EGN Magazine Issue 12

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European Geoparks MagazineIssue 12

Live the experience




30 March 1 April 2015:
35th European Geoparks Meeting
Paris- UNESCO Headquarters
May June 2015:
European Geoparks Week 2015
10 - 14 June 2015:
7th Workshop of the Italian Geoparks
Rethink of the Planet Earth - experience of
communication and promotion of the geoenvironmental values
Sesia - Val Grande Geopark
23 June 3 July 2015:
International Intensive Course on Geoparks
Lesvos island Geopark Greece
3-6 September 2015:
13th European Geoparks Conference
Rokua Geopark Finland
16-20 September 2015:
4th Asian - Pacific Geoparks Conference
Sanin - Kaigan Geopark - Japan
November 2015:
UNESCO General Conference
Paris- UNESCO Headquarters

March 2016:
37th European Geoparks Meeting
Basque Coast Geopark Spain
1-12 June 2016:
International Intensive Course on Geoparks
Lesvos island Geopark Greece
September 2016:
7th International UNESCO Conference on Geoparks
English Riviera Geopark - UK

March 2017:
39th European Geoparks Meeting
Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark, Ireland

Geoparks Network
Issue No 12 / 2015
Published by:
Natural History Museum of the Lesvos Petrified
Forest on behalf of the European Geoparks
Executive editor: Nickolas Zouros
Publication Editor: Tony Ramsay
Editorial board:
Heinz Kollmann, Tony Ramsay, Jutta Weber,
Nickolas Zouros
Jutta Weber, Gabi Dewald, Zhu DongE, Carldos
Neto de Carvalho, Kejian Xu, Guosheng Yu,
Sebastian Voigt, Lorenzo Marchetti, Hans Peter
Schnlaub, Gerlinde Krawanja-Ortner, Asier
Hilario, Leire Barriuso, Miren Mendia Aranguren,
Dr. Dana Pietsch, Julia Franzen, Dr. Eamon
Doyle, Heinz Kollman, Irmgard Auer, Pablo
Rivas Palomo, Carmen Fernndez Pea, Vctor
Vargas Escudero, Alberto Gil Toja, Timo Kluttig,
Alessia Amorfini, Antonio Bartelletti, Guiseppe
Ottria, Emanuele Guazzi, Silvia Ravani, Mauriio
Burlando, Lourdes Guerra Gonzlez, Alicia Serna
Barquero, Alessandra Casini, Armado Costantini,
Giancarlo Pagani, Georgia Kanellopoulou, ArisDimitris Leontaritis, Ana Jesus, Bonina Brando,
Urtelinda Ramos, Peter Samsom, Steingerur
Hreinsdttir, Sigurur Sigursveinsson, Mike
Goodwin, Pl Thjme, Sara Gentilini, Dipl.-Geogr.
Nancy Sauer, M.A. Corinna Rudolf, Alessandra
Magagna, Marco Giardino, Edoardo Dellarole,
Melanie Border, Jos M. Barrera, Javier Lpez,
Juan Gil, K. Mpentana, N. Zouros, Tina Keating,
Mikko Kiuttu, Maria Kamilari, Eleni Koumoutsou,
Gregoris Iatrou, Anchel Belmonte Ribas, Ana Ruiz
Conde, Anna Knauer, Aniello Aloia, Angelo De
Vita, Domenico Guida, Arnaldo Iudici, Jutta Weber,
Marie-Luise Frey, Vernica Montero, Joan Poch,
Horst Ibetsberger, Nina Lemkow, Slvia Marcos,
Ana Lima.
Editing: Tony Ramsay
Publication manager: Ch. Paraskevaidis
Print: Epikinonia Aigaiou S.A
Cover photo: Rokua Geopark, Kuosto Island in
the Lake Oulujrvi, the Gneiss bedrock is about 2,7
billion years old and belongs to the oldest bedrock
zone in the EU.Photographer: Markus Sirkka
Copyright: The magazine and all the contributions
and illustrations contained therein are protected by
copyright. No part of this magazine may be copied
or reproduced without the written approval of the
publishers. This also includes commercial reproduction as an electronic data base and copying on
cd rom. 2015


agazine 12 provides an overview of activities and achievements in the European

Geoparks Network (EGN) during 2014. These
include the report of the 34th EGN Coordination Committee meeting hosted by Geopark
Harz Braunschweigerland Ostfalen; celebrating European Geoparks Week; the highly successful 6th International UNESCO Conference
on Geoparks (Canada); the creation of the
Global Geoparks Association and progress
in discussions between the Global Geoparks
Network and UNESCO to develop a UNESCO
Global Geoparks Initiative. In 2014 the EGN increased to 64 members with the addition of
the following new Geoparks: Molina Alto Tajo
Geopark (Spain), El Hierro Geopark (Spain),
Monts dArdche Geopark (France), Ore of the
Alps Geopark, Odsherred Geopark (Denmark)
and Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark (Portugal).
The 6th International UNESCO Conference, hosted by Stonehammer Geopark, New
Brunswick, Canada focussed on seven themes:
Geoparks and the sustainable use of natural resources; Engaging communities; Education and
Interpretation in geoparks; Aspiring geoparks;
Mature Geoparks; UNESCO collaboration and
Intangible cultural heritage. The conference,
attended by 480 delegates from 32 countries,
adopted the Stonehammer Declaration.
In this issue, 34 articles explain how European geoparks contribute to conservation, education and promoting sustainable development
through geotourism. They demonstrate how
sharing information and working with communities, businesses and educational establishments safeguards sustainable development
in geoparks. Bakony Balaton and Sobrarbe
Geoparks train guides to use the geological
heritage as an economic resource. The National Park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni
Geopark encourages young people to manage its geoheritage. The importance of geotopes and geosites is emphasized in contributions from the Basque Coast, Eisenwurzen and
Swabian Alb Geoparks. Vulkan Eifel Geopark
restored the Trautzberg Maar to create a new
geotope. The design and maintenance of geotrails enhances geotourism in all parks. Beigua
Geopark links sport and geoheritage along
some of its trails. The Tuscan Mining Parks

geotrail highlights the territorys long history

of silver mining. Vikos-Aoos Geopark presents
nine new geotrails leading to karstic features
in its landscape. Sierras Subbeticas Natural Park developed the Cabra, Jurassic City,
urban geological trail, while North Pennines
AONB restored a shelter on the Iconic Pennines
Way Trail. The Apuan Alps Geopark produced a
new Hiking and Geotourist Map. Tourism provision also involves developing interpretive exhibitions and information centres; Sierra Norte
de Sevilla Natural Park and TERRAvita Natur
Park present examples of these activities.
All geoparks engage in formal and informal
education projects. Rokua Geopark has created geopark schools in Finland. The 20 million year old fossilized ecosystem in Lesvos
Geopark is the focus for an educational programme. The English Riviera and SesiaVal
Grande Geoparks are involved in partnerships
involving student exchange programmes.
Villuercas-Ibores-Jara Geopark is improving
its educational resources; Chelmos Vouraikos
Geopark increases its visibility through educational and networking activities. The contributions from Geo-Naturpark Bergstrasse Odenwald, Naturtejo Geopark and Muskau Arch
Geopark emphasize the importance of international collaboration. Examples of engaging
with communities and businesses are presented in contributions from Arouca, Burren, Katla
and Magma Geoparks.
The sustainable development of geoparks
is also dependant on research and new initiatives. Carnic Alps Geopark highlights how
palaeontological research contributes to the
Geoparks resources. Cabo de Gata Geopark
seeks to link its communities through an intangible heritage project. The North West
Highland Geopark proposes a social enterprise
model to create revenue streams and ensure
financial security. The contributions by El Hierro, Ore of the Alps, Odsherred and Terras de
Cavaleiros geoparks raise awareness of the
contributions that these new Geoparks can
make to the development of the EGN and GGN.
Tony Ramsay
Member of the Editorial Board



Global Geoparks Network: From a voluntary
Network to an International Non-profit


6th International UNESCO Conference on

Global Geoparks


The European Geoparks Week 2014 : Not just
a series of guided walks seeking new ways
of promoting our heritage



The Intercultural Peony Project - a flower

as a natural and cultural bridge between
continents - Global Geoparks Mt. Lushan (PR
China), Bergstrasse-Odenwald, WHS Lorsch
Abbey and City of Lorsch (Germany)


Naturtejo and Tianzhushan Global Geoparks

in an international project for interpreting
geological heritage



Pre-dinosaur tetrapod footprints as a new

asset of the Geopark Carnic Alps


Geotope protection in the GeoPark Swabian



Spectacular Geotopes in Geopark


Inventory of geosites: a basic tool for

managing geological heritage in Basque
Country Geopark

Recovery of an ancient maar lake in

Vulkaneifel Geopark
A community-initiated groundwater tracing
project in the Burren and Cliffs of Moher
Geopark, County Clare, Ireland.

That was life (As era la vida)

An intangible heritage project in Cabo de
Gata Nijar Geopark



The new interpretive exhibition at the

Information Centre of Cerro del Hierro
Natural Monument, Sierra Norte de Sevilla


Ice age sharks ? A Shark Information Centre

in an unusual location


The Hiking and Geotourist Map of the Apuan

Alps: A new tool to get to know the Geopark

The European Geoparks Network today
Developing outdoor sports to enhance the
geological heritage in Beigua Geopark
Cabra, Jurassic City Sierras
Searching for the medieval miners in the
Tuscan Mining Geopark

Nature Rhythms and Producing Art in Arouca

Geopark - Portugal
North Pennines AONB and Global Geopark:
A historic shelter restored to celebrate the
anniversary of an iconic trail.


EGN 34 CC MEETING. European Geoparks

visiting the Geopark Harz Braunschweiger
Land Ostfalen


Geotrails to the karstic geoforms of Astraka

Plateau in Vikos-Aoos Geopark


Katla Geopark Isolation Sparks Innovation

Could Social Enterprise be the future for
Magma Geopark Engages with Communities
by developing local menus: the GEOfood



First International Geopark Camp Art Meets

Geology Is Over! - Muskau Arch Geopark


Geopark EU project widens horizons for

young people across Europe, English Riviera
Global Geopark - UK


Improving teaching resources in VilluercasIbores-Jara Geopark.


Copper Coast Geopark: Archaeology from

Above & Below


Training course for Geological Heritage

Guides in Sobrarbe: A tool to create new
employment in a Geopark


Opening the geological treasure chest of

BakonyBalaton Geopark

EduGeoPark Research: An innovative student

exchange partnership between Sesia Val
Grande and Rokua Geoparks

Lesvos Geopark: The island of natural

wonders and culture : 300 million years in 96

Rokua Geopark initiated the first Geopark

schools in Finland
Educational, research and networking
activities in Chelmos Vouraikos Geopark


Local Geopark Care Takers: a fruitful

experience at Veneris Hair Geosite (Casaletto
Spartano, Eastern Bussento River Landscape)
in Cilento and Vallo Diano Geopark



Cooperation between Global Geopark

Bergstrasse-Odenwald and WHS Messel Pit
(Germany): geo-education, geo-products,
geo-communication and geo-tourism


El Hierro, the Island of 1,000 volcanoes. The

first Geopark in the Canary Archipelago

Copper so close to the heavens - Ore of the
Alps Geopark
Geopark Odsherred the first Global Geopark
in Denmark
Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark


Global Geoparks Network:

From a voluntary Network to an

International Non-profit Association

he GGN was founded in 2004 as an international partnership under the umbrella of

UNESCO. It ,serves to develop models of best
practice and establish quality-standards for
territories that integrate the protection and
preservation of Earth heritage sites within a
strategy for regional sustainable economic
development. By 2014 the GGN expanded to
include 111 members in 32 countries on 5 continents.
Over recent years there have been increasingly detailed discussions within the Global
Geoparks Network (GGN) and its regional
Geopark Networks (EGN, APGN) on formalizing
the link between the Global Geoparks Network
and UNESCO hrough the creation of UNESCO
Global Geoparks. In order to ensure that the
GGN will continue to play a key role in the proposed new UNESCO Global Geoparks, the GGN
must obtain legal character so that it can
sign a memorandum of understanding with
The GGN Bureau, the governing body of
the GGN, discussed, in an extraordinary meeting held on Lesvos Island in 25 June 2014, the
latest developments in establishing UNESCO
Global Geoparks. The Bureau debated the problems, strengths, weakneses, threats and opportunities for consideration in the concluding

Global Geoparks Network

International Associaton on Geoparks

negotiations of the UNESCO Working Group on

Geoparks. The purpose of these negotiations
was to finalize the UNESCO Global Geoparks
documents, e.g. operational guidelines, financing UNESCO Global Geoparks, the GGN legal
status, the evaluation of applications in cases
of territorial disputes and other open issues.
The GGN Bureau recognized that the establishment of a legal entity for the GGN is necessary for various reasons:
The representation of the GGN in the new
UNESCO Global Geoparks coordination and
decision making bodies (UNESCO Global
Geoparks Council and Bureau) and the proposal of the 12 members in the UNESCO
Global Geoparks Council.
The establishment of a roster of Geopark evaluators and the evaluation and revalidation
procedure for the UNESCO Global Geoparks.
The mechanism for collecting the financial
contribution to UNESCO Global Geoparks.
The GGN Bureau examined different models
for establishing an Association and concluded
unanimously that the model that best coincides
with and covers the legal status of the existing
Global Geoparks as well as the legal status for
similar global institutions, is the International
Council of Museums model (ICOM). The ICOM

Email: [email protected]


has members in almost all UNESCO member

countries and has a privileged relationship with
The GGN Bureau discussed and agreed the
statutes of the Association which are based on
the existing GGN Operational Guidelines and
used the ICOM model for a Non-profit International Association according to French law.
The GGN Association office will be at the Haute
Provence Geopark in France. The membership
fee for each Global Geopark was also agreed.
The official documents for the establishment of the Association were distributed to
all Geoparks for approval at the GGN General
Assembly held in Canada during the 6th International Conference on Geoparks.The founding
Executive Board of theGlobal Geopark Network
(GGN)Association, elected by the GGN Bureau,
concluded the necessary legal procedures in order for the GGN Association to have legal status, based on:
a. The decision of theGGN Bureau.
b. The official letters of the Managing Authority from the broad majority of the Global
Geoparks expressing their agreement to GGN
Bureau decisions.
c. The decision of the GGN - General Assembly in Canada on 19 September 2014, who
unanimously endorsed the decisions of the
GGN Bureau to transfer the GGN status from
a Voluntary Network to an International Nonprofit Association according to French law, as
well as the endorsement of theGGNAssociationstatutes and the approval of an annual
financial contribution to UNESCO of not less
that $1000 USD per Global Geopark.
The Global Geopark Network Association status has been recognized according to
French law and became a legal entity in September 2014.
All information regarding the statutes and
the operation procedures can be found at www.
Following the decisions of the GGN General
Assembly, the GGN Association Executive Board
decided to include, as institutional members of
the Association, all Global Geoparks who expressed by official letter their agreement to the
GGN Association statutes and annual membership fee.
The GGN Executive Board also agreed the criteria and procedures for enrolment of the GGN
Individual Members (Geopark professionals).
All information can be found at the Association web site
Following the establishment of the GGN Association, and during the 7th UNESCO Working
Group on Geoparks, the GGN representatives
contributed to the creation of the International
Geosciences and Geoparks Programme, which
includes two sub-programmes, the Internation-

al Geosciences Programme (a joint programme

between UNESCO and IUGS) and the UNESCO
Global Geoparks (a joint programme between
UNESCO and the GGN).
The documents approved were:
1. The IGGP statutes.
2. The UNESCO Geoparks operational guidelines.
The WGs proposal to the UNESCO Executive
Board concerning the establishment of the new
IGGP and the UNESCO Global Geoparks, was
also discussed. This document presents, among
others, the economic impact of the Global
Geoparks activities based on the document of
the GGNs total budget for 2014 prepared by
the GGN. This document also includes the proposal for the transition of the current members
of GGN. to the UNESCO Global Geoparks. These
Geoparks will automatically become UNESCO
Global Geoparks subject to a letter of approval
from each countrys National Commission for
UNESCO or from a relevant Government body
in charge of relations with UNESCO.
Thus the GGN Association becomes a key the
UNESCO Global Geoparks and will continue its
current role in developing Geoparks across the
Now we are faced by the remaining two final
stages in order to conclude successfully this adventure which started before the UNESCO 35th
General Conference in 2009. These remaining
stages include the decision of the UNESCO Executive Board in April 2015 and the endorsement of this decision during the 38th General
Conference of UNESCO in November 2015.


of the First
greeting the
Conference at
the opening

6th International
UNESCO Conference
on Global Geoparks

tonehammer Geopark, welcomed 480 participants from 32 countries in the Saint

John region of Canada at the 6th International
UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks from
18th to 22th September 2014.
As North AmericasfirstGlobal Geopark, Stonehammer Geopark is located in Southern New
Brunswick on the East Coast of Canada. Stonehammer Geopark is a geological park where
you can experience a billion years of Earths
history. The landscape has been created by the
collision of continents, the closing and opening of oceans, volcanoes, earthquakes, ice ages
and climate change. The rocks in the Stonehammer Geopark have been witness to the
evolution of life, including the first discovery
of Precambrian stromatolite fossils, the Cambrian Explosion of life, the evolution of vertebrates and the emergence of life on land. The
Geopark includes geological stories from the
late Precambrian time, a billion years ago, to
the most recent Ice Age, and almost everything
between. Stonehammer Geopark incorporates
more than 60 significant geological and fossil
sites, including more than 10 publicly accessible sites. Stonehammer is a community-supported organization comprised of site owners,
tourism operators, members of the community
and other stakeholders. The Geopark encompasses 2500 square kilometres and extends

from Lepreau Falls to Norton and from the

Fundy Trail to the Kingston Peninsula.
The overall theme for the conference focused
on Connecting. Geoparks are concerned with
Connecting people to the Earth in a way that
is meaningful to them and the conference engaged in Connecting delegates with each other and our community.
Themes for oral presentations and poster submissions were as follows:
1. Geoparks and sustainable use of natural resources
Geological heritage is key for understanding
the environment and the sustainable use of
natural resources (water, petroleum and minerals) and is crucial for the responsible use of
2. Engaging Communities
This theme is for geoparks to share their success stories in engaging their communities.
3. Education and Interpretation in
Educational programmes led by geoparks
in schools or other community institutions as
well as successful examples of how the subject matter was easily conveyed, i.e. great
examples of interpreting earth science in a
simple and easily understood manner.


4. Aspiring Geoparks
Presentation of projects by aspiring geoparks, guidelines for the establishment of
Geoparks in the GGN.
5. Mature Geoparks
What does it take to keep a geopark going? Share stories of success and failure
through the re-evaluation process. This track
is intended for geoparks that are well established (at least 4 years since initial designation) and have best practices to share on how
they have managed to keep the momentum
building in their communities, in their programming and with their stakeholders.
6. UNESCO Collaboration
Building relationships and developing partnerships between Global Geoparks and other
UNESCO programs (Man and the Biosphere
Programme, World Heritage Sites, International Geosciences Programme) that are
near or within the footprint of the geopark.
7. Intangible Cultural Heritage
Living expressions and traditions that
countless groups and communities worldwide have inherited from their ancestors and
transmit to their descendants, in most cases
orally, are a valuable component of geopark
interpretation. This track is intended for
geoparks who are currently interpreting intangible heritage.
The conference, the first to be organized
in North America, marked an energetic decade in the existence of the Global Geoparks
The success of the GGN was evident from
the number of delegates who descended on
Saint John to partake in the wide array of
sessions, field-trips and cultural events.
The 6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks, under the aegis
of UNESCO with the approval of General
Secretary I. Bokova, was organized by the

Stonehammer Geopark, the first Global

Geopark in North America with the support
of many sponsors.
During the conference 11 new members
were warmly welcomed into the Global
Geopark Network bringing the membership
to a total to 111 Geoparks from 32 countries. The new Geoparks are :

chorus at
the opening
of the 6th
Conference on

Molina and Alto Tajo Global Geopark (Spain)

Ore of the Alps Global Geopark (Austria)
Tumbler Ridge Global Geopark (Canada)
Mount Kunlun Global Geopark (China)
Dali Mount Cangshan Global Geopark (China)
Odsherred Global Geopark (Denmark)
Monts dArdeche Global Geopark (France)
Aso Global Geopark (Japan)
MGoun Global Geopark (Morocco)
Terras de Cabaleiros Global Geopark (Portugal)
El Hierro Global Geopark (Spain, Canary Islands Autonomous Region)

Many aspiring geoparks also participated

in the conference.
The Conference also adopted the Stonehammer Declaration.
The 6th International UNESCO Conference
on Global Geoparks marked a successful decade of applying and developing the geopark
concept which melds the natural landscape
and the lives of a Geoparks resident communities into a harmonious and mutually
beneficial mode of existence. The next decade will involve challenges as the Network
continues to grow and as the geopark concept is embraced by more and more communities and governments. This will require
hard work and dedication in maintaining,
refining and promoting the geopark concept
across the planet. Onwards and upwards!

he 6th International UNESCO Conference on

Global Geoparks was held from September
19 to 22 2014 in Saint John, Stonehammer Global Geopark, Canada, and was attended by 450
delegates from 30 countries.
After deliberation, the delegates hereby affirm
1. The Global Geopark community fully endorses the efforts made following the decision
of the 36th General Conference of UNESCO to
improve cooperation between UNESCO and
Global Geoparks through the establishment of
UNESCO Global Geoparks within the framework
of the International Geosciences and Geoparks
We very much welcome the increasing levels
of support for Global Geoparks within UNESCO,
we acknowledge the results of the consultations
made by the Working Group on Geoparks formed
following the decision of the 191st Executive
Board meeting and expect that the present
strong relationship between the Global Geoparks
and UNESCO will be strengthened through the
establishment of UNESCO Global Geoparks during the 38th UNESCO General Conference. In particular, we advocated that the Global Geoparks
Network aquire a non-profit association legal status and will act as the advisory body to
UNESCO, to continue the development of Global
Geoparks around the world. The GGN shall maintain its consultative relations with UNESCO,
though a Memorandum of Understanding. This
is particularly important in the least developed
areas of the world.
2. The Global Geopark community celebrated
the 10th anniversary of the GGN and acknowledged the highly successful and rapidly evolving
development that occurred with the support of
the Earth Sciences Division of UNESCO following
the GGNs initiation in 2004. The GGN expanded
to include 111 members during the 6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks.
Global Geoparks are territories with a geological heritage of international significance that implement strategies for holistic heritage management, promotion and sustainable development
that are innovative, integrated, and respectful of
local traditions and desires. To keep growing, the
GGN should insist on retaining the existing evaluation/revalidation system based on high quality
criteria in Geopark management, operation and
services to their visitors.
3. The GGN assists in the development of models of best practice and quality-standards for territories that integrate the protection and preservation of geoheritage sites within a strategy
for regional sustainable economic development.
Networking within the Global Geoparks Network is encouraged to strengthen the capacity
of human resources through collaboration and
co-operation. This will ensure the development
and support of various advisory roles, networking programmes, research projects of common


The Stonehammer Declaration

interest and interrelated human activities within

the GGN. The 6th International UNESCO Conference on Global Geoparks is a good example of
capacity building.
4. The Global Geopark community encourages
the efforts to strengthen the cooperation among
local people, scientists and other experts, tourism
industries, municipalities, central governments
and other stakeholders for the development and
operation of Geoparks.
Global Geoparks promote the links between
geological heritage and all other aspects of
the areas natural and cultural heritage, clearly
demonstrating that geodiversity is the foundation of all ecosystems and the basis of human
interaction with the landscape.
Geoparks use geo-scientific knowledge as a
substantial element for nature conservation,
geoheritage protection, environmental education, including natural disasters and climate
change, geotourism development and efficient
management in Geoparks. Every Global Geopark
should have daily access to the expertise of geoscientists. Therefore, effectivesustainable development of our Geoparks as well as of our local
communities will remain as a goal.
5. The Global Geopark community encourages the equitable geographical development
of Global Geoparks and thus supports all efforts
to expand Global Geoparks in those areas of the
world that are currently under-represented in
the GGN. The first Global Geopark Conference in
North America has afforded the opportunity for
aspiring Geoparks in the region to gain experience and knowledge of the Global Geoparks Network and has increased awareness of Geoparks.
Delegates look forward to the development of a
rich and vibrant North American Geoparks Network, based on the diverse geology and cultural
heritage of the continent. Participation of First
Nations at the opening ceremony provided a
unique and inspiring message for delegates and
for future North American Geoparks.
Agreed in Stonehammer Global Geopark


34th European Geoparks

European Geoparks visiting the Geopark Harz
Braunschweiger Land Ostfalen

he 34th EGN Coordination Committee Meeting

took place from 2nd to 5th September 2014 in Wernigerode. About 100 representatives of the European
Geoparks from 21 different countries discussed the
results of evaluation and revalidation missions, new
applications and common projects. As a result of the
evaluation missions, six Geoparks were admitted as
new members of the European and Global Geoparks
The most important issue was the collaboration
with UNESCO regarding the development of a UNESCO-Geoparks-Programme. The German Vice Chancellor and Federal Minister for Economics and Energy,
Sigmar Gabriel, presented short welcoming addresses
to the Meeting by letter. Dr. Lutz Mller from the
German UNESCO Commission was optimistic that
the General Assembly of UNESCO will establish a
UNESCO-Geoparks-Programme in autumn 2015. The
Global Geopark initiative brings together people from
different continents and cultures, following the mandate of UNESCO to build peace in the mind of men
and women, added Prof. Patrick McKeever on behalf
During various field trips the delegates got to know
the Geopark. A guided tour of Wernigerode led them
through the small lanes and along the half-timbered
houses in the town centre. In addition, they visited the
Palon Museum in Schningen to see the oldest hunting weapons used by man. The Schningen spears,
which are about 300.000 years old, were discovered
in an open cast lignite mine which can be viewed from
the museum. The exhibits in the museum reveal the
complex social structure of Homo heidelbergensis (Hei-

Lossen-Monument: Some of the participants in front of the LossenMonument during the end-of meeting field trip in the Harz.
(Photo: Dr. Klaus George).


delberg man) and provide an insight into a palaeolithic landscape. In the Cathedral of Knigslutter, the
mayor of Knigslutter, Alexander Hoppe, expressed his
appreciation for the educational work of the Geopark
and for its Information Centre in his town. The Cathedral, built by Italians, is an early example of European
cooperation. Today the municipality of Knigslutter is
one of the main financial supporters of the Geopark.
The end-of -meeting excursion on 5th September included visits to the Lossen Monument, the Bchenberg
Show Mine, Elbingerode, the Upper Harz Water Management System, a World Heritage Site, the Goetheplatz and the Brocken, the highest and most famous
mountain in the Harz (1,141 m above sea level).
The Lossen Monument was erected in 1896 to commemorate the geologist Karl August Lossen, a member of the Prussian Geological Survey, Berlin and a professor at the Royal Mining Academy of Berlin whose
research contributed significantly to understanding
the geology of the Harz region.
The Harz region is famous both for its forests and its
mineral wealth. Members of the field excursion spent
some time in the Bchenberg Show Mine, an iron ore
mine and a monument to historical mining methods.
The machines used to extract the ore still function and
the tunnel walls contain colorful exposures of the ore
and various rock types. The remains of the longest
conveyor system in Europe, used to transport the ore,
can be seen at the surface.
The Goetheplatz Geosite, situated in the area of
the Rehberger Grabenweg, was visited by Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe in 1783. Here the contact between the underlying Harz Granite igneous intrusion

The guided tour of Wernigerode started

from the market square.
(Photo: Andrea Faust).

The mayor of
Hoppe (r.)
and the
Chairman of
the Advisory
Board of the
Geopark, Dr.
Volker Wilde.
Dr. Klaus

The Banner welcoming the delegates of the EGN Coordination

Committee in Wernigerode town centre.(Photo: Dr. Klaus George).

and overlying older sedimentary rocks is exposed.

The heat from the molten granite, intruded approximately 295 million years ago, baked the sedimentary rocks at the contact zone to produce a rock
called hornfels. Based on the rock sequence at this
site Goethe proposed an older age for the granite
which he suggested was formed by the crystallization of minerals from sea water and a younger
age for the hornfels. The hypothesis advocated by
Goethe, known as neptunism, postulated that igneous crystalline rocks formed by crystallization from
sea water. This was superceded by the views of the
plutonists who correctly interpreted these rocks as
the product of crystallization from a molten state.
Therefore, the Goetheplatz is an important site for
the development of the understanding of Earth processes and in the history of geology.
The visit to the Brocken involved a ride on the
narrow gauge Brocken Railway Line, on a 700hp
steam train. The ride, on a beautiful autumn day,
climbed steeply through the spruce tree covered
slopes which give way to the windswept Brocken
Plateau providing spectacular views across the
Harz Mountains and the Geopark. The plateau also
hosts a famous botanic garden with over 1,600
alpine plants. The group spent some time in the
Brocken House Museum where exhibitions on four

Brockenhaus: A guided tour of the Brocken Museum,

the highest point of the Harz.
(Photo: Andrea Faust).

floors present the story of the witches and also the

fascinating history of this site as a military base
and border post during the 20th century. However,
the Brocken is best known for its place in German
folklore, a place of witches and devils immortalized in Goethes story of Faust and his pact with
the devil.
In addition, the Meeting also promoted regional
development in the Geopark. Many supportive
members of the Regional Association Harz, one of
the responsible organizations for the Geopark Harz
Braunschweiger Land Ostfalen, were involved in
organizing the Meeting. The Hotel Blocksberg, for
example, accommodated some of the delegates
and was involved in catering for the meeting.
The participants enjoyed their stay in the second
largest Geopark of Europe: I learned very much in
this Geopark in which the nature and culture are so
clearly connected with the older and more recent
history, summarised Dan Grigorescu from Hateg
Country Dinosaurs Geopark, Romania.
Isabel Reuter ([email protected])
Contact: Regionalverband Harz e. V.
Hohe Strae 6, 06484 Quedlinburg
Isabel Reuter Phone: +49 3946 964121 EMail: [email protected]

Show Mine: An iron ore vein

in the Bchenberg Show Mine.
(Photo: Dr. Klaus George).



The European Geoparks

Not just a series of guided walks seeking

Adamello-Brenta Geopark

Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark

Central Catalonia Geopak

Bakony-Balaton Geopark

Geo-Naturpark Bergstrasse Odenwald


Azores Geopark

Geo Mon

Cabo de Gata - Nijar National Park

Basque Coast Geopark

new ways of promoting our heritage

Reserve Geologique de Haute- Provence


Week 2014

Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park

Chablais Geopark

Arouca Geopark

Apuan Alps Geopark

very European Geopark staff member knows that, at first glance, rocks
and landforms are silent and immobile.
One of our most important missions is
to get them to talk because they carry
really interesting stories about our past,
which is dynamic and full of surprising
twists. Since geoparks are not just for
geologists, we must translate and share
the complicated language of Earth science with visitors of all ages with varying degrees of geological knowledge
this is sometimes a greater challenge
than publishing an article in a scientific
Guided geotours, oral presentations for
the general public, school contests and
opening new visitor centres, of course,
are very important events in European
Geoparks Week which occurs annually
during late May and early June. However,
there are also other ways to celebrate
and communicate the links between
geological and intangible heritage, local
communities and their traditions.



The European Geoparks

Week 2014

Hondsrug Geopark

Sierras Subbeticas Natural Park

Maestrazgo Cultural Park


Rokua Geopark

Idrija Geopark

Sobrarbe Geopark


Vulkaneifel Geopark

Geopark Eisenwurzen, Austria

Karawanke Karawanken

Psiloritis Natural Park

Massif des Bauges Geopark

Shetlands Geopark

Geopark Naturtejo da Meseta Meridional

High quality and exciting outdoor sports activities are becoming popular. Some coastal geoparks
offered geo-kayaking when, thanks to dedicated
guides, visitors could also learn about the geology
of the route along a coastline. Other geoparks organized special programmes for cyclists who, besides cycling,visited iconic geosites. New snorkel
trails, also advertised in 2014, required the creation of interpretive information for underwater
Savour the culinary delights of Geoparks! Families had fun making ammonite shortbread, conglomerate buns and chocolate volcanoes, at the
same time the keen bakers were familiarized with
key geological principles. Clearing of a blocked
cave provided a memorable experience for volunteers and, after finishing the hard work, traditional
food products were tasted from other European
Geoparks. Enjology! was the special motto of Italian geoparks in 2014: it was an excellent means of
highlighting the relationship between geodiversity
and typical agri-food products in their regions.
All of these unique experiences help to make local people familiar with geoparks and to be proud
of living in a European Geopark. The European
Geoparks organized approximately 900 events and
welcomed nearly 80,000 people during the EGN
Week 2014. Their on-line presence on the web and
social media plays an increasingly important role
but still more than 160,000 printed programme
flyers were published around our continent.
Barnabs Korbly
[email protected]

Chelmos - Vouraikos Geopark



The peony the

flower which
creates a natural,
cultural and artistic
bridge between

The Intercultural Peony Project

A flower as a natural and cultural bridge between continents

Zhu Dong,
of Global
Mt. Lushan
signing the
guest book
during the


eony the flower, which grows nowadays

mainly in botanical and private gardens has a
fascinating place in the medicinal history of China
and Germany.
In both countries the peony was used in herbal
medicine. The 8th century Lorsch Pharmacopeia
(included in UNESCOs Memory of the World Register), the oldest collection of classical remedies used
in the early Middle Ages in Europe, refers to the
medicinal use of the peony. The Benedictine Monks
of Lorsch Abbey, now a World Heritage Site, introduced this plant from southern Europe, and this is
the reason why the peony is also called the Benedictine rose. The City of Lorsch celebrated its connection with the history of the peony by creating an
international peony garden and by naming a new
variety, Paeonia lactiflora laureshamensis after the
Lorsch Abbey.
In China, the peony, which is still is used as important ingredient in herbal medicine, has inspired
artists and poets for more than 3000 years. Known
as the emperor of flowers the peony represents a
symbol for prosperity and nobility.
Based on this shared background, the Global
Geopark Bergstrasse-Odenwald and the City
of Lorsch have developed an international,
intercultural project in partnership with the Global
Geopark Mt. Lushan (PR China) and the WHS Lorsch
Abbey (Germany). The project consists of four
phases: 1 an arts exhibition; 2 to establish peony
gardens in Lorsch and Mt. Lushan; 3 involving re-

search and exchanging peonies; 4 the development

of thematic touristic travel packages.
The first phase, the peony arts exhibition, was
implemented in the Museum Centre of the City
of Lorsch, from June 1st to August 17th, 2014. The
exhibition included 70 paintings of peonys and
peony calligraphy poems by 33 contemporary artists. Examples of poetry, calligraphy, ink drawings
and paintings collected and selected by Mt Lushan
Geopark were transferred to the Museum Centre of
the city of Lorsch and the WHS headquarters.
The exhibition was opened on the 1st of June in
a ceremony attended by representatives from the
Federal Government of Hessen, the Global Geopark
Mt. Lushan and the Chinese Council for Culture.
The three-months long exhibition provided thousands of visitors with unforgettable insights into
traditional and contemporary Chinese arts as well
as the peonys role as a bridge between continents.
The project will continue in 2015 with the implementation of an international peony garden in the
botanical garden of Global Geopark Mt. Lushan.
Jutta Weber
(Global Geopark Bergstrasse-Odenwald),
Gabi Dewald
(City of Lorsch), - Germany,
Zhu DongE
(Global Geopark Mt. Lushan) China

The Peony
Exhibition 70 paintings
created by
33 Chinese
artists were
exhibited in
the Global


The meeting between
the project team and
Tianzhushan primary
schools Board of
Directors to prepare
the Geoparks plan of
annual activities.

Naturtejo and Tianzhushan

Global Geoparks

in an international project for interpreting geological heritage

rafting at
Baimatan, a
very popular
activity for
the river
300 year old

n international project coordinated by the China University of Geosciences in Beijing is being

developed by Tianzhushan Global Geopark. The aim
of the project is to refresh the interpretation of the
remarkable geological heritage of Tianzhushan; its
Palaeocene fossil sites, the amazing areas of picturesque granite landforms, and the educational
ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism routes. It also
includes improving signage, local museums and cultural sites, visitor centres, local schools and familyrun hotels. The Tianzhushan Project involves the
innovative design of about 150 information panels,
geo-educational exhibitions, mascots, a website
and merchandising, the training of tour guides, editing popular science texts, the production of a new
promotional video and the design of a new geopark
guidebook, leaflets and a tourist map in five different languages to cater for international visitors to
Tianzhushan Geopark.
An internationally renowned team of experts is
taking part in this project to guarantee the quality of the scientific information for the educational
provision for the general public and schools. The
team includes geologists, e.g. Professor Kuiyuan
Tao from the Nanjing Institute of Geology and Minerals, geomorphologists, e.g. professors Zhiju Cui
and Youyu Xie from Peking University and the China
Academy of Science respectively, experts in geotourism such as Dr. Kejian Xu from China University
of Geosciences and Carlos Neto de Carvalho from
Naturtejo Global Geopark, Portugal, and Zhihua Li,
the senior editor of Chinese National Geographic.
The quality of translations in foreign languages is
supervised by Dr. Joseph Finch from the University
of Bath in England and Professor Bangli Liu from
Zhengzhou University. The involvement of experts
in tourism management and planning, graphic and
cartoon design, park design, art layout, video and
photography exemplifies the projects commitment

to best practice.
Naturtejo Global Geopark was invited to take
part in the project under the official cooperation
agreement signed last July. This sister partnership
fosters an active exchange of experiences in the
technical fields of management, tourism and business relationship. Carlos Neto de Carvalho, scientific coordinator of the Portuguese Geopark, was
invited to contribute to the group of experts that
visited and worked in the territory for one week
under the coordination of Guosheng Yu, manager
of Tianzhushan Global Geopark. The working group
also involved the Geoparks staff and board of directors in discussions with the local inhabitants
and businessmen responsible for the scenic areas
and museums, cultural sites, local schools and ecofarms, family-run hotels and restaurants, local gift
shops and tourism companies.
The multidisciplinary team will work intensively
in the field and in their respective institutions in
China and Europe for the next six months.

The project
team visits
Mr. Ges
hotel and
eco-farm at

Carlos Neto de Carvalho

Naturtejo Global Geopark
[email protected]
Kejian Xu
China University of Geosciences, Beijing
[email protected]
Guosheng Yu
Tianzhushan Global Geopark
[email protected]



as a new asset
of the Geopark
Carnic Alps

he rich fossil heritage of the Geopark Carnic

Alps has recently been expanded by a new asset the oldest traces of land-dwelling vertebrates in Austria. The first and hitherto only specimen with Palaeozoic tetrapod tracks from Austria
was discovered near Ktschach-Mauthen in 1979.
Compared with the ichnotaxon Ichniotherium cottae, these tracks argued for an Early Permian age
for the footprint-bearing red-beds of the discovery site. The latter belong to the Laas Formation,
a thick succession of volcaniclastic-sedimentary
rocks that underlays the calcareous Triassic to locally Cretaceous sequence of the Gailtal Alps.
According to more recent studies, the ichnogenus Ichniotherium refers to trackmakers of the
clade Diadectomorpha. It represents a group of
Late Carboniferous and Early Permian reptile-like
amphibians including some of the earliest herbivorous tetrapods on Earth. Diadectomorph fossil remains are known from Canada, the Czech Republic,
Germany, Great Britain, Morocco, Poland and the
US. The Ktschach-Mauthen specimen is the only
potential record of this important and wide-spread
group of terrestrial tetrapods in the whole of the
In order to confirm the previous footprint report,
Voigt and Marchetti explored the Geopark Carnic
Alps in 2013. A new site with reddish sand-, silt- and
claystones of the Laas Formation yielded footprints
of two more tetrapod ichnotaxa, Amphisauropus
Haubold, 1970 and Dromopus Marsh, 1894. Potential producers of these trace fossils are Seymouriamorpha, i.e. ca. 50 cm long reptile-like amphibians
related to the Diadectomorpha, and early diapsids
of similar size. The trace-fossil bearing sediments
are associated with invertebrate traces, root trac-

with tracks
to cf.


es, desiccation cracks, ripple marks and microbially induced sedimentary structures characterizing
floodplain fines within a thick series of alluvial fan
deposits. The new footprint material supports the
supposed Early Permian age of the Laas Formation
and its interpretation as deposits of a continental
basin almost 300 million years ago.

tracks from the
Geopark Carnic

Sebastian Voigt,
Urweltmuseum GEOSKOP / Burg Lichtenberg (Pfalz),
Burgstrae 19, 66871 Thallichtenberg, Germany
([email protected])
Lorenzo Marchetti,
Dipartimento di Geoscienze, Universit degli Studi di Padova, via Gradenigo 6, 35131 Padova, Italy
([email protected])
Hans Peter Schnlaub, Gerlinde Krawanja-Ortner
Geopark Carnic Alps, 9635 Dellach/Gail, Austria
([email protected]; [email protected])

tracks from the
Geopark Carnic

Itzurun Beach
and the Zumaia
section contain
14 geosites of

Inventory of Geosites:

A Basic Tool for Managing Geological Heritage in the Basque Coast


eology, and more specifically the management

of geological heritage, forms the bedrock of
any geopark project. Consequently an inventory of
geosites provides a basic management tool which
enables the effective planning of scientific, geoconservation, educational and geo-tourism initiatives. An inventory is much more than a simple list
of places of geological interest. It should involve a
selection of sites that together represent the geology of the local area, and it should also include
a quantitative analysis of the different parameters
that will help plan their management in the future.
The Basque Coast Geopark has undertaken an
inventory of 54 geosites , using the following
1. Meeting of a committee consisting of 10 experts in different geological disciplines. Each
expert proposed 10 sites of interest in relation
to his or her field of expertise.
2. Selection of a list of sites. The most important
parameter borne in mind during the selection of
sites was that they should be representative of
all the current and past geological processes recorded in the rocks. This process resulted in the
selection of a definitive list of 54 sites.
3. Design of an in-house assessment sheet
adapted to the specific characteristics of the
geopark and compatible with other geopark assessments in Spain, as well as with the GEOSITES project (UNESCO-IUGS). Each sheet contains an initial descriptive section, followed by a
second quantitative assessment section focusing on the following issues: 1) scientific value 2)
potential for public use and 3) vulnerability.
4. Fieldwork and completion of the sheets. Each
sheet includes a space at the end of the page
for recommendations regarding geo-conserva-

tion and initiatives designed to maximise the

value attached to each geosite.
5. Cross-referencing of data and compilation of
comparative graphs and maps to carry out a
diagnosis of the Geoparks geological heritage.
The aim is to identify the location of the geosites and their significance.
6. Conclusions and management proposals: definition of priority research areas in less studied
disciplines; regulatory proposals for unprotected geosites; conservation proposals for more
vulnerable geosites and proposals for infrastructures and educational material to improve
the potential for public use.
More information is available at www.geoparkea.
Asier Hilario, Leire Barriuso
Basque Coast Global Geopark.
[email protected]
Miren Mendia Aranguren
University of the Basque Country.
[email protected]

map and
of the
geosites in
the Basque
Coast Global
(Photo Iigo



Rothemel in
an overgrown

Geotope protection
in the GeoPark Swabian Alb

A polished
example of

n contrast to the biosphere, the basis of life, the

rocks, are still neglected, even within the politics of environmental protection. The existence
and weathering of rocks prior to the advent of
plants and animals is one of the main factors in
soil formation, a significant component for surface water retention. With a concept of geotope
management, and based on the geotope register
of the Authority of Geology, Mining and Raw Materials in Freiburg (LGRB), a detailed compilation
of the most important geotopes in the Swabian
Alb, their condition, their need for protection and
preservation was initiated in August 2014. The
GeoPark also aims to develop a network with
scientific institutions involving the mapping of
geotopes by university students.
During the summer of 2014, 420 geotopes
from 1900 geotopes in 10 counties were

selected. With the aid of GPS, the first 80 geotopes in three counties and in Ulm were mapped
by Kim Rothemel from Wrzburg University. The
new geotope data were included in the LGRB database and documented by photographs. Some
geotopes are in a bad condition, especially quarries often become overgrown. We hope, that the
detailed mapping will make the the geotopes
more visible and open to the public. Each visitor
to the Swabian Alb should be able to experience
the beauty of these sites.
In addition to mapping, on the 21st September
the GeoPark celebrated the Day of the Geotope
in the Swabian Alb. Every 3rd Sunday in September this day is celebrated in Germany, nationwide.
The GeoPark designated the Bttinger Marble, as
one of the most beautiful geological phenomena
in the Swabian Alb.
Despite the inclement weather, approximately
500 visitors found their way to the quarry of the
Bttinger Marble. Visitors enjoyed the guided
tours and the information on the palaeontology
of the marble. The hydrothermal rock is 10 million years old and originated from the precipitation of calcium carbonate in hot springs associated with the Swabian volcano. It is both an important geotope and a significant cultural asset.
Dr. Dana Pietsch
GeoPark Schwbische Alb e. V.
Von der Osten Str. 4,6
(Altes Lager)
72525 Mnsingen
Tel: +49 (0)7381-9386495
Fax: +49 (0)7381-501 277
[email protected]


Taking soil
profiles in
Maar in
with Trier

Recovery of an ancient maar lake

in Vulkaneifel Geopark

Maar with
lake only
weeks after
the drainage

ulkaneifel has a strong volcanic legacy consisting of maars and cinder cones.
In the 1980s, geomagnetic research was carried out throughout the Vulkaneifel region which
proved the occurrence of a maar in the depression close to Trautzberg.
Soil profiles in cores recovered from Trautzberg Maar revealed an interbedded sequence of
organic and clay layers indicative of deposition
in a lake at a time when Trautzberg Maar was
probably filled with water.
This conclusion is substantiated by the historical maps of Tranchot and Mffling from
1810/1811, who mapped the Eifel region for
the French Emperor Napoleon. The maps from
1811 record the occurrence of a wetland at the
Trautzberg Maar site.
Following World War 2, the Trautzberg Maar
was drained as part of an agricultural land reclamation programme in the early 1960s and
since that time was used for pasture.
In recent years, the local community decided to restore their maar. After the ownership

situation was clarified, planning of the restoration began as a collaborative project with the
Vulkaneifel Nature Park and Geopark. The project aimed to reclaim the original wetland in an
ecologically sound way without impacting heavily on the environment by focussing on capping
the old drainage system and building a small
dam as an overflow.
The reclamation of the wetland in the maar is
important because it contributes to the geological heritage of Vulkaneifel. Vulkaneifel is also
an important resting place for migrating birds.
Therefore the creation of additional wetlands
has been requested by biologists. Biologists are
currently monitoring the changes in the plant
communities associated with the developing
wetland at Tautzberg Maar.
The restored Trautzberg Maar has recently
been made accessible by a new hiking trail and
will be another highlight for nature- and geotourism in the southern part of the Vulkaneifel
Nature Park and Geopark.

Sediments in
layers of clay
and peat.

Julia Franzen,
[email protected]



location of
the Burren
and Cliffs
of Moher

A community-initiated groundwater
tracing project
in the Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark, County Clare, Ireland.

example of
flow through
a cave in the


he Burren is one of the best examples of

a karst limestone landscape in the world.
Groundwater flow patterns are complex and
much of the groundwater flows in underground
conduits at high flow rates. The groundwater of
the Burren has been classified as extremely vulnerable by the Geological Survey of Ireland.
Over the years cavers have contributed a huge
amount of information about caves and groundwater flow in the Burren Much of this information has not been published in peer-reviewed
journals and in some cases there is no known
data to verify flow paths.
In order to fill in a gap in our understanding
about the flow path of waters draining the Carran Turlough at Castletown
sink, the Clare Caving Club contacted the Burren and Cliffs of
Moher Geopark for support for
a dye tracing project. The assumed emergence, the Fergus
River Springs, ultimately feeds
into the public drinking water
supply of the town of Ennis
(pop. 25,000).
This project provides the
Burren and Cliffs of Moher
Geopark with the opportunity
to facilitate a process whereby
several public bodies, a local
secondary school and the caving club can work together on
a project which has scientific,
public health and educational
value, and ensures that the
learning outcomes of the project will be available to all.
Project partners and their

roles in the project are:

1. The Geological Survey of Ireland (Groundwater
Division) supplied the dye for tracing.
2. Clare County Council (through Irish Water) supplied 150 water sample bottles.
3. Clare Caving Club initiated the project, and
used the expertise of its members to run the
dye trace, collect and analyse water samples.
4. Lisdoonvarna Secondary School students participate in water sampling and collating information.
The outcomes of this project will be:
a) An education programme involving primary
and secondary school children
b) A public exhibition on groundwater at Lisdoonvarna Spa Wells
Following a dry summer, the rains have come
and we await the optimum conditions for dye release and to initiate the investigation.
Dr. Eamon Doyle
[email protected]

The Carran

The Kraus
Cave of

Spectacular Geotopes
in Geopark Eisenwurzen

his year saw two important scientific meetings at the Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark.
From 22 to 25 May the Working Group of the
German Society of Earth Sciences on Geotopes
met at St. Gallen. Some 70 scientists from Germany, Switzerland and Austria presented their
research results and attended the field trips.
From 9 to12 October the Association of Austrian
Speleologists held its annual conference at the
Geovillage of Gams. The famous local caves
are also spectacular geotopes, and the GeoTrail
of Gams recently awarded the title of Austrian
Thematic Trail of the Year 2014 - attracted
140 participants.
The conference commemorated the 180th anniversary of the birthday of Franz Kraus (1834
- 1897), a leader of Austrian speleological research in the late 19th century. Spending the
summers at Gams, he developed, together with
the local citizens, a cave as early as 1882 as a
tourist attraction. It is one of the extremely rare
gypsum caves and the largest of its kind in CenThe Beilstein tral Europe. Spectacular solution patterns, wideIce Cave of spread deposits of white crystalline gypsum and
Gams. dripstones contribute to the caves spectacular

appearance. The Kraus Cave, as it is now named,

was the first cave in the world to use electric
lighting. The cave is a protected site and some
5000 visitors take the opportunity to visit it each
Owing to its fragile climate the Beilstein Ice
Cave is accessible only only to, a small number of
visitors. Located in a high forest, this cave is the
only known ice cave in the Eastern Alps which is
situated below the tree line. The three meter high
ice columns rising from the 14 meter thick ice
floor make a visit to the cave a real adventure.
In addition, the Arzberg Cave in which the discovery of prehistoric tools was described in Magazine 11, has developed a touristic programme
from spring 2014.
Altogether, there are as many as 144 registered caves in the Eisenwurzen. Like the spectacular Bergmandlloch Cave with a total length
of 800 m, most of them are not accessible to
the public.
Heinz Kollmann,
Irmgard Auer
[email protected]

Cave of Gams.



Cabo de
EGN Week

That was life - As era la vida

An intangible heritage project in Cabo de Gata Nijar Geopark

resented in Cabo de Gata-Njar 2014 EGN

week, That was Life (As era la vida) is a
photographic project promoted by the Geopark
and produced by Carmen Fernndez, a Geoparks
enterprise collaborator. The project developed
from the need to collect and preserve the territorys scattered past, by recording the oral
history and the scant photographic evidence
available. As a result of this project a hundred
photographs and sound recordings have already
been collected and will form the basis for a more
extensive programme, including exhibitions and
local activities, guided visits, cultural events and
The extremely arid climate, relatively poor soils
and isolation explain the late and scattered occupation of this territory. This background provides
a scenario of mixed, loosely connected communities and, in many cases, with problems in finding
a common identity.
Also, this area has been populated sporadically, and even nowadays its population density
is remarkably low. The following stages can be
recognized in the history of the occupation of the
Geoparks territory:
XVIII Century: Development of a coastal defensive system against North African pirates,
which hampered the establishment of stable
A photograph

Century: A period of transhumance in
of traditional
which the use of pastures during the winter

season contributed to the development of a

network of water storage systems and a new
phase of occupation.
Mid XX Century: Neo-colonization led to the
establishment of towns, fostered by the dictatorship, to develop rural abandoned areas
through agriculture and mining. Mine closures
resulted in depopulation.
Late XX Century: The development of tourism
and the appreciation of the cultural and environmental values of the region led to the last
influx of new inhabitants.
Therefore, one of the main objectives at Cabo
de Gata-Njar Global Geopark is to develop bottom-up activities that allow its inhabitants to reappropriate the values of the territorys heritage,
as stated in the EGN Charter. Thanks to this
project, the Geopark wants to give the new and
former inhabitants a common sense of wonder
about the history of the Geopark and to recover
the past for future generations.
Pablo Rivas Palomo,
Carmen Fernndez Pea
and Vctor Vargas Escudero
[email protected], asieralavida@
and [email protected]


of the
project at the
House of the

from a
school in the
Geopark at
the opening
day of the

The new interpretive exhibition

at the Information Centre of Cerro del Hierro Natural Monument,

Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark

Room with
panels about
the Natural
model and
an exhibition
of rocks and

he new interpretive exhibition was installed

at the Information Centre of Cerro del Hierro
Natural Monument in the spring of 2104.
Several panels, installed in the three rooms
used for the exhibition, show, in a didactic and
attractive way, the features of the Natural Monument including: how the Cerro del Hierro (iron
hill) was formed; the nature of the natural and
cultural landscape; the unique flora and fauna of
this location; the history of mining, with special
emphasis on the most recent activity; and the
current public activities in the area.
A small model shows the most significant
elements of mining in the last century and the
characteristic karstic morphology of this region.
There is also an exhibition of the most common
rocks and minerals from the Cerro del Hierro.
The Natural Areas Network of Andalusia and
some details of the Sierra Norte de Sevilla region
are described in a specific panel. Another panel
focuses on descriptions of Geoparks in the European Geoparks Network, the Global Geoparks

Network, the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark,

and the current Spanish Geoparks.
This exhibition is completed by two panels on
the outside of the building, explaining the biodiversity and geodiversity of the Geopark and
natural resources traditionally exploited in this
The Cerro del Hierro Natural Monument is a
very special geological, natural and ethnographic
location in the Sierra Norte de Sevilla Geopark,
and is one of the most visited sites in Seville. The
Cerro del Hierro is a large area of abandoned iron
mines, which expose a thick sequence of marine
limestones of Lower Cambrian age, which were
subjected to karstic processes immediately after
sedimentation in a tropical climate. The Cambrian karst topography involved the formation of
large sinkholes, limestone pavements, pinnacles
and title stuffed with clay rich in iron oxides.

view of a
section of
the Cerro
del Hierro

Alberto Gil Toja

[email protected]



The sieving
station at
the Shark

Ice age sharks ?

A Shark Information Centre in an unusual location

of the fossil
teeth of
sp, a shark
which swam
in the tropical
Tertiary sea.

he northern part of the TERRA.vita Geopark

is characterized by glacial sediments. The
Ankum-Bippen Hills, an easily visible structure
located some 20 kilometers north of Osnabrck,
were pushed up by glaciers to form a typical end
moraine. What type of fossils would you expect to
find here? Tusks of Mammoths probably, bones
of cave bears or the remains of early humans of
course. And indeed the typical remains of early

life in the Ice Age have been found at several

sites in these hills. But there is one special place
where fossil hunters discovered something that
you definitely would not expect to find: the teeth
of giant sharks
Sharks swimming between ice floes in glacial
lakes? A really strange notion. However, geologists soon found an explanation for this strange
Geosite. When the glaciers moved across the
northern German plains during the Second Ice
Age, they scooped up and squeezed older Tertiary sediments, like scales, between the glacial deposits. These Tertiary sediments were laid down
in a former tropical sea, where sharks of various
sizes used to live.
The fossil site, under protection since the
1970s, was systematically explored by a scientist, contracted by TERRA.vita in 2011. The decision was taken to open an Information Centre
on sharks as part of a regional Environmental
Education Centre in the village of Bippen. The
concept of the centre is based on indoor and
outdoor sections. The indoor component contains six multimedia stations that can be passed
through by visitors in single-file to gain information on the evolution of sharks, their behaviour,
their diet, their environment and their method
of reproduction. Outdoors, visitors will have the
chance to sieve original material from the fossil site that was collected during the research
work. Teeth that are found will be identified and
collected by experts, while the visitors receive a
cast model of a shark tooth for free. The centre
- called Haitec in der Urzeit in German - will be
opened in spring 2015.
Timo Kluttig
Global Geopark TERRA.vita
[email protected]


The path for
expert hikers
along South
ridge follows
the highest
peak of the
Apuan Alps
(1947 m).

The Hiking and Geotourist Map of the

Apuan Alps: A new tool to get to know the Geopark

A trail
marker along
a path in the
Apuan Alps.

very year thousands of hikers walk and climb

in the Apuan Alps Geopark. In order to introduce the large numbers of visitors to its geological heritage, the Geopark has produced a new
Hiking and Geotourist Map enabling tourists to
discover the scientific and environmental significance of the geological and geomorphological
features while trekking in the Apuan Alps.
The Map, which includes two double printed
sheets on a scale of 1:20.000, with keys in two
languages (Italian and English), was derived from
a GIS project combining geological, hiking and
tourist information. The information provided
includes the main roads and the very extensive
network of trails represented by more than 600
km of footpaths managed by the Alpine Club of
Italy. In order to disseminate scientifically correct
information to a non-specialist
audience and to workers in the
territory, the geological features
have been simplified following
two main parameters: The age
of the rocks exposed on the surface (Paleozoic Era and Periods
for rocks of post-Paleozoic age)
and their basic classification (e.g.
sedimentary rocks and metamorphic rocks). The 253 sites
included in the Geoparks Inventory of Geosites, have also been
highlighted in the key of the
simplified geological map. They
are categorized by clear symbols (points, lines, areas) which
facilitate an immediate understanding of the nature of each
geological site. In this way the
features in the landscape, which
are more easily recognizable in

the field, are emphasized.

The tourist facilities (including mountain huts,
museums, visitor centres and information points)
are additional components of the Hiking and
Geotourist Map of the Apuan Alps. Facilities certified by the Park Authority for their eco-friendly
choices, are highlighted with a special label.
The Map is available at an affordable price
through the e-commerce website http://www.
Future developments will result in a free web
map allowing interactive consultation, the selection of customized itineraries and details through
the activation of additional hyperlinks.

An extract
from the
Hiking and
Map of the
Apuan Alps

Alessia Amorfini [email protected]

Antonio Bartelletti [email protected]
Giuseppe Ottria [email protected]
Emanuele Guazzi [email protected]
Silvia Ravani [email protected]


The European Geoparks N

The Network consists of 64 Georarks in 22 European co

Network today

ountries (September 2014)


1. Rserve Gologique de Haute Provence


2. Vulkaneifel European Geopark


3. Lesvos Geopark


4. Maestrazgo Cultural Park

Aragon, SPAIN

5. Psiloritis Nature Park


6. TERRA.vita Nature Park


7. Copper Coast Geopark


8. Marble Arch Caves European Geopark


9. Madonie Geopark


10. Rocca di Cerere


11. Nature Park Steirische Eisenwurzen


12. Nature Park Bergstrasse Odenwald


13. North Pennines AONB


14. Park Naturel Rgional du Luberon


15. North West Highlands


16. Geopark Swabian Albs


17. Geopark Harz. Braunschweiger Land. Ostfalen


18. Hateg Country Dinosaurs Geopark


19. Beigua Geopark


20. Fforest Fawr Geopark


21. Bohemian Paradise Geopark


22. Cabo de Gata - Nijar Nature Park

Andalucia, SPAIN

23. Naturtejo Geopark


24. Sierras Subbeticas Nature Park

Andalucia, SPAIN

25. Sobrarbe Geopark

Aragon, SPAIN

26. Gea Norvegica


27. Geological, Mining Park of Sardinia


28. Papuk Geopark


29. English Riviera Geopark


30. Adamello - Brenta Nature Park


31. Geo Mon


32. Arouca Geopark


33. Shetlands


34. Chelmos Vouraikos


35. Novohrad - Nograd Geopark


36. Magma Geopark


37. Basque Coast Geopark, Pais Vasco


38. Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano, Campania ITALY

39. Rokua Geopark


40. Tuscan Mining Park


41. Vikos - Aoos Geopark


42. Muskau Arch Geopark


43. Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park,

Andalucia ,Spain

44. Burren and Cliffs of Moher Geopark

Republic of Ireland

45. Katla Geopark


46. Massif du Bauges Geopark


47. Apuan Alps Geopark


48. Villuercaas-Ibores-Jara Geopark


49. Carnic Alps Geopark


50. Chablais Geopark


51. Central Catalunya Geopark


52. Bakony-Balaton Geopark


53. Azores Geopark


54. Karavanke/Karawanken

Slovenia & Austria

55. Idria Geopark


56. Hondsrug Geopark


57. Sesia - Val Grande Geopark


58. Kula Geopark


59. Molina Alto Tajo


60. El Hierro


61. Monts dArdche


62. Ertz der Alpen


63. Odsherred


64. Terras de Cavaleiros



A Nordic
trail in

Developing outdoor sports

to enhance the geological heritage
in Beigua Geopark

in Beigua


he Beigua Geopark is located in Liguria Department, in the north western part of Italy.
As one of the most interesting areas in this region it is renowned for its outstanding natural
history, the beauty of its landscape and for its
geology which is crucial for understanding the
geological history of Italy, especially the evolution of the Alps and the Apennines chains.
Highlights of the Beigua Geopark include an
extensive area of ophiolites with evidence of an
ancient Jurassic ocean, impressive geomorphological features testifying to past glaciers, precious mineralogical sites, and fascinating wellpreserved fossils. Besides its geological heritage,
Beigua has the richest biodiversity in Liguria,
managed through three Sites of Community Importance and one Special Protection Area.
For some years the Beigua Geopark
has launched several initiatives in the
field of sports and outdoor tourism
strongly supported by many organizations and local stakeholders. The
main goal is not only to develop more
effective actions to support local development through the promotion of
tourism, but also to take advantage
of these activities to increase knowledge and raise public awareness of
the geological heritage. For these
reasons several trails have been
equipped for sports such as nordic
walking, canyoning orienteering, hiking, trail running, mountain biking,
bouldering, climbing, horse-riding,
diving and snorkeling along the coast.
These routes are located in areas of
great geological interest allowing visitors to enjoy the scenery and the di-

verse geological features of the geopark. Visitor

Centres, Information Points, interpretive panels
and signboards also provide information about
the geodiversity in the territory of Beigua. Based
on a broad partnership, the Beigua Geopark and
several local authorities and stakeholders approved a comprehensive agreement to promote
local tourism through different outdoor sports
initiatives. During 2014 a new project called Geo
Beigua Experience has been launched. This project will organize and promote new mountain bike
trails; these will involve the whole territory of the
Geopark, affecting some of the most famous and
attractive geological sites in Beigua. Other projects are under preparation such as the creation
of a shared calendar of outdoor sports involving
the geopark area throughout the year.
Maurizio Burlando
[email protected]

A mountain
bike trail
in Beigua

surface of an
ammonite in
the faade of
an old house
in Cabra.

Cabra, Jurassic City


sections of
inside La

walk through the streets of Cabra (Cordoba,

Spain) can become an unplanned trip back
in time to the Jurassic Period, approximately 150
million years ago, to a time when this area was
submerged beneath the ancient Sea of Tethys.
This city represents a unique geological museum, in whose streets and buildings (altarpieces,
cobblestones, fountains, columns, facades and
surfaces), the remains of ancient sea floors are
exposed with great clarity and beauty. The rocks
of the city offer a window into the most distant
past of the region.
In the construction of the city of Cabra, the red
stone from Sierras Subbticas has been used extensively. It consists of a Jurassic, ammonite-rich
reddish limestone with a nodular appearance.
This rock, known by geologists as the sedimentary facies ammonitico rosso, was deposited on
sea mounts which rose above the sea floor. The
use of raw stone provides three-dimensional examples of the fossils; polished limestone creates

sections through the fossils and in the case of

ammonites provides spectacular examples of the
internal morphology of their shells. Rock shapes
and colours in this city are true works of natural
Cabra, Jurassic City is an urban geological
trail developed in 2014 by the Geopark Sierras
Subbticas Management and the City Council
of Cabra in collaboration with the University of
Granada. It was planned on the occasion of the
Geoloda (Geology-day), a weekend that annually
promotes Geology in Spain. With regards to this
event a booklet was published. It includes an introduction to the Geoparks geological features,
several sites of interest, some information about
specimens of ammonites that can be observed
during the walk and a map of the route. The trail,
which can be easily completed on foot, ends with
a visit to nearby quarries inside the Geopark.
Here, the rocks that were used to construct the
city of Cabra, can be observed in situ. Some of
the quarries date from the Roman times. Nowadays red limestone is no longer exploited in the
Geopark. Through this trail, the close links between geological heritage and cultural heritage
are enhanced, where the remote past converted
into stone has been carved by humans to create
their own habitat, their own legacy, and their own

A group
visiting the
quarries El
large scale
structures of
red nodular
can be
observed in

Lourdes Guerra Gonzlez

[email protected]
Alicia Serna Barquero
[email protected]



Left: The access to the Buca

delle Fate (medieval mine)
opened along a vertical
Right: Tetrahedrite, an
example of silver ore, from
Montieri and fluorite a
gangue mineral.

Searching for the medieval miners

in the Tuscan Mining Geopark
The silver of Montieri
he Tuscan Mining Geopark is rich in silver
and a number of sites, especially in the Montieri area, still contain visible evidence of mining. The Etruscans were the first people to mine
silver in the area. Later, in the Middle Ages, the
production of coinage by the Republic of Siena e
Volterra, was supported mainly by silver extracted near Montieri. Montieri is a medieval village
whose foundation and existence was due only to
the occurrence of mineral deposits and mining
activities linked to the extraction of silver. It is a
small village situated on the north-eastern slope
Plan of the of the hill, where the foundry and the mint of the
Buca delle Bishops of Volterra were established.
Fate Mine. The silver was extracted mainly from tetrahedrite

and to a lesser extent from galena. The associated gangue minerals consisted of calcite, fluorite and quartz.
Silver mining at Montieri is documented in
numerous historical and archaeological records. The most intense period of mining occurred between the11th and 14th century.
In the 16th century, an attempt by Francis 1st,
the Grand Duke of Tuscany, to reopen the mines
proved unsuccessful. During the early years of
the 19th century the mining entrepreneur Louis
Porte founded a Company to revive the Tuscany
copper and silver mines. Louis Portes objective,
like that of the Grand Duke and his successors,
was to exploit parts of the silver vein which had
not been discovered by the earlier miners. Unfortunately, this was not the case, the medieval miners had preceded them and the vein was worked
Discover the medieval miners in the geological mining trail
The Geopark has created a geological-mining
trail where visitors can see medieval shafts and
galleries, as well as mining works from the 16th
and 19th centuries. Their particular characteristics, including their shape and location, have
been interpreted through the careful geological
study of the site and nature of the mineralization. This allows us to appreciate and understand
the miners knowledge concerning the mineralization and the reasons for their choices in organizing their working practices.
Dip into the history of medieval mining and
receive a wonderful lesson in geology and mineralogy.
Alessandra Casini
[email protected]

Armando Costantini [email protected]

Giancarlo Pagani [email protected]


A karren
of bare

Geotrails to the karstic geoforms of

Astraka Plateau in Vikos-Aoos Geopark

he Vikos-Aoos Geopark is characterized by numerous impressive karstic landforms, including deep

gorges, steep mountain tops, caves, precipices, and
rock shelters that attract both touristic and scientific interest. Astrakas plateau, situated in the heart
of Mount Tymfi, is a significant area of the Geopark
regarding karstic landforms. Here the development
of the pronounced karstic relief resulted from the interaction between the climate, including high rainfall,
frosts, frequent snowfalls and the prolonged snow
cover on faulted limestone. These factors are an ideal
combination for the creation of a strong karstic relief.
Because it can be accessed only on foot, albeit with
little difficulty, the Astrakas Plateau was selected as
an area for the development of specific geotrails. An
in-situ recording of geosites was organized; this included data from speleological expeditions, information provided by local people, scientific investigations
by the Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration
and national and international publications.
Regarding the surface karst, a large number
of features were generated creating an impressive landscape with solution grooves (Rinnenkarren,

to Tripa

Maanderkarren) that form by runoff on limestone surfaces at angles less than 20o, dolines, clints and limestone pavements. Extensive examples of bare karst
surfaces occurring in areas of a few acres in size were
also explored.
Subsurface karst forms, where surface water flows
either partially or completely underground into the
ground-water system, can be observed. Landforms
consisting of closed depressions such as sinks, funnel or cylindrical shaped ponors and precipices are
some of the features that define this site as a natural
laboratory. Additionally, during in-situ data collection,
several remnants of glacial landforms were identified,
offering scope for a fascinating field of research in
the future.
The most important geosites were connected
through the creation of 9 geotrails within the Astraka
Plateau area. The philosophy behind this work focuses
on the development of interpretative tools for understanding the uniqueness of these geological monuments. The trails were recorded and subsequently
presented in detailed maps, and related technical data
were summarized in respective charts.

The bottom
of the
first shaft
of Tripa
Ornio cave

Georgia Kanellopoulou, [email protected]

Aris-Dimitris Leontaritis, [email protected]
Contribution from: VIKOS AOOS GEOPARK,
Platia Pyrrou & M. Aggelou 1, 44332 Ioannina, GREECE, Contact: Haritakis Papaioannou
([email protected]).



Label for
Elixir created
by the
painter Ana

Nature Rhythms and Producing Art

in Arouca Geopark - Portugal

Children learn
to identify and
understand the
of newts.

emente de Futuro (seed of the future) is a

Social Solidarity Cooperative within Arouca
We work together as volunteers sharing leadership, and always use local resources on our
small organic farm, the source of our products.
Personal growth is the basis for sustainable development: growing vegetables is for us a cultural act which cultivates our inner beings. that
is our motto. Thus we are trying to encourage
the local community to accept Eco and Health
The mission of our artists in residence is to
underpin our creative concept and to introduce
Land Art both in the farm and en route to the
The work of self-help groups involving social
therapeutic painting provided the stimulus for
nature observation activities and led us to discover our different artistic skills, as reflected
by the art produced. This process is compatible
with biodynamic farming, food processing and
creative cooking, which uses edible native wild
flowers and aromatic herbs, such as morugem
(Stellaria media) for salads.
At the same time we strive to maintain and
preserve some species that are at risk of extinction. We keep a flock of special sheep (churras),
for instance, providing us with precious wool
while our wonderful bees contribute to the farms

balanced ecosystem. We are also particularly

proud to preserve two species of newt (Triturus
marmoratus and Triturus boscai) and fireflies (Luciola lusitanica). We feel that, as complete human
beings, it is not sufficient to just enjoy the natural resources for our personal benefit; we should
also take social responsibility for all living beings,
within and between species.
We also make our library and the school library
available to the local community, which has remained mostly unaware of the Geoparks geological and biological riches. By promoting information sessions and experiences that integrate art,
education and the environment our outdoor creative, playful practice sessions with children and
parents constitute a form of open-air school.
Only by empathising with Nature as a marvelous masterpiece can people be encouraged to
work for its preservation, keeping it safe, sustainable and alive.
Ana Jesus, Bonina Brando
& Urtelinda Ramos
E-mail address/addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]


groups in
Semente de


A historic
shelter restored
to celebrate
the anniversary
of an iconic trail

Laurie Lambeth
at work North
Pennines AONB

The restored
structure will
provide shelter
for walkers for
many years to
come Laurie

alkers climbing the highest point in the

North Pennines Geopark will be able to
take refuge from one of the countrys wildest
winds thanks to the restoration of its peaks
cross-shaped shelter.
The dry-stone shelter at the top of Cross Fell
has been falling into disrepair for many years but
the iconic structure is now even fit to protect St
Augustine who, according to legend, was said to
have blessed the inhospitable hill to protect it
from evil spirits.
Over a period of four weeks, local craftsman
Laurie Lambeth led the restoration project. Accompanying Laurie were two trainees from the
Geoparks Heritage Skills programme.
The completed structure now stands proud on
top of the 893m plateau, and will provide protection on all sides from the wind, snow and the
vicious Helm Wind; the only wind in the UK to
have a name.
Thousands of walkers use the traditional shelter when walking the long-distance hiking trail,
the Pennine Way. The restoration project was
inspired by the iconic routes 50th anniversary in
Simon Wilson, the Geoparks Access Specialist,

said: Its the Pennine Ways 50th anniversary in

2015 and the shelter has been here at least as
long as the route, but it hadnt been fulfilling its
purpose for quite a few years.
As part of the celebrations to mark the trails
anniversary, the BBC has filmed a special television programme to be aired in 2015 with Paul
Rose, the Vice President of the Royal Geographic
Society, as presenter.
Laurie said: The Cross Fell shelter has been a
very interesting project to work on. It has always
been an important local landmark, and so it was
a privilege to restore it back to its former glory.
We taught Paul some basic walling skills, and
with some help he laid a number of stones that
now form a part of the shelter
Its nice to think how many walkers will benefit
from the new shelter. For some who get caught
out in the fast changing and unforgiving weather, it could even be a life saver.

The shelter on
Cross Fell, the
highest hill
in the North
Geopark, needed
Pennines AONB

Peter Samsom
North Pennines AONB and Global Geopark
Email: [email protected]


Fosss ice
cream is the

an old
and unique
swimming pool
built in 1927.

n Katla Geopark the magnificent geodiversity

provides an inspiration for the development
and way of life of the local people and is candy
for the soul for travellers in the area.
Since Katla Geopark was admitted to the EGN,
much work has been achieved in linking the geology and culture of the area by improving access
to our hidden gems and enhancing the accessibility for tourists to educational material and
local experiences through our local travel guides
and packages.
The Katla Geopark area used to be isolated
from neighbouring communities because of unbridged glacial rivers that were difficult to cross,
a southern coastline with no natural harbours,
inland mountains and icecaps. This environment
fostered on the one hand innovation and entrepreneurship, and on the other an understanding
of the natural forces. Today the environment is
very different Katla Geopark is accessible all
year round and at the same time introduces visitors to one of the most remote and unspoiled
areas of Iceland.
The spirit of innovation, however, still flourishes in the Katla Geopark area. orvaldseyri, a pioneering farm for growing cereals in Iceland, now

Isolation Sparks

has an exhibition on the Eyjafjallajkull eruption

in 2010. The farm has its own micro hydro power generation, a hot water borehole, and is now
experimenting with using rapeseed oil both for
cooking and as fuel for the tractors on the farm.
akgil is another example. A new camp site has
been developed from scratch very close to the
Katla Volcano. A micro hydro power station has
been built providing electricity for the camping
huts, and an open air dining facility has been
carved out in a cave in the soft palagonite formation. Super Jeep Tours is another innovation providing glacier walks and snowmobile tours on the
glaciers and icecaps of Katla Geopark including
Eyjafjallajkull, Slheimajkull and Mrdalsjkull.
Lamb, beef and arctic char are the most common local foods available within the area and
are served in all restaurants and hotels within
the Geopark. Finally, locally produced ice cream
is just another great reason for visiting Katla
Isolation sparks innovationKatla Geopark
Steingerur Hreinsdttir
Sigurur Sigursveinsson
[email protected]


On top of


Could Social Enterprise

be the future for Geoparks?

he North West Highlands Geopark, situated

in the remote northwest region of Scotland,
covers an area of 2000 sq. km and is home to
just 2000 people. Having recently been voted the
UKs favourite landscape in a public poll organised
by the Geological Society, its attributes are well
known among those with an interest in geology.
The challenge for this Geopark is to broaden the
appeal of the spectacular landscape of the North
West Highlands and use it to help bring prosperity to this very sparsely populated wilderness.
The Geopark team has developed a social enterprise model to safeguard financial security for
the future, developing revenue streams from advertising and sponsorship to complement grants
and funding from more traditional sources. At the
core of the Geopark is the concept to Explore
Deep Time a tribute to James Hutton, the father
of modern Geology. An exciting new Geo-centre
exhibition will open early in 2015 to complement
a range of geo-routes, geo-tours, geo-pods and
geo-adventures aimed at engaging all ages and
a wide range of interests in science, nature and
North West
Geopark staff
with statues of
the great 19th
Peach and
John Horne
at Knockan

Assynt, voted the

UKs favourite
landscape by
the Geological
Society of

history of the landscape.

The conventional approach to securing income
for projects such as these has been to apply for
one-off grants or target the social responsibility budgets of corporate sponsors. North West
Highlands Geopark believes, however, that their
unique landscape and place in the history of
Earth science commands a value which corporations will seek to secure for their brands. Initial
feedback for this business focussed model for
a Geopark has been very encouraging and the
North West Highlands Geopark looks forward to
announcing a corporate sponsor for their innovative Geo-pod programme of information delivery
early in 2015.
Geo-adventure climbing instructors prepare
for vertical tours of Torridonian Sandstone seacliffs in the Geopark.
Mike Goodwin
Marketing Manager, North West Highlands
Geopark ([email protected])

prepare for
vertical tours
of Torridonian
Sandstone seacliffs in the



A chef
recipes based
on using the
of local

Magma Geopark Engages with

Communities by developing local
menus: the GEOfood project

n March 2014 Magma Geopark received a

grant from the Norden Fund-KreaNord programme for developing GEOmenus in the Nordic
The project originated from the Geoparks resolve to combine local culinary specialities
with geo-tourism activities. Magma Geopark,
the project leader, is involved with eight other
partners: Odsherred Geopark, Denmark; Rokua
Geopark, Finland; Reykjanes Geopark, Iceland;
the Suuroy Island Geopark project in the Faroe
Islands; Stonehammer Geopark, Canada, Fernando de Noronha Aspiring Geopark; Brazil; Shetland
Global Geopark, Scotland and Subbticas Geopark, Spain.
The project aims to:
Promote local food as a unique Geopark experience.
Valorize the local small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the food and tourism sector in the Nordic Countries.
Promote the creative industries, like local chefs
and local video makers.
Expand the Geoparks tourism offer with specialized packages including local food.
Increase the visibility of the Geoparks through
the tailored booking channel (GEO2NOR booking system).
The projects specific objectives are:
Developing three local menus in each Geopark
Developing one common menu within the Nor-


dic Countries Geoparks.

Developing strong business relationships between local SMEs in food and geo-tourism
Providing the EGN/GGN with common standards for the development of GEOfood menus.
Each Geopark will investigate possibilities for
promoting local food and finalize the SMEs experiences in combining GEOmenus served in a
chain of selected restaurants.
Several local actions have been planned: three
workshops will be organized by each partner in
order to share ideas and suggestions for the content of the menus.
Cooperation with local food producers and local small enterprises aims to create partnerships
that will continue beyond the duration of the
The GEOmenus will be included in the local
Geoparks activities, increasing the competitiveness of the Geoparks tourism offer in the tourism market. Food and tourism will be linked for
the valorization of the geological, cultural and
natural heritage. Common quality standards will
be defined for the GEOfood brand supported by
the experience of Stonehammer, Shetland and
Subbticas Geoparks. Other Geoparks could
benefit from the results of this project and promote GEOfood through the European and Global
Geoparks Networks.
Pl Thjme, Sara Gentilini
MAGMA GEOPARK, Sokndalsveien 26,
4372 Egersund;

The pottery produced by the Czech, Hungarian,
Polish and German participants

We lovethe Muskau Arch Geopark!

First International Geopark Camp

Art Meets Geology Is Over!

rom the 29th of June

the opportunity to express
to the 6th of July, 2014
their creativity. They learned
the European and Global
how to process their chosen
Geopark Muskau Arch
resource material, how to use
hosted 23 young people
specialized tools and also to
from from Bakony-Balarespect the physical effort
ton Geopark (Hungary),
and high degree of precision
Cesk Rj (Bohemian Parassociated with the artists
adise, Czech Republic) and
work. Eventually each particithe Polish and German
pant created his or her own
regions of Muskau Arch
art object and even the artGeopark.
ists were impressed by their
During a period of eight
variety. The results, six wood
days, the young people
carved reliefs, eight stone
discovered the cultural
reliefs, a bipartite earthenand glacial landscape of
ware relief and numerous
the Muskau Arch, and were
pottery vessels, seven acrylic
also involved in workshops
paintings and cut glasses or
producing historical crafts
goblets, are currently shown
based on the use of natuin the Art meets Geology
Bruno, Herbert and Theo (G)
ral resources. At the beexhibition which will tour
present their results.
ginning of the 20th centhe participating geoparks
tury the region was renowned for the production beginning this autumn. The exhibition illustrates
of glass and ceramics.
the range of creative ideas and manual skills of
The 12 to 14-year-old participants gained both young and established artists in transformtheir first practical experience during the work- ing the typical resource materials of Muskau
shop visits on day-one. A wood carver, an art- Arch into works of art.
ist, a ceramist, a glass cutter and a stonemason
And the conclusion by the young camp artists?
demonstrated their skills in five different studios Pretty hard pretty thrilling pretty cool!
and workshops. There, the group experienced the
The camp also included excursions and fascinature of the materials, the use of specific tools nating activities such as a boat tour on the Neisand made their first practical attempts. The art- se River, a night hike by torchlight, or bathing and
ists described their daily work and impressed the swimming no time for boredom, thats for sure.
group with their enthusiasm and passion. Then
Dipl.-Geogr. Nancy Sauer,
came the most difficult moment for each particiHead of the Geopark Office Muskau Arch
pant: which material to choose? Which studio or
workshop to choose for making their work of art?
M.A. Corinna Rudolf,
During the next few days, the young people
Vice-Head of the Geopark Office
spent 3.5 hours each day in three workshops with



Participants in front of the Walser Museum (Alagna, Valsesia).

Processing of the data in the GeoLab

(Vogogna, Val Grande).

EduGeoPark Research:

An innovative student exchange

partnership between Sesia Val Grande
and Rokua Geoparks

n 2013, Sesia Val Grande (Italy) and Rokua (Finland) Geoparks initiated a new partnership to develop an exchange programme for students from
Secondary Schools.
The programme aims to engage students and
teachers in research activities in the Geoparks involving sampling and digital mapping, and developing the practical field and laboratory skills required
for interpreting the geology of an unknown territory. The programme also aims to encourage teamwork and develop problem solving skills
In April 2014, 20 Finnish students, accompanied
by 4 teachers from Vaala High School, visited the
Sesia Val Grande Geopark, and were hosted by families of the local Italian students (I.I.S. Luigi Cobianchi, Verbania). Researchers from the Earth Sciences
Department of the University of Torino,Italy, and
Geopark teachers and staff led field trips to the areas main geological and cultural attractions. These
included the Sesia supervolcano, the deep structure
of the Alps, the Insubric Line, the Monte Rosa Glaciers; the Walser Community, the Candoglia marble
laboratories used in the restoration of Milan Cathedral, and the Geoparks interpretation centres. Concepts explored included plate tectonics, the geological time scale, geomorphology, climate change,
volcanism, rocks, geo-resources, geology and the
local culture.
The Italian students guided their friends in using an application suitable for smartphone and
tablet, to track their scientific expedition in the the
Geopark and to gather geo-referenced data and
pictures. In using digital and traditional tools, they
observed, asked questions, gathered data, and created hypotheses and together with the local guides,
they reconstructed the cultural and geological history of the area. The digital data were downloaded
in a Google Earth format for post-field trip processing and discussion. Connecting landforms and the
features of a landscape to a history is useful for


understanding the need of protecting the geologi- An example

of teamwork
cal heritage.
In November 2014, the Italian students visited in the field.
Rokua Geopark, and were hosted by the Finnish
International student exchanges between
Geoparks provide a window of opportunity, allowing students to experience geological phenomena
and processes that do not exist in their own country. Living with the hosting families allows students
to experience the culture of the area, to make new
friends and to improve their language skills.
The exchange project will continue. Geoparks are
ideal destinations for developing innovative, international educational programmes which promote cultural values and the concept of sustainable tourism.
Alessandra Magagna,
[email protected]
Marco Giardino,
[email protected]
Edoardo Dellarole
[email protected]

Geopark EU project widens

horizons for young people
across Europe


English Riviera Global Geopark - UK

The E-School links students from five European Geoparks with Hong Kong.

Thanks to Comenius funding, students and

teachers from five European Geoparks and one
Natural Park were hosted by the students and
teachers of Churston Ferres Grammar School in
the English Riviera Global Geopark during September 2014.

The E-School
view from
inside the
new Volcano
Centre, Hong
Kong Global

uring the week-long visit the students had

the opportunity to engage with each other,
take part in many activities and visit some of the
English Rivieras key sites including Kents Cavern
and Berry Head National Nature Reserve. The
group also enjoyed a Geopark cruise where they
learnt about the spectacular geology and wildlife
of the Geopark coastline.
During the final day of the visit, the English
Riviera Global Geopark co-coordinated a live
e-school session with the Hong Kong Global

Geopark for the pupils. The Hong Kong Geopark

staff showed the participants the unique formation of the Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region and
the Hong Kong Global Geopark Volcano Discovery Centre, which opened in July 2014.
Melanie Border, English Riviera Global Geopark
Coordinator said Our sister partnership with the
Hong Kong Global Geopark is well established
and active, so having the opportunity to link so
many students from five Geoparks together with
the Hong Kong Global Geopark in one live link
was fantastic. As you can imagine all were fascinated and had many questions.
Maria James from Churston Ferres Grammar
School said: So far under the project, students,
from Churston have visited the Geoparks in Hungary, Sicily and Norway experiencing firsthand
the cultural and geological experiences of the local communities.
Partnerships like this not only help to build
trust and understanding between people of different cultures but also broaden the pupils horizons, bringing languages and other subjects to
life in the classroom.
It also equips young people with the skills and
understanding they need to become global citizens
The five Geoparks involved in the 2 year Comenius exchange project are the English Riviera
Global Geopark UK, Gea Novegica - Norway,
Nature Park Bergstrasse Odenwald - Germany,
Madonie Geopark Italy, Novohrad-Nograd
Hungary and Slovakia plus the Ardenne Natural
Park - France.
Melanie Border, Geopark Coordinator
[email protected]



Front cover of the book Conocimiento

del Medio Natural, Social y Cultural
Geoparque Villuercas-Ibores-Jara.

Participants in Geoconvivencia 2014.

Improving teaching resources

in Villuercas-Ibores-Jara Geopark

The wall in
aspects of the

he Geopark has a presence in schools through

the activities coordinated by an educational
working group. It comprises representatives of
the Extremadura Regional Ministry of Education
and members of the Geoparks Educational and
Scientific Committee. This group creates and develops teaching resources and learning activities.
The experience of creating our first teaching
materials and their application in workshops
has resulted in the development of more complex educational tools and activities. The earlier
teaching materials promoted learning by play of
some basic concepts related to the palaeontology, geology, history and culture of the Geopark.
The need for supporting literature, requested by
primary school teachers, was resolved by the
production of an iBook Geosites and by the
new textbook Environmental Awareness of Villuercas- Ibores-Jara Geopark.
This lavishly illustrated book, which complements the Environmental Awareness subjects in
the final years of Primary Education, is also useful for teaching the Natural and Social Sciences
subjects in Secondary Education. Topics include

the Geopark concept, the physical environment,

basic geological concepts, the geological heritage in Villuercas- Ibores-Jara and the nature of
ecosystems. The book also includes information
on the Geoparks flora and fauna, economic activities, history, culture and traditions. The books
content was designed by professors Jos M Corrales, Manuela Rodrguez and Jess Vazquez.
The iBook Geosites for iPad devices is
available on the iBookstore. A PDF copy of the
Textbook Environmental Awareness of Villuercas- Ibores-Jara Geopark is available on http:// The book will be expanded to
include the following activities planned for the
2014-2015 school year:
Implementation of activities and workshops:
Experimental activities related to the chapters
in the textbook.
Compilation of activities and workshops for
a new book of activities. Creating a second
publication of practical activities related to
themes in the textbook.
Geoconvivencia 2015. This is a Special Day
involving the participation of several Primary
Schools. The programme contains fun activities, geological workshops and a seminar in
which students show the results of their teamwork activities linked to the geopark.
Educational Tours. The geological sites will be
visited by the students and the teachers ability to interpret the geological heritage will be
Jos M. Barrera, [email protected]
Javier Lpez, [email protected]
Juan Gil, jugimo@gmailcom




A visit to the Lesvos

Petrified Forest Park.

Prof Nickolas Zouros leads a guided visit

to an ancient marble quarry.

Lesvos Geopark: The island of natural wonders and culture

An educational adventure through time:

300 million years in 96 kilometers !


esvos Geoparks new

ics, logic, biology, physics,
prometaphysics, mathematics
gramme involves a journey
and astronomy.
through 300 million years
Students participating
of geological history in
in the educational pro96 kilometers. Beginning
gramme visited, observed
in Mytilene, the capital of
and recorded the nature
Lesvos Island, and ending
of the major geosites in
in the protected area of
Lesvos Geopark, learned
the Petrified

Forest of Lesto understand the geologivos the participants learn

cal phenomena associated
about the geological, natuwith their origin and about
Students visit the Roman Aqueduct
ral, cultural and archaeotheir significance in the dein the Geopark.
logical monuments of the
velopment of the Aegean
Lesvos Geopark.
Sea region. They recorded data on the geological
The Lesvos Geopark, an important geological, structure and rocks of Lesvos and discovered the
ecological and cultural repository of the Earth, processes and phenomena involved in creating
contains exceptional and important geotopes the Geoparks landscape and the interaction beincluding volcanoes, large faults and significant tween man and the landscape.
fossil sites. The Lesvos Petrified Forest, desigIn the Petrified Forest students uncovered the
nated by the Greek State as a Natural Monument, secrets of an entire ecosystem, fossilized 20 mildominates the western area of the Geopark. lion years ago, and made observations on the
Given its unique natural environment, the large vegetation, climate, geological changes and pavariety of ecosystems, bio- and geosites, Lesvos laeogeographic evolution of the Aegean region.
Global Geopark is an ideal destination for educaThis educational programme aims, through a
tional activities.
hands-on approach, to develop the knowledge
The Lesvos Geopark is closely connected with and skills required in collecting and recording
Aristotle and Theophrastus, two of the most im- data in order to understand the geological pheportant philosophers of antiquity. In 347 BC Aris- nomena of Lesvos Geopark and its Petrified Fortotle visited the island and was captivated by the est. The programme also aims to stimulate the
wildlife. He investigated the animal life in and students imagination and interest in the history
around the lagoon of Kalloni, while his student of the geological evolution of the Geopark, the
and friend, Theophrastus, studied the plants. This importance and protection of geotopes, conactivity led to the birth of a new science biology. temporary environmental problems, as well as in
Theophrastus, was born around 371 BC in Lesvos natural processes and natural phenomena.
and his botanical studies had a significant influK. Mpentana, N. Zouros
ence on medieval science. He also wrote on eth-



An aerial
of Dunhill
Castle taken
from a camera
mounted on a

Copper Coast Geopark:

Archaeology from Above & Below


he Copper Coast Geopark took to the skies

this year for a birds eye view of our Geopark,
not only for a new perspective of the present
but also in the hope of catching a glimpse of our
This award winning project is one of my favourites to date, combining various disciplines
including science, art, geography, geology, history and mathematics. Working with the 5th. year
students from Stella Maris Secondary school,
the aim was to investigate a local cultural heritage site using a combination of KAP, (kite aerial
photography), ground photography, sketches and
measurements. All of these activities, including a
historical lecture on site, were part of the schools
visit to the medieval Dunhill Castle
The scientific aspect of
Minister). The emphasis this
archaeology helped students
year was Women in Science
understand the reasoning and
and included inspiring talks
technology behind remote
from women working in the
sensing, and more importantvarious sciences.
ly, the experience of conductThe students were awarded
ing a geophysical/archaeoa KAP kit by Dr. John Wells,
logical survey. Applying skills
chairman of the West Lothian
and knowledge from multiple
Archaeological Trust, Scotland,
sources helped solve probwho commended them for an
lems and aid research. Develoutstanding piece of work addoping skills in seeing, viewing
that the KAP images were
and visualizing greatly aided
of exceptional quality compared
the reconstruction of the stowith all the others in the scheme
ry from traces and residues,
including Professionals and PhD
absences and presences.
The resulting A1 poster
The Students entire project
was then submitted as a
poster was exhibited in the
brick in the Heritage Wall exCopper
Coast Geopark Centre
hibited during the Archaeolas part of the European re-align
ogy Above & Below seminar
in Balla, Co. Mayo on April 2014. The Seminar Geoparks Week Programme.
and Conference was attended by archaeologists
and geophysicists from around Europe and was
Tina Keating
opened by An Taoiseach, Enda Kenny (Irish Prime
[email protected]


The kite and

camera flying
above Dunhill
Castles east

School group presented
with a summary of an
educational hike in the
Rokua esker
and dune areas. Field
excursions are a regular
activity in many schools
in Rokua Geopark.

Rokua Geopark initiated the first

Geopark schools in Finland

okua Geopark has, over a number of years,

cooperated closely with local schools and
other educational institutions. Several introductory lessons and workshops for teachers have
been organized together with professionals from
the Metshallitus and the Geological Survey of
Finland. In addition, many themed days have
been arranged for students especially during an
environmental education project funded by the
European Regional Development Fund.
As a result the teachers have experienced the
possibilities of Rokua Geopark and its sites for
environmental education and outdoor activities
and have also realized the importance for pupils
to have a better understanding and appreciation
their home region.
The schools recognized the need to become
Geopark Schools and recently interest in this
concept has grown considerably. The renewal of
national curricula, together with the concommitant increase in the demands for nature education and the Geoparks activities, have contributed considerably to this development. During
the autumn of 2014, Rokua Geopark responded
to this need by drawing up instructions for educational institutions to apply for authorization to
Rokua call themselves Geopark Schools (e.g. Geopark
Geopark has High School) enabling them to communicate and
a visible include Rokua Geoparks role and logo within

presence in
local schools.
A view from
the natural
class room
in one of
the schools.
The schools
use Geopark
such as the
shaped by the
ice, in their

A School
the deepest
kettle hole in
Finland which
is situated in
the middle
of Rokua

their educational activities. The first Geopark

Schools have already been established.
To include the Geoparks aims, the educational
institution has to fulfill certain criteria. For example, the institution should develop programmes
that use the themes and sites of Rokua Geopark
that are commensurate with the age of the pupils. The institutions policies and educational
provision need to be compatible with Rokua
Geoparks themes, values and policies, comply
with in the principles of sustainable development and contribute to the aims of the Geopark.
The educational institution has to organize, in
conjunction with Rokua Geopark, Introductory
Geopark Classes for their personnel and appoint a person to take the lead in coordinating
Geopark-related education and communication
The criteria were established following the
general guidelines and educational principles of
the Geoparks Networks and, in more detail, the
values and aims of Rokua Geopark. The criteria seek to prevent the misuse of the Geopark
and its logo, to promote the inclusion of the
Geoparks themes in the schools curricula and to
encourage the schools to contribute to the aims
of Rokua Geopark.
Mikko Kiuttu
Project Manager
Rokua Geopark
Environmental education project
[email protected]



Management Body of

raptors at
Katavothres of
Lousoi Geosite.
festival 2014.

Chelmos Vouraikos Geopark

Educational, research and networking


umerous activities, undertaken in 2014, increased the visibility of the Chelmos-Vouraikos Geopark within the local community.
Considerable effort was devoted to environmental education activities which focused on the
following groups: 1) local schools and students,
2) the general public and 3) domestic and foreign research institutions. During the Week of
Environmental Education the Management Body
of Chelmos-Vouraikos organized a campaign directed at 1500 students and 200 teachers, and
delivered to all schools within the protected area.
The week ended with the participation of Chelmos-Vouraikos Geopark in the EuroBirdwatch14
festival which included observing raptors and
hiking along a new geotrail in the area with a
group of teachers that specialize in environmental education issues. Both events involved
a comprehensive presentation on the Geoparks
values and goals, the special geological features
of the Geopark and also included valuable discussions on all aspects of the European and Global
Geoparks Networks.
Chelmos-Vouraikos Geopark contains a large
variety of Geosites which cater for a wide range
of activities and scientific disciplines. Due to its
importance the region has experienced an increasing number of visiting scientists. During
last year, in addition to the ongoing investigations by Greek researchers, more than 10 scientific groups (geologists, biologists, ecologists,
and environmentalists) from eight different European countries have requested special permits
in order to conduct research within the Geoparks
territory. Working together with these groups has
resulted in amassing additional scientific information and the creation of a network of collaborators that further enhances and promotes the


scientific activities in the protected area.

In order to better facilitate the economic development of the region within a sustainable
framework, the Geopark collaborates with the
local associations by organizing workshops addressing local producers, advertizing local products, participating in activities and exhibitions
on alternative tourism, promoting environmental
education and producing a large amount of information concerning the protected area.
All the above activities have greatly improved
the visibility of Chelmos-Vouraikos Geopark in
the region and increased the number of visitors
in the protected area.
Maria Kamilari, [email protected]
Eleni Koumoutsou, [email protected]
Gregoris Iatrou, [email protected]
Management Body of Chelmos-Vouraikos,
Ag. Alexiou 35 Kalavryta, Greece.

Exploring the nontouristic part of

the Cave of the
Lakes a prominent
Geosite of ChelmosVouraikos Geopark.
(In collaboration
with the Office of
PalaeoanthropologySpeleology of the
Ministry of Culture).

Left: Participants in the
training course view
an example of a rock
exposure in the Geopark.
Right: The training
involves an introduction
to fluvial processes.

Training course for Geological Heritage Guides in Sobrarbe:

A tool to create new employment

in a Geopark

he Sobrarbe Geopark organised a training

course for Geological Heritage Guides in Sobrarbe from the 17th October 2014 to the 14th
February 2015.
The contents of this course have been designed by the scientific coordinator of the Sobrarbe Geopark to meet the challenge of training
people and enterprises with little or no knowledge of geology to use the Geoparks geological
heritage as an economic resource for new enterprises and for creating employment.
The aims of the Geopark in organizing this
course are as follows:
To train people who wish to use the geological
heritage of Sobrarbe as a social, cultural and
economic resource.
To promote the geological heritage as a factor for developing and enhancing the creation
of new employment in the territory of the
To initiate new entrepreneurial projects related
to the use of the geological resources.
To promote the conservation and appreciation
of the geological heritage, by increasing local
People enrolled in this course are mostly new
entrepreneurs wishing to develop activities involving the dissemination of geological heritage
such as hiking, rafting and other adventure activities, tours, workshops and educational activities with different groups. They also include local
enterprises and the staff of several companies
engaging in services related to the natural and
cultural heritage of the area involving outdoor
activities, adventure sports, environmental education and environmental activities. Some tourism professionals, whose work includes interacting with visitors and communicating knowledge
about the natural and cultural resources of the

area (hotel staff, restaurants, tourist offices, museums, interpretation centres and other points of
information), wish to increase the quality of the
services offered with more specialized information.
Thirty five people have registered to attend
this training course. The course includes a theoretical and a practical component consisting of
field visits which take advantage of the infrastructures developed by the Geopark, such as
geological trails and the inventory of geological
Ultimately, this course aims to signify Sobrarbe Geoparks commitment to the preservation and dissemination of knowledge about the
geological heritage and to stimulate the the creation of employment for local people.

An example of
the Geparks
landscape and
contrast in its

Anchel Belmonte Ribas
Ana Ruiz Conde
[email protected]



Beautiful basalt columns

visited during the field
trip for the Keszthely
Hills training course.

Opening the geological treasure

chest of BakonyBalaton Geopark

An exciting
to illustrate
by one of the

he geotour-guide training courses, coordinated by the leading body of the Geopark,

the Balaton Uplands National Park Directorate (BUNDP), are one of the engines for the
geotourism programmes in BakonyBalaton
Geopark. These 60 hour long training sessions
the only available geotour-guide training courses
in Hungary to-date have been organised since
2009. So far seven courses have been delivered
in different regions of the Geopark. However,
there is still much for future geotour-guides to
discover or for those who just simply would like
to understand and appreciate the territorys outstandingly diverse geological and geomorphological features.
Altogether 98 people have participated in the
programme, and some of them are already working in tourism. Thanks to the enthusiastic participants who completed more than one course,
172 certificates have been issued. Three courses
were completed with the involvement of civil
Geopark Partner Organizations, who successfully
applied for funds to make the courses financially
accessible for more participants.

The courses offer a unique opportunity to

discover the geological, hydrological, ecological
and historical heritage of the Geopark, with the
guidance of highly experienced experts. We have
received very positive feedback regarding the
quality of the training, and the guides now work
together as a cohesive community. Besides providing participants with an interesting and joyful
experience, the courses also offer a great opportunity to develop new geotourism services. More
than ten certified guides have become Geopark
Partners of the BUNDP. For a modest annual fee,
they can use the BakonyBalaton Geopark Partner logo and their guided geotours are promoted
by the Geopark. They can also take their geotour
participants to the BUNDPs visitor sites at a discounted entrance fee.
Some of the Geopark Partner guides also lead
geotours in English and German. They are eager
to show you the geological wonders of Bakony
Balaton Geopark. You can read about them and
their geotours at
Anna Knauer, [email protected]


listening to
Jnos Fut,
one of the

and view
of the
Veneris Hair

Local Geopark CareTakers:

an fruitful experience at Veneris Hair Geosite

(Casaletto Spartano, Eastern Bussento River Landscape)

ince 2010, one of the focal points for the

Cilento-Vallo Diano Geopark has been the involvement of young people in the management
of geo-heritage.
The feasibility of the above objective was
recognized during the field trip following the
12th EGN Conference in September 2013 to the
Veneris Hair Waterfall, near Casaletto Spartano village, involving the participation of young
people together with musical entertainment.
Based on this initial experience, an agreement
was reached between the local government, local
professionals and the Geopark management to
create a new procedure involving young peoples
involvement in geosite management.
The requirements of the new professional
should include: a good knowledge of the specific
geosite, its connections with the local traditions,
culture and economy; sufficient knowledge about
Geopark geodiversity, Geopark trails, public and
private transport and accommodation. The ability to accompany all categories of visitors, ranging from week-end visitors to more experienced
geo-tourists and to participate in voluntary
services involving geosite conservation and the
maintenance of reception facilities.
All the above requirements must be supported

A graph
the past
curves for
the visitors
at the
Veneris Hair

Young Local
CareTaker in
action at the
Veneris Hair
and Spring

by an understanding of the need to take care of

the landscape, a strong awareness of the local
identity leading to a strategy for the sustainable
use of local environmental resources and an appreciation and understanding of the role of management .
Based on these factors, the new concept was
called Geopark Local CareTaker (LCT). During
the last summer a LCT start-up activity was initiated at the Veneris Hair Waterfall, managed by
the dr. Arnaldo Ludici, as Local CareTaker Manager, and the dr. Aniello Aloia, as coordinating
Geopark Manager.
This resulted in a significant increase in visitor
numbers, both local, national and international, a
good review on Advisor Traveller Agency, and the
award of a certificate of excellence.
Based on these results, an advanced Geopark
Local CareTaker Course will be held early next
spring to extend the experience to other selected
geosites so that local governments can continue
with their commitments to the Geopark, involving coordinating the management of local geosites and the extension of visiting periods for
educational activities for high school and university students.
Aniello Aloia, [email protected]
Angelo De Vita, [email protected]
Domenico Guida, [email protected]
Arnaldo Iudici, [email protected]



Cooperation between Global Geopark BergstrasseOdenwald and WHS Messel Pit (Germany):

Geo-education, geo-products,
and geo-tourism

Left: Geoworkshop 2 at Messel Pit creating fossils with natural materials.

Right: Messel-honey Geopark honey collected directly on site, an authentic product for both partners.

1 at Messel
Pit an
trip with the
Rangers to
Messel Rain

he Global Geopark Bergstrasse-Odenwald has,

together with local as well as international
partners like World Heritage Site (WHS) Messel Pit,
developed a wide range of communication and educational tools. The holistic Geopark concept of connecting the geological, natural and cultural heritage
fits perfectly with the philosophy of WHS Messel
Pit, which presents its outstanding universal value
(OUV) to the public in an innovative way. In this context, a broad communication strategy, combined
with visitor service and information as well as common events and products has been implemented.
The Geopark Rangers offer environmental education programmes for target groups of all ages. As
part of their cooperation, the Global Geopark and
the Messel Pit have jointly developed geo-workshops with the Geopark Rangers at Messel Pit for
children from 7 to 14 years, presenting the main
geo-scientific themes of the Messel Pit which are
rain forest, fossils, volcanoes, and below the
surface. Activities include creating fossils with nat-

ural materials, building a volcano or exploring the

rain forest. Following two very successful years, the
geo-workshop program will be continued in 2015.
The partner have has also developed a geo-educational card game with basic information on the
Geopark and the WHS.
WHS Messel Pit has been integrated into the
Geoparks local honey network, which is called
Geopark honey the sweet essence of nature. In
cooperation with a local apiarist, the Geopark offers Geopark honey which is produced directly on
site and is sold in Messel Pits visitors centre to visitors from all over the world.
Geo-communication & geo-tourism
Both partners have also developed a range of
communication tools including geotope brochures,
common information leaflets, Earth history adventure maps, workshops, public lectures, and the
presentation of the respective partner activities
in their published magazines. In cooperation with
the Odenwald Tourism Company, new trails and
information packages have been developed, which
inform visitors about overnight accommodation
and activities in the Geopark and Messel Pit. The
cooperation between Global Geopark BergstrasseOdenwald and Messel Pit, established during the
last decade, is considered as a successful model for
communicating our strong connection between geology, humans, nature and cultural heritage within
the Geopark, within UNESCOs World Heritage community and within the Global Geoparks Network.
Jutta Weber
Global Geopark Bergstrasse-Odenwald)
[email protected]
Marie-Luise Frey (WHS Messel Pit)- Germany
[email protected]




El Roque de La Bonanza is a landscape symbol of El Hierro. This volcanic dyke in the area of
Las Playas suggests two animals facing one another with their foreheads locked together.

El Hierro, the Island of 1,000 volcanoes

The first Geopark in the Canary


t the westernmost and

pyroclasts, tuff-rings, lava
southernmost end of
outflows and columnar jointthe Canary Archipelago, the
smallest of the seven Islands
The three-leaved shape
is celebrating becoming a
of the island, produced as a
new member of the European
result of the alignments of
and the Global Geopark Netthe volcanoes, corresponds
work. The El Hierro Geopark
to the three rift branches
covers a surface area of
separated by basins formed
590km2. This includes El Hiby mega-landslides, the proerro Island, the surrounding
nounced vestiges of which
Above: The Open Fotosub underwater
islets (Roques or Rocks) to- photography competition is organised by the scar the surface of the island
talling 278km2 and the sur- Geopark and offers visitors the opportunity and extend underwater into
rounding territorial waters, of combining geological observation with the ocean. The various types
sport. Photo: J.R. Marcelino.
which extend up to 12 miles
of volcanic structures young
from the coast, adding antoward the ends of the rifts.
other 312km2 to the Geopark.
Thus, the most recent volThis Spanish territory, the
canic activity, dating back
most distant of Spains posto 2011, occurred near the
sessions from the mainland,
coastline of La Restinga, on
has carefully tended its natuthe submerged portion of the
ral and cultural heritage over
southern rift.
the years. The island GovernThe fact that the volcanic
ment or Cabildo of El Hierro,
heritage continues underthe organization responsible
water justifies the Geoparks
for the management of the
boundaries. This heritage is
Geopark, has, together with
largely accessible thanks to
the support of the islands Living treasures. The Geopark has allowed various specially designed faus to re-introduce traditional crafts,
approximately 10,900 inhabcilities and devices and tailorproduced by the women on the island,
itants, decided to develop a
made activities. On land, we
such as the production of hand-crafted
different approach to tourhave the signposted network
earthenware and typical pots.
ism. Whilst the other islands
of trails, lookout points and
adopted a more conventional tourism model, El Hi- interpretation centres relating to the volcanology
erro Geopark has, with the wholehearted support and the Biosphere Reserve. These allow visitors to
of its inhabitants, adopted a process of reservation experience the geology and natural heritage, flora
and preservation for social, economic and environ- and fauna while learning about the culture of the
mental sustainability. The results are there for all island through its archaeological sites and the reto see and enjoy. Since 2000, a large part of the mains of the native population of Bimbaches.
Geopark is also a Biosphere Reserve and over 60%
With respect to marine geotourism, in addition
of the territory is protected using different legal to the kayaks and sailboats that allow the visitor to
mechanisms for safeguarding land or marine areas. observe the geology of the coastline, scuba diving
From a geological perspective, El Hierro, the is provided by businesses that collaborate with the
youngest island of the Canary Archipelago, repre- Geopark. The Open Fotosub in the Integral Fishsents the crest of a volcanic shield that emerged ing Reserve has made the island and its geology
from the sea around 2 million years ago. Its com- famous the world over.
plex geological history can be easily appreciated
Vernica Montero, [email protected]
with clearly visible, well-preserved examples of volJoan Poch, [email protected]
canic structures at varying scales including cones,






Participants experience climbing and geology, a component of the

GeoDynamicActive Programme.

Ore of the Alps

Copper so close to the heavens

he Geopark is located in the centre of the Province

of Salzburg, Austria. It includes four communities,
Bischofshofen, Mhlbach, Httau and St. Veit with a
population of 17,000 inhabitants. Bischofshofen, the
Geoparks oldest village, is famous world-wide for the
annual ski jumping competition. The Geopark can be
easily accessed via the Tauern Freeway (Tauern Autobahn), one of the most important roads through middle
Europe to southern Europe. The capital city, Salzburg
and the Airport W.A. Mozart, connected by regular flights
from Vienna, Frankfurt, Berlin, London, Moscow and
many other cities, can be accessed within 45 minutes.
The Geopark (212 km2) is situated in the Innergebirg
(inner mountain area), and includes the Northern Calcareous Alps, the Graywacke Zone and the Central Alps.
The Hochknig mountain range in the Northern Calcareous Alps has an altitude of 2941 m and includes a
permanent glacier, thebergossene Alm (the covered
Alp glacier). The mountainous Graywacke Zone region
has pastures and forests extending up to an altitude of
2000 m. The Salzach Valley, which crosses the Geopark,
is deeply incised into the soft rocks of the Graywacke
Formation. All other valleys consist of extremely steep
sided gorges. The discrepancy in the relative relief in the
Geopark is very high with a variation in altitude of almost 2400 m.
The Geopark area has been permanently populated
from 5,300 years ago. During the Bronze-Age, the region
of Bischofshofen, Mhlbach, Httau and St. Veit was one
of the most important sites for copper mining in Europe.
The copper used in the world-famous Sky disc of Nebra
was mined in this area. From the Middle Ages mining
was extended to include gold, iron, lead and zinc. Since
the 1970s all mining activities ceased but the mines still
exist as a number of spectacular show mines.

biking in
front of the


The 77 geosites, which are described on the homepage, emphasize the great geodiversity of the Geopark and visits can be arranged
through two programmes.
The GeoDynamicActive Programme is sporty! Rock
formations, unique landscapes or the traces of mining
activities, can be explored in selected tours, individually
or in groups, either alone or accompanied by a qualified
Geopark guide. These activities involve hiking, mountain
biking, climbing, ski touring and snow-shoeing and are
always combined with non-geological, but more or less
dynamic and physical leisure entertainment.
The GeoEnjoyRelaxProgramme is based on Gemtlichkeit (cosiness). Geosites, which can be easily
reached by short walks include visiting museums and
show-mines and listening to lectures forming the focus of this edutainment. It involves a combination of
non-geological activities, such as wellness, relaxing at
an oasis of silence and tranquillity, farmers markets,
farmers cookery courses, sports events, mountain exhibits and local alpine concerts. In addition the Geopark
offers a great variety of local agricultural and high quality alpine products.
The Geopackages can be arranged according to the
visitors choice. They are comparable to the ordering
of a pizza: Pizza dough, tomatoes and cheese form the
base, all the other toppings can be chosen individually.
Altogether these outstanding experiences are guaranteed by the Association Ore of the Alps, in which four
communities and tourism offices work closely together.
Horst Ibetsberger
[email protected]
[email protected]

A tram
used for
copper ore in
the Sunnpau
Show Mine.

A map
the area
of Geopark

Geopark Odsherred

The first Global Geopark in Denmark


lagoon in
M. Diers

he Odsherred Peninsula landscape was formed only

17,000 years ago during the latter part of the Weichselian Glaciation. The Odsherred Arches are key sites for
understanding the principles of glacial landscape formations from this period. They are also a classical geomorphological example of glacial depressions, end moraines
and meltwater flood plains.
The combination of features represented in the glacial landscape, with their variety of detailed shapes, is
demonstrated in very few places in Northern Europe in
such a distinct and informative manner as in Odsherred.
Surrounded by the sea to the east, north and west,
Geopark Odsherred, also features active, coastal and
postglacial processes, e.g. the formation of coastal lagoons and bogs, and sand migration, which are just as
important to the understanding of the glacial landscape.
Geopark Odsherred is situated only 100km from
Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, and its area of
355km coincides with the area of Odsherred Municipality. Since the ice melted about 10,000 years ago, humans
have been making their mark on the landscape. The area
has attracted people from far and wide since the early18th century and Odsherred has developed as an attractive holiday destination. Today the area has 33,000
inhabitants living within 15,000 permanent residences.
As a result of its 157km coastline Odsherred also has
about 26,000 summer residences and the population
rises to over 100,000 inhabitants during the summer
months. This means that an assessment of the potential
for geotourism in Geopark Odsherred is based on already

existing data.
As from January 2015 an independent foundation, the
Geopark Odsherred Foundation, will be established with
its own professional board of experts, stakeholders and
local politicians, income and general purpose description
of the four Geopark themes. The Geopark has a small administration including two employees and a part time director. To run and develop the Geopark Odsherred Foundation it is essential to create a network organization including partnership agreements with local stakeholders,
businesses and associations. Some of these partnership
agreements are also based on socioeconomic developments where the products are promoted by the Geopark.
In Geopark Odsherred, the local resources are embedded in the magnificent glacial landscape. There is a
direct connection between the geology and landscape
morphology and the records of human activity in the
Bronze Age when the national treasure, the Sun Chariot,
was created. This connection continues through history
to the 19th century when the shallow waters of Lammefjord were reclaimed for agricultural use to create todays
vegetable garden of Denmark. The landscape paintings
of Odsherreds Painters in the 1930s has inspired modern artists to settle in Odsherred. The four themes - geology and landscape, cultural history, art and local produce are the core of Geopark Odsherred the first Global
Geopark in Denmark.

in the
C. Starup.

Nina Lemkow - Geopark manager

Mail: [email protected]
Address: Geopark Odsherred, Tinghuset,
Holtes Plads 1, 4500 Nykobing Sj., Denmark
Mail: [email protected]



A field trip in the Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark.

Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark

Sailing activities in the Terras de

Cavaleiros Geopark.

erras de Cavaleiros Geopark is located in the

region of Trs-os-Montes in northern Portugal within the area of the municipality of Macedo
de Cavaleiros. It has a population of 15,776 inhabitants and covers an area of approximately
700km2. The Geopark is managed by the Terras
de Cavaleiros Geopark Association,a non-profit
association consisting of 11 founding members
which include public and private institutions.
Within the Geopark one can observe and access geosites that document an important stage
of Earth history, in particular a more than 500
million year old sequence of rocks in which continental rocks overlie the ancient oceanic crust.
In addition, sediments that prove the existence
of an ancient fluvial network that once drained
the interior of the Iberian Peninsula are recorded
together with the presence of active faults, such
as the Vilaria Fault which crosses the whole territory of the Geopark.
The Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark also has
an important industrial heritage associated with
former tin, tungsten, silver, lead, antimony and
asbestos mines. The natural heritage is characterized by stunning landscapes and a well preserved flora and fauna. The Geopark has one
of the most complete networks of hiking trails
in Portugal. For over 180km, involving 24 signposted trails, hikers can enjoy thematic routes
through agricultural landscapes, the geological
and biological sites as well as cultural routes
showing traditional ways of life. The 110km Geological Route, includes some of the most important geosites in the Geoparks territory.
The Terras de Cavaleiros Geoparks significant
historical, archaeological and artistic heritage
is represented in public, private and religious
buildings, by old bridges, pillories and fountains.
The Geoparks cultural identity is characterized
by traditions involving the preservation of typical food recipies, regional products and peoples
memories as well as associations that organize
art events, including dance, theatre or music.


The Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark has implemented a geotourism strategy to improve the accessibility and safety of geosites and to enhance
visitors experiences through the placement of
signage and interpretative panels. Implementing
the geotourism strategy involved establishing
partnerships with regional economic agents including hotels, restaurants, tour operators and
with anyone who contributes to the preservation
of the rich heritage and traditions that represent
the values of the Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark.
Enjoy an adventure by immersing yourself in
Terras de Cavaleiros Geoparks landscape, emotions, art, colours, flavours and unforgettable
Contact Terras de Cavaleiros Geopark Rua Eng. Moura
Pegado R/C Centro Cultural 5340-302 Macedo de Cavaleiros Portugal Tel: 00351 278 428 101 / 00351 917 859
608 E-mail: [email protected] Slvia
Marcos: [email protected] Web:
Slvia Marcos and Ana Lima

The Lagoa


Conference theme:

Responsible Use of

Natural and Cultural Heritage

A warm Welcome to the
13th European Geoparks Conference

About Finland

About Rokua Geopark

Finland is a land of forests and lakes with four distinct seasons of

the year. It is situated in Northern Europe bordering on Sweden
to the west, Norway to the north and Russia to the east. The
capital city, Helsinki in Southern Finland, has an airport with
numerous daily internal flights and international flights to Asia,
Europe and North America. Finland is very sparsely populated,
of the five million inhabitants more than one million people live
in the area of the capital city Helsinki.

Rokua Geopark is located in Northern Finland, about 200 kilometres

south of the Arctic Circle and is the northernmost Geopark in the
world. The closest airport, the Oulu Airport, is situated less than an
hours drive from the Geopark. The Geopark is also easily
accessible by train or car.

The City of Oulu is the capital of northern Finland. The Oulu

Region has over 200,000 inhabitants and it is the most rapidly
growing region in Finland. Transport connections and times are
direct and convenient, regardless of the means of transport or
direction. All main roads meet in Oulu.

Rokua Geopark has the honour of hosting the next European

Geoparks Conference. The conference will be held in Finland
at Rokua Geopark and in the city of Oulu from 3rd to 6th of
September 2015. The conference is expected to attract more than
300 participants interested in Geoparks, tourism and sustainable

The Geoparks theme, Heritage of the Ice Age, reflects the

territorys exceptional record of glacial deposits and landforms
created during the last Ice Age. The underlying bedrock, which
is up to 2.7 billion years old, includes some of the oldest rocks in
Europe. Besides the geology the area has a significant cultural and
biological heritage.

Join us for a great adventure

Call for papers opens in
56 January 2015

Conference Registration opens

February 1st 2015
13th European Geoparks Conference

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