Psych Glossary

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Abductive Reasoning summarized to form a reduced, resultant content.

It is a process through which a person tries to show the connection Aboulia

between unrelated facts and uses his intuitive thinking power for the In this state, the subject is unable to make decisions or take an
same. Induction and deduction are the states which succeed the initiative. Earlier, aboulia was known as the Blocq's disease.
process of abductive reasoning.
Abnormal Psychology The activity of using or treating oneself with something that is
It is the branch of psychology that deals with the disorders/deviations harmful is known as abuse. The various things subjected to abuse
or the abnormal behavior of the mind. It is a broad subject and could be a person, substance, idea, item, vocabulary, etc. Child
covers the study of depression, obsession, compulsion, sexual abuse, elder abuse, animal abuse, and drug abuse are some of the
deviation, etc. The experts, who are associated with the study of this categories of abuse.
field are the psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, and counselors.
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Abnormality The acceptance and commitment therapy is aimed at increasing the
It is a behavioral attribute that reflects the deviation of mind from its psychological flexibility of a person. It is a branch of cognitive-
normal state or typical behavior. Abnormality being a subjective behavioral therapy, and is a kind of psychological intervention based
concept, it could be reflected in different forms. on observational, experimental, and experiential information collection
In psychoanalytical terminology, the activity of reliving an experience Accommodation
to clear or purge the emotional baggage associated with it is called The acceptance of new information, ideas, and experiences results to
abreaction. the alteration of the existing schemas or thoughts. The process is
termed as accommodation.
The activity of retaining the relevant information required for a Accreditation
particular purpose by generalizing it, is known as abstraction. In the A process, which is used for the presentation of certification of
process of abstraction, the original information is extracted or authority, competency, or credibility is termed as accreditation.
A cognitive architecture developed at the Carnegie Mellon University, Active Intellect
ACT-R stands for Adaptive Control of Thought-Rational, and defines The formal aspect of the mind or intellect is referred to using the term
the perceptual and irreducible operations performed by the human active intellect. It is the term used in philosophical studies, and falls in
mind to complete a task. line with the theory of hylomorphism. The idea of active intellect was,
at first cited in the book 'De Anima', written by Aristotle.
Acting Out
It is the term used for an action that is performed, going by the Active Learning
impulsive behavior, rather than constructively responding to a The different models of instructions, which emphasize on encouraging
particular situation. Such actions are generally anti-social in nature, the learners to take responsibility of learning, come under the
and the person might end up causing harm to himself or others. common terminology called active learning. The concept of active
learning originated and developed from the concept of discovery
Action Research learning.
The process called action research is aimed at improving the manner,
in which, problems are solved. For an action research to be fruitful, Activity Theory
combined efforts of people striving towards a common goal are As per the activity theory, engagement and interaction of individuals
required. It is kind of an introspective process, which gives emphasis with the environment results into the creation of tools, which are the
on improving the practices, strategies, and knowledge of the real world manifestation of their mental processes. The creation or
environment, in which, the group of people or system operates. production of these tools makes the mental processes to be
communicable and accessible to people easily. This psychological
Action Science meta-theory originated in Russia, and was founded by Alexei N.
It is a collaborative work developed by Chris Argyris, (New Jersey, Leont'ev and Sergei Rubinshtein.
USA) which focuses on providing practical solutions to problems
through the generation of knowledge. It was created by Chris Argyris Actualization
in collaboration with Robert Putnam, Donald Schon, and Diana McLain The term actualization, which is used in reference with self-
Smith. actualization is defined as the process of realizing one's potential. The
term is used to explain various theories of psychology, and was
introduced by Kurt Goldstein, an organismic theorist. According to Adjustment Disorder
Abraham Maslow, actualization is the final stage of psychological It is a disorder, in which, an individual is unable to make the
development that is reached, after all the basic and mental needs of necessary adjustments required to fulfill the needs and to overcome
an individual are fulfilled. the stress related problems.
Adaptive Behavior
The behavior used for adjusting to a different or new situation is
known as adaptive behavior. Such kind of behavior is often used for Adolescent Psychology
substituting disruptive behavior with constructive or positive behavior. The interests and issues pertaining to adolescents are addressed in
the discipline of adolescent psychology. The emotional issues faced in
Addiction the phase of adolescence i.e., during the transitional stage between
In terms of psychology, addiction is described as excessive childhood and adulthood are studied under this science.
psychological dependence on a particular thing. A person could be
addicted to drugs, money, work, gambling, eating, nicotine, Affect
pornography, computer, video games, etc. The feeling or experience that is associated with an emotion is termed
affect. In other context, the act of displaying or exhibiting the
Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder emotions through gestures or facial expressions can also be described
It is a psychiatric disorder commonly diagnosed in children, and is as affect.
characterized by hyperactivity and attention problems. ADHD is the
abbreviated form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and Affectional Bond
around 3-5% children are affected by this problem globally. It is the term used for the attachment between two individuals, and
which is displayed through their behavior. Attachment between a
Adjustment mother and child is the best example of affectional bond. The term
It is the activity of balancing the needs that conflict with each other. was coined by John Bowlby, and it underwent development during
Adjustment is a behavioral attribute found in both, human beings and the period between 1940s and 1970s.
animals. It also means - to overcome the obstacles presented by the
environment in order to fulfill the needs. Affectional Orientation
The term affectional orientation is used to define a feeling or emotion
that directs an individual to fall in love with another person. It is a expressions, or vocalizations (laughing, crying, etc.,) is termed as
broad term, which includes many other emotions including sexual affect display. It holds importance from the point of view of
orientation. interpersonal communication.

Affective Disorder Affective Science

The disturbances that occur in a person's mood are grouped under a The scientific study of emotions or affect is known as affective
common term, affective disorders. The term was replaced by mood science. The different subjects or components studied in this
disorder since, the former explains about the external reflection of discipline are, the recognition of emotion, emotional experience, and
expressions caused by the underlying emotional disturbances. Mood emotion elicitation. The neurological and physiological aspects of
disorder, however, reflects the mental or emotional state of a person mood, decision making, emotionally driven behavior, self regulation,
in an exact manner. and attention are studied in this field of affective science.

Affective Flattening Afterburn

It is the state or condition, in which, a person doesn't exhibit It is the effect of past events, which influences the mental state and
emotional reactivity. Affective flattening, which is also known as daily schedule of activities of an individual. The word was coined by
blunted affect, is characterized by hypervigilance, recurring Eric Berne, who is known as the father of transactional analysis.
nightmares, avoidance of stress, etc.
Affective Forecasting It is a kind of optical illusion, which results into an individual seeing
The activity of forecasting one's own emotional state of future is the image of an object even after it has been removed from his sight.
termed as affective forecasting. Systematic errors in the thought The afterimage of a light bulb is a common example observed in day-
process, also known as cognitive biases, are the causes behind a to-day life. The phenomenon of persistence of vision is related to
person suffering from affective forecasting. afterimage since, a rapid portrayal of pictures in a series causes an
illusion of a continuous motion picture.

Affect Display Age Regression

The exhibition of 'affect' or the emotions through gestures, facial The age regression technique is a part of many different therapies
including hypnotherapy. Using this technique, an individual tries to psychomotor agitation.
access his memory which would take him to an earlier phase of life.
The whole activity is aimed at finding information about those aspects Agnosia
of the personality which are difficult to access. The state in which an individual is unable to identify or recognize
persons, objects, shapes, sounds or smells is called agnosia. The
Aggression condition is however, not associated with memory loss or any kind of
The behavior of an individual which incorporates the intention of impairment of sensory organs. It is a neurological disorder which
causing harm or pain to another individual is known as aggression. results from damage to the occipitotemporal border, a part of the
Aggression could be reflected in different forms such as mental, ventral stream.
verbal and physical. The term assertiveness is often confused with
aggression. Akathasia
It is a state or condition in which an individual is unable to remain still
Aging or motionless. The syndrome which is also known as 'acathasia', is
It is the process of accumulation of changes in an individual. The actually a manifestation of side effects to medicines such as
changes that take place are psychological, physiological as well as phenothiazines, butryophenones, thioxanthenes, etc. The Parkinson's
social. In psychological terms, aging results in the expansion of disease could be one of the reasons behind the cause of akathasia.
knowledge and wisdom of a person.
Alcohol Amnestic Disorder
Agitated Depression The alcohol amnestic disorder is caused by the deficiency of thiamine
It is a state of mind which exhibits the symptoms of depression and (vitamine B1) and the symptoms of this disorder include retrograde
mania simultaneously. In this state, a person might display amnesia, anterogade amnesia, confabulation, apathy and lack of
impulsiveness, irritability, guilt, anxiety, fatigue, agitation, paranoia, insight. Also known as Korsakoff's syndrome.
panic, etc.
Agitation The disorder in which a person resorts to compulsive alcohol
The state of restlessness or excitement of emotions is referred to as consumption and loses the ability to recognize its adverse effects is
agitation. The extreme form of this agitation is termed as termed as alcoholism. It is a kind of addiction and is known as
dipsomania. There are many side-effects of alcoholism including
stress, degeneration of emotional health, etc. Alogia
The term alogia is used for the condition in which a person is unable
Alexia to speak fluently. Alogia is also known as 'poverty of speech' and it is
The term alexia is used to denote the acquired form called dyslexia. one of the symptoms observed in people suffering from
The person suffering from this problem loses his ability to read. schizophrenia. Inability to speak fluently makes it difficult to treat
The state in which a person face problems in dealing with emotions is Altered State of Consciousness
known as alexithymia. The person suffering from this disorder loses The term was coined by Charles Tart in 1969 and is used to describe
his capability of understanding and conveying the emotions. the state of the mind which has undergone temporary change. The
beta wave that is used to designate the activity of brain is altered
Alienation during this phase of the mind.
The process of disintegration of the perceptual and cognitive powers
of the mind is termed as alienation. Alzheimer's Disease
The Alzheimer's disease is a degenerative disease in which the patient
Alienist suffers from a long term decline in the cognitive functions. Memory
It is another term used for psychiatrist. An alienist is a person who is loss associated with difficulty to remember the facts that have been
certified to treat mental disorders and has received proper training for learned recently are the common symptoms of the Alzheimer's
diagnostic evaluation and psychotherapy. disease. In the further or advanced stages of the disease, the patient
becomes irritable, aggressive and faces mood swings.
Liking or love felt for people despite being from different race, Ambivalence
religion, nationality, class, gender, etc. is termed as allophilia. The It is the state of mind in which a person has mixed emotions or
word ft, which also means 'positive attitudes', is used as an antonym conflicting feelings towards a particular thing or person. The emotions
to 'negative prejudices' and various terms such as racism, classicism, or thoughts of positive as well as negative valence are experienced by
speciesism, ageism, phallocentricism, etc. a person in this mental state. The expressions such as 'sitting on the
fence' and 'cold feet' are used to describe the condition or state of parents with the children. During this phase, the child faces conflicts
ambivalence. pertaining to ego, id and super ego.

Amnesia Analogy
It is the term used for memory loss or the disturbance in the memory. A cognitive process employed to transfer information from the source
The causes of memory loss could range from trauma and brain injury or analog subject to the target subject is termed as analogy. A
to the use of sedative drugs. The psychological factors like the linguistic expression that corresponds to process of information
defense mechanisms are the functional cause of amnesia. One of the transference is the result of this cognitive process. The role of
examples of such kind of amnesia is hysterical post-traumatic analogy is considered to be important in the areas like problem
amnesia. The transient global amnesia which is commonly observed solving, perception, decision making, memory, explanation, emotion
in middle-aged people is spontaneous in nature. and communication.

Amok Analysand
The term amok is derived from the Filipino word amuk, which means The activity of studying the psychological behavior and functioning of
'mad with rage'. The term is commonly used in context of 'running human beings is carried out under the term, analysand. Analysand,
amok' or to simply to describe a violent or wild behavior. A person which is also known as psychoanalysis, could be used in the
who runs amok, or goes out of control, tends to injure or kill others. investigation of the mind, as a method of treatment for emotional or
psychological illnesses and in the form of set of systematized theories
Anal-retentive of human behavior.
The term anal-retentive is used to describe a type of personality or
behavior in which a person is obsessed with or gives extra importance Analytical Psychology
to the details. It is a branch of psychology, proposed by a psychiatrist from
Switzerland, Carl Jung. Analytical psychology is thus, also known as
Anal Stage Jungian psychology. Apprehension and integration of the underlying
The anal stage is the phase in the life of a child between 1 to 2 years motivations and deep forces of human behavior is the prime objective
of age. This phase of the child's life is associated with toilet training. of practicing analytical psychology. The study of accumulative
The successful completion of this stage depends on the interaction of phenomenology in relation to the significance of folklore, dreams and
mythology helps in achieving the objective. lack of judgment. Anti-social behavior of an individual might cause
damage to the property of others. Such kind of behavior is the
Analytical Psychodrama manifestation of the anti-social personality disorder.
It is a kind of psychotherapy which makes use of three activities or
concepts i.e. role playing, observation of mental activities and using Anticathexis
of transfer for the purpose of treatment. The energy derived by an individual from the superego in order to run
the ego is termed as anticathexis.
The tendency of the human mind to make use of just one piece of Anticipation
information or trait in order to make decisions is termed as anchoring. An emotion that involves the feeling of pleasure or anxiety with
regards to an unexpected event is called anticipation. Depending on
Anhedonia the event, emotions could either be positive or those associated with
A state in which a person is unable to derive pleasure from day-to- irritation. As per the psycho-evolutionary theory of Robert Plutchik,
day activities like exercise, eating, social interaction, etc. is called anticipation is considered to be one of the eight emotions that are
anhedonia. basic in nature.

Anorexia Nervosa Antilocution

It is a disorder in which the person suffers from the fear of gaining The term antilocution is used to define the verbal remarks that are
weight. Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric illness, in which the person used against a person or community without addressing them directly
doesn't gain weight and his body image too, is distorted. to the target. The term can be understood perfectly with the help of
the phrase, 'talking behind someone's back'. The term which was
Anterograde Amnesia defined by Gordon Allport a psychologist, in his book 'Nature of
In this disorder, the person loses his ability to create or form Prejudice' has far reaching effects causing the behavior to become
memories with the occurrence of the event that caused amnesia. prejudiced.

Anti-social Behavior Antipathy

It is a type of behavior which shows no consideration for others and The term antipathy could be simply explained as the opposite of
sympathy. The cause or reason behind a person exhibiting antipathy Aphanisis
could be an experience of the past. At times, an individual might It is the state in which a person loses his sexual desire.
exhibit antipathy without any reason that fits in the cause-and-effect
explanation theory.
Anxiety It is a disorder in which any of the language modality of a person gets
A feeling that is unpleasant and which is associated with fear, impaired. In this acquired language disorder, the person is not able to
uneasiness or worry is termed as anxiety. It is a psychological state understand or produce written or spoken language.
characterized by emotional, cognitive, behavioral and somatic
components. Apperception
The process through which an individual assimilates and transforms a
Anxiety Disorder new experience with the help of the residuum of the experience of
It is an umbrella term used to cover the different types of anxieties past is termed as apperception. Thus, it is the process of
and fears that were included in psychiatry at the end of the 19th understanding the new experience with the help of or in relation to
century. the older experiences.

Advanced Placement Psychology (A P Psychology) Applied Behavior Analysis

It is a course that is prepared for those who are interested in studying The application of behavioral principles that are derived from
psychology. This course is offered under the Advanced Placement experiments for bringing about an improvement in the socially
Program of the College Board, an examination board in the USA. significant behavior is termed as application behavior analysis.

Apathy Approach-Avoidance Conflicts

The state in which a person suppresses his emotions like motivation, The approach-avoidance conflicts are the situations or scenarios that
excitement, concern, passion, etc. is known as apathy. An apathetic a person faces while choosing between something that is positive but,
individual exhibits sluggishness and doesn't show interest in the has negative valence. Such conflicts result from an emotional state of
social, emotional or physical life. the mind called ambivalence and they cause stress.
Aptitude Test communicating without being afraid to speak one's mind. Assertive
It is a test conducted in order to measure the aptitude, knowledge people are known to defend their personal boundaries without being
and skills of a person. The measurement of the above mentioned aggressive or passive.
attributes is done by obtaining responses of the examinee towards a
certain set of questions. The test is used in the fields like education, Atkinson-Shiffrin Model
psychology, counseling and military. Read more on psychometric It is a psychological model that proposes the structure of memory. As
testing. per the Atkinson-Shiffrin model, there are three sequential stages of
human memory called the short-term memory, long-term memory
Artificial Creativity and sensory memory.
The objective of artificial or computational creativity is to simulate,
model or replicate the creativity through the use of a computer. The Attachment
purpose that is served by the above endeavor is the creation of a The behavior of person which shows or displays his proximity to
computer that is capable of human-level creativity, formulation of an another individual and which is the result of the activity of a number
algorithmic perspective on the creative behavior of human beings, of behavioral systems is termed as attachment.
and creation of tools which help to enhance human creativity.
Attachment Theory
Asian Psychology The theory that is concerned with the study of relationships between
The psychological concepts which relate themselves to the Asian human beings from the psychological, ethological and evolutionary
setting are studied in the ethnic psychology called Asian psychology. perspectives is termed as attachment theory.

Asperger Syndrome Attachment Disorder

The people suffering from the Asperger syndrome face difficulties in The disorder which crops up from a person's inability to develop a
social interaction. Repetitive and restricted behavior patterns are the bond or attachment with the 'primary care giving figures' in his stages
other symptoms of this syndrome. of childhood is termed as attachment disorder. This mood related
disorder results into problematic expectations and behavior in the
Assertiveness social life. Read more on reactive attachment disorder.
It is a personality trait characterized by the behavior of
Attention what or who is responsible for a particular cause of events is termed
A cognitive process in which one tries to focus his mind on a single as attributional bias.
aspect while ignoring the others is termed as attention.
Atypical Depression
Attention Span It is a disorder which is characterized by mood reactivity. A person
It is the amount of time for which an individual focuses his attention with this disorder experiences improved mood in response to positive
on a particular thing without getting distracted is termed as attention events.
Attitude Audience Effect
A hypothetical concept that is used to denote the degree of like or The impact or effect that a passive audience has on the performance
dislike an individual exhibits for a particular thing is termed as of the task taken up by a person is termed as audience effect.
attitude. Attitude is associated with positive or negative views that a
person has about places, events or other people altogether. Authenticity
It is the term used in the study of psychology and philosophy to
Attribution denote the degree of truth that one holds towards his own spirit,
A term used in social psychology, attribution refers to the manner in personality, character, etc.
which an individual describes or explains the cause of events, his own
behavior and also the behavior of others associated with the events. Authoritarian Personality
The type of personality which is characterized by the traits such as
Attribution Theory authoritarian submission, conventionalism, anti-intraception,
It is a social psychology theory which deals with the study of different authoritarian aggression, superstition, power, stereotypy,
ways in which people try to explain their own behavior and also of destructiveness, toughness, projectivity, cynicism and exaggerated
those around them. Read more on attribution theory of social concerns over sexuality is called authoritarian personality.
Attributional Bias The disorder which is characterized by impaired communication and
The cognitive bias that affects the process of decision making as to social interaction is termed as autism. Repetitive and restricted
behavior are some of the other symptoms found in people with this The model or forms constructed by the mind in order to deal with the
disorder. world and achieve the objectives and goals are known as thoughts or
'automatic thoughts'. Read more on automatic writing.
Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule
It is the standardized protocol used for the assessment of Availability Heuristic
communicative and social behavior associated with autism. The phenomenon in which an individual tries to predict the frequency
of a particular event or the proportion that is found in a population is
Autassassinophilia termed as availability heuristic.
It is the type of paraphilia in which a person puts himself in life-
threatening situations in order to gets aroused sexually. Aversion Therapy
It is a therapy in which a stimulus is provided to the patient while
Autodidacticism simultaneously being exposed to a form of discomfort. The aversion
The term autodidacticism is used as a substitute for the self-directed therapy conditions the mind of the patient in such a manner that the
learning or self-education. stimulus is associated with the discomfort caused. The treatment is
used to stop certain undesirable behavior.
The activity of sexually stimulating oneself in the absence of any Aversives
external stimulus is termed as autoeroticism. The unpleasant stimuli that are used to induce behavioral changes
through punishment are known as aversives. The use of aversives
Automatic Behavior help in curbing the undesirable behavior.
The production of motor or verbal behavior spontaneously without the
person being conscious about it, is termed as automatic behavior. Avoidance Learning
Such kind of behavior is exhibited by individuals suffering from In avoidance learning the consequences are used to modify the form
schizophrenia, epilepsy, psychogenic fugue, narcolepsy, etc. Read and occurrence of a particular behavior.
on famous people with narcolepsy.
Avoidant Personality Disorder
Automatic Thought It is a disorder in which a person exhibits characteristics like social
inhibition, sensitivity to negative evaluation and feeling of inadequacy. Beck's Cognitive Triad
People suffering from this disorder tend to avoid social interaction. The triad which involves negative thoughts about the self, world and
the future is termed as Beck's cognitive triad. People suffering from
Avolition depression exhibit such negative emotions or feelings.
A psychological state in which a person lacks the desire, motivation or
drive that is required to pursue a meaningful goal is termed as Behavior
avolition. The patients with schizophrenia commonly exhibit this The actions and reactions of an individual that he displays or exhibits
symptom and it is one of the four important symptoms of the in relation to the surroundings or environment is termed as the
disorder. behavior of that person.

Awareness Behavior Change

The ability or state in which a person can feel, perceive or is The transformation or modification that takes place in a person's
conscious about the sensory patterns, objects or events around him is behavior is known as behavior change.
termed as awareness.
Behavior Modification
Backward Conditioning The improvement in behavior which is brought about by the
The process in which a conditioned stimulus follows the unconditioned implementation of behavior change techniques that are demonstrated
stimulus is termed as backward conditioning. empirically is termed as behavior modification. Read more
on behavior modification.
Barnes Akathisia Scale
The 'Barnes Akathisia' is a rating scale used in the assessment of the Behavior Therapy
severity of drug-induced akathisia. A form of psychotherapy which is used in the treatment of anxiety
disorders, depression, and phobias is known as behavior therapy.
Barnes Maze
It is a tool used for the measurement of memory and spatial learning Behavioral Communication
in psychological laboratory experiments. The subject or discipline which studies various day-to-day behavior in
communication is termed as behavioral communication.
or someone is termed as bereavement or grief.
Behavioral Imprinting
A kind of phase-sensitive learning during which an individual learns Bestiality
rapidly and which is independent of behavioral consequences is The practice of sex between animals and human beings is termed as
termed as behavioral imprinting or just imprinting. Behavioral bestiality.
imprinting occurs at a certain phase or stage of life during which the
person learns the characteristics of some stimuli. Bias Disorder
The disorder in which an individual is inclined towards violence and
Behavioral Psychology believes that war is the ultimate solution to problems is defined as
It is a branch of psychology which is based on the proposition that bias disorder.
thinking, feeling and all the other actions performed by an individual
are different forms of his behavior. Bibliomania
In this disorder, an individual has the habit of collecting books
Behavioral Science excessively. The problem might result into the person damaging his
The science which deals with the exploration of different activities of health and social relations.
living organisms and the interactions that takes place between them
is termed as behavioral science. Bicameralism
It is a hypothesis which presents the argument that the human brain
Belief is in a state called bicameral mind. The bicameral mind operates in
It is a psychological state in which a premise or proposition is held to such a manner that one part of the brain gives orders while the other
be true by an individual. one listens to it.

Belongingness Binge Eating

It is one of the needs of human beings through which they feel It is a disorder in which an individual consumes excessive amount of
connected to or accepted by social groups, family, peers, etc. food rapidly. The person suffering from binge eating feels ashamed
Bereavement about the habit of over-eating and might suffer from depression.
The feeling or response that a person exhibits upon losing something
Biological Psychology concerns or warnings are disbelieved is termed as Cassandra
The branch of science in which the knowledge of biology is applied in phenomenon.
studying the behavior and mental processes is termed as biological
psychology. Catalepsy
It is a nervous condition which causes the muscles to go rigid and the
Bipolar Disorder posture fixed. This condition or state is characterized by loss of
In this disorder, a person suffers from episodes of elevated mood and sensitivity to pain.
depression. Since an individual is subject to extreme conditions such
as mania (elevated mood) and depression, the problem is termed as Cataplexy
bipolar disorder. It is a rare disease found in 5 out 10,000 people which results into
the affected person losing muscle tone. People with narcolepsy are
Cabin Fever prone to this problem which is often triggered by emotions and
A claustrophobic reaction that results from an individual being isolated associated with Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS).
for a considerably long period of time in a situation where he has
nothing to do is termed as cabin fever. Categorization
The process of recognizing, differentiating and understanding objects
Calculation and ideas is termed as categorization.
The process in which one or more inputs are converted into more
than one results is termed as calculation. Catatonia
It is a syndrome that is associated with motoric and psychic
Cannon-Bard Theory disturbances such as post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder,
The Cannon-Bard theory states that any particular action is preceded depression, etc. It could also be related to autoimmune disorders and
by the person feeling its related emotions at first. The actions could infections such as encephalitis. Catatonic stupor and Catatonic
be perspiration, muscular tension, etc. schizophrenia are the variations of this syndrome while catatonic
excitement is another term used to refer to catatonia.
Cassandra Phenomenon
A state of mind (also known as Cassandra metaphor) in which valid Cathexis
The process in which an individual invests or spends his emotional or Daydream
mental energy in an idea, object or another person is referred to as Daydream is roughly defined as a visionary fantasy (pleasant
cathexis. thoughts, ambitions, hopes, etc.) which is experienced by people
while being awake. They may be related to an experience from the
Centration past or a future plan. The concept of daydream or daydreaming is
The tendency or habit which causes a person to concentrate or focus hard to define because, there are many variations or types of this
on a single aspect or facet of a particular thing and neglect the other psychological phenomenon.
ones is termed as centration.
Classical Adlerian Psychology The state in which a person loses his focus and perception followed
In this therapy, the aim or objective is to help the clients overcome by cognition in a sudden manner is referred to as delirium. It is an
their insecurities by developing a deep connectedness. The acute syndrome which might develop quickly within hours or even few
psychotherapist indulges in a dialog with the client and corrects his days.
mistaken attitudes, feelings and behavior regarding himself and the
world. Delusion
A belief that is fixed in the mind of a person and which could either
Clinical Psychology be fanciful, false or derived from a deception is known as delusion.
The scientific study of psychology and its application in order to
understand, prevent and relieve dysfunction or distress that is Depression
psychologically-based is termed as clinical psychology. Personal It is a disorder characterized by low self-esteem, low mood and lack
development and subjective well-being are promoted through this of interest in the activities to be performed in daily life.
Developmental Psychology
Cognition It is the branch of psychology in which a scientific study is carried out
It is defined as the processing of thoughts and in psychological terms regarding the psychological changes that occur in an individual during
it is referred to as processing of information. the lifetime.
Differential Psychology Echolalia
The state in which a person when repeats the vocalizations made by
It is the branch of psychology in which the measurable differences
someone else is referred to as echolalia. People suffering from
between individuals are studied. disorders like Tourette syndrome, autism, Rubenstein-tayabi
syndrome, aphasia, schizophrenia, developmental disability,
Alzheimer's disease, Asperger syndrome, etc. may exhibit echolalia.
Discursive Psychology
It is the branch of psychology which deals with the analysis of
The state or condition in which a person involuntarily imitates or
patterns or discourses of meanings in order to study the functioning repeats the movements of others is termed as echopraxia. Echopraxia
is a behavioral phenomenon and thus, it is different from what is
of the language.
considered to be 'tic'. The sudden, non-rhythmic, repetitive
vocalization or motor movements (throat clearing, eye blinking, toe
crunching, etc.) are known as tics.
Disorganized Schizophrenia
It is the type of schizophrenia in which the patient displays Ecological Psychology
It is the term used for the study of interactions and interrelationships
disorganized speech and behavior along with schizophasia.
between an individual and his surroundings in terms of information
exchange, learning, problem solving, etc.
Economic Psychology
It is the state in which a person is confused about place, time, It is the branch of psychology which studies the cognitive, emotional,
social and human factors involved in the process of decision making
direction and identity. The problem of disorientation arises as a result
by consumers, investors, borrowers, etc. The effects of the decisions
of intoxication or delirium. being made on returns, market prices, allocation of resources, etc.
too, is studied.

Déjà vu Educational Psychology

It is the scientific study of the learning process, the psychology of
It is the experience about which a person feels sure that it has
teaching, effectiveness of educational interventions and the social
happened in the past and the circumstances of the two experiences psychology of institutions like schools which impart education.
could be different. Also known as paramnesia. Read more on Deja Vu.
Ego Psychology
It is the psychoanalysis model derived from Sigmond Freud's concept
of 'id-ego-superego'. The objective of studying ego psychology is to
Early Intervention in Psychosis
understand the development of ego, its management and adaptation
The clinical approach employed in dealing with the early symptoms of
to reality.
psychosis is termed as early intervention in psychosis. A psychotic
condition if detected early, helps in providing treatment at the right
The state in which an individual is incapable of differentiating
between the self and the world completely, is defined as egocentrism. animals (mostly mammals) in conveying social information is known
An egocentric person understands, analyzes and interprets the world
as facial expression.
in his own terms.

Emotional Intelligence
Factitious Disorders
It is the term used to describe the capacity or ability of individuals to
manage the emotions of one's self and people in general. A states or condition in which people try to exaggerate or feign the
symptoms of a disease are known as factitious disorders.
Emotional Reasoning
A cognitive error in which a person, when makes decision in the state
of nervousness or anxiousness, relies on the emotional reactions in
Faculty Psychology
determining a course of action.
According to faculty psychology, the human mind is defined as the
Experimental Psychology
collection or congregation of different faculties or modules which
The objective or prime aim of experimental psychology is to discover
the processes that lie beneath the cognition and behavior of perform the different tasks assigned to them.
individuals. The above mentioned objective is attained through
different means such as studying the emotions, motivating individuals
and understanding the social psychology. Family Therapy
It is a kind of psychotherapy which helps in nurturing the change and
development that takes place among family relationships. The
It is basically a personality test which is used in the measurement of
interactions that take place between family members have an impact
authoritarian personality. The letter 'F', included in the term stands
on their psychological health.
for the word 'fascism'. The different components of authoritarianism
like authoritarian aggression, conventionalism, authoritarian
submission, superstition, anti-intraception, cynicism, destructiveness,
The imaginative thoughts, desires or feelings of an individual that are
toughness, projectivity, etc. are measured with the help of F-scale.
far from reality or impossible altogether is known as fantasy. The
fantasies of different persons differ with their imagination power. The
Face Perception
fantasies could also be sexual in nature.
The process which enables a person (mind and brain) to recognize
and interpret a face is referred to as face perception.
It is a basic survival mechanism or emotional response to a threat or
Facial Expression
specific stimuli. The stimuli or threat may be that of pain or danger of
A form of nonverbal communication used by humans as well as
losing one's life. Fear is generally experienced by an individual with
respect to a particular worsening situation. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
A disorder which is characterized by uncontrollable, irrational and
Folk Psychology excessive worry with respect to daily life activities is termed as
It is the collection of constructs, assumptions and convictions which generalized anxiety disorder. The magnitude of worry experienced by
together make up a language used in daily life for the discussion of an individual with this disorder is in excess, if compared with the
human psychology. actual cause or problem.

Foolishness Gestalt Psychology

A property that is exhibited by a person, belief or action and which The gestalt psychology is actually a theory which proposes that the
indicates the presence of poor learning abilities or low intelligence in working or functioning of the brain is in a manner that is holistic,
that person or entity is termed as foolishness. analog and parallel. The emphasis is placed on the concept or phrase
that, 'the whole is greater than the sum of parts'.
Forensic Psychology
The study of psychology, taking into account the jargon or language Gnosology
related to the criminal justice forms the core of forensic psychology. The study of gnosis i.e. the knowledge of infinite, uncreated and
The ability to testify in the court and the formulation of the findings divine in terms of cognitive psychology is termed as gnosology.
from the field of psychology into the legal language are the important
aspects of forensic psychology. Read more on Forensic Psychology. Gratitude
The positive emotion which is exhibited in response or
Gender Narcissism acknowledgment of a favor or benefits that one has received is
It is a form of narcissism, in which the over-perception or over- termed as gratitude.
emphasis of gender or the difference between genders during
childhood results in either the over-valuation or devaluation of one Grimace
gender, later in the adulthood. The concept of gender narcissism can It is a facial expression that is used to display or exhibit the emotions
be explained on the basis of theories like 'castration complex' and like contempt, complacency, disapprobation, etc.
'penis envy' posited by Sigmond Freud.
Group Polarization Habits
The human tendency of making decisions that are extreme in nature, A repeated behavior that occurs subconsciously i.e. without thinking
when in a group is termed as group polarization. An individual makes directly or consciously. A habit is an activity that is performed without
a different decision when alone. self-analysis and most of the time it goes unnoticed by the person
exhibiting it.
Group Psychological Abuse
The methods through which the members of a group are Hawthorne Effect
psychologically abused in a systematic manner and on a frequent The hawthorne effect is a type of reaction in which a person tries to
basis is known as group psychological abuse. improve his behavior in response to the fact that his behavior is being
Group Psychotherapy
It is a kind of psychotherapy in which a group of people is treated by Health Psychology
one or more psychotherapists. In this form of psychotherapy, the It is the branch of psychology in which the influence of behavior,
interrelationships between a group are explored, examined and illness, health and biology is studied.
developed by utilizing group processes or the group context.
Group Synergy It is the term used to refer to the different techniques that are based
The concept of group synergy which is also known as collective on experience and used in learning, problem solving and discovery.
intelligence is the intelligence that emerges from the shared efforts of
competition and collaboration that takes place among a group of Hierarchy of Needs
people. The 'hierarchy of needs' is a theory proposed by Abraham Maslow
which can be diagrammatically explained in the form of a pyramid
Guilt having 5 levels. The physiological needs lie at the bottom of the
It is the emotional or cognitive experience which succeeds the pyramid while the self-actualization needs are placed in the topmost
realization that one has violated a moral standard. The concept of position.
remorse and guilt are closely related to each other.
The term hostility is defined as a form of denial or angry internal inborn biological instincts. All the natural instincts and energies that
rejection. The term is generally used as a synonym for aggression or are the cause of psychic activity are included in id. Id, ego and super-
anger. ego are the three parts of psyche as given by Freud.

Human Behavior Identification

The different types of behaviors exhibited by human beings and Identification can be defined in two distinct ways. The first is
which are influenced by attitudes, cultures, values, emotions, identifying something or someone. This is known as primary
authority, ethics, hypnosis, rapport, coercion, persuasion, etc, can be identification. The other type of identification is identifying with
defined as human behavior. someone or something. This is known as partial or secondary
Humanistic Psychology
The branch of psychology which deals with the human aspect of Ideas of Reference
development of psychotherapy is termed as humanistic psychology. Ideas of reference can be defined as a belief that irrelevant or
unrelated objects, people or events are of personal significance. Ideas
Hypnosis of reference or delusions of reference are a symptom of schizophrenia
It is the state of mind in which a person goes in a trance-like state and bipolar disorder.
which is induced artificially. In this state, the suggestibility is
heightened and the memories might be suppressed. Imitation
Imitation is a type of behavior where an individual tries to copy or
Hysteria replicate someone else's behavior. Babies learn through imitation
It is a state in which an individual loses his self-control due to the when they imitate their parents.
emotional excesses or unmanageable fear. The fear might be the
result of multiple past events involving conflicts or imagined problems Immediate Memory
(disease) associated with a particular body part. Immediate memory is a phase of memory where information and
images are stored only for a short period of time. Immediate memory
Id is also known as working memory or short-term memory.
Id is defined as the part of human personality that consists of all the
Imprinting Jenkins Activity Survey
Imprinting is defined as the phase of learning at an early age when a Jenkins Activity Survey is a popular method for evaluating Type A
person forms a specific pattern of behavior. Imprinting is also behavior. Jenkins Activity Survey is a questionnaire type survey of
observed in animals. behavior.

Inductive Reasoning Johari Window

Inductive reasoning involves using specific facts or past experiences Johari window is a type of exercise or tool designed for people to
to reach a specific conclusion. Inductive reasoning is the reasoning understand their interpersonal relationships in a better way.
based on facts and principles.
Insanity Judgment is a cognitive process of assessing a person, situation or an
Insanity is defined as abnormal behavior or mental illness. Insanity is event and using this evidence to make a decision. In psychology,
a permanent condition and in simplest way it can be defined as judgment is used to evaluate a person's capabilities of adjudication.
craziness or madness. Insanity is a symptom of schizophrenia or other
psychotic disorders. Just Noticeable Difference
Just noticeable difference, also known as differential threshold, is the
Intrinsic Motivation smallest noticeable difference between the first and the second level
Intrinsic motivation is a type of motivation when a person is inwardly of sensory stimulus.
motivated to perform any specific work or activity. People are said to
be intrinsically motivated if they perform any activity for self K-line
satisfaction rather than monetary or other gains. The concept of K-line which was first introduced and described by
Marvin Minsky in his essay, 'K-lines: A Theory of Memory', can be
Intuition defined as a mental agent which is a group or aggregated form of
Intuition is defined as the person's capacity or ability to acquire several mental agents which are actively involved in solving a problem
knowledge without inference or logical reasoning. Intuition is a or the formulation of a new idea.
natural tendency used by some people to make decisions.
The activity of interpretation of the body language, which includes psychological theory which proposes that moral reasoning which is
gestures and facial expressions is termed as kinesics. the basis of ethical behavior is developed in six stages. Each of the
succeeding stage in the sequence is efficient or adequate than the
Kleptomania earlier one in dealing with moral dilemmas faced by an individual.
A state or condition in which an individual is unable to resist the urge
to hoard or collect things. Lacunar Lmnesia
In this state the subject loses his memory about a certain specific
Kubler-Ross Model event and which results into the creation of a gap or lacuna.
The Kubler-Ross Model which is also known as 'five stages of grief'
was introduced by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. The model is used to Language
describe a process through which people deal with tragedy and grief In its simplest form language is defined as the system through which
in five discrete stages. The five stages of the process in their information is encoded and decoded. Read more on literary devices.
sequential form are, 'Denial', 'Anger', 'Bargaining', 'Depression' and
'Acceptance'. Language Disorders
The disorders that are related to the processing of linguistic
Knowledge information and which might involve the problems related to
It can be defined as the process through which an individual tries to semantics and grammar are termed as language disorders.
learn or understand with the help of complex cognitive processes
such as perception, communication, reasoning and association. Lapsus
It is defined as a mistake that is involuntary and which is made while
Knowledge Management writing or speaking. As per the psychoanalytic theory proposed by
The different practices or activities that are carried out in the Sigmond Freud, lapsus is a term used to represent a deed which
identification, creation, representation, distribution and adoption of hides a desire that is present in the unconscious mind.
the experiences and insights are termed as knowledge management.
Lapsus Linguae
Kohlberg's Stages of Moral Development An error which occurs in the memory, speech or physical action
The Kolhberg's stages of moral development are based on a because of an unconscious conflict, wish or train of thought that is
interfering with their functioning is termed as lapsus linguae. pleasure' or 'will to power'.

Latah Mania
It is a condition in which an individual falls into a trance-like state The condition in which a person suffers from the problem of elevated
where he enacts physical and/or verbal automatisms and which mood, unusual thought patterns and psychosis is termed as mania.
altogether results from a startle reflex.
Latent Learning It is the feeling of gratification experienced by an individual as a
It is a form of learning in which the knowledge is not expressed result of infliction of pain or humiliation upon himself.
immediately in an overt manner. The things that are learned by an
individual stay in the subconscious mind and might be expressed in Mass Hysteria
response to specific experiences or events. It is a sociopsychological phenomenon in which the manifestation of
similar symptoms of hysteria by one or more people takes place. The
Lateral Thinking most common form of mass hysteria is the one in which a group of
In this kind of thinking an individual takes a creative or indirect people believes that they are suffering from a disease.
approach towards problem solving, instead of going by the method of
following a step-by-step logic. Mathematical Psychology
It is one of the methods or approaches to the research in psychology
Legal Psychology which uses the mathematical modeling of cognitive, perceptual and
The psychological research that is carried out in an empirical manner motor processes. Read more on glossary of mathematical terms.
with respect to legal institutions, law and the people who come in
contact with law is termed as legal psychology. Read more Melancholia
on glossary of law terms. It is a mood disorder in which the patient suffers from low levels of
eagerness and enthusiasm in performing activities of day-to-day life.
It is one of the psychotherapies which focuses on finding the meaning Mental Block
in one's life rather than emphasizing on the doctrine of 'will to It is a condition in which a person is unable to continue his thought
process or the painful thoughts in his mind are repressed. Napoleon Complex
It is a kind of inferiority complex that is experienced by men with
Mental Retardation short stature. Men with this complex try to overcompensate their
In this disorder, the cognitive functioning gets impaired and the efforts in other aspects or areas of life for their short stature.
person suffers from deficits in adaptive behaviors.
Mental Health It is defined as the attribute or trait of personality which is
It is the term is used to indicate a condition of emotional and characterized with self-love and other such characteristics that are
cognitive well-being or the absence of any kind of mental disorder. associated with ego or self-image.

Mental Management Narrative Therapy

It is the activity in which different mental processes are explored, It is a type of psychotherapy in which the therapist engages himself in
described and studied in their diversity. a process which involves the client and is aimed at discovering the
richer or positive narratives which originate from disparate
Metapsychology descriptions of various experiences.
It is a branch of psychology which carries out the philosophical study
of psychology in a systematic manner. The objective of studying Naturalistic Observation
metapsychology is to understand and describe about the concepts The activity of carrying out the observation of subjects by behavioral
and principles that lie beyond the laws of psychology which have scientists and psychologists in their natural habitats is termed as
been established till date. naturalistic observation.

Mind Need
The mind could be defined as manifestation of the different aspects of It is defined as a necessary thing which helps the humans in leading a
consciousness and intellect in the form of various combinations of healthy life. Needs could be physical, objective and subjective.
perception, thoughts, emotions, memory, imagination and will.
It is a state of mind in which a person has a negative perception of
life and specifically the events that might happen in the future. then replicates or imitates the behavior that is executed by others is
termed as observational learning.
The psychologists who followed the basic principles posited by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Sigmond Freud but changed or altered them to some extent are It is a mental disorder in which an individual suffers from anxiety that
known as Neo-Freudians. results from various intrusive thoughts.

Neuropsychology Occupational Health Psychology

The science which deals with overt behaviors and psychological The study of occupational health psychology deals with psychosocial
processes related to the structure and functions of brain is termed as causative agents or factors associated with the workplaces and which
neuropsychology. are responsible for various health-related problems of working people.

Nightmare Occupational Psychosis

It is a dream that is unpleasant in nature and results into a strong It is a condition in which an individual develops a biased attitude
emotional response that is mostly associated with fear or horror. which results from the influence of his career or occupation.

Noetic Psychology Occupational Therapy

It is the field of psychology which deals with finding out the meaning It is a therapy which is aimed at incorporating purposeful and
and purpose, integration of cognition (thinking) with effect (emotion) meaningful occupation in order to enable individuals with impairments
and the resolution of existential angst. or other limitations to participate in the activities of day-to-day life.

Observation Operant Behavior

It is the activity through which an individual receives knowledge from A network of events and factors that are involved in the behavior of
the outside world by making use of the senses. both human beings and animals is termed as operant behavior.

Observational Learning Operant Conditioning

The process of learning in which a person first observes, retains and It is an activity which is used for modifying the form and occurrences
of behavior by making use of the consequences. In operant is termed as paranoia. The degree or extent of paranoia could be so
conditioning, the modification of the operant behavior or voluntary high that it might sometimes lead to the patient suffering from
behavior of an individual is carried out. delusions and his thought process affected by irrationality.

Operationalization Parapsychology
It is the process of defining a fuzzy concept in order to make it It is a field in which efforts are directed at finding out the existence
measurable in the form of variables that consist of specific and causes of various psychic abilities and the concept of 'life after
observations. death' with the help of scientific methods.

Opponent-process Theory Passion

It is a neurological and psychological model which is used to account An intense emotion or feeling associated with a particular thing or
for a variety of behaviors including color vision. The model was person and which exhibits an eager interest or desire for the same is
proposed by Leo Hurvich and expanded by Richard Soloman of the termed as passion.
University of Pennsylvania.
Performance Psychology
Orientation The study of various factors which allow individuals and societies in
It is the functionality of the mind which creates awareness of time, general to flourish is termed as performance psychology. The study of
person and place. knowledge and psychological skills required for developing the
performing guidelines in the field of business, sports, performing arts
Panic Attacks and fitness is also included in performance psychology.
The periods of intense anxiety, fear, physiological arousal, discomfort,
stomach problems, etc. which occur suddenly and are discrete in Phobia
nature are termed as panic attacks. The panic attacks are associated It is defined as the fear experienced by an individual about situations,
with a variety of cognitive and somatic symptoms. things, activities or people and which could be intense, irrational and
persistent. Read more on phobias.
A thought process which is characterized by excessive fear or anxiety Psychoanalysis
The study of behavior and functioning of the human psychology by unconscious content of a client's or patient's psyche.
means of investigating the mind is termed as psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalysis is carried out for systematizing the theories of human Psycholinguistics
behavior and to treat the different psychological and emotional The study of different neurobiological and psychological factors that
illnesses. enable human beings in acquiring, using, comprehending and finally
producing a language is termed as psycholinguistics.
Psychoanalytic Theory
The psychoanalytic theory is concerned with the definition and Psychological Testing
dynamics of the development of personality. The psychoanalytic It is the field in which generalizations about an individual are inferred
theory was proposed by Sigmond Freud and till date has undergone on the basis of sample behaviors. Read more on psychological
many modifications. testing.

Psychodrama Psychology of Learning

The form of human development which is used in exploring the The psychology of learning is based on the assumption that the study
issues, problems, dreams, concerns and highest aspirations of groups, of effects of conditioning, environment and reinforcement provides
organizations, systems and people in general, by means of dramatic the psychologists with the best information about the human
action is termed as psychodrama. Read more on psychology of behavior.
Quantitative Psychological Research
Psychodynamics Psychological research which entails and includes mathematical
The psychological forces that underlie the human behavior are modeling in addition to statistical estimation or statistical interference,
systematically studied in the branch of psychology. The emphasis is is termed as quantitative psychological research.
given on the interplay that happens between the conscious and
unconscious motivation. Quantitative Psychology
The development of psychological theory in connection with
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy mathematics and statistics is done through the research in
It is the therapy used for alleviating psychic tension by revealing the quantitative psychology. It is the study of techniques and ways to
measure human attributes and mathematical and statistical patterning
of psychological processes and analysis of psychological data. Recognition
The act of retrieving or recalling from the long term memory, a fact,
Quantum Psychology incident or other item is termed as recognition.
Quantum Psychology refers to an approach which involves being
aware of our automatic responses and its triggers in addition to the Regression
inherent mechanism of those responses. It is a defense mechanism through which the ego temporarily reverts
Radical Behaviorism to an earlier state of development. During regression, the thoughts
It is the philosophy which lies at the base of the approach of are pushed from consciousness to unconsciousness.
experimental analysis of behavior towards psychology.
Regulatory Focus Theory
Radicalization The regulatory focus theory examines or studies the relation between
The transformation that takes place from activism or passiveness to an individual's motivation and the way in which he approaches his
militant, revolutionary or extreme posture is termed as radicalization. goals.

Rage Rehabilitation
A mental state in which an individual reaches the extreme position of The methods used to retrain the neural pathways in order to improve
the intensity spectrum of anger is termed as rage. or regain neurocognitive functioning which has been damaged by
traumatic injury or disease are termed as rehabilitation.
The commonality of perspective or the state in which a person is 'in Remorse
sync' or 'on the same wavelength' as that of the person with whom he It is an emotion of personal regret felt by an individual after
is communicating is termed as rapport. committing an act that is considered to be hurtful, shameful or
The cognitive process in which one seeks reasons for conclusions, Retrograde Amnesia
beliefs, feelings and actions is termed as reasoning. It is a form of amnesia in which the affected person is unable to recall
or retrieve the events which had occurred before the amnesia. Savant Syndrome
Savant syndrome is a disorder wherein a particular person with
Reverse Psychology diminished mental skill demonstrates extraordinary proficiency in one
It is a persuasion technique which involves falsely advocating the specific isolated skill.
beliefs and behaviors instead of what should actually be advocated.
Schema A
Rhetoric In psychology, schema is a mental structure representing some
It is one of the three ancient arts of discourse along with logic and aspects of the world.
grammar and is used in persuasion.
Schizoaffective Disorder
Sadism Schizoaffective disorder is a disorder characterized by the symptoms
The term sadism is used to refer to the enjoyment an individual of both, a major mood disorder and schizophrenia. Read more
derives by inflicting pain on others. on schizoaffective disorder.

Sapience Schizoid Personality Disorder

The ability of applying knowledge, experience, understanding or Schizoid personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized by
common sense and insight is known as sapience. extreme shyness, reclusive nature, discomfort with other people
around and incapability of forming close relationships.
Satanic Ritual Abuse
The term satanic ritual abuse refers to any form of physical or Schizophrenia
psychological mistreatment involving the use of satanic rituals. Schizophrenia is a psychiatric disorder characterized by problems with
perceptions or expressions of reality, significant social problems,
Sauce-Bearnaise Syndrome disorganized thinking, and delusions or hallucinations.
A syndrome which suggests that conditioned taste aversion can occur
when an individual associates the taste of a certain food item with the Schizophreniform Disorder
symptoms caused by a toxic, or spoiled substance. Schizophreniform disorder is a disorder identical to schizophrenia,
with the duration of prodromal, active and residual phases being
shorter than 6 months. The term selective distortion refers to the tendency of the individuals
to interpret a piece of information in a particular way which will
Schizotypal Personality Disorder support their existing beliefs.
Schizotypal personality disorder is a personality disorder characterized
by unconventional beliefs, odd behavior, thinking and a need for Self-actualization
social isolation. Self-actualization is taking a holistic approach towards life, thus
allowing oneself to reach the highest potential, without possessing
School Refusal any greed of success.
In psychology, school refusal is a condition in which children and
adolescents demonstrate severe symptoms of anxiety and refuse to Self-criticism
attend school. The term self-criticism is used to refer to indulgence in critical
scrutinizing of one's own beliefs, thoughts, actions and behavior.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
A bout of depression occurring during certain times of the year when Self-loathing
there is less sunlight, usually during the winter months is known as Self-loathing or self-hatred, is a disorder characterized by extreme
seasonal affective disorder. dislike of oneself.

Security Blanket Self Motivation

A blanket (such as a toy) that is given to a child or the child carries Self motivation is the ability to motivate oneself, without requiring
around in order to reduce anxiety is known as security blanket. influence by some other person.

Selective Abstraction Selfishness

Selective abstraction is a type of cognitive bias wherein only one The act of placing one's own interests or desires above the needs of
detail is chosen of the context and believed, while everything else in others is known as selfishness.
the context is ignored.
Semantic Dyslexia
Selective Distortion Semantic dyslexia is a subtype of dyslexia characterized by inability to
properly attach words to their meanings when reading. desires as preparations for sexual behavior.

Semantic Memory Sexual Orientation

The memory of meanings, understandings, and other various The pattern of emotional, romantic, and sexual attractions between
concept-based knowledge is known as semantic memory or long-term males and females is referred to as sexual orientation.
Sexual Response Cycle
Sensitivity The sexual response cycle is a four-phase model of physiological
The ability of the organism to respond to any form of physical stimuli responses (excitement phase, plateau phase, orgasmic phase, and
is known as sensitivity. resolution phase) triggered during sexual stimulation.

Sensory Preconditioning Sexuoerotic Tragedy

The phenomenon of classical conditioning which facilitates learning of The term sexuoerotic tragedy refers to an intense, memorable and
an association between two conditioned stimuli is known as sensory influential event which plays a pivotal role in changing the person's
preconditioning. perception of what is sexually arousing and what is not.

Sensory Threshold Shell Shock Battle Fatigue

A theoretical concept used in psychophysics, sensory threshold is the In psychology, the term shell shock battle fatigue is used to refer to a
minimum level of stimulation which can be possibly detected. mental disorder caused due to excessive stress of active warfare.

Separation Anxiety Disorder Shock Value

A psychological condition wherein an individual experiences excessive The potential of a medium of communication, such as image or text,
anxiety regarding separation from home or from people with whom to provoke a reaction, such as disgust, shock, anger or fear is
he is closely attached. referred to as its shock value.

Sexual Arousal Short-term Memory

The term sexual arousal is used to refer to the arousal of sexual The capacity of the human mind to hold a small amount of
information in an active, easily accessible state for a brief period of
time is referred to as short-term memory. Sleep-learning
Sleep learning is the method of conveying information to a sleeping
Siege Mentality person, usually by playing a sound recording to him.
The shared feeling of helplessness, defensiveness or victimization is
referred to as siege mentality. Social Anxiety
Social anxiety is a psychiatric disorder characterized by persistent,
Simulation Heuristic intense, and chronic fear of being judged, embarrassed or humiliated
It is a psychological heuristic, which was theorized as a specialized by others, owing to one's own actions.
adaptation of the availability heuristic in order to explain counter-
factual thinking and regret. Social Cognition
The study of how people process social information, emphasizing on
Situation Awareness encoding, storage, retrieval and application in social situations, is
Social awareness means the perception of environmental elements referred to as social cognition.
within a volume of time and space, comprehension of their meaning,
and the projection of their status in the near future. Social Desirability Bias
It is the tendency of responding to a question in such a manner that
Size-weight Illusion the answer be viewed favorably by people. The social desirability bias
The tendency for an individual to underestimate the weight of a could take two forms: the one in which a respondent exhibits an
bigger object when compared to a similar smaller object of the same overreporting good behavior and the other in which underreporting
mass is known as size-weight illusion. bad behavior is displayed.

Skinner Box Social Influence

It is a laboratory apparatus created by B.F. Skinner, used in analyzing The term social influence is used to refer to a condition wherein an
the behavior of animals. The apparatus is also known as operant individual's thoughts or actions are affected or altered by other
conditioning chamber and is mostly used to experiment on animals people.
like pigeons, rodents and primates.
Social Inhibition physical symptoms that mimic disease or injury whose physical cause
The conscious or unconscious constraint, by an individual, of a cannot be identified.
process or behavior that is considered to be objectionable in the
social settings is known as social inhibition. Somatotherapy
The treatment of mental illness by physical means, such as
Social Loafing medication or psychosurgery, rather than psychotherapy is known as
The term social loafing is used to refer to the phenomenon wherein somatotherapy.
people make less efforts to achieve the set goal when they work in
groups than they make when they work alone. Spatial Memory
In cognitive psychology, spatial memory is the part of memory
Social Psychology assigned to record information about one's environment and its
Social psychology is the branch of psychology that studies individuals spatial orientation.
and their relationships with each other, with groups and with the
society as a whole. Spatial-temporal Reasoning
It is defined as the ability of visualizing the spatial patterns and
Social Rhythm Therapy manipulating them mentally in a time-ordered sequence of spatial
In this behavioral therapy, the disruptions in circadian rhythms are transformations.
treated. In this therapy, the biopsychological model of treatment is
adapted, instead of using medications only. Specious Present
The time duration in which one's perceptions are considered to be in
Somatization Disorder the present is known as the specious present.
It is a disorder in which psychological conflicts present in the mind are
expressed unconsciously in the form of physical symptoms which do Speech Perception
not have any actual or physical origin behind them. The term speech perception refers to the process by which humans
are able to interpret various sounds used in language.
Somatoform Disorder
Somatoform disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by Spiritual Psychology
Spiritual psychology or transpersonal psychology is the domain in Distress Scale) is a scale of 10 used to measure the subjective
psychology which deals with the transpersonal or spiritual aspects of intensity of disturbance experienced by an individual.
the human experience.
Spontaneous Recovery The act of killing oneself is termed as suicide or self-annihilation.
The reemergence of a conditioned response which had been Read more on teenage suicide.
previously extinguished owing to various factors, including injury.
Sport Psychology It is a science which deals with the study of suicide. The various
Sport psychology is a domain in psychology which deals in the disciplines including psychology, phusiology, psychiatry and sociology
scientific study of people and their behavior in the context of sports are studied under suicidology.
and the practical application of this knowledge.
Superiority Complex
Stimulus The subconscious neurotic mechanism of compensation developed by
In psychology, the term stimulus is used to refer to anything that the individual owing to extensive feelings of inferiority is referred to
effectively impinges upon the sensory system of any living organism. as superiority complex.

Stream of Consciousness Superman Complex

The continuous flow of ideas or feelings that facilitate an individual's The unhealthy belief in an individual that everyone else lacks the
conscious experience is referred to as stream of consciousness. capacity to successfully perform any task except oneself is referred to
as superman complex.
The trait of willingly yielding to the will of another person or a Syllogism
superior force is referred to as submissiveness. In psychology, syllogism is the deductive reasoning wherein the
conclusion is derived from two premises.
SUDS (Subjective Units of Disturbance Scale or a Subjective Units of Sylvia Plath Effect
The term Sylvia Plath effect refers to the theory which states that environment with systems thinking, thus enhancing a person's
creative writers are more susceptible to mental illness. problem solving capabilities.

Symbolic Violence Talking Cure

Violence including actions having discriminatory or injurious Talking cure or talking therapy is a therapy used in psychiatry to
implications, for instance gender dominance or racism, is referred to relieve the subject from the hysterical symptoms referred to as
as symbolic violence. somatoform disorders.

Syndrome Tarantism
An association of several clinically recognizable features, signs, Tarantism is a nervous disorder, characterized by an intense urge to
symptoms, phenomena or characteristics that occurs together is dance, which is most often attributed to bite of the tarantula species
referred to as syndrome. of spider.

Systematic Desensitization Telepathy

Systematic desensitization is a type of behavioral therapy which helps Telepathy means transfer of information on thoughts or feelings from
the subject to effectively overcome various phobias and anxiety one mind to another without the use sensory perceptions.
Systems Psychology Temperament, in psychology, is the inborn component of an
In this branch of applied psychology, the study of human behavior individual's personality.
with respect to complex systems is conducted. Systems psychology
which is based on the works of Roger Barker, Humberto Maturana Tension Myositis
and Gregory Bateson is inspired by systems thinking and systems It is a condition in which the patient exhibits psychosomatic
theory. musculoskeletal and nerve symptoms. The term tension myositis was
coined by Dr. John E. Sarno and it is also characterized by back pain.
Systems Intelligence
The human action that connects sensitivity pertaining to systemic Ternus Illusion
An illusion of visual perception regarding apparent motion in humans The theory of mind is a theory that stresses on the individual's ability
is referred to as ternus illusion. to understand that other people also have beliefs, desires and
intentions which may be different from his own.
Thematic Apperception Test
A projective personality test wherein the subject is given a series of Theory of Multiple Intelligences
pictures depicting various scenes which are ambiguous enough to The theory of multiple intelligences is a theory in psychology which
trigger a variety of interpretations, but still push the subject in a defines the concept of intelligence and addresses whether methods
particular direction making him associate with a certain thing or which claim to measure intelligence are truly scientific or not.
Theoretical Psychology A mental process which allows human beings to model the
An interdisciplinary field in psychology which is concerned with surroundings, and deal with the situation according to their goals,
theoretical and philosophical aspects of psychology, which involves plans and desires.
psychologists specializing in different fields in psychology, ranging
from clinical to critical psychology. Thought Broadcasting
A delusion which makes the person feel that he has the ability of
Theory of Cognitive Development inserting thoughts into another person's minds, or that others can
A theory developed by Jean Piaget, according to which there are four perceive his thoughts is known as thought broadcasting.
different stages of mental representation which a child passes
through on his way to an adult level of intelligence. Thought Disorder
In psychology, the term thought disorder is used to describe a pattern
Theory of Deadly Initials of disordered language use which is assumed to be related to
An hypothesis which suggests that there is a strong link between the disordered thinking.
lifespan of human males and their initials is known as the theory of
deadly initials. Thought Field Therapy
The thought field therapy is an innovative therapy used as a
Theory of Mind component of psychotherapy to solve psychological problems
developed out of extensive knowledge about the energy system of The illusion that exploits the sense of touch, which is one of the five
the body. senses humans depend on, is known as touch illusion.

Thought Insertion Traffic Psychology

In psychology, the delusion which makes the person feel that Traffic psychology is a behavioral study of road users and the
thoughts are being inserted into his mind by another person is psychological processes that form the base of this behavior.
referred to as thought insertion.
Thought Withdrawal Transduction is the process of transforming one form of energy into
In psychology, the delusion which makes a person feel that thoughts another.
have been 'taken out' of his mind is referred to as thought
withdrawal. Transfer of Training
The process wherein knowledge or abilities acquired in a specific area
Thousand-yard Stare are used to solve problems or acquire knowledge in other areas.
The term thousand yard stare is used to describe the unfocused gaze,
a characteristic combat stress reaction, of a battle-weary soldier. Transference
In psychoanalysis, transference is the process of passing emotions
Token Economy from one person to another.
Token economy is a form of behavior therapy in which patients are
rewarded with tokens, for good behavior, which may be cashed in for Transference Neurosis
rewards later. A term introduced by Sigmund Freud which describes a new form of
the analysand's infantile neurosis that is observed during the
Tolerance psychoanalytic process.
Tolerance is the ability of a person to tolerate various beliefs or
practices which are followed by fellow human beings. Transpersonal Experience
A transcendent experience characterized by an intense shift in
Touch Illusions consciousness, while experiencing the feeling of being one infinite or
unbroken life. Type A and Type B Personality Theory
The Type A and Type B personality theory is a personality type theory
Transpersonal Psychology comprising description of various behavior patterns which were
A distinct school of psychology that stresses on the study of previously considered to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease.
transpersonal or spiritual aspects related to human experience.
Unconditional Positive Regard
Transvestic Fetishism In psychology, the term unconditional positive regard refers to a
Transvestic fetishism is defined as a person's sexual or erotic interest broad acceptance and support of an individual irrespective of what
in cross-dressing. the individual says or does.

Transvestism Unconscious Mind

Transvestism is the practice of acquiring the sexual role or adopting Unconscious mind is a part of the mind that triggers a collection of
the clothes and the behavior of a person of opposite sex. thoughts which inhibit our mind without us being aware of them.

Trauma Undifferentiated Schizophrenia

In psychiatry, the term trauma is used to refer to emotional shock Undifferentiated schizophrenia is a schizophrenic condition wherein
often characterized by long-lasting effects. the patient does show psychotic symptoms, but without meeting the
criteria for paranoid or catatonic types.
Tree of Knowledge (ToK) System
In psychology, Gregg Henriques' Tree of Knowledge (ToK) System is Universal Law of Generalization
a theoretical approach introduced for the unification of subject. It's a law in psychology which states that the probability of the
response to one stimulus will be generalized to another.
Trust Metric
Trust metric is a tool in psychology that is used to measure how much Universalization
a particular member of a group is trusted by the other members. Universalization is a tool of supportive intervention used by various
therapists in order to reassure or encourage their patients.
Valence Vision-logic
The term valence is used to refer to the positive or negative Vision-logic is post-formal, but personal level of cognitive
emotional charge of a particular event, object or situation. development mentioned by Ken Wilber in his integral theory.

Value Visual Hallucination

Evaluation which reveals more about nature, quality, abilities of a Visual hallucination is a visual perception which is triggered in a
particular person than what is really known. conscious state in the absence of any possible source of external
Value Theory
A theory in psychology, that states how people value various things Visual Learning
and concepts, the reasons they utilize for this evaluation, and the Visual learning is a process of learning, wherein the ideas, concepts
scope of applications of various legitimate evaluations across the as well as the data are presented in the form of images and
society. techniques.

Vegetotherapy Visual Perception

Vegetotherapy is a form of psychotherapy which involves the physical Visual perception is the ability of the brain to interpret the images
manifestations of various emotions. seen through eyes, to eventually make sense of what is being seen.

Vertical thinking Visual Thinking

Vertical thinking is a distinct approach towards problem solving using Visual thinking is the process of thinking by processing the
selective, analytical and sequential methods. information visually, instead of processing it linguistically or verbally.

Vigilance Volition
Vigilance is an act of watching or anticipating something happen; to Volition is one of the three primary human psychological faculties,
be watching out for danger to be precise. which stresses on the study of will, choice and decision.
Voodoo Death
Voodoo death is a common term used in stress literature, that is used Weapon Focus
to refer to the phenomena of being literally scared to death. Weapon focus is a factor affecting the reliability of the testimony of
an eyewitness, because the attention of the witness, present at the
Voyeurism crime scene, is focused on the weapon the criminal is holding, which
Voyeurism is an act of perversion which helps an individual to obtain makes him ignore other aspects of the crime scene and eventually
sexual gratification by seeing the genital organs of others or watching leads to memory impairments when he tries to recollect the crime
them indulging in a sexual act. scene details.

Vulnerability Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children

An individuals susceptibility to physical or emotional injury or attack is The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) is a general
known as vulnerability. intelligence test, that can be completed without reading or writing,
designed for children in the age groups of 6 to 16.
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, abbreviated as WAIS, is a general Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence
intelligence test which was first released in 1955 as a revision of the It is an intelligence test developed by David Wechsler in the year
Wechsler-Bellevue test that was released in 1939. 1967. It is used to test children between the age group 2 years, 6
months and 7 years, 3 months.
A recurring phase in the life of all the organisms, characterized by Wernicke's Aphasia
consciousness, wherein various behaviors necessary for survival are Wernicke's aphasia is the inability to communicate verbally owing to
executed. impairment of receptive abilities.

Waxy Flexibility White Bear Principle

Waxy flexibility is a psycho-motor symptom of catatonic schizophrenia White Bear Principle, also referred to as Ironic processing, is a
which is characterized by decreased response to external stimuli, due psychological process wherein an individual is frequented by certain
to which the individual remains in immobile posture. thoughts when he deliberately attempts to suppress or avoid.
Womb Envy Zero-defects Mentality
In psychology, the term womb envy is used to refer to the alleged Zero-defects mentality is a state which is when a command-and-
unconscious, unexpressed desire of a man to possess a womb. control structure stops tolerating mistakes.

Word Salad
Word salad, also known as schizophasia, refers the utterance of a
jumble of meaningless words and phrases by an individual.

Working Memory
Working memory is the ability of an individual to hold a small amount
of material in memory for a short period of time, while he
simultaneously processes the same or any other material.

Working Through
Working through is a process of repeating, elaborating and amplifying
various interpretations in psycho-dynamic psychotherapy.

Yerkes-Dodson Law
The Yerkes-Dodson law is a relationship between arousal and
performance which was derived from experiment and observation by
psychologists, Robert M. Yerkes and John Dillingham Dodson.

Zener Cards
Zener cards is a set of twenty-five cards, each featuring one of the
five symbols, used by experts to test claims like extra sensory

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