STV Single Transferable Vote Counting Flowchart

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ST V (Single T ransferable Vote) Vote Counting A llocation D iagram

uses a Ranked Ballot

M ulti- M ember Ridings
ST EP 1:

1. Count voters' 1st preferences & allocate them to each candidate.

A ll the ballots are counted and sor ted

by order of the voters' preferences.

ST EP 2:
T he m inim um num ber of votes
required to w in a seat is deter m ined.
T his num ber depends on how m any
valid votes are cast and how m any
seats there are to be filled.

ST EP 3:

2. Determine quota.

3. Does any candidate have enough votes to be elected?

D oes any candidate have enough

votes to w in a seat?
- I f N o, go to step 4,
- I f Y es, go to step 5.



ST EP 4:
Exclude the candidate w ith the
fewest votes. R edistr ibute these
votes - - at full value - - to the next
preference show n on each ballot.
A dd up new vote tot als and retur n to
step 3.

4. Exclude last place candidate. Redistribute

those votes to next preference marked on
Go back to Step 3.

ST EP 5:
H ave enough M Ps/M LA s been

5. Have enough MPs/MLAs been elected?

- I f N o, go to step 6, add up new

vote tot als and retur n to step 3.
- I f Y es, you are finished.

ST EP 6:
I f the successful candidate has m ore
votes than required to w in a seat,
these surplus votes are redistr ibuted
to the rem aining candidates - - at a
calculated transfer value - - based on
the next preference listed on each

6. Distribute surplus of all newly elected

MPs/ MLAs to remaining preferences.
Go back to Step 3.

Counting Continues...
R epeat steps 3 to 5, until all seats are

W inners
A cclaim ed

Go Celebrate, you have a PR

gover nm ent and m ultiple w inners
Adapted from:

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