Climate Change - : The Stone Tape'

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Climate Change -
the ‘stone tape’

Earth sciences for society

P r o s p e c t u s f o r a k e y t h e m e o f t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Ye a r o f P l a n e t E a r t h

Earth Sciences for Society

Earth Sciences for Society
2005 - 2007
Earth Sciences for Society

What is this brochure for?

This brochure is a prospectus for one of the
main scientific themes of the International
Year of Planet Earth 2005-2007.

It describes, in terms accessible to the

informed layperson, why the research that
the Year hopes to support under this theme
is of such vital importance to our under-
standing of the Earth System, and to society
at large.

It was written by a panel of world experts,

assembled by the Science Programme
Committee for the International Year.

To find out more…

Every science theme will have a prospectus
like this one. To find out about the other
research themes being pursued under the
International Year, please consult (where all our publications
can be found).

What to do next…
If you are a scientist wishing to register
initial interest in possibly making a
research proposal under this theme,
please go to and download
the appropriate Expression of Interest
(Science) form, and follow the instructions
on submitting this to the International Year.
(If you cannot find such a form, it means
that it is not ready – please keep visiting
the site.)
Introduction - the stone tape
Ancient changes in Earth’s climate system are ‘written in stone’.
The nature and properties of dust and ice accumulations, lake and
ocean sediments, the size, shape and position of dune fields and
river terraces, sequences of fossil plant and animal assemblages,
ancient shorelines, growth lines in corals, tree rings and carbonate
cave formations, and in the archaeological and the written records
of ancient societies all contain elements of the story.

The history of the human race and its cultures owes much to past climate
variability. Understanding past climates is one step towards understanding
how we came to be who we are. No doubt the shape of our future will be
strongly influenced by climate.

Scientists who research the dynamic Earth System know it is complex and
undergoes constant adjustment. Now, for the first time, one species, Homo
sapiens, has become a major agent in altering the Earth System and climate
patterns. Humans are also becoming better at observing and understanding
the way in which we alter these patterns, on scales relevant to the regions
and societies in which people live. To do this effectively we need to
understand the difference between both natural variability and that variability
due to human influence – sometimes called “anthropogenic” variability.
However, this apparently neat distinction will become increasingly blurred
as time goes on.

Historical records reveal how important are the linkages between ocean,
atmosphere and changes in land-cover. Our few hundred years of direct
climate measurements contain only a small range of climate variability.
Our ability to read the stone tape - records from the geological past -
increases with advances in science and technology. It is vital however
that representative examples of the best natural archives are kept safe
for consultation by future scientists, who will come armed with deeper
understanding and better technologies than we have today.

This document sets out a framework of questions that show how the Earth
sciences contribute to a better understanding of climate change and suggests
where future research will best contribute to the wellbeing of society.
The Earth has experienced

several ice and greenhouse

episodes in the past

Key questions
What is the “big picture” of climate change patterns over the last
four glacial cycles?

The Earth, which is about 4600 million years old, has experienced several ice
and greenhouse episodes in the past. Since the 1960s it has been possible to
say that there were many ice expansion episodes in only the last two million
years or so. The most recent ice maximum – a mere 21,000 years ago - was one
of the severest, and vast areas of North America, northern Europe and high
mountain regions were covered by ice. High dry areas, such as the Tibetan
Plateau had patchy ice cover at best.

Recent advances in reading and dating of records from the ocean, ice cores,
and dust and fossil soil sequences from Central China reveal that the main
climate events affected the whole Earth simultaneously. The best explanation
for this is variations in the Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

Scientists’ attention has now shifted toward understanding how ice sheets build
and collapse, and on the recent discovery that there have been many rapid and
often short-lived events (on timescales of 100 to 1000 years). These cannot be
Source M. Coffin, IODP related to orbital variations – they must relate to other Earth System processes.
Such rapid and intense changes would cause major disruption to societies and
economies if they recurred today.

New efforts are being directed to searching for the connections between
phenomena. For example, how do events that start in the north Atlantic also
seem to have effects in eastern Asia? What is the relationship between the various
monsoon systems? How might change in one alter the dynamics of others?

Each ice maximum was associated with much lower global sea level than we
see today. In some cases vast shelf areas became exposed and presented new
migration routes for plants, animals and people, as well as obstructing flow of
sea water between the Indian and Pacific oceans. The exposed continental
shelves also increased the area available for production of (natural) greenhouse
gases. Interpretation of the archaeological record and spread of humans
certainly must take account of the sea-level story.

Recognizing the patterns across the most recent glacial cycles is essential
background for understanding how climate systems work on a broad scale and
(in the last two cycles) the development and spread of human societies.
Les sciences de la terre au service
de la société

What has been the variability in climate

over the last 1000 years?

Climate varies in temperature, precipitation and the frequency of extremes

such as drought, storms and floods. These impinge on productivity of natural
and agricultural systems, bushfire frequency, water quality and damage to
property and infrastructure.

The emerging view from the long-term climate record is important to modern
societies because it provides a basis for understanding recent trends and
their potential causes. The beginning of the Holocene (approximately the
last 10,000 years) was a period largely free of human influence on climate
systems. It is also the time when agriculture arose, apparently in several
This graph shows several records places (e.g. the Levant, Yangtze and Yellow River valleys). By about
indicating synchronous climate 5-6000 years ago agricultural systems were widespread in the east and west
changes from the last four glacial of the Eurasian continent. By 3000 years ago extensive areas were under
cycles (Alverson et al. 2003). cultivation elsewhere. The geological record tells us that all these changes
were accompanied, the geological record tells us,
by widespread forest clearing, increased burning patterns,
and usually by increased erosion rates as well as the
building of small scale engineering works to trap or
divest landscapes of excess water.

Humans had by this time become a serious influence on

landscape processes at regional scales - but probably not
to the extent that climate modification was taking place.
The mid-Holocene expansion of wetland agriculture may
have led to the release of the greenhouse gas methane,
a key launching point for human impact on atmospheric
chemistry, changing its heat and water-holding capacity.

High resolution records of the recent past can be

obtained from growth rings of long-lived trees, ice cores
(which reveal layers equivalent to annual snowfall) and
laminated lake sediments. All are sensitive at annual
scale (or better) for reconstructing climate changes.
The data sets for this are few, the best known being
reconstructions of mean temperature for the last 1000
years for the mid to high latitudes of the Northern
Hemisphere overleaf. Coverage is poor for the tropics
and Southern Hemisphere during this time but the
potential is there to discover it.
Many great civilizations

have collapsed for a variety

of reasons

The Northern Hemisphere record shows relatively mild temperatures during

the late 11th and 12th Centuries, and in the early and late 14th Century.
Mean temperatures were cooler than present from the early 14th to 19th
Centuries. These periods are generally supported by historical data, and are
often referred to as the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age respectively.
Historical records show these had significant effects on societies. In warm
periods wheat production occurred further north, and wine production
was possible earlier in the season. In the Little Ice Age illness rates and
agricultural decline in marginal areas was significant. In many cases the
temperature anomalies were no more than 0.2 to 1˚C from those in the earlier
part of the 20th Century. These small changes in mean temperature and their
impacts are a telling point for sceptics who write off any significance for the
1-5˚C changes that are projected for the next 50 to 100 years. The second half
of the 20th Century stands out as a particularly warm period.

What caused these changes? There is some suggestion that solar variability
caused some of the long-term trends, but the recent warming is unprecedented.
Many data series, such as they are, show that global climate is moving into
territory unseen during the last 10,000 years and probably much longer.
Variability in the energy output of the Sun, in the amount of volcanic gases
and ash in the atmosphere and changes in ocean circulation have all been
invoked to explain some of the trends seen in the last 10,000 years,
none can explain the upward trend of the last half century. The idea that
there is a strong human imprint on recent climate change is now compelling,
with forest clearing, building and man-made gas emissions all having a
strong influence on Earth’s warming.

Despite this we still need to understand the relative importance of human

versus natural influence on climate systems if we are ever to understand
where the observed variability is coming from. Climate variation has a
significant impact on people’s lives. Research into such natural variations
as El Niño and volcanic dust and gases in the atmosphere must have high
priority, as it will help reveal the mechanisms by which climate variability
occurs on timescales that are directly relevant to human societies.

Northern hemisphere temperatures for the last millennium Mann et al (1999),

from Alverson et al. 2003.
What impact has past climate change
had on societies?

Many great civilizations have collapsed for a variety of reasons, including

climate. Drought may have been responsible for the collapse of the
Harrappan culture of northwest India, the Maya of Central America and
the Hohokam of Arizona.

In other parts of the world too much water has been a problem. Peak water
flow in the Yangtze, for example, occurs when run-off from the Tibetan
Plateau coincides with summer monsoon rain. Serious floods occur every
few years causing loss of life, crops and property – though these same floods
bring fresh nutrient-rich sediments. During the Holocene people have battled
rising waters with engineering works and where these failed the failure of
rice crops has led to great hardship. Meanwhile in the Yellow River valley
a combination of climate variability and pressure of land use has led to
desertification in the north west and retraction of settlement towards
the south east. Desertification continues today and the Chinese Government
continues to relocate people and livestock.

Bringing together the great data sets of environmental change and history of
societies will inform debates on technological innovation, early nation states,
and may even help us understand some of the long-standing animosities
between peoples in the Middle East, east Africa and elsewhere.

Climate and associated cultural changes (from Alverson et al. 2003).

Human activity has resulted in changes to

atmospheric chemistry and land cover,

and caused serious decline in biodiversity

Who is behind How will it work?

the International Year?
To achieve maximum political impact,
Initiated by the International Union of the IUGS-UNESCO team aims to have the
Geological Sciences (IUGS) in 2001, the International Year proclaimed through
proposed International Year of Planet Earth the UN system, targeting 2006 as the Year
was immediately endorsed by UNESCO’s itself. Its ambitious programmes cannot,
Earth Science Division, and later by the joint however, be implemented in twelve months.
UNESCO-IUGS International Geoscience We expect the Year’s activities to begin in
Programme (IGCP). 2005 and culminate in 2007.
The main aim of the International Year - to
demonstrate the great potential of the Earth
sciences to lay the foundations of a safer,
healthier and wealthier society - explains the
Year’s subtitle: Earth sciences for society.
Modifying biogeochemical

cycles leads to

complex feedbacks

What is the role of human activities

in climate forcing?

We know that human activity has resulted in changes to atmospheric

chemistry and land cover, and caused serious decline in biodiversity.
In addition thousands of new synthetic chemical substances have been
produced whose role in the biosphere is not fully understood. Many lake
systems, for example, have become acid as a direct consequence of
industrial gas emissions over the past 150 years. Modifying biogeochemical
cycles leads to complex feedbacks into key elements of climate systems
and hence into economic activity and water and food security.

One of the ways we can monitor climate modulation by humans is to

estimate the greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities.
We can estimate the amounts but we cannot identify where they all end up.
Are they trapped in the soil, incorporated into forest cover? Has the ocean
absorbed much of them, or are all these - and maybe more - factors
involved? Figure 7 attempts to separate human and natural factors in
driving recently observed climate change.

The relative climatic contributions of land-cover change and changes to

the chemistry of the atmosphere still remain to be worked out. Research
priorities in this area require process-studies in biology, soil science
(pedology) and oceano-
graphy, involving automatic
monitoring, remote sensing
and “ground-truthing” – in
other words, the necessary
reality check of actual field
studies. In addition, studies
of sediment chemistry in
high deposition rate settings
will also add detail.

What is the role of models in predicting
future climate and how can we assess
their merit?
Simulation models seem the best way forward for climate prediction.
These use mathematical equations to describe the physical world and the
dynamic feedbacks between ocean, atmosphere and land cover dynamics.
The value of the model’s output is compromised by our understanding of
Earth systems, the degree to which reality can be described by mathematical
functions and the power of computers to carry out the necessary calculations.
Over 25 global climate simulation models are commonly used today.
When these are run they often generate forecasts that differ to a smaller
or greater degree. This reflects the difficulties of integrating the physical
elements in a meaningful way, and the sensitivity of many elements of the
system where small changes can be greatly magnified, as the geological
record shows.

In recent times integrated systems have been developed linking climate,

economic, demographic, industrial emission output, agricultural and natural
ecosystem models. The better systems allow “feedback loops” among the
various modules so that changes in one part of the system can be followed

Simulation models seem

the best way forward for

International Year
climate prediction

dynamically to other systems. A great strength of models is their ability to

integrate data from various sources and assist our move toward a better
Science programme understanding of Planet Earth. We should do our best to make models fit
reality since the benefits of getting these systems functional will be a giant
A panel of 20 eminent step in developing sensible planning approaches and something approaching
geoscientists from all sustainability of human activity.
parts of the world decided
An independent testing regime needs to be developed to identify the better
on a list of nine broad
models and ways of making them even better. One way of doing this is to
science themes - initialise models with boundary conditions for selected time “windows” in
Groundwater, Hazards, the past. These include Earth orbital parameters, greenhouse gas concentration,
Earth & Health, Climate, atmospheric aerosol load, shoreline and sea-level, ice cover etc., as read
Resources, Megacities, from the “stone tape” – the geological record itself. Climate simulations for
Deep Earth, Ocean, and
the selected time windows can then be generated and compared with regional
palaeodata sets that have been used to infer past climate conditions.

Research priorities must include building better data series with a better
The next step is to identify geographical coverage, especially in the Southern Hemisphere and the
substantive science topics Tropics; in the first instance they might focus on the more climatically sensitive
with clear deliverables regions. This will enhance the science of both modelling and palaeodata
within each broad theme.
science, and raise the confidence of society in meaningful prediction of
global climate.
A ‘key-text’ team has now
been set up for each,
tasked with working out
an Action Plan. Each team
will produce a text that
will be published as
a theme prospectus like
this one.

A series of Implementation
Groups will then be created
to set the work under
the eight programmes in
motion. Every effort will
be made to involve
specialists from countries
with particular interest
in (and need for) these

For more information -
Earth scientists have a

distinguished record of

studying past climates

What about the future and likely future

climate trajectories?

The future climate will impact on food security and agriculture, water
supply and quality, storm and cyclone frequency, shoreline stability,
biodiversity and the future of biological resources. Developing climate
models will reduce the degree of uncertainty in regional climate prediction.
However only the geological record can reveal the full range of Earth
System variability and in the first instance remains a test bed for whether
simulations are likely to be reasonable.

Earth scientists have a distinguished record of studying past climates and

Earth systems, often studying the relationship between the two. Society may
well ask them to focus part of their research agenda on identifying how a
variety of scenarios, which directly affect the life chances of people, will play
out through those systems. Good leadership will lead to informed decision
making and prudent planning. Earth scientists might be asked to forecast any
potential abrupt or environmental surprises. A sound knowledge of the Earth
System will improve the chances of achieving this.

It might be fitting to remember an old Chinese proverb:

Things will be different FROM today…and we will do

things differently…thus it has always been and
ALWAYS will be.

This embodies ideas both about the Earth and those who live on it.

■ Temperate forests ■ Tropical seasonal forest ■ Ice

■ Grasslands ■ Tropical moist forest ■ Tundra
■ Deserts ■ Wetland, mangrove etc. ■ Boreal forests
■ Savanna ■ Agricultural land
IPCC diagram showing possible changes in vegetation under a 2x CO2
atmospheric scenario.
Summary of Research Agenda

● Increasing our knowledge of the patterns in climate and environment

over the last 2 glacial cycles.

● Identification of how glacial conditions develop and decline.

● Identification of the frequency and causes of abrupt events in the

geological record.

● A better spread of high resolution data series, especially in the tropics

and Southern Hemisphere.

● Better understanding of the tropical heat engine and on how it links

to climate variability in temperate zones

● Targeted palaeoenvironmental studies where there are high quality

archaeological records, especially those where cultural changes have
taken place.

● Process studies in biology, geology, pedology and oceanography

(involving monitoring, remote sensing and ground-truthing through field
studies where appropriate) to identify the relationship between climate
and change in systems. These studies should include a focus on variability
in carbon flux since this may be helpful in understanding whether or not
climate will change back into a glacial period.

● In order to throw light on global warming and possible future sea-level

rise, locations in the world influenced by subsidence and uplift should
be identified for comparative study.

● Foster research co-operation between model and palaeodata scientists.

● Technical advances in chronology methodologies.

● Analysis of instrumental and biophysical data to discover linkages,

sensitivity, inertia and lags in systems across regions today.

● Several key researchers should be invited to a workshop to prioritise

and develop the research agenda further.
Earth science – key to sustainability
Only one Earth Earth scientists have unravelled many of the Earth’s secrets and have made
great progress in understanding how our planet works.

However, this information is often not properly used. We often build in the
wrong places and exploit resources unsustainably, despite now being able to
The human race needs its forecast many kinds of natural hazard with considerable accuracy.
We act as though we are still ignorant, when the key to a better life sits in
our hands.
planet. We depend on it
Earth scientists worldwide are ready and prepared to assist society arrive at
a safer, healthier and wealthier environment for all.
completely, because we

evolved from it, remain

forever part of it, and can

exist only by courtesy of

the self-sustaining Earth


The more we learn, the

more we understand that

we must nurture the Earth

as we would our children,

for their sake.

Writing team
John Dodson (University of Western Australia)
Earth Sciences for Society
(Team leader), Keith Alverson (IGBP PAGES),
Yuan Daoxian (Karst Dynamics Laboratory,
Guilin, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences),
Jens Wiegand (University of Würzburg),
Wyss Yim (University of Hong Kong),
Ted Nield (Geological Society of London)

Editing Ted Nield

Illustrations Ted Nield,

Design André van de Waal, Coördesign, Leiden

United Nations Educational Scientific

and Cultural Organisation

Full Partners

Geological Society of London

International Geographical Union
International Lithosphere Programme
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
International Union of Soil Sciences
Netherlands Institute of Applied Geoscience TNO

© August 2004,
Earth Sciences for Society Foundation,
Leiden, The Netherlands
International Year of Planet Earth

IUGS Secretariat
Geological Survey of Norway
N-7491 Trondheim
T + 47 73 90 40 40
F + 47 73 50 22 30
E [email protected]

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