Pipemill 4-00 User Guide PDF
Pipemill 4-00 User Guide PDF
Pipemill 4-00 User Guide PDF
Engineering Software
User Guide
Anchor A
(no moment restraint)
Close guide
Symmetrical Loop
+ve angle
Anchor B
Ltd. 2015
Version 4.00
UK+ (0)1590-718673
Program Description
Licence Agreement
Technical Support
System Requirements
Common Features
Future Developments
Installation Instructions
Initial Start-up of Software
The Set-up File
Flange Design and Analysis (Including Blind Flanges) to ASME VIII and PD5500
Input Data
3.3 Results
General Features
Typical ASME B31.1 Screen (Single Pipe Size)
Typical ASME B31.3 Screen (Single Pipe Size)
Typical ASME B31.3 Input Screen (Several Pipe Sizes)
Typical ASME B31.3 Ouput Screen (Several Pipe Sizes)
Typical ASME B31.4 Screen
Typical ASME B31.8 Screen
Typical ASME B31.3Chapter IX Input Screen
Pipe Data
Program Description
Typical Input and Data Screen
Stress Intensification Factors Comparison
PIPEMILL has been written to aid the piping design engineer and the piping stress engineer.
Its purpose is to improve accuracy and speed in both complex and simple but repetitive
Extensive and wide ranging routines area available to assist in both commonly used and
rarely used calculations.
Where possible, common functions are employed throughout all elements of the program.
Context sensitive help is provided where needed. It is expected that an experienced engineer
would have little recourse to any literature whilst running the software.
The software is written in Microsoft Visual Basic and takes full advantage of the Windows
environment to deliver clear, user friendly input and output screens, with helpful and
informative graphics.
Pipemill is provided, loaded on a (USB) Stick memory. The software will run from this location
only, on any compatible PC type computer.
Do not attempt to move execution software elsewhere as this will cause permanent
Refer to the section on Installation Instructions for further information.
Pipemill has been compiled under the Microsoft Windows 8 platform.
Whilst each program within the PIPEMILL package has been carefully checked and tested, no
guarantee is offered or implied with regard to accuracy or validity of results. The software
must be used only by qualified personnel, familiar with the Codes of Practice and design rules
implemented by the programs therein.
Ensure that the number format on your computer is true decimal ONLY
USE THIS FORMAT: 123456.789
Decimal point with no spaces.
Any other format using commas or spaces such as below will cause
fatal errors and will corrupt data read from the data bases:
Do not use these formats !
123 456,789
123 456.789
To change to the correct format select Regional and Language Options from
Microsoft Windows.
Technical Support
Technical support is available via e-mail. A description of the problem or query and any
associated input files should be e-mailed to:
[email protected]
- A PC running at least the Windows XP operating system.
- Available USB port
File Manager
Where needed, file read and write facilities appear to be the same for all parts of the program.
Files are stored in the directory named in the Data Files window of the Set-Up file available
from the main menu.
When saving a file, only the file name itself should be entered. Files from each individual
program are identified by a unique trailer which is assigned by the program when the file is
When reading files from a particular program, only those relevant will appear in the file list.
Simply clicking on the required file name will load it and return to the populated input form.
Once saved with a particular units set, the retrieved file units cannot be changed.
Data Bases
Several data bases are coded into the software and accessed by the various programs.
These include:
Pipe sizes to ANSI B36.10, B36.19 and API 5L dimensions
Flange dimensions to ANSI B16.5, ANSI B17.47A & B and API 6A
Valve dimensions to ASME B36.10
Material data curves relating to external pressure design
Expansion characteristics of various materials to ASME B31.3
Help Files
Help files are available from most programs and are accessed usually by clicking on the
yellow ? button.
A scientific type calculator is available from all elements of the program. It may be dragged
and dropped to any location on the screen.
Design Codes
Calculations are generally in accordance with ASME and API UK codes of practice.
Future Developments
Input data files may be stored on any drive including the Pipemill stick memory itself.
To operate normally the PIPEMILL system needs a set-up file to determine such as the
system of units to be used and file structure. If the set-up file is accidentally deleted or moved,
and at first start-up following installation, the following will appear:
A system file will be created and the main menu will then appear.
All programs are accessed from the main menu screen as shown below.
The PIPEMILL system is designed to run one program element in memory. The running
program and the main menu may be minimised to the tool bar and maximised without loss of
data or any interference with other software in memory.
Accessed from the main menu, the set-up file may be used to select the system of units to be
used in calculations, the required paper size and file structure. Once defined, these settings
are stored and used in all future work.
Input data is common to ASME VIII Div. 1, ASME VIII Div. 2 and PD5500.
To initiate a new flange design, either a standard or user defined design must be selected. If a
standard flange is required, data bases of ANSI B16.5, ANSI B16.47A & B and API 6Aor 6B
dimensions may be accessed.
In common with user defined data, the flange type and facing type must be defined before the
main input data panel can be accessed.
A comprehensive help file may be accessed and is strongly recommended to new users. In
addition to definitions and descriptions, dimensional data such as bolt and gasket parameters
are available. Details of the help file are displayed below.
A local set-up file controls whether dimensional data is independent or related. If geometry
cells are locked, when the g0 (hub small end) dimension is entered for a standard flange, all
related dimensions will be updated. Related cells will not then be accessible.
Default data will be entered for allowable stresses, and dependent upon type, relevant gasket
parameters. All these values may be revised if required.
Loads applied to the flange must be defined. The selection controls assignment of allowable
stresses in the calculation.
For ASME VIII Div. 1 and PD5500 calculations, load cases may be selected from:
Pressure only.
Pressure + weight.
It is normal to run a pressure + weight case, whenever a combined case is run, to ensure that
primary stress criteria are satisfied.
External loads are converted to an equivalent pressure and added to operating load sets in
the calculation by default. A check box is accessible in the local set-up file,which allows the
user to apply external loads to all pressure equations, including the gasket seating case.
External loads are converted using the familiar Kellogg equation, also found in ASME III:
Peq = 16.M/.G + 4.F/ .G
Peq =
M =
F =
G =
Peq is added to flange design pressure P in equations as defined in the local set-up file.
For ASME VIII Div. 2 calculations, external loads are taken into account directly by the Code
method. Thus the equivalent pressure is not required.
Prior to running the calculation, error checking will be carried out to ensure that the data set is
both complete and feasible. An error message and the input will be returned if a fatal error is
Non-Mandatory Checks
Several non-mandatory checks are carried out and reported. These are not directly code
conflicts, but if shown they should be considered in the overall design process.
Rigidity Limit
If the calculation is to a code containing rigidity limits that have been exceeded, it will be
reported. This is of particular relevance to high yield material such as duplex stainless. In
some circumstances a design might meet the stress limitation criteria, but due to a thin flange
ring section, sealing may be difficult to achieve in practice, due to local flexibility. If this may
be a potential problem a lower allowable might be assigned, more appropriate to low carbon
steel. It should be considered that the design approach is more appropriate to low carbon
steel than newer high yield components.
Equivalent Pressure Check
The sum of an equivalent pressure due to external loads plus internal pressure should not
normally exceed the hydrotest pressure, otherwise the condition will not be tested for prior to
operation. Since hydrotest of pipework is normally a minimum of 1.5 x the design pressure,
Analytical results will be presented with further options available. Calculated and allowable
stresses are shown together with primary system loads and associated data. Other
intermediate data may be viewed. Flange and bolt weight will be presented, based on actual
metal mass.
A matching blind flange may be designed, based on geometrical and other data extracted
from the main flange body. Values such as allowable stresses for the blind may be revised.
Alternative methods of evaluating external loads may be accessed to compare with the
equivalent method applied.
A scale section through the flange and a scale quarter end plot are presented to aid design
and evaluation, particularly of custom designed items. These plots may be hard copied if
Hub and clamp or Grayloc type connectors may be designed and analysed in accordance
with ASME VIII Div. 1 Appendix 24.
Input is similar to the flange design program, with input data panels specific to the hub,
clamps and bolting & gasket.
To initiate design the user needs to define whether hub dimensions will be to match a
standard pipe size, or dimensioned from the hub inside diameter.
Dependent upon the selection of dimensions source, some input data fields will be derived,
and consequently not accessible.
A help file is available which describes some geometrical limitations imposed and accesses
the flange program help file to obtain data such as bolt areas for use in this program.
Similar to the calculation method employed for flanges, the user may choose whether or not
external loads, converted to an equivalent pressure, are included or excluded from assembly
stresses. The default is that these loads are excluded from assembly stresses and
incorporated only in functional stress calculations.
In addition to the views above, a scale section plot and additional calculated data may be
viewed. Bolt spacing may be varied within allowable limits. The scale plots enable the design
to be visualised and a better finished product obtained.
All loads and moment arms used in stress calculations are displayed in the output and more
results screen.
Four different geometries are available, three requiring similar input data, and representing
typical pipe loop arrangements found in pipe racks. The fourth is a simple three leg offset
which may be loaded with thermal and end displacement conditions.
This program utilises a stiffness matrix solution and results will normally compare very closely
to those from commercial pipe stress software.
Standard pipe sizes may be accessed from Pipemills data base, and thermal expansion
characteristics may similarly be quickly obtained.
Allowable stresses will be computed in accordance with ASME B31.3.
The solution assumes that pipe between loop region and anchors is properly guided, and in
the close guide, rotation is negligible.
Calculated stresses through the system will be shown, and highlighted if excessive.
End loads due to thermal expansion, weight induced friction and combined effects will be
Thermal expansion at the close guide and first elbow will be provided, to allow a check of pipe
support suitability and clearance.
The user can thus find the optimum dimensions for pipe expansion loops, without recourse to
expensive commercial stress analysis software, and with much greater accuracy than chart
form solutions and the like.
Span Chart
Relevant data cells must be completed, and Create Span Chart selected.
End conditions must be defined, using data in the Help file.
The range of pipe sizes for which spans are needed must be defined. The option of selecting
Standard pipe sizes and wall thickness is available. This will automatically load all pipe sizes
from 0.5 nb to 30 using STD wall. All entries may be changed if required.
Since this is not a facility normally required on-screen, the printed output will be sent directly
to your printer, which must of course be on-line.
The intent of this program is to derive the maximum span for a pipe, whilst allowing free
draining when sloping at some defined fall rate. This is important in two phase flow and
similar systems, to avoid build-up of liquid slugs and consequent impact loads.
Similar input data to above is required.
Maximum allowable span for one pipe size will be calculated based on two criteria.
The calculations are based on two end conditions, either fully fixed or pinned with no moment
restraint. Significant differences will be seen in results. The user must decide which condition
is the more appropriate.
6.2.1. The slope required to allow the maximum allowed span will be calculated
The Help file allows access to diagrams to assist in defining slope and end conditions.
Force calculations for the initial or pop condition and under sustained flow may be carried out
for gas and vapour PSVs (pressure safety valves), discharging into a closed header or
directly to atmosphere. Forces present in a liquid relief valve and a rupture disc may be
calculated, similarly for the initial and sustained conditions.
A data base of standard relief valve orifice sizes may be accessed in addition to the standard
pipe data base which may be used to select outlet pipe size in an open discharge gas or
closed discharge liquid PSV.
Gas and vapour PSV reactions are calculated in accordance with API RP 520 pt. II methods.
All equations used are presented, either on the input / output screen as shown below, or in
the help file which follows.
Typical Input Screen and Output Results, Open Gas / Vapour PSV.
As gas flow approaches and exceeds sonic (Mach) velocity, the API equations will tend to
predict higher forces than would exist if flow were limited to Mach speed.
The software will calculate the gas velocity in the valve orifice and compare it with the sonic
velocity. If the flow exceeds sonic according to the API equations, and consequently forces
may be over-estimated, the user has the option of accepting API results or re-calculating
forces based on critical flow regime in the orifice.
If the user chooses to accept the directly calculated API forces rather than forces based on
Mach speed, a note will be added to the printed output to this effect.
The principles above apply equally to open and closed outlet PSVs
Forces generated by Liquid relief valves are not addressed in API 520, and tend to be smaller
than gas discharge forces. Equations used in the program are based on change of
As the screen copy below shows, only the change of state as the valve initially operates
causes an external reaction. Equilibrium is rapidly reached and no further external loads exist.
Rupture Disc
Rupture discs are normally used for gas and vapour. The calculation method used is simple,
and originates in a paper from Hydrocarbon Processing.
Once again a force will only be developed whist there is a change of state existing. A
sustained flow though failed disc will not cause any external force.
General Features
The method proposed by Carruci and Meuller in ASME paper 82-WA/PVP-8 is applied to
predict the risk of acoustic fatigue in pipework downstream of a pressure reducing valve.
Up to five sections of pipe, generally of increasing diameter may be entered in the analysis.
Results will be displayed graphically and in table form for easy reference.
The results screen records calculated sound power level and predicted Mach speed. This is
compared with acceptability criteria and modifications are recommended if required.
Recommendations regarding further action will be presented, depending upon the
acceptability of results.
Help screen
Pipes and cylinders may be evaluated for their resistance to collapse under external pressure,
and reinforcement may be designed to prevent collapse. Evaluation is in accordance with
Certain paragraphs of the design code allow use of nominal wall where clearly the actual
minimum should be considered. PIPEMILL always uses the minimum wall thickness.
Materials Data
In most cases there will be no need to read or interpret material data curves in ASME II,
referenced in ASME VIII. The three most commonly used curves are pre-programmed and
available via a mouse click:
Non-stiffened Shell
If the (diameter / wall thickness) D / t ratio is less than 10, special heavy wall rules are
invoked. Reinforcement is excluded and the yield stress is required.
To carry out a calculation for a shell stiffened with a standard section, in addition to the shell
data, only the stiffener properties, moment of inertia, area, neutral axis distance and section
width at the shell wall are required. The moment of inertia available in the combined defined
section will be calculated and compared to that required to resist collapse. Unacceptable
results will be clearly identified.
A user defined section may be defined, consisting of three component parts in addition to the
shell itself. The relevant help file clearly defines the areas used to build up a section, as
shown below.
If for example, a section comprises only two components, only areas 2 and 3 would be
defined and area 4 dimensions set to zero.
Operation of the program with user defined stiffeners is practically the same as with a
standard section stiffener. A scale plot of the stiffener section will be presented, to aid in
selection of a realistic shape.
The program does not currently consider radial buckling of a stiffener, or external loads
caused for instance, by integration of a stiffener with a pipe support.
Acceptability of nozzle loads applied by piping to various types of pump and compressor may
be analysed with this program. The following codes are covered:
API 610
API 611
API 617
Centrifugal Pumps
Refinery Steam Turbines
Centrifugal Gas Compressors
Steam Turbines
API 611 and API 617 are similar and both refer to NEMA SM-23. The analysis methods are
identical with the exception of differing factors employed as dictated by the respective code.
For purposes of the User Guide, operation in accordance with the NEMA SM-23 code will be
Leaving the User entered cell blank and pressing Continue applies the value of Dc as
calculated by PIPEMILL.
Nozzle loads for all configurations of pumps found in EN 5199 may be analysed.
The user will be warned if any data is outside the allowed range or exceeds and allowable
load value.
Trunnion type and vertical riser (stack) type support structures may be analysed with the
program. Section 11 deals with Trunnion design in accordance with the well-known Kellogg
method found in Kellogg, Design of Piping Systems.
Note that a more comprehensive method of analysis for Trunnion type attachments to pipe
and elbows may be found in section 12.
Trunnions in accordance with Kellogg may be with or without a stiffener ring and on straight
pipe or attached to an elbow.
Riser supports may include or exclude horizontal stiffener rings. Both calculation routines
include the effects of external loads and internal pressure. Riser support analysis is based on
Blodgett Design of Welded Structures.
A standard pipe size for both the parent pipe and the trunnion may be selected from a database. Alternatively, user defined diameter and wall thickness may be entered. If specified,
corrosion will always be deducted from the pipe wall thickness prior to calculation.
Mill tolerance may be included or excluded from the calculation by use of a check box.
As shown in the screen print below, the analysis assumes that reinforcement will be in the
form of a ring, full welded on the inner and outer edges.
Since global axes are not used, the trunnion may be in any orientation. Direct load is axial in
the trunnion and longitudinal in the plane of the parent pipe.
Two output panels are available, one providing local stresses at the pipe / trunnion juncture in
accordance with the Kellogg method and another giving global bending and shear stress in
the trunnion. Local deflections are not calculated, however a significant global bending stress
might suggest that trunnion and local pipe wall flexibility be considered, particularly if the
trunnion is intended as a restraint local to equipment.
Input of data for the parent pipe is the same as used in trunnion analysis. The number of, and
plate dimensions for the vertical plates must be defined, and parameters of any stiffening ring
supplied. The calculation assumes that if any stiffening is defined, it will be in the form of two
identical rings.
Local moments and consequently stresses will be evaluated and combined into a maximum
shear stress. This will be compared to a notional limiting shear stress of 1/3 hot yield stress
by the program. The user is cautioned that some design codes specify differing limits
for shear stress.
11.2.2 Typical Riser (stack type) Support Stress Analysis Input and Output Screen.
The method employed originated in ASME III Code Case N-392 (1994) and is embodied in
ASME III Div. 1(2007) Appendices, Article Y-5000. The work is the conclusion of extensive
finite element analysis of many straight pipe models employing a perpendicular trunnion type
The method was extended to cover a Trunnion attached to an elbow by EPRI under report
TR-107453. This method applies to a maximum bend radius of 1.5D.
Pipemill deals with both straight pipe and elbow attachments. Two sets of input are available.
The user may define all forces and moments that apply at the intersection, of only define
forces at the end of the trunnion. In the latter case Pipemill will determine respective moments
from imposed forces. This is considered the most relevant loading case to a typical piping
application, since whilst trunnion supports often resist lateral forces, they rarely also fully
restrain moments at the base.
There is no direct input for a reinforcing ring since it is not addressed in the base documents.
It is considered appropriate to include a reinforcing ring as an equivalent total wall thickness,
provided the ring is of the accepted proportion of a net diameter close to the2x the trunnion
12.1 Fully defined moment input
Heat transfer through a welded attachment is calculated using methods from ASTM C680-04
and Escoes Piping and Pipeline Assessment Guide.
Typical values for thermal conductivity and convection coefficients are presented in the help
Three configurations may be considered as shown below.
The screen print of a stiffened shoe shown below demonstrates typical results for a cryogenic
The intent of the program is to allow assessment of support contact temperature to aid
material selection.
Stiffened Shoe
This program element is specifically written to evaluate wind loads on piping and should not
be applied, for example to buildings or other structures.
The EN-1991 method is complex, covering a large array of wind load situations. The intent of
this element of Pipemill is to simplify the work as far as possible and to identify only that data
needed for piping.
Predicted wind velocity and consequently force may vary significantly with height above
ground. The user might consider carrying out a number of calculations representative of
elevation change if piping is for example attached to a tall tower.
The EN-1991 Code which is copyright protected and some data cannot be reproduced in the
program. Thus the User will need to obtain an official copy of this document.
Help file data contains guidance for certain factors, based on British criteria.
General Features
Jacketed pipe is tedious and complex to model correctly in piping stress analysis software.
The program is intended to aid and supplement such work.
Frequently problems with jacketed pipe concerns force and moment reactions on connected
equipment. The first section of the program will generate for a given diameter, equivalent wall
thickness and equivalent mass representative of core pipe, jacket, contents and insulation.
This allows accurate evaluation of loads on supports and connected equipment using a
normal single string of pipe elements in a stress analysis program. Calculated stresses will be
The second section evaluates internal forces in the jacket and core due to relative expansion,
calculates all internal stresses and loads and the critical buckling length. Expansion rates can
be extracted from the PIPEMILL internal data base.
The third section of the program assumes the worst case end closure, a flat plate, is in use
and calculates stresses in the plate due to imposed expansion or contraction forces.
Comprehensive help files are available for all three sections.
This program caters for the design of tees manufactured from plate or straight pipe. Lateral
branch connections are allowed to an angle from the perpendicular of 45 degrees.
The tee connection may include inherent reinforcement within the wall of the header or
branch pipe, or reinforcement may be in the form of a fully welded ring.
For both header and branch, a standard pipe size may be selected from a data-base, or user
entered dimensions may be used.
Stress intensification factors will be calculated, based on the design code. If a lateral
connection with an included angle less than 90 degrees has been defined, the stress
intensification factor will be modified in accordance with the Codeti (French) code, which
increases the sif as the branch angle reduces from 90 degrees. This is documented in the
program help file.
Commonly a tee analysis would be run initially without a ring, to establish the minimum
requirements for reinforcement. The program will define the minimum thickness and diameter
bounds for an acceptable ring. Results will be presented on a full screen, and will be
summarised on the input screen when it is returned.
A series of screen images follows from the same problem. These show a non-reinforced input
data screen, a related comprehensive output screen and an input screen with reinforcement,
where results are acceptable.
This program is intended for the design of large bore refinery type fittings where standard
components may not be available. Mitre elbows with any number of cuts, reducers with or
without end reinforcement, end caps and line blinds may be designed.
Mitre Elbow
The mitre elbow calculation checks whether the construction is by code definition wide or
closely spaced and evaluates acceptability accordingly. The maximum allowable pressure is
calculated and compared with the required pressure. Stress intensification factors are
presented in accordance with the design code.
A comprehensive output screen will be presented, and results summarised on the input
screen when it is returned.
Line Blind
The calculation of a line blind thickness to ASME B31.3 is straightforward. The program adds
corrosion allowance to both sides of the blind if specified.
End Cap
End caps are currently calculated in accordance with ASME VIII Div. 1. Currently only
pressure on the concave side is addressed. The minimum required thickness will be
calculated, also the related spherical and knuckle radii will be reported.
17.3.1 End cap Input Screen with Summary Output.
General Notes
The program carries out a rigorous analysis of any viable conical reducer in accordance with
ASME VIII Div. 2 rules.
Checks are carried out to ensure that data is complete and representative of an acceptable
geometry set.
Global and local stresses are calculated and presented in full and in concise form.
General Features
This routine calculates pipe wall thickness in accordance with ASME B31.1, B31.3, B31.4 and
B31.8 codes and includes high pressure pipe wall thickness to ASME B31.3 Chapter IX.
The ASME B31.3 calculation may be run for a single pipe size or, more commonly, a range of
pipe sizes may be run in one calculation. In this case the user may define a range of up to 18
pipe sizes. This would for example allow the normal range from 0.5 to 24 to be calculated in
one run.
The bare minimum and minimum wall including allowances is evaluated. From the PIPEMILL
internal data base, the nearest standard pipe size will be selected, if one exists.
Output is hard copied in a concise manner to enable, for example, construction of a Pipe
Material Specification Table.
The ASME B31.4 and B31.8 methods are similar in that a single pipe diameter is considered
and a bare minimum and minimum wall including allowances is calculated.
General Notes
This calculation is intended to provide only modification of elemental stiffness in piping due to
refractory lining, and provides data for input to typical stress analysis software.
It is expected that the users stress analysis software will accommodate added weight due to
lining. This program provides a modified Youngs modulus value representing both pipe wall
and refractory lining. This may be entered directly to stress analysis software.
It may be necessary to carry out calculations for both ambient and operating conditions.
This part of the program is intended to deal with those simpler calculations, which might be
unreliable if written down from memory.
It is intended that the input screen is largely self explanatory.
Calculations include:
- Slug forces acting at a pipe elbow
- Linear interpolation of values
- Thermal expansion rates for common pipe materials
- Elongation of straight pipe due to internal pressure
- Methods of assessing external loads on flanged joints
- Vertical pressure vessel skirt expansion
When the initial calculation of average temperature has been made, the user will be prompted
to select a material. From this data the net skirt expansion will be provided.
This would normally be used to calculate a transient impact force due to the temporary
passing of a liquid slug in a gas line. The dynamic factor of 2.0 is conservative and cannot be
The expansion of pipe due to pressure can be considerable and is not considered by some
older stress analysis software.
This program allows a quick evaluation of the effect.
This program is provided for comparison purposes. It can be used as a stand-alone program
here, or it can be called up from the flange analysis package when data will be loaded from
the flange package.
Program Description
This program allows the user to click on a standard size pipe, or enter user defined data, and
then calculates weight and technical data such a moment of inertia, pipe wall area and flow
area for the given size.
Clicking on the SIF button provides stress intensification factors for the pipe defined, for
elbows and various tees. A comparison is made between the ASME B31.3 values and CEN
code values.
If the user clicks onto an equal size fitting alone, individual and compound dimensions for that
pipe size to ASME B16.9 will be provided as shown below
If a flange size alone is called up, dimensional data to ANSI B16.5, B16.47 or API 6A/B will be
provided for that item alone.
Similarly, dimensions of reducing fittings may be obtained.
If a flange of the same nominal size as an equal fitting is called up, both the fitting and flange
data will be provided on the same screen. In addition, fit-up dimensions for flanges and fittings
will be available and shown below.
Also, if a reducing fitting small end matches the flange, compound dimensions will be
available. This type of dimension string might well be expected at a control valve. Thus the
ability to call up a trunnion support has been added to the dimension string
A complete data base of all ASME B16.10 valve dimensions is included. The user needs only
to click on a pipe size and valve type, to obtain in-line dimensional data for raised face and
ring type joint constructions.
If a particular type or size is not available this will be flagged.
The data base contains thermal expansion data fro common piping materials, extracted from
ASME B31.3.
The base temperature and design temperature need to be entered and the relevant material
must be clicked onto.
Expansion results are then produced in three forms.
This program is accessed by several other Pipemill routines.