Crochet Reflection Final

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CAS Reflection Form

Activity Name: Crochet club
CAS element(s) involved:


Is this activity completed or ongoing?

I have completed this activity concerning CAS but crochet is a way of not sure Ill
ever truly escape.
Activity Reflection: Comment only on those learning outcomes listed below that are relevant to
this activity.
Through crochet club I have definitely increased my awareness of my own strengths, before
commencing the club I could crochet but had never pushed myself in terms of my abilities. After
joining the club have become a lot more experimental with the items that I have made, although
I still need to work on my speed as it takes me a long time to complete particular items.
Recently I have also begun attempting to help other members learn to crochet or enhance their
existing skills with some success; this is something that Im sure I will improve on with time.
As this is a group activity, collaboration is an essential part of crochet club. This is particularly
important when attempting to produce enough items to sell but collaboration also contributes to
the supportive atmosphere and our collective knowledge of crochet. We also have a schoology
page where we share patterns and ideas for future stalls and sales.
The sales element of crochet club is where the club is able to support various charitable
organisations and through this we engage with issues of global importance. Another aspect of
crochet club that has enhanced my awareness of global issues is realising the time taken to
make items and the origin of the materials that I use. For example, after doing some research I
have decided to try and find sustainably sourced wool, this has mainly been through sourcing
wool that would otherwise have gone to waste, and attempting to find wool that limits the use of
chemical dyes, which can damage the environment. By making items myself, I have been
forced to consider the time and effort that goes into clothing production in general. This has also
raised my awareness of the sources of my clothing and made me more selective when buying
new clothes, which often come from sources that facilitate exploitation of workers or the

Increased awareness of my own strengths and areas for growth

Undertaken new challenges
Planned and initiated activities
Worked collaboratively with others
Shown perseverance and commitment
Engages with issues of global importance
Considered the ethical implications of my actions
Developed new skills


By submitting this form you are declaring that the reflection and evidence in this CAS activity
meet the IB Academic Honesty guidelines.

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