Model of University Constitution

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Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Salam College Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association

n Dar es THE CONSTITUTION Kampala International University KIUZANSA-DC Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association Dar es

INTRODUCTION The constitution of the Association of Students from Zanzibar who takes different courses at Kampala International University Dar es Salam collage (KIUZANSA) was signed on , came into force on .. After ratification by the whole KIUZANSA members for the year . And approved by the student guild union and Dean of Students The founders of the association on behalf of the all members declare that the wide diffusion of religion, tribe, status, education of humanity for justice and liberty, peace and responsibility are indispensable to the dignity of man and constitute a sacred duty which every one must fulfill in a spirit of mutual assistance and concern; For this reasons, the committee to this constitution, believing in full and equal opportunities for all Zanzibarian Students at Kampala International University College Dar es Salam , in unrestricted pursuit of objective truth, and in the free exchange of ideas and knowledge, have agreed and determined to develop and increase the means of communication between Zanzibarian Students and to employ these means for the purpose of mutual understanding, support and facilitate their educational experience to foster their success in their studies. The constitution committee hereby creates the Zanzibarian student Association in Kampala International University College Dar es Salam (KIUZANSA) for the purpose of cooperation of all Students from Zanzibar taking different courses in KIU Dar es Salam College for the feature development of our country.


Section1: The name of this association shall be the Kampala International University Zanzibarian Student Association Dar es Salam College which will be used for all conducted official activities. Section1:1 The Association may also be called KIUZANSA-DC which shall stand for Kampala International University Zanzibarian student Association Dar es Salam College The name KIUZANSA may be used for unofficial purposes. SECTION:2 vision To bring all Zanzibarian together, strength equality, and exploring the knowledge to the new generation like we are. SECTION:2:1 Mission Statement The KIUZANSA-DC is an association formed to promote awareness of Zanzibarian, culture, unity, peace, solidarity and identity among all members of the Dar es Salam College. The association is working to enable Zanzibarian Students in KIU DC. To cooperate with other students to achieve the goal while in KIU-DC SECTION:3 MOTTO Solidarity and unity SECTION4:a Supremacy of the constitution This constitution is the supreme law of Kampala International University Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Salam College (KIUZANSA) and binds all organs and members of KIUZANSA This constitution shall be subject and Kampala regulation International KIU guild University administration rules

constitution and laws of the country. In case of any conflict the later laws shall apply 4:b For the purpose of achieving its vision, mission and objectives the association may

4:b(1) Establish specialized Agencies or wings for the effective implementation of the programme (2) Acquire premises necessary or convenient for the conduct of affairs and business of the association and may for the purpose buy, take, exchange, hire or otherwise acquire movable and immovable property and interests, rights and privileges in respect of the premises or property. (3) Raise loan, overdraft facilities or borrow money in such amount for such purpose and under such conditions as may be determined by the executive committee with the approval and general assembly. (4) Invest monies and other property of the association not immediately required as the executive committee may determine with prior approval of the general assembly. (5) Enter into any agreement or contract under such conditions as may be determined by the executive committee with approval of general assembly. (6) To employ and engage upon such terms and conditions as the executive committee may consider fit, such person (s) as may be necessary for conducting the affairs and business of the association and discharge its objectives and may suspend or discharge any such person(s). (7) Do all lawful things and acts as are conducive to or necessary for attainment of the objective(s) of the association. SECTION5: Language The official language to be used shall be Kiswahili or English and all official documents shall be made available in Kiswahili or English. The use of sign language, Braille and other appropriate mode of communication for persons with audio, visual and other impairment shall be promoted.

SECTION 6: Religion; tribe, race, personality and gender association and religion, tribe, race, personality and gender shall be separate. There shall be no association regarding religion, tribe, race and personality. The association shall treat all religion, tribe, race and personality equally.


SECTIONI: Specific aims The specific aim shall be unity among Zanzibarian Students and operate as a team in solving problems facing any member, or association in terms of education, social, economical, psychological, financial and as it can be seems important by the executive members and approved by the general assembly. SECTION2: Objectives a) To participate in any national functions while in Tanzania Mainland. b) To foster the unity and progress of KIU Zanzibar Student Association Dar es Salam College. c) To work with KIU-DC administration on matters affecting its members. d) To create direct link between Zanzibar government and KIU-DC in matters concerning sponsorship. e) To bridge the disconnect between Kampala International University Students their peers from other parts of the world. f) To assist in the integration of new Zanzibarian Students at KIUDC.

g) To encourage and facilitate interaction between Zanzibarian Students in various institution in East Africa and the world at large on both educational and social levels. h) Creation of health programs such as; HIV/AIDs awareness and sensitization to Zanzibarian Students in KIU-DC-DC. i) To facilitate the academic welfare of the KIU-ZANSADC members. j) To organize and participate well on the graduation ceremony for outgoing members after completion of their respective studies at KIU-DC k) To assist the members on matters concerning death. SECTION3: Organs The organization shall include the following organs a. General assembly (members) b. Executive committee CHAPTER THREE: MEMBERSHIP SECTION3:1 The principle of membership: Membership in this organization will not be based on discrimination based on race, handicap, gender, color, religion, tribe, political persuasion but rather all Zanzibarian Students (from Pemba and Unguja) are eligible members. SECTION3:2 Acquisition of membership Members shall pay dues in the amount of 20,000 Tanzania shillings for annual membership NOTE: The membership fee is susceptible to change as it can be proposed by the executive committee and approved by the general assembly. Where necessary; all other fees and charges will be optional and called to attention by the general assembly of members.

Failure to pay annual dues result in a forfeiture of membership status SECTION3:2:1 Membership payments The annual dues shall be paid as follows a. 50% of the annual fee at the beginning of the first term i.e. October far October intake and April for April intake and the remaining 50% dues at the beginning of the 2nd term in respective of each intake. b. 100% of the annual fee at the beginning of the 1st term and or c. 100% of the annual fee at the beginning of the second term (within two first weeks). In respect to the two different intakes as explained in (a) above. SECTION3:3: Affiliated members Any Zanzibarian staff in KIU-DC-DC, those who are not Zanzibarian but married to Zanzibarian may join the association but cannot be eligible to vote or to hold any office. SECTION3:4 Retention of existing membership To retain membership, members have to re-register by paying the annual membership fee as in chapter three section 2:1. SECTION3:5: Honorary membership The executive committee may award a title of honorary member to a distinguished member to non Zanzibarian student of the KIU-DCcommunity, or to a non-KIU-DC person whose achievements serve the principles of the association of KIUZANSA DC. Honorary members are not eligible to hold office or vote.

Honorary student membership shall be entitled to all benefit and privileged to honorary members, except that they shall not be illegible to hold office or vote. SECTION3:6. Rights and privileges of membership In accordance with the provisions given under this constitution, founder, ordinary, corporate and Group/Associate members shall have the following rights. a. To vote, give opinions and pass various decisions at the general assembly except that corporate/associated/ institutional and group members will one vote each. b. To be elected and or re-elected in executive committee (except corporate/associate/institutional, Honorary, affiliated and group members) c. To have his/her name included in the published list of members d. To receive all publications of the association at a concession as determine by the executive committee. e. To participate in all general activities of the association and except for honorary and affiliated members be eligible to hold office in the association when elected. f. To provide to the association free professional consultations, social services and support subject to availability within regulations and rules of the association. g. To attend the sitting of the members meetings that may be conducted by the association. h. To request and obtain general information concerning all association activities being performed there in. i. Not withstanding provision of the subsection (6-h) here in above, a member may not obtain classified information without the permission of the executive committee. 9

j. Not withstanding provision of sub-section (6-a,b,c, & d) here in above, the Honorary and affiliated members shall here all members rights, but shall have no power to VOTE and be ELECTED in the associations meeting(s) SECTION3:7 Termination of membership The executive shall have power to terminate membership of any ordinary member who has not paid his/her membership fees or any levies imposed by KIUZANSA for more than two years, provided that the executive may at any time in their discretion, restore him/her to membership upon payment of all areas of fee, levies that due to the association. The executive shall have power to expel from membership of the association. a. Whose conduct is determined top the honor and interest of the KIUZANSA or calculated to bring the association into conflict or b. Who has convicted in the court of law and sentenced to imprisonment for a period of over one year with or without the option of five or c. Who has willingly and persistently refused to comply with constitution of the association and or resolution passed by the general assembly? SECTION3:8 Active general members Active members are those who are involved in planning, organizing and executing of regular KIUZANSA activities and are committed to fulfill the specific aim and objectives of the association. Active general members are required to make at least 75% of attending of all meeting that shall be held on per this constitution. Only active members are entitled to voting rights.



SECTION4:1 Presentation of members The executive board shall be elected by the general assembly and it shall consist of five members. There shall be gender equity in election of the executive board. Voting members of this organization shall consist of currently enrolled Zanzibarian Students at KIU-DC. Qualifications of each office shall consist of the following. 1. That the candidate(s) for any office shall be a member of the association in good standing prior to be elected. 2. For presidency and general secretary positions, must have spent one year in the institution. 3. That the candidate(s) for any office does not occupy more than one office at a time of an election upon contesting for an office. 4. That the candidate(s) shall be eligible to be elected for any position for a period not more than two elections conducted as per this constitution. 5. That the candidate(s) shall hold an office for a period of one year. SECTION4:3 Eligibility requirements 1. The Zanzibarian student(s) currently enrolled at KIU-DC.


2. The person(s) seeking office must share a strong passion for the advancement of the associations goals and purpose. This must be defended by his/her objectives before the election process. 3. The person(s) seeking office must exhibit positive attitude to working with others. 4. The person(s) seeking office must meet all other guidelines instituted by KIU-DC in reference to KIUZANS DC SECTION4:4 Affirmation of office Elected members shall affirm office upon swearing in ceremony as planned and shall act as transition teams with the former officers for more than one month.


SECTION5:1 Principle of executive 1. The executive committee shall be elected by the general assembly and it shall consist of five members. 2. Elected members of the executive Board are hereinafter referred to as members of the executive board. 3. In electing members of the executive board, the general assembly shall regard to the election rules. 4. Members of the executive board shall serve from the close of the session of the general assembly which elected them until the close of the second ordinary session of the general assembly following their election. The general assembly shall, at each of its ordinary sessions, elect the number of members of executive boar required to fill vacancies occurring at the end of the session.


5. Members of the executive board shall be eligible for election. Incase of withdrawal from the organization of a member of the executive board, its term of office shall be terminated on the date when withdrawal becomes effective. SECTION5:2 Functions 1. The executive board shall prepare the agenda for the general assembly (conference). It shall examine the program of work for the association and corresponding budget estimates submitted and shall submit them with such recommendations as it considers necessary to the general assembly. 2. Shall be responsible for the execution of the program adopted by the assembly. 3. The executive board shall take all necessary measures to ensure the effective and rational execution of the program authorized by the general assembly. 4. The chairman of the executive board (president) shall present, on behalf of the board of the general assembly at each ordinary session, with or without comments, the reports on activities of the organization which the chairman is required to prepare with the executive board. 5. Shall also exercise the powers delegated to it by the general assembly on behalf of assembly as a whole. SECTION5:3 The executive committee (member of the organization shall consist of) 1. President 2. Vice- president 3. General secretary 4. Financial officer (Treasurer) 5. Public relation officer 13

SECTION5:4 EXECUTIVE AUTHORITIES The power of president 1. The president shall preside over the general membership and executive committee meetings. 2. Be the chief executive officer of the association, and manager of the association. 3. Shall ultimately be responsible for the action of the organ oversees all aspect all aspects of activities and events the occur during his/her term in office. 4. Shall here be here to enforce all section of the constitution as well as promotion of agenda set forth and ratified by the general assembly of members. 5. Shall be a member of any committee or appoint a member in any committee which he/she deems important but may not necessarily serve as the head or chair of that committee 6. Shall help in the distribution of information and task to members. 7. Shall be vested withal other power(s) granted to his/her office throughout this constitution. The powers of vice president 1. Shall be deputy officer and chief assistant of the association. 2. Shall assume all presidential responsibilities in absence or step down of the president and continue in that capacity until the return of the president or election(s) The general secretary 1. The general secretary shall be the chief records holder, each meeting, and discussions that are held there in, shall be kept in good recording system in that office.


2. Shall also perform his/her duty in regard to all other secretarial connotations deemed appropriate by the general assembly. 3. He/she shall also maintain a copy of the constitution at each meeting and shall be familiar with each content. 4. Shall also be the in charge of organizing for the general election. 5. Shall also be a custodian of the constitution. The financial officer (treasurer) 1. Shall be the chief banker of the association. 2. Shall have the task of keeping all money and funds in confidence and safety in regard to treasurer like roles deemed relevant by the association. 3. Shall be accountable to the executive board for all funds in the offices position. The public relation officer 1. Shall have the responsibility of providing information to and all members of the association. 2. Shall have the chief task of advising the association and the public on all media and publicity affairs 3. Shall also be the chief spokes person for the association. SECTION5:5 Tenure of office The term for each office shall be for one year. The tenure of an office holder shall temporally expire at the end of the eleventh month after election of the incoming officers and terminated after their transition. SECTION5:6 Office the Patron 1. KIUZANSA member shall appoint a patron subject to approval of the dean of students office 15

2. The powers of the patron shall be advise the Association on all matters provide guidance in case of dispute. 3. The patron shall be an ex-officio of the Association but have no voter in any Associations resolutions.

CHAPTER SIX: ELECTIONS SECTION6:1 All members of the association will have one vote in all matters raised and questioned, including officers; all members are concurrently members of the general assembly of members. Other regulations and eligibility to vote should be followed as per chapter 3-section 3 and 5 of this constitution. Elections of officers shall be held yearly. SECTION6:2 General principles Must have meet most of the qualities of leadership as per chapter four. Fair elections which are 1. Free from violence intimidation, improper, influence and corruption. 2. Conducted by an electoral commission (i.e. an independent body) 3. Administered in an impartial neutral, transparent accurate, efficient and accountable manner. 4. All members wishing to be in the electoral commission must submit their application to the general secretary upon announcement of the election 5. An electoral commission will be formed one month to election having been approved by the general assembly.


6. The maximum members of electoral commission shall be six and or not less than four, the gender equity on electoral commission members shall be considered. SECTION6:3. ELECTION 1. Each member shall have one vote in the general assembly. Decision in all matters raised shall be made by a simple majority except in cases in which a two-thirds majority is required by the provisions of this constitution. 2. A member shall have no vote in the general assembly if he/she does not contribute his/her membership fees to the treasurer 3. The general assembly may never the fewer permits such a member to vote if it is satisfied that failure to pay is due to conditions beyond the control of the member. 4. Candidate running uncontested shall receive not less than two thirds of the votes 5. No election campaign shall be conducted during election and as it can be deemed important by the electoral commission. SECTION6:4 Procedures 1. The general assembly shall meet in ordinary session once per every year. It may meet in extraordinary session if it decides to do so itself or if summoned by the executive board, or on the demand of at least two third of the members. 2. At each session the location of its next ordinary session shall be designated by the general assembly. The location of an extraordinary session shall be decided by the general assembly if the session is summoned by it, and /or otherwise by the executive board. 3. The general assembly shall adapt its own rules of procedure, it shall approve the five election commissioners as proposed by the general secretary there after choose their chairman two to three weeks prior to election. 17

4. The electoral commission shall set up special and technical committees and such other subsidiary organ as may be necessary for the purposes of election.

SECTION6:5 Observers 1. The general assembly, on the recommendation of the executive board and by a two-thirds majority may subject to its rules of procedure, invite as observers as specified sessions of the conference or of its commissions representatives of international organizations non-government organizations and /or other KIUDC associations and other organizations as it can be deemed important by the executive board. 2. When such consultative arrangements have been approved by the executive board for such organizations /associations in the manner provided in this section, the invited organizations shall send one not more than two observers to sessions of the general assembly and its commissions CHAPTER SEVEN: MEETING SECTION7:1 The general assembly (a)Composition (1) The general assembly shall consist of members of the organization, the executive board and representatives of various organization as prescribed in chapter six section five of this constitution. Functions


1. The general assembly / conference shall determine the policies and the main lines of work of the organization. 2. It shall take decisions on programmes submitted to it by the executive board 3. Shall in adopting proposals for submission of activities to be carried out, distinguish between recommendations and international conventions submitted for their approval and a majority vote shall suffice, in this case a two-thirds majority shall be required. 4. Each of the members shall submit recommendations as conventions to its competent authorities for a period from the close of the session of the general assembly at which they were adopted. 5. The general assembly shall advice various associations on matters of concern in accordance with the terms of procedure agreed upon between the appropriate authorities of the two organizations 6. The general assembly shall receive and consider the reports sent to this association by member on the action taken upon the recommendations and conventions referred to in number (4) above or, it so decides, analytical summaries of.

SECTION7:2 Extra ordinary meetings 7:2:1 The executive secretary or chairperson may at any time for special purpose on the directive of executive committee or upon request of at least one third (1/3) members call on extra. Ordinary meeting


7:2:2 Notice of the extra ordinary meeting shall be posted on the board or at different strategic positions for members to read and shall also state the nature of the business / activity to be transacted by the association. 7:2:3 Notice of the extra ordinary meeting shall be made in writing /or any other means to all members and shall reach members at least fourteen days (14) before the day and time of the meeting. NOTE: See also chapter six section (4) of this constitution.

CHAPTER EIGHT Organization Resources, Financial Accounting and Audit 8:1 Sources of funds 8:1:1 Shall be realized from interim contributions of membership fees as described under chapter three of this constitution. 8:1:2 Monies or property as may be payable to the association by way of deviations, gifts, grants, loans and request. 8:1:4 Such aims as may be lawfully payable mobilization campaigns including charity endeavors and consultation fees. 8:1:5 May be obtained through investment of any form accepted to be invested within and outside Tanzanian Mainland operation of short and long term projects, loans and /or within and outside Tanzania Mainland and the Zanzibar government. 8:1:6 Any other miscellaneous contributions payments, donations, grant, and interests on deposits. 8:2 Financial regulations


The association shall at times adhere to the financial regulations stipulated in the constitution with respect to financial discipline and governments finance act. 8:2:1 All financial matters shall be handled by the association treasurer 8:2:2 The executive committee shall decide on the opening of the bank accounts of the association to serve specific KIUZANSA activities 8:2:3 Any received money and or expenditure effected shall be supported by an adequate supporting document, for this case receipts shall be issued and payment vouchers written and dully authorized by respective authorities. 8:2:4 All funds of the association shall be deposited with such bank accounts as the executive committee may determine and shall only be drawn by cheques endorsed by president or executive secretary or any other authorized member of the executive committee. 8:2:5 There shall be three (3) signatories to operate the associations bank account. 8:2:6 The modalities shall be decided upon by the executive committee. 8:2:7 The financial year of the association shall be the period of twelve months commencing from the first (1st) day 2 January and ending the last day of December in each year. 8:3 Disbursement of funds 8:3:1 All funds shall be used to fulfill the stipulated objectives of the association as described in chapter two and any other activity proposed by the executive committee and approved by members at the general assembly.


8:3:2 Disbursement procedures and operations shall be in accordance with the association financial regulations KIU-DC regulations. 8:4 Accounts auditing 8:4:1 The books of accounts of the association shall be audited by qualified and registered external auditor so as to ascertain the corrections and adequacy of the state of financial affairs of the association. 8:4:2 The executive committee shall with approval general assembly and for a reasonable remuneration appoint a professionally qualified and dully registered person or body of persons to be external auditor(s) of the accounts of the association either in respect of each financial year or as seems important by the executive committee or request from one third 1/3 of the members. 8:4:3 After the audit there shall be an audited report to be submitted to the next general assembly, which adhere to international and national reporting standards 8:4: The audited accounts of the association shall be made available for inspection by the association shall be made available for inspection by the executive committee for approval and shall be presented to members at the general assembly. 8:4:5 The audited account of the association shall be made submission to the dean of students office at every end of month.

CHAPTER NINE:9:0 Amendment of the constitution For any necessary demanded amendment to any part or the whole constitution of the registered association should be made by the general assembly if. 9:1 Any amendment to this constitution can be proposed by the executive committee, a group of members to such a body, an ordinary 22

member and or register of societies to the general assembly where and when deemed to be expedient for the association progress or part of it becomes out of date and loses its essence as shall be considered by the association. 9:2 The executive committee, may present a proposal for amendment and that at least two-thirds (2/3) of the general meeting assembly members vote for. 9:3 The constitution may be amended by two things (2/3) majority vote of members present at a duty constituted meeting. 9:4 Notification for the proposed amendments shall be communicate to executive at least two (1) month and to the members at least two weeks (14) days prior to the general assembly. 9:5 Any amendment to the constitution shall be communicated to the constitution to the register of association in KIU D.C 9:6 Amendments that become part of the constitution may be further amended.

CHAPTER TEN 9:7 Dispute resolutions: any dispute arising out of KIUZANSA shall be referred to the Association disciplinary committee, in case of failure to reach consensus the same shall be referred to the dean of students 10:0 DISSOLUTION


This association may be dissolved by a resolution passed to that effect by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of all members eligible to vote at a general assembly meeting. 10:1 Dissolution of the association shall require a resolution to be passed at an ordinary or extraordinary general assembly meeting provided that such a resolution shall be placed before and approved by the executive committee members 10:2 Upon passing the resolution, the meeting shall appoint a person or an institution to be liquidator (s) after consultation with the register and shall make provisions for the final disposal of the assets and liabilities of the association. 10:3 Any profits arising from such dissolution shall be assigned to one or several organization (s) recognized as being of Zanzibarian student benefit and having a similar purpose approved by the general assembly. 10:4 Notification for dissolution shall be sent to the Dean of students officer CHAPTER ELEVEN 11:0 Miscellaneous provisions 11:1 The association shall develop rules and regulations as needs may be to govern the operations of the association. 11:2 Any matter that is not provided for in this constitution shall be recommended by executive committee and decided by general assembly meeting of members. Approvals: 24

Officer of Law in KIU-DC Signature/Stamp

Representative of KIUZANSA Signature/Stamp

Parton of KIUZANSA


Guild Representative KIU-DC Dean of Students KIU-DC Signature/Stamp Signature/Stamp


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