Design of Solar Powered Vapour Absorption System: V.K.Bajpai

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Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol III

WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

Design of Solar Powered Vapour Absorption


and also seasonally because of the earths orbit around the

Abstract Over the past few decades, energy is the

backbone of technology and economic development. In
addition to men, machines and money, energy is now the
fourth factor of production. The objective of this paper is to
design and study an environment friendly vapour absorption
refrigeration system of unit capacity using R 717 (NH3) and
water as the working fluids. The system is designed and tested
for various operating conditions using hot water as heat
source. In this paper, performance of the fabricated system is
outlined with respect to various operating conditions related to
heat source, condenser, absorber and evaporator
temperatures. The basic idea of this paper is derived from the
solar heating panel installed on the hostel roofs of the institute.
The unit has been installed for about an investment of Rs. 1
crore 70 lacs. But the irony is that, this solar heating unit
remains idle in the summer months. Also the solar potential is
at maximum in the summer.




sun. In addition, variation occurs at a specific location

because of local weather conditions. Consequently, the
energy collected when the sun is shining must be stored for
use during periods when it is not available. The need for
storage significantly adds to the cost of the system. Thus,
the real challenge in utilizing solar energy as an energy
alternative is to address these challenges. One has to strive
for the development of cheaper methods of collection and
storage so that the large initial investments required at
present in most applications are reduced.
Flat plate collectors
Flat plate collector is an insulated weather proofed box
containing a dark absorber plate under one or more
transparent or translucent covers.


OLAR energy is a very large, inexhaustible source of

energy. The power from the sun intercepted by the earth
is approximately 1.8 1011 MW which is much more larger
than the present consumption rate on the earth of all
commercial energy sources. Thus, in principle, solar energy
could supply all the present and future energy needs of the
world on the continuing basis. This makes it one of the most
promising of the unconventional energy sources. In addition
to its size, solar energy has two other factors in its favour.
First unlike fossil fuels and nuclear power, it is an
environmental clean source of energy. Second, it is free and
available in adequate quantities in almost all parts of the
world where people live. However, there are many problems
associated with its use. The main problem is that it is a
dilute source of energy.
Even in the hottest regions on earth, the solar radiation
flux rarely exceeds 1kWh/m2 and the total radiation over a
day is best about 6 kWh/m2.These are low values from the
point of view of technological utilization. Consequently,
large collecting areas are required in many applications and
this result in excessive costs.
A second problem associated with the use of solar energy
is that its availability varies widely with time. The variation
in availability occurs daily because of the day-night cycle

Fig. 1 Solar water heater

Parts of a Flat Plate Collector:

Cover Plate: It is made up of glass tempered with a low iron
content and 3.2-6.4 mm thick. The collector has 85%
transmittance when this type of glass is used.
Absorber Plate: It is made up of copper because of its high
conductivity. Moreover, it is corrosion resistant. these
copper plates 0.05 mm thick with 1.25 cm tubes. Tubes are
spaced 15 cm apart, the efficiency is 97 %.. Moreover, black
paint over copper plate is used which has absorptance
=0.85-0.9 and emmitance=0.08-0.12.
Enclosure/Insulation: It is made up of steel, aluminium or
fibre glass. Fibre glass is widely used.

Dr.V.K.Bajpai, Associate Professor, is with Mechanical Engineering

Department in National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra, Haryana,
India phone +91 9466435761 fax: +911744238050; e-mail:
[email protected]

ISBN: 978-988-19252-2-0
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCE 2012

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol III

WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

B. Evaporator pressure (Pe)

The evaporator pressure can be fixed according to the
minimum temperature required to be maintained in the
evaporator chamber. The minimum temperature attained is
not a designing criterion in this system, as we require to
cool water only for drinking purposes. The pressure
maintained in the evaporator should be as close to the
atmospheric pressure as possible, because maintaining a
higher pressure is a difficult and costly affair. Moreover it
also has leakage problems and the unit needs to be
hermetically sealed. The evaporator pressure is kept equal to
the atmospheric pressure(1 bar) , to ensure design economy.
The corresponding saturation temperature in the
evaporator (ammonia vapours) becomes -33 0C.

Fig. 2 Flat plate collector parts

Fig. 3 Design layout of a solar absorption refrigeration system


The operating pressures at which the system is working
needs to be determined to carry on further calculations,
using an enthalpy concentration chart. Once the pressure of
the condenser (Pc) and the pressure of the evaporator (Pe)
are determined the corresponding points can be fixed on the
chart as shown in fig. 4. The various other points and
condition lines for components like absorber, generator,
heat exchangers etc can be subsequently fixed.
A. Condenser Pressure (Pc)
The pressure to be maintained in the condenser for
changing the phase of ammonia vapours into ammonia
liquid depends on type of condensing medium used and its
In this system, water is used as a condensing medium.
Water is available at a temperature of 25 0C. i.e. condensing
temperature is Tc= 25 0C.
For condensing ammonia vapours at 250C, the
corresponding pressure required can be noted from the
refrigeration table of ammonia (R-717).
In this way, the condenser pressure is fixed at Pc=10 bar.

ISBN: 978-988-19252-2-0
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

Fig. 4 Enthalpy-concentration diagram

Now the points of condenser pressure and evaporator

pressure can be plotted on the pressure enthalpy chart as
points 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Point 1 represents pure NH3 saturated vapour at condenser
pressure Pc and concentration C=1.
Point 2 represents pure NH3 saturated liquid at Pc and C=1.
This point is marked in liquid region.
Point 3 represents the condition of pure NH3 (wet) but at
pressure Pe and C=1. Point 2 coincides with point 3 as 2-3
is a throttling process in which enthalpy remains contant.
Point 4 represents the condition of pure NH3 at pressure Pe
these are saturated vapours which absorbs heat in
evaporator and converts from wet vapour to saturated
vapour. This point is marked in vapour region.
The enthalpies at points 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be noted from
the chart.
h1= 1630 KJ/Kg
h2= h3= 460 KJ/Kg
h4= 1530 KJ/Kg

WCE 2012

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol III

WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

Now, let as assume the refrigeration capacity of the unit

to be 1TR.
1. The refrigerating effect produced or the heat absorbed by
ammonia refrigerant in the evaporator is Qe= h4 h3
KJ/Kg of ammonia
Say the mass flow rate of ammonia in the evaporator be Mr.
Mr (h4 h3) = 1 TR
Mr (h4 h3) = 210 KJ/min
Mr (1630 - 460) = 210
It gives
Mr = 0.18 Kg/min
Thus the mass flow rate of the ammonia through the
evaporator ie
Mr = 0.18 Kg/min
2. Now, the temp. of the water going inside the generator
is more than 800C (about 84 0C) . That is, taking the temp.
in the generator Tg = 80 0C (assuming losses)
Thus the point 8 can be marked on the pressure enthalpy
chart where the constant temp line of 80 0C intersects the
pressure line of 10 bar.
Point 8 represents the hot weak liquid having concentration
Cw inside the generator.
Thus the corresponding concentration of the weak solution
can be directly noted down from the chart as Cw = 0.418
After fixing the point 8, the point 5 can also fixed,
Point 5 represents the strong aqua coming out of the
absorber after absorbing the vapours coming out of the
evaporator. The concentration of the strong solution, say
C5, can be determined by knowing the degasifying factor.
The degasifying factor is the amount of NH3 vapours
removed from the strong solution in the generator. Higher
value of this factor is desirable because its higher value
prevents water from being evaporated, which creates
trouble, and is necessary to be removed before entering into
Here in this system, a mass of 0.18 Kg/min is required to
be flown across the evaporator for steady state. Thus the
degasifying factor becomes 0.18
Thus the concentration of strong aqua solution becomes
C5= Cw + 0.18
i.e., C5= .418 + .18 = 0.596
Thus taking the concentration of strong solution to be
Cs= C5= 0.6
Hence now we know the concentration and pressure at
point 5, thus point 5 can be located on the chart at C5= 0.6
and pressure Pc = 10 bar.
Point 6: This is the condition of the aqua solution whose
concentration C5 = 0.6, but the pressure is increased from
Pe to Pc as it passes through the pump. Point 6 coincides
with point 5 on the C-h chart as enthalpy does not change
when the aqua pressure increase passing through the pump.
Point 7: As the strong low temperature aqua solution passes
through heat exchanger it gains the heat and its enthalpy
increases, but its concentration Cs remains same as well as
ISBN: 978-988-19252-2-0
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

pressure remains same as Pc. Now the point 7 can be

marked on the C-h diagram as pressure at 7 and C7 are
Now join points 8 and 7 and extend till it cuts the Y axis
(enthalpy) at a as shown in figure, then join point a and 5
and extend till it cuts the vertical line passing through 8.
This also decides the position of point 9 and 10.
Point 9: This shows the condition of weak liquid coming out
of the heat exchanger after giving heat to the strong
solution. So enthalpy is reduced. Subtracting the heat lost
by the weak solution in heat exchanger, point 9 can be
marked as the concentration does not change.
Point 10: The point 10 represents the same enthalpy as 9 but
at reduced pressure Pe as it passes through the pressure
reducing valve.
In absorber, the pure NH3 gas enters at condition 4 and
weak aqua solution enters at condition 10 and after mixing,
strong aqua comes out at condition 5. The mixing occurring
inside is underlined but aqua condition coming out is
definitely known. Join the points 10 and 4 and extend the
vertical line passing through point 7 till it cuts at point 7".
Now we can say that mixing taking place along the line 410 and at pressure Pe and resulting aqua is coming out at 5
after losing heat in the absorber. Joining the points 4 and 10
and marking point 7" is not necessary for solving the
problems or designing the system components.

Fig. 5 Absorber

In generator, strong aqua is heated by supplying heat Qg,.
The strong aqua enters into the generator at condition 7 and
pure NH3 vapour comes out at condition 1 and weak aqua at
condition 8. Now join the points 8 and 1 and extend the
vertical line through point 7 to mark the point 7" which cuts
the line 1-8. Now, we can say that the separation is taking
place along the line 1-8 and at pressure pc. Joining the
points 1 and 8 marking the point 7" is not necessary for
solving the problems or designing the system components.

Fig. 6 Generator

WCE 2012

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol III

WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.




Mass flow rate of ammonia as refrigerant

Mr = 0.18 Kg/min
Heat removed in the evaporator
= refrigeration effect
= Mr. (h4 h3)
= 1 TR = 210 KJ/min
If cold water flow rate is Mw then
Mw Cp T= 210 Kj/min, if T=17 0C
then Mw= 3.0 Kg/min
Heat removed in condenser
Heat removed in the condenser by the circulated
cooling water is given by the equation:
Qc = (h4-h3) per kg of ammonia
i.e. Qc = Mr (h2 h1)
= 0.18 (1630 - 460)
Therefore, heat removed
Qc = 211.6 KJ/min
Heat removed from absorber.
When the NH3 vapour at point 4 and aqua at 10 are
mixed, the resulting condition of the mixture in the
absorber is represented by 7 and after losing the heat
in the absorber (as it is cooled), the aqua comes out at
condition 5. Therefore, the heat removed in the
absorber is given by
Qa = (h7 h5) per Kg of aqua.
Extend the triangle 10-7-5 towards right till 10-7
at 4 and 10-5 cuts at point a on x axis.
Therefore, heat removed per kg of NH3 is given by
Qa = (h4 - ha) per kg of ammonia
Qa = Mr (h4 - ha)
= 0.18 (1550 - 70)
= 266.4 KJ/ min
Thus Qa = 266.4 KJ/min

Now the resultant aqua is at condition 7, which looses

heat up to condition 5.
Temp at 7 = i.e. T7 = 82 0C (from C-h chart)
Say, water gets heated to a temp of 82 C from 25 0C
while removing heat from the absorber.
If Mw = mass of cooling water required
Mw Cp (Ti T0) = 266.4
Mw 4.18 (82 - 25) = 266.4
Mw = 1.12 Kg/min
That is, the mass of cooling water required in absorber
is 1.12 kg/min.
e. Heat given in the generator
Say Qg is the heat supplied in the generator and Qd is the
heat removed from water vapour then the net heat
removed per kg of aqua is given by
qg qd = (h7 h7) per kg of aqua
as the aqua goes out in at condition 7 and comes out at
condition 8 and 1, which can be considered as a
combined condition 7.
By extending the triangle 8-7-7 towards right till 8-7
ISBN: 978-988-19252-2-0
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

cuts at 1 and 8-7 cuts at a on y axis, then the heat

removed per kg of NH3 is given by
g - Qd = (h1 ha) per kg of ammonia
Now for finding out Qd separately, extend the vertical
line 7-7 till it cuts the auxiliary line Pc and mark point
b as shown. Then draw a horizontal line through b
which cuts Pc line in vapour region at point 11. Then
join the points 7 and 11 and extend the line till it cuts y
axis at 12.
Then Qd is given by Qd = (h12 h1) per kg of ammonia
Qd = 0.18 (1760 - 630)
Qd = 23.4 KJ/min
now using equation Qg Qd = (h1 - ha) we have
Qg - 23.4 = 0.18 (1630 - 70)
therefore, Qg = 304.2 KJ/min
Thus the amount of heat required in the generator for
running this unit is
Qg = 304.2 KJ/min
Now this amount of heat is provided by the hot water
coming out of solar flat plate water heater. The temp of
hot water coming out of solar water heater is about 84
0C. We can reasonably assume that the heating in
generator is produced at about 80 0C, considering losses
of heat.
f. Calculations of solar water heater.
Useful energy (energy absorbed by the collector plate) is
given by
Qu= K S A
K=efficiency of collector plate (assume k=0.85)
S=average solar heat falling on earths surface=6 kwhr/m2/day= 250 W/m2
A=Area of collector plates
Heat req. in the generator, Qg = 304.2 KJ/min
= 304.2 1000 / 60 J/s
= 5070 W
Hence approximate area of the collector plates required
for providing this much amount of energy = 5070 / (250
= 5070 / (250 .85)
= 24 square meters (approx)
Total Area of collector plates
A = 24 sq m
Therefore, we can use 4 collector plates of having
dimensions of 3 X 2 sq m.
Thus, Qu=0.85 250 24 = 5070 W= 5070 J/s
The energy absorbed by the collector helps in heating
of the water flowing in the tubes of the collector
U = m Cp (To-Ti)

WCE 2012

Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2012 Vol III

WCE 2012, July 4 - 6, 2012, London, U.K.

Let rate of water flowing through the tubes ,

m = 1.2 kg/min = 0.02 kg/s, (typical example)
Specific heat of water, Cp=4200 J/kg/k
To=Outlet temp. of water in the collector plate
Ti=Inlet temp. of water in collector plate=25 0C
Therefore, Qu = 0.02 4200 (To-25)
i.e. 0.02 4200 (To - 25) = 5070
It gives, To = 84 0C
The temperature (To ) should be the inlet temp. of
generator, but assuming water loses heat while flowing
through the tubes. Also there is certain effectiveness of
the generator as a heat exchanger, less that 100 %. Hence
net heating in the generator can be assumed to be taking
place at 80 0C
Temperature at generator=80 0C
This is the net heat input to the system, which is running
as a refrigeration unit of 1 TR capacity.
The work done by the pump for raising the pressure is
negligible and hence neglected.
g. COP of the system
The cop of the refrigerating unit can be calculated by
using the equation:

performance is also calculated. The results can be

summarized as:
Mass flow rate of cold water=3 Kg/min
Designed operating conditions:
Condenser pressure: 10 bar
Evaporator pressure: 1 bar
Heat input required (at generator) = 304.2 KJ/min
Area of the solar collectors required = 24 square meter
i.e. 4 plates of 32 m 2can be used.
Output temp of water from solar heater = 84 0C
COP of refrigerating unit = 0.69
COP of the whole system = 0.58
In light of the above results, the feasibility of the solar
powered vapour refrigeration system has been reasonably
proved. The COP values as calculated by us are on a little
higher side than the actual COPs, but , because we have
assumed ideal processes in heat exchanges etc, this obliquity
can be understood.
Hence, a solar water heating unit can be usefully
employed for water cooling purposes. In the month of
summers, when the solar heating unit is closed and even the
solar potential is quite high, the unit can be used for
refrigeration. This will actually justify the huge investments
made on these units, and the energy source will not remain
idle during its peak producing times.

Neglecting pump work

Therefore, COP = 210 / 304.2

= 0.69
Now the COP of the system as a whole (system including
solar water heater) can be calculated as


B.H. JENSLINGS, and P.L. BLACKSHEAR, Tables of specific

volume of aqua ammonia solutions,ASHRAE Handbook, pp.187.
1951.W.-K. Chen, Linear Networks and Systems (Book style).
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123135.
V.F. TCHAIKOVSKY. And A.P. KUTEZSOV, Utilisation of
refrigerant mixtures in refrigerating compression machinery, Air
Conditioning And Refrigeration in india. Vol.4,1964.
R.K. SWARTMAN, and H.A., V.H. , Performance of a solar
refrigeration system using ammonia sodium thiocyanate, 72WA/Sol.-3, an ASME publication.
HELLER and FARAGO , Proceeding of the eighth international
congress of refrigerating engineers.
N.R. SPARKS and C.C. DILLIO, Mechanical refrigeration,
Mcgraw-Hill Book Co.Inc. pp. 140-64,1959.
Refrigeration air conditioning data book design volume, ASRE ,
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thermodynamics properties of ammonia water solution extended to
higher temperature and pressure, ASHRAE Trans., vol. 70, 1964.
W.F. STOECKER ,Refrigeration and air conditioning, Mcgraw
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Heat input at the collector = Solar constant X area

= 250 W/m2 24 m2
= 6000 W = 360 KJ/min

Hence theoretical COP of the whole system comes out to

be 0.58
As calculated earlier, the heat input required to run the 1
vapour refrigeration system, for the operating
conditions designed, is about 304.2 KJ/min. This heat in the
generator is supplied by the hot water coming from the solar
flat plate water heater. For this system the coefficient of
ISBN: 978-988-19252-2-0
ISSN: 2078-0958 (Print); ISSN: 2078-0966 (Online)

WCE 2012

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