Erwcqaactiivties6 10 Tiffanyharrend

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Activity 6: Reading for Understanding

During the first reading, you are reading to understand the authors points, playing the believing
game. To support your understanding, you will work in pairs. Each person should read a
paragraph or two of the article, then stop and say something to her partner. Here are some
examples of ways to start the sentences you will say when you pause:

Asking Questions

I wonder why...

What if...

How come...

The basic gist is that the stereotypes that people believe are followed and affect the way
people perform academically.

The key information is

In a nutshell, this says that

Revising Meaning

At first I thought, but now I...

My latest thought about this is...

Im getting a different picture here because...

Making Connections

This reminds me of...

I experienced this once when...

I can relate to this because teenage girl cheerleades are thought to be stupid and basic
but i think I'm the contrary.

Forming Interpretations

What this means to me is...

I think this represents...

The idea Im getting is...

Once you have finished reading, discuss the following questions with your partner:

Which of your predictions turned out to be true?

What surprised you?

Then, working together, write a one-sentence summary of the article.

Activity 7: Considering the Structure of the Text

1. Draw a line across the page where the introduction ends. Is it after the first paragraph, or are
there several introductory paragraphs? How do you know?
There are three introductory paragraphs. I know because the rest of the article follows the path
of education.
Draw a line across the page where the conclusion begins. Is it the last paragraph, or are
there several concluding paragraphs? How do you know?
There are two conclusion paragraphs. The first of the two gives a solution to the problem and
the second carries on the idea.
Discuss in groups or as a class why the lines were drawn where they were. In this
activity, thinking and reasoning about organizational structure is more important than agreeing
on where the lines should be drawn.

Further divide the body of the text into sections by topics (what each section is about).

Write a short description of what each section is about, what it says about that topic
(says), and the rhetorical function of the section (why the writer put it there, does).
Paragraphs 1-2 engage the reader and introduce a problem. Paragraphs 3-6 talk about
research and gives the reader background information about the upcoming topic.
Copy the says and does statements onto separate sheets of paper to make one
outline of the article according to what each chunk says and one outline according to what each
chunk does.

Now, answer the following questions:

How does each section affect the reader? What is the writer trying to accomplish?

What does each section say? What is the content?

Which section is the most developed?

Which section is the least developed?

Which section is the most persuasive? The least persuasive?

On the basis of your chart of the text, what do you think is the main point? Is that point
explicit or implicit?

Activity 8: Noticing Language

Change the forms of the vocabulary words to complete the table.
If no form of the word exists to fill a particular slot, put an X in that box.




Activity 9: Annotating and Questioning the Text


Label the following points in the left-hand margin:



Issue or problem being addressed

Authors own points

Points the author cites from others (scholars, research)



Write in the right-hand margin your reactions to what the author is saying.

Personal connections that support or refute the authors points

Reflections on the quality of the evidence or examples

Questions about the authors ideas or assumptions

Questions about missing perspectives

Challenges to the authors inferences or conclusions

Now, answer the following questions:


What is the authors apparent main purpose?


What clues indicate this purpose?

3. What other purposes do you see the author pursuing?


What clues suggest these other purposes?

Activity 10: Analyzing Stylistic Choices

Consider all of the following aspects of the authors technique, answering the questions below.
Each aspect includes several questions to consider.
Relationship Between the Writer and the Reader

Does the writer ask or expect the reader to do anything?

Does the writer address the reader as an expert speaking to other experts, or as an expert
speaking to the general reader?

Does the writer make sure that the reader follows the discussion?

Does the writer engage the reader through humor, drama, or unusual examples?

Is the writer hesitant or assertive?

How much knowledge does the writer assume the reader has?

2. Content Choices
What parts of the subject does the author discuss in great detail? What parts are
What statements does the writer assume as given (and therefore does not back up with
extensive support)?

What relevant topics are ignored?

What topics could have been discussed but were not?

3. Expansion of Topics

In what ways are individual topics developed? Are arguments given? Are anecdotes told?

Is the reader asked to believe certain ideas or to take certain actions? Is the reader asked to
imagine consequences?
Does the expansion of statements prove the statements or help the reader understand?
Does it keep the reader interested or amused or obscure the issues? Does it develop
4. Choice of Evidence
What types of information are used to support main statements: statistics, anecdotes,
quotations, original observations, scientific theories, legal or philosophical principles, definitions,
appeals to emotion, appeals to the imagination, or appeals to common sense?
5. Use of Reference
How extensively does the writer rely on other sources? (Are there frequent mentions of other
books or articles?) Do you notice any indirect reference to the work of others?
What methods are used to refer to other works? Do they include reference by title only,
paraphrase, summary, or direct quotation?

How complete is the documentation and the bibliography?

What kinds of material does the writer cite: contemporary newspaper accounts, private
diaries, government documents, specialized scholarly studies, theoretical works, best-selling
nonfiction books, statistical reports, or literary works?
What purpose does the reference serve in the writing? Does the reference provide specific
evidence? Quote directly a person being discussed? Provide an assertion by an authority?
Present an example for analysis? Explain a point? Supply the background of a new idea?
Distinguish between conflicting ideas? Place current work in the context of previous work?
Present an idea to be argued against?
6. Level of Precision

Is the subject simplified or presented in all its complexity?

Are all important distinctions brought out?

Are many supporting details given or are only broad principles stated?

Are potential difficulties in the argument discussed?

7. Sentence Structure

Are the sentences short or long? Simple or complex?

Are the sentences declarative statements? Do they set up a complex condition (if
then . . .)?

Do the sentences have qualifiers (even though . . .)?

Do the sentences describe actions?

Do they describe physical qualities?

Do they relate actual events to abstract ideas?

Do they discuss only abstractions?

8. Word Choice

What are the denotative and connotative meanings of the key words?

How do the specific words the author has chosen affect your response?

Which words or synonyms are repeated? Why?

What figurative language does the author use? What does it imply?

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