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Some of the key definitions provided in the document include health, safety, welfare, environmental protection, incident, accident, near-miss, and dangerous occurrence. The document also provides the meanings of terms like hazard, risk, risk-assessment, health and safety culture, perception, and hierarchy of control.

The document mentions definitions for terms like health (state of wellbeing), safety (freedom from hazards and accidents), welfare (workplace facilities for comfort), and environmental protection (measures to prevent harm to the environment). It also defines terms like incident, accident, near-miss, dangerous occurrence, ill-health, hazard, risk, and risk-assessment.

The document states that a health and safety policy typically has three main sections and their purposes. It should also outline arrangements for health and safety and set targets. Circumstances that require review of the policy are also mentioned.


Important Definitions


"Absence of danger of physical harm"

The term safety is a condition which gives us freedom from hazards and
accidents. Which may be ca use to damage to loss of property or personal
injury or death.



1. Health:"A State of wellbeing"

The term health has been defined as a state of well being. It includes well
being in a physiological and psychological. In occupational terms this
would include not suffering from noise. Induced deafness/ mental fatigue
or stress.
2 . Safety:-


Date: 15/9/2013

3. Welfare: " Facilities for workplace comfort"

The term "welfare" re lates to the provision of workplace facilities that
maintain the basic wellbeing & comfort of the worker. Such as eating/
washing/ toilet 1 facilities and first aid.
4. Environm e ntal Protection:A measure used to prevent harm to the environment of the world.
The term en_v ironment protectio n relates to measures that are specifically
focused on maintaining the general environment of the world. As such it
focuses on such things as protection of plant lifer animals 1 water1 and land
and air quality.

5. I ncide nt :The term incident has been defined as a unexpected or unplanned event
which could have led to an accident.
6. Accid e nt:The term accident has been defined as an unexpected or unplanned eve nt
that caused serious or minor injury to m en 1 machin e/ and medium.
7. Near-Miss: "An accident that result in no apparent loss"
The term near-miss refers to an event which did not res ult in personal
injury or damage of property.
8. Dangerous Occurrence:An accident not resu lting in personal injury or property damage or with
potential to cause an injury or damage to the equipment's.

Important Defi nitions

9 . 111-Health:The te rm refers to harm to a workers' health caused by their work and will
include harm to health in physiological or psychologica l way.

10. Hazard :"Something that has the pote ntial to ca use harm (loss) ."
"Sou rce or situation with a potential for harm in t erms of injury or ill
health, damage to property."


1 1 . Risk:"The like lihood of a given loss occurring in defined circumstances."

"The combi nation of the likelihood and conseqwences of a specified
hazardous event occurring ."
12. Risk- assessment: Process of evaluating the risk, arising from hazard . Taking into account
the adequacy of any ex isting co ntrols and deciding whether or not the risk
is acceptable.
13. Audit: Systematic indepe nd ent and documented process for obta ining "audit
ev idence" and evaluating it objectively to det ermine the ext ent to which
"Audit Criteria" are fulfilled .


14 . Health & Safety Culture: Hea lth & Safety Cu lt ure is defined as the characteristic shared attitudes,
va lues, belief, and practise of people at work co ncerning not only the
magnitude of ri sks that they encounter but also the necessit y pract ically &
effectiveness of preventive measures.
15. ' Perception '




Date: 15/9/2013

" Perception is the way that a person v iews a situation and approach of
looking/see at things and situations".

'Hiera rchy of control'

" Hi erarchy of control is a preferred series of measures to control r isks in

order of priority starting with elimination and ending with discipline".

" Conf in ed space"

"Any place, incl ud ing any chamber, tank, vat, si lo, trench , pipe, sewer,
flue, we ll or similar place in which, by v irtue of its enclosed nature, there
arises a reasonably foreseeable specified risk. "

' Permit to w o rk' ?

" I t is a fo rmal documented planned procedu re desig ned to control high

ri sk activities and to protect personnel engaged in carrying t hem out"

Element -1 HSMS
Question & Answers

Date: 15/9/2013

1. Givethe meaning of the following terms:

a) Health; (2)
"A State of wellbeing"
The term health has been defined as a state of wellbeing. It includes
wellbeing in a physiological and psychological. In occupational terms this
would include not suffering from noise. Induced deafness, mental fatigue or

b) Safety; (2)
"Absence of danger of physical harm"
The term safety is a condition which gives us freedom from hazards and
accidents. Which may be cause to damage to loss of property or personal
injury or death.

c) Welfare; (2)
"Facilities for workplace comfort"
The t erm "welfare" relates to the provision of workplace faci lities that
maintain the basic wellbeing & comfort of the worker. Such as eating,
washing, toil et, facilities and first aid.

d) Environmental protection; (2)


A measure used to prevent harm to the environment of the world.

The term environment protection relates to m easures that are specifically
focused on maintaining the general environment of the world. As such it
focu ses on such things as protection of plant life, animals, water, and land
and air quality.

Outline reasons f or promoting and ma intaining good standards of

health and safety in the workplace. ( 8)

Th ere are clear, pressing reasons why business should effectively manage health
and safety ,
Three good reasons for preventing accidents in the workplace;

Element - 1 HSMS
Question & Answers

Date : 15/9/2013

Moral I Humanitarian Reasons

Our lives depend on what we do at work, we all have a moral obligation not to
cause harm to oth ers, employers has a moral obligation towards their employees
and others to prevent Injuries which result in great deal of pain and suffering.

Social I Legal Reasons

To avoid prosecution, The style of criminal and civil law now demands active
management of risks, not just compliance with prescribed standards, It is a specific
legal requirement to safeguard the health and safety of workers and others, Risk
management is the cornerstone of modern health and safety law

Economic I Financial Reasons

Accidents at work cost a great deal of money, Interrupt production & business
disruption, Medical treatment & compensations

3. A serious accident has occurred to a worker and there will be costs to

the organization as a result.
a. Identify FOUR costs which are likely to be insured. (4)
In identifying costs that are likely to be insured following an accident to a worker,


Compensation to the injured worker;

Medical and legal costs;
Costs arising from damage to plant, buildings, tools and equipment;
Third party costs .

b. Identify FOUR costs which are likely to be uninsured. ( 4)

Costs that are likely to be uninsured include;

Production delays or lost production,

Damage to materials and products;
Time involved in the investigation of the accident;
Loss of expertise or ex perience;
Hiring and training replacem ent staff;
Loss of goodwill and reputation;
Clean-up costs and possible fines and legal costs.

Element -1 HSMS
Question & Answers

Date: 15/9/2013

4. Outline reasons why it is important that an organization maintains

employer's liability insurance. (2)
It is important that an organization maintains employers' liability insurance because
it may be legal requirement and/or that of a contract, client or customer and apart
from promoting the morale of the workforce by giving them a feeling of security
from a financial point of view, it covers any compensation and legal costs that may
be awarded against the organization following an accident.
Reference to a legal obligation was rare with many identifying only that the
insurance enabled workers to receive compensation in the event of an accident.

( )

5. A serious accident has occurred to a worker and there will be costs to

the organization as a result.
i. Identify FOUR direct costs to the organization. (4)
ii. Identify FOUR indirect costs to the organization. ( 4)
Direct Costs:~

Lost time of injured worker or death

Damage to the equipment, tools 1 property, plant or materials
Medical or first aid cost
Insurance & compensation

Indirect Costs:~




Lost time by other workers (who stop work or reduce performance)

Loss of production due to accident
Accidents investigation.
Court costs.
Penalties & fines
Recruiting new employs & the trained them .
Preparing accident reports, attending hearings, inquests courts.
Poor morale for other employees
Decrease the reputation of company.
An increase in insurance premiums.

Element -1 HSMS
Question & Answers

\/I,{ 6.

Date : 15/ 9/2 013

a.) Outline the main health and safety responsibilities of an employer.


)' Safe wo rkp lace or safe working environment,

);:> Provide safe tools and equipment's,
);:> Provide safe plant and m ach inery,
);:> Provide safe system of work,
);:> Provide adequate trainings to all level of employees,
);:> Provide appropriate emergency procedures,
);:> Provision of adequate we lfare, (toilet, washroom, rest room, food facilities)
);:> Medical and first aid facil ities.
);:> Adequate levels of supervision, information, instruction


~\b.) Outline the health and safety responsibilities of workers. (8)



Taking reasonable care of themselves and other people, such as co- workers.
Co-operating with their employer,
Reporting of any accidents and incident,
Follow all ru les and regulation of workplace,

c) Iden't ify actions an enforcement authority might take if it finds that an

employer is not fulfilling its responsibilities. (2)

Issuing a notice to require work t o cease or shut down the site,

Giving advice or an informal warning,
Prosecution .

Element -2 HSMS-Policy
Question & Answers

Date: 27/8/2013

1. Outline why it is important that all persons in an organization are aware of their
roles and responsibilities for health and safety. (8)
2. Outline the purpose of an organization's health and safety policy . (6)
3. Identify the three main sections of an organization's hea lth and safety policy and
outline the purpose of EACH. (6)
4. Outline the typical content of the health and safety arrangements section of a
health and safety policy. (8)

5. Outline circumstances that would require a health and safety policy to be

reviewed. (6)
6 . Give reasons why the health and safety policy shou ld be signed by the most
senior person in an organization, such as a Managing Director or Chief Executive
Officer. (2)
7 . Outline the various methods for communicating the contents of health & safety
policy to workforce? (6)
8. Outl ine the factors that may indicate that health & safety standards within an
organization do not reflect the objectives within the statement of intent. (Not
implement HS policy) or
Outline the reasons Why H&S Policies become Ineffective? (6)
9 . Outline the Key Element or Component of a hea lth & safety management

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Element -2 HSMS-Policy
Question & Answers

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1. Outline why it is important that all persons in an organization are aware

of their roles and responsibilities for health and safety. (8)
It is very important to defining individual roles and responsibilities for health and
safety so that all persons in the organization will be aware of the contributi~n they
have to make.
It wi ll also be seen as an indication of the commitment and leadership of senior
management in recognizing that health and safety is a core function of every job
and must be given some priority.
There will be added benefits in setting clear communication and reporting lines, in
defining individual competencies and training needs particularly for specific roles
such as first aid and fire and in securing improvements in the safety culture of the


2. Outline the purpose of an organization's health and safety policy. (6)

The purposes of an organizations health and safety policy are;

~ To
~ To
~ To
~ To
~ To

improve health and safety performance,

meet the legal requirements,
provide direction and establish health and safety management systems,
demonstrate organization commitment,
fulfi ll standard and certification agency requirements,
set up a business plan and allocate arrangements.

3. Identify the three main sections of an organization's health and safety

policy and outline the purpose of EACH. (6)
1- Statement of intent - WHAT is to be done?

A statement of intent demonstrates an organizations commitment to, & set

organizational objectives, quantifiable targets, & benchmarking for health &
It is inspirat ional in tone. It is signed by the most senior person in the company,
i.e. the owner, MD or CEO; It recognizes the roles played by those at all levels
within the organization.

Ex : Zero accidents, Zero fire, and healthy working environment, .

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Element -2 HSMS- Policy
Question & Answers

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2- Organization - WHO is responsible?

The organization section identifies the allocation of role & responsibilities for all
levels of management. Top to bottom & it has proper channels of
communication within the organization.
Ex: Training, compliance monitoring, competent persons and accident
reporting etc.

3- Arrangements- HOW it is to be achieved

The arrangements section deals the practical means for achieving the objective
laid down in the policy statement.

"\ 4. Outline the typical content of the health and safety arrangements
'1:)section of a health and safety policy. (8}
The arrangements section deals the practical means for achieving the objective laid
down in the policy statement.
General arrangements as

Allocation of finance for H&S,

Planning procedure of work
Planning and Control of Hazards - risk assessments,
Organizing PPE's,
Welfare facilities (Drinking water, toilets, restroom)
Communication and Consultation procedures,
Competence (trained & knowledgeable persons)
Accident & hazard reporting (investigation procedures)
Monitoring compliance.
Emergency procedure (Fire & accidents)

Specific arrangements such as

Fire and Maintenance works,
Manual Handling,
Stress and Work at height, etc.

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Element -2 HSMS-Policy
Question & Answers



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5. Outline circumstances that would require a health and safety policy to

be reviewed. (6)

A significant changes in the structure of the organization;

~ After the introduction of new or changed processes or technology or a
change in working arrangements;
~ Following changes in key personne l or a change of premises;
~ After new or amended requirements of relevant legislation;
~ Where audits, risk assessments, monitoring exercises or investigations show
that the policy is no longer effective or relevant;
~ Following enforcement action; as a result of consultation w ith the workforce;
~ After a sufficient period of time has elapsed since the previous review to
suggest that another one is due.

6. Give reasons why the health and safety policy should be signed by the
most senior person in an organization, such as a Managing Director or
Chief Executive Officer. (2)

The signature of the most senior person in the organization would

demonstrate management commitment.
Give authority to the policy adding also that the person concerned u lt imately
had responsibi lity for health and safety in the organization.

7. Outline the various methods for communicating the contents of health &
safety policy to workforce?



Giving policy copy or summary of it to all employees.

Displaying the policy on notice - boards.
Explaining the content of the policy at the time of induction or refr esher
training courses, or tool-box talks to all workforces.
Referring to the policy in internal newsletters, book lets, emails & internet
Download the policy on company website.
Making the policy an agenda item at meeting of the healt h & safety
committee .
Inserts in wage slips.
Using newsletters .

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Element -2 HSMS- Policy
Question & Answers

Date: 27/8/ 2013

8. Outline the factors that may indicate that health & safety standards
w ithin an organization do not reflect the objectives within the statement of
intent. (Not implement HS policy) or
Outline the reasons Why H&S Policies become Ineffective?
There are number of factors that wi ll indicate that the actual H & S standards do
not accurately reflect in the organization.
These includes:);> A failure to communicate the policy to all employees so that they are
unaware of the objectives that have been set.
);> A lack of management commitment & a lack of investment in health &
);> A poor overall safety culture within the organization with production taking
precedence over safety issues.
);> High accident, incident and ill health rates .
);> H&S not given top priority.
);> Lack of performance measurement.
);> Lack of awareness.
);> Lack of training .

"1~1 9 . Outline the Key Element or Component of a health & safety management

Th e ILO-Guidelines on occupational safety & health management system follows a

structure that uses the fo llowing key elements.

1- Setting Policy:
To show commitment of management to health safety & to set clear aims
and objectives.
2- Organizing:
There should be a framework of roles & responsibilities for health & safety
allocation to individuals throughout th e organization from senior
management to shop floor.

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Element -2 HSMS-Policy
Question & Answers

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3- Planning & Implementation:

This refers to:
~ The detailed specification of health & safety standards to be applied in
al l areas & aspects of work.
~ The measures needed to ensure standard app lied. Important is risk
assessment & devising safe system of work .
4- Evaluation:
Evaluation by the use of inspection & observation, surveys, safety tours
while accident in vestigation.

5- Audit :
This refers to co llecting information on the efficiency, effectiveness &
reliabi lity of the tota l safety system in the organization .
6- Action for im provement :
Commitment to continuous improvement involves the constant development
of policies, approaches to implementation and techniques of risk cont rol.

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Element -3 HSMS - Organizing
Question & Answers

Date : 28/8/2013

1. Outli ne factors that should be considered when assessing the hea lth and safety
competence of a contractor. (8)
2. Contractors are carrying out a major building project fo r an organization:
Outline how the organization could reduce the risks to Contractors before the project
starts and during the project. (8)
3. Two organ izations share the same worksite.
Outline how the organizati ons cou ld work together to help ensure the workplace is safe
and healthy . (8)

4. Outline ways in which the health and safety culture of an organization might be
improved . (8)
5. There has been a significant deterioration in the health and safety cu ltu re of an
organization .
a) Give the meaning of the term "health and safety culture" (2)
b) Identify factors that cou ld have contributed to th e deterioration of the health and
safety culture within the organization . (6)
6. Outline ways in which an organization cou ld encourage workers to be involved in
setting and maintaining high standards of hea lth and safety. (8)
7 . a) Give the meaning of the term 'perception ' (2)

b) Identify ways in which workers perceptions of hazards in the workplace might be

improve d. (6)
8. Identify factors relating to the indi vidual which increase the risk to them while at
work. (8)
9 . Give reasons why it is important to use a variety of methods to communicate
health and safety information in the workplace . (8)
10. An organization needs to review its provision of health and safety training for its
a.) Identify factors that should be considered when developing a program of hea lth
and safety tra in ing. (8)

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Element -3 HSMS -Organizing
Question & Answers

Date: 28/8/2013

b.) Identify measures that might be used to assess t he effectiveness of health and
safety t raining. (4)
11. Outline the main H & S issues to be included in an ind uction training program for
12. Outline reasons why an employee m ight require additional health & safety training
at a later stage of employment within an organ ization.
a.) Identify FOUR types of health and safety information that could be displayed on a
notice board within a wo rkpla ce. ( 4)

b .) Identify how t he effectiveness of notice boards as a method of commun icating

health and safety information can be increased . ( 4)

a. Identify FOUR types of emergency that wou ld require an organization to have an
emergency procedure. ( 4)
b. Out line why it is import ant to develop emergency procedures in the workplace. (5)
c. Outl ine why visitors to a workplace should be informed of an organization's
emergency procedures. ( 4)

a) Identify TWO main purposes of first -aid treatment. (2)

b) Outline factors to be considered when carrying out an assessment of first aid

requirement s in a workplace. (6)

,_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ P_a_g_e _z _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____.

Element -3 HSMS -Organizing
Question & Answers

1. Outline factors that should be considered when assessing the health and


safety competence of a contractor. (8)

The following are the assessing criteria of a contractor health and safety competence:




~ 2.




Date : 28/8/2013

1) Identification of suitable bidders (proof preferred list)

Insurance details
Status & depth of implementation of HS policy.
Health and Safety Management System
Status of the competent person . (key workforces)
Details of prosecution (purchasing)
Details of enforcement notices. (civil notes)
References for previous clients .
2) Identification of hazards with the specification (hazard identification & risk
Assessment Register)
3) Checking of (HS aspects of) Bides & se lection of contractors.
4) Contractor's agreement to be subject to client rules.
5) Management of the contractor on site.
6) Checking after co mpletion of contract.
7) Achievements :Adopting a strategy similar to th at outlined above ensures that the employer
has taken steps to plan, organise, control, monitor & r eview th eir
arrangements for managing health & safety.
8) Accid ent & incident details.

Contractors are carrying out a major building project for an organization:

Outline how the organization could reduce the risks to Contractors before the
project starts and during the project. (8)

The organization could reduce the risks to contractors before the project starts and
during th e proj ect by;
)> Identifying all potential haza rds and risks,
)> Appropriate co ntrol measures agreed and impl emented,
)> Communi cation and training to contractors,
)> Implementation of Safe Syst em s of Work i.e. permits,
)> Provid e safe place of work.
)> Regular monitoring and co mpetent supervision,
)> Em ergency procedures and preparedness,
)> Reporting of un saf e acts, conditions and incidents and timely closeout of the
iss ues, conduct regular safety meetin gs, arrangement and availability of suitable
and suff icient PPE .

_ __ __ _ __



Element -3 HSMS -Organizing
Question & Answers

Date : 28/8/2013

3. Two organizations share the same worksite.

Outline how the organizations could work together to help ensure the
workplace is safe and healthy. (8)
The organizations could work together to help ensure the workp lace is safe and healthy
by following things :




Defining clear roles and responsibilities.

Consultation of relevant legal prov isions fo r 'common areas'.
Share information of the each ones scope and activities,
Communication of hazards, risks and control measures,
Emerg ency procedures and preparedness,
Agree and provide first aid facilities,
Regular employee t r aining,
Convene structured safety meetings.

4. Outline ways in which the health and safety culture of an organization

might be improved. (8)
Developing and promoting a positive safety cu lture is an important aspect of health
and safet y management. A safety cu lture is an intangible thing, wh ich has tangib le
manifestations. These manifestations can be measured.




Effective comm unication

Lea dership and commitment
Equal priority to all employee
Incident (accident investigation)
Consultation .
Avoid blame culture
Set rea li stic achievab le targets and rules
Policy should be clear and it should distributed
Safe work place and environment
Educate PPE
Safety tours
Information and tra in ing
Safety campa ign s
Rewards and promotions .

Element - 3 HSMS - Organizing
Question & Answers

Date : 28/8/2013

5. There has been a significant deterioration in the health and safety cu lture
of an organization.

Give the meaning of the term "health and safety culture" (2)

7 Health and Safety Culture can define as:



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J , '\.:,

OVle. I~ Lol)CUUU

"The Safety Culture of an organization is the product of individual & group va lues,
attitud es, perceptions, competencies and patterns of behavior that determine the
commitment to, and the style and proficiency of an organizations health & safety
management" .

b) Identify factors that could have contributed to the deterioration of the

health and safety culture within the organization. (6)



No Organizational objectives.
Management decision-making.
Lack of management commitment and leadership
Organizational change.
Lack of monitoring or a failure to implement remedial action.
Lack of consultation & employee involvement.
Lack of procedures or irrelevant
Blaming individuals
Influence of peers
A high staff turnover.
External influences such as downturn in economy.

6. Outline ways in which an organization could e ncourage workers to be

involved in setting and maintaining high standards of health and safety. (8)
Ways in which an organization could encourage workers to be involved in setting and
Maintaining high standards of health and safety by ;




Co - operation.
Providing an effective communication,
Leadership & commitment,
Equal priority,
Accident investigation ,

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Element -3 HSMS -Organizing
Question & Answers

Date: 28/8/2013

Compliance with organization policy,

Objectives and procedures,
Compliance with legal requirements,
Awards and appreciation programs .

7. a) Give the meaning of the term 'perception' (2)

"Perception is the way that a person views a situation and approach of looking/see at
things and situations".

b) Identify ways in which workers perceptions of haz ards in the workplace

might be improved. (6)

Workers perception of hazard might be improve by following things:


Increasing awareness of hazards

Involving employees in risk assessment process
Increasing knowledge e.g. training
Identifying reasons for misperceptions
Addressing environmental factors
Information, Instruction, Tra ining
Mock Drills
Strong warnings
Reinforcing stimulus
Better environments

8. I dent ify factors relating to the individua l which increase t he r isk t o them
while at work. (8)

Individual Factors : Individual Differences i.e. Physical and Mental

Physical issues such as gender, age, build, health, capabil ity & strength etc.
Mental issues i.e. Attitude, Aptitude, Motivation and Perception
Lack of ski ll, training and lack of experience
Fatigue, Boredom, Distractions and monotonous works
Family and peers influences
Geographical factor (culture, location)
Occupational factors . Training & retraining.

9 . Give reasons w hy it is im portant to use a variety of methods to

communicate health and safety information in the workplace. (8)

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Element -3 HSMS -O rganizing
Question & Answers

Date: 28/8/2013

Any sort of information that needs to be communicated in different methods such as:);>



People respond differently to different stimuli & that variety prevents over
familiarisation with one method & helps to reinforce a massage. Other reasons
that could have been cited.
The need to overcome language barriers. '
The need to motivate, stimulate, interest and gain involvement & feedback.
The acceptance that different types of information require different methods of
Work illiterate, less understands people.

10. An organization needs to review its provision of health and safety tra ining
for its workers.
a.) Identify factors that should be considered when developing a program of
health and safety training. (8)
In developing a programme of health and safety training there should be a
consideration in:





The responsibilities and

The type of work activities carried out.
The hazard & risks associated with those activities.
It should have been recognised in this content that a senior manager, for
instance, wi ll have different training needs with respect t o H & S from those of a
supervisor or a shop floor employee.
Need to make of employees existing knowledge taking into account their
previous ex perience.
The level & types of training already received.
The number of employees involved.
The type of training needed & the resources required to carry out th e program
The competence & expertise of in-house staff to provide the required t rain ing .
The possible need to involve external sources.
The means of communicating the program to all employees in order to seek
their commitment to.
Their views and feedback.

b.) Identify measures that m ight be used to assess the effectiveness of health
and safety training. ( 4)

Regular monitoring i.e . inspections and audits

Questionnaires, checkl ists and feedback forms
Accident and incident frequency rates Accident rates & sickness absences.

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Element - 3 HSMS -Organizing
Question & Answers

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Levels of compliance with la id-down procedure (such as the wearing PPE's)

Reporting of unsafe acts, con ditions, incidents and records
Compliance monitoring - policy, objectives and legal requirements
Suggestions from employers & conce rns H & S.


c.) Identify checks that could be made to help to assess whether a person is
competent. (4)
K - Knowledge
A- Ability
T- Tra ining
E - Experience
knowledge in a

On an appropriate qualification & train ing
Th e Skills.
Clear recognition of his limitati on
Experi ence & personal qualit ies to apply the
given situation

d.) Give reasons why it is important for an employer to keep a record of the
training provided to each worker. (4)


To ensure complia nce with legal requirements

To compliance with company and standard requirements
To eva luate training effectiveness
To provide proof of an employee expected level of competence.
To identify when additional or refresh or train ing might be needed.
To access the progress of the training programme aga inst targets.
To provid e evidence to be used in any future accidents investigation or lega l
action .

11. Outline the main H & 5 issues to be included in an induction training

program for employees?


Th e organ ization H & S policy.

Em ergency pro cedures.
Hazards specifi c to th e workp lace and th e need to comply wit h health & safet y
requirements .
Health safety responsibilities and lines of com mun ication .
Accidents and first aid arrang em ents.
We lfare provision.
Health surveillance and co nsultation procedure.
Culture of organisation
Fire preca ut ions
Emergency procedure
How to report hazards & accidents of the workplace

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Element - 3 HSMS -Organizing
Question & Answers

Date : 28/8/2013

Drink and drugs policy

First aid precautions

12. Outline reasons why an employee might require additional health & safety
training at a later stage of employment within an organization.



The induction of new processes, equipment & method of work.

As a result of job change or the allocation of additional responsibilities of H& S.
Following the introduction of new legislation.
Where risk assessment or staff appraisals indicate the additional tra ining is
Where refresher training required such as that required for fork-lift truck
operators & first aid personals.
Following accident & incident enforcement action or insurance impositions

~ 13.
~ a . ) Identify FOUR types of health and safety information that could be

displayed on a notice board within a workplace. (4)

HSE Policy and objectives
Safety alerts and bulletins
Safety awards and appreciations
LTis and accident graphs
Emergency contacts and layout plans
Specific Safety rules and regulations
Information reading H&S representative (e.g.: their names & contact details)
Forthcoming health & safety events including information as training courses
Identification of first aid arrangements & procedures for evacuation in the
event of fire.
H&S posters to current campaign being run by the employers or HSE dept.
A copy of the employer's liability insurance certificate.

Y~ b.) Identify how t he effectiveness of notice boards as a method of

communicating health a nd safety information can be increased. ( 4)
The ways of maximizing the effectiveness of notices board such as:
Ensuring they were located in a common & prominent area of the work place
(E.g.: staff room or canteen, assembly point.)
Dedicating the boards to health & safety matters.
Communication should be available to everyone.
Information could be displayed in different and appropriate la nguages

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Element -3 HSMS -Organizing
Question & Answers

Date: 28/8/2013

Ensuring the information displayed was relevant & current & kept up to date.
Displaying the information in a neat & orderly fashion.
Making the notice board eye-catching by the use of colours and graphics.




a. Identify FOUR types of emergency that would require an organization to

have an emergency procedure. ( 4)

Spillage of poisonous substances
Natural calamities i.e. earthquake & storm etc.
Arson and eternal violence
Poisoning exposure to pathogens

b. Outline why it is important to develop emergency procedures in the

workplace. (5)



It is important to develop and implement emergency procedures to quickly

control loss & minimise the consequences.
To comply with the legal requirement.
To assist in the reduction of casualties and property loss.
It is essential that everyone should know that, what action to take to prevent
To reduce the damage of the property and environment.


c. Outline why visitors to a workplace should be informed of an

..P organization's emergency procedures. ( 4)

Visitors to a workplace should be informed of an organization/s emergency procedures

to comply with regulations, familiarization of organizations emergency procedures,
protect visitors from work place hazards and risks, Safe evacuation.

a) Identify TW O mai n purposes of f irst-a id treatment. (2 )

Provide immediate assistance to cas ualties,

Protect victims and contro l the damage,
Summon and coordinate with emergency services,
Preserve life,
Preventing the condition from worsening,
Promote recove ry

-------------------------------- Page

Element -3 HSMS - Organizing
Question & Answers

Date: 28/ 8/ 2013


b) Outline factors to be considered when carrying out an assessment of first

aid requirements in a workplace. (6)
The factors to be considered when carrying out an assessment of f irst aid requ irements
in a workplace are:


Identifying different work activities,

Prev ious accident record
Role of first aiders,
Training of first aiders,
Selection of first aiders,
Number of first aiders,
Requirements of first aid boxes,
Coverage in relation to shift wo rk &
Geographica l location,
Shared facilities and arrangements .

-------------------------------- Page

. ,.

Element -4 HSMS- Planning
Question & Answers

Date : 21912013

1. (a) Outline, why it is important for an organization to set health and

safety targets.(2)

A target to aim for; therefore actions and efforts can be focused on attaining
the objectives instead of being di ve rted inefficiently.


Motivation, through structured progress and successful achievem ent in

meeting them.

(b) Identify health and safety targets that an organi zation could set. (6)



Zero accidents for the year

Reduce LTI's from the previous year - 75 %
Induction training to be done to all employees - 100%
Health surve illance to be done to all specific trade employees - 100%
Regu lar health and sa fety audits to be conducted - every quarter
Al l accid ents I incid ents I injuries I near - misses shou ld be reported an d
in vestigated - w ithin 48 hours
Periodic noise monitoring to be conducted - every quarter
Third party in spections to be done for all lifting tools and tackles - 6 months

2. a.) Using a workplace example Give the meaning of the term 'hazard'.
" Anyt hing that has the potenti al to ca use harm (loss) to persons, property, plant or
eq uipment ."
i. e. Slip , Trip , Fall, chemica ls, too ls and electricity etc.


,o /o...

b.) Using a work place exam ple Give t he mea ning of the term 'risk'. ( 3 )
"The likelihood and severity of a ha rm that may be realized by one or more
For exa mpl e working at height being a hazard at workp lace and peop le fa lling from
height and materia ls fa llin g from height may result in seve re inj uries.

c.) Outline reasons why young persons may be at a higher risk of injury in
a workplace. ( 4)

Lack of kn ow ledg e, experi ence or t raining;

Lack of awareness or perception of risk;
T he individual's stage of physica l developm ent co upled with immaturity
Lack of co nfide nce;

Element -4 HSMS- Planning
Question & Answers


Date : 2/9/2013

Underdeveloped communication skill;

Over enthusiasm; ( exifJR-VVte.>d)
Respond more readi ly to peer group influences.

l (){UicJ<I~ )

3 . With respect to undertaking general risk assessments on activities

within a workplace:
(a) Outline the key stages of the risk assessment process, and identify the
issues that would need to be considered at EACH stage. (10)




Identify th e hazards
Decide who might be harmed and how
Evaluate the risks and the existing precautions
Record the findings
Review the assessment and revise if necessary

(b) Explain the criteria which must be met for the risk assessment to be
'suitable and sufficient'. (4)



Risk assessments should be systematic, comp>rehensive and soph isticated .

Conducted by competent personnel & risk assessments should be appropriate
to the nature of the work.
Potential hazards and risks identified considering all types of activities i.e.
routine and non-routine .
Legal requirement with respect to risk assessment.
All groups considered who might be affected at the workplace
All appropriate controls are agreed to mitigate the risks ALARP
All findings are recorded and reviewed periodica lly
Legal requirement with respect to risk assessment.
Means available for communication the outcomes of the assessment.

(c) Outline factors that employer should take into account when selecting
individuals to assist in carrying out the req uired risk assessment. (6) or
Who should carry out the risk assessment for the new process?


Experience an d training in r isk assessment techniques

Know ledge of process or activity
Technica l know ledge of the plant or equipment
Good commun ication and report writing skills
Ability to interpret legislation and guidance
Possess right attitude

Element -4 HSMS- Planning
Question & Answers

Date: 2/9/2013

Knows limitations
Legal requirement with respect to risk assessment.

(d) Outline the reasons for reviewing Risk Assessment?

Th e risk assessment should be periodically reviewed and updated.

Ex amples of circumstances that would require the re-explanation of the val idity of a
risk assessment are:~


When the result of monitoring (accidents, ill health effects, environmenta l) is

adversely not as expected.
A change in pro cess, work methods.
Change in the workforce.
Change in the legislation.
Th e introduction of new plant or technology.
New information becom ing available .

4. a) Give the meaning of the term 'Hierarchy of control' (2)

Hierarchy of control is a preferred series of measures to control risks in order of
priority starting with elimination and ending with discipline.

b) Outline, with examples the general hierarchy that should be applied

when controlling health and safety risks in the workplace. (6)
The general control hierarchy is

E - Eliminate
the substance or work practice.
R- Reduce
The use or frequency or substitute
I - Isolation
Glove box for handling hazardous biological agents.
C - Control
Extent of exposure/contact.
A physical barrio b/w you and the risk.
D- Discipline
Follow the rules, obey signs and instructions (SSW,
information, training, supervision and enforcement) - least effective.

1'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - '

Element -4 HSMS- Planning
Question & Answers

Date: 2/9/2013

c) Identify precautions that could be taken to reduce the risk of injury to

visitors to a workplace. ( 6)
Precautions that could be taken to reduce the risk of injury to visitors to a
workplace are:


Visitor site induction training.

Explaining emergency procedure .ex: Fire precautions
Providing Emergency contact details
Providing detail of Signage's
Providing identification badges
Providing PPE
Escorting visitor to area of work
Remain with visitor or regular monitoring
Escorting visitor back to reception area
Signing out visitor and removing badge

d) Give TWO reasons why visitors to a workplace might be a greater risk of

injury than workers. (2)


They are vulnerable because of their lack of awareness of workplace hazards

and risks
Not familiar with the workplace information and procedures
Not aware of emergency evacuation procedures

5. Personal Protective equipment (PPE) should only be considered after

other control measures have been found to be ineffective or not
Give reasons why PPE should be considered only after other control
measures or state the limitations of PPE. (8)

It is a legal requirement that other control measu res to be considered first.


PPE only protects the wearer.

It protects - it does not prevent or control hazards.
It may not fit properly.
It may not be comfortable.
It may not be practical.
It only protects when it is worn.
It may bring anoth er hazard i.e. impaired vision etc.
Actual exposure measures not giv en due diligence i. e. dust and noise et c.
Adequate training and instruction factors.


Element -4 HSMS- Planning
Question & Answers



Answers to this question can be in the form of a group of sentences

separated by comma and or in bullet forms answer.


Identify FOUR categories of workplace safety signs AND give an

example of EACH. (8)

Candidates were expected to identify four classes of workplace safety signs such

Prohibition - for example, no smo king or no pedestrians;

~ Warning or hazard - for example, toxic, flammable or electricity;
~ Mandatory - for example, hearing protection or hard hat must be worn; and'
~ Safe condition - for ex ample, first aid or fire exit.

7. An organization has had an increase in the number of manual Handling

accidents and associated ill health.
Identify sources of information that may be available to help reduce the
risks to the workers. (8)
Internal or external sources of the information to the organization;



Internal to the organization

~ Accident/ill health & absence data.
~ Accident/injury incidence rates
~ Accident/injury frequency rates
~ Accident/injury severity rates.
~ Absence data
~ Audits data
~ Investigation report
~ Maintenance records
~ Cost & other management performance data
~ Compliance data.
External to the organization
~ (ILO) International Labor Organizations & other standard s
~ British standards institute
~ Legislation (Acts & Regulations)
~ Manufacturers data
~ MSDS data
~ Good Pra ctices & Guidance
~ Encyclopedia's
~ Professional bodies

Element - 4 HSMS- Plann ing
Question & Answers


Date: 2/9/2013

Training courses

8. Outline factors that should be considered when developing a safe

system of work. (8)
The factors that should be considered when developing a safe system of work are;

Analyzing the task, materials and substances: Hazards to health,

handling - mechanical or manual,
Equipment and plant: Guarding on machinery,
Environment : Lighting and slippery floors,
People: Competence and young people, workplace Layout, co-ordination of
different works,
Methods of processes,
Personal Protective Equipment,
Fire precautions,
Hygiene & welfare arrangements.
Emergency and rescue arrangements.




~- (a) Identify TWO examples of confined space that may be found within

a workplace. (2)

" Any place, including any chamber, tank, vat, silo, trench, pipe, sewer, flue, well or
similar place in which, by virtue of its enclosed nature, there arises a reasonably
foreseeable specified risk."

(~ Describe the main factors to consider when preparing a safe system of

work for entry into confined space. (6)




Level of supervision.
Competence of people doing work.
Atmospheric testing and monitoring.
Gas purging.
Removal of residues.
Isolation and lock-off from other services.
Isolation and lock-off of electrical and mechanical hazards.
PPE and RPE .

------- -1N-OOS H IGC

Element -4 HSMS- Planning
Question & Answers


Date : 2/9/2013

Safe and quick access and egress.

Fire prevention measures.
Suitabili ty of individuals.
Emergency and rescue arrangements.

10. Identify factors to be considered to help reduce the risks to workers

required to work a lone. (8)

Th e potential hazard and risk of the work activity

Competency and Training of the worke r
Age and physical fitness of th e worker
Supervision of the work activity
Procedures for monitoring
Medical considerations

./~ (a). Give the meaning of the term 'permit to work'?



"It is a formal documented planned procedure designed to contro l high ri sk

activities and to protect personnel engaged in carrying them out" .

~ Key element of permit to work system?


. )>

Identify the task (Where and when)

Identify the hazards
List th e precautions to eliminate or reduce th e haza rds
Additional preca ut ions
Time limits
Issue by competent person
Receipt by person in charge of work
Cancel lation


~ @.Identify THREE types of activity that may

Outline the reasons why in EACH case.

Confined spaces,
Hot work, work,
Working at height, and
Work on liv e electri cal equipment.

req uire a permit to work, and

Element - 5 HSMS- Evaluation and Review
Question & An swers

Date : 10/9/2013

'\ ) ~,b~ a.) Outline the meaning of the terms:

i) 'Active' (proactive) monitoring; (2)
"Monitoring before the event, involves identification through regular, planned
observations of workplace conditions, systems and the actions of people to ensure
that performance standards are being implemented and management controls are
Ex. Workplace and plant inspections
ii) 'Reactive' monitoring (2)
"Monitoring After the event involves learning from mistakes, whether they result in
injuries, ill-ness and property damage or near-misses".

Ex . Accident Investigation

~ Outline FOUR active (proactive) and FOUR reactive monitoring methods

that can be used when assessing an organization's health and safety
performance. (8)

Active Monitoring:







Safety Inspections: Routine scheduled inspection to make an immediate

check on standards.
Safety Sampling: Organized system of regular random sampling by
systematic recording of hazard situations observed during inspections made
along predetermined routes i.e. Noise, dust, lifting, PPE etc.
Safety Tours: Planned visits to the workplace to observe and discuss the
controls in use .....Mainly done by the management.
Internal & External Audits: to check & evaluate complains in the systematic
and comprehensive manner.
Health surveillance: To check the physical and mental condition of workers ,
and employees.
Safety Survey: To examine a narrow field of H&S program on an exploratory
basis with no fixed expectation of findings i.e. Training need, Attitude,
Temperature survey, light survey.
Reactive Monitoring po<:>
Investigations after the occurrence of an accident
Risk Assessment Review
Damage Review
Near miss Review
Records of health

Element -5 HSMS- Evaluation and Review
Question & Answers

Date : 10/9/ 2013

2. a.) Outline the role of workplace health and safety inspection. ( 4)

The ro le of workplace health and safety inspection is to identifying workplace
hazards, observing worker behavior such as comp liance with use of PPE and
providing a summary report to responsible managers about standards in their area.

b.) Give TWO strengths of using a checklist when carrying out an inspection.
The strengths of using a checklist to complete an inspection include:


Allows for prior preparation and planning so that the inspection can be
structured and systematic.
Reduces the chance that important areas/issues may be m issed.
Provides an immediate record of findings.
Enables a consistent approach by those carrying out the inspection.
Provides an easy method for co mparison and aud it.
Allows for saving t ime of inspection.

c .) Give TWO weakness of using a checklist when carrying out an inspection .

The weaknesses of using the checklist syst em may cause:

Over-reliance on the check list lea ding to a " blinkered" approach and the
possibility that important risks might be missed.
~ Th e checklist not to be reviewed and updates made when there are changes to
work processes and equipment.
~ Inspections to become strictly routine with no "follow-up" questions being
asked .
~ Th e system to be too objective and restrictive with no scope for including
peripheral issues .
~ Untrained people to be tempted to carry out inspections and the procedure
cou ld be affected by human error and/or abu se.

3. Outline factors that w ould determine t he frequency w ith which health

and safety inspections should be undertaken in a workplace. (8)
Th e frequency of inspections shou ld be planned to take place at reg ular intervals. The
time between most inspections is often at the employer's discretion .
Frequ ency of the inspection is influenced by are :

Element -5 HSMS- Evaluation and Review
Question & Answers


Date: 10/9/2013

Chang ing nature of the workplace .

Manufacturer 's recommendations
Type of use
Frequency of use
Environmental conditions
Severity of failure
Previous history of failure
Minimum interva ls set by legislation
Periodic basis

( } A serious accident has occurred. During the investigation it is found that

inspection of the work site had taken place before the accident.


Outline possible reasons why the inspection did not lead to an unsafe
situation being corrected. (8)
Th e poss ible reasons why t he inspection did not lead to an unsafe sit uation being
correct ed are;

Th e unsafe situation may be not identified during the inspection,

If identified that t imely appropriate corrective actions were not taken,
Lack of management contro l on unsafe conditions,
Risk assessments failed in identifying such potential unsafe situations,
All areas of the workplace might not be covered in the inspection,
No structured inspection procedure and informal, hea lth and safety issues not
given equal priority, inspection team may be not competent enough .

5 . Out line th e key features of:

a ) A health and safety audit; (4)
"The undertaking of a systematic critical examination of a healt h and safety
management system, involv ing a structured process for th e collection of objective
information, w it h the aim of assessing the effectiveness and reliability of the
total system and identifying its strengths and weaknesses".

~~ 6.

Identify the written information t hat is likely to be exam ined during

hea lt h a nd safety audit. ( 8)
Documentation t hat is likely to be exa mined durin g a health and safety aud it
in cludes;

The company health and safety policy;

Hazard Identification Risk assessments Reg ist er ;

Element - 5 HSMS- Evaluation and Review
Question & Answers




Date: 10/9/2013

Safe systems of work, and permit to work procedures;

Records of stat_utory inspections;
IVl' """"'~
Accident and incident statistics and reports;
Emergency procedures and the related documentation;
Health surveillance and ill-health records;
Documents connected with safety monitoring procedures such as inspections
or tours;
Maintenance procedures and records;
Environmental monitoring records such as for noise or dust;
A register of hazardous substances.
Training competency records;
Consultation arrangements with staff such as committee minutes;
Records of enforcement action by or written advice from the enforcement
authority; insurance documentation.

7. Explain how the findings of an audit may be used to improve Health and
safety performance. (12)
The findings of an audit may be used to improve Health and safety performance are
to identify the organization's weakness for better and improvement of an
organization health and safety performance, identifying if the organization is
complying with the regulations requirement and if not the organization has the
opportunity for compliance .

8. a) Outline why an organization should have a system for the internal

reporting and recording of accidents in the workplace. (4)


To give medical assistance to the injured person

To conduct accident investigation
To inform legal authority
To claim medical insurance
Report to enforcing authority
Injuries involving lost time
Dangerous occurrences
Occupational diseases


To prevent a recurrence
Monitoring purposes

Element -5 HSMS- Eva luation and Review
Question & Answers


Date : 10/9/2013

Legal reasons
Occupational ill-health may take years to occur
Civil claims

b.) Identify why workers might not report accidents at work. (4)



The worker being unaware of reporting procedures or

The fact that no procedure was in place;
Peer pressure and a relucta nce to take time off from the job in hand;
The possibility of retribution or blame by management; and
Lack of obvious management response to earlier reported accidents.

9. A worker has been seriously injured after being struck by a reversing

vehicle in a loading bay.
a. Give FOUR reasons why the accident should be investigated. ( 4)

It is a legal requirement that accident shou ld be reported,

To identify the root or underlying causes of the accident,
To prevent recurrence and to provide preventive actio n needed ,
Reports or records needed as a requirement for insurance claims

b. Outline in formation that should be included in the invest igation report.

The information that shou ld be included in the investigation report are;


The Description of the accident,

Date, time and location of the accident,
Name of the injured person and details,
Nature and type of the injury,
Direct and indirect causes,
Corrective and preventive actions,
Witness detail s and statements,
Photographs and reference of relevant records,
Detail s of th e investigator.

c. Outline:
i. FOUR possible immediate causes. ( 4)

Loading bay where not properly illuminated,

Th ere was no available banks-ma n to guide the operator while rev ersing,
Operator was not competent for the tasks, there was no avai lab le reverse
Indicator lights where bust ed, si d e mirrors used fo r reversing were damage.

Element -5 HSMS- Evaluation and Review
Question & Answers


Date: 101912013

Immediate ca uses would include worker error and immediate work

equipment .

Q i .- FOUR possible underlying {root) causes of the accident. {4)

Poor safety cu lt u res
Lack of tra ining.
,.. Management Failure
);;> Lack of supervision

~ 10. Outline the benefits to an employer of conducting accident investigation.

~ (8)

T he benefits to an employer of conducting accident investigation are;

Identification of root causes and fai lures,
,.. Take Preventions to avoid recurrence,
);;> Identification of t rends and benchmarking,
);;> Data gathering and ana lyzing,
);;> Establish lega l li ability,
);;> Boost morale and motivate the workforce,
);;> humane I moral - to prevent harm to the workers,
);;> Social I lega l - to avoid legal implications,
);;> Economic I f inancia l - protect assets and prevent losses

11. A machine has leaked hot liquid into a work area, No one has been


Outline reasons why it is important for an organization to investigate 'near

miss' incidents, (8)
The reasons why it is important for an organization to investigate 'near miss'
incidents are ;


If near m iss incidents not investigated or controlled it could be turned into

major accidents,
To identify immediate and underlying causes,
To prevent injuries which may be caused to workers,
Identify weaknesses in the current systems and procedures,
Recommend actions to prevent recurrence,
Review the contro l measures and suggest appropriate actions,
Review the r isk assessments that have fai led to id entify th e issues,
To check machine integrity and ma intenance systems,

Element -5 HSMS- Evaluation and Review
Question & Answers


Date: 101912013

To train and retrain employees,

To prevent production delay and other possible losses .

12. A worker has been seriously injured in an accident at work.

Outline the immediate and longer term actions that should be taken. (8)
Immediate actions that should be taken are;

To attend the victim,

Isolation I de-energize services i.e. Mechanical
Notify the management and next of kin,
Secure the scene of the accident,
Report to enforcing authority if necessary.


pneumatic etc.,

While the longer-term actions that should be taken are;



Undertaking detail investigation,

Identify and interview witnesses,
Reviewing procedures and risk assessments,
Conduct relevant trainings,
Design and operationa l changes,
Fixing engineering and administrative controls.

13. Outline reasons why an organization should review its health and safety
performance. (8)

To compare actual performance with previous set targets.

Reviews will assist in the allocation of resources,
To check the safety management system in place is working or not otherwise
wil l take necessary actions. And may we ll be a requirement of the
organization 's own management system
To facilitate continuous improve ment,
To prevent accidents and ill health.

Unit IGC 1: Management of International Health and Safety

Important Questions

1 (a). Give the meaning of the term 'permit to work'.

(b). Key element of permit to work system?
(c). Identify THREE types of activity that may require a permit to work, and Outline the reasons
why in EACH case.
2. (a) An organization is required to introduce arrangement for health & safety inspection.
(i) Give the meaning of the term "health & safety inspection"?
(ii) Identify factors to consider when making these arrangements.
(a) Outline how the findings in an inspection report might be commun icated in a way that is
effective and persuades senior management to take action.
3. Identify factors that could cause the safety culture within an organization to deteriorate.

4. Identify FOUR categories of workplace safety signs and give an example of each.
5. a. Give the meaning of the term health & safety audit.
b. outline the issues that need to be considered at the planning stage of an audit.
c. identify TWO methods of gatherin g information during an audit.
6. a. outline why it is important for an organization to develop and maintain emergency
b. when developing emergency procedures outline why the arrangement for contacting the
emergency and rescue services need to be included .
7. Outline the circumst ances that may require a health and safety policy to be reviewed.

8. a worker has been seriously injured in an accident at work.

Outline the imm ediate and longer term action that should be taken .
9. A serious accident ha s taken place and a number of workers have been injured.
a. identify possible costs that the organ ization may incur resulting from this accident.
b. identify action that an enforcement agency may take following this accident.
10. Give the meaning of the following terms :
a. Health
b. Safety
c. Welfare
d. Environment protection

Unit IGC 1: Management of International Health and Safety

Important Questions

11. a. give the meaning of the term "safe system of work".

b. Using a practical examp le, outing what is meant by the following types of control within a
safe system of work.
(i) Technical
(ii) Behavioural
(iii) Procedural
12. a work in a busy kitchen has notified he employer that she is pregnant.
Outline factors that the employers should consider when undertaking a specific risk assessment
for this worker.

13 (a). Outline the role of workplace health and safety in spection ?

(b). Give TWO strength s of using a checklist when ca rryin g out an inspection.
(c). Give TWO weakness of using a checklist when carrying out an in spe ction.
14. Two organizations share the same worksite?
Outline how the organization s could work together to help ensure the workplace is safe and
15. Give reaso ns why PPE should be cons id ered only after other contro l measures or state th e
limitations of PPE.
16. Outlin e the typical content of th e health and safety arrangements section of a health and
safety policy.
17 (a). Outlin e, why it is important for an organization to set health and safety target s.
(b). Identify hea lth and safety targets th at an organization could set.

18. Outline th e main H & S issues to be included in an indu ct ion training program for
19 (a). Outlin e why an organi zation should have a system for the internal repo rtin g and
recording of accidents in th e workplace .
(b). Identify why workers might not report accid ents at work.
20. (a) Identify TWO main purposes of first-aid treatm ent.
(b) Out lin e factors to be considered when ca rrying out an assessm ent of first aid requirements
in a workp lace.
21. State th e circumstances t hat may give rise to a need for a health & safety policy to be

Unit IGC 1: Management of International Health and Safety

Important Questions

22. An employer has a common low duty of care for the health, safety & welfare of their
23 Identify factors to be considered to help reduce the risks to workers required to work

A worker has been seriously injured after being struck by a reversing vehicle in a loading



(a) Give FOUR reasons why the accident should be investigated.

(b) Outline information that should be included in the investigation report.
(c) Outline:

(I) FOUR possible immediate causes.

(ii) FOUR possible underlying (root) causes of the accident.
25. With respect to undertaking general risk assessments on activities within a workplace:

(a) Outline the key stages of the risk assessment process, and identify the issues that would

need to be considered at EACH stage.

(b) Explain the criteria which must be met for th e risk assessment to be 'suitable and
(c) Outline factors that employer sho uld take into account when selecting individuals to assist

in carrying out the required risk assessment.

(d) Outline the reasons for reviewing Risk Assessment?

26. Outline reasons for promoting and maintaining good standards of health and safety in the





27. Give the meaning of th e term 'Hierarchy of control'.

28. Identify the three main sections of an organization's health and safety policy and outline the
purpose of EACH .
29. Outline circumstances th at would require a hea lth and safety policy to be reviewed.
30. Outline th e various methods for communicatin g the co ntents of health & safety policy to
31. Outline factors that should be co nsidered when assessing the health and safety
compete nce of a contractor.

Unit IGC 1: Management of International Health and Safety

Important Questions

32. Two organization s share the same w orksite .

Outline how the organizations could work together to help ensure the workplace is safe and
33. a) Give the mea ning of the term 'perception'
b) Identify ways in w hich workers pe rceptions of hazards in the workplace might be improved.
34. A serious accident has occurred. During the investigation it is found th at an inspection of
th e work site had t aken place before the accident.
Outline possible reasons w hy the inspection did not lead to an unsafe situation being co rrect ed.

35. Outline the various methods for comm unicati ng the contents of health & safety policy to
36. An organization needs to review its provision of health and safety training for its worke rs.
a.) Identify factors that should be considered whe n developing a program of hea lth and safet y
b.) Identify measures that might be used to assess the effectiveness of health and safety
37. a. Identify FOUR t ypes of emergency that wo uld require an organization to have an
emergency procedure.
b. Outline w hy it is important to develop emergency procedures in the workplace.
c. Outline why visitors to a workplace should be informed of an organization's emergency

38. (a) Identify TWO examples of confined space that may be found within a workp lace.
(b) Describe the main factors to consider when preparing a safe syst em of work for entry into
confined space.
39. A machine has leake d hot liquid into a wo rk area. No one has been injured.
Outlin e reasons why it is important for an organization to investigate 'near miss' incidents.
40. a.) Outline the meaning of the terms:
i) 'Active' (proactive) monitoring;

ii) 'Reactive' monitoring

b.)Outline FOUR active (p roactive) and FOUR reactive monitoring methods that can be used
when assessing an organization's hea lth and safety performance.

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