DM 10201

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Objec@ve 102.01 3%

Understand safety issues associated with digital media.

ExplorNets Centers for
Quality Teaching and Learning

Physical Safety Issues


Electrical Hazards
when electrical connec@ons used by digital media equipment are
not handled properly, it could result in electric shock, burn, or
other injury

Tripping Hazards
when pieces of digital media equipment and their connec@ng
cables are not managed properly, it could result in blocked
walkway or tripping hazard

designing the workplace to best t the worker, reducing strain on
the body and enhancing comfort during digital media crea@on

ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

Digital Safety Issues


when a person is threatened, harassed, humiliated, tormented,
or otherwise targeted using the Internet, mobile phones, or other
digital technology

Iden@ty Theft
when personal informa@on (SSN, credit card number, passwords,
etc.) is stolen and used to gain access to nancial or personal

programs that are specically designed to damage a computer
when installed; can access personal informa@on, corrupt les,
and even erase the hard drive completely

ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

Digital Safety Issues


unwanted emails (usually sent in a large volume) that adver@se
products or promote services that were not requested by the

Online Hoax
a false claim that is spread through electronic means (email,
social media, blogs, etc.); examples include chain leYers, untrue
accusa@ons, etc.

Internet Addic@on
a compulsive disorder that causes an unhealthy obsession with
the Internet and other digital resources; examples include online
gambling addic@on, cybersex addic@on, social media addic@on,

ExplorNets Centers for Quality Teaching and Learning

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