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Edexcel Core 1 Help Guide

Quadratic Equations and Expressions
Simultaneous Equations
Graph Sketching
Coordinate Geometry
Sequences and Series

Formulae Given in Exam

Surface area of sphere = 4 r 2
Area of curved surface of cone = rl (where l is the slant height)

Arithmetic series
an a (n 1)d
Sn (2a (n 1)d )
Sn (a l )

The rules of indices
The index is simply the power a base is raised to. In the example 23 8 , 2 is the base, 3 is the index, exponent
or power and 8 is the numeric value obtained if we raise 2 to the 3rd power.
Most questions will ask you to simplify expression or find numerical values and use one of the rules below.
a m a n a m n
a m a n a mn
m n

a mn

a0 1
a m



a an

Most exam questions will be 1 or 2 marks. If they are worth 2 marks show workings e.g. Find


36 2 25 2 5 125
25 36 6 216

Another typical question might ask us to Find the value of x given 23 x 4 x1 .
I know 4 is a power of 2 (or vice versa) so I can rewrite the equation such that I have the same base (2):
23 x (22 ) x1
Using the rules of indices:
23 x 22( x1)
If the bases (2) are the same we can simply equate the powers and solve for x .
3x 2( x 1)
3x 2 x 2
To check my answer I can substitute x 2 back in to the equation see if it makes the equation true. We know
26 43 64 and therefore we have the correct answer. Do check your answer!
We may have to expand brackets and simplify. An exam question could be:

Expand and simplify x 3 x 5 giving your answers in descending powers of x :

Showing full workings and using the rules of indices:

12 23 12
x x x 5 x 3 3 5


x 2 5 x 2 3x 2 15
Finally, putting my answer in descending powers of x , the answer is:

x 2 3x 2 5 x 2 15

If we have 16 4 we dont divide by 4, we take the 4th root. This is a common error. Another common error is
1 1
with negative powers. Remember a m m . This will not give a negative value. 2 3 3

One important rule to remember is a a 2 . You can use this when working with surds and indices... This will
be very important when it comes to differentiation and integration in the section on calculus.

Surds are irrational numbers and are said to be exact values. Dont be tempted to try and write a truncated or
rounded decimal answer. Leave your answer as a surd. Calculations in this form will be more accurate & easy
to perform.
Generally you will either have to simplify surds, carry out basic calculations with the 4 operations or
rationalise the denominator of a fraction with a surd in.
Some Basic Surd Laws
a a a

a c b d ab cd
a a 2 a
Just try these with numeric values. You will see many break down into integer values
Simplifying Surds
Breaking surds down (simplifying) is just a case of prime factorising e.g. 8 2 2 2 2 2
Adding and Subtracting Surds
You can only add and subtract like surds BUT some will simplify to allow you to do that e.g.
3 4 3 5 3 or 7 2 3 2 4 2 are examples of surd adding/subtracting without prior simplification.
Sometimes you will have to simplify first
e.g. 50 8 ( 5 5 2 ) ( 2 2 2 ) 5 2 2 2 7 2
Expanding Brackets
You may be expected to expand single or double brackets. Most of these questions require full workings e.g.
Write (2 3)(5 27) in the form a b 3
(2 3)(5 27) (2 3)(5 3 3) (2)(5) (2)( 3 3) ( 3)(5) ( 3)(3 3) 10 6 3 5 3 27 17 3

a 17, b 1 Some exam questions will not expect that level of working. Do check first!
Rationalising the Denominator
Mathematicians hate having an irrational denominator. A surd is an irrational number. You will come across
two types of fractions where you will have to rationalise the denominator:
2 3
1 When the denominator is a single surd value such as
. With this type simply multiply
5 7
the numerator and the denominator by the surd value in the denominator and simplify. For the first one
multiply numerator and denominator by 3 , the second 7 and the third 5 . Simplify your using the surd
4 7
4 7 4 7
An example could be

5 7 5 7 7 5(7)
2 When the denominator has two values and an additional or subtraction sign e.g.
2 3
2 3
3 2 7 3 5
With this type we simply multiply the numerator and the denominator is the same values in the denominator
but with the opposite sign. This will create a difference of squares and allow you to simplify to give a
rational, denominator. Here is an example in the form a 3 b .
3( 3 2)
3( 3 2)
3( 3 2)

3( 3 2) 3 3 6
3 2 ( 3 2)( 3 2) 3 2 3 2 3 4
There may be some practical
length width = area rearranging, rationalising & simplifying
applications of surds such as areas or
lengths. Here is a typical question:
Find the value of x given the area of

the rectangle below is 3 1 sq units

x 5 3 3 1

3 1
5 3
3 15 3 5 3 3 5 3 6
5 3 5 3 25 5 3 5 3 3

3 8 3 3 4


Quadratic Equations and Expression

Solving Quadratic Equations
Quadratic equations and expression will have a highest power of the variable as a squared term e.g.
y x 2 3x 10 or 2 p 2 5 p 9 0 where each power is an integer value. An expression is a collection of
terms, an equation will have an equals (=) sign in and we could look to use a range of techniques to solve.
When solving a quadratic equation consider two possible solutions e.g. x 2 25 will have two real
solutions, x 5 . A common error is to simply give the answer of 5. Check the validity of your solutions as the
algebra may work but one solution may not be applicable. An example would be a negative length in an area
of a rectangle question. Sometimes a quadratic equation will have no real solutions.
When trying to solve a quadratic equation go through a checklist of methods you can use to solve an equation.
Type 1 x 2 a .
Type 2 ax 2 bx 0
Type 3 ax 2 bx c 0 , a 1 that
Simply square root both sides.
Set the RHS = 0, factor and solve
DO factor. Set the RHS side to 0,
3x 4 x 0
p 12
x2 2 x 8 0
x (3x 4) 0
p 12
( x 2)( x 4) 0
p 2 3
x 0 or x
x 2 or x 4
Type 5 ax 2 bx c 0 that
Type 5 ax 2 bx c 0 that
Type 4 ax 2 bx c 0 , a 1 that
DO factor Set RHS side to 0, solve. DONT factor. You can use either DONT factor. Completing the
the formula or you can complete
square is an option. The coefficient
6 x 2 13x 5
the square. When a quadratic
of the term in x 2 must be 1.
6 x 2 13x 5 0
equation is in the form
2 x 2 5x 9 0
(3 x 1)(2 x 5) 0
ax bx c 0 the solutions to the
equation will be
x2 x 0
x or x
b b2 4ac
5 25 9

x 4 16 2 0
Remember, not all equations will

initially 0 . Simply rearrange the
2 x 5x 9 0

equation into the form


4 16
5 ( 5) 4(2)( 9)

ax 2 bx c 0 and look to solve.

6 x 2 4 5 x
5 97
6 x 2 5x 4 0
5 97
(3 x 4)(2 x 1) 0
Check the validity of both solutions x
when answering the question. The
or x
question might, for example, state
x 3 which rules one solution out.
Completing the Square
Completing the square can be used to solve quadratic equations, find the maximum or minimum point and
allow easy graph transformations if you need to sketch a quadratic function. In the exam you might be asked to
write a quadratic expression the form a ( x b)2 c . This is in completed square form.
Completing the square when the quadratic expression is in the form ax 2 bx c , a 1
If you want an algorithm: take half the coefficient of the term in x into the bracket with an x , square the
bracket, subtract the squared value away
x2 4 x 5

( x 2)2 4 5
( x 2)2 9
This is a positive quadratic expression. If this was an equation where y x 2 4 x 5 the maximum would have
the coordinates (2,9) and the graph translation of y x 2 of 2 units in the negative x direction and 9 units in
the positive y direction.

Completing the square when the quadratic expression is in the form ax 2 bx c , a 1

In order the complete the square the coefficient of the term in x 2 must be 1. If its not you will need to factor
out the value of a . If you are simply solving an equation divide through the equation by a . Here is a typical
exam style question:
Express 3x 2 5 x 4 in the form a ( x b)2 c .
3x 2 5 x 4

3 x 2 x 4

5 25
3 x 4
6 36


5 35

3 x 4
6 12

5 19

3 x
6 12

If you graphed this the parabola would open upwards (as its a positive value of a ) and the minimum point will
5 19
have coordinates , . If I was solving the equation 3x 2 5 x 4 0 ,I could write x 2 x 0 & solve
6 12

If you had to graph y x 3 5 then it would be a maximum at (3, 5) as the value of a is negative.
The Discriminant
The Discriminant determines the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation. Remember math error when
using the quadratic equation on a calculator? That was because b2 4ac 0 . The 3 scenarios are listed below:
2 Distinct Real Roots
No Real Roots
Repeated or Equal Roots
ax bx c 0
ax bx c 0
ax 2 bx c 0
b2 4ac 0

b2 4ac 0

b2 4ac 0

An example could be find the set of values of k for which the quadratic equation x 2 kx 2k 0 has two
distinct real roots:
x 2 kx 2k 0
a 1, b k , c 2k
b2 4ac 0 for real roots
k 2 4(1)( 2k ) 0
k ( k 8) 0
k 0, k 8
You can use a sketch to help on the last part (covered in the next section on quadratic inequalities)
A quick tip! A tangent touches a curve. Some more subtle questions involving tangents may require the use of
the Discriminant and in particular b2 4ac 0 for a repeated root. Sketching a quick diagram should make sense
of this!

Simultaneous Equations
Linear Simultaneous Equations
Simultaneous equations are simply 2 or more equations that share common solutions. In C1 these will be two
equations generally in x and y . You will need to be able deal with 3 different scenarios in the module. (1)
Where there are two linear equations (2) Where one equation is linear and one is not and (3) Where both are
non linear.
So what does linear mean? The powers of x and y will both be one and there will be no terms in x and y that are
multiplied or divided by one another.
Two Linear Equations
You have two choices
(1) Elimination by adding or subtracting the two equations to eliminate one variable
(2) Rearranging and substitution to eliminate one variable
2x y 4
Here is a straight forward example from GCSE maths: Solve the simultaneous equations:
3x 2 y 13
Method 1
Method 2
Labelling the equations
I need either the terms in x or y to be the same.
(1) 2 x y 4
Labelling the equations
(1) 2 x y 4
(2) 3x 2 y 13
I am going to write equation (1) to make y the subject such
(2) 3x 2 y 13
I am going to multiply equation (1) by 2
that (1) y 2 x 4
(1) 4 x 2 y 8
I can now substitute this into equation (2) to eliminate
y from the equation such that
(2) 3x 2 y 13
(2) 3x 2(2 x 4) 13
Adding the two equations will
eliminate y leading to:
If I simplify this I have a linear equation in x such
that (2) 7 x 21 . Solving for x we can see x 3 .
7 x 21 , which gives x 3 .
This value of x can now be substituted back into I am now going to use this value in equation (1) to solve
either equation (1) or (2) to solve for y .
for y .
I am going to use equation (2)
(1) y 2(3) 4
(2) 3(3) 2 y 13
Again from this we can see y 2 .
2y 4
Check your answers for both x and y satisfy both equations
(1) and (2).
Check your answers for both x and y satisfy
This particular equation lends itself well to this method
both equations (1) and (2).
This wasnt the only way I could have done the as y could be written in terms of x with no fractions on the
RHS. Some equations will have fractions in!
question. I could have multiplied equation (1)
by 3 and equation (2) by 2 to make the terms in
x the same and then subtracted equation (2)
from (1).
A graphical representation is shown below. These equations would, in the main, be solve algebraically in C1

One Linear Equation, One Non Linear

Typical examples will include a circle and a line, a parabola and a line or a line and another type of equation
where y is implicitly defined as a function of x (usually where there is a product of terms in x and y ) such as
xy y 2 3 y 4 x and 3x y 6 .

Lets look at a circle and a line.

Find the coordinates of points of intersection of the equations 3 y 4 x and x 2 y 2 25 .
This is a relatively straight forward example, others can become quite messy. The first equation is the equation
a straight line and the second equation is a circle, centred at the origin and has a radius of 5 units.
Labelling the equations:
(1) x 2 y 2 25
(2) 3 y 4 x
I am going to divide both sides of equation (2) by 3 and then substitute this into equation (1) to eliminate y
(2) y x Substituting into (2) equation (1) will give me a quadratic equation in x .
(1) x 2 x 25
(1) x 2 x 2 25
25 2
x 25
(1) x 2 9
Solving for x we can see x 3 . At this stage we simply substitute our values of x back into the linear equation
(2) to solve for y . (2) y x
When x 3, y 4 and when x 3, y 4 . This gives us the two points (3, 4) and (3, 4) .
You can of course make x the subject of equation (2) at the start and solve the quadratic equation in y THEN
find the values of x from the linear equation. A graphical representation is shown below:

Two Non - Linear Equations

You might need to solve simultaneous equations where we have two quadratic functions. These are relatively
straight forward and we will work though a typical question: Solve the simultaneous equations:
y x 2 5x 3
y 2x2 4x 3
We have expressions for y in terms of x for both equations so we can simply either set the equations equal or
subtract one equation from the other to eliminate y .

If y x 2 5 x 3 and y 2 x 2 4 x 3 it follows that 2 x 2 4 x 3 x 2 5 x 3

Setting the RHS to 0, x 2 x 6 0
We can factor and solve for x
( x 3)( x 2) 0 giving the solutions x 3 and x 2 .
At this stage some students finish the question without solving for y . We need to find y too!
Using y x 2 5 x 3 we can solve to find the two values of y :
When x 3 , y 9 15 3 which gives y 21
When x 2 , y 4 10 3 which gives y 9
The solutions are x 3 and x 2 , y 21 and y 9 .

Linear Inequalities
Inequalities tell us about the relative size of two values. The variable x for example (which could represent
displacement) might be more than 4m in a given situation. Mathematically we could write x 4 and we would
read this as x is greater than 4. This gives us the range of values satisfying the inequality. In C1 you will be
expected to solve linear and quadratic inequalities and sometimes state the set of values that satisfies both a
linear and quadratic inequality.
Linear Inequalities are solved in a similar manner to linear equations BUT If you are multiplying or dividing
the inequality by a negative number you must change the inequality sign round.
An example of a linear inequality may be Find the set of values of x that for which 2 x 1 4 x 5
2 x 1 5x 4
1 3 x 4
3 3x
1 x
Quadratic Inequalities
Quadratic inequalities are dealt with in a similar manner to quadratic equations (and will usually factor when
written on the form y ax 2 bx c ) and solved often with aid of a sketch.
Some examples are shown below. Remember! The x axis is the line y 0
If we were asked to find the set of
x2 x 6 0
x2 x 6 0
values that satisfy BOTH
( x 2)( x 3) 0
( x 2)( x 3) 0
inequalities below we could add
The critical values are 2 and -3
The critical values are 2 and -3
the linear inequality to our sketch.
x2 x 6 0
2 x 1 5x 4

3 x 2

x 3, x 2

We are interest in the set of values

where there is both a line and
shading. In this case it would be
x 3

I have simply used the information

from previous questions to graph
the inequalities above
Be careful with strict and inclusive inequalities and their respective notation, / , / . Many marks are lost
on exam papers with incorrect notation or pupils not considering the statement they have written down.
x a can be read x is greater than a An open dot would be used on a number line.
3 q can be read 3 is greater than q or q is less than 3. The values that satisfy this inequality are all those
strictly less than 3. An open dot would be used on a number line.
p 2 can be read p is equal to or greater than 2. The set of values that satisfy this inequality are all values 2
or more. A closed dot would be used on a number line.
b y can be read b is equal to or less than y or y is equal to or greater than b . A closed dot would be
used on a number line.
Be warned! - Inequalities can appear on question involving the Discriminant!


Sketching Curves
You will be expected to sketch the graphs of 3 different functions. Quadratic graphs (parabolas), cubic graphs
and reciprocal graphs. A sketch is not a plot from a table of values. The examiner is looking for a basic
understanding of the shape, key features, any asymptotes and points of intersection. Do not try and write out a
table of values.
Quadratic Graphs
Quadratic equations can be written in the form y ax 2 bx c and their graphs are symmetric parabolas.
Positive (when a 0 ) quadratic graphs with open upwards and have a minimum. Negative (when a 0 ) will
open downwards and have a maximum. The graphs will cross the y axis when x 0 and the x axis when y 0 .
These solutions, or roots, can be found using the techniques above & max/min from completing the square.
Negative Quadratic Graph
Positive Quadratic Graph

The graph of y x 2 has its vertex (which is a minimum) at the origin and its axis of symmetry is the line x 0 .
The completed square form y a ( x b) 2 c can help sketch the main features of a quadratic graph e.g.
y ( x 3)2 2 will have a minimum point at (3, 2), open upwards (as its positive) and the axis of symmetry
will be the line x 3 . The y intercept will be (0, 11) as when x 0 , y 11 . The sketch should be smooth, not a
collection of straight lines. Any solutions in surd form should be left as exact values.
Cubic Graphs
Cubic equations can be written in the form y ax 3 bx 2 cx d . In C1 they equations will either be factored
e.g. y ( x 1)( x 4)( x 5) or will have a common factor of x e.g. y x 3 x 2 6 x such that the equation can
be factored to give y x ( x 2)( x 3) . If the equation was such that y 0 it will have the solutions
x 0, x 2 or x 3 which will assist in a sketch.
Positive cubic graphs (when a 0 ) will start in the 4th quadrant and leave in the 1st. Negative cubic graphs
(when a 0 ) will start in the 2nd quadrant and leave in the 4th.
An example of a negative cubic graph could be y ( x 2)( x 5)(1 x ) . We can see if we expanded the
brackets the term in x 3 would be negative. If the equation was such that y 0 the roots, or solutions, to the
equation would be x 2, x 5 or x 1 . These points would be plotted on the x axis. When x 0
y (2)(5)(1) , which gives the (0, 10) as the point of intersection on the y axis.
Positive Cubic Graph
Negative Cubic Graph


Some cubic graphs have repeated roots. The graph y ( x 2)( x 3)2 will pass through the x axis at 2 and touch
the x axis at 3. If the equation had been such that y ( x 2)2 ( x 3) then it would touch at 2 and pass through
at 3. Below is the graph of y ( x 2)2 ( x 3)

Reciprocal Graphs
, x 0 as division by 0 is undefined. The graph will have
two asymptotes, the x axis (or y 0 ) and the y axis (or x 0 ). In C1 you could be asked to apply graph
c, x b . These will be
transformations such that a reciprocal function would be written in the form y
( x b)
covered in the section on transformations below. The standard y , x 0 graph is sketched below. As x gets
large y gets small both in the positive and negative direction. As x gets small y gets large both in the positive
and negative direction such that y ( y tends to positive and negative infinity)

The basic reciprocal function has the equation y

Graph Transformations
There are 3 types of graph transformations you may be asked to perform. Translations, Reflections and
Stretches. Most are fairly intuitive but a way to remember them is If its on the outside of the bracket it
changes the y coordinate, if its on the inside of the bracket it changes the x coordinate. Using numeric values
are often a good way of confirming this. In the exam you will be given marks for the correct shape of the graph
and the coordinates of given points after each transformation has been applied. The sketches dont have to be
perfect and you may even find describing what you have done may help out if your sketch is as bad as mine!
For example Scale factor stretch 2 in the x direction or Scale factor stretch of in the negative y direction

Translations in the x direction.

Reflections in the y axis.

Stretches in the x direction.

f( x a )

f( x )

f(ax )

The graph is translated (translated

simply means moved) a units in the
negative x direction or, if you like,
move left by a units such that the vector

The sign of the x coordinate

changes and the result is a
reflection in the y axis.

scale factor stretch in
the x direction. An easier way to
think about this is to divide
the x coordinates by a . If you are
given f(2 x ) for example,
the x coordinates are divided by 2.
As a result the graph is
squashed towards the y axis.
f x would see the x divided
by , or multiplied by 2, such
that the graph looks more
stretched out.
Using a 2 as an example

An example could be f( x ) x 2 and you

may be asked to sketch f( x 3) .

This is a

If you try this with f( x ) x 2 you

may be a little disappointed!
The graph has moved 3 units to the
right. Whilst this may seem
counterintuitive, using numeric values
may help you see why.
Translations in the y direction.

Reflections in the x axis.

Stretches in the y direction.

f( x ) a

f( x )

a f( x )

The graph is translated a units in the

positive y direction such that the vector
is .

The sign of the y coordinate

changes and the result is a
reflection in the x axis.

This is a scale factor stretch of

a in the y direction. You can
simply multiply the y coordinates
by a . The example below shows
a 2 and a being applied to
f( x ) where f( x ) x 2

An example could be f( x ) x 2 and you

may be asked to sketch f( x ) 2

A stretch in the y direction will

come BEFORE a translation in y
The graph has moved 2 units upwards.

Coordinate Geometry
Before we startOne tip! If in doubt, sketch it out. Drawing can really help with questions on coordinate
geometry no matter how straightforward they may seem. The whole topic is simply about straight lines in
the x , y plane. Exam questions range from basic examples of finding an equation of a straight line to more
challenging questions on the area of shapes and distances between the vertices of shapes.
The Gradients of a Line or Line Segment
y y2
The gradient is the change in y over the change in x such that the gradient m is given as m 1
x1 x2
3 ( 1) 4
The gradient of the line passing through the points A(4, 3) and B(2, 1) , for example, is
1 3 4
Often errors are made with signs. You can of course write

2 a sketch will show this is positive.

2 4 2
The Equation of a Straight Line
For the equation of a straight line you need 2 things. (1) A gradient and (2) A point the line passes through. A
typical question might be: Find an equation of the straight line passing through the points A(4, 3) and B(2, 1) .
We know the gradient, m , is 2 from the previous section. We can now choose either A(4, 3) or B(2, 1) as a
point the line passes through. I am going to choose A(4, 3) . If I had chosen B(2, 1) my final answer would be
the same.
At this stage I can take either of the approaches below and simply substitute the values in to find an equation.
y mx c
y y1 m ( x x1 )
Using A(4, 3) and m 2 ,
Using A(4, 3) and m 2 ,
3 2(4) c
y 3 2( x 4)
y 3 2x 8
5 c
y 2x 5
y 2x 5
I have written the line in the form y mx c . We may be asked to write the equation in the
form ax by c 0 . The example above would be 2 x y 5 0 .
Lets look at a typical exam style question on straight lines:
Find an equation of the straight line that passes through the point P( 1, 2) that is parallel to the
line y 6 3 x in the form ax by c 0 where a, b and c are integers.
We need a gradient and a point the line passes through. We have the point P( 1, 2) and we can see the
gradient will be 3 from the line parallel to it (as the gradient will be the same).
Using the first method y y1 m ( x x1 ) , where P( 1, 2) and m 3
y (2) 3( x ( 2))
y 2 3( x 2)
y 2 3x 6
3x y 4 0
We could of course write the equation in the form y mx c such that y 3x 4 .
A Reminder! A straight line crosses the y axis when x 0 and crosses the x when y 0 . These are important
basic facts often overlooked or forgotten by students and may be important parts of exam questions. The point
of intersection of two lines can be solved by linear simultaneous equations as shown in a previous section. Not
all solutions will have integer values so being confident with fractions is very important.
Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
2 or more parallel lines have the same gradient. Perpendicular lines are at right angles and the product of the
gradients of two perpendicular lines 1 such that m1 m2 1 where m1 and m2 are the gradients of the 2 lines.
An easier way to think about it could be to consider the gradient of a perpendicular line is the negative


, m2 .You will generally have
to state the fact m1 m2 1 in an exam when working with perpendicular lines. A basic exam question could

reciprocal of the gradient of the original line. An example could be m1

be: The line l1 passes through the points A(4, 3) and B(2, 1) . Find an equation for the line l2 which is
perpendicular to l1 and passes through the point C (5, 3) .
For the equation of a straight line we need a gradient and a point the line passes through. We have the
point C (5, 3) . We found the gradient of the line passing through A(4, 3) and B(2, 1) in the previous section. I
will call this m1 where m1 2 . The gradient of the perpendicular will therefore be the negative reciprocal which
. All I need to do is simply substitute these values into the equation of a straight line. I can use
gives m2
either method outlined previously. I am going to choose y y1 m ( x x1 ) and use the values C (5, 3) and
such that:
y ( 3) ( x 5)
multiplying both sides of the equation by 2 and expanding the brackets on the RHS:
2 y 6 x 5
I am going to give the final answer in the form ax by c 0 where a , b and c are integers:
x 2y 1 0
The Midpoint of a Line Segment
This can be done geometrically or by using a formula. In Laymans terms, add the x coordinates together and
divide by 2, add the y coordinates together and divide by 2. More formally the midpoint M is such
x x y y2
4 2 3 ( 1) 6 2
that M 1 2 , 1
. The midpoint of the line AB where A(4, 3) and B(2, 1) is
, 3,1
2 2
Expect some non integer answers in exam and be prepared for exam questions that give you the midpoint and
one point where you are expected to find the other. Substituting into the formula is an easy way to tackle these
types of questions.
The Distance Between Two Points or the Length of a Line Segment
Despite its quite bewildering formula this is simply Pythagoras Theorem. Plotting the points in the x , y plane

should make this fairly clear. The distance formula is such that distance d is d x1 x2 y1 y2
Using A(4, 3) and B(2, 1) again we can find the length of the line segment AB by substituting the values in.

4 2


3 ( 1)

AB 20
AB 2 5
This is left in exact form and simplified. Most questions will ask for the length in the form p q or similar.
Here p 2, q 5
Here is a question to finish: The line 2 x 4 y 5 crosses the x axis at A and the y axis at B .
Find the area of the triangle AOB where O is the origin.
When x 0, y
and when y 0, x
We now have a right angle triangle with a base of
and a height of . Using the area of a triangle:
1 5 4
A 1
2 2 5
Here is a quick sketch

Sequences and Series

A sequence is an ordered list that follows a given rule. A series is the summation of the terms in a sequence.
The most challenging aspect of this topic for many students is the notation. There are only a few concepts that
have to be understood and implemented. If you struggle with this topic, especially recurrence relations, I
suggest using a table to write down your values.
Basic Sequences
You may be asked to generate terms in a sequence or solve a constant such as p or q . Here is a typical question.
A sequence is defined be the rule un 4n n, n 0 . Find the first 4 terms.
All we have to do here is substitute values of n into the sequence, starting with n 1 and write down the value.
I am going to put these in the boxes below to keep on top of my work.
n 1
u1 41 1

u2 42 2

u3 43 3

u4 44 4

u1 3

u2 16 2

u3 64 3

u4 256 4

u2 14
u3 61
u4 252
This gives us the first for terms as 3, 15, 63 and 255. You can argue the table is overkill but it can lead to fewer
mistakes. We read un as u sub n . an is often used in exams too.
Recurrence Relations
The terms in a recurrence relation are generated based on a rule linking previous terms in the sequence. An
example could be an 1 2 , n 0 a1 3 where we might be asked to find the first 4 terms of the sequence.
You could read this sequence as The next terms is 3 divided by the last term then subtract 2
Using the table below we can generate terms in the sequence. We know the first term a1 3 and that n 0 , so
we can start with n 1 .
n 1
We know a1 3
a2 2
a4 2
a3 2
a 2 1

a3 5




. This is a fairly simple case but gives you an idea on the
structure of the questions. Often the sequence will be defined in terms of a constant and question will introduce
the sum of a number of terms being equal to a given value. You will have to solve accordingly.
Lets look at a typical example: (a) Write down the first 3 terms in the sequence un 1 kun 1 ,

This gives us the first 4terms as 3, 1 , 5 and

n 1, u1 1 where k is a positive constant. (b) Given

8 find the value of the constant k .

i 1

We know u1 1

n 1
u2 ku1 1

u3 ku2 1

u2 k (1) 1

u3 k (k 1) 1

u2 k 1

u3 k 2 k 1

This gives us the first 3 terms as 1, k 1 and k 2 k 1 which is part a completed.

We are now going to part b and simply sum the terms we have and set them = 8 as we are summing from
i 1 to i 3 .


1 k 1 k 2 k 1 8
k2 9

(We are told there is one value of k and that k is a positive discard k 3 )

k 3
k 0, k 3
Arithmetic Sequences and Series
2, 4, 6, 8 is an example of an arithmetic sequence, 5 + 8 + 11 + 14 is an example of an arithmetic series.
Arithmetic sequences and series have a common difference, usually denoted as d . The difference could be 4, 3,
-1 or . The sequence or series will increase or decrease by a fixed amount. If it doesnt increase or decrease
by a fixed amount then its not arithmetic. The first term is given as a or a1 . Most questions simply involve
finding the 4th piece of information after being given you 3. You may have to find a term in the sequence, the
number of terms in a sequence or the sum of a series for example.
Is it Arithmetic?
If the sequence is arithmetic when you subtract the first term from the second, the second term from the third
and so on the value will be the same.
a2 a1 a3 a2 a4 a3 .....
Remember to check more than just the first 2 terms if asked if the sequence is arithmetic!
Finding a Term in a Sequence
The n th term of an arithmetic sequence or series, an , is found by using an a (n 1)d .
Lets look at a basic example. Find the 43rd term in the sequence 4, 7, 10, 11, 14.
With any question like this we can simply collect the information required and substitute into the formula.
n = 43
d = 3 (as we can see the common difference of the sequence is +3)
Its always a good idea to write a , n and d down the side of the page to collect information. This will really
help with word based questions too.
Substituting in:
a43 4 (43 1)3

a43 4 126
a43 130
A more challenging question might be: Given the first 3 terms of an arithmetic sequence are
x 1,2 x 3 and 4 x 11 , find the value of the 12th term.
We know an arithmetic sequence has a common difference therefore a2 a1 a3 a2 . Initially we need to solve
for x
Solving for x :
2 x 3 ( x 1) 4 x 11 (2 x 3)
x 2 2x 8
That gives a first term of 5 (substituting in x 1 ), a second term of 9 and a third term of 13. Applying this to the
n = 12
Substituting in:
a12 5 (12 1)4
a12 5 44
a12 49
Finding the Sum of a Series
We can use one of 2 formulae (which you may be asked to prove in an exam) to find the sum of a series or
values given a sum.

(2a (n 1)d ) or Sn (a l ) where a is the first term and l is the last term or n th term.
A straight forward example may ask us to find the sum of the first 25 terms of the series 5 + 2 + -1 + -4.
Dont be tempted to try and do this manually. Simply collect the information and substitute it into the formula.
a 5

We could use Sn

n 25
d 3
Using this information to find S25

(2(5) (25 1)( 3))
S25 (10 72)
S25 25( 31)

S25 775
The second formula Sn

(a l ) could be used if you find the last term ( n th term) using the formula shown


Sigma Notation may also be used. A typical example could be 3r 1 . This is an arithmetic series with
r 1

common difference of 3. The question is asking us to sum the first 12 terms of the series from r 1 to r 12 .
We can find the first term by substituting in r 1 which gives 2 and find the last term by substituting in
r 12 which gives 35. There are 12 terms. Be careful with the number of terms as r may not start at 1.
n 12
l 35
Substituting in the values:
S12 (2 35)
S12 6(37)
S12 222
If you have a word based problem simply extract the information from the question and decided whether you
are find a term, a sum or another piece of information. Simply take the values and substitute into the correct
formula and solve checking your answer is logical.


Differentiation is a branch of calculus studying rates of change. We might ask ourselves how does one
quantity change in response to another quantity changing? A nice example to look at is displacement ( s ) ,
velocity (v ) and acceleration (a ) . All 3 are functions of time (t ) . The rate of change of displacement with
respect to time is velocity. We could say
v which is pronounced dee ess, dee tee . We know this from
basic work in maths and physics. Distance/Time = Speed.
The rate of change of velocity with respect to time is acceleration. We could say a . We are differentiating
velocity with respect to time
These are basic examples although applications generally will not be tested in C1.
The Gradient of the Tangent at a Point on a Curve.
y y2
When you find the gradient of a straight line you will use m 1
as we saw in the section on coordinate
x1 x2
geometry. When you are finding the gradient of the tangent to a curve at a given point you will use the gradient
or f '( x ) . These are the same thing using different notation. We say we are going to differentiate
the function, in this case, with respect to x . In C1 you will only be expected to differentiate functions of the
form y x n and will not be expected to prove this from first principles (despite it being very interesting!)
Lets look at a standard result for differentiation:
If y x n then
nx n 1 .
If you want an algorithm, Multiply down by the power and drop the power by one.
This gives us the gradient function and we can find the gradient of the tangent to the curve at any point by
simply substituting the x coordinate of that point into either or f '( x ) .
Some basic examples are shown in the box below. We say we are differentiating both sides of the equation
with respect to x in each given case. x and y will not always be the variables of choice. We might have to find
given s 4t 5 2t 1 where we would be differentiating s with respect (WRT) to t . You will need to be
comfortable with basic fraction work, the rules of indices and use the rules for multiplying negative numbers
throughout differentiation and integration. Many marks are lost in exam questions through sloppy fraction
work. Be careful!
when y 3x 2 .
Find when y 5 3 x
Find f '( x ) given f ( x ) 4 x 3 6 x 2

to first
y 3x
f '( x ) 12 x 3x 2
2(3 x )
I have not shown full workings
y 5 3 x
here. You must check with your
teacher or exam board on the level
y 2 x 5 3 x 2
of workings required.
3 2
10 x x
At this stage I feel its important to discuss 2 results that may be intuitive but often cause some confusion.
Differentiating a term in x will give a constant, differentiating a constant will give 0.
For example, if y 3x then
3 . Visually this should be fairly clear. The gradient of the line y 3x is 3.
is the gradient function. Alternatively you can say initially the power of x is 1 such that y 3x1 .
When you reduce the power by 1 it will be 0 and by the rules of indices x 0 1 .

0 . The line y 5 is a horizontal line which
means the gradient is 0. Alternatively you could see this as y 5 x 0 and when you multiply down by the power
it will = 0. Both of these results may seem obvious but students sometimes as why a term disappears
The examples shown in the box previously have produced a gradient function which allows us to find the
gradient of the tangent to the curve at a given point. If we wanted to find the gradient of the tangent at a given
point we could simply substitute in the given x coordinate.
Here is a typical question: Find the gradient of the tangent to the curve y 3x 2 at the point A(1, 3) .
We need to find
y 3x

Here is an example of differentiating a constant: If y 5 then

2(3 x1 )
This gives a gradient of 6. The gradient of the tangent (which is just a straight line) is 6. The sketch below
shows a graphical representation. The tangent will touch the curve at the point A(1, 3)

Substituting in x 1 ,

The Equation of a Tangent

A tangent is simply a straight line. As we have seen before, we need two things for the equation of a straight
line. (1) A gradient and (2) A point the line passes through. We can find the gradient of a tangent using the
gradient function ( or f '( x ) ) and then simply substitute the values into the equation of a straight line.
Here is a basic example:
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve f( x ) 2 x 4 1 at the point P(1, y ) .
We need to find the gradient and the y coordinate of the point P . Lets start with the y coordinate of point P :
f( x ) 2 x 4 1
f(1) 2(1) 1
f(1) 1
We can now write the point P as P(1,1) . We need the gradient function so need to differentiate the function
with respect to x .
If f( x ) 2 x 4 1 then f '( x ) 8 x 3 . We say f dashed of x . You may be asked to show full workings remember!
I am now going to find f '(1) which will give me the gradient of the curve at the point P(1,1) .
f '(1) 8(1) This gives a gradient of 8. I simply now substitute this into the equation of a straight line using one

of the two methods shown below (this is covered in coordinate geometry).

P(1,1) and m 8
P(1,1) and m 8
y mx c
y y1 m ( x x1 )
1 8(1) c
y 1 8( x 1)
7 c
y 8x 7
y 8x 7
The Equation of a Normal
The normal is a straight line perpendicular to the tangent. If we find the value of the gradient of the tangent at a
or f '( x ) we can use the result m1 m2 1 if perpendicular to obtain the gradient of the
given point using
normal at the same point. Once we have this gradient we can simply substitute the values we are given (or have
to find) into the equation of a straight line to find an equation for the normal.
Lets look at a basic question:
Find the equation of the normal to the curve y 5 x 2 at the point P(1,3) .
We have a point the curve passes through so all we need is the gradient. Differentiating will give us the gradient
function to find the gradient of the tangent:
y 5 x 2

y 5x 2 2
dy 5 12
dx 2
we will find the gradient of the tangent at the point P(1,3) :
dy 5
When x 1 ,
(1) . We have a gradient of . Using the result m1 m2 1 we can say the gradient of the
dx 2
normal is
. Its the negative reciprocal. All we need to do now is substitute these values into the equation of a
straight line:
y y1 m ( x x1 ) where P(1,3) and m
( x 1)
5 y 15 2 x 2

If we substitute x 1 into

2 x 5 y 17 0
I have written the equation of the normal written in the form ax by c 0 . The question will guide you in
terms of the form required. If the question states an equation you can decide the form you leave it in.
Some questions will extend beyond these basics concepts and ask, for example, you may be asked What are
coordinates of the other point on the curve where the gradient is also 2? or Where does the normal intersect
the curve again? A quick sketch and basic applications of either algebra (mainly simultaneous equations) or the
use of
will allow you to find the given coordinates.


In C1 Integration is merely seen as a mechanical process and as the reverse of differentiation. Applications of
integration are not considered until later units.
In a very algorithmic manner we can simply say in order to integrate we Raise by a power, divide by the new
power and add a constant of integration. The first part should make sense as its the reverse of differentiation
x n 1
c , n 1 .
and follows from the previous section. The formal result is x dx
n 1
n 1 (as division by 0 is undefined). I have used the integral sign here and its notation you will need to be
familiar with. Often questions will ask you to find an equation for y given . Remember , the gradient
function, is found by differentiating both sides of an equation with respect to x where y f( x ) .
We can simply write y dx . We say we are Integrating with respect to x
When we differentiate a function that includes a constant we end up with one less term as differentiating a
constant gives 0. An example might be y 2 x 2 3x 5 which differentiates to give
4x 3 .
4 x 3 as would y 2 x 2 3x k where
Consider y 2 x 2 3x 6 . This would also have the derivative
gives us a general solution and a
family of curves as we dont yet know the value of the constant we lost when differentiating the original
function. The particular solution, i.e. an equation that involves a numeric value for c can be found if we have
initial conditions or have enough information in the question to find these initial conditions (this is just a value
for x and y at a given point on the curve).
Lets consider basic some examples below:
Given the curve C ,

Find (3x 5 4x 2 2)dx

y 4 5 x dx
where y f( x ) passes through the

3 6 4 3 2 1
point P(1, 2) and is such
(3x 4x 2)dx 6 x 3 x 1 x c

y 2 x 5 x dx
4 x 3 . Find an
Which simplifies to give:

1 6 4 3
x x 2x c
2 3 5 23
equation for C .

x x c
y 4 x 3 dx
Which simplifies to give:
y x 2 x1 c
2 3 10 23
y x x c
y 2 x 3x c
Substituting in the values for
x and y :
2 2(1) 3(1) c
This gives us an equation for
C which can be
written y 2 x 2 3x 3
As with questions on differentiation, you may have to use the rules of indices to simplify your equation or
expression first.
Some questions will also involve both differentiation and integration.


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