United States v. Castellini, 392 F.3d 35, 1st Cir. (2004)

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392 F.

3d 35

UNITED STATES of America, Appellee,

Richard CASTELLINI, Defendant, Appellant.
No. 03-2252.

United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit.

Heard November 4, 2004.
Decided December 15, 2004.

COPYRIGHT MATERIAL OMITTED James C. Rehnquist, with whom

Sarah Heaton Concannon and Goodwin Procter LLP were on brief, for
Allison D. Burroughs, Assistant United States Attorney, with whom
Michael J. Sullivan, United States Attorney, was on brief, for appellee.
Before SELYA, Circuit Judge, STAHL, Senior Circuit Judge, and
LYNCH, Circuit Judge.
LYNCH, Circuit Judge.

Richard Castellini ("Castellini"), a married man with three children and no prior
criminal record, was convicted of the crime of money laundering the proceeds
of a bankruptcy fraud and conspiracy to money launder. 18 U.S.C. 1956(a)
(3), (c)(7)(D), (h). In fact, the fraud was part of a sting operation by the
government which ensnared at least six people. All were associated with
Anderson Ark and Associates ("AAA"), a Costa Rican company which moved
money offshore through trusts in several countries before returning the
"cleansed" (but diminished) funds to investors.

At trial, Castellini testified and portrayed himself as an innocent and naive

dupe, not a criminal, who was misled by Richard Gonet ("Gonet"), the architect
of the money laundering scheme and chief malefactor. In fact, Castellini
testified that he had been victimized by AAA and Gonet, who fleeced him of
his own money. It was Gonet who introduced Castellini to his troubled friend
"Jim Mitchell," and asked him to do two financial transactions for Mitchell.

Unfortunately for Castellini, "Mitchell" was in fact James Dowling ("Dowling"

or "Agent Dowling"), an undercover agent in a sting operation mounted by the
Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") against Gonet.

The two financial transactions Castellini was asked to, and did in fact, engineer
involved multiple offshore transfers of Mitchell's money; Mitchell told
Castellini the monies were being hidden from the bankruptcy court.

Castellini was tried alone. Gonet pled guilty (but did not testify for the
government). A properly instructed jury found that Castellini had engaged in
money laundering by conducting financial transactions involving property
represented to be the proceeds of "specified unlawful activity," "with the
intent... to conceal ... the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of
property believed to be the proceeds of specified unlawful activity." 18 U.S.C.

On appeal, Castellini attacks his conviction and sentence. 1 First, he argues that
the guilty verdicts on Counts One (for conspiracy to launder), Five, and Six (for
the two instances of actual laundering) should be reversed for insufficiency of
evidence. Second, he argues that he is entitled to a new trial for errors in the
admission of coconspirator statements not meeting the requirements of United
States v. Petrozziello, 548 F.2d 20, 22-24 (1st Cir.1977).

The insufficiency argument is premised on the correct principle that the

"proceeds" used for money laundering must be "proceeds" from a different
illegal activity than the illegal activity of money laundering itself. United States
v. Mankarious, 151 F.3d 694, 705 (7th Cir.1998). The argument is that the
agent did not explicitly or implicitly "represent" that the money Castellini
laundered was the proceeds of a specified "unlawful activity," but rather left
Castellini with the sense that at most he was helping in the commission of a
bankruptcy fraud, not that he was laundering the money derived from an
ongoing bankruptcy fraud. While skillfully presented, existing case law dooms
the argument. The Petrozziello arguments are also far from frivolous; but they,
too, do not prevail, because the statements were admissible on other grounds or
their admission was harmless.

Castellini was sentenced to twenty-one months' imprisonment; he was not

ordered to pay a fine. Castellini attacks this sentence. He argues that the district
court wrongly concluded that it did not have authority to consider granting him
a downward departure for aberrant conduct. The record reflects that the district
court knew it had the authority but did not think Castellini qualified to receive

the reduction given that more than one transaction was involved. We have no
jurisdiction to review that determination. Castellini also argues for the first time
on appeal that his sentence violated Blakely v. Washington, ___ U.S. ___, 124
S.Ct. 2531, 159 L.Ed.2d 403 (2004). We reject that challenge because there
was no plain error.

We set out the facts in the light most favorable to the jury's verdict. United
States v. Glaum, 356 F.3d 169, 172 (1st Cir.2004).

This case involves one of two prosecutions of the leaders of and persons
associated with AAA.2 AAA is a Costa Rican company which was the central
marketing instrumentality for money laundering schemes to move the proceeds
of illegal activity out of the United States via entities such as offshore trusts and
then to repatriate such funds back to the United States so as to make the
proceeds appear to be from legitimate sources. The conspiracy involved
individuals spanning the continent from California to Massachusetts and from
Washington to Costa Rica.


In December of 1998, after months of investigations, the Criminal Investigation

Division of the IRS began a sting operation targeted at Michael Gonet, a
Massachusetts resident who had been promoting and marketing offshore trusts.
Gonet did not work for AAA but ended up leading the sting operation to the
leaders of AAA.


Agent Dowling first contacted Gonet by telephone on December 18, 1998. As

"Jim Mitchell," Agent Dowling told Gonet a cover story that he ran a company
named Pyramid Financial and owned three Burger King restaurants in the
Phoenix, Arizona area. He said he had been sued for sexual harassment and
was at risk of being forced into personal and corporate bankruptcy. As a result,
he said he wanted to conceal some of his assets, namely, $100,000 in cash in a
safe deposit box and $300,000 in a corporate bank account, from the
bankruptcy court. Agent Dowling asked Gonet for help in concealing the funds
from the bankruptcy court.3 Gonet responded affirmatively. Dowling then
asked, as a way to move the money, whether Gonet, who had a company in the
Bahamas, could "send [Dowling] invoices and [Dowling] could pay the
invoices." Gonet told Dowling that this was possible. In a second phone call on
December 30, 1998, Gonet and Agent Dowling discussed in some detail how
they might move the funds. Gonet told Dowling, "I have a [consulting]
company that I can bill it through, you know, however much you want me to
bill it."


On January 22, 1999, Gonet and Agent Dowling met in person for the first
time. Agent Dowling gave Gonet $60,000 in cash, which he told Gonet he
wanted to conceal from the bankruptcy court. Gonet moved the cash in
installments to an offshore trust account and then back to an undercover bank
account designated by Dowling at LaSalle Bank in Chicago in the name of
Century Marketing. Gonet kept $9,000 as his fee for assisting Dowling.
Castellini visibly entered the picture around March 11 or 12, 1999.


Castellini testified that he first met Gonet in 1997, when Gonet tried to sell
Castellini an offshore trust. Castellini explained to Gonet that he already had the
use of an offshore structure through a complex business organization ("CBO")
set up for him by AAA. Castellini had been involved with AAA since 1996,
when he began to buy tapes and attend seminars offered by AAA purporting to
teach strategies for minimizing taxes. In 1997, as a way to reduce taxes from
his own business, Castellini paid $28,000 to have the CBO set up for him by
the head of AAA, Anderson, and AAA's head accountant, Drummer, an
unindicted coconspirator who also became Castellini's accountant. In late 1997,
in accordance with Drummer's advice, Castellini moved about $175,000 of his
own money, listed as a bogus "management fee," through the CBO in order to
reduce his taxes. For this service, AAA charged him a 5% fee. These were the
only times that Castellini used the CBO prior to his involvement in the
activities in this case. Castellini also invested in various schemes offered by
AAA members, but he lost money on all of them.


Castellini testified that Gonet called him on either March 11 or March 12, 1999,
to ask him whether he still had his CBO and whether a third party would be
allowed to use it. Gonet also explained Dowling's situation to Castellini. After
Castellini consulted Drummer, he called Gonet back on March 15, 1999, and
told Gonet that it was okay to use his CBO for somebody else's money.


Gonet and Agent Dowling spoke twice on March 16, 1999. Gonet told Dowling
that he did not have the ability to move the money in the corporate bank
account and he was concerned about the paper trail. Gonet did suggest to
Dowling a way that the funds could be moved. He explained that he knew of a
management company that could generate an invoice for non-existent
"management consult[ing]" work. After Dowling paid the invoice with a check
drawn on his corporate bank account, "the management company [would] take
the funds, deposit them, and then move the funds offshore, and then ultimately
back to wherever [Dowling] want[s] them." Gonet explained that the
management company could move anything over $175,000 and still raise no
suspicion for the high amount charged on the invoice because it did "this as a
matter of business on a daily basis." Gonet said that the management company,

a "Nevada corporation ... connected with a huge offshore conglomerate," would

charge a fee of 25% of the funds moved in this way, and that Gonet's own fee
would come out of that 25%. Gonet also assured Dowling that there would be
no problems if the bankruptcy court questioned the management company
because "they deal with this everyday. It's not like they're coming up with a ...
new defense.... They do it all the time."

Two days later, on March 18, 1999, Gonet and Dowling met in Florida. During
this meeting, which was videotaped, Dowling gave Gonet another $40,000 in
cash for Dowling to move offshore and then back into the LaSalle Bank
account as before. Gonet also agreed to see if someone from the management
company would speak with Agent Dowling directly about moving the funds in
his corporate bank account.


On March 29, 1999, Gonet called Castellini, explained Dowling's situation in

more detail, and asked Castellini to help Dowling move his money. Gonet in
turn told Agent Dowling to expect a call from someone in the management
company which they had been discussing.


The next day, Castellini called Agent Dowling and told him that Gonet had
explained his situation to him. Castellini said that he could help Agent Dowling
to retain control of and hide from the bankruptcy court the $300,000 in the
corporate bank account by using Castellini's management company, RLC
Management. RLC Management is a Nevada company which Castellini
controlled as part of his CBO. Castellini suggested that Agent Dowling give
RLC Management checks drawn on Pyramid Financial's corporate account;
RLC Management would then move the funds through its "majority
shareholder," a domestic trust, offshore into a foreign trust, and thence through
a series of offshore bank accounts under Castellini's and Gonet's direction until
the funds were deposited back in the United States into a bank account
controlled by Agent Dowling. (Castellini later explained that RLC Management
is actually a Nevada partnership, and the domestic trust is a 99% partner in the
partnership.) Castellini told Dowling that this whole structure was set up by "an
attorney and a former IRS Agent" as a way to use "the laws that are in place to
the fullest extent." Agent Dowling asked Castellini, "[H]ow do I get [the
money offshore] back then?" Castellini responded, "[T]here's different vehicles
for you to use [such as] ... business corporations ... or... trusts." Castellini also
said, "[A]s far as you getting use of the funds afterwards, you ... talk to Mike on
[sic] that regard."


Consistent with what Gonet had said earlier, Castellini said he would invoice
Pyramid Financial, Agent Dowling's company, for bogus "management ...

consulting fee[s]" so that the check would look like a "legitimate ... business
expense" even though no consulting work would be done for Dowling. Agent
Dowling asked Castellini, "[A]ll I do is just don't tell anyone about the
transaction then?" Castellini replied, "[A]s far as you know, you hired us to do
some consulting.... [A]s the rest of it goes, you don't ... know anything."
Castellini told Dowling that he should not "tell the attorney" about the
transaction because then Dowling would be told by the bankruptcy counsel to
list the funds on the bankruptcy petition. Castellini confirmed that he could
handle transactions between $175,000 and $200,000, and that the fee would be
25%, with Castellini taking care of Gonet's share. Agent Dowling consented to
the "pretty steep" fee.

Castellini urged Dowling to delay the bankruptcy filing as long as possible

because the trustee looks "pretty heavily" at transactions during the "last 90
days" and they did not want to "raise a red flag." In order to lessen the
likelihood that the bogus transaction would be scrutinized, Castellini suggested
that the invoices be backdated to February and advised Dowling to backdate the
checks to RLC to be from the same time as the most recent group of checks he
had written subsequent to the invoice date so that the false checks would not
"stick out like a sore thumb." Castellini also offered to generate some
"paperwork," such as a management report or proposal, as supporting
documentation for the false invoices.


When Agent Dowling said he was a little "nervous" about the transactions
because his attorney might, as he had in the past, "jump[ ] up and down about,
you know, bankruptcy fraud," Castellini told him, "[Y]ou're not committing...
fraud if you hire a company to come in and ... provide a service." But Castellini
also acknowledged that no services would actually be provided. Agent Dowling
asked Castellini, "[T]he only one knows [sic] about the `service' will be you
and me[?]" Castellini replied, "Right. They don't know, they don't have to know
what happened to it." Agent Dowling asked Castellini, "[H]ave you ever done
this before?" Castellini replied, "I've never had anyone come back and ask....
[I]t's never been questioned."


On April 8, 1999, Castellini called Dowling to initiate their plan, or, in his
words, "do that invoice thing." Castellini told Dowling that he would make out
an invoice in the amount of $30,000 dated February 1, 1999, and instructed
Dowling to write out a check dated the same as the last time in February when
Dowling thought he wrote out other checks. This invoice was sent on April 20,


On April 29, 1999, Castellini and Agent Dowling met at a restaurant in New


Jersey, where Dowling gave Castellini a check for $30,000, dated February 8,
1999, and made out to RLC Management, in "payment" for the false consulting
invoice Castellini had sent to Agent Dowling. After a two-hour lunch, the two
engaged in the following conversation to justify the false invoice:


Agent Dowling: So, and on this thing here, you've chosen 25 percent. Is there
anything, if something ever happens, you'll be on my team, and that's what the
25 percent That's kind of high.


Castellini: If something ever happens, whatever happens, they call me. And I
can verify that we consulted. I mean, it's as simple as that. I'm not hiding
anything. Did you and I just consult over business ventures and strategies?


Agent Dowling: We've been talking [sic] hiding my money.


Castellini: Did we discuss business strategies?


Agent Dowling: Sure.


Castellini: Yes. We're not lying, are we? Hiding your money is a business
strategy, isn't it?


Agent Dowling: You've got a point. That's a great point.


Castellini deposited the $30,000 check into the RLC Management account and
then transferred the money to the account of Sawtooth Enterprises, another
AAA account available to Castellini. From the Sawtooth account, the funds
minus the 25% fee for Castellini and Gonet moved through banks in Vienna,
Austria, Costa Rica, the Isle of Man, the Bahamas, and ultimately, back to
Agent Dowling's Century Market account in LaSalle Bank, Chicago. Castellini
and Gonet both took part in directing the money transfers, and some of the
accounts belonged to Gonet.


A few days later, during a telephone conversation on May 4, 1999, Castellini

told Dowling that he had made up another false invoice for $170,000 dated
March 15, 1999, which he was going to send out to Dowling. He asked
Dowling to "trash the envelope" when he got the invoice because "it will have a
postmark [much later than the false date of the invoice] on it and stuff like
that." Agent Dowling did receive such an invoice. However, due to a
conversation that Dowling later had with Castellini's accountant, Drummer,

nothing further was done with this false invoice.


In September of 1999, Castellini sent Dowling another invoice for "consulting

services" backdated July 30, 1999, for $30,000, and Agent Dowling made out a
check in that amount, backdated July 31, 1999, to RLC Management.4 The
money went on the same world-wide tour as the first $30,000. Ultimately,
$22,500, representing the balance after the 25% fee, was deposited in the
Century Market account.


Having himself successfully transferred $60,000 for Dowling, Castellini

referred Dowling to Richard Marks ("Marks"), another coconspirator ultimately
indicted along with Castellini, for further money transfers. Marks controlled
Sawtooth Enterprises, which was one of the entities through which the $60,000
Castellini helped Dowling hide had moved. During a telephone conversation on
October 18, 1999, Castellini told Dowling that he would "give Richard [Marks]
the whole overview of what your situation is and, you know, what we've done
so far." On November 1, 1999, Castellini told Dowling that Marks had agreed
to speak with Dowling directly.


Thereafter, Marks helped Agent Dowling hide $150,000 before referring Agent
Dowling to Wayne Anderson. Wayne Anderson was the brother of Keith
Anderson, and was himself also a leader in AAA. Ultimately, Wayne Anderson
helped Dowling hide $100,000.


In late 2000, Pyramid Financial, Agent Dowling's fictitious company, filed its
bankruptcy petition (the bankruptcy court was informed ahead of time that the
petition was fictitious and the petition was ultimately dismissed). Agent
Dowling and another IRS agent posing as his fiancee met Castellini and his
wife in February 2001 to let Castellini know that bankruptcy had been filed and
"to thank him for his help." Eight days after this dinner meeting, Castellini was


Castellini testified that he made no money from the transactions he conducted

for Dowling because, out of the 25% fee, Gonet took 15% and left 5% each for
AAA and Castellini, but AAA refused to send Castellini his share.


On March 29, 2001, a federal grand jury in the District of Massachusetts

indicted Richard Castellini and codefendants Keith Anderson, Wayne
Anderson, Karolyn Grosnickle, Richard Marks, and Michael Gonet.5 Count

One of the indictment charged Castellini with conspiracy to launder money in

violation of 18 U.S.C. 1956(h); Counts Five and Six charged Castellini with
money laundering in violation of 18 U.S.C. 1956(a)(3) based on the two
separate $30,000 transactions. All of the charges were premised on the fictional
"specified unlawful activity" of bankruptcy fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C.
152.6 The relevant portion of the "money laundering sting" statute, 18 U.S.C.
1956(a)(3), provides that:

Whoever, with the intent


(A) to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity; [or]


(B) to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of

property believed to be the proceeds of specified unlawful activity;




conducts or attempts to conduct a financial transaction involving property

represented to be the proceeds of specified unlawful activity ... shall be fined
under this title or imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both. For purposes
of this paragraph ..., the term "represented" means any representation made by
a law enforcement officer or by another person at the direction of, or with the
approval of, a Federal official authorized to investigate or prosecute violations
of this section.


Castellini's jury trial began on July 8, 2002. The government elected to proceed
only on Counts One, Five, and Six. The trial lasted seven days.


During trial, the government played excerpts of twenty-three recorded

conversations between Agent Dowling and members of the conspiracy. Of
these, five conversations were with Gonet, thirteen were with Castellini, four
were with Marks, and the last one was with Grosnickle. One of the
conversations involving Gonet was the March 18, 1999 meeting in a Florida
hotel room between Agent Dowling and Gonet, and the government played a
videotape recording of the meeting.


At the outset of the government's case, the district court allowed the defense to
lodge a continuing hearsay objection to the admission of each of these
recordings of conversations between Agent Dowling and the alleged
coconspirators. The defense renewed this objection on the third day of the trial.

The objections were overruled by the trial court but preserved for appeal. The
defense also moved for a mistrial on the basis of the admission of this evidence
after the government rested, at the close of all the evidence, and after the
verdict. These motions were denied.

On July 19, 2002, the jury found Castellini guilty on all three counts. At his
August 12, 2003 sentencing hearing, Castellini moved for a downward
departure for "aberrant behavior" under U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual
5K2.20. Castellini argued that the charged conduct was an "eight-month lapse
in a 38-year life of good citizenship." The district court denied the motion,
saying, "I think that this is a departure in terms of his behavior. You know, that
eight-month period... is like a black hole in an otherwise reasonable life. But I
don't believe that it adds up to the downward departure that you are talking
about." The court sentenced Castellini to twenty-one months' imprisonment but
did not impose a fine and stayed Castellini's sentence pending appeal.


Castellini timely filed his notice of appeal on August 19, 2003.


We address in turn each of Castellini's claims on appeal.

A. Sufficiency of the evidence


On challenges to sufficiency of the evidence, we take all the evidence and

inferences in the light most favorable to the verdict and ask whether a rational
factfinder could find, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the prosecution
successfully proved the essential elements of the crime. Jackson v. Virginia,
443 U.S. 307, 319, 99 S.Ct. 2781, 61 L.Ed.2d 560 (1979); United States v.
O'Brien, 14 F.3d 703, 706 (1st Cir.1994).


The essential elements of the money laundering sting statute are:


Whoever, with the intent


(A) to promote the carrying on of specified unlawful activity; [or]


(B) to conceal or disguise the nature, location, source, ownership, or control of

property believed to be the proceeds of specified unlawful activity;






conducts or attempts to conduct a financial transaction involving property

represented to be the proceeds of specified unlawful activity ... shall be fined
under this title or imprisoned for not more than 20 years, or both.


18 U.S.C. 1956(a)(3) (emphasis added). The statute further defines the term
"represented" as "any representation made by a law enforcement officer or by
another person at the direction of, or with the approval of, a Federal official
authorized to investigate or prosecute violations of this section." Id.


A money laundering defendant must act with a certain type of intent. One sort
of requisite intent is the intent to "conceal... the nature, location, source,
ownership, or control of property believed to be the proceeds of specified
unlawful activity." Id. (emphasis added). The intent requirement is bolstered by
the requirement that the financial transactions in question must involve
"property represented to be the proceeds of specified unlawful activity." Id.
(emphasis added).


On first read, it might seem odd to refer to money laundering of "proceeds"

from a bankruptcy fraud. After all, bankruptcy fraud involves hiding the
debtor's own money from the bankruptcy court, and unlike other types of fraud
does not involve wrongfully taking money ("proceeds") from others by
deception. Proceeds are usually defined as "[t]he value of land, goods, or
investments when converted into money" or "the amount of money received
from a sale." Black's Law Dictionary 1242 (8th ed.2004). Nonetheless,
Congress expressly included bankruptcy fraud as one of the predicate crimes
producing "proceeds" which could be money laundered. 18 U.S.C. 1956(c)(7)
(D). It is not difficult to think of bankruptcy fraud in terms similar to the other
types of fraud money which is hidden from the bankruptcy court is, in a
sense, taken from the creditors. In any event, the case law as well as the statute
establishes that bankruptcy fraud can produce "proceeds." See United States v.
Richard, 234 F.3d 763, 770 (1st Cir.2000). The "sting" portion of the money
laundering statute means that the "proceeds" can be part of a fiction the
government creates.


Castellini argues that the agent never represented the money to be the proceeds
of unlawful activity, and so no rational jury could conclude that element of the
crime was proven. The argument is based on the general rule that the money
laundering statute is meant to punish a separate offense from the underlying
"specified unlawful activity," and thus, it criminalizes separate financial
transactions involving the funds derived from such illegal activity. See United

States v. Mankarious, 151 F.3d 694, 705 (7th Cir.1998) ("Money laundering
requires proceeds of a discrete predicate crime. That predicate crime must have
produced proceeds in acts distinct from the conduct that constitutes money
laundering."); United States v. LeBlanc, 24 F.3d 340, 346 (1st Cir.1994)
(Money laundering is a "separate crime distinct from the underlying offense
that generated the money.").

In the analogous context of 18 U.S.C. 1957, which criminalizes money

laundering of "criminally derived property of a value greater than $10,000 and
is derived from specified unlawful activity,"7 1957(a), we have reversed
convictions when the government did not prove that the money involved in the
alleged laundering transactions was the proceeds of a separate specified
unlawful activity. See United States v. Carucci, 364 F.3d 339, 345-46 (1st
Cir.2004) (conviction under 18 U.S.C. 1957 cannot be upheld because
government failed to introduce sufficient evidence to allow a rational jury to
conclude that defendant laundered money which was "proceeds" from
gambling, extortion, or drug trafficking, the underlying specified unlawful


The two issues of the agent's representation and the nature of the proceeds are
connected. We understand Castellini to argue that if the representations had
been nothing more than that the agent wanted Castellini to take property and
hide it from the bankruptcy court, then that would not be a representation that
property was the "proceeds" of bankruptcy fraud. Castellini argues that the
representation then would be only about property, the concealment of which
constituted the bankruptcy fraud, but not about property which was itself the
proceeds of bankruptcy fraud.


Castellini supports his position with two types of arguments. First, he argues
that all of Agent Dowling's representations were that the funds were from
legitimate business activities, and Castellini had no reason to infer otherwise.
He cites the rule that the government must at least prove "that an enforcement
officer or authorized person made the defendant aware of circumstances from
which a reasonable person would infer that the property was [illegal] proceeds."
United States v. Kaufmann, 985 F.2d 884, 893 (7th Cir.1993). The government
agent need not expressly state that the funds are proceeds of illegal activity if
that is the natural inference to be drawn. See, e.g., United States v. Puche, 350
F.3d 1137, 1143 (11th Cir.2003); United States v. Jensen, 69 F.3d 906, 911
(8th Cir.1995); see also Kaufmann, 985 F.2d at 893-94 (agent's representation
to defendant that the purchaser was a marijuana dealer, interested only in
paying cash for a car, and wanted the car to be registered in another person's
name was sufficient to satisfy the "represented" and "proceeds" elements of

money laundering even absent express statements that the cash was drug
proceeds); United States v. Marbelt, 129 F.Supp.2d 49, 54 (D.Mass.2000)
(representation need only be specific enough to lead reasonable person in
defendant's position to infer funds derived from specified unlawful activity).

Castellini has a second argument as well. He argues that he could not have
violated the bankruptcy fraud statute because the statute criminalizes the act of
(not merely the intention of) transferring or concealing funds, and at the time
Agent Dowling gave Castellini money, there had been no specified unlawful
activity which produced the requisite proceeds of an illegal activity for money
laundering. In other words, Castellini argues, his actions were nothing more
than aiding and abetting the commission of the underlying bankruptcy fraud;
those actions could not simultaneously have constituted money laundering.


We start with the representations argument. A "representation" is "the

manifestation to another that a fact... exists." Black's Law Dictionary 1327 (8th
ed.2004). It is true that the initial representation made was that Agent Dowling
wanted to hide from the bankruptcy court his legitimately earned money.
Specifically, that Castellini would receive the money in a legitimate manner.
Agent Dowling approached Castellini and said that he had a successful business
and wanted Castellini to help him hide money from the bankruptcy court; and
then gave the money to Castellini to hide from the bankruptcy court, itself a


Agent Dowling's representations also went far beyond the initial transfer of
money to an agreement that there would be a series of steps taken after
Castellini received the funds. The steps discussed in the conversations were
classic money laundering. In their conversations, Castellini described to Agent
Dowling in detail the steps that would be taken to siphon the funds offshore
and move them around before they would be made available again to Agent
Dowling. Dowling represented that this was acceptable. Castellini explained the
division of work between himself and Gonet in the scheme, and the fee that he
and Gonet would charge. Dowling represented that he understood and agreed to
the scheme and the "pretty steep" fee.


Indeed, the evidence shows that Castellini did conclude, from the
representations, that he would be handling the proceeds of an illegal activity.
For example, Castellini acknowledged to Agent Dowling, within their first
conversation, that exchanging a check for a false invoice while providing no
actual consulting service would be fraud. Castellini told Agent Dowling that the
money Dowling was going to give to Castellini would not have to be listed in
the bankruptcy petition because "[o]nce you give it to me, it's no longer yours."

Furthermore, in a later conversation on June 25, 1999, Castellini demonstrated

his awareness that he was handling "tainted money" by telling Agent Dowling,
"[Y]ou're not going to use the word `laundering' are you? ... It just makes it
sound so dirty. I mean, but what we do ."

Secondly, Castellini argues that even if he transferred funds around the world,
what he did was simply aiding and abetting bankruptcy fraud and could not
simultaneously be money laundering. The argument has some attraction,
particularly in light of the doctrine, broadly stated, that money laundering
requires there to be proceeds of illegal activity and cannot be the same as the
illegal activity which produces the proceeds. The money laundering statutes
"interdict only the financial transactions..., not the anterior criminal conduct
that yielded the funds allegedly laundered." United States v. Cabrales, 524 U.S.
1, 1, 118 S.Ct. 1772, 141 L.Ed.2d 1 (1998); see also Mankarious, 151 F.3d at
704 ("A money launderer must obtain proceeds before laundering can take
place.") (emphasis in original). Castellini relies on the fact that the indictment's
allegations can be read to mean that Agent Dowling's delivery of the two
$30,000 checks to him initiated the money laundering, from which Castellini
argues that it is a logical necessity that the same acts "cannot simultaneously
have completed the underlying bankruptcy fraud necessary for money
laundering to have occurred."8


Castellini uses the concept of non-simultaneity. The concept, though, hides a

distinction, one which was pointed out in Mankarious. The strict emphasis on
time should not obscure the real principle of these cases. It is not a requirement
that the underlying crime must be fully completed before any money laundering
can begin. It is simply that the non-simultaneity principle means that "money
laundering criminalizes a transaction in proceeds, not the transaction that
creates the proceeds." Mankarious, 151 F.3d at 705. The cases cited by
Castellini stand for the rule "that the predicate offenses must produce proceeds
before anyone can launder those proceeds," but that does not require the two
crimes involved to be entirely separate in time. Id.


"Proceeds" of an illegal activity may be created before the completion of an

underlying on-going crime. Id. Here, "proceeds" of bankruptcy fraud were
created as of the time Castellini accepted the checks from the agent in order to
hide them from the bankruptcy court. There are variations on the theme. Some
types of fraud, like bank and wire fraud, usually create proceeds only on
execution of the first scheme, while mail fraud can create proceeds before a
mailing takes place. Id. Similarly, the first of multiple efforts to hide a series of
assets from the bankruptcy court may create proceeds of illegal activity. See
Richard, 234 F.3d at 770 (proceeds laundered in money laundering may result

from "a completed phase of an ongoing offense") (quoting United States v.

Conley, 37 F.3d 970, 980 (3d Cir.1994)) (emphasis in Richard); United States
v. Butler, 211 F.3d 826, 830 (4th Cir.2000) (bankruptcy fraud committed and
funds became "criminally derived property" when debtor gave check to
innocent third party so that funds would be held on debtor's behalf and
concealed from the bankruptcy court; money laundering occurred when funds
were used to purchase cashier's checks a year later, even if these acts were also
a further phase of bankruptcy fraud). From that point of view, the fact that
Castellini's additional actions after initially receiving the funds (moving the
funds around, and so forth) could have been charged as either money
laundering or aiding and abetting an on-going bankruptcy fraud could be
thought to be irrelevant. Once the basic elements of the underlying crime are
sufficiently far along to create proceeds, the logic goes, the money becomes
proceeds of illegal activities and it can be laundered.

There may be a case in which the line between bankruptcy fraud and money
laundering is so close that the element of showing that the funds are proceeds
of an illegal activity or the element of representation is not met. Arguably, a
case where a defendant merely received money to be hidden from the
bankruptcy court in his account and did nothing more with it might be such a
situation. That is not this case. Here the further activities Castellini discussed
and engaged in after initially receiving the money were archetypal money
laundering. While the "classic" money laundering case involves a drug
trafficker "acting with the complicity of a banker or other person in a financial
institution [and] deposit[ing] the drug proceeds in a bank under the guise of
conducting a legitimate business transaction," United States v. Johnson, 971
F.2d 562, 568 (10th Cir.1992), the Money Laundering Control Act of 1986,
which enacted 18 U.S.C. 1956, "prohibits a much broader range of conduct
than just the `classic' example of money laundering." Johnson, 971 F.2d at 569.
The definitions and language of the statute indicate that "Congress intended to
criminalize a broad array of transactions designed to facilitate numerous federal
crimes," LeBlanc, 24 F.3d at 346, including bankruptcy fraud. See 18 U.S.C.
1956(c)(7)(D). It is clear from the legislative history that Congress's purpose in
enacting 1956 was to close "the gap in the criminal law with respect to the
post-crime hiding of the ill gotten gains." Johnson, 971 F.2d at 569 (quoting
United States v. Edgmon, 952 F.2d 1206, 1213 (10th Cir.1991)). Congress had
reason to be concerned. The money laundering of the proceeds of an underlying
illegal activity may make the underlying crime more difficult to detect or to
prove. And Congress wanted to curtail the separate market of criminal activity
which money laundering represents.


The transactions here were within "the full contemplation of Congress when it

enacted [ 1956]." LeBlanc, 24 F.3d at 347. Castellini asked Dowling to start

out with a smaller check to avoid arousing the suspicion of the bankruptcy
court; he invoiced Dowling for fictitious "management consulting" work; he
received the checks; and he then negotiated the checks obtained from the
bankruptcy fraud, sending the money, minus their fee, to tour the world under
his and Gonet's guidance. Cf. id. ("[Defendant] asked gamblers to structure their
checks in amounts less than $10,000; he asked that the gamblers make the
checks payable to fictitious payees; he received the checks; and he then
negotiated the checks."). His conduct was at the heart of what Congress sought
to criminalize. At least on these facts, where a reasonable listener could easily
infer the proceeds were from a bankruptcy fraud, which produced proceeds at
the time, and the further activities contemplated and actuated were typical of
money laundering, a reasonable jury could find the defendant guilty of money
laundering beyond a reasonable doubt.

Castellini points to United States v. Anderson, 371 F.3d 606 (9th Cir.2004),
which reversed the conviction of Wayne Anderson, a coconspirator indicted
and charged along with Castellini in the same sting operation but tried
separately in the Eastern District of California. Anderson does not provide
support for Castellini. Anderson involved convictions on two counts: one count
of conspiracy to launder money premised on the underlying unlawful activity of
bankruptcy fraud (which was based on the same cover story that Agent
Dowling used on Castellini), and a second count of money laundering premised
on the underlying unlawful activity of bank fraud in violation of 18 U.S.C.
1344(2). Anderson, 371 F.3d at 608-09. The Anderson court affirmed the
conviction for the conspiracy to commit money laundering count based on
bankruptcy fraud but reversed on the other money laundering count based on
bank fraud. Id. at 612. Anderson supports the conclusion here; indeed, it
affirmed the money laundering conviction based on bankruptcy fraud. Id. at


The reversal in Anderson of the money laundering conviction based on bank

fraud does not help Castellini. Unlike bankruptcy fraud, bank fraud has as an
element that the money be attained from a federally chartered or insured
financial institution. Id. at 612. Anderson held that no such representation had
been made or could be inferred from the agent's very different representation
that the funds had been fraudulently received from individual clients. Id. Noting
that the government could easily have structured the sting to make the needed
representation, the court held that the government had failed to meet its burden
of proof. Id. Here, the prosecution did not make such a mistake.
B. Admission of coconspirator statements


Castellini also argues that a new trial is necessary because the district court
erred by admitting prejudicial coconspirator statements made by Gonet in taped
conversations. More specifically, the claims are that the district court (1) never
made explicit findings regarding the existence of the conspiracy and whether
the statements were made in furtherance of the conspiracy, and (2) admitted
numerous statements by Gonet that were not made during and in furtherance of
the conspiracy. See United States v. Petrozziello, 548 F.2d 20, 23 (1st


Federal Rule of Evidence 801(d)(2)(E) provides that "a statement by a

coconspirator of a party during the course and in furtherance of the conspiracy"
is not hearsay evidence and is admissible for the truth of the matter asserted. In
this Circuit, coconspirator statements are only admissible under Rule 801(d)(2)
(E) if the trial court finds it "more likely than not that the declarant and the
defendant were members of a conspiracy ... and that the statement was in
furtherance of the conspiracy." Petrozziello, 548 F.2d at 23. 9


We will sustain a trial court's determination of admissibility under Rule 801(d)

(2)(E) unless the ruling is clearly erroneous. United States v. Portela, 167 F.3d
687, 703 (1st Cir.1999).


This deferential standard of review places a heavy burden on a defendant

seeking to overturn a trial court's Petrozziello ruling: A finding is clearly
erroneous when although there is evidence to support it, the reviewing court on
the entire evidence is left with the definite and firm conviction that a mistake
has been committed.


United States v. Newton, 326 F.3d 253, 257 (1st Cir.2003).


Castellini limits his challenge to those out-of-court statements by Gonet which

were made before March 30, 1999. His challenge is thus confined to the
following five conversations between Gonet and Agent Dowling: 1) the
December 18, 1998 telephone call; 2) the December 30, 1998 telephone call; 3)
the two telephone calls on March 16, 1999; and 4) the videotaped meeting in
Florida on March 18, 1999.


We dispose of the procedural aspect of Castellini's challenge quickly. The

record shows that the district court did, in fact, make Petrozziello rulings,
though not as explicitly as Castellini would like. In accordance with the
procedures set out in United States v. Ciampaglia, 628 F.2d 632, 638 (1st
Cir.1980), at the start of the government's presentation of evidence, Castellini

requested and was allowed a continuing objection to the admission of Gonet's

out-of-court statements. Castellini renewed his objection at the start of the next
day of the trial, and the district court replied, "That is on the record. I think
there is plenty to justify the conversations coming in...." The district court also
reminded the defendant to renew the objection at the close of the government's
case. At the close of all evidence, Castellini asked the district court to make the
Petrozziello findings. The district court responded, "I make those findings for
the record." Castellini did not ask the court to be more specific. After the
charge to the jury, Castellini again asked the court to make the Petrozziello
findings, and the district court said, "I did. I told you at the end of the case, just
consider them made." Castellini's counsel said, "Okay," and made no other
comment, request, or objection.

The district court's Petrozziello findings, though not explicitly separated out,
necessarily entail that the district court found by a preponderance of the
evidence that there was an existing conspiracy at the time Gonet made the
statements, that Castellini was involved in the conspiracy at some point, and
that the statements were made in furtherance of the conspiracy. See
Petrozziello, 548 F.2d at 23. This conclusion is also supported by other rulings
made by the district court. Castellini twice moved for a mistrial on the ground
that there was no conspiracy at all until Castellini joined on March 30, 1999,
and that thus Gonet's out-of-court statements before that date were inadmissible
hearsay which was prejudicial to Castellini. The government countered that the
record indicated, by inference, that Castellini and Gonet had been talking about
Agent Dowling's situation before March 30, 1999, and at the time the
challenged statements were made, a conspiracy involving Gonet and Castellini
did exist.10 The trial judge accepted the government's arguments and denied the


The government's argument that there was a conspiracy between Gonet and
Castellini before March 30, 1999, is based on several components. When
Castellini first spoke to Dowling on March 30, Castellini already knew what
Dowling had told Gonet earlier. That, by itself, does not establish a conspiracy
between Gonet and Castellini on each of the earlier dates. The government also
relies on the corroboration given to Gonet's pre-March 30 statements about the
management company and the methods by which the money would be
laundered by Agent Dowling's later conversations with Castellini about the
transactions and the subsequent transactions themselves.11 The entire falseinvoice scheme was carried out by Castellini essentially as Gonet had explained
it to Agent Dowling on March 16, 1999. Also on March 16, 1999, Gonet
mentioned a third party, a Nevada corporation, and the evidence showed that
RLC Management, Castellini's company, turned out to be a Nevada partnership.

Further, Castellini admitted that he had told Gonet of his AAA-derived CBO in
1997, and Gonet asked Castellini on March 11 or 12 of 1999 whether his CBO
could be used for a third party. Castellini counters that there is no evidence that
there was any agreement between Castellini and Gonet at the time of these preMarch 30 conversations; Gonet might have come up with the plan on his own
and simply instructed Castellini later to carry it out. Also, Castellini argues,
there were material differences in the transactions described by Gonet and those
carried out by Castellini.

Indeed, Castellini argues, in Gonet's December 18 and December 30

conversations with Agent Dowling, Gonet said he owned the company which
might be used to produce the false invoices and did not say a third party was
involved. In the March 16 conversation, Gonet mentioned a Nevada
corporation but also stated he had not yet involved anyone from the corporation
and hoped to talk with someone that night. Further, on March 18, Gonet said
that he still had not obtained agreement from anyone at the corporation.


The government's case is strongest as to the existence of the conspiracy as of

the March 16 and 18 conversations, but hardly compelling even as to those. On
this record, whether the district court's ruling that there was a conspiracy on the
dates before March 16 constituted clear error is a close call. We need not decide
that question for several reasons.


First, some of the statements are admissible on grounds other than the
coconspirator exception under Rule 801(d)(2)(E). For example, the December
18, 1998 conversation was admissible for a purpose other than to prove the
truth of the matter asserted therein and thus would not be hearsay. This
conversation simply showed the initial contact between Gonet and Agent
Dowling, and provided background and context for understanding the
subsequent transactions and investigative steps targeted at Gonet and Castellini.
See United States v. Cintolo, 818 F.2d 980, 999 (1st Cir.1987) (out-of-court
statements regarding conversation between FBI agents and a witness were
admissible to provide context and background even though defendant did not
ask for a limiting instruction). The same applies to the conversation of
December 30, 1998, during which Gonet said, "I have a company that I can bill
it through." This also provided context and background to understand
subsequent references to "the company you talked about" as the laundering
scheme was discussed in subsequent conversations.


Second, even if there were error in admitting some of the later conversations,
any error was harmless. "The essential inquiry in harmless error review is
whether the improperly admitted evidence likely affected the outcome of trial."

United States v. Torres-Galindo, 206 F.3d 136, 141 (1st Cir.2000). "[A]
harmlessness determination demands a panoramic, case-specific inquiry
considering, among other things, the centrality of the tainted material, its
uniqueness, its prejudicial impact, the uses to which it was put during the trial,
the relative strengths of the parties' cases, and any telltales that furnish clues to
the likelihood that the error affected the factfinder's resolution of a material
issue." United States v. Sepulveda, 15 F.3d 1161, 1182 (1st Cir.1993).

Castellini does argue he was prejudiced. For example, Castellini contends that
he was prejudiced by two references Gonet made to money laundering during
the March 18, 1999 meeting. Gonet's first reference was to his own scheme for
sending money via UPS around the country as "documents" and has nothing to
do with Castellini. Second, Gonet said in the conversation that accepting Agent
Dowling's money and depositing it into an offshore account could be
considered money laundering. Against this is the fact that the evidence of
Castellini's own illicit transactions was overwhelming. And the second
reference is no more prejudicial to Castellini than Castellini's own statement:
"You're not going to use the word `laundering' are you?.... It just makes it sound
so dirty...." At most, Gonet's earlier conversations were "cumulative and the
weight of the additional [non-hearsay] evidence overwhelming." United States
v. LiCausi, 167 F.3d 36, 50 (1st Cir.1999).


Castellini next argues that he was prejudiced because the content of some of
Gonet's statements at the March 18, 1999 meeting was "shocking" in
comparison to the "gentler tone" of the other testimony and gave rise to the
negative impression that Castellini was a hard core criminal. In order to assure
Agent Dowling that his funds would be safe with Castellini, Gonet told Agent
Dowling at the March 18 meeting that "these people" (who would be handling
Dowling's money at the management company) were more "hard core," more
"hard line," and "a lot tougher" than Gonet, and that "these people" could
"stand the heat." The jury could evaluate Castellini themselves: Castellini
testified at length and told the jury that he was very naive and gullible, and he
elicited laughter for his portrayal of himself as a "[c]abana boy" because
everyone at work asked him to do things.


Finally, Castellini argues that Gonet's statements only inculpated Castellini, not
other conspirators, so that Castellini appeared to be more important to the
conspiracy than he actually was. The prosecution in this case is of Castellini,
not other conspirators, and the jury in this trial heard evidence about others
involved in the money laundering. There is no basis for a new trial.12



A. Sentencing: Downward departure for "aberrant behavior"


Castellini also charges the district court with error in sentencing him, asserting
that the court ruled as a matter of law that it had no discretion to grant
Castellini's request for a downward departure pursuant to U.S. Sentencing
Guidelines Manual 5K2.20. We reject this claim.


When a district court exercises its discretion to refuse to grant a downward

departure, that decision is not reviewable. United States v. Mejia, 309 F.3d 67,
70 (1st Cir.2002). Appellate review is available for refusal to depart if the
district court misunderstood the scope of its authority under the guidelines and
mistakenly believed that it lacked the discretion to depart. United States v.
Rivera-Rodriguez, 318 F.3d 268, 275 (1st Cir.2003).


The departure was sought under the November, 2002 version of 5K2.20,
which states, in relevant part, "A sentence below the applicable guideline range
may be warranted in an extraordinary case if the defendant's criminal conduct
constituted aberrant behavior." The commentary to the guideline defines
"aberrant behavior" as "a single criminal occurrence or single criminal
transaction that (A) was committed without significant planning; (B) was of
limited duration; and (C) represents a marked deviation by the defendant from
an otherwise law-abiding life." U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual 5K2.20,
cmt. n. 1 (2002).


At the sentencing hearing, the district court made its initial ruling on Castellini's
"aberrant behavior" departure motion by stating:


I don't think there is sufficient evidence for me to give a downward departure

for aberrant behavior, although ... I think that the conduct involved was an
extraordinary departure from what had been this man's life.


My concern is that ... that is not enough to permit me to find him having
committed something because of aberrant behavior.


Castellini then argued that the court should grant the departure because it had
found Castellini's behavior "to be an extraordinary departure." The district court


What I said to you is that I think that this is a departure in terms of his behavior.
You know, that eight-month period, you know, is like a black hole in an

otherwise reasonable life. But I don't believe that it adds up to the downward
departure that you are talking about.
100 ....
101 I don't think this really is a single criminal offense. I think that it is an episode.
102 ....
103 [H]ere we had, at least arguably, two offenses ... eight months apart, both for
$30,000. So it isn't one. It is not a single.
104 From the quoted passages, it is clear that the district court understood that it
had the authority to depart, but decided that departure was not warranted
because there was insufficient evidence to justify it. In particular, the district
court denied the departure because the multiple transactions in an elaborate
scheme involving a network of offshore entities over an eight-month period put
it outside the purview of the single occurrence/transaction without advanced
planning and of limited duration contemplated by the guideline.13 See RiveraRodriguez, 318 F.3d at 275-76. That decision is not subject to review.
B. The Blakely challenge
105 Castellini finally argues, for the first time on appeal, that his sentence should be
vacated and the case remanded for resentencing because the jury did not make
a factual determination regarding the amount of laundered funds attributable to
him under the sentencing guidelines, as he contends is required under Blakely v.
Washington, ___ U.S. ___, 124 S.Ct. 2531, 159 L.Ed.2d 403 (2004). Because
Castellini did not raise this argument before the district court, review is for
plain error. United States v. Morgan, 384 F.3d 1, 8 (1st Cir.2004). To establish
plain error, Castellini must demonstrate "(1) that an error occurred (2) which
was clear or obvious and which not only (3) affected [his] substantial rights, but
also (4) seriously impaired the fairness, integrity, or public reputation of
judicial proceedings." United States v. Duarte, 246 F.3d 56, 60 (1st Cir.2001).
106 Under existing pre-Blakely First Circuit precedent, the amount of laundered
funds is a sentencing factor for determination by the court. See United States v.
Robinson, 241 F.3d 115, 121 (1st Cir.2001) ("[S]entence-enhancing facts still
may be found by the judge under a preponderance-of-the-evidence standard as
long as those facts do not result in a sentence that exceeds the original statutory

maximum."). "Because the trial judge acted in accordance with circuit

precedent (not yet clearly established to be erroneous), we cannot say plain
error occurred, and we need not proceed further." Morgan, 384 F.3d at 8.
107 Castellini's convictions and sentence are affirmed.


The government also cross-appealed Castellini's sentence in No. 04-1339. On

December 2, 2004, the cross-appeal was dismissed pursuant to Fed. R.App. P.
42(b) upon the government's motion

AAA's leader, Keith Anderson ("Anderson"), was also involved in an

organization called Global Prosperity and possibly another organization called
Investors International. The record is not entirely clear as to what the
relationships between the different organizations were, but it appears that
Anderson left Global Prosperity at some point and founded AAA. Some of
Castellini's business dealings described later on in this case were with
coconspirators (notably Anderson and Roosevelt Drummer ("Drummer")) when
they were involved with Global Prosperity. The government and Castellini, in
their briefs, refer to AAA even when discussing transactions involving Global
Prosperity. For ease of reference, therefore, AAA is used throughout this
opinion to refer to both Global Prosperity and AAA

Virtually all of the conversations between Agent Dowling and the targets of the
sting operation, whether by telephone or in person, were recorded. In total, over
400 conversations were recorded. Approximately twenty-three of these
recordings were played for the jury during the trial, and five of those
recordings form the basis of a hearsay challenge that Castellini asserts here.
Castellini testified about his conversations with Gonet to which Agent Dowling
was not a party, but these were, for obvious reasons, not recorded

As the result of a conversation between Agent Dowling and Castellini's

accountant, Drummer, who advised Agent Dowling to increase the wages he
paid himself from his company, this check was drawn on Agent Dowling's
personal account rather than the Pyramid Financial corporate account

On May 24, 2001, all charges against the Andersons, Grosnickle, and Marks
were dismissed, on motion of the government, in favor of prosecution in the
Eastern District of California. Gonet pled guilty to all charges against him in

the District of Massachusetts


The statute imposes criminal liability on any person who "in contemplation of a
case under title 11 [the Bankruptcy Code]... or with intent to defeat the
provisions of title 11, knowingly and fraudulently transfers or conceals any of
his property." 18 U.S.C. 152(7)

Although 18 U.S.C. 1957 uses the phrase "criminally derived property"

instead of the phrase "proceeds of specified unlawful activity," which is used in
18 U.S.C. 1956, courts have interpreted the two to be equivalent and have
read cases decided under 1957 as persuasive authority in the interpretation of
cases arising under 1956See Mankarious, 151 F.3d at 705 n. 1; United States
v. Savage, 67 F.3d 1435, 1442 (9th Cir.1995); see also 18 U.S.C. 1957(f)(2)
(defining "criminally derived property" to be "any property constituting, or
derived from, proceeds obtained from a criminal offense") (emphasis added).

Under the current (2004) Sentencing Guidelines, Castellini faces a higher

penalty for money laundering than for bankruptcy fraud. The base offense level
for money laundering is 8. U.S. Sentencing Guidelines Manual 2S1.1(a)(2).
The base offense level for bankruptcy fraud is 6Id. at 2B1.1(a)(2).

The ellipsis replaces the words "when the hearsay statement was
made."Petrozziello, 548 F.2d at 23. This restriction was dicta in Petrozziello,
and was withdrawn by United States v. Baines, 812 F.2d 41, 42 (1st Cir.1987)
(affirming admission of statements of coconspirators made before defendant
joined the conspiracy). See United States v. Portela, 167 F.3d 687, 703 n. 13
(1st Cir.1999) (recognizing modification of Petrozziello by Baines).


The government did not argue at trial that there was a conspiracy between
Gonet and the other conspirators, and that Castellini, even if he did not join the
conspiracy until March 30, became responsible for the earlier statements
regardless of his awareness of the earlier conductSee Baines, 812 F.2d at 42.
There was also no evidence in the pre-March 30 conversations that Gonet made
the statements in furtherance of a much larger umbrella conspiracy to which
both Gonet and Castellini belonged. Cf. United States v. Marino, 277 F.3d 11,
25-26 (1st Cir.2002) (out-of-court coconspirator statements admissible where
declarant and defendant were members of larger umbrella conspiracy even
though they belonged to rival factions).


The agreement between Agent Dowling and Gonet cannot be a conspiracy

because there can be no conspiracy as a matter of law solely between a
defendant and a government agentUnited States v. Giry, 818 F.2d 120, 126 (1st
Cir.1987) ("[I]n situations where the conspiracy involves only [one] defendant
and a government [agent,] ... there can be no conspiracy because it takes two to

conspire and the government [agent] is not a true conspirator.") (quoting United
States v. Martino, 648 F.2d 367, 405 (5th Cir. Unit A June 1981) (internal
quotation marks omitted) (second alteration in Giry)). This is why the focus is
on the existence of a conspiracy involving Gonet and some other coconspirator,
most likely Castellini.

Castellini also argues that the recordings involving Gonet and Agent Dowling
took up most of the second day of trial and "assume[d] a prominent role in the
government's case." In actuality, the second day of trial lasted only a half day,
and although Agent Dowling's testimony took up the whole time, the bulk of
the testimony was not focused on the recordings, none of which was
particularly long. These five relatively short recordings cannot be said to have
assumed a particularly prominent role in light of the twenty-three recordings
used in total and the other evidence introduced by the government during the
course of a seven-day trial


The November 2004 version of 5K2.20 makes it clear that "a fraud scheme
generally would not meet [the] requirements [of 5K2.20]" U.S. Sentencing
Guidelines Manual 5K2.20, cmt. n. 2 (2004)

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