Quantum Gravity and A Time Operator in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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01659v1 [gr-qc] 5 May 2016

Quantum Gravity and a Time Operator

in Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
M. Bauer
Instituto de Fsica
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
[email protected]
May 6, 2016
The problem of time in the quantization of gravity arises from the
fact that time in Schr
odingers equation is a parameter. This sets time
apart from the spatial coordinates, represented by operators in quantum
mechanics (QM). Thus time in QM and time in General Relativity
(GR) are seen as mutually incompatible notions. The introduction of a dynamical time operator in relativistic quantum mechanics (RQM), that in
the Heisenberg representation is also a function of the parameter t (identified as the laboratory time), prompts to examine whether it can help
to solve the disfunction referred to above. In particular, its application
to the conditional interpretation of the canonical quantization approach
toquantum gravity is developed.


Quantization of general relativity (GR) is still an unsolved problem in physics.

One of the difficulties, referred as the problem of time, arises from the fact that
time in quantum mechanics (QM) is a parameter[1, 2]. The extensive experimental confirmation of the Schrodinger equation identifies this parameter as
the laboratory time, thus part of the the spacetime frame of reference associated to an observer. This sets time apart from the systems physical properties
(e.g., energy, momentum, position), which are represented by operators, whereas
time is not1 . On the other hand, in general relativity (GR) where matter determines the structure of spacetime, time and space acquire a dynamical nature.
1 In this respect it is important to avoid, following Hilgevoord[3], the confusion between
the space coordinates (x, y, z) of a system of reference and the quantum mechanical position
r = (
x, y, z) whose expectation value gives the time evolution of the position of a
system described by a certain state vector | (t) >. In the same way, a distinction should
be made between the time coordinate in (x, y, z, t) and a time operator T acting on the
system state vector. The space coordinates (x, y, z) together with the parameter t constitute
the background spacetime framework subject to Lorentz transformations in special relativity,

Thus time in QM and the time in GR are seen as mutually incompatible

notions[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
Quantization of general relativity has been approached in different ways.
The canonical quantization approach, to be considered here, is based on a 3+1
decomposition of spacetime, namely a foliation of three-dimension spacelike hypersurfaces and a one-dimension timelike vector that may characterize the foliation. The Dirac prescription to transform dynamical variables into operators,
as used to formulate standard quantum mechanics from the Hamiltonian-Jacobi
formulation of classical mechanics, is then applied[10, 4, 5, 6, 8]. It results,
however, in the Wheeler-de Witt equation (WdW), where time is absent. The
problem of time is that there is no time. The WdW equation predicts a static
universe, contrary to obvious everyday experience.
To resolve this contradiction, Page and Wooters (PW)[11, 12, 13] advanced
that a static system may describe an evolving universe from the point of view
of an internal observer, by introducing conditional probabilities between two of
the system observables, the continuum spectrum of one of them serving as the
internal time parameter for the other. However, as in ordinary Schrodinger
quantum mechanics the probability amplitudes of all dynamical variables are
referred to a single time2 , it was soon pointed out that the chosen observable
should condition not one but all other dynamical variables and, to quote[15]:
Evidence against the possibility of using a dynamical variable to play the role
of time in the conditional probability interpretation is provided by the fact
(proven here) that in ordinary Schrodinger quantum mechanics for a system
with a Hamiltonian bounded from below, no dynamical variable can correlate
monotonically with the Schrodinger parameter t, and thus the role of t in the
interpretation of Schrodinger quantum mechanics cannot be replaced by that of
a dynamical variable. This is the well known objection to the existence of a
time operator in quantum mechanics, raised by Pauli[2]. To be noted finally is
that the non existence of a time operator seems to have been taken for granted
in all up to date developments in quantum gravity[4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].
In the present paper, however, the introduction of a self-adjoint dynamical
time operator in relativistic quantum mechanics (RQM)[16], that in the Heisenberg picture is also a function of the parameter t , prompts to examine whether
it can help to solve the disfunction referred to above, as well as support the
conditional probability interpretation of canonical quantum gravity.
In Section 2, the proposed self-adjoint dynamical time operator in Diracs
relativistic quantum mechanics (T = .
r/c + 0 ) is presented in addition to
the usual dynamical dynamical observables. It does provide a time energy uncertainty relation related to the position momentum one, as surmised by Bohr,
whereas the operators
r = (
x, y, z) and, if it exists, T , are to be considered as, say, path
dynamical space and time operators.
2 Indeed, as pointed out in Ref.(13), a consistent definition of a probability density can
include only points on a space-like surface, i.e., with no possible causal connection. In the
non-relativistic limit (c = ) all such surfaces are reduced to = const planes, and the
normalization applies only to the domain of space dimensions. Thus under no circumstances
is the time variable on a complete equal footing as the space variables.

and circumvents Paulis objection by giving rise to energy changes through momentum displacements. In Section 3 the properties that the conditionning PW
operator has to satisfy are reviewed and shown how they can be fulfilled by
the time operator. Conclusions and further possible applications are presented

The dynamical time operator[16]

D = c.
In analogy to the Dirac free particle Hamiltonian H
p + m0 c2 where
i (i = 1, 2, 3) and are the 4 4 Dirac matrices, a dynamical time operator
T = .
r/c+ 0 has been introduced. It is shown that:
A) its eigenvectors are
| i = ur |ri
where |ri is the eigevector of the position operator and ur is a four component
spinor independent of the linear momentum p. The corresponding eigenvalues
= [(r/c)2 + 20 ]1/2
There is a continous positive and a continous negative time branch. As
r/2r, T] = 0, where .
r/2r represents the spin component in the direction
of r, there are four independent time spinors, corresponding to two spin projections for each branch. The value of the intrinsic property 0 is found to be
h/m0 c2 , the de Broglie period(Appendix A).[19]
B) in the Heisenberg picture

D m0 c2 T}
D ] = i{I + K} + 2{ 0 H
= [T, H


where K = (2s.l/2 + 1) is a constant of motion[?]. Integrating one obtains:

T(t) = {1 + K}t + oscillating terms


Thus the time operator correlates monotonically with the time parameter t
of the Sch
odinger equation ( t).
C) this operator is clearly self-adjoint and therefor can be the generator of
a unitary transformation (Stones theorem)

UT () = eiT / = ei{.r/c+ 0 }/


where has the dimensions of energy. For infinitesimal transformations ( <<

D = U H
D U is approximated as:
1), the transformed Hamiltonian H
D = U H
D U (1 iT/ + ...)HD (1 + iT/ + ...) HD i(/)[T, H
D ] + ...
D m0 c2 T}.
D ] = i~{3I + 4s.l/2 } + 2{ 0 H
[T, H

D ] = i~3I in the rest frame (r = 0, p = 0, l = 0 ,

that reduces to [T, H
D = m0 c2 and T = 0 ). Otherwise there will be a transient ZitterbewH
gung behavior about the monotonic evolution[17]
Then, using . = 3I, one has:
D = U H
DU = H
D (p) + . =c.(
D (
p+/c) + m0 c2 = H
p+/c) (8)
The unitary transformation induces a shift in momentum (Lorentz boost):
p = {()/c} = {()/c2 }c


Repeated infinitessimal applications yield a momentum displacement p whose

expectation value is
< p > = (/c2 )vgp = m0 vgp


where = {1 (vgp /c)2 }1/2 is the Lorentz factor and vgp the group velocity.
Clearly the shift in momentum represents a displacement in energy within
the positive and the negative energy branches. In the positive branch, as p goes
from to + in any direction, the energy drops from + to a minimun
m0 c2 at p = 0 and ther rises again to + . No crossing of the 2m0 c2 energy gap
is involved. The time operator is thus the generator of a unitary transformation
that corresponds to a change in energy. However, by acting on the momentum
continuum space, it circumvents Paulis objection.
Finally it can be pointed out that, as T and
r commute, the previous development applies also in the presence of any position dependent potentials, e.g.,
the scalar and vector electromagnetic potentials.

The dynamical time operator and the conditional probability interpretation of quantum

Following Ref.5 (Kuchar), the PW conditional probability interpretation asserts

and C as projection operators corresponding to observables of the
that, given B
C |
| C B
P (B | C) = D
| C |
is subject to the observation
represents the probability that the observation of B

of C. It is then stated that the connection with the time problem is established

by finding within the system a projection operator C(t)

corresponding to the

question Does an internal clock show the time t?. The operator C(t)

commute with the Hamiltonian as otherwise it would be constant. If [B,

0 the complete Hamiltonian can be written as
B IC ) (IB h
C )
= (h


in the space FB FC composed of the corresponding Hilbert spaces. Then:

C , C(t)]

= [h
6= 0


Now, if |0 i is a state vector such that C(0)

= |0 i h0 | corresponds to t = 0, it
follows that

C t/
= eiHt/

= eihC t/ C(0)e


P (B|C(t))


ih C t/ |0 i h0 | eih C t/ |
| eihC t/ |0 i h0 | eihC t/ Be

| B(t)

h |0 i h0 | i


h | i

where |i = h0 | i and:

= eih B t/ Be
ih B t/ = eiHt/


also satisfies:
It follows then that B

B ] = [B,

= [B,


in spite of the fact that |iis a stationary state of the total system.
Note that this development is already assuming a time dependent Schrodinger
equation (TDSE), without explaining the presence in it of the laboratory time
t.This will be addressed below.
The connection of the PW conditional interpretation with the dynamical
time operator defined above is as follows. Besides being a timelike operator as
it is given in terms of the worldline r(t), T does satisfy the following conditions:
i) it does not commute with the Hamiltonian;
ii) its spectrum is a single valued continuum in either positive or negative
branch, directly proportional to the time parameter t ;
iii) the eigenvector basis {| i = uRr |ri} where t can be used to construct
the normalized wave packet |0 i = d c | i such that
h0 | T |0 i =
d d c c h | T | i = d |c |2 dt |ct |2 t = 0 (18)
iv) as [T,
r] = 0 , one can consider:
= |ri hr|


Then, with (r, ) := h | i h | r >< r | i h | i , :


P (B | C) =

|(r, )|
h | i h | r >< r | i h | i
h | >< | i
dr |(r, )|2


would be the probability density for finding the system at value r(t) at an instant
(t) t .
The eigenvectors | , r > (common eigenvectors of r and T as [T, r] = 0)
constitute a basis. In the Sch
odinger picture, they give an intrinsic timespace spinor representation ( , r; t) =< , r | (t) > of the time dependent
Schrodinger state vector. This is entirely analogue to the energy-momentum
spinor representation (E, p; t) =< E, p | (t) > where | E, p > are the
common eigenvectors of the relativistic free particle Dirac Hamiltonian HD =
c.p + m0 c2 and the momentum operator p . The time dependence of T is
exhibited in the Heisenberg picture and seen to correlate monotonically with
the parameter t for wave packets of purely positive (or purely negative)
Consequently |( , r; t)| is interpreted as the probability
of finding at time
t the system at position r and intrinsic time = (r/c)2 + 20 . Normalization
of ( , r; t) includes sum over spin but no integration over an extra dimension
beyond r[18]. Then one has:

|( , r; t)|
P ( , r;t) = X Z
dr |( , r; t)|



The introduction of a self-adjoint time operator in RQM, in addition to the

usual dynamical variables, allows to consider its possible role in the problem
of time in quantum gravity (QG). As defined, this time operator has a one to
one correspondence with the timelike worldline r(t) . Then to each point of its
spectrum one can associate a spacelike surface that intersects the worldline at
the corresponding point, thus providing a foliation of spacetime by spacelike surfaces over which one can define probability amplitudes. Furthemore it provides
support to the conditional probability interpretation of PW of the canonical
quantization of QG, by circumventing Paulis objection to the existance of such
an operator, as well as providing a monotonical correlation with the time parameter in the Schrodinger equation. Consequently one can say that this operator
yields an observable dynamical variable that sets the conditions for the other
variables and defines a satisfactory notion of time.
It is interesting to note that the presence of the parameter t in the time
dependent Schrodinger equation can be attributed to the monitoring that a
classical environment, interacting with the microscopic system, exerts on the
system. Indeed, starting from a time independent Schrodinger equation with
a complete Hamiltonian (system, environment and interaction), the system is
shown to satisfy a time dependent Schrodinger equation when it is disentangled

from its classically described (dependent on the laboratory time t) environment.

To quote: The time dependence (- and perhaps also the space dependence,
conforming together the Minkowskian spacetime laboratory reference frame) is thus seen as an emergent property, both in QM and in QG [20, 23]. Furthermore an intermediate subdivision can be introduced[21], that in our case
allows the presence of two times, a system internal time constructed by the
Page Wooters mechanism, and the laboratory time arising from the interaction with a massive classical environment. An experimental illustration of, to
quote: A static, entangled system between a clock system and the rest of the
universe is perceived as evolving by internal observers that test the correlations
between the two subsystems has allready been achieved[22]
The presentation in this paper is at a basic level, as the stress is on the fact
that a dynamical time operator in RQM can be defined, contrary to the general
view. It remains to be formulated in the usual 3+1 foliation of the spacetime
with Riemann spacelike sufaces, and, as it introduces time spinors, its possible
relevance to the more advanced formulation of loop quantum gravity.

Appendix A
For infinitesimal transformations ( << 1), one can factorize the unitary
operatorUT () generated by the time operator as follows :
UT () ei(){.r/c}/~ ei() 0 /~ = ei() 0 /~ ei(){.r/c}/~


as [i()(.r/c~), i() 0 /~] ()2 0 (Glauber theorem). Then the transformed Hamiltonian can be approximated as:
D = U H
D U ei()m0 c2 / ei().r/c H
D ei().r/c ei()m0 c2 / (A.2)
Consider first:

D ei().r/c
ei().r/c H
D {I i().
{I + i().
r/c + ...}H
r/c + ...}
D + i{()/c}[.
D ] + ....


Then using[?]:
D , .
D { cp/HD }.
D .
r]= 3icI+2H
r == ic.+2H
r 2cp.
r (A.4)
and . =3I, one obtains:
D ei().r/c H
D (p+/c)+i2{/c}{H
D .
ei().r/c H
r cp.
r} (A.5)
Thus, the unitary transformation induces a shift in momentum:
p = {()/c} = {()/c2 }c


as well as a Zitterbewegung behavior in the corresponding propagator U (t) =

eiHD t/ .
For repeated infinitessimal applications one obtains a momentum displacement p whose expectation value is
< p > = (/c2 )vgp = m0 vgp


where = {1 (vgp /c)2 }1/2 is the Lorentz factor and vgp the group velocity.
It also induces a phase shift. Indeed:
D |i = h| H
D (p + /c) |i = h| H
D (p+m0 vgp ) |i
h| H


|i = ei() 0 / |i


The phase shift is = () 0 / . For a finite transformation, its expectation value is

hi = {() 0 /} hi = m0 c2 0 /)
as < >= m0 c2 / < HD >= m0 c2 / = 1/ , for a positive (negative)
energy wave packet that contains both positive and negative energy free particle
solutions[?].Thus the sign of < > distinguishes the positive or negative energy
branch where the momentum displacement takes place. If furthermore one
requires the corresponding phase shift to be equal to 2 , one has to set:
0 = 2~/ < > = h/m0 c2


This is the de Broglie period. One has then:

h/p = h/m0 vgp = hc2 /m0 c2 vgp = (h/)(c2 /vgp ) = (1/)vph


which is precisely the de Broglie wave length, that is, the product of the phase
velocity by the period derived from the Planck relation E = h and the Einstein
relation E = m0 c2 , as originally assumed by de Broglie.[?]
As the state vector |i differs from the state vector |i by a global phase,
it follows that:
D (p+m0 vgp ) |i = h| H
D (p+m0 vgp ) |i
h| H


Finally, it is also interesting to note the following. In the same way as

above, in the case of an infinitesimal time lapse (t << 1) the unitary operator
U (t) = eit{c.p+m0 c }/~ can be approximated as:
U () eit{c.p}/~ eitm0 c



In configuration space this yields a displacement r = < r + tc >=< r > +

(t)vgp and a phase shift = t < > m0 c2 /~. For t = 0 = h/m0 c2
(the boosted de Broglie period), the phase shift is
(h/m0 c2 ) = (h/m0 c2 )(m0 c2 / < H >)m0 c2 /~ = h/~ = 2


These results are in agreement with the fact that the Hamiltonian is actually
the generator of the time development of a system described by a wave packet.
The approximate treatment provides only the displacement, neglecting the dispersion of the wave packet.

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