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Chapter 69

How to Read a Head CT Scan

Andrew D. Perron

Cranial computed tomography (CT) is an extremely useful diagnostic tool used routinely
in the care of ED patients.
The EP needs to be able to accurately interpret and act upon certain CT findings
without specialist (e.g., radiologist) assistance, because many disease processes are timedependent and require immediate action.
It has been shown that even a brief educational intervention can significantly improve the
EPs ability to interpret cranial CT scans.
Using the mnemonic blood can be very bad (where blood = blood, can = cisterns, be =
brain, very = ventricles, and bad = bone) the EP can quickly but thoroughly review a
cranial CT scan for significant pathology that demands immediate action.

Cranial CT has assumed a critical role in the practice

of emergency medicine for the evaluation of intracranial emergencies, both traumatic and atraumatic.
A number of published studies have revealed a deficiency in the ability of EPs to interpret head CTs.1-6
Significantly, a number of these same studies do
show that with even a brief educational effort, EPs
can gain considerable proficiency in cranial CT
scan interpretation.2,3 This is important because
there are many situations where the EP must
interpret and act upon head CT results in real time
without assistance from other specialists such as neurologists, radiologists, or neuroradiologists.7,8 The
advantages of CT scanning for CNS pathology in the
ED are well known, and include widespread
availability at most institutions, speed of imaging,
patient accessibility, and sensitivity for a detection
of many pathologic processes (particularly acute

Basic Principles of CT
The fundamental principle behind radiography is the
following statement: X-rays are absorbed to different
degrees by different tissues. Dense tissues such as bone
absorb the most x-rays, and hence allow the fewest
passing through the body part being studied to reach
the film or detector opposite. Conversely, tissues
with low density (e.g., air and fat) absorb almost
none of the x-rays, allowing most to pass through
to the film or detector opposite. Conventional
radiographs are two-dimensional images of threedimensional structures; they rely on a summation of
tissue densities penetrated by x-rays as they pass
through the body. It should be noted that in plain
radiographs, denser objects, because they tend to
absorb more x-rays, can obscure or attenuate less
dense objects.

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Injuries to Bones and Organs

As opposed to conventional radiographs, with CT

scanning an x-ray source and detector, situated 180
degrees across from each other, move 360 degrees
around the patient, continuously detecting and
sending information about the attenuation of x-rays
as they pass through the body. Very thin x-ray beams
are utilized, which minimizes the degree of scatter or
blurring that limits conventional radiographs. In CT,
a computer manipulates and integrates the acquired
data and assigns numerical values based on the subtle
differences in x-ray attenuation. Based on these
values, a gray-scale axial image is generated that can
distinguish between objects with even small differences in density.

to accurately interpret the images. Besides motion

and metal artifact (self-explanatory), the two most
common effects are called beam hardening and volume
averaging. It is important to understand these effects
and to be able to identify them, because they can
mimic pathology as well as obscure actual significant
Beam hardening is a phenomenon that causes an
abnormal signal when a relatively small amount of
hypodense brain tissue is immediately adjacent to
dense bone. The posterior fossa, where there is
extremely dense bone surrounding the brain, is particularly subject to this phenomenon. It appears as
either linear hyper- or hypodensities that can partially obscure the brainstem and cerebellum. Although
beam hardening can be reduced with appropriate
filtering, it cannot be eliminated.
Volume averaging (also called partial volume artifact) arises when the imaged area contains different
types of tissues (e.g., bone and brain). For that particular image unit, the CT pixel produced will represent an average density for all the contained structures.
In the above instance of brain and bone, an intermediate density will be represented that may have the
appearance of blood. As with beam hardening, certain
techniques can minimize this type of artifact (e.g.,
thinner slice thickness, computer algorithms), but it
cannot be eliminated, particularly in the posterior


The tissue contained within each image unit (called

a pixel) absorbs a certain proportion of the x-rays
that pass through it (e.g., bone absorbs a lot, air
almost none). This ability to block x-rays as they pass
through a substance is known as attenuation. For a
given body tissue, the amount of attenuation is relatively constant and is known as that tissues attenuation coefficient. In CT, these attenuation coefficients
are mapped to an arbitrary scale between 1000
hounsfield units [HU] (air) and +1000 HU (bone)
(Box 69-1). This scale is the Hounsfield scale (in
honor of Sir Jeffrey Hounsfield, who received a Nobel
prize for his pioneering work with this technology).

BOX 69-1


Appearance and Density of Tissues on

Cranial CT

Windowing allows the CT scan reader to focus on

certain tissues within a CT scan that fall within set
parameters. Tissues of interest can be assigned the
full range of blacks and whites, rather than a narrow
portion of the gray scale. With this technique, subtle
differences in tissue densities can be maximized. The
image displayed will depend on both the centering
of the viewing window and the width of the window.
Most CT imaging includes windows that are optimized for brain, blood, and bone (Fig. 69-1).

Black White
1000 HU +1000 HU
Air, fat, CSF, white matter, gray matter, acute
hemorrhage, bone
Important Densities
Air = 1000 HU
Water = 0 HU
Bone = +1000 HU


CT of the brain is subject to a few predictable artifactual effects that can potentially inhibit the ability

CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; HU, Hounsfield units.

FIGURE 69-1 CT scan

windowing: A, brain. B, blood.
C, bone.

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How to Read a Head CT Scan


Normal Neuroanatomy As Seen on

Head CT Scans



As with radiologic interpretation of any body part, a

working knowledge of normal anatomic structures
and location is fundamental to the clinicians ability
to detect pathologic variants. Cranial CT interpretation is no exception. Paramount in head CT interpretation is familiarity with the various structures,
ranging from parenchymal areas such as basal ganglia
to vasculature, cisterns, and ventricles. Finally,
knowing neurologic functional regions of the brain
helps when correlating CT results with physical
examination findings.
Although a detailed knowledge of cranial neuroanatomy and its CT appearance is clearly in the realm
of the neuroradiologist, familiarity with a relatively
few structures, regions, and expected findings allows
sufficient interpretation of most head CT scans by
the EP. Figures 69-2 through 69-5 demonstrate key
structures of a normal head CT scan.

As long as one is systematic in the search for pathology, any number of techniques can be utilized in the
review of head CT images. Some recommend a
center-out technique, in which the examiner starts
from the middle of the brain and works outward.
Others advocate a problem-oriented approach, in
which the clinical history directs the examiner to a
particular portion of the scan. In the authors experience, both of these are of limited utility to the clinician who does not frequently review scans. A preferred
method, one that has been demonstrated to work in
the ED,2 is to use the mnemonic blood can be very
bad (Box 69-2). In this mnemonic, the first letter of
each word prompts the clinician to search a certain
portion of the cranial CT scan for pathology. The
clinician is urged to use the entire mnemonic when
examining a cranial CT scan because the presence of
one pathologic state does not rule out the presence

Ethmoid sinus

FIGURE 69-2 Head CT

Normal anatomy: A, posterior
fossa; B, low cerebellum.





air cells

Frontal lobe




FIGURE 69-3 Head CT

Normal anatomy: A, high pons;
B, cerebral peduncles.



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(ambient) cistern

IVth ventricle

(ambient) cistern

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Injuries to Bones and Organs

Frontal horn

Caudate nucleus

Frontal horn


FIGURE 69-4 Head CT

Normal anatomy: A, high
midbrain level; B, basal ganglia





Quadrigeminal cistern

Posterior limb
(internal capsule)

Calcified falx


Falx cerebri


FIGURE 69-5 Head CT

Normal anatomy: A, lateral
ventricles; B, upper cortex.



of another one. Following is a detailed description of

the components of the mnemonic.


The appearance of blood on a head CT scan depends

primarily on its location and size. Acute hemorrhage
will appear hyperdense (bright white) on cranial CT
images. This is attributed to the fact that the globin
molecule is relatively dense, and hence effectively
absorbs x-ray beams. Acute blood is typically in the
range of 50 to 100 HU. As the blood becomes older
and the globin molecule breaks down, it will lose this
hyperdense appearance, beginning at the periphery
and working in centrally. On the CT scan, blood will
become isodense with the brain at 1 to 2 weeks,
depending on clot size, and will become hypodense
with the brain at approximately 2 to 3 weeks (Fig.
The precise localization of the blood is as important as identifying its presence (Fig. 69-7). Epidural

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hematomas, subdural hematomas, intraparenchymal

hemorrage, and subarachnoid hemorrhage each have
a distinct appearance on the CT scan, as well as
differing etiologies, complications, and associated

Epidural Hematoma

Epidural hematoma most frequently appears as a

lens-shaped (biconvex) collection of blood, usually
over the brain convexity. An epidural hematoma will
not cross a suture line, as the dura is tacked down in
these areas. Epidural hematomas arise primarily
(85%) from arterial laceration due to a direct blow,
with the middle meningeal artery the most common
source. A small proportion, however, come from
other injured arteries and can even be venous in

Subdural Hematoma

Subdural hematoma appears as a sickle- or crescentshaped collection of blood, usually over the cerebral

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How to Read a Head CT Scan


BOX 69-2

The Blood Can Be Very Bad Mnemonic*

BloodAcute hemorrhage appears hyperdense (bright white) on CT. This is due to the fact that the
globin molecule is relatively dense and hence effectively absorbs x-ray beams. As the blood becomes older
and the globin breaks down, it loses this hyperdense appearance, beginning at the periphery. The precise
localization of the blood is as important as identifying its presence.
CisternsCerebrospinal fluid collections jacketing the brain; the following four key cisterns must be
examined for blood, asymmetry, and effacement (representing increased intracranial pressure):
CircummesencephalicCerebrospinal fluid ring around the midbrain; first to be effaced with increased
intracranial pressure
Suprasellar (star-shaped)Location of the circle of Willis; frequent site of aneurysmal subarachnoid
QuadrigeminalW-shaped cistern at top of midbrain; effaced early by rostrocaudal herniation
SylvianBetween temporal and frontal lobes; site of traumatic and distal mid-cerebral aneurysm and
subarachnoid hemorrhage
BrainExamine for:
SymmetrySulcal pattern (gyri) well differentiated in adults and symmetric side-to-side.
Gray-white differentiationEarliest sign of cerebrovascular aneurysm is loss of gray-white differentiation;
metastatic lesions often found at gray-white border
ShiftFalx should be midline, with ventricles evenly spaced to the sides; can also have rostrocaudal
shift, evidenced by loss of cisternal space; unilateral effacement of sulci signals increased pressure in
one compartment; bilateral effacement signals global increased pressure
Hyper-/hypodensityIncreased density with blood, calcification, intravenous contrast media; decreased
density with air/gas (pneumocephalus), fat, ischemia (cerebrovascular aneurysm), tumor
VentriclesPathologic processes cause dilation (hydrocephalus) or compression/shift; hydrocephalus
usually first evident in dilation of the temporal horns (normally small and slit-like); examiner must take
in the whole picture to determine if the ventricles are enlarged due to lack of brain tissue or to
increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure
BoneHighest density on CT scan; diagnosis of skull fracture can be confusing due to the presence of
sutures in the skull; compare other side of skull for symmetry (suture) versus asymmetry (fracture); basilar
skull fractures commonly found in petrous ridge (look for blood in mastoid air cells)
*Blood = blood, Can = cisterns, Be = brain, Very = ventricles, Bad = bone.

FIGURE 69-6 CT scan

appearance of central nervous
system hemorrhage: A, acute; B,
subacute; C, chronic.

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Injuries to Bones and Organs



FIGURE 69-7 CT appearance of

blood of differing etiologies: A,
epidural hematoma; B, subdural
hematoma; C, intraparenchymal
and intraventricular hematomas.

convexity. Subdural hematomas can also be seen as

isolated collections that appear in the interhemispheric fissures or along the tentorium. As opposed
to epidural hematomas, subdural hematomas will
cross suture lines, as there is no anatomic limitation
to blood flow below the dura. A subdural hematoma
can be either an acute lesion or a chronic one. While
both occur primarily from disruption of surface and/
or bridging vessels, the magnitude of impact damage
is usually much higher in acute lesions. As such, they
are frequently accompanied by severe brain injury,
contributing to a much poorer overall prognosis than
epidural hematoma.
Chronic subdural hematoma, in contrast with
acute subdural hematoma, usually follows a more
benign course than acute subdural hematoma. Attributed to slow venous oozing after even a minor closed
head injury, the clot can gradually accumulate, allowing the patient to compensate. As the clot is frequently encased in a fragile vascular membrane,
however, these patients are at significant risk for rebleeding as the result of additional minor trauma.
The CT appearance of a chronic subdural hematoma
depends on the length of time since the initial bleeding. A subdural hematoma that is isodense with brain
can be very difficult to detect on CT, and in these
cases contrast may highlight the surrounding vascular membrane.

Intraparenchymal Hemorrhage

Cranial CT can reliably identify intraparenchymal (or

intracerebral) hematomas as small as 5 mm. These
appear as high-density areas on the CT scan, usually
with much less mass effect than their apparent size
would indictate. Traumatic intraparenchymal hemorrhages may be seen immediately following an
injury, or they can appear in a delayed fashion, after
there has been time for swelling. Additionally, contusions may enlarge and coalesce over first 2 to 4 days.
Traumatic contusions most commonly occur in areas
where sudden deceleration of the head causes the
brain to impact on bony prominences (e.g., temporal, frontal, occipital poles).

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In distinction to traumatic lesions, nontraumatic

hemorrhagic lesions due to hypertensive disease are
typically seen in elderly patients and occur most frequently in the basal ganglia region. Hemorrhage
from such lesions may rupture into the ventricular
space, with the additional finding of intraventricular hemorrhage on CT. Posterior fossa bleeding (e.g.,
cerebellar) may dissect into the brainstem (pons, cerebellar peduncles) or rupture into the fourth ventricle. Besides hypertensive etiologies, intraparenchymal
hemorrhages can be caused by arteriovenous malformations, bleeding from or into a tumor, amyloid
angiopathy, or aneurysms that happen to rupture
into the substance of the brain rather than into the
subarachnoid space.

Intraventricular Hemorrhage

Intraventricular hemorrhage can be traumatic or secondary to intraparenchymal hemorrhage or subarachnoid hemorrhage with ventricular rupture.
Identified as a white density in the normally black
ventricular spaces, it is associated with a particularly
poor outcome in cases of trauma (although this may
be more of a marker than a causative issue). Hydrocephalus can be the end result regardless of the etiology. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced in the
lateral ventricles at a rate of 0.5 to 1 mL per minute,
and this will occur regardless of the intraventricular
pressure. A block at any point in the CSF pathway
(lateral ventricles foramen of Monro 3rd ventricle aqueduct of Sylvius 4th ventricle foramina of Luschka and Magendie cisterns arachnoid
granulations) will result in hydrocephalus, with associated increased intracranial pressure and the ultimate potential for herniation.

Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

Subarachnoid hemorrhage is defined as hemorrhage

into any subarachnoid space that is normally filled
with CSF (e.g., cistern, brain convexity). The hyperdensity of blood in the subarachnoid space is
frequently visible on CT imaging within minutes of
the onset of hemorrhage (Fig. 69-8). Subarachnoid

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How to Read a Head CT Scan


FIGURE 69-8 CT appearance

of subarachnoid hemorrhage:
A, blood filling the suprasellar
cistern; B, blood filling the
sylvian cistern.

hemorrhage is most commonly aneurysmal (75%80%), but it can also occur with trauma, tumor, arteriovenous malformations and dural malformations.
As a result of arachnoid granulations becoming
plugged with red blood cells or their degradation
products, hydrocephalus complicates approximately
20% of cases of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
The ability of a CT scanner to demonstrate subarachnoid hemorrhage depends on a number of
factors, including the generation of scanner, the time
since the initial bleeding, and the skill of the examiner. According to some studies, the CT scan is 95%
to 98% sensitive for subarachnoid hemorrhage in the
first 12 hours after the ictus.9-11 This sensitivity is
reported to decrease as follows:
90%-95% at 24 hours
80% at 3 days
50% at 1 week
30% at 2 weeks

CircummesencephalicHypodense CSF ring around

the midbrain; most sensitive marker for increased
intracranial pressure; will become effaced first with
increased pressure and herniation syndromes.
SuprasellarStar-shaped hypodense space above
the sella and pituitary; location of the circle of
Willis, hence an excellent location for identifying
aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage.
QuadrigeminalW-shaped cistern at the top of
the midbrain; can be a location for identifying
traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, as well as an
early marker of increased intracranial pressure and
rostrocaudal herniation (Fig. 69-10).
SylvianBilateral CSF space located between the
temporal and frontal lobes of the brain; another
good location to identify subarachnoid hemorrhage, whether caused by trauma or aneurysm
leak (particularly distal middle cerebral artery

Extracranial Hemorrhage

The presence and significance of extracranial blood

and soft-tissue swelling on CT imaging is often overlooked. The examiner should use this finding to lead
to subtle fractures that can be identified in areas of
maximal impact (and hence maximal soft-tissue
swelling). This will also direct the examiner to search
the underlying brain parenchyma in these areas for
parenchymal contusions, as well as to areas opposite
maximal impact to search for contrecoup injuries.


Cisterns are potential spaces formed where there is a

collection of CSF that is pooled as it works its way up
to the superior sagittal sinus from the 4th ventricle.
Of the numerous named cisterns (and some with
multiple names), there are four key cisterns that the
EP needs to be familiar with in order to identify
increased intracranial pressure as well as the presence
of blood in the subarachnoid space (Fig. 69-9). These
cisterns are:

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Normal brain parenchyma has an inhomogeneous

appearance where the gray and white matter interface. Cortical gray matter is denser than subcortical
white matter; therefore the cortex will appear lighter
on CT imaging. Given that many disease processes
we are looking for in the ED are unilateral (e.g., cerebrovascular aneurysm, tumor, abscess), the clinician
should be aware that there will normally be side-toside symmetry on the scan. Similarly, the cortical
gyral and sulcal pattern should be symmetric (Fig.
69-11). Besides symmetry, it is important to examine
the brain parenchyma for:
Gray-white differentiationThe earliest sign of an
ischemic cerebrovascular aneurysm will be loss of
gray-white differentiation. Tumors can also obscure
this interface, particularly when there is associated
edema (hypodensity).
ShiftThe falx should be midline, with ventricles
evenly spaced to the sides. With rostrocaudal
herniation the midline will be preserved, but this

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Injuries to Bones and Organs




Top of fourth





Circumesencephalic cistern


Tempocal horn
of lateral ventricle

Occipital horn
of lateral ventricle

FIGURE 69-9 Three important cerebrospinal fluid cisterns: A, cisterns viewed at high pontine level; B, cisterns viewed at level of
cerebral peduncles; C, cisterns viewed at high midbrain level.

FIGURE 69-10 CT appearance

of increased intracranial pressure:
A, normal intracranial pressure;
B, elevated intracranial pressure.

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FIGURE 69-11 CT appearance of normal brain.

will usually be evidenced by loss of cisternal spaces.

A unilateral effacement of sulci signals increased
pressure in one compartment. Bilateral effacement
signals global increased pressure.
Hyper/hypodensityBrain will take on increased
density with blood, calcification, and intravenous
contrast media. It will take on decreased density
with air (pneumocephalus), water, fat, and ischemia
(cerebrovascular accident). Tumor may result
in either increased or decreased density on CT
imaging, depending on tumor type and amount of
associated water density (edema).

Specific Brain Parenchymal Lesions

Tumor. Brain tumors usually appear as hypodense,

poorly defined lesions on noncontrast CT scans. It is
estimated that 70% to 80% of brain tumors will be
apparent on plain scans without the use of an intravenous contrast agent. Calcification and hemorrhage
associated with a tumor can cause it to have a hyperdense appearance. Tumors should be suspected on a
noncontrast CT scan when significant edema is associated with an ill-defined mass. This vasogenic edema
occurs because of a loss of integrity of the bloodbrain barrier, allowing fluid to pass into the extracellular space. Edema, because of the increased water
content, appears hypodense on the CT scan (Fig.
Intravenous contrast material can help define
brain tumors. Contrast media will leak through the
incompetent blood-brain barrier into the extracellular space surrounding the mass lesion, resulting in a
contrast-enhancing ring. Once a tumor is identified,
the clinician should make some determination of the

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How to Read a Head CT Scan


FIGURE 69-12 CT scan appearance of tumor with edema and

midline shift.

following information: location and sizeintraaxial

(within the brain parenchyma) or extraaxial; degree
of edema and mass effectfor example, herniation
may be impending due to swelling.
Abscess. Brain abscess will appear as an ill-defined
hypodensity on non-contrast CT scan. A variable
amount of edema is usually associated with such
lesions and, like tumors, they will frequently demonstrate ring-enhancement with the addition of an
intravenous contrast agent.
Ischemic Infarction. Strokes are classified as either
hemorrhagic or nonhemorrhagic. Nonhemorrhagic
infarctions can be seen as early as 2 to 3 hours following ictus, but most will not begin to be clearly
evident on the CT scan for 12 to 24 hours. The earliest change seen in areas of ischemia is loss of graywhite differentiation, due to influx of water into the
metabolically active gray matter. With the loss of
blood flow, the energy-dependent cellular ion pumps
fail, and the movement of ions such as sodium and
potassium is no longer regulated. By osmotic forces,
water follows the ions into the cells, where they cease
metabolic activity. Because gray matter is metabolically more active than white matter, the gray cells
are affected first, become water-filled, and take on the
CT appearance of white matter. This loss of graywhite differentiation can initially be a subtle finding
but ultimately will become evident and will usually
be maximal between days 3 and 5 (Fig. 69-13).
Any vascular distribution can be affected by ischemic lesions (e.g., middle cerebral artery aneurysm,
posterior inferior cerebellar artery). One specialized
type of stroke frequently identified on CT imaging is

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Injuries to Bones and Organs

through egress from the 4th ventricle. Hydrocephalus frequently is first evident in dilation of the temporal horns, which are normally small with a slit-like
When examining the ventricular system for hydrocephalus, the clinician needs to take in the entire
picture of the brain, as ventricles can be large for
reasons other than increased pressure (e.g., atrophy).
If the ventricles are large, the clinician should investigate whether other CSF spaces in the brain are large
(e.g., sulci, cisterns). In this case, it is likely that this
enlargement is the result of brain volume loss rather
than the increased ventricle size. Conversely, if the
ventricles are large, but the brain appears tight
with sulcal effacement and loss of sulcal space, then
the likelihood of hydrocephalus is high. The clinician also should look for evidence of increased intracranial pressure (e.g., cisternal effacement).

FIGURE 69-13 CT scan appearance of a large left middle

cerebral artery stroke. The hypodense brain is the infarcted
region. Note midline shift from left to right.

a lacunar infarction, which are small, discrete nonhemorrhagic lesions usually secondary to hypertension and found in the basal ganglia region. They
frequently are clinically silent.


Pathologic processes can cause either dilation (hydrocephalus) or compression/shift of the ventricular
system (Fig. 69-14). Additionally, hemorrhage can
occur into any of the ventricles, resulting in the
potential for obstruction of flow and resulting hydrocephalus. The term communicating hydrocephalus
is used when there is free CSF egress from the ventricular system, with a blockage at the level of the
arachnoid granulations. The term noncommunicating
hydrocephalus is used if there is obstruction anywhere
along the course of flow from the lateral ventricles


As demonstrated earlier, bone has the highest density

on the CT scan (+1000 HU). Because of this, depressed
or comminuted skull fractures can usually be easily
identified on the CT scan; however, small linear
(nondepressed) skull fractures and fractures of the
skull base may be more difficult to find (Fig. 69-15).
Also, making the diagnosis of a skull fracture can be
confusing due to the presence of sutures in the
Fractures may occur at any portion of the bony
skull. The presence of a skull fracture should increase
the index of suspicion for intracranial injury. If intracranial air is seen on a CT scan, this indicates that
the skull and dura have been violated at some point
(Fig. 69-16). Basilar skull fractures are most commonly found in the petrous ridge (the dense pyramidal-shaped portion of the temporal bone). Due to the
density of this bone, the fracture line may not be
easily identified in this area. The clinician should not
only search for such a fracture line but should also
pay close attention to the normally aerated mastoid
air cells that are contained within this bone. Any
blood in the mastoid air cells means that a skull base
fracture is likely. Analogous to the mastoid air cells,
the maxillary, ethmoid, and sphenoid sinuses should

FIGURE 69-14 CT appearance

of abnormal ventricles.

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How to Read a Head CT Scan


FIGURE 69-15 CT appearance

in bone pathology: A, linear skull
fracture; B, depressed,
comminuted skull fracture; C,
basilar skull fracture.

care of ED patients. An important tenet in the use of

cranial CT is that accurate interpretation is required
to make good clinical decisions. Cranial CT interpretation is a skill, like ECG interpretation, that can be
learned through education, practice, and repetition.


FIGURE 69-16 CT scan appearance of intracranial air.

be visible and aerated; the presence of fluid in any of

these sinuses in the setting of trauma should raise
suspicion of a skull fracture. In nontraumatic cases,
fluid in the mastoids may indicate mastoiditis, and
fluid in the sinuses may indicate sinusitis.

Cranial CT is integral to the practice of emergency
medicine and is used on a daily basis to make important, time-critical decisions that directly impact the

Ch069-X2872.indd 763

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