Charles Fisher v. First Stamford Bank and Trust Company, 751 F.2d 519, 1st Cir. (1984)

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751 F.

2d 519
39 UCC Rep.Serv. 1765

Charles FISHER, Plaintiff-Appellee,

No. 59, Docket 84-7258.

United States Court of Appeals,

Second Circuit.
Argued Sept. 18, 1984.
Decided Dec. 20, 1984.

David E. Schancupp, New Haven, Conn. (Philip R. Shiff, Law Office of

Shiff & Schancupp, New Haven, Conn., of counsel), for plaintiff-appellee.
David M. Cohen, Stamford, Conn. (Stephen A. Finn, of Wofsey, Rosen,
Kweskin & Kuriansky, Stamford, Conn., of counsel), for defendantappellant.
Before VAN GRAAFEILAND and CARDAMONE, Circuit Judges and
MacMAHON, District Judge.*
CARDAMONE, Circuit Judge:
We affirm a judgment for plaintiff and reject his employer's attempt to
avoid its obligation under a stock option contract. In an attempt to set
aside the agreement defendant argues that its principal officer lacked
authority to enter into such an agreement, that the contract was not
supported by adequate consideration and was not in writing, that legal
conditions precedent to its performance had not occurred, and that to
enforce a stipulation against it made by its counsel in open court subjected
it to manifest injustice. One who obtains performance from another while
maintaining an option to refuse its own performance obviously views the
bargain as a "heads I win, tails you lose" bet. Arguments supporting that
inequitable supposition contravene the "policy of preventing people from
getting other people's property for nothing when they purport to be buying
it." Continental Wall Paper Co. v. Louis Voight & Sons Co., 212 U.S. 227,

271, 29 S.Ct. 280, 296, 53 L.Ed. 486 (1909) (Holmes, J., dissenting), and
will not carry the day in court.

* In 1971 Norman Reader, with the help of others, including plaintiff Charles
Fisher, organized the First Stamford Bank and Trust Company. Each of the
founders received five-year options to purchase shares of the Bank's common
stock. Reader was the principal organizer and president. Recognizing that
Fisher was well-known in the community and active in Stamford civic and
religious organizations, Reader sought his help in getting this small banking
institution off the ground. Fisher was appointed vice-president and became the
Bank's first employee. He established the Bank's presence in the community by
soliciting accounts, doing public relations work, and assisting in the opening of
branch offices for the small accounts that the Bank was organized to serve. The
Bank conceded that he was a valued employee.

In January 1976 plaintiff decided to move to Florida for health reasons. Before
departing, Fisher had a conversation with Reader during which Reader
allegedly offered him an option to purchase 1,000 shares of the Bank's common
stock at $20 per share in exchange for his promise to perform services during
the summer and fall of 1976 in connection with the Bank's opening of a
contemplated new main office. As a consequence, Fisher returned to Stamford
in July 1976 and began work as the Bank's consultant, helping with the opening
of the new office until he returned to Florida in November. He was paid $4,000
for his services and expenses.

On June 8, 1976, just prior to his return to Stamford from Florida, the Bank's
shareholders passed a resolution authorizing its board of directors to grant stock
options to plaintiff and certain other employees. Fisher's option was to enable
him to purchase 1,000 shares of the Bank's common stock at $20 per share until
December 31, 1981. The board of directors never acted on the stockholder

In July 1979 plaintiff learned of an impending sale of the Bank's assets to

People's Savings Bank and attempted to exercise his stock option. The Bank
rejected his tender of $20,000 for 1,000 shares of its stock. At the time of the
offer, the stock was selling for $23 per share. Shortly after the completion of
sale of the Bank's assets to the larger bank, the price of defendant's stock rose to
$77 per share.

Plaintiff thereupon filed a diversity complaint in the United States District

Court for the District of Connecticut (Gagliardi, J., sitting by designation),

seeking damages for breach of the stock option agreement. At trial, the parties
agreed to submit two questions of fact to the jury as follows:

Has plaintiff established by a preponderance of the evidence that the Bank

agreed in 1976 to grant plaintiff an additional option to purchase 1000 shares of
the Bank's common stock at $20.00 per share until December 31, 1981 in
exchange for plaintiff providing certain services to the Bank?

7If "Yes," then ...


Has plaintiff established by a preponderance of the evidence that plaintiff had

fully satisfied all of the terms and conditions of such agreement at the time he
attempted to exercise the option in 1979?

The jury answered both interrogatories in the affirmative. The trial judge
thereafter decided all other issues of law and fact and entered judgment for
plaintiff in the amount of $57,560 pursuant to the parties' stipulation on
damages. The Bank appeals claiming that: (1) Reader lacked authority to enter
into a stock option contract with plaintiff; (2) the concededly oral contract was
barred by the statute of frauds, and not supported by adequate consideration;
(3) Connecticut law relating to stock options rendered the contract invalid; and
(4) the trial court erroneously computed the damages.


The Bank, citing Connecticut statutory law that authorizes a corporation to

issue stock options entitling the holders to purchase them only "on such terms
as the board of directors may determine", Conn.Gen.Stat. Sec. 33-344(a),
argues that a stock option offer made by Reader as president, without action by
the board of directors is unauthorized and unenforceable. Nonetheless, a board
of directors may ratify its president's unauthorized action. 2 W. Fletcher,
Cyclopedia of the Law of Private Corporations Sec. 773 (perm. ed. 1969).
Whether principal ratified its agent's unauthorized act is generally a question of
fact decided by a jury. See Slotkin v. Citizens Casualty Co., 614 F.2d 301, 317
(2d Cir.1979), cert. denied, 449 U.S. 981, 101 S.Ct. 395, 66 L.Ed.2d 243
(1980); E. Paul Kovacs & Co. v. Alpert, 180 Conn. 120, 126, 429 A.2d 829,
832 (1980) (nature and extent of an agent's authority is a question of fact). The
Bank urges that the trial judge's failure to instruct the jury on ratification was
reversible error. It concedes nonetheless that before trial the parties expressly
agreed that the jury would consider only whether a contract existed and
whether plaintiff had fulfilled his part of the agreement. The parties also agreed

that "all remaining questions will be left for the Court as questions of law as to
whether or not there was estoppel, whether or not the agreement would come
within the Statute of Frauds and as to whether or not the bank was authorized to
grant the option without stockholder approval." In light of the parties'
agreement to submit only those specified questions to the jury to be decided by
it in the form of a special verdict, defendant's argument fails.

In ruling on defendant's judgment n.o.v. motion, Judge Gagliardi concluded that

the board's ratification could be inferred from a number of facts in the record:
Reader's position as president and director; his assurances to plaintiff that the
stock option would be "taken care of"; and the shareholder's resolution prior to
plaintiff's return to Connecticut from Florida. But the trial judge incorrectly
viewed this evidence "in the light most favorable to plaintiff." Had ratification
been submitted to the jury, plaintiff would have been required to prove it by a
preponderance of the evidence. Usually the jury decides questions of fact and,
on a motion for judgment n.o.v., the judge reviews the jury's conclusions in a
light most favorable to the non-movant. Sirota v. Solitron Devices, Inc., 673
F.2d 566, 573 (2d Cir.1982). By reviewing the ratification issue in the light
most favorable to the plaintiff, the trial judge acted as if the jury had actually
determined the ratification issue, which of course it had not. In effect, the trial
court viewed the ratification issue as though it had been waived by defendant.
While we could remand for Judge Gagliardi to rule again, it is unnecessary to
do so in light of the facts he relied upon. The totality of the circumstances in
this case amply demonstrate that the board of directors ratified Reader's act. See
Cohen v. Holloways', Inc., 158 Conn. 395, 409, 260 A.2d 573 (1969).


The Bank argues that the stock option agreement was invalid for lack of
consideration. We disagree. Fisher's performance of consulting services to
assist the Bank in opening its Bedford Street main office constituted completion
of his side of the bargain and as such fully supported his insistence that the
Bank complete its side of the bargain and grant him the promised stock option.
The Bank further contends that as a matter of law the agreement was not
sufficiently definite as to its material terms to be entitled to enforcement. The
first question submitted to the jury fully covered this issue. The jury found that
the agreement sufficiently defined the obligations of the parties. Hence, Judge
Gagliardi properly rejected this argument.


We turn next to whether the Statute of Frauds, Conn.Gen.Stat. Sec. 42a-8-319,

barred the oral agreement between Reader and Fisher. As the jury found that
plaintiff had fully performed his promise under the agreement, the defense that

this oral contract is barred by the statute of fraud is unavailing. In general, a

contract for the sale of securities is not enforceable unless there is a writing
signed by the party against whom enforcement is sought. Conn.Gen.Stat. Sec.
42a-8-319(a). Yet, a contract may be enforceable without a writing to the extent
that "payment has been made." Conn.Gen.Stat. Sec. 42a-8-319(b). Provision of
labor or services may constitute such payment for a stock option. See Burns v.
Gould, 172 Conn. 210, 217, 374 A.2d 193, 200 (1977). In the present case, the
promisee's full performance of the oral contract for the sale of securities takes
the contract out of the statute altogether because payment in full for the stock
has been made.

Appellant Bank further claims that the trial court should have applied
Conn.Gen.Stat. Sec. 36-88 to invalidate the stock option granted plaintiff.
Section 36-88 of the Connecticut General Statutes deals with the situation in
which a bank increases its authorized stock and issues that stock. The trial
judge found no evidence that the Bank's authorized stock was insufficient to
cover the option. Moreover, the Bank is the party required to comply with the
terms of Sec. 36-88, and it may not in good conscience argue that because it
failed to take the proper legal steps to make its promised consideration
available, plaintiff may not enforce his claim after performing his part of the


Upon the jury's verdict, the trial court entered judgment for plaintiff in the
amount of $57,560. The court based the award on a stipulation placed in the
record at the close of the evidence. It provided that

16plaintiff was successful he would be entitled to recover the difference between the
cost of the stock as reflected in the option, that is $20 a share, and the amount which
has thus far been distributed to stockholders based upon the sale of the assets which
is $77 a share for a total of $57,000 which represents $57 a share times 1,000 shares.

Generally, a stipulation of fact that is fairly entered into is controlling on the

parties and the court is bound to enforce it. Stanley Works v. F.T.C., 469 F.2d
498, 506 (2d Cir.1972), cert. denied, 412 U.S. 928, 93 S.Ct. 2750, 37 L.Ed.2d
155 (1972); Fenix v. Finch, 436 F.2d 831, 837 (8th Cir.1971). But a court is not
governed by a stipulation on a question of law. Swift & Co. v. Hocking Valley
Ry. Co., 243 U.S. 281, 289, 37 S.Ct. 287, 289, 61 L.Ed. 722 (1917). The
stipulation in this case was not as to fact or law, it was on the issue of damages,

which may be removed by stipulation from consideration by the jury.


There is no dispute over the method of calculation of damages in the

stipulation. See 22 Am.Jur.2d Damages Sec. 52 (1965) (citing authority for
computing damages in actions for breach of contract to sell stock as of a date
later than the date of the breach, as opposed to measuring the damages as of the
date of the breach). Instead, defendant urges that the trial court should have
considered plaintiff's duty to mitigate damages under Connecticut law.
Willametz v. Goldfeld, 171 Conn. 622, 627, 370 A.2d 1089 (1976). Ordinarily,
it is left to the jury to determine whether plaintiff in the exercise of ordinary
care and at reasonable expense could have mitigated defendant's damages. The
fact that the stipulation on damages was silent about mitigation does not
foreclose consideration of that issue. But here, counsel discussed matters of
enhancement and reduction in their colloquy upon entering into the agreement
on damages. Counsel for the Bank reserved the right to urge reduction only in
connection with its statute of fraud performance argument. Since at that time
the opportunity for plaintiff to mitigate damages by purchase of stock at $23
per share was long past, the matter of mitigation should have been called to the
court's attention if the parties wished to preserve the argument.


Finally, defendant claims that it should be relieved from the effects of the
stipulation to avoid manifest injustice, relying upon Carnegie Steel Co. v.
Cambria Iron Co., 185 U.S. 403, 22 S.Ct. 698, 46 L.Ed. 968 (1902). In
Carnegie evidence was introduced contrary to the facts of a stipulation and the
Supreme Court held that upon giving notice in time to prevent prejudice, a party
may repudiate any fact inadvertently incorporated in its stipulation. Id. at 444,
22 S.Ct. at 714. Here neither side offered evidence on either damages or
mitigation. It would have been an improvident exercise of discretion for the
trial court to set aside the stipulation and thereby abrogate the intent of the
parties who had entered into it. Plainly, it was not unreasonable to require
defendant's attorney to have anticipated the mitigation issue at the time of the
damage stipulation. See, e.g., Fed.R.Civ.P. 16(c). We find no injustice in
reaching this conclusion. First, there was no proof that any stock was available
for plaintiff to purchase at $23 per share at the time he attempted to exercise his
option. Second, the Bank cannot cast a duty upon Fisher, at the expense of his
own interests, to make an expenditure in order to minimize the Bank's damages.
See Camp v. Cohn, 151 Conn. 623, 627, 201 A.2d 187 (1964). At the time of
the breach, there was a serious risk that negotiation for the sale of defendant's
assets to the People's Savings Bank might fall through. It later became evident
that the expenditure would have mitigated plaintiff's damages; but to require the
innocent party to make such an expenditure compels him to incur risks beyond
those for which he contracted. Hindsight may not serve as a basis to decrease

damages plaintiff is otherwise entitled to recover.


Accordingly, we affirm the judgment.

VAN GRAAFEILAND, Circuit Judge, dissenting:


Every litigant, even a bank, is entitled to have its legal disputes tried and
determined in accordance with correct legal procedures and established rules of
law. Because that is not what is happening in the instant case, I dissent.


This case involves employee stock options, a device used to attract and retain
capable personnel. When First Stamford Bank and Trust Company ("First
Stamford") was organized in 1971, "Qualified Stock Options" were given to a
number of its employees including appellee Fisher. Under the Internal Revenue
Code, a "Qualified Stock Option" must provide that it is not exercisable after
five years from the date it is granted. 26 U.S.C. Sec. 422(b)(3). Moreover, "at
all times during the period beginning with the date of the granting of the option
and ending on the day 3 months before the date of such exercise," the grantee
must be an employee of the granting corporation or a related corporation as
described in the statute. Id. Sec. 422(a)(2).


In accordance with the statutory requirements, Fisher's option, which gave him
the right to purchase a total of 1,000 shares at $20 per share, provided that 200
shares were to be purchased between June 23, 1971, the option date, and June
23, 1972; 200 shares between June 23, 1972 and June 23, 1973; 200 shares
between June 23, 1973 and June 23, 1974; 200 shares between June 23, 1974
and June 23, 1975; and 200 shares between June 23, 1975 and June 23, 1976. It
also provided that Fisher had to be a full-time employee at the time he
exercised his option, unless his employment was terminated prior to June 23,
1976 without fault on his part, in which event he would be entitled, within three
months from the date of termination, to exercise his option as to the full number
of shares available to him.


At the 1976 annual meeting of First Stamford's shareholders held on June 8,

1976, the shareholders "empowered" the board of directors to extend stock
options theretofore granted to four employees including Fisher, Fisher's
extension to be for a term of five and one-half years. However, the board never
acted in accordance with the authority thus given it, and no hand was raised in
protest, perhaps because the market value of the stock was substantially less
than the option price.


Three years later, after Fisher had retired, the situation changed. On June 26,
1979, First Stamford's president sent each shareholder a letter which read in
part as follows:

26 are pleased to inform you that the Board of Directors of the First Stamford Bank
and Trust Company has just approved a resolution pursuant to which the assets and
liabilities of FSB are to be sold to People's Savings Bank-Bridgeport. Under the
proposed agreement (which we hope to reduce to writing within the next several
weeks) stockholders can anticipate receiving a payment of between $65.00 and
$70.00 per share.

One month thereafter, Fisher informed the Bank by letter that he had decided to
exercise his stock option "in accordance with" the 1976 shareholders'


Two months later, the first complaint in this action was served. The pertinent
provisions of that complaint read as follows:


4. On 6-23-71 the plaintiff, Charles Fisher, and the defendant, First Stamford
Bank and Trust Company, entered into an Agreement which granted plaintiff a
proprietary interest in the defendant to acquire options to purchase 1,000 shares
of common stock of the defendant corporation, First Stamford Bank and Trust
Company, at a price of $20.00 per share on or before 6-23-76. A copy of the
Agreement is attached hereto as Exhibit A.


5. On or about 6-10-76 the defendant, First Stamford Bank and Trust Company,
extended the stock option Agreement heretofore granted and attached hereto as
Exhibit A, to the plaintiff, Charles Fisher, for a term of five and one half years
at $20.00 per share commencing on 7-1-76.


6. On 7-30-79 the plaintiff, Charles Fisher, elected to exercise his stock option
for 1,000 shares of the defendant corporation stock at $20.00 per share, or a
total of $20,000, in accordance with the 6-10-76 resolution of the defendant
corporation. A copy of plaintiff's letter electing to exercise his stock option of
1,000 of First Stamford Bank and Trust common stock at $20.00 per share or
$20,000 is attached hereto as Exhibit B.


It is noteworthy that the complaint did not mention or even hint of any alleged
oral agreement between Fisher and Norman Reader, First Stamford's president.


On May 4, 1981, Fisher served an amended complaint. Once again, no mention


On May 4, 1981, Fisher served an amended complaint. Once again, no mention

was made of an alleged oral agreement between Fisher and Reader. The
complaint alleged that "[i]n June of 1976, at a time when the plaintiff was not
an employee of the defendant, defendant agreed to extend and did extend the
options previously granted to the plaintiff," and that "notwithstanding its
agreement with the plaintiff, as aforesaid" the defendant refused to allow
plaintiff to exercise his options.


Another sixteen months went by. On September 3, 1982, eight months after
First Stamford's motion for immediate trial had been granted and the case
placed on the ensuing jury calendar, Fisher was permitted to serve a second
amended complaint. In this complaint, Fisher alleged for the first time that,
before he terminated his employment in January of 1976, the defendant
promised to extend his option in consideration of his promise to render services
to the defendant in connection with the opening of a new office later that year.
This completely new theory of liability, which the district court permitted
Fisher to propound on the very eve of the scheduled trial, begot a series of
errors that has now culminated in my colleagues' cursory affirmance on a theory
of ratification.


The existence vel non of this tardily-alleged oral agreement between Fisher and
Reader, and Fisher's alleged compliance with its terms, were the only questions
presented to the jury. As the district court itself described the first crucial
question, "[t]his jury is solely going to be called upon to determine whether or
not the Plaintiff has established the agreement that he says was entered into
between him and the bank through Mr. Reader...." This question never should
have gone to the jury.


The district court recognized, and Fisher did not dispute, that Reader was
without authority to enter into a stock option agreement with the plaintiff.
Connecticut law reserves to boards of directors the right to grant options and
specify their terms. Conn.Gen.Stat. Sec. 33-344(a). Fisher admittedly knew this
to be so. Because Fisher failed to prove that First Stamford's board granted his
alleged extended option or even knew of its existence, the Bank's motion for a
directed verdict, made at the close of Fisher's case and renewed at the close of
all the evidence, should have been granted. Regardless of the jury's answer to
the court's interrogatory, the alleged extended option would be illegal and void.
See Levine v. Randolph Corp., 150 Conn. 232, 244, 188 A.2d 59 (1963). If the
district court preferred to reserve decision on the directed verdict motions, it
should have granted First Stamford's motion for judgment n.o.v., which
technically was simply a renewal of its prior motions, Mattivi v. South African
Marine Corp., "Huguenot", 618 F.2d 163, 167 n. 3 (2d Cir.1980).


Having determined to send the case to the jury, the district court should have
granted First Stamford's request to instruct the jury that, under Conn.Gen.Stat.
Sec. 33-344(a), only First Stamford's board of directors lawfully could grant a
stock option. A jury that is asked to determine whether a person entered into an
apparently lawful agreement is going to view the matter in an entirely different
light than if it were instructed that the agreement was unlawful. In the absence
of knowledge to the contrary, "[f]inders of fact are permitted to make logical
inferences of innocent behavior, because '[c]onformity to recognized standards
of conduct is the usual and customary action of every member of the
community.' " Grey v. Heckler, 721 F.2d 41, 49 (2d Cir.1983) (Van
Graafeiland, C.J., dissenting) (citing Matter of Callahan, 142 Misc. 28, 34, 254
N.Y.S. 46 (1931), aff'd, 236 A.D. 814, 259 N.Y.S. 987 (1932), aff'd, 262 N.Y.
524, 188 N.E. 48 (1933)). Although it is not suggested that the district court
should have instructed the jury concerning the inferences it must draw, it was
prejudiciously erroneous for the court to deprive the jury of the facts from
which it could make its own common sense determination whether a person
such as Mr. Reader knowingly would violate the law.


It will not do to say that the district court's errors were rendered meaningless
because judgment was entered against the Bank on a theory of ratification.
Before an unauthorized agreement can be ratified, it first must be found to have
been entered into.


Moreover, in determining the issue of ratification, the district judge viewed the
evidence in the light most favorable to the plaintiff, just as if that entire issue
had been submitted to the jury. Recognizing that the district court erred, my
colleagues now proceed to determine the factual issue of ratification de novo,
and conclude that the "totality of the circumstances" demonstrates that the
board of directors ratified the purported agreement. I respectfully disagree.


In determining whether the doctrine of ratification has any role to play in this
case, one must bear in mind two universally accepted rules that go to the very
heart of this doctrine.

Rule 1:

In order to ratify the unauthorized act of an agent, the ratification must be made
by the principal with a full and complete knowledge of all the material facts
connected with the transaction to which it relates.


This Court has adhered to the foregoing rule:

the law of agency ratification can only occur when the principal, having
knowledge of the material facts involved in a transaction, evidences an intention to
ratify it.

Breen Air Freight, Ltd. v. Air Cargo, Inc., 470 F.2d 767, 773 (2d Cir.1972),
cert. denied, 411 U.S. 932, 93 S.Ct. 1901, 36 L.Ed.2d 392 (1973).


So also has the Supreme Court of Connecticut:

is no ratification unless the party has full knowledge of all the facts, nor unless
there is the intent to ratify.

Goodwin v. The Town of East Hartford, 70 Conn. 18, 42, 38 A. 876 (1897).
See also Botticello v. Stefanovicz, 177 Conn. 22, 28, 411 A.2d 16 (1979);
Cohen v. Holloways', Inc., 158 Conn. 395, 408-09, 260 A.2d 573 (1969);
O'Connor v. Metropolitan Life Insurance Co., 121 Conn. 599, 609-10, 186 A.
618 (1936); Lester v. Kinne, 37 Conn. 9, 13-14 (1870); Seeley v. North, 16
Conn. 92, 97 (1844).


For additional discussions of the general rule, see 2A Fletcher Cyc Corp. Sec.
756; 2 Williston on Contracts 3d Ed. Sec. 278; 19 C.J.S. Corporations Sec.

Rule 2:

In determining whether a principal has full and complete knowledge of all the
facts, one may not charge the principal with the knowledge of an agent who has
been acting in excess of his authority.


Connecticut follows the general rule of agency that knowledge of an agent,

acting within the scope of his authority and in reference to a matter over which
his authority extends, is knowledge of the principal. City of West Haven v.
United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co., 174 Conn. 392, 395, 389 A.2d 392
(1978). "This assumes, however, that the agent is acting within the scope of his
authority." Id.; see also Indiana Bicycle Co. v. Tuttle, 74 Conn. 489, 492, 51 A.
538 (1902). This "scope of authority" limitation on the doctrine of imputed
knowledge applies in full measure to any claim of ratification. This is the law
both in Connecticut, Cohen v. Holloways', Inc., 158 Conn. 395, 409, 260 A.2d
573 (1969), and elsewhere, Kenneally v. First National Bank of Anoka, 400
F.2d 838, 842 (8th Cir.1968), cert. denied, 393 U.S. 1063, 89 S.Ct. 716, 21
L.Ed.2d 706 (1969). See also Fletcher, supra, Sec. 759; Williston, supra, Sec.

278 at 270 n. 11; 19 C.J.S., supra, Sec. 1015 at 489; 2A C.J.S., Agency, Sec.
73(c) at 668 n. 6; Restatement of Agency 2d Sec. 280.

Viewing the evidence in the light of the above clearly applicable rules of law, I
am at a loss to determine how it can be held to "amply demonstrate" that First
Stamford's board of directors ratified Fisher's alleged agreement with Reader.
There is not one iota of proof in the record that any member of the fifteen-man
board of directors, save the alleged wrongdoer, Reader, had any knowledge of
Reader's alleged but clearly unauthorized acts, and it simply is wrong to impute
Reader's knowledge to the other board members. In language that is strikingly
apropos, Fletcher states:

the knowledge of the president of a corporation, who has signed a contract
without authority of the directors, is not knowledge on the part of the corporation,
where the other stockholders and directors have no knowledge of it.

Fletcher, supra, at Sec. 759.


Moreover, ratification by the board cannot be inferred from the fact that Fisher
worked as a bank "consultant" for several months in 1976. "[I]t is essential to
implied ratification from acceptance and retention of benefits that it and the
acceptance of the benefits be with knowledge of all the material facts."
Fletcher, supra, Sec. 773 at 489. Fisher was paid $4,000 for his 1976 services,
and "[r]atification cannot ... be inferred from acts which may be readily
explained without involving any intention to ratify." 3 Am.Jur.2d Agency, Sec.
170 at 555. See Cyclone Fence Co. v. McAviney, 121 Conn. 656, 661, 186 A.
635 (1936); Lester v. Kinne, supra, 37 Conn. at 13-14.


Finally, I fail to see how the shareholders' 1976 resolution empowering the
board of directors to extend the stock options of four employees, a resolution
that the board never acted upon, can be considered a ratification by the board of
an unauthorized agreement between Reader and only one of the four


Perhaps because as an appellate court we are unused to deciding factual issues,

see Hill York Corp. v. American International Franchises, Inc., 448 F.2d 680,
691 (5th Cir.1971), my colleagues feel free to make factual determinations
based on the "totality of the circumstances." Were I reviewing the majority
opinion as an appellate judge, I would hold that, if my colleagues' findings were
not clearly inadequate, they were clearly erroneous. As a member of the same
panel, I can only dissent.


Although I am satisfied that the above discussed errors, standing alone,

mandate reversal, I cannot conclude without expressing my differences with the
majority concerning part performance under the statute of frauds. It is a rule of
ancient vintage that, in order to take a case out of the statute, "[t]he acts done in
part performance ... must be such as are necessarily to be imputed to the
agreement, and should be done solely with a view to the identical agreement
being performed that is sought to be enforced." Lester v. Kinne, supra, 37
Conn. at 14; see also Van Epps v. Redfield, 69 Conn. 104, 109-10, 36 A. 1011
(1897); Verzier v. Convard, 75 Conn. 1, 6-8, 52 A. 255 (1902). The conduct
must be such as cannot "in the ordinary course of human conduct, be accounted
for in any other manner than as having been done in pursuance of a contract."
Verzier at 7 (quoting Pomeroy on Contracts Sec. 108).


The record shows that Fisher sent the Bank monthly statements for his services
as a consultant. The November 1976 bill in the amount of $172.54 bore the
heading "Final Bill for Consulting Fee". This amount was paid on January 7,
1977 with a letter that stated:


This represents total payment by First Stamford Bank and Trust Company as
per your agreement, taking into consideration all expenses previously paid by
the bank.


It turned out, however, that the total payments made to that date were $3,500
rather than $4,000. Accordingly, on January 13, 1977, Fisher sent the Bank a
bill for $500 which read "Final Bill for Consulting regarding new Bedford St.
Office." This also was paid.


Five years later, Fisher served a second amended complaint contending for the
first time that his "final" bills were not final at all but, instead, his consulting
services in connection with the new Bedford Street office were performed
pursuant to an oral stock option agreement with Reader. Under established
Connecticut law, permitting Fisher to prove an alleged verbal stock option
contract under these circumstances would constitute a "virtual repeal" of the
statute of frauds. Van Epps v. Redfield, supra, 69 Conn. at 110, 36 A. 1011.
See also Burnside & Co. v. Havener Securities Corp., 25 A.D.2d 373, 375, 269
N.Y.S.2d 724 (1st Dep't 1966) (per curiam).


For all the foregoing reasons, I dissent.

Honorable Lloyd F. MacMahon, United States District Court Judge for the

Southern District of New York, sitting by designation

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