
then get a desk reference card that they can use throughout the lesson and
staple into their math copybooks.

Learning Activities Continued: Describe in sequence, the lesson:

Greet the students
Warm up: Moby Max -5-10 minutes
Review homework
Choose student to read the essential question on the board
Instruct students to get out the materials they will need: text books,
math copy books, rulers, pencil, calculator
Briefly discuss the meaning of the word perimeter
Distribute graph paper
Students will draw a rectangle with two sides that are 3 3/8-in and two
sides that are 4 -in. I will then ask the students to add up all the side
I will then explain that they have found the perimeter of the rectangle
I will then hand out the desk reference cards and we will discuss the
definition of the words: perimeter, polygon, rhombus, regular polygon
congruent, and the different formulas needed to solve for perimeter in
the lesson.
As we discuss these definitions and formulas I will hand out staplers so
the students can staple their des references into their math copybooks
I will then have a student read aloud the first paragraph.
I will ask the students to look at the shape on the side of the page and
to identify what kind of shape they think it is. I will then ask them to
explain what information is missing from the shape.
I will then have the students turn and talk about how they think they
would use the information they have to solve for the missing side.
I will then model how to solve the problem on the smart board with the

I will then ask the students to look at their desk references and explain
why they think the formulas on their will work for their assigned
We will then work to find the perimeters of the complex figures at the
bottom of the text book page as a whole group
I will explain that we are only counting the lengths that are round the
outside of the figure.
I will ask the students why they think the congruency marks are helpful
We will move through the sample problems on page 462 step by step. I
will model my thinking and how to use the reference card to solve the
Next I will ask student volunteers to complete #1,4, and 7 on the smart
board with my assistance so the class has an idea of how to complete
each style problem for exercise one on page 463.
Once the volunteer have completed these problems, I will instruct the
students to complete the rest of the problems in exercise one(1-9)
I will make my way around the classroom to ensure that the students
get the help they need while working independently.
Next, I will instruct the students to complete problems 10-12 and I will
remind the students to use the logic that we used to solve the sample
problem at the beginning of the lesson.
If there is still time in the period I will have the students split into pairs. I
will instruct the students to bring their rulers and that I will distribute
graph paper.
I will instruct each student to draw several different polygons and I will
have them write the perimeter of the polygons on the back of their
I will then have the students switch sheets and find the perimeters of
their partners polygons. The students can compare their answers with
the ones on the back of the paper. If there are any discrepancies the
students can resolve the problem together.
I will give students a five minute warning and hand out cloudy/clear
cards as an exit ticket to assess what the students understood and what
needs to be retaught.

Materials Needed:
Math textbooks
Math copy books
Smart board
Desk references
Cloudy/clear cards
Graph paper
Vocabulary/ New or Review:

Perimeter: the distance around a figure with three or more sides. To

find the perimeter, the lengths of all sides must be added
Polygon: a closed plane figure made up of line segments
Regular polygon: a polygon with all sides and all angles congruent
Congruent: equal to
Guided Practice: What will students do to use and apply new concepts or
skills? How will you monitor and guide their performance?
Students will apply new concepts and skills through the completion of our class
discussion. Volunteers will be asked to model sample problems on the board as
their peers watch how they solve the problem. At the conclusion of the lesson,
the students will break off into pairs to create their own polygons and find the
perimeter and then switch papers with their partners and solve their partners
polygons. I will walk around as the students are working to ensure that they
are applying the skill they learned to the problems correctly. Performance will
be guided through the use of modeling and the distribution of the desk
Check for Understanding of Student Learning: How will you know if
students grasped the material? What techniques will you use to assess
I will check for understanding thought the use of observation as the students
work independently and in groups. I will also assess the success of the lesson
by having the children fill out cloudy/clear cards at the completion of the
Independent Practice: What will students do independently to use and
apply the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way? How will you assess
mastery of learning?
The students will work independently to complete the assigned book work
after we have a whole group discussion. I will assess mastery through
observation as I walk around the class to check on how the students are
working through the problems.
Differentiated Instruction: How will you provide access to this lesson for all
learners such as students with IEPs, ELLs, gifted, and other learning
differences, re: content, process, and product?
This lesson will meet the needs of auditory learners by holding a whole group
discussion about the new concepts and skills being taught. We will discuss the
step by step process for each kind of problem. This lesson will meet the needs
of visual learners thought the large visuals I will have on the board as I model
how to solve the problems. I will also distribute desk references for visual
learners to refer to as they work through the problems. This lesson meets the
needs of tactile learners by allowing the students to work hands on to create

and measure the perimeter of their own polygons. This lesson meets the needs
of kinesthetic learners by calling students up to the board to model how to
solve the different types of problems. The needs of my kinesthetic learners will
also be met when the class breaks off into pairs and finds a place to work to
create and measure their own polygons.
Closure: How will students demonstrate proficiency with todays lesson
objective(s) i.e., Partner Sharing, Exit Ticket, Student Summarizer?
I will bring closure to the lesson by having the students complete the cloudy
clear cards. I will then read off a few as they are returned to me. Lastly I will
ask the students how they think perimeter may be used in the real world and
give examples of: farmers using it to measure the space they want to plant
crops, to measure a space that needs to be fenced to know how many
materials need to be bought, and if a school needed to build a running track
around a football field they will know how much track material they need to
Reflection Guidelines
The student will write lesson plans with an eye to the Danielson Framework
and the Four Domains of Professional Practice. Use this as a resource when
writing lesson plans.
Domain I Planning and Preparation
1. How do you know you were knowledgeable of your content?
2. What is the evidence that your objective was clear in the lesson plan?
3. How does the lesson address individual student learning needs?
4. What variety of strategies and methodologies did you consider when
5. What is the evidence that lesson components were logically sequenced?
6. How did your lesson plan include checks for student understanding?
7. What PA Standards did this lesson address?
Domain II Classroom Environment
1. How did students know the behavioral and academic expectations for
the lesson?
2. What effective routines and procedures did you implement for lesson
3. How did you insure the classroom was physically accessible for all
4. What evidence indicates that respect was shown between and among
students and teacher?
5. What evidence indicates that students placed a high value on quality
participation, process, and product?
6. How do you assess if the lesson was attainable for all students but also
had appropriate rigor?
Domain III Instructional Delivery
1. How did you align your lesson to PA Standards?
2. How did you insure a clearly stated objective, understood by learners?

3. How did you provide clear explanations as to how to proceed through

the lesson?
4. What questioning and discussion techniques insured all-learner
5. What strategies did you employ to engage all students?
6. Describe how you made the content meaningful due to sequencing and
7. Discuss how you checked for understanding, provided feedback,
8. What is the evidence that you were you flexible and responsive to the
needs of the learners?
9. Describe how you made meaning of the lesson with some form of
closure activity.
Overall Assessment
Briefly state any changes you will make the next time you teach this lesson or
activity, to improve any of the Domains of Professional Practice.

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