Psych Glossary
Psych Glossary
Psych Glossary
Amnesia Analogy
It is the term used for memory loss or the disturbance in the memory. A cognitive process employed to transfer information from the source
The causes of memory loss could range from trauma and brain injury or analog subject to the target subject is termed as analogy. A
to the use of sedative drugs. The psychological factors like the linguistic expression that corresponds to process of information
defense mechanisms are the functional cause of amnesia. One of the transference is the result of this cognitive process. The role of
examples of such kind of amnesia is hysterical post-traumatic analogy is considered to be important in the areas like problem
amnesia. The transient global amnesia which is commonly observed solving, perception, decision making, memory, explanation, emotion
in middle-aged people is spontaneous in nature. and communication.
Amok Analysand
The term amok is derived from the Filipino word amuk, which means The activity of studying the psychological behavior and functioning of
'mad with rage'. The term is commonly used in context of 'running human beings is carried out under the term, analysand. Analysand,
amok' or to simply to describe a violent or wild behavior. A person which is also known as psychoanalysis, could be used in the
who runs amok, or goes out of control, tends to injure or kill others. investigation of the mind, as a method of treatment for emotional or
psychological illnesses and in the form of set of systematized theories
Anal-retentive of human behavior.
The term anal-retentive is used to describe a type of personality or
behavior in which a person is obsessed with or gives extra importance Analytical Psychology
to the details. It is a branch of psychology, proposed by a psychiatrist from
Switzerland, Carl Jung. Analytical psychology is thus, also known as
Anal Stage Jungian psychology. Apprehension and integration of the underlying
The anal stage is the phase in the life of a child between 1 to 2 years motivations and deep forces of human behavior is the prime objective
of age. This phase of the child's life is associated with toilet training. of practicing analytical psychology. The study of accumulative
The successful completion of this stage depends on the interaction of phenomenology in relation to the significance of folklore, dreams and
mythology helps in achieving the objective. lack of judgment. Anti-social behavior of an individual might cause
damage to the property of others. Such kind of behavior is the
Analytical Psychodrama manifestation of the anti-social personality disorder.
It is a kind of psychotherapy which makes use of three activities or
concepts i.e. role playing, observation of mental activities and using Anticathexis
of transfer for the purpose of treatment. The energy derived by an individual from the superego in order to run
the ego is termed as anticathexis.
The tendency of the human mind to make use of just one piece of Anticipation
information or trait in order to make decisions is termed as anchoring. An emotion that involves the feeling of pleasure or anxiety with
regards to an unexpected event is called anticipation. Depending on
Anhedonia the event, emotions could either be positive or those associated with
A state in which a person is unable to derive pleasure from day-to- irritation. As per the psycho-evolutionary theory of Robert Plutchik,
day activities like exercise, eating, social interaction, etc. is called anticipation is considered to be one of the eight emotions that are
anhedonia. basic in nature.
Emotional Intelligence
Factitious Disorders
It is the term used to describe the capacity or ability of individuals to
manage the emotions of one's self and people in general. A states or condition in which people try to exaggerate or feign the
symptoms of a disease are known as factitious disorders.
Emotional Reasoning
A cognitive error in which a person, when makes decision in the state
of nervousness or anxiousness, relies on the emotional reactions in
Faculty Psychology
determining a course of action.
According to faculty psychology, the human mind is defined as the
Experimental Psychology
collection or congregation of different faculties or modules which
The objective or prime aim of experimental psychology is to discover
the processes that lie beneath the cognition and behavior of perform the different tasks assigned to them.
individuals. The above mentioned objective is attained through
different means such as studying the emotions, motivating individuals
and understanding the social psychology. Family Therapy
It is a kind of psychotherapy which helps in nurturing the change and
development that takes place among family relationships. The
It is basically a personality test which is used in the measurement of
interactions that take place between family members have an impact
authoritarian personality. The letter 'F', included in the term stands
on their psychological health.
for the word 'fascism'. The different components of authoritarianism
like authoritarian aggression, conventionalism, authoritarian
submission, superstition, anti-intraception, cynicism, destructiveness,
The imaginative thoughts, desires or feelings of an individual that are
toughness, projectivity, etc. are measured with the help of F-scale.
far from reality or impossible altogether is known as fantasy. The
fantasies of different persons differ with their imagination power. The
Face Perception
fantasies could also be sexual in nature.
The process which enables a person (mind and brain) to recognize
and interpret a face is referred to as face perception.
It is a basic survival mechanism or emotional response to a threat or
Facial Expression
specific stimuli. The stimuli or threat may be that of pain or danger of
A form of nonverbal communication used by humans as well as
losing one's life. Fear is generally experienced by an individual with
respect to a particular worsening situation. Generalized Anxiety Disorder
A disorder which is characterized by uncontrollable, irrational and
Folk Psychology excessive worry with respect to daily life activities is termed as
It is the collection of constructs, assumptions and convictions which generalized anxiety disorder. The magnitude of worry experienced by
together make up a language used in daily life for the discussion of an individual with this disorder is in excess, if compared with the
human psychology. actual cause or problem.
Latah Mania
It is a condition in which an individual falls into a trance-like state The condition in which a person suffers from the problem of elevated
where he enacts physical and/or verbal automatisms and which mood, unusual thought patterns and psychosis is termed as mania.
altogether results from a startle reflex.
Latent Learning It is the feeling of gratification experienced by an individual as a
It is a form of learning in which the knowledge is not expressed result of infliction of pain or humiliation upon himself.
immediately in an overt manner. The things that are learned by an
individual stay in the subconscious mind and might be expressed in Mass Hysteria
response to specific experiences or events. It is a sociopsychological phenomenon in which the manifestation of
similar symptoms of hysteria by one or more people takes place. The
Lateral Thinking most common form of mass hysteria is the one in which a group of
In this kind of thinking an individual takes a creative or indirect people believes that they are suffering from a disease.
approach towards problem solving, instead of going by the method of
following a step-by-step logic. Mathematical Psychology
It is one of the methods or approaches to the research in psychology
Legal Psychology which uses the mathematical modeling of cognitive, perceptual and
The psychological research that is carried out in an empirical manner motor processes. Read more on glossary of mathematical terms.
with respect to legal institutions, law and the people who come in
contact with law is termed as legal psychology. Read more Melancholia
on glossary of law terms. It is a mood disorder in which the patient suffers from low levels of
eagerness and enthusiasm in performing activities of day-to-day life.
It is one of the psychotherapies which focuses on finding the meaning Mental Block
in one's life rather than emphasizing on the doctrine of 'will to It is a condition in which a person is unable to continue his thought
process or the painful thoughts in his mind are repressed. Napoleon Complex
It is a kind of inferiority complex that is experienced by men with
Mental Retardation short stature. Men with this complex try to overcompensate their
In this disorder, the cognitive functioning gets impaired and the efforts in other aspects or areas of life for their short stature.
person suffers from deficits in adaptive behaviors.
Mental Health It is defined as the attribute or trait of personality which is
It is the term is used to indicate a condition of emotional and characterized with self-love and other such characteristics that are
cognitive well-being or the absence of any kind of mental disorder. associated with ego or self-image.
Mind Need
The mind could be defined as manifestation of the different aspects of It is defined as a necessary thing which helps the humans in leading a
consciousness and intellect in the form of various combinations of healthy life. Needs could be physical, objective and subjective.
perception, thoughts, emotions, memory, imagination and will.
It is a state of mind in which a person has a negative perception of
life and specifically the events that might happen in the future. then replicates or imitates the behavior that is executed by others is
termed as observational learning.
The psychologists who followed the basic principles posited by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Sigmond Freud but changed or altered them to some extent are It is a mental disorder in which an individual suffers from anxiety that
known as Neo-Freudians. results from various intrusive thoughts.
Operationalization Parapsychology
It is the process of defining a fuzzy concept in order to make it It is a field in which efforts are directed at finding out the existence
measurable in the form of variables that consist of specific and causes of various psychic abilities and the concept of 'life after
observations. death' with the help of scientific methods.
Rage Rehabilitation
A mental state in which an individual reaches the extreme position of The methods used to retrain the neural pathways in order to improve
the intensity spectrum of anger is termed as rage. or regain neurocognitive functioning which has been damaged by
traumatic injury or disease are termed as rehabilitation.
The commonality of perspective or the state in which a person is 'in Remorse
sync' or 'on the same wavelength' as that of the person with whom he It is an emotion of personal regret felt by an individual after
is communicating is termed as rapport. committing an act that is considered to be hurtful, shameful or
The cognitive process in which one seeks reasons for conclusions, Retrograde Amnesia
beliefs, feelings and actions is termed as reasoning. It is a form of amnesia in which the affected person is unable to recall
or retrieve the events which had occurred before the amnesia. Savant Syndrome
Savant syndrome is a disorder wherein a particular person with
Reverse Psychology diminished mental skill demonstrates extraordinary proficiency in one
It is a persuasion technique which involves falsely advocating the specific isolated skill.
beliefs and behaviors instead of what should actually be advocated.
Schema A
Rhetoric In psychology, schema is a mental structure representing some
It is one of the three ancient arts of discourse along with logic and aspects of the world.
grammar and is used in persuasion.
Schizoaffective Disorder
Sadism Schizoaffective disorder is a disorder characterized by the symptoms
The term sadism is used to refer to the enjoyment an individual of both, a major mood disorder and schizophrenia. Read more
derives by inflicting pain on others. on schizoaffective disorder.
Syndrome Tarantism
An association of several clinically recognizable features, signs, Tarantism is a nervous disorder, characterized by an intense urge to
symptoms, phenomena or characteristics that occurs together is dance, which is most often attributed to bite of the tarantula species
referred to as syndrome. of spider.
Vigilance Volition
Vigilance is an act of watching or anticipating something happen; to Volition is one of the three primary human psychological faculties,
be watching out for danger to be precise. which stresses on the study of will, choice and decision.
Voodoo Death
Voodoo death is a common term used in stress literature, that is used Weapon Focus
to refer to the phenomena of being literally scared to death. Weapon focus is a factor affecting the reliability of the testimony of
an eyewitness, because the attention of the witness, present at the
Voyeurism crime scene, is focused on the weapon the criminal is holding, which
Voyeurism is an act of perversion which helps an individual to obtain makes him ignore other aspects of the crime scene and eventually
sexual gratification by seeing the genital organs of others or watching leads to memory impairments when he tries to recollect the crime
them indulging in a sexual act. scene details.
Word Salad
Word salad, also known as schizophasia, refers the utterance of a
jumble of meaningless words and phrases by an individual.
Working Memory
Working memory is the ability of an individual to hold a small amount
of material in memory for a short period of time, while he
simultaneously processes the same or any other material.
Working Through
Working through is a process of repeating, elaborating and amplifying
various interpretations in psycho-dynamic psychotherapy.
Yerkes-Dodson Law
The Yerkes-Dodson law is a relationship between arousal and
performance which was derived from experiment and observation by
psychologists, Robert M. Yerkes and John Dillingham Dodson.
Zener Cards
Zener cards is a set of twenty-five cards, each featuring one of the
five symbols, used by experts to test claims like extra sensory