Onstitution OF Eurodiverse Pace

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Students Society of McGill University

Association tudiante de lUniversit McGill





Ratified by Clubs Membership on: ___________________________________

Ratified by SSMU Council on: ___________________________________________

Article I: Name
Neurodiverse Space also referred to hereinafter as the Club.


Article II: Mandate

The Clubs mandate shall be to:
- Help students across spectrums of mental competence advocate
for themselves in terms of self-determination and accessibility in
academic life, peer support, and public acceptance and knowledge;
- Provide opportunities for all students to educate themselves on
neurodivergent experiences and emphasize application of the
Neurodiversity paradigm (all human brains are natural and valuable) in
consideration of daily institutions;
- Improve accommodations and accessibility of student services
by collaborating with existing McGill services and programs;
- Hold events and activities which will increase awareness and
acceptance of positive and/or prideful disability experiences, or
recommend existing resources and services like therapies or wellness
initiatives which do not compromise student safety or identity;
- Raise awareness of the Disability Rights movement as it pertains
to the Neurodiversity movement;
- Create and maintain in-person and online platforms for mediated
student discussion on special topics concerning neurodiversity and
specific neurodivergence;
- Provide a new community for neurodivergent people and allies;
- Maintain an open environment/safer space for diversity in
human identities that may intersect with neurodiversity, and seek to
educate students on how these identities intersect (for example, race,
sexuality, gender, nationality, multiple disabilities, class, religion etc.).

Code of Conduct
2.2.1 The Club shall carry forth its mandate from an anti-oppressive and
equitable standpoint AND equal respect shall be given to all members,
including those of disadvantaged backgrounds, regardless of but not
limited to gender, age, race, ethnic or national origin, religion,
sexuality or sexual orientation, mental or physical abilities, language,
or social class.
No member shall make personal profit from the club
2.2.2 Any executive member who fails to fulfill their responsibilities shall be
subject to the expulsion procedure outlined in this constitution

Student Group Civility

Students Society of McGill University

Association tudiante de lUniversit McGill


2.3.1 The club will maintain cordial and respectful relations with all other
clubs, services and independent student groups
2.3.2 The club will not use SSMU resources and/or their club status to
prevent other clubs, services or independent student groups from
fulfilling their mandate, including but not limited to their acquisition of
resources and pursuit of activities.
2.3.3 If problems arise between groups, a member of the executive
committee and/or collective of the club shall be responsible for
contacting the SSMU Vice President of Clubs and Services and attempt
to remedy the problem in a collegial fashion.
2.4.1 The club shall make attempts to regularly monitor the environmental
impact of all its events and operations
Clubs must attempt to utilize the services and resources
available at SSMU in order to maximize capacities for equitable
decision-making and environmental stewardship. These include but are
but are not limited the use of the plate club, green events guide,
applications for the SSMU Green fund, assistance of the SSMU
environment commissioners, environment committee and green
events coordinators
2.4.2 The club must attempt to find sustainable alternatives to the nonrecyclable #6 plastic, effective waste management, providing vegan
and vegetarian options, purchasing clothing which is ethically sourced
and environmentally-friendly, purchasing local and sustainable alcohol,
fair trade coffee and tea, and local and/or organic foods.


Article III: Membership

Membership for a club under the Students Society of McGill University
is open to all SSMU and PGSS members, including those of
disadvantaged backgrounds, regardless of but not limited to gender,
age, race, ethnic or national origin, religion, sexuality or sexual
orientation, mental or physical abilities, language, or social class.
Only Students Society of McGill University (SSMU) and Post Graduate
Students Society (PGSS) members are eligible to be elected as officers
and to hold voting privileges.
Associated non-voting membership is open to all others.

Article IV: The Collective
The Collective shall administer the Club and oversee its operations,
events etc.
The Collective shall be composed of 3 to 10 members.
The Collective shall be non-hierarchical and operate by consensus.
Quorum for Collective meetings shall be two thirds of the Collective

Students Society of McGill University

Association tudiante de lUniversit McGill


Collective meetings shall be open to anyone, regardless of Club
membership, but non-Collective members shall not take part in the decisionmaking process.
All decisions made by the Collective shall be subject to review by the
Club membership at General Assemblies.
Article V: Portfolios
The Collective shall assign the following tasks to one or more
member(s) of the Collective on a semester-to-semester basis:
Coordination of the Clubs funding and finances,
including the preparation of biyearly audits for the SSMU.
Coordination of the Clubs list serve.
Coordination of the Clubs website.
Organization of the Clubs physical resources and
Organization of the Clubs discussion groups both
online on social media and in-person.
Act as a liaison between the SSMU VP Clubs and
Services and the club.
Act as a liaison between other McGill services and
the club.
Open collaborative conversation with other clubs,
services and organizations of McGill and the Montreal region for
event-hosting and activism.
Facilitation and minute-taking at Collective meetings shall be taken
on by a volunteering member of the Collective.
The duty of organizing club events shall be assigned to a Collective
member on a case-by-case basis. This member, or group of members, will be
in charge of advertising for the event, organizing resources for the event, and
preparing accommodations for the event.

Article VI: Fees

The Club shall have no membership fee.


Article VII: Finances

The Executive Committee or Collective shall examine the financial
records, and prepare an audit, complete with records of all transactions
and receipts, to be submitted to the SSMU at the end of each semester.


Article VIII: Meetings

There shall be a General Meeting held in November and March for the
purpose of creating a new Collective.
Members may volunteer to be Collective members at this General
Meeting. All potential Collective members are subject to approval of
the membership by modified consensus.


Students Society of McGill University

Association tudiante de lUniversit McGill




Regular (monthly) Collective meetings shall be held throughout the

fall and winter terms.
General Assemblies of the Club must take place at least thrice per
General Assemblies of the Club may be used to discuss values,
political beliefs, and goals as a group; these may include advocacy
meetings in which the Club discusses advice for peer support,
accessibility or major news events OR an event collaboration meeting
outside of the Collective OR a typical meeting in which the Club
discusses updates on projects, programming, publicity, and
brainstorming for new enterprises.
All meetings are to adhere to a scent free policy and attempt to be
in a wheelchair accessible location.


Article IX: Electoral Procedures

General Meetings held in November and March will elect a new
Collective through voluntary cooperation; there will be no formal
elections in which members may vote.


Article X: Affiliations
The Club shall have no affiliations.

Article XI: Constitutional Amendment Procedure
11.1 Any member of the club may propose an amendment to the
11.2 In order to amend the constitution consensus on the proposed
amendment must be reached at a General Meeting.
11.3 All amendments shall be submitted to the Interest Group Coordinator,
will be reviewed by the Interest Group Committee and ratified by the
SSMU council before they take effect.

Article XII: Bylaws and Policies

The club shall create and maintain bylaws that cover the operations of
the club which are not specified in the Constitution.
The clubs bylaws shall not contravene the Constitution.
The club by laws must be available to any member of the SSMU when
and if requested.
Article XIII: SSMU Constitution, By-Laws and Policies
In case of any inconsistencies between the Club Constitution and the
SSMU Constitution and Internal Regulations, the SSMU Constitution,
Internal Regulations, and Policies shall take effect.
If there are any areas not covered in this Constitution, the SSMU
Constitution, Internal Regulations and Policies shall take effect.

Students Society of McGill University

Association tudiante de lUniversit McGill


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