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Teacher I
Dacudac NHS


The set of data shows the scores of 35 students in their periodical test.
34 35 40 40 48 21 9
21 20 19 34 45 21 20
19 17 18 15 16 20 28
21 20 18 17 10 45 48
19 17 29 45 50 48 25

1. What score is typical to the group of students? Why?

2. What score frequently appears?
3. What score appears to be in the middle? How many students fall
below this score?

Encode the given figures in Column A vertically.

Sort/arrange the numbers from lowest to highest.

Numbers was already arranged from lowest to highest.

Use the formula =AVERAGE(). Select/highlight the numbers to computed.

Average which is the Mean was already computed.

Count the number/s of repeated numbers. The number that has the greatest frequency is the
The center number/midvalue is the Median.

1. The mean is commonly referred to as the average of all values. To compute for the
mean, add all the scores and divide the sum by the number of scores. It is the
easiest average to compute.
2. The most frequent score/s in the given set of data is called the mode. It is also an
average score. A data set may have to modes (and hence the data set is called
3. The median is also an average score. It is the middle score in the list after the
scores are arranged in decreasing or increasing order. How do you get the median
for an even number of scores in a set of data? What about for an odd number of
scores in a set of data?
Do the following activities in the Computer using Microsoft Excel.

Encode the numbers in the cells in one column.

Sort/arrange the numbers from lowest to highest.

Use the formulas: =AVERAGE(); =MEDIAN(); =MODE()

Answer the following questions.

1. The following sets of data show the height (in centimeters) of two groups of boys
playing basketball.

Group A: 135, 136, 140, 150, 134, 129, 126, 130

Group B: 167, 136, 119, 136, 160, 178, 126, 140

a. Compute for the mean.

b. What information can you get from these two values?

2. The following sets of data show the weekly income (in peso) of ten selected
households living in two different barangays in the town of Kananga?

Brgy. Kawayan: 150, 1500, 1700, 1800, 3000, 2100, 1700, 1500, 1750, 1200

Brgy. Montealegre: 1000, 1200, 1200, 1150, 1800, 1800, 1800, 2000, 1470, 8000


a. Compute for the mean and the median for each Barangay?
b. What information can we get from these values?
c. Why do you think the median is more appropriate than the mean?

Average(Mean) & Median Formula

Mode Formula. (Down - computed mean, median and Mode.)

Points to Ponder:
The mean is the score obtained if all the scores are evened out. For example, 5 boys have the
following ages: 14, 12, 12, 15, and 12. If the ages are evened out ( 2 from from 15 distributed to
each of the 12 and 1 from 14 added to the other 12) then all 5 ages become 13. Thus, the mean
age is 13. The mean is affected by extreme values.
The median is the middle score in the ordered list of the values. For example, in the case of the
ages of the five boys, the ages may be arranged as 15, 14, 12, 12, and 12. Hence the median is 12,
lower than the mean. The median is not affected by extreme values because its position in an
ordered list stays the same.
The mode is the most common value. In the example, the mode is the age with the highest frequency count among the 5 boys and that is 12. The mode is useful if the interest to know the
most common value. For example, a company has give-away items for teens. To determine if the
items are age-appropriate, the company might simply ask for the most common age in the group.

1. Below are the mathematics grades of 30 Grade 7 students in the last quarter:
78 98 76 89 89 83
87 75 72 91 90 79
84 84 85 88 87 95
96 95 96 96 76 80
83 82 85 92 91 90

Compute for the mean, median, and mode.
2. Mario took four examinations in a science class. His scores are 48, 65, 78, and 79.
Which measure is more appropriate to use in order to determine how well Mario
is performing in science?
3. The National Housing Authority publishes data on resale prices of houses in
Metro manila. Which of mean, median, and mode is more appropriate to use?
Explain your answer.
Solve the following problems:

a. The median for 10, 9, y, 12 and 6 is y. Find possible values of y, given that the values are

whole numbers.

b. The mean of fifteen numbers is 30 and the mean of ten numbers is 25. What is the mean

of all twenty-five numbers?

c. Given the set of numbers N = {7, 9, 10, 14, 8, 16, 13}. When a number x is added to the

set, the new mean is 12. Calculate the value of x.


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