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Linda Garcia

Zagster Project Coordinator | (505)577-8212 | [email protected]

March 25, 2016

John Smith
New Mexico Finance Authority
201 Shelby Street
Santa Fe, NM 87501
John Smith:
Zagster would like to request a grant of $250,000 from the New Mexico Finance Authority to get a bike share program
started for The University of New Mexico, called Lobo Trails. We are proposing this bike share for the reasons being that:

Students are limited to bike rack space

Bike theft occurs often on campus
Students are not safe when walking alone across campus
UNM will become more green

The Lobo Trails bike share program will introduce a green way of commuting on campus, especially with all of the
environmental changes currently taking place. Lobo Trails will give students an opportunity to always have a bike available
on campus and not have to worry about parts being stolen. This alternative way of commuting also allows students to
remain healthy on a daily basis, and will give late night students a safer alternative for commuting quickly across campus.
This Lobo Trails bike share program will have designated areas on UNMs campus map so that students will know where
to rent and lock their bikes for each use. This project and installation of bikes on campus will also be a way to make profit
for the University of New Mexico in order to better the campus in areas needed.
Zagster has been assisting universities, cities, and businesses for 9 years. Zagster will be assisting UNM with each and every
installation of bikes and bike racks. We provide technology for each community as well so that people can grab their bikes
on the go. Zagster will also be providing customized measurements so that the bike share will be a perfect fit to UNMs
campus. For 9 years, Zagster has been successful in helping build better communities, and we hope that we can help build
a better campus for UNM.
Your time is greatly appreciated. Thank you.


Linda Garcia

Proposal Request: Bike Share on Campus

Amount Requested: $250,000
Organization: Zagster
Organization We Are Asking for Help: New Mexico Finance Authority
Zagster is a planning business that provides every service available in order to start a bike share in
your community. Zagster will also continue to maintain and provide services the UNM student
body. We are requesting a grant of $250,000 in order to get the program started so that the UNM
community can have safe, convenient, healthy, and green ways of commuting on campus. We
are requesting this grant because we believe that the New Mexico Finance Authority has similar
beliefs to Zagster which include: bettering communities for the future, being innovative in order
to become a modern society, and providing people with the easiest way to advance their lives.

Current Situation
The current situation is that students at The
University of New Mexico are having to walk
across campus by themselves after the sun
has gone down. There have been too many
assaults occurring on campus during these
late hours, and now students need a safer way
to get to their cars or bus stops after class.
There is also a lot of bike congestion
occurring in the condensed areas of campus.

(New Mexico News Port)

Students are also experiencing their bike, or bike pieces going missing. This causes additional
daily stress amongst students and is causing them to pay unnecessary fees to replace their bikes.
Some students are left without a bike at the end of the day which becomes an inconvenience
especially for those who do not live on campus. Bike theft on campus does not occur often, but
when it does, it creates a chaotic day for the individual.
The University of New Mexico is always looking for new ways to be more green. Zagster will
be able to provide additional encouragement to students who want to live environmentally friendly.
Bringing bike shares will reduce the use of cars and traffic on campus.

Page 2

Project Plan
Zagster is committed to creating communities that have the best means of affordable and
convenient transportation. We also plan on promoting modern and environmentally friendly ways
for people to get from place to place. Zagsters initiative is to build safer communities and does its
best to personalize their products so that the bike share fits everyones needs.
Zagster will be providing the best trained workers to install your bike share. This bike share will
take the following steps to ensure that students will have green methods of transportation:
Step 1: Work with Your University to Find the Best Bike Share Locations
We will break down the university into 3
parts: core, adjacent buildings, and
surrounding campus. Core would include
condensed areas such as classrooms and
administrative offices for teachers. Adjacent
buildings are where the classrooms are more
spread out, there are recreational facilities,
and on-campus housing. Surrounding
campus would include areas like the
neighborhoods and off-campus housing
areas. The surrounding area of campus will
be the most important part to look at when
creating these bike shares. There is limited
parking availability to students, causing them
to use alternative means of transportation
such as a shuttle. In these locations, students
are walking great distances in order to get
from a shuttle drop off, all the way to a class
across campus.

(UNM Information Technologies)

Step 2: Advertise and Communicate

We will be giving out about 7,500 flyers to new and incoming students. New students at orientation
will be informed about the bike share. These flyers will include how the bike share works, ways
to pay, how much it will cost, and where they are located. These flyers will be handed out to
students at orientation, and to returning students during move-in. Campus tour guides will also let
families know about the convenient bike share. As a follow up, the entire campus will be sent an
e-mail through President Franks Weekly Newsletter.
Step 3: Install Bikes and Software
Zagster will have a total of 30 workers to install these bikes and racks (kiosks) around campus. All
of the equipment will be provided, and there are further details in the budget. We will start the
installation May 15th, 2016. We plan to have the entire bike share installed by the beginning of the
2016 Fall Semester. The bikes and kiosks will be finished 2 weeks prior to the start of the semester.

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The gap between the installment and start of the semester will be used for a programmer to test the
software and make sure it is running properly. In order to get the software personalized on campus,
we will have 2 computer programmers create payment methods appropriate to campus. This
program will allow students to have the opportunity to charge payments on their bursar accounts.
HP Core i7 computers will be supplied to all of the programmers. This computer program will be
finished by 2016 Fall Semester start date.
Step 4: Hire Maintenance Crew
Zagster will provide UNM with maintenance crews to keep the bike share running at its best
performance. A total of 4 workers will maintain bikes and kiosks for a total of 12 hours a week.
This will help identify any technical problems with systems or repair any damages to bikes.
Step 5: Get Riding
Students will pay for their bikes. Ride them from one kiosk to the next. And repeat.
Step 6: Annual Check-In
This annual check in will see if the bike share is going as planned, check where money is being
used, and see if UNM is making positive profits from the bike share. We will give clarification
that all costs were used where they were meant to be used to help get the project finished. This
will give us an opportunity to see where we can improve budgets and costs. Students will also be
sent a survey to see how they like the bike share, and will be asked if there are any changes they
would like to see.

Zagster was founded in 2007, and currently has 135 bike share programs in 36 states. Some
universities that have used Zagster to better their campus are Duke University, Yale; and California
State University, San Bernardino. These bike shares were installed within 2 months, still running,
and have been very successful. This shows that bike shares can be one of the most economical
ways to improve transportation around campus.
In a recent study explained in Vox Magazine
and Mineta Transportation Institute, bike
shares are in fact, the safest way of
commuting (Vox Magazine). There are
currently no deaths recorded from using a
bike from a bike share (Mineta
Transportation Institute 5). This is because
these programs provide more of a casual ride
for people in the community. The reason that
there are fewer accidents is because these
bikes are made with fewer gears, and drum
brakes which are more reliable in wet

(Bike Share Overview 2016 4)

Page 4

Aside from safety, cost is most important to students on a budget. The average cost of a yearly
parking pass at UNM is $350. The average cost of a yearly membership for a bike share is $25
annually when using Zagster. On top of a low annual cost, using a bike for just 1.5 hours would
be free to students. Having a bike share would save students hundreds per year to commute where
they need to and will decrease car congestion on campus.
I am also a recent car buyer who had to pay about $500 for a parking pass for an entire year. That
amounts to almost an entire months paycheck for me which is costly. Not only is the cost
inconvenient for me but as a student who lives on campus, I find myself taking over 10 minutes to
walk to certain classes. This bike share would save me hundreds of dollars as well as hundreds of
minutes per year.

This low cost program will be assisted
through funding from the New Mexico
Finance Authority, fundraising, and later
profits made after installation. All of the costs
included will be used to maintain, insure, and
keep track of bikes. All of these are important
to maintaining safety, convenience, and
health benefits to students. The grant will be
used towards:


Facilities and Equipment: $88,084.00

Communication: $1,500.00
Personnel: $179,392.00
Insurance: $5,000.00
An additional $15,000 will be accumulated
through fundraising and donations.

Students who buy parking passes will now have additional spending money if they use our bike
share. Zagster will provide faster ways for students to commute back to parking lots in a safer
manner after the sun goes down. Having Zagsters bike share program available to students will
lower bike theft incidents and decrease the amount of money put into replacing bike parts. This
bike share can potentially advertise for UNMs campus because of the logo and colors on the bike.
Advertising can attract more people to take interest in what UNM has to offer. For those who are
all about being environmentally friendly, seeing a bike specifically dedicated to making UNM
green, a more diverse group of people may want to apply to UNM. UNMs tuition price alone can
not make enough profit to begin a large project to better the campus. Having a bike share will also
provide UNMs campus with ways to make enough money in order to improve any aspects on
campus whether it is a building, or program that UNM offers.
Thank you for your consideration in putting this bike share to The University of New Mexico.
Please contact us for further questions or concerns.

Works Cited

Plumer, Brad. "A New Study Looks at Why Bike Share Is so Much Safer than Regular
Biking." Vox 3 Apr. 2016: n. pag. Web. 12 Apr. 2016.
Martin, Elliot. "Expert Interview Results." Bikesharing and Bicycle Safety. San Jose: Mineta
Transportation Institute, 1991. 5-6. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
"Coverage Map." Coverage Map IT-supported Wireless Network Map. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Apr.

Degreff, Nayla. "Is It worth the Risk to Park a Bike on Campus?" New Mexico News
Port [Albuquerque] n.d., sec. 2015: n. pag. Print. Photograph used from this article

Bike Share Overview. Cambridge: Zagster, 2016. Print. Bike picture used

Page 6

903 Mercer St, Santa Fe, NM, 87505 | (505)577-8212 | [email protected]

I would like to obtain a professional approach on interacting with the public as well as
gaining office experience.

Able to perform several tasks within a short amount of time, even when business is busy
I am able to organize papers and messages, as well as other office supply and inventory
I have an easy time clarifying what type of help customers and co-workers need
Ability to Work with Others
I am able to work with others to identify challenging tasks so that the task can be
completed professionally and efficiently. I am also able to work with the public in a
professional setting.
Experience from taking a Computer Science class at UNM. This class focused specifically on
operating Excel. Can provide my portfolio from this class.


Customer Service Representative, New York and Company

June 1,

Seasonal Clerical Office Assistant, Kokopelli Rafting Adventures

Greeting customers
Answering questions about product and inventory

Answering phones
Scheduling rafting trips

Page 7

August 30,
June 1,
2014August 1,
June 1,
2013August 1,

Processing payments

Temporary Receptionist, Rock Paper Scissor Salon/Spa

Answering phones, greeting customers, scheduling appointments, cleaning

salon according to daily tasks assigned

Used SalonBiz software to schedule appointments, as well as look up

customer and worker information
Seasonal Hostess, Midtwon Bistro

Seating and greeting customers, answering phones, making reservations,

keeping front area of restaurant clean.



High School Diploma, St. Michaels High School

Maintained 3.8 GPA

Involved in Athletics (Cross Country, Swim, and Track)

Involved in National Honors Society, National Spanish Honors Society, and

Student Wellness Action Team

Working on Bachelors Degree in Business Administration, University of New Mexico

Page 8

Resume Review Sheet

Students name: Linda Garcia
Your Name: John Brooks
Your Profession: Director of Commercial Lending
Date: March 30, 2016
Please list three things that this resume does well:
1. Presents herself well.
2. Lists her skills and abilities to work with public and co-workers.
3. Lists her job experience
Please list three things that this resume can improve/add (especially according to
conventions of resumes in your discipline):
1. Focus more on what skills she will bring to job.
2. List references
3. Revise format on experience so it is easier to read.

Thank you!

Page 9

Student Learning Outcome (SLO) 1 is how I developed the way I addressed the New
Mexico Finance Authority (NMFA). Learning how to address the NMFA on a professional
document was new to me because I have never written a proposal before. The reason why I chose
to address NMFA is because this is where my mom works and what they do here is grant money
to projects that qualify. A lot of the projects they grant money to have been benefitting the
community in various ways. A lot of their projects benefit the health needs of people. These official
projects they help with made me realize that later on, knowing how to address a workplace is
crucial. Organizing my resume in order to communicate was new to me because I was able to
really keep my resume short so that people can read the key points in it.
One of the most developed Student Learning Outcomes was SLO 2: Find and Evaluate
Information. I had to gather information from several resources. I gathered information directly
from the website Zagster provides. I also scheduled a call with one of the representatives and he
e-mailed me more information on how bike shares work. More information I gathered was on other
sites so that I could find estimate costs for facilities, equipment, and insurance.
SLO 3: Composing Documents, was another area that I developed. I used all of the
information I gathered and put it organized into a Word document. This part I found difficult
because it was hard to find the best spot to organize each section. The qualifications were hard to
write out just because I felt like I was repeating what I said in the current situation. I found it hard
to organize and find number to get a proper estimate for a budget. Going through so many websites
and comparing needs for a bike share got confusing. It was confusing just because I had so many
tabs open that when I would clear them, I was deleting tabs and having to find information all over
again. Writing out my resume was a process because I had to highlight key points so that it was
easy for any eye to point out.
SLO 4 had to do a lot with SLO 1 because learning how to present my information based
on my audience was most helpful. Using pictures and visuals gave my paper more creativity. The
image I liked most was the bike picture because it gave an in depth explanation as to why bike
shares were safe. Seeing the modern model of bike may cause people to be more interested in the
SLO 5 was how I made my information available. I used Excel before putting cost
information and graphs into my paper. Translating number to a graph was really easy and helpful
in showing costs from a visual perspective. The logo I made was probably one of the most fun
things I composed on my paper. I was able to choose my own colors and font after choosing a
stencil. I liked making a log because it made me feel like I took my proposal a lot more seriously.
I think the green leaf on my logo would give the NMFA a reason to look more in depth into my
Overall, I think this proposal was a difficult process, but the outcome of my work impressed
me. I was not aware of my abilities to organize a professional document. I think each SLO was
stressed evenly. I look forward to creating more official documents in the future with the skills I
used for this assignment.

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