11-2-12 New York Campus Compact Weekly

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New York Campus Compact Weekly

November 2, 2012

In This Issue:
1- Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts 2- Vote!!! Election Resources 2- 2013 Presidents Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll 2- Free Honor Roll Webinar 3- Campus Compact Annual Survey 3- VISTA Host Site Applications 4- Engaged Campus

Letter From Our Executive Director Regarding Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts:
NYCC Friends, Its a difficult moment for those of us who are New Yorkers living well outside of the destructive path that Hurricane Sandy took earlier this week. There is a strong impulse in all of us to DO something. Well, you can. Donate money and blood to the Red Cross. Over 100 blood drives were canceled in the New York Metropolitan area last week due to the storm. Blood supplies are reported to be very low. Equally as important, take the money you would spend on gas and travel to help out in New York City and donate it to the Red Cross. I have included several links below. All are great ways to stay in touch with recovery efforts. http://nymaps.org/hurricane-sandy-disaster-relief/ http://www.nyredcross.org/ http://eden.cce.cornell.edu http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/Oct12/HelpDisaster.html www.paccompact.org/readycampus -- Ready Campus is designed to provide all
colleges and universities a flexible, adaptable planning guide to prepare their own campuses for emergencies and, just as importantly, to become valuable resources to serve their communities.

4- Generous U 4- Broome CC to Host

National Issues Forum

5- NYCC VISTA Roundtables 6- Building Connections

Through Reflection
6- St. Johns Faculty


Finally, lets continue to keep our friends in the wider NY Metropolitan Area in our thoughts as they continue their process of recovery.
For upcoming events, please visit: http://www.nycampuscompact .org/events.html

Best wishes to all of you, Laurie

Spotlight on the Election:

Please visit http://electionnycc.weebly.com/ for great election resources.

2013 Presidents Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll

Applications for the Presidents Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll are now being accepted!! The President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, launched in 2006, annually highlights the role colleges and universities play in solving community problems and placing more students on a lifelong path of civic engagement by recognizing institutions that achieve meaningful, measureable outcomes in the communities they serve. The Honor Roll's Presidential Award is the highest federal recognition an institution can receive for its commitment to community service For more information, please visit: http://www.nationalservice.gov/about/initiatives/honorroll.asp Deadline for submitting an application is November 29, 2012 at 5:00pm

Join Us: Free Webinar on Tips for a Great Application for the Presidents Honor Roll
Campus Compact encourages your participation in the Presidents Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, which recognizes colleges and universities for their commitment to community service. To help you through the application process, the Honor Rolls sponsor, the Corporation for National and Community Service, put together a number of training sessionswebinars and conference callsscheduled right up until the application due date November 29, 2012. The next webinar will take place Thursday November 1, 2012 at 2:00 pm ET. Click here to register.

Be Counted!! Campus Compact 2012 Annual Membership Survey Now Open

Campus Compact's Annual Membership Survey is now available. Your institution's participation in this national survey is vital. Conducted each year since 1986, the survey is the most comprehensive and widely distributed review of service, service-learning, and civic engagement in higher education. Through this instrument, Campus Compact is able to calculate student and faculty involvement in service and service-learning, measure campus infrastructure for community engagement, understand faculty roles and rewards, determine alumni engagement, and assess satisfaction with Campus Compact programs and services. The results allow campuses to compare their progress with state and national trends and help all of us better articulate our case to elected officials, funders, and to the media. Your participation is key because it helps assure that your institution's commitment and resources dedicated to service-learning and civic engagement are reflected in all our data. The deadline for completion of the survey is Friday, December 14, 2012. Everyone who completes the survey before the deadline will receive a New York Campus Compact mug as a thank you gift. For the best results, we urge primary institutional contacts to download the PDF version first, collect information from colleagues on campus, and then enter the institution's responses to the online survey. We also encourage you to review a list of Frequently Asked Questions that are available to assist anyone entering (or preparing) responses on behalf of their institution. Survey results will be posted on our website in the spring of 2013. You can also view last year's Executive Summary. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or phone: 617.357.1881, x 205. We will do our best to get back to you within two business days. Thank you for helping us advance civic engagement in higher education.

NYCC AmeriCorps VISTA Host Site Applications Now Available!!

In anticipation of funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), New York Campus Compact (NYCC) is pleased to announce the availability of AmeriCorps VISTA host site applications for the 2013-2014 grant year. Intent to Apply - Due: December 3, 2012 All renewing and newly applying sites should submit a brief intent to apply notice via email to Lillian Hartman at [email protected]. Please include community organization and campus partner contact information and overall goal of the project. This notice is non-binding and will simply enable NYCC to better assist you with the application process. Host Site Application - Due: January 18, 2013 The Corporation for National and Community Service has mandated shifts in our application process to better align with national VISTA strategy and best practices in campus-community partnerships. All renewing and newly applying sites will use the same application form. For more information, click here

"The Engaged Campus: Approaches to Measuring Community Impact" Webinar

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

Generous U
Generous U is a national contest celebrating and spotlighting student giving on U.S. campuses. Generous U is open to college student groups, clubs, and organizations that engage their peers in charitable giving. The winner will be awarded the $5,000 Sillerman Prize for Philanthropy on College Campuses and earn the Generous U title for its college or university. The Sillerman Center will provide a certificate, plaque, and press kit that the college or university may use for publicity purposes. Having the Generous U title displayed on the college website will be a marker of important values shared on that campus and a designation we hope will elevate interest in the development of emerging philanthropists. To compete, students must submit a written essay and a three-minute video. The deadline is March 15, 2013. The winner will be announced by April 16, 2013. Contest rules and submission guidelines are available at: http://sillermancenter.brandeis.edu/prize/index.html

Dr. Barbara Holland, Higher Education Researcher and Consultant; affiliations with University of Sydney, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and Portland State University Join Dr. Barbara Holland in a presentation and discussion about strategies for measuring community impact. She will share a variety of approaches for getting started with the development of community impact measures including important factors to consider in planning and implementation. This is a great offering for those interested in developing a focused impact assessment. REGISTER NOW!

Broome Community College to Host National Issues Forum, Shaping Our FutureHow Should Higher Education Help Us Create The Society We Want?
On Saturday November 10th from 8:45 am to noon in the BCC Student Center cafeteria, the college will hold a public deliberation on the possible roles Higher Education can play in shaping the nations future. Three approaches will be considered including: staying competitive in the global economy; working together to repair an ailing society; and ensuring that everyone gets a fair chance to access higher education. A two page summary of the longer 12 page issues booklet will be made available on request and a short starter video will be shown at the beginning of the session. The participants will then be broken into small groups of 10-15. Using both a moderator/recorder, each group will then deliberate the three approaches looking at strengths and weaknesses of each as well as the trade-offs. At the conclusion of the deliberation participants will be asked to fill out a questionnaire which will then be returned to the Kettering Foundation where they will be analyzed and a summary will be published later next year. The non-partisan National Issues Forums Institute in conjunction with the non-partisan Kettering Foundation and the American Commonwealth Project will be promoting hundreds of community deliberations across the nation on this vital topic over the next six months. All three organizations feel strongly that to improve our democracy, it is vital to engage citizens in public deliberation tackling the great issues of the day and the role of Higher Education is one such issue. A second feature of the November 10th event will be a three hour moderator training workshop designed expressly for college students (1-4pm). The expectation is that students, after experiencing the public deliberation and then the three hour moderator training can return to their campuses and work with faculty/staff to host both an on-campus forum as well promote public deliberations in the community on this important issue. A light lunch will be provided for students. It is hoped that a college wishing to send students to this event, would contact Broome Community College prior to the event for a head count. For students traveling some distance an effort will be made to secure overnight accommodations for Friday. Faculty and staff are also encouraged to attend both the deliberation and the moderator training. Copies of issue booklet, a two page summary, a video, a moderator training guide and the questionnaire can be downloaded at no charge by going to the nifi.org website and looking under the education header. For additional information please contact Lisa Strahley, Democracy Commitment coordinator, at 607-778-5094 or email [email protected]

NYCC is Happy to Announce Two Roundtables to Help You With Your VISTA Application Both Roundtables are FREE!

Building Connections Through Reflection

November 14th 12:00-4:00 p.m. Le Moyne College Campus Center Curtin Special Events Room 1419 Salt Springs Road Syracuse, NY 13214
How do we engage students in the academically rigorous reflection process that is the hallmark of successful service learning? What tools to we need to provide to enable them to connect their experience with the learning objectives of the course? How do we help them to connect those learning objectives with the lifelong practice of service and civic engagement? Join us on Wednesday, November 14 as New York Campus Compact and Le Moyne College present a Regional Roundtable on the practice of reflection by Dr. Patricia Tooker, Dean of Integrated Studies at Wagner College. Dean Tooker will share the reflection model developed as a key component of the nationally-renowned Wagner Plan, a curricular model that combines elements of experiential learning and interdisciplinary inquiry in a learning community format across the four years of an undergraduate program of study. As Dean for Integrated Learning, Dr. Patricia Tooker oversees all learning communities and civic engagement at Wagner College where she is a faculty member in the Department of Nursing and recipient of Wagners 2010 Faculty Teaching Award.


Save the Date: January 22, 2013 Registration fee: $30 for New York Campus Compact Members
St. Johns University and New York Campus Compact $45 for non-members Faculty Institute on Academic Service-Learning We are happy to inform you about an exciting event being held at St. Johns Universitys Staten Island Campus. On January 22, 2013, St. Johns Lunch will be provided. New York Campus Compact ,a Faculty will be co-hosting with Institute on Academic Service-Learning in the Kiernan Suite of the Kelleher Center. You are invited to join some of your colleagues from other colleges and universities to the St. Johns University and New York Campus Compact Faculty Institute. Dr. Edward Zlotkowski, Professor of English at Bentley University and academic service-learning pioneer, will facilitate a one day institute for faculty who want to explore and/or deepen their understanding and practice of the academic service-learning pedagogy. For those of you who are not familiar with Dr. Edward Zlotkowski, he is a well-known author and respected authority both nationally and internationally in the field of service-learning. The Institute is open to all faculty and administrators at all Institutions of Higher Education. Your attendance at this program will result in certification in academic service-learning, and you will be awarded a professional development certificate. Please save the date for this upcoming event. An invitation with all the details will follow. For any questions please contact Lynn Stravino, Director of Academic Service Learning at [email protected]

Educating Citizens, Building Communities

New York Campus Compact 95 Brown Road, Box 1006 Ithaca, NY 14850 607-255-2366 www.nycampuscompact.org

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