Dakota State University College of Education Lesson Plan Format

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Dakota State University

College of Education
Name: Erin Rabenberg
Grade Level: 2nd
School: Chester Elementary
Date: April 13, 2016
Time: 2:00-2:30
Reflection from prior lesson: In the previous lesson we played mat ball and discussed the importance of teamwork.
South Dakota Physical Education Content Standards Addressed:
Standard 2: The physically literate individual applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and
tactics to enhance movement and performance.
Standard 4: The physically literate individual exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects
self, others, and environment.
Lesson Objectives:
Cognitive Objectives: (The student(s) will.)
1. Score a minimum of 3 out of 4 on a rules quiz at the end of the lesson.
Psychomotor Objectives: (The student(s) will .)
1. Demonstrate proper throwing mechanics.
Affective Objectives: (The student(s) will .)
1. Be able to cooperatively work in teams as evidence by supportive communication.
Fitness Objectives: (The student(s) will )
1. Improve cardiovascular endurance through participating in the game.
Materials Needed: Enough pennies for half of the students, three small soft playground balls, cones (optional)
Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: The second grade is one of two grades in the elementary that is split
into two sections. In the section that meets from 2:00-2:30 Monday, Wednesday, and every other Friday there are 19
students. There are 7 males and 12 females. All students in the class are Caucasian. The class is a skilled group of
students who enjoy physical activity and competing. The students start each class by running 3-5 laps, depending of
the number the teacher gives them at the door, and then they sit in the center circle until everyone has finished. The
students sit until the teacher instructs them as to what to do next. If the weather is good enough the class will go
outside for the activity.

The Lesson
1. Introduction
Getting attention
Relating to past experience and/or knowledge
Creating a need to know
Sharing objective, in general terms
The teacher will explain to the students that part of teamwork is cooperation which is working together to
achieve a goal and today their goal as a team will be to score points in Ultimate Ball which can only be
accomplished through teamwork. The teacher will ask if anyone has ever played or heard of Ultimate Frisbee.
Ultimate Ball is the same thing only we will be using footballs and small playground balls. (3 min)

2. Content Delivery (include time allotment & instructional methodologies)

The teacher will explain the rules of the game, break up the students into teams, and then play the game.
Rules: There are two teams. The team with pennies on are trying to get the ball into their end zone which is the end
of the basketball court on the playground. The other team is trying to get the ball into their end zone which will be
the opposite side of the basketball court. Players must pass the ball to their teammates to advance the ball. Once a
player catches the ball they may only take one step. The ball can be passed in any direction: forward, backward,
right, left. The team on defense is not allowed to take the ball out of a players hand or touch any player. Unlike
football this is a noncontact sport. Once a team score they place the ball on the ground and the other team picks up
the ball and tries to advance the ball. There will be three balls in play so everyone should be active and participating
in the game. (20)
3. Closure
The teacher will ask the students to put the pennies back in the bag, bring the teacher the balls, grab a quiz and
pencil and answer the questions. When they are finished with the questions they should line up at the door. (7 min)
Technology Integration:
Assessments Used: 4 question multiple choice quiz will be given at the end of the lesson
Differentiated Instruction: Students struggling throwing a football will be given round playground balls to use.
Resources: http://www.playworks.org/playbook/games/ultimate-ball

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