In The Matter of Gerald A. Mascolo, Bankrupt, 505 F.2d 274, 1st Cir. (1974)

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505 F.

2d 274

In the Matter of Gerald A. MASCOLO, Bankrupt, Appellant.

No. 74-1069.

United States Court of Appeals, First Circuit.

Heard May 8, 1974.
Decided May 23, 1974.

Frederick T. Golder, Boston, Mass., with whom Goldberg & Golder,

Boston, Mass., was on brief, for appellant.
Herbert D. Friedman, Boston, Mass., with whom Morris M. Goldings, and
Mahoney, Atwood & Goldings, Boston, Mass., was on brief, for appellee.
Before COFFIN, Chief Judge, and McENTEE and CAMPBELL, Circuit
LEVIN H. CAMPBELL, Circuit Judge.

Mascolo appeals from an order of the district court affirming the referee's
revocation of his discharge in bankruptcy.1 Mascolo filed a voluntary petition
on October 26, 1970, and was granted a discharge on January 26, 1971. Within
one year thereafter creditor Rita Girl, Inc. applied to revoke the discharge
asserting that it had been obtained by fraud and that the bankrupt had
committed an offense punishable by imprisonment under 18 U.S.C. 152.2 Rita
Girl claimed that Mascolo knowingly and fraudulently swore that he had
maintained no bank accounts within the two years immediately preceding his
filing, but that in fact he had maintained an account with the First National
Bank of Boston. The referee later permitted the creditor to amend the
application to include accounts at two additional banks.

The referee, after a hearing, adjudged and decreed that 'the discharge was
obtained by the bankrupt, through fraud . . ..' In his Findings of Fact,
Conclusions of Law and Order, the referee found that Mascolo had maintained
bank accounts at the First National Bank of Boston, the National Shawmut
Bank, and the Capitol Bank and Trust within the relevant period. He also

'In the Statement of Affairs which accompanied the voluntary petition, and
which the bankrupt signed stating that 'I' Gerard A. Mascolo, the person who
subscribed to the foregoing statement of affairs, do hereby make solemn oath
that the answers therein contained are true and complete as to the best of my
knowledge, information, and belief,' as to question number 4. Bank Account
and safe deposit boxes-- a. What bank account have you maintained, alone or
together with any other person, and in your own or any other name, within the
two years immediately preceding the filing of the original petition herein?
(Give the name and address of the bank or other depository, the name in which
each box or other depository was kept, the name of every person who had the
right of access thereto, a brief description of the contents thereof, and, if
surrendered, when surrendered, or, if transferred, when transferred and the
name and address of the transferee). the bankrupt answered 'none'.'

Mascolo argues on appeal that the creditor did not sustain its burden of proof
that fraud, rather than mere error, was involved. According to Mascolo, a false
oath must contain all the elements involved in common law perjury-'intentional untruth in a matter material to an issue which is itself material.'
Troeder v. Lorsch, 150 F. 710, 713 (1st Cir. 1906). But even under this
standard,3 the creditor may prove his case by a fair preponderance of the
evidence; despite the analogy to criminal perjury, he need not meet the higher
criminal burden. And once it reasonably appears that the oath is false, the
burden falls upon the bankrupt to come forward with evidence that he has not
committed the offense charged. Shanberg v. Saltzman, 69 F.2d 262 (1st Cir.
1934). See also American National Bank v. rainguet, 323 F.2d 881 (10th Cir.
1963). The trier of fact may rely upon reasonable inferences as well as direct
evidence. Thus, the trier may infer fraudulent intent from an unexplained false
statement. See In the Matter of Kaufhold, 256 F.2d 181 (3d Cir. 1958); 1A J.
Moore & J. Mulder, Collier On Bankruptcy P14.25, at 1336 (King ed. 1974).

Asserting that fraud should not be inferred when there are extenuating
circumstances, Mascolo claims in his brief that the omission of 'the two bank
accounts was through inadvertence of the bankrupt's counsel', and that when he
learned he had written 'none' on the statement 'he was stunned'. Mascoloalso
states that the 'bankrupt prepared the various schedules . . . with his attorney.'
We agree that an explanation by a bankrupt that he had acted upon advice of
counsel who in turn was fully aware of all the relevant facts generally rebuts an
inference of fraud. 4 See In re Topper,229 F.2d 691 (3d Cir. 1956); Jones v.
Gertz, 121 F.2d 782 (10th Cir. 1941); In re Stone, 52 F.2d 639 (D.N.H.1931).
But we cannot find that Mascolo or his attorney ever offered such an
explanation in proceedings before the referee. Mascolo himself, when asked
whether he had maintained any bank accounts, answered that he had had both a

checking and saving account in two banks. When shown a contrary written
statement, he responded:

'I did answer the question. I did sign the paper. Okay. It should have been that
there were two accounts. All right? That's all I can say.'

Mascolo did not claim that he had forgotten about the accounts or had not
realized that he was to include accounts closed at the time of filing. Cf. Shelby
v. Texas Improvement Loan Co., 280 F.2d 349 (5th Cir. 1960); In re
Applebaum, 11 F.2d 685 (2d Cir.), cert. denied, 273 U.S. 712, 47 S.Ct. 102, 71
L.Ed. 853 (1926); Bylin v. Bakken, 7 F.2d 614 (8th Cir. 1925). In the absence
of extenuating circumstances the referee was entitled to infer that the statement
was fraudulent. See Diorio v. Kreisler-Borg Construction Co., 407 F.2d 1330
(2d Cir. 1969); Aronofsky v. Bostian, 133 F.2d 290 (8th Cir. 1943).

The district court followed the well established rule that it would be bound by
the referee's findings of fact unless they are clearly erroneous. See In re
American Packers Exchange, Inc., 449 F.2d 1313 (1st Cir. 1971); Schwartz v. J.
R. Cianchette & Sons Corp., 362 F.2d 500 (1st Cir. 1966); Brown v. Freedman,
125 F.2d 151 (1st Cir. 1942). Whether or not fraud as an 'ultimate fact' should
be reviewed differently,5 as Mascolo suggests, this record and the referee's
subsidiary findings amply support the ultimate conclusion.

Mascolo also contends that since the omissions were immaterial the trustee
improperly concluded that the actual facts did not warrant a discharge. The
brief on appeal states that the most money the bankrupt had at one time in two
of the omitted banks was $150 and $350 respectively and that the accounts
were closed more than six months prior to the bankrupt's filing his voluntary
petition. Mascolo asserts that he listed all the bank accounts on a statement
filed in a corporate bankruptcy and that the bank accounts were examined by
the trustee in bankruptcy. The record, on the other hand, reveals merely that
while the Shawmut account was closed sometime in 1969, the Capitol account
was no longer open at the time of filing. There is no indication how long before
the filing the latter account was closed. The Shawmut, moreover, was not
mentioned on the corporate statement of affairs. Although at one point Mascolo
testified that the trustee examined all his records, he twice said that he was not
sure if the records of one of his personal bank accounts had ever been


It is true that omission of an irrelevant matter or of property having no value is

not necessarily fatal. See In re Tabibian, 289 F.2d 793 (2d Cir. 1961);

Willoughby v. Jamison, 103 F.2d 821 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 308 U.S. 588, 60
S.Ct. 111, 84 L.Ed. 492 (1939). But Mascolo's false statement does not fall into
that narrow category. Matters are material if pertinent to the discovery of assets,
including the history of a bankrupt's financial transactions. See Metheany v.
United States, 365 F.2d 90 (9th Cir. 1966). The possibility of preference or
fraudulent transfer makes an omission material. Keeble v. Sulmeyer, 290 F.2d
127 (9th Cir. 1961). Therefore, knowing and fraudulent omission of a bank
account, whether or not it is closed at the time of filing, warrants the denial of
discharge. See Avallone v. Gross, 309 F.2d 60, 61 (2d Cir. 1962). Referring to
the omission of stocks and salary received several years before a voluntary
filing where there was no suggestion that either was on hand at the time the
petition was filed, Judge Swan has written:

'It cannot be doubted that the creditors are entitled to inquire into what property
has passed through the bankrupt's hands during a period prior to his bankruptcy
. . . we think that wide latitude must be accorded to such an examination, and
that the materiality of the false oath will not depend upon whether in fact the
falsehood has been detrimental to the creditors.'


In re Slocum, 22 F.2d 282, 285 (2d Cir. 1927). See Duggins v. Heffron, 128
F.2d 546 (9th Cir. 1942). The successful functioning of the bankruptcy act
hinges both upon the bankrupt's veracity and his willingness to make a full


Mascolo's other objections are likewise without merit. The referee did not abuse
his discretion by allowing an amendment of the creditor's application to
conform to evidence adduced at the hearing. See In re Magen,218 F. 692
(E.D.Pa.1914). It was allowed within the year after discharge. An amendment
is not prejudicial per se. The referee correctly observed that if Mascolo had
been surprised, he should have requested a continuance.


In light of the presumption in favor of the referee's findings, In re American

Packers Exchange, Inc., supra, we see no reason to disturb the further findings
that Rita Girl, Inc. was not guilty of laches and that knowledge of the fraud
came to the creditor after the discharge had been granted. The referee correctly
denied the bankrupt's motion to dismiss the creditor's application.


In conclusion, we note that appellant's brief is replete with statements of

purported fact which the record either does not support or contradicts. Counsel's
conduct in this regard is so far below acceptable standards that we are obliged
to warn against its repetition at this bar. See ABA Code of Professional

Responsibility Canon No. 7 (EC 7-3; DR 7-102(A)(5)).



11 U.S.C. 33: 'The court may revoke a discharge upon the application of a
creditor . . . who has not been guilty of laches, filed at any time within one year
after a discharge has been granted, if it shall appear (1) that the discharge was
obtained through the fraud of the bankrupt, that the knowledge of the fraud has
come to the applicant since the discharge was granted, and that the facts did not
warrant the discharge; . . ..'

18 U.S.C. 152 provides in part that 'whoever knowingly and fraudulently makes
a false oath or account in or in relation to any bankruptcy proceeding' may be
imprisoned. The statute governing the granting of a discharge states: 'The court
shall grant the discharge unless satisfied that the bankrupt has (1) committed an
offense punishable by imprisonment as provided under section 152 of Title 18'.
11 U.S.C. 32(c)(1)

It is not necessary to decide whether reckless indifference to truth is equivalent

to fraud in false oath cases. See Diorio v. Kreisler-Borg Construction Co., 407
F.2d 1330 (2d Cir. 1969)

However, even the advice of counsel is not a defense when it is transparently

plain that the property should be scheduled. 1A J. Moore & J. Mulder, Collier
on Bankruptcy P14.23, n. 10 (King ed. 1974)

See In re Pioch, 235 F.2d 903 (3d Cir. 1956). Contra, In re Tabibian, 289 F.2d
793 (2d Cir. 1961); cf. Union Bank v. Blum, 460 F.2d 197 (9th Cir. 1972)

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