Edfx Goal Setting Plan

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Professional Experience Program (PEP) for Primary Courses (Melbourne Campus)

EDFX goal setting plan

Pre-service teacher name: Keegan Doherty

Unit: EDFX310






What do you want to

accomplish in terms of
developing your professional
knowledge, practices, or

How will you know you have

accomplished your goal?
What evidence will you collect
and analyse?

What steps/actions will you

take to attain your goal?

Why is this goal important for

your career as a teacher?

When will you achieve this goal

during this placement?

Developing my behavioural
management skills through
finding a balance between
discipline and leisure.

Using a range of behavioural

management techniques and
strategies throughout my
lessons and through post-lesson
reflections, feedback from AT,
evaluate the effectiveness of
this strategy.

Utilise the 2-days of

observation and planning in my
placement to note, reflect, and
gain insights as to how the
teacher currently uses
behavioural management
strategies to enhance student
learning opportunities.

This is a learning area that I

have identified to be an
ongoing process in my journey
towards becoming a teacher as
all students/classes learn
differently and through
effective behavioural
management teachers can
create a more effective, safe,
and learning-centred

This will be continuously

reflected upon at the conclusion
of lessons and end of day, along
with referring to the AT for Commented [K1]: 6.1 This artefact shows that I have
feedback. By the end of this successfully identified an area of teaching that I can continue to
develop within my own pedagogy. These goals relate directly to the
placement, I am aiming to seeAustralian Professional Standards for Teachers (eg. behavioural
an improvement within this management directly correlates the elaborations of Standard 4,
particular focus area as well aswhilst assessment strategies relates directly to Standard 5).
gaining a deeper understanding
of the behavioural management
strategies that are most
effective for my own style of
Commented [K2]: 6.4 Through the processes of reflecting over

Utilise a range of assessment

techniques (formative and
summative) within the
classroom environment to gain
an insight as to what these
students know/dont know and
gain information to structure
future lesson content.

Post-class reflections, active

in-class observations
accompanied with the use of
anecdotal notes, assessment
planning template, as well as
collection of student work
samples at the conclusion of
lessons. Gaining feedback from
AT and reflecting on

I plan to use all of the

assessment techniques
previously listed as evidence
along with accompanied
photographic evidence (where
applicable) to support my
findings and assess the
effectiveness of the assessment

Assessment is an essential part

of scaffolding both individual
and class learning, as well as
gaining insights as we as
teachers can plan and
implement future lessons that
allow for enhanced learning
opportunities for students.

my teaching skills by identifying not only the areas that I feel I can
Over the 4-weeks of placement
improve or further my practices, but also recognise what I have
I plan to have collected a range
done well and provides for deeper learning experiences for
evidence of assessment
students. Having timely, measureable goals, not only am I applying
techniques and strategies usedprofessional learning but also am developing my pedagogical
practices to improve student learning opportunities.
within the classroom
environment, along with
anecdotal reflections as to their
effectiveness within the class.

my previous goals throughout EDFX units, I have been able to refine

Commented [K3]: 6.2 Clear identification of the different ways

I planned to gather assessment resources and strategies. This
demonstrates that I am actively involved within my own learning
and developing my professional practices, particularly with gaining
feedback from my Associate Teacher (AT).

Professional Experience Program (PEP) for Primary Courses (Melbourne Campus)

EDFX goal setting plan






What do you want to

accomplish in terms of
developing your professional
knowledge, practices, or

How will you know you have

accomplished your goal?
What evidence will you collect
and analyse?

What steps/actions will you

take to attain your goal?

Why is this goal important for

your career as a teacher?

When will you achieve this goal

during this placement?

EDFD212/213 - Throughout
my lessons and time teaching, I
want to employ a range of
methods that focus around
maintaining an accepted level
of behaviour at all times. Upon
establishing the most effective
strategy, continue this for the
remainder of placement.

Maintain an
appropriate/accepted level of
noise within the classroom
Students work collaboratively
(when required) using
appropriate language to one
Direct observation and
feedback from pre-service

Consider the behavioural

management techniques
explored within EDFD units to
further research and utilise in
the classroom.
Seek advice from AT about
what strategies they use to
control classroom behaviour

Without an appropriate level of

behaviour within the classroom,
not only are learning
opportunities being limited, but
more so it is essential for
teachers to provide for a safe
and secure learning
environment for all school
members (students,
parents/carers, staff)

This will be a continuous focus

that will constantly be further
critiqued, analysing what
works and doesnt work in
the form of various reflection
methods (SWOT, PMI and
compass) and feedback from

EDFD212 Collect and utilise

a range of assessment tools and
strategies to further inform my
own teaching. These will be in
the forms of summative,
formative and diagnostic

Collection of artefacts to
construct my teaching folder.
Gathering AT feedback in
regards to what is measurable
in terms of assessment and
what they look for when

Conduct further research into

different assessment techniques
and strategies undertaken by
teachers of the school.
Collect examples of student
work and assessment
grids/forms (photographic

Assessment gives learning a

purpose that is authentic. All
learning needs to have a
purpose and have an authentic
context so students understand
what the task is requiring them
to do as well as teaching being
able to use the information
collected to construct, plan and
direct future lesson content.

Analyse my assessment method

of my first lesson (assessment
rubric, direct observation and
anecdotal notes) in terms of
positives, interesting findings
and implications of the
assessment format.
Gain feedback from AT about
assessment management and
classroom observation

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