Reaction Paper K-12

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#16 Fang, Maria Cauline M.

Reaction Paper Regarding the K-12 Education in Philippines
The education system in the Philippines pursues the achievement of excellent
undergraduates in elementary and secondary level. At present the Department of
Education asserts the addition of two more years in the basic education of students, which
they said that will benefit not only the Filipino youth but all the Filipinos in the
This proposal is part of P-noys Educational Reform Program, The administration
contends that the implementation of such program will resolve the unemployment in the
country. In as much as employment in the Philippines is concerned, the K-12 education
also responds to the fact the most countries in the world already have in their educational
institutions. With this, the standards of these countries is higher than what our country
has, thus, creating an expansion in the global competency.
Lack of schools and classrooms is one of the main problems in the Philippines,
which the government needs to resolve. It is important that the students stay in a place
that is favorable for study while they are away from home. In addition, there is already a
shortage of educators in schools that molds the mind of learners, with the teachers going
abroad to teach or doing another job. And this deficiency has become a problem in the
country for the past several years. Finally, there is a need for the students to utilize the
appropriate instructional materials and school equipment for them to learn and gain
necessary knowledge. This lack of having books and other school supplies clearly shows
the scarcity in the public schools.
There is nothing wrong in what the government wants to aim. It is in fact an
indication to aspire for smoothing higher; one must carry out certain actions to achieve
the goal. However, the administration must also realize and clearly understand what the
educational system in the Philippines needs to develop primarily.
Enforcing this K-12 Basic education Program enhances and develops students.
However, our government must also consider some problems and consequences that will
encounter both the implementing factor and the recipient. The public has not been made
so very aware of the costs and the benefits in implementing this program. The context of
this program is not very well known to the public. And the teacher should be made aware
of what kind of curriculum will be given to the learner and will take too much time to
plan some strategic approach to rule out some implications as to the very principle and
aligned to exist the international standards of this program.

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