Flite Portfolio

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HDF 190:


Spencer Kaplan
[email protected]


Opening Statement
Section 1: Self Leadership
Section 2: Self Leadership
Section 3: Leadership Theories
Section 4: Inclusive Leadership/Diversity
Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership


*If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed,
you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections.

Signature Strengths

Values in Action Strengths


HDF 190: FLITE taught me what it means to be a leader and
how to be a successful one. By taking the Strengths Quest
Survey and Value In Action Assessment I was able to discover
what words describe me as a leader. The Strengths Quest
Survey defined my style of leadership as Restorative, Harmony,
Adaptability, Belief and Input. The Value In Action Assessment
answers that defined my style of leadership are Zest, Humor,
Kindness, Fairness, and Curiosity.


Outcome 2. Student will demonstrate personal, organizational, and academic
examples of self-discipline.
Target Class: URI 101; Additional Experience: Daily Schedule
Descriptive Notes: I am an extremely organized person. On a personal level, my self-discipline allows

me to do my homework and study for classes in an organizational manner. When I do my schoolwork

on my computer, I create folders for each subject in order to make it easier for me to find each
document or file I need to utilize for that subject. Also, when I do written homework, I create colored
notebooks and folders in order to create organization and know exactly which subject belongs to
which folder and/or notebook. Whatever I do may it be going to class, cleaning my room, deciding
what I need to study first, going to do morning and evening workouts I am always organized. I create a
schedule using google calendar to figure out free time that I can relax or do homework. Besides using
google calendar, I create a to do list of things I need to get done on a daily basis. I am so organized
that when I am in my friends dorm rooms and theyre not organized I always have to move things
around to make it look clean and organized.


Outcome 6. Student will express a personal code of leadership / membership ethics
Target Class: HDF 190 Additional Experience: VIA
Descriptive Notes: By taking the VIA values survey at the beginning of the semester, I was able to
learn that my top 5 values are restorative, harmony, adaptability, belief and input. Prior to taking the
survey those values were just actions that I did as leader but now knowing that these are some of the
things that I am really good at, I am able to utilize them in several different ways whether it is in the
classroom, workplace, at home or member of an organization. Now that I am more aware of those
values that I am the strongest in, I can utilize them in order to start gaining a better understanding of
who I am as a leader by actively practicing those values and building my code of ethics by doing so. In
order to create and express a personal code of ethics, I will use the values I know as my strengths and
put them to use in my everyday life while leading and working with others. The only way to build a
personal code is to build off of what you are the strongest in and practicing your values in order to not
only build a personal code but to build yourself as a person. I can build my ethical code by leading in all
aspects of my life whether in a group or setting an example for others to follow.

SECTION 3: Leadership Theory and Models

Outcome 27. Student will describe personal application of the above theory (Greenleaf)
Target Class: HDF 190; Additional Experience: Alpha Epsilon Pi
Descriptive Notes: By learning about the Servant Leadership theory and its characteristics, I have noticed on
a personal level that I am a servant leader. While leading others I have noticed myself involved with the
characteristics of healing, commitment to the growth of people and, building community. My top two values are
zest and humor, which I use both of those when in charge of a group of people. When there are problems
between brothers or about certain motions we want to pass, I use a mix of healing and my two values of zest and
humor to help people relax and see both sides of the situation. When using the characteristic of commitment to
the growth of people, I show show my energetic humor and passion about Alpha Epsilon Pi and its future to the
rest of our brothers, which will then cause them to be as passionate about the growth of our organization for the
future. This has helped since I was recently elected to be the Rush Chair for the Fall Semester, which allows me
to be the one in charge of getting new members for next semester. Lastly, when creating a better future for this
fraternity, I show my passion and energy for the future, which in essence causes everyone to follow and care as
much for the future just like I do.


Outcome 83. Student will create a personal code of inclusive leadership
Target Class: HDF 190
Descriptive Notes: As a leader it is critical to be inclusive. If all members are not included in every
asset of the group than the group as a whole suffers. Every member has something to bring to the table
and their opinion should be well respected. As a leader I will never allow one person to do an entire
section of a project. If the projects require the entire group to work together, then the entire group works
together in order to get whatever needs to get done. Another thing that is great for inclusive leadership
is an open forum type of meeting where no one seems to be in charge. This allows people to speak up
at any time they feel comfortable and put their thoughts forward for discussion.

SECTION 5: Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts

and Skills
Outcome 99. Student will demonstrate knowledge of active listening techniques
Target Class: COM 100
Descriptive Notes: In Communications, you learn the proper way of communicating with the rest of
humanity. While taking COM 100: Communication Fundamentals focuses on theories as well as
experience when communicating with others. Communicating with each other motivates those around
us as well as creating and maintaining relationships. Besides talking with one another, verbally, each
person is communicating nonverbally. By using nonverbal actions, you are showing the other person
you are listening in and focusing on what they have to say. Nonverbal actions consist of hand gestures,
facial expression, and body language. The amount someone uses hand gestures during a conversation
shows the other how involved they are within the conversation. Facial expression shows the facial
emotion one has to influence the conversation, it is a primary means of conveying information such as
laughing, frowning, smiling. Active listening is an organized form of listening and responding, which
focuses the attention of the speaker. The person who is listening shows they are paying attention by
repeating back to the speaker, in the listeners own words, what the speakers previously stated. Through
active listening skills, interpersonal relationships are created because once someone knows the other is
paying attention, they are focused on the fact that the listener cares for what the speaker has to say
creates an emotional attachment.

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