Naiomi Assessment

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Naiomi S.

Espinosa Sierra/S00921354
February 17, 2016
Universidad del Este
School of Education
Jos Morales Sousa, Ed.D.
Answer the following questions based on the material discussed in class
(10 points each). Write your answers in a Word document in double

Describe the English Programs mission, vision, and goals.

English program whose mission is to encourage in all students'
critical and creative thinking. They should communicate orally and
in writing in the English language; and interact according to the high
expectations and demands of contemporary global society. English
program has the vision to propose to develop students who can
communicate in creative, reflective and critical way in the English


What are the basic principles of the English program as outlined in

its circular letter?


The basic principles of English program are:

Language is a mechanism used by humans to communicate,
socialize and achieve their goals.
Acquiring a language should include an enabling and optimal
using incentives and adequate reinforcements.
The language has many skills in a broad communicative
The nature of the particular skills needed depends on the roles
participants, situations and goals of the interaction.
Language arts, listening, speaking, reading and writing are
integral to the
Learning a second language is more significant when used in
authentic situations.
Curriculum objectives are reflected in effective evaluation.
The essential elements of language learning effectively when
it is carried
out a planned, systematic and gradual process.

Mention and describe the approaches currently used for the

teaching of ESL?

The skills of observing, listening, speaking, reading, writing

and thinking develop simultaneously

"Pre-Production" - The student associates and assimilates
concepts in the second language through the "Total Physical
Response" (TPR).
"Early Production" - The student can communicate through the
use of one or two words.
Speech Emergence "- At this stage, the student can use to
communicate simple linguistic structures.
"Intermediate Fluency" - The student has acquired sufficient
command of language to express themselves fluently and
Phonemic awareness is essential in language; therefore, in
steps initial, reading must come from the oral practice.
1. Pre-comunicative - it is structured and modulated by
teachers; they use grammatical forms.
2. Cuasi-comunicative - presents a less controlled situation
with emphasis on a structured language.
3. Comunicative- presents spontaneous situations and flows
Language forms
Humanist Psychology
Consider the different learning styles.
It allows educators to individualize the teaching and learning
Recognizes the diversity among students.
This approach allows students to acquire the skills to process
meaningful learning through activities aimed at solving
problems and the decision making. The tasks involved in
research culminating in a real learning.


Select one of the recommended activities for the teaching of ESL

and indicate how you would apply it in your classroom (Refer to the
circular letter).
SCAFFOLDING: The technique of scaffolding use ascending complexity
lead students to increase their capacity for implementation and
linguistic knowledge and command of English. Use the questions to
promote experiences that promotes the construction of knowledge.
Example: Graphic organizers, instruction and practice in pairs or small
groups, adapted texts, sketches and readings partially completed with
key concepts and vocabulary marking or shading.


What is the college and career readiness listening expectation for K2 according to the Puerto Rico Core Standards and Expectations?
Comprehend and analyze information from a variety of listening
activities to ask and answer questions on social, academic, college,
and career topics.



What is the college and career readiness writing expectation for K-2
according to the Puerto Rico Core Standards and Expectations?
1. Write arguments to support point of view using valid reasoning and
sufficient evidence.
2. Write informational texts to examine and convey complex ideas
and information clearly and accurately through the selection,
organization, and analysis of relevant content.
3. Write literary texts to develop real or imagined experiences or
events using effective technique, details, and structure.
4. Develop and strengthen writing as needed by using the writing
process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, rewriting, or
5. Use technology, including the Internet, to interact and collaborate
with others and produce and publish writing.
6. Conduct research projects of varying lengths based on focused
questions to demonstrate understanding of the subject.
7. Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support
analysis, reflection, and research.
8. Write routinely over short and extended time frames for a variety
of tasks, purposes, and audiences.
What does K.L.1 stands for?
K.L.1 Listen and interact with peers and teachers during readalouds, social interactions, group activities, and informal oral
presentations. a. Ask and answer basic instructions and routine
questions appropriate to the topic. b. Interact in a socially
appropriate manner through eye contact and gestures. c. Listen and
respond to simple commands and 2-step instructions and directions.

d. Offer and respond to greetings/farewells using appropriate

courtesy expressions. e. Listen and participate in simple rhymes,
songs, chants, etc. f. Discriminate and identify sounds in
pronunciation and speech especially those that differ from their first

What is the usefulness of the International Phonetic Alphabet?

IPA is a phonetic notation system that uses a set of symbols to
represent each distinct sound that exists in human spoken
language. It encompasses all languages spoken on earth. The
system was created in 1886 and was last updated in 2005. It
consists of 107 letters, 52 diacritics, and four prosodic marks.


Reflection: How will this information help you in your teaching

This information give me a guide to teach English language. Also,
give me the information what I needed to planning a class that
correspond to the grade.

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