United States v. Cutter, 313 F.3d 1, 1st Cir. (2002)

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313 F.

3d 1


Lionel CUTTER, Plaintiff, Appellant.
No. 01-1807.

United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit.

Heard March 4, 2002.
Decided December 10, 2002.

Jonathan R. Saxe, Assistant Federal Public Defender, Federal Defender

Office, for appellant.
Mark E. Howard, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom Thomas
P. Colantuono, United States Attorney, and Donald Feith, Assistant
United States Attorney, were on brief, for appellee.
Before LYNCH, Circuit Judge, CAMPBELL and MAGILL,* Senior
Circuit Judges.
CAMPBELL, Senior Circuit Judge.

Lionel Cutter ("Cutter") appeals from his conviction and his 20-month sentence
in the district court for concealing assets and making a false oath in bankruptcy.
18 U.S.C. 152(1)-(2) (2000). Cutter also appeals from a $21,000 restitution
award to his niece, Adele Bailey ("Bailey"), ordered by the district court. While
we affirm his conviction and sentence, we reverse the district court's restitution
I. Background

Cutter's conviction for making a false oath in bankruptcy and concealing assets
stemmed from statements he made in his bankruptcy petition, and during
subsequent bankruptcy proceedings, to the effect that he had sold his home to
his niece, Bailey, for $40,000.

In the summer of 1996, to satisfy several outstanding debts, including

In the summer of 1996, to satisfy several outstanding debts, including

approximately $36,000 in taxes and interest owed the Internal Revenue Service
("IRS"), Cutter placed his home on the market. At the same time, his twenty
year old niece, Bailey, was preparing to receive $72,500 in settlement of
injuries received in a car accident. Cutter agreed to sell his home to Bailey. To
prepare the necessary paperwork, Cutter hired Attorney Craig Evans ("Evans"
or "Attorney Evans"). Cutter informed Evans that the house, which had earlier
been listed for $95,000 (and was ultimately appraised for the bankruptcy court
at $102,000), was sold to Bailey for $40,000.

On November 1, 1996, the closing date for the sale of the house, Cutter
instructed Bailey to prepare and deliver a check for $40,000 to Franklin Savings
Bank which held a $26,000 mortgage on the home. She complied. Bailey, who
understood the sale price to be $72,000, also provided Cutter personally with a
check for an additional $30,000. Cutter, who had since negotiated a settlement
with the IRS, returned the $30,000 check to Bailey, telling her to instead
prepare a check for $18,000 made payable to the IRS. According to Bailey,
Cutter also instructed her to pay him $12,000 in cash in two lump-sum
payments of $6,000 over a period of several weeks. Bailey's bank records show
that on two separate occasions in November 1996 she withdrew $6,000 in cash,
and Bailey testified that she made these cash payments to Cutter. Cutter
steadfastly denied that he received an additional $12,000 from Bailey. In
consideration for the home, Bailey also paid $2,250 in outstanding property

On March 20, 1997, Cutter filed for bankruptcy. The bankruptcy petition was
prepared by Attorney Evans, the same attorney who prepared the real estate
documents for the sale of Cutter's home. In the Statement of Financial Affairs,
Evans reported that Cutter had transferred his home on November 1, 1996, for
$40,000 to his niece Bailey. On the same page listing the sale price of his
home, Cutter signed his name under the statement: "I declare under the penalty
of perjury that I have read the answers contained in the foregoing statement of
financial affairs and any attachments thereto and that they are true and correct."

At the section 341 meeting, 1 Attorney Timothy Smith ("Attorney Smith"), the
appointed trustee for the bankruptcy estate, questioned Cutter about the transfer
of his home to his niece. Under oath, Cutter reported to Attorney Smith that the
house was sold for $40,000 and that "[$]26,000 went to pay the mortgage, and
we put the money with the remainder of the money to pay the IRS."

Because it appeared that the house had been sold for less than its full value,
Attorney Smith instituted a fraudulent conveyance action against Bailey to

recover the property for the benefit of the creditors.2 To prepare for the action,
the estate, through Attorney Michael Askenaizer ("Attorney Askenaizer"),
conducted a Rule 2004 examination in which Cutter testified. Attorney
Askenaizer asked Cutter if the house was sold for $40,000, to which Cutter
replied "yes and no." Cutter explained that the price included $40,000 plus
Cutter's outstanding IRS taxes and property tax. The disclosure of these
additional amounts raised the disclosed sale price to approximately $60,000. To
support the revised sale price, Bailey, through Attorney Evans, submitted an
affidavit to the court averring that she had bought the house for $58,000.

The estate and Bailey settled the fraudulent conveyance action. Bailey agreed
to pay the estate $20,000. To do so, she was forced to sell the house. The house,
appraised for the bankruptcy court at approximately $102,000, sold for

On September 28, 2000, Cutter was indicted on one count of concealing assets
in a bankruptcy proceeding in violation of 18 U.S.C. 152(1) and one count of
making a false oath in bankruptcy in violation of 18 U.S.C. 152(2). 3 After a
two-day jury trial, the jury convicted Cutter under both counts. The district
court thereafter sentenced him to a 20-month imprisonment; and ordered him to
pay Bailey $21,000 in restitution $20,000 representing the amount she paid
to the bankruptcy estate and $1,000 to compensate her for attorney fees. This
appeal followed.
II. Discussion
A. Sufficiency of the Evidence


Cutter contends that there was insufficient evidence that he "knowingly" made
a false oath in bankruptcy.4 While Cutter concedes that he had sold his home
for more than the $40,000 he listed on his bankruptcy petition, he contends he
was unaware the bankruptcy petition was inaccurate. He argues that Attorney
Evans' testimony shows his lack of awareness and undercuts the government's
other evidence.


It is the jury's role, however, not that of appellate courts, to weigh the evidence.
Evans conceded that during the period he represented Cutter he was suffering
from severe depression that adversely affected his memory of events. Even at
face value, moreover, Evans' testimony was less helpful to Cutter then Cutter
now contends. His testimony did not unequivocally contradict the proposition
that Cutter had knowingly provided a false oath in the bankruptcy proceeding.

When asked on direct examination whether Cutter reviewed the petition prior to
signing it, Evans merely responded: "I don't have any recollection that he took
the form and went over it in any detail." Evans testified that when he prepared
the paperwork for the real estate transaction Cutter informed him the house had
sold for $40,000, a misrepresentation upon which Evans said he relied when
completing the bankruptcy petition. Evans' testimony did not explain the false
statements that Cutter provided at the section 341 meeting and during the Rule
2004 examination.

Viewed in the light most favorable to the prosecution, the evidence permitted a
rational jury to find that Cutter knowingly made a false oath in bankruptcy.
Jackson v. Virginia, 443 U.S. 307, 319, 99 S.Ct. 2781, 61 L.Ed.2d 560 (1979);
United States v. Woodward, 149 F.3d 46, 56 (1st Cir. 1998), cert. denied, 525
U.S. 1138, 119 S.Ct. 1026, 143 L.Ed.2d 37 (1999). When Cutter signed the
bankruptcy petition he represented, under the penalty of perjury, that all the
information was correct. His signature appears on the same page as, and just
below, the incorrect sales price. The transcript of the section 341 meeting
reveals that Cutter stated, under oath, that he had sold the house for $40,000,
and intimated that he used the proceeds remaining after payment of the
mortgage to pay his tax obligation to the IRS. It was not until the 2004
examination that Cutter admitted that Bailey had paid at least $60,000 for the
home $40,000 payment to Franklin Savings Bank, $18,000 to the IRS, and
property taxes in excess of $2,000. Even this statement by Cutter was incorrect.
The jury heard Bailey testify that she had paid $72,000 for the property
including two cash payments of $6,000 each made directly to Cutter. Bailey's
testimony was corroborated by her bank statements.5


As there was ample evidence from which the jury could conclude that Cutter
knowingly made a false oath in a bankruptcy proceeding in violation of 18
U.S.C. 152(2), we need not address Cutter's secondary argument that his
conviction for concealing assets must fall as well.
B. Base Level Offense Enhancement


Cutter is likewise unpersuasive that the district court erred when it enhanced his
sentence by four levels based on an intended loss calculation. See U.S.S.G.
2F1.1(b)(1)(E) (2001). A district court's findings of intended loss are reviewed
only for clear error. See United States v. Robbio, 186 F.3d 37, 43 (1st Cir.),
cert. denied, 528 U.S. 1056, 120 S.Ct. 602, 145 L.Ed.2d 500 (1999). We have
said that "a party dissatisfied with [a] sentencing court's quantification of the
amount of loss ... must go a long way to demonstrate clear error." United States
v. Rowe, 202 F.3d 37, 42 (1st Cir.2000) (internal quotations omitted).


In determining that the intended loss fell within the $20,000 to $40,000 range,
the district court offered three different rationales: (1) that the intended loss
was $32,000 the $72,000 that Bailey actually paid for the house minus the
$40,000 reported by Cutter on the bankruptcy petition; (2) that the intended
loss was the $20,000 Bailey paid into the bankruptcy estate plus her $1,000 in
attorneys fees; or (3) that the intended loss was the $12,000 paid in cash to
Cutter by Bailey, plus the approximately $14,000 in cash that Cutter and his
wife received after their mortgage was satisfied, plus the $943 that was held in
escrow and paid to the Cutters by the bank. In opposing the calculation, Cutter
insists that the intended loss was limited to $12,000 reflecting the cash
payment made from Bailey to Cutter.


We believe the district court's calculation of an intended loss between $20,000

and $40,000 was amply supported. The commentary to section 2F1.1 states that
the loss "need not be determined with precision[,] the court need only make a
reasonable estimate of the loss, given the available information." U.S.S.G.
2F1.1, cmt. n. 9; see also United States v. Blastos, 258 F.3d 25, 30 (1st


Loss is defined as the "value of the money, property, or services unlawfully

taken." U.S.S.G. 2F1.1, cmt. n. 8. Cutter concealed from the bankruptcy court
the receipt of approximately $32,000 when he stated in his petition, and at the
section 341 meeting, that he sold his home for only $40,000. See United States
v. Dolan, 120 F.3d 856, 870 (8th Cir.1997) (using value of assets concealed to
determine intended loss in bankruptcy fraud). This figure is not a great deal
higher than the approximately $28,000 that Cutter realized on the sale of his
house after deducting the sums used for the retirement of his mortgage,
payment of taxes, settlement with the IRS of back due taxes, and payment of
the Registry of Deeds fees. See United States v. Stein, 233 F.3d 6, 17 (1st
Cir.2000), cert. denied, 532 U.S. 943, 121 S.Ct. 1406, 149 L.Ed.2d 348 (2001)
(upholding an intended loss calculation based on the defendants' net gain over
the mortgage and expenses). Either way, the four-level enhancement stands.


Cutter contends that any loss calculation should not include the $18,000 paid to
the IRS or the over $2,000 that went to pay property taxes because that money
was used to pay creditors of the estate. Because the funds went to creditors of
the estate, he says he could not have intended a loss to the estate. Cutter
maintains that this court's decision in Rowe supports this proposition. 202 F.3d
at 42.


Cutter's argument is without merit. As already noted, the record supports an

intended loss greater than $20,000, even if one excludes the mortgage and

taxes. Even then, Cutter personally stood to net in excess of $20,000 by

concealing the buyer's total payment of $72,000 for the property. Rowe is not to
the contrary. In Rowe a district court's loss calculation was deemed erroneous
because the court's loss estimation "was inconsistent with the record and had no
discernible connection to the amounts that both the government ... and Rowe ...
had proposed." Id.
C. Restitution

Lastly, Cutter contends that the district court erred when it found that Adele
Bailey was a victim of Cutter's crime and ordered restitution to her in the
amount of $21,000 representing the $20,000 Bailey was required to pay to
the estate in settlement of its fraudulent conveyance action against her and the
$1,000 she paid to an attorney to represent her in that action. Restitution orders
are customarily reviewed for abuse of discretion, and the subsidiary findings of
fact for clear error. United States v. Paradis, 219 F.3d 22, 24 (1st Cir.2000);
United States v. Hensley, 91 F.3d 274, 277 (1st Cir.1996). To the extent that a
challenge to a restitution order hinges on a legal question, however, the
sentencing court's answer to that question is reviewed de novo. United States v.
Vaknin, 112 F.3d 579, 585 (1st Cir.1997).


For fraud offenses, such as the ones for which Cutter was convicted, the
Mandatory Victim Restitution Act ("MVRA"), 18 U.S.C. 3663A (2000),
governs restitution. See United States v. Richard, 234 F.3d 763, 770-71 (1st
Cir.2000). Section 3663A(a)(1) requires a district court to order a defendant to
make restitution to the victim, defined as any "person directly and proximately
harmed as a result of the commission of the offense for which restitution may
be ordered." 3663A(a)(2). The offenses here, "for which restitution may be
ordered," were concealing assets and making a false bankruptcy oath in
violation of 18 U.S.C. 152(1) and (2).


According to Cutter, Bailey is not a victim within the meaning of 3663A

because she was not directly and proximately harmed by the bankruptcy fraud
offenses for which he was convicted. Cutter explains that Bailey was required
to pay $20,000 to the estate because she had purchased the house for less than
fair value. Her liability to the estate did not depend on Cutter's having sworn
falsely on his bankruptcy petition to the $40,000 sale price nor did it stem from
his concealment of assets from the bankruptcy estate. According to Cutter, even
if he had correctly listed the sale price as $72,000, the sale to Bailey would still
have been for less than fair value and Bailey would and could have been
successfully sued in an adversary proceeding for a fraudulent conveyance and
forced to make up the difference. Conversely, had the concealed $72,000 sale

price represented the property's fair market value, Bailey would not have been
required to pay an additional sum to the estate even though Cutter had
misrepresented and concealed the true sale price. In short, the criminal conduct
for which Cutter was prosecuted and convicted was not the "cause" of Bailey's
$20,000 "loss" from settlement of the adversary proceeding.

This court emphasized the necessity for an adequate causal link between the
criminal offense and the loss in United States v. Vaknin, 112 F.3d 579 (1st Cir.
1997). While a different statute, the Victim and Witness Protection Act
("VWPA"), 18 U.S.C. 3663 (2000), was in issue in Vaknin, the causation
language of the MVRA is the same as that in the VWPA, making it appropriate
for us to turn to Vaknin for guidance here. 6 See United States v. Simmonds, 235
F.3d 826, 831 n. 2 (3d Cir.2000) (applying circuit precedent under VWPA to
interpretation of MVRA); United States v. Mancillas, 172 F.3d 341, 342 (5th
Cir.1999) (per curiam) (same). In Vaknin, we pronounced two "bedrock
principles" regarding restitution orders. 112 F.3d at 589. First, restitution
should not be ordered if the loss would have occurred regardless of the
defendant's misconduct underlying the offense of conviction. Second,
restitution is inappropriate if the conduct underlying the conviction is too far
removed, either factually or temporally, from the loss. From these principles,
we created the following causative standard:


This means, in effect, that the government must show not only that a particular
loss would not have occurred but for the conduct underlying the offense of
conviction, but also that the causal connection between the conduct and the loss
is not too attenuated (either factually or temporally). A sentencing court should
undertake an individualized inquiry: what constitutes sufficient causation can
only be determined case by case, in a fact-specific probe.


Id. at 589-90. This standard reflects the Supreme Court's pronouncement that
restitution awards are limited to "the loss caused by the specific conduct that is
the basis of the offense of conviction." Hughey v. United States, 495 U.S. 411,
413, 110 S.Ct. 1979, 109 L.Ed.2d 408 (1990) (interpreting the language "direct
and proximate cause" in the VWPA); see also Mancillas, 172 F.3d at 342
(finding Hughey applicable to the identical language in the MVRA).


As noted, Cutter argues that the government has failed to establish that, but for
the conduct underlying his conviction, Bailey would not have suffered a loss.
The government counters only that the evidence proved that the trustee initiated
the adversary proceeding against Bailey because of Cutter's false statement that
he sold his home for $40,000. The district court did not elaborate its own
reasons for describing Bailey as a victim and for awarding restitution to her.

Thus, it is not clear what facts the district court may have considered sufficient
to satisfy the causation standard.

Cutter's assertion that his misconduct underlying the offense of conviction was
not the "but-for cause" of Bailey's loss finds support in the testimony of
Attorney Smith, the bankruptcy estate trustee. When asked whether he would
have initiated an adversary proceeding if the bankruptcy petition had stated that
Bailey had bought the house for $72,000, Attorney Smith replied that he would
have initiated an adversary proceeding because the sale price of the house was
still below the appraised value of $102,000. According to Attorney Smith's
testimony, the appraised value "formed the basis of our settlement for the
$20,000 we ultimately recovered." During his testimony, Attorney Smith
emphasized that the provisions of 11 U.S.C. 548, allowing the bankruptcy
trustee to set aside a conveyance, are triggered if the property is sold for less
than fair value. The debtor need not have made a false oath or attempted to
conceal assets for the trustee to set aside the transfer.


The government presented no evidence countering Attorney Smith's testimony.

It argued at the sentencing hearing that Bailey was a victim of Cutter's
fraudulent conduct because "the trustee initiated an adversary proceeding in the
defendant's bankruptcy in order to recover [Cutter's home]" and "it was the
transfer of this property to Adele Bailey that was the focus of the defendant's
fraudulent acts." But while the transfer of the property from Cutter to Bailey
may have created the occasion for Cutter's false oath and concealment, the
latter acts were not necessary to establish Bailey's $20,000 liability to the
bankruptcy estate. To prevail in the fraudulent conveyance action, the trustee
only needed to show that Cutter in fact received less than fair value for the
property and that he was insolvent on the date he transferred the property to
Bailey. 11 U.S.C. 548(a)(1)(B)(i)-(ii). Thus, as Attorney Smith testified,
whether Cutter subsequently understated the correct sales price of his home in
his bankruptcy petition was immaterial to the trustee's initiation and settlement
for $20,000 of the fraudulent conveyance action against Bailey.


Given these facts, we cannot say that the government established that Bailey's
loss would not have occurred but for the conduct underlying the offense of
conviction. Vaknin, 112 F.3d at 589. Attorney Smith's testimony indicates that
Bailey would have been liable for the $20,000 regardless of Cutter's criminal
misconduct, and in any event, her liability was not dependent upon it. To be
sure, Attorney Smith testified that the factors that especially attracted his
attention, leading the trustee to file a fraudulent conveyance action, were the
low sales price listed in Cutter's bankruptcy petition (as contrasted with an
earlier $95,000 asking price) and the further fact that the house had been sold to

a relative. In the sense that the $40,000 sales price aroused the trustee's
suspicion, one might say that Cutter's criminal conduct bore some connection to
the fraudulent conveyance action brought against Bailey. But this linkage is far
too attenuated. Vaknin, 112 F.3d at 589-90. The basis for the trustee's $20,000
recovery from Bailey was the difference between the property's market value
in the neighborhood of $100,000 and the $72,000 purchase price paid by
Bailey. There is no evidence that Bailey was directly or proximately harmed by
Cutter's bankruptcy misrepresentation. We find, therefore, no basis for
awarding restitution to Bailey for the $20,000 she paid back to the estate or the
$1,000 she paid in attorney's fees. Bailey had, in fact, received property worth
more than she paid for it; her "loss" consisted of no more than paying back the
sum necessary to reimburse the bankruptcy estate for the fair market value of
what she received.

We realize that it may well be that Bailey, who was youthful and
inexperienced, was pushed into an inappropriate financial transaction by her
uncle, Cutter. Had Cutter been solvent, she would, of course, have benefitted by
receiving property at a bargain price. But given his insolvency, he could not sell
her the property at a discount. Because she lacked sufficient funds to pay the
full value of the property she ultimately had to sell it at a loss. But even
assuming Bailey was in some sense led down a primrose path by Cutter, her
loss was not due to the particular crimes of which Cutter was convicted the
false bankruptcy oath and concealment of assets. Section 3663A provides only
for restitution for the benefit of the victims of the specific crimes of which a
defendant is convicted, not for restitution on broad equitable principles for
other misleading or even fraudulent conduct.
III. Conclusion


Cutter's conviction and sentence is affirmed. The $21,000 restitution award is

reversed and the case is remanded for action consistent with this opinion.


Of the Eighth Circuit, sitting by designation

11 U.S.C. 341 (1993 & Supp. VIII) requires "within a reasonable time after
the order for relief ... the United States trustee shall convene and preside at a
meeting of creditors."

11 U.S.C. 548(a)(1)(B) (1993 & Supp. VIII) allows a trustee to avoid any

transfer in interest of the debtor that was made within one year of the filing of
the petition if the debtor "received less that reasonably equivalent value in
exchange for such transfer."

18 U.S.C. 152 provides:

A person who
(1) knowingly and fraudulently conceals from a custodian, trustee, marshal, or
other officer of the court charged with control or custody of property, or, in
connection with a case under Title 11 ... any property belonging to the estate of
a debtor;
(2) knowingly and fraudulently makes a false oath or account in or in relation to
any case under Title 11 ... shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more
than five years, or both.

To support a conviction for making a false oath in bankruptcy under 18 U.S.C.

152(2) the prosecution is required to establish (1) the existence of bankruptcy
proceedings; (2) that a false statement was made in the proceedings under
penalty of perjury; (3) as to a material fact; and (4) that the statement was
knowingly and fraudulently made. Cutter concedes that the $40,000 figure
listed on his petition was false; he contends, however, that he was unaware of
the error when he signed the petition

The facts of this case can easily be distinguished from those inUnited States v.
McCormick, 72 F.3d 1404 (9th Cir.1995), on which Cutter relies. In reversing
the defendant's conviction for bankruptcy fraud, the Ninth Circuit noted that
Tracey, the wife of the primary debtor, was not involved in the preparation of
the petition. Here, Cutter provided the incorrect sales figure used on the
petition. In addition, Tracey's signature did not appear on the bankruptcy
schedule where the omitted bank account should have been listed. In contrast,
Cutter's signature is on the same page as the false information. Finally, there
was uncontradicted testimony that Tracey did not read the petition prior to
signing it. There is no such evidence here.

We recognize thatVaknin was interpreting the pre-1990 version of the VWPA

that only allowed a district court to order restitution if an individual was
directly and proximately harmed by the offense of conviction. Congress
amended the VWPA in 1990 to provide that a victim also included "any person
directly harmed by the defendant's criminal conduct in the course of the
scheme, conspiracy, or pattern" if the offense "involves as an element a

scheme, conspiracy, or pattern of criminal activity." Thus, "the outer limits of a

VWPA 3663(a)(2) restitution order encompass all direct harm from the
criminal conduct of the defendant which was within any scheme, conspiracy, or
pattern of activity that was an element of any offense of conviction." United
States v. Hensley, 91 F.3d 274, 276 (1st Cir.1996). Because the offense at issue
here does not involve as an element a conspiracy or pattern of criminal activity,
we are not concerned with this aspect of the definition of victim. The issue here
is whether Bailey was directly and proximately harmed by the offense of
conviction. To address this question, Vaknin remains an appropriate guide.

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