The Ferber Company v. Theodore J. Ondrick, 310 F.2d 462, 1st Cir. (1962)

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310 F.

2d 462

The FERBER COMPANY et al., Plaintiffs, Appellants,

Theodore J. ONDRICK et al., Defendants, Appellees.
No. 6015.

United States Court of Appeals First Circuit.

Nov. 28, 1962.

Gerson Askinas, Springfield, Mass., for appellants.

John H. Goewey, Worcester, Mass., and William T. Conlan, Boston,
Mass., with whom Bowditch, Gowetz & Lane, Worcester, Mass., and Ely,
Bartlett, Brown & Proctor, Boston, Mass., were on brief, for appellees.
Before WOODBURY, Chief Judge, and HARTIGAN and ALDRICH,
Circuit judges.
ALDRICH, Circuit Judge.

Ferber, short for two New Jersey corporations, joint venturers, was the prime
contractor engaged in the construction of a housing project for a government
Air Force base in Chicopee, Massachusetts. In August, 1958 Ferber entered into
a subcontract with two other joint venturers, Ondrick, a citizen of
Massachusetts, and Wilbraham Construction Corporation, a Massachusetts
corporation, to do certain clearing, excavation, filling and drainage. It appeared
that Ondrick and Wilbraham were equipped to do different parts of this work
and desired separate contracts, but Ferber required a single agreement. After the
work had been completed and $46,508 of the contract price remained to be
paid, Wilbraham went into bankruptcy. Ferber thereupon filed a statutory
interpleader (28 U.S.C. 1335) in the Massachusetts district court against
Ondrick, Wilbraham and their joint surety, and Wilbraham's trustee in
bankruptcy, naming also all alleged suppliers of labor and materials on their
contract as to whom it had notice of claim. The complaint further alleged that
Ondrick claimed as an individual, over and above the contract amount, $19,744
for labor, materials and the use of equipment.1 Ferber paid the sum of $46,508
into court, alleged that this was the total amount due to all defendants, and

prayed that the defendants be required to interplead and settle their rights
between themselves and that Ferber 'be discharged from all liabilities in the
premises. * * *' Ondrick filed an answer in which he admitted making a claim
for $19,744 'not as part of the joint venture,' and by counterclaim demanded its
payment. Ferber filed a motion to dismiss the counterclaim, which motion was
denied. Following trial without jury the court found for Ondrick on his claim in
the amount of $7,121, which it subsequently increased to $10,711. The court
refused Ferber's request for an allowance for counsel fees out of the fund, a socalled interpleader fee. Ferber appeals.

The first question is the correctness of the court's refusal to dismiss the
counterclaim on the ground that the parties had provided in the subcontract for
arbitration. Assuming that Ondrick's claim fell within the contract as extra
work and was therefore arbitrable, we nevertheless think it clear that Ferber
waived this right. Ferber could have brought a bill of strict interpleader solely
with relation to the undisputed amount. But having elected, in addition, to raise
a disputed claim, see F.R.Civ.P. Rule 22; Standard Surety & Casualty Co. v.
Baker, 8 Cir., 1939, 105 F.2d 578, it must take the consequences. It could not
ask the court to declare that it owed only so much to Ondrick, and that the court
should discharge it from his claim for extra work, and then, when Ondrick
resisted such a declaration, demand that Ondrick arbitrate.

Next, Ferber asserts that a series of so-called releases executed from time to
time by Ondrick in connection with progress payments bars recovery. These
documents do not use the word 'release' in the title, nor is it in the body of the
instrument except with respect to liens upon the premises. Ondrick is not
presently asserting liens. The documents were prepared by Ferber and are to be
construed against it. We agree with the court in disregarding them.

We come, therefore, to the merits. The principal contract called for the erection
of ninety-six structures, all of which were to have concerte cellars, with
drainage fill under the concrete. By the end of September 1958 some of the
foundations were ready for the fill. The principal contract required the fill to be
placed and, in addition, to be 'compacted.' Ferber took the position that all of
this work was included in the subcontract and demanded that Ondrick do it.
Ondrick admitted responsibility for supplying the gravel at the locus, but
denied any further obligation. On the evidence most favorable to Ondrick, one
Cristello, Ferber's superintendent, instructed Ondrick to place and compact the
gravel, and stated that if this did not prove to be within the subcontract Ferber
would pay extra for it. Ondrick thereafter did the filling and compacting for all
ninety-six units, and presented a bill in the amount of $19,744.

The court found that installing the fill was not within the subcontract. This was
a question of interpretation, and it is sufficient to say that we find the district
court's reasoning persuasive.2 The contract provided further, under the subtitle
'Change Orders Additions and Deductions' that 'alterations' should not be
effected except by written order of Ferber. No written order was given for this
extra work. The court, however, found that Cristello had sufficient authority to
alter the contract.

It is, of course, rudimentary that a contractual requireement that agreements be

in writing may be waived. Lord Constr. Co. v. United States ex rel. W. E.
Sexton Co., 3 Cir., 1928, 28 F.2d 340; Zarthar v. Saliba, 1933, 282 Mass. 558,
185 N.E. 367. The fact, however, that Cristello may have possessed authority to
waive a writing, and substantially to enlarge the agreement, is of little help to
Ondrick so far as the total amount of the recovery here involved is concerned.
On his own testimony the top officials of Ferber informed Ondrick at some
point that this work was within his original contract and must be done
thereunder. Accorading to Ferber's evidence this took place in December 1958.
Ondrick testified that he was entirely unable to place the date, but he admitted
that this work lasted until December 1959 and that many individual unit jobs
were done by him after Ferber's interview, as result of pressure put on him by
the top Ferber officials acting through the bonding company, although he
constantly maintained that he was not required to do it. It cannot be said that
Cristello's promise to pay extra if this was in fact extra work remained in effect
for jobs undertaken after Ferber's repudiation thereof. The court made no
finding which would enable us to separate the amount, or value, of the work
done before Ferber's repudiation and afterwards.

The court, however, made an alternative finding or ruling with which we agree,
namely, that Ondrick was entitled to recover on a quantum meruit for unjust
enrichment. Normally a party doing work without a contract for another party
who has stated in advance that he is not going to pay for it can have no claim.
The facts, however, in the case at bar are peculiar. Ferber was obligated under
its contract with the government to complete the units, including the placing
and compacting of the drainage fill in question. Evidence which we need not
detail compels the conclusion that if Ondrick and Wilbraham were not
obligated to do this work, no one else was. In other words, if Ondrick had
refused to do it, Ferber would have been obliged to obtain someone else. It
loses nothing by paying Ondrick the fair value of the work. Where Ferber
insisted that Ondrick do the work, and by its own admission sought to create
serious difficulties with Ondrick's bonding company, we think it would be
highly inequitable to treat Ondrick as a volunteer not entitled to reimbursement.
See Todd Dry Dock Engineering & Repair Corp. v. City of New York, 2 Cir.,

1931, 54 F.2d 490, 491; cf. Borough Constr. Co. v. City of New York, 1910,
200 N.Y. 149, 93 N.E. 480. Even though Ferber may not have believed that it
was going to have to pay a greater amount, it requested the work, there was no
suggestion that Ondrick intended it as a gratuity, and the law will imply an
agreement to pay the fair value of what was outside the contract. Molloy v.
Liebe, P.C., 1910, 102 L.T.R. (n.s.) 616; cf. Vickery v. Ritchie, 1909, 202
Mass. 247, 88 N.E. 835, 26 L.R.A.,N.S., 810.

We think, however, that the court may have erred in its supplemental cpinion
increasing the amount of the payment. In its inital opinion the court found that
'Ondrick's records were shown to be incomplete and unreliable.3 I shall,
therefore, accept the cost estimate of the plaintiffs (Ferber) which is $5,934, to
which are to be added 10 per cent for profit and 10 per cent for overhead4 * * *
(a total of) $7,121.' Thereafter, in a supplemental opinion, the court stated that
in its previous opinion it had neglected to consider all of the testimony of
Ferber's 'chief estimator,' and that there should have been added 'the plaintiff's
estimate of the price for compacting $2,992,' and that the judgment should be
corrected accordingly. It then entered judgment in favor of Ondrick for

In point of fact there was no specific testimony that plaintiff's estimate for
compacting was $2,993. Ferber's estimator, one Hebbel, did testify that the
separate cost of compacting was 'about 80 cents a yard,' and the court
apparently multiplied this to obtain a specific amount. However, we think
Hebbel's testimony is somewhat ambiguous, and that it does not clearly show
that the 'about 80 cents' was not a part of the $5,934 figure rather than an
addition to it. Ferber's other witness was not at all ambiguous, but testified
specifically that plaintiff's estimate of $5,934 included the compacting.


Upon receipt of the supplemental opinion Ferber addressed what we construe to

be a motion for further hearing with respect to the court's supplemental opinion.
To this it attached a paper which it alleged to be the original estimate itself.
This paper shows clearly that compacting was included in the $5,934 total.
Upon receipt of this the court conducted a further proceeding. However, as we
read the record, Ferber's claim in this regard was not specifically considered,
but rather the discussion took the form of whether the case could be settled.


The court was not obligated to accept Ferber's estimate. However, where it
made findings specifically relying thereon, it was bound to construe it
accurately. We feel that if the document attached to Ferber's motion was the
original extimate-- which is not, of course, for us to say-- the court should have
recognized the ambiguity in the testimony and withdrawn its supplemental

opinion. Possibly it should have regarded Hebbel's testimony as ambiguous

even standing by itself, particularly in the light of the testimony of the other
witness which manifestly referred to the same estimate, and should not have
disregarded the latter. We believe this matter deserves further consideration by
the district court.

Finally, Ferber complains that the court erred in denying it an interpleader fee.
In this, Ferber has exhibited two serious misconceptions. To quote its position
in the district court, '10 per cent of what has been deposited in court (is the
usual) fee. * * * I have spent several hundred hours on this. * * *' Ten per cent
is not the 'usual' amount. Nor would Ferber be entitled to an award of counsel's
fee out of the fund for resisting Ondrick's counterclaim even if that resistance
had been successful. An interpleader fee is unually5 awarded out of the fund to
compensate a totally disinterested stakeholder who had been, by reason of the
possession of the fund, subjected to conflicting claims through no fault of its
own. By its very nature it is of a relatively small amount, simply to compensate
for initiating the proceedings. As to the $46,744 Ferber was undoubtedly a
disintersted stakeholder. Obviously, howver, the great bulk of its efforts were in
resisting Ondrick's counterclaim, as to which the court properly pointed out it
was in no way disinterested or entitled to a fee. See Standard Surety & Casualty
Co. v. Baker, supra, 105 F.2d at 580. It may well be that had Ferber made an
appropriate limited request the court would have recognized it. But we will not
rule that the court committed an abuse of discretion when Ferber's only request
was one that was totally inappropriate.6 Nor did the court abuse its discretion in
denying Ferber's tardy counterclaim.


Judgment will be entered vacating the judgment of the District Court and
remanding the action for further proceedings in accordance with this opinion.
No costs for either party.

Hereafter we shall disregard Wilbraham, because even if this work was done
pursuant to a modification of, and hence as part of, the joint contract, admittedly
it was done by Ondrick alone. Wilbraham has in no way participated in this

We note, inter alia, that in order to support its construction Ferber is required to
say that some of the language of the agreement is surplausage, a presumptively
unsound position

By which it meant, in part, that certain matters were charged for twice

We have held that in certain situations profit and overhead may be recovered on
a quantum meruit. Arthur N. Olive Co. v. United States ex rel. Marino, 1 Cir.,
1961, 297 F.2d 70. Ferber raises no objection in this instance

We do not agree, at least in this circuit, with 2 Barron and Holtzoff, Federal
Practice and Procedure 557 (rev. ed., 1961), that it is not customary to allow
interpleader fees

The court did award Ferber its actual interpleader disbursements in the amount
of $100

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