Improving Communication - Developing Effective Communication Skills

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Improving Communication - Developing Effective Communication

Effective communication skills are fundamental to success in many
aspects of life. Many jobs require strong communication skills and socially
people with improved communication skills usually have better
interpersonal relationships.
Effective communication is a key interpersonal skill and by learning how
we can improve our communication has many benefits.
Communication is a two way process so improving communication
involves both how you send and receive messages.

The following list includes links to other pages at SkillsYouNeed that can
help you further improve your communication skills.
Learn to Listen
Listening is not the same as hearing; learn to listen not only to the words
being spoken but how they are being spoken and the non-verbal messages
sent with them. Use the techniques of clarification and reflection to
confirm what the other person has said and avoid any confusion. Try not
to think about what to say next whilst listening; instead clear your mind
and focus on the message being received. Your friends, colleagues and
other acquaintances will appreciate good listening skills.
Be Aware of Others' Emotions
Be sympathetic to other people's misfortunes and congratulate their
positive landmarks. To do this you need to be aware of what is going on in
other peoples lives. Make and maintain eye contact and use first names
where appropriate. Do not be afraid to ask others for their opinions as this
will help to make them feel valued. Consider the emotional effect of what
you are saying and communicate within the norms of behaviour
acceptable to the other person.
Take steps to become more charismatic. See our page: Emotional
Intelligence for more information.
Empathy is trying to see things from the point-of-view of others. When
communicating with others, try not to be judgemental or biased by
preconceived ideas or beliefs - instead view situations and responses from
the other persons perspective. Stay in tune with your own emotions to
help enable you to understand the emotions of others.

If appropriate, offer your personal viewpoint clearly and honestly to avoid

confusion. Bear in mind that some subjects might be taboo or too
emotionally stressful for others to discuss.
Offer words and actions of encouragement, as well as praise, to others.
Make other people feel welcome, wanted, valued and appreciated in your
communications. If you let others know that they are valued, they are
much more likely to give you their best. Try to ensure that everyone
involved in an interaction or communication is included through effective
body language and the use of open questions.
More on body language, non-verbal communication and questioning.

Communicate Effectively
Do not say the first thing that comes into your head but instead take a
moment and pay close attention to what you say and how you say it.
Focus on the meaning of what you want to communicate.
Aim to increase understanding by considering how your message might be
received by the other person. By communicating clearly, you can help
avoid misunderstandings and potential conflict with others. By speaking
eloquently you will come across as more intelligent and mature.
Be aware of the messages you are sending via non-verbal channels: make
eye contact and avoid defensive body language. Present information in a
way that its meaning can be clearly understood. Pay particular attention to
differences in culture, past experiences, attitudes and abilities before
conveying your message. Avoid jargon and over-complicated language;
explain things as simply as possible. Request clarification if unclear about
a message. Always avoid racist and sexist terms or any language that
may cause offence.
More on Verbal Communication and Non-verbal communication - also
see Effective Speaking and Building Rapport.
Use Humour
Laughing releases endorphins that can help relieve stress and anxiety;
most people like to laugh and will feel drawn to somebody who can make
them laugh. Dont be afraid to be funny or clever, but do ensure your
humour is appropriate to the situation. Use your sense of humour to break
the ice, to lower barriers and gain the affection of others. By using
appropriate humour you will be perceived as more charismatic.
Treat People Equally

Always aim to communicate on an equal basis and avoid patronising

people. Do not talk about others behind their backs and try not to develop
favourites: by treating people as your equal and also equal to each other
you will build trust and respect. Check that people understand what you
have said to avoid confusion and negative feelings. Encourage open and
honest feedback from the receiver to ensure your message is understood
and to avoid the receiver instead feeding back what they think you want
to hear. If confidentiality is an issue, make sure its boundaries are known
and ensure its maintenance.
Attempt to Resolve Conflict
Learn to troubleshoot and resolve problems and conflicts as they arise.
Learn how to be an effective mediator and negotiator. Use your
listening skills to hear and understand both sides of any argument encourage and facilitate people to talk to each other. Try not to be biased
or judgemental but instead ease the way for conflict resolution.
Maintain a Positive Attitude and Smile
Few people want to be around someone who is frequently miserable. Do
your best to be friendly, upbeat and positive with other people. Maintain a
positive, cheerful attitude to life: when things do not go to plan, stay
optimistic and learn from your mistakes. If you smile often and stay
cheerful, people are more likely to respond positively to you. See
Personal Presentation for more.

Minimise Stress
Some communication scenarios are, by their nature, stressful. Stress can
however be a major barrier to effective communication, all parties should
try to remain calm and focused.
For tips and advice about stress relief and avoidance see our pages:
Avoiding Stress and Tips for Relieving Stress. It is also important to
learn how to relax we have a series of pages covering Relaxation
Only Complain when Absolutely Necessary
People will not be drawn to you if you are constantly complaining or
whinging. If something makes you angry or upset, wait for a few hours
and calm down before taking action. If you do complain, do so calmly, try
to find some positive aspects to the situation and avoid giving
unnecessary criticism. (See: Anger Management, Communicating in
Difficult Situations and Dealing with Criticism.)
Continue to:

Find more at:

Communication Skills
With people today becoming increasingly dependent on machines to communicate for
them, the good old fashioned art of conversation is in danger of disappearing
altogether. Every day, situations present themselves where good communication skills
can prove extremely useful, but many people dont know how to deal with them.
Communication is the key to a successful relationship in any area of life. Whether
youre a consumer with a complaint, a failure at networking at parties or hopeless at
remembering names, weve give you the expert advice you need to solve all your
communication conundrums.

5 Things To Practice for Effective Communication

Joshua Riddle 20th January Communication 51 Comments



Having effective communication skills is imperative for your success. Positive

communication will certainly increase the opportunities you find in your career and
business. Having good communication skills will enable you to get ahead in certain
areas where others who are less assertive may not succeed. A few things to keep your
:eyes on while practicing the fine art of communication are

Body Language

Do not shy away from the person with whom you are speaking. Be sure to maintain a
relaxed, but not slouching posture, regardless whether you are the one speaking or
listening. Other things that ensure your body is communicating your attentiveness to
:the conversation can include

Making eye contact.

Nodding occasionally to acknowledge a strong point in the


Standing with hands clasped in front of you, never crossing your


Not displaying nervous ticks such as wringing hands, picking at your

nails, or anything that the person communicating with you will view
as a distraction from their conversation.

Speech and Attentiveness

When speaking, you need to be clear and concise. Speak on important matters directly
and do not waste time with long drawn out stories that will cause your listeners mind
to wander. Make sure you ask whether they understand, and be willing to further
explain any of your points. Do not expect someone to just know what you are
.saying, even if it is crystal clear in your own mind
In addition, one of the most important aspects of verbal communication is the ability
to practice active listening. This is not just actively waiting to talk. Always make
mental notes of key points when someone is speaking to you. That way once you are
given a chance to speak, you can respond to the most vital issues being dealt with.
When others are speaking, try to think about the exact words that they are saying. If
you practice this, you will comprehend and contain 75 percent more of the
.information that you hear
Communication Consistency

Maybe your weakness is in the quality or quantity with which you communicate to
your employees. Communication seems to have dwindled to superficial small talk.
Great communicators practice the ability of consistent communication by remaining
available. Do not be afraid to be the one who voices any concerns or difficulties.
However, ensure that you are practicing open and honest communication with those
.who may depend on you. Be available and bold with tact
Be sure to leave communication lines open to those who may need to address
problems with you. You will find that you prevent the small issues that normally have
the habit of becoming large ones by making those in your life aware that you are open
.to discussing issues at any time

During your communications with others always give them time to communicate their
issues as well. Remaining focused on what they are trying to communicate will show
them that you are indeed open to assisting with their issues. Many of peoples
communication lines tend to break down on the side where impatience is in a rush to
get out of the conversation. Since you cannot control the other side, do yourself a
.favor and take a breath. The conversation youre involved in is important
If you are confused as to what someone may be requesting, than repeat back to him or
her what you think they said and ask if that is correct. Often this will inspire the
speaker to be more in-depth about their needs, which will help you to understand
.them fully
Practicing Effective Communication Skills

If someone has communicated a need or an issue to you, then your main priority
should be to aid him or her in repairing the problem. Following up on an issue is the

only way to convince others whom you need to communicate with that you have
.listened to them and that their problems or issues are important to you as well
Practicing strong follow-up will also leave the impression that you are involved in the
bigger picture. When people see this commitment, they will know you are open to
future communications. This creates a loyal and discerning surrounding that cultivates
positive movement and communication. This will develop a strong sense of
.confidence in those with whom you communicate

Since the world is so incredibly diverse and communications come in such a wide
variety of forms, it is important to know many appropriate and helpful interpersonal
skills. By practicing the few suggestions found here, you will find yourself
understanding more of what people say and repeating yourself less to other people.
Your co-workers and friends will have the confidence to come to you when they find
themselves in need. Remember, great communication skills take practice. Do not give
up on Day One. Your ability to express yourself will grow almost daily as long as you
.apply yourself in improving communication skills

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