Credinte Limitative

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The passage discusses 30 common self-defeating beliefs that women have and provides tips on how to identify and challenge limiting beliefs.

Some common self-defeating beliefs mentioned include not feeling good enough, needing to make others happy, and feeling responsible for other people's happiness.

You can identify a self-defeating belief if you are feeling some way you don't like feeling and are probably believing something that's not true.

30 Self-Defeating Beliefs Common to

Through coaching and teaching, I have compiled a list of common limiting beliefs that
women have shared with me. I thought you might want to take a look. Check any
statements that resonate with you.
Are you willing to ask yourself a few questions to change your beliefs and change
your life?

Im not enough (e.g., good, educated, thin, young, smart, rich enough).


I need to make others happy so I wont be rejected.


I cant be happy until he/she changes.


I have to earn other peoples approval to feel good about myself.


If I let people really get to know me, they wont like me.


I have to stay in the relationship because I cant make it on my own.


If Im happy even when others are suffering, it means I dont care.


I cant be happy until the relationship/career is different.


If they really loved me, they would _________________.

10. I need to do more and more to be worthy.

11. I dont know what I want.
12. I shouldnt put my needs before others.
13. Ill never really change.
14. Im responsible for other peoples happiness, and theyre responsible for mine.
15. I dont deserve love, success, money, fame, etc.

16. If I pursue my own interests, my relationships will suffer.

17. I dont have time to nurture myself.
18. Its too late for me to find happiness and success.
19. If I speak my mind, Ill be rejected.
20. I should be farther along than I am.
21. Id better not be too happy, or Ill just have farther to fall.
22. Things will never work out for me.
23. I shouldnt have to ask my partner for what I want.
24. Im a bad/unlovable person.
25. I need fear to motivate me and keep me in check.
26. Ill never make enough money.
27. Ill always have to struggle, while others have it easier.
28. Whatever Im doing, I should be doing something else.
29. Health problems will always keep me from happiness and success.
30. I cant do it.
If any of these statements ring true for you, it may be time to take your destiny into
your own hands by dissolving the beliefs that sabotage your success and happiness.
What is a belief? It is a perception of reality, or something you were told that you had
no reason to doubt. How do you know that you have a self-defeating belief? If you
are feeling some way you dont like feeling, you are probably believing something
thats not true.
Choose one limiting belief and ask yourself these questions:

Do I believe that?

Why do I believe that?

What seems true about that?

What might concern me if that belief were gone? (What might happen that I
would not like?)

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