Lesson Plan Eng 1ST
Lesson Plan Eng 1ST
Lesson Plan Eng 1ST
I. Objective:
Distinguish changes in meaning of sentences cause by stress
1. Elvie not Donna, sings beautifully.
2. Elvie sings beautifully not recites.
3. Elvie sings beautifully not poorly.
D. Generalization
What does stress mean? How does it affect the meaning of a sentence?
E. Application
State the meaning of the following sentences with stress on the underlined word.
1. Pablo is the leader of the basketball team in school.
2. Pablo is the leader of the basketball team in school.
3. Pablo is the leader of the basketball team in school.
F. Enrichment Activity
Write a short paragraph of 5 sentences talking about your own talent that you wish to share to
your classmates.
G. Infusion of Values
People have different talents, we have to preserve out talents and develop ourselves fully to
be productive individual.
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct meaning of the following sentences.
1. Martha sewed my new dress.
a. It was a dress, not a table cloth that Martha sewed.
b. Martha sewed the dress for me.
c. It was Martha not Mary, who sewed my new dress.
2. Dominic writes funny stories.
a. Dominic writes funny stories, not sad ones.
b. It is Dominic not Dindo, who writes the stories.
c. Dominic does not only read, but he also writes stories.
V. Assignment:
Write down the meaning of each sentence with stress on the underlined word.
1. Brenda can solve a crossword puzzle quickly.
2. Brian runs faster than the other boys
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the correct intonation for statement and yes-no questions
How do you read statements? Yes-no questions?
IV. Evaluation:
Tell whether the following sentences are said/read with rising-falling intonation,
1. The carpenter hammered quietly and patiently.
2. Do you always complete your tasks?
3. Difficulties only challenged him to accomplish his job.
V. Assignment:
Write 2 examples each of sentences read with rising-falling and rising intonation.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the correct intonation for questions introduced by interrogatives
E. Generalization
What kind of questions uses the rising-falling intonations?
F. Application
Group Activity
The pupils will form groups. Each group will make a dialogue using sentences introduced by
interrogatives. They will perform the dialogue in class as to dramatize the situation.
G. Infusion of Values
One of the rights of the children is to be given time for play and recreation. A balance life is a
healthy life.
IV. Evaluation:
Tell whether in the following questions use R or R-F intonation.
1. Are you a collector of interesting objects?
2. What kind of things do you collect?
3. Which of these balls belongs to Carlo?
4. Is there any pet shop in town?
5. Who is your favorite singer?
V. Assignment:
Give 5 examples of questions using R-F intonation.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Deduce meaning of unfamiliar words using structural analysis
C. Post Reading Activities
1. Answering questions about the paragraph read.
a. What scene did you see on television?
b. Who are the characters in the paragraph?
c. What kind of a man is the diver?
d. What are the words in the paragraph that have affixes?
e. Get the meaning of these words through structural analysis.
J. What are affixes?
g. What do you call a syllable added at the beginning of the word? At the end of the word?
2. Engagement Activities
Identify the prefix and suffixes in each using configuration analysis.
1. before
2. state of being
3. happening every two
3. Enrichment Activity
Give the meaning of the underlined word in each sentence.
1. The prewar price of rice was eight centavos a kilo
2. She eats too much everyday so she becomes overweight.
3. Crossing the ocean when there is a storm is dangerous.
4. Value Infusion:
Talk about heroic deeds and bravery. Encourage pupils to share own experiences showing
their values.
IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with the correct words in the following sentences. Find your answers in the box.
rewrite dismiss
1. The Central Plain of Luzon is called the "Rice_____ of the Philippines".
2. The Philippines is known for its beautiful _____.
3. Mario was told to _____ the report.
V. Assignment:
A. Identify the prefixes and suffixes used in each sentence. Give each meaning.
1. People admired her because of her fairness.
2. We should beautify the surroundings.
3. The story was so interesting that the children asked the teacher to retell it.
B. Bring a dictionary tomorrow.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Get information about a word in the dictionary
You noticed that the words we have just studied are found in the news article. Let's read the
words again.
What other unfamiliar words did you encounter in the article? How can we get their
V. Assignment:
Use your dictionary to answer the questions that follow.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use context clues.
Value: Love of Nature
2. His answer was ambiguous, so he could of several things.
3. His answer was ambiguous and mine was just as unclear.
In the first sentence, what word is given as a clue for the meaning of ambiguous?
How about in the second sentence? Third sentence?
Which sentence gives a definition of the word ambiguous which serve as a context clue?
E. Infusion of Values:
How can we show that we love nature?
What are the things we have to avoid doing as to prevent floods?
IV. Evaluation:
Study the words. Fit each word into the sentence to make it meaningful.
dissatisfie perseveranc
submerge languished promotion
1. Laura is selling house and lot. She works with a ________ company.
2. The earthquake is a natural ________ because it causes destruction of lives and properties.
3. Mr. De Leon was unaffected by the disaster. I admired his ________.
(Continue on p. 121 of Growing Eng. Rdg.)
V. Assignment:
1. Find an article in a newspaper.
2. Skim the selection to find unfamiliar words. Then read it carefully to see what context clues are
given to explain the meaning of these words.
3. Write the unfamiliar words along with the meanings you understand from the context clues.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give a report based from an observation
Value: Taking Care of the Plants
c. Ask questions courteously.
D. Generalization
What makes the report complete?
E. Practice
1. Form a group and this time talk about Philippine tree and ask the leader of the group to read
the report in class.
2. How did you come up with a good observation? Did everybody shares? What will you do
when you are doing group work?
F. Infusion of Values:
Why do we have to take care of plants?
IV. Evaluation:
We're going to the Science Garden. Observe everything you see there like plants and animals. Be
able to report something based on your observation, when we return to our classroom.
V. Assignment:
Write a report about an animal.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Participate in meetings
Value: Courtesy during Meetings
The teacher will move around to observe each group and give comments.
V. Assignment:
Write the expression used in conducting a meeting.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Follow series of direction or instructions listened to.
Value: Persistence and patience in following directions produce positive result
listening fully and attentively to a person shows respect and courtesy.
b) Most bancas now are using ______ instead of paddles.
c) My father asked Mang Nestor to ______ the picture in a metal frame.
B. During Listening/Reading Activities
Call on individual pupils to read each step orally. (See p. 103 -104 of GIE Reading VI)
C. Post-Listening / Reading Activities
1. Comprehension Check:
Answer the motive question: Can you assemble an electric fan by following the
a. What are the parts of the electric fan?
b. What parts were first put together?
c. What parts was the last one to be assembled?
2. Following directions on the use of household gadgets (See p. 106 107 of GIE vi Reading)
3. Telling the purpose of the writer
What is the purpose of the writer in this selection? to instruct? To inform? Or to
4. Practice Exercise:
Answer Exercise # 2 page 114 (Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI)
D. Generalization
Why should we learn how to follow instructions and directions
E. Application
Read the Exercise VIII (p. 120) of Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI. Then
follow the directions.
F. Fixing Skills
Read the poem (Exercise IX of Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI p. 121. Then
follow the series of directions stated.
G. Value Infusion
Were you able to answer our exercises correctly? Why? What traits should you possess in
order to follow directions correctly?
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selection entitle "Fish and other Animals that Live in the Sea" on p. 124 (Reading
Comprehension Exercises in Eng. VI) which will be read by the teacher. Then, follow the series of
directions that follow.
V. Assignment:
Learning how to ride a bicycle is not difficult. Imagine yourself teaching your younger brother or
sister how to ride a bicycle.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Note / Tell the details in a selection listened to
MOD mag. June 13, 2003 Issue p. 33, 53; Phoenix Century Readers
Series: Over the Ocean VI p. 267
charts, newspaper, word cards
2. Satellites are used for the _______ of information.
3. Their adviser regularly _______ the students with behavioral problems.
4. Satellites can _______ signals to and from the earth.
B. During Reading Activities
1. Pupils read the news article / selection using Directed Reading and Thinking Activity.
2. The teacher will call the best reader in the class to read orally the selection again.
C. Post Reading Activities
Answer the following questions briefly.
What does MPSC stand for?
What is the total cost of the venture?
Describe the Mabuhay Philippines Satellite Corporation.
E. Generalization
How do we note details in a selection?
F. Application
Listen to the selection, then be able to note the important details by answering the questions
on the chart.
The Language of Laughter
Children need food, money, clothing and medicine. There is also something else they need
very much - the magic of laughter. Nothing else brightens the world more quickly then laughter.
Danny Kaye, an actor and comedian, performed the kind of magic. He made sad children laugh.
He went to millions of children in different parts of the world.
a. What do children need?
b. Who is Danny Kaye?
c. What kind of magic did he do?
G. Infusion of Values
Why is high-tech important? How does it affect our modern means of communication?
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selection. Then answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of the correct
_____ 1. How did Jose Rizal consider his mother?
a. His playmate
b. God's gift to him
c. A good story teller
_____ 2. Which word described Dona Teodora?
a. Virtuous
b. Gay
c. Lovely
_____ 3. Which of the following prepared her to be the mother of our national hero?
a. Her books
b. Her education
c. Her goodness of heartV. Assignment:
Listen to a radio newscast and note some important details about it.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Ask and answer questions about oneself and others.
II. Subject Matter:
Asking and Answering Questions About Oneself and Others
V. Assignment:
Write 3 questions answerable by Yes or No then answer each using the
patterns: Yes + positive rejoinder and + negative rejoinder.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Change statements into questions
a. Analyze each sentence below which tells information about Mario Cupang. Can you
tell what kind of sentences they are?
a. Mario is a nine-year-old boy
b. He is from Pampanga
b. These are statements. What is the subject? The predicate?
c. Have pupils study more examples of changing statements into question and in the
other way question into statements
d. Note the changes made in changing statements into questions, Ask: What helping /
auxiliary verb do we use if the subject is singular? Do or Does? When do we use did?
4. Practice Exercise
Change the following statements into questions.
a. Christian works for the cleanliness of his community
b. He always brings a plastic bag for his trash.
C. Generalization
How do we change a statement into a question? Can you give the rules to be followed?
D. Application
Work in dyads' Show pictures of objects or persons, then ask individual pupils to give
statements about each picture. Then another pupil will change into question.
E. Fixing Skills
Change the following statement into questions.
1. Katrina Argos loves her sister very much.
2. Mothers love their children
F. Infusion of Values
Do you want to imitate Mario Cupang? Why do you want to be like him?
How can you show courage and bravery in time of trouble?
IV. Evaluation:
Change the following statement into questions:
1. Children need guidance and affection
2. A friend loves at all times
3. Jesus died on the cross for us.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 statements and change them into questions
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use tag questions correctly.
Value: Honesty
3. Discussion and Analysis
a. Study the sentences again written on sentence strips.
You are Chonas lad, arent you?
She isnt sick, is she?
Ask: What can you say about the sentences? How many parts do they
have? How is the tag question formed?
b. Discussing the intonation patterns use in saying tag questions.
Analyze each sentence below
Youre the secretary, arent you?
The tag question has a rising intonation when the speaker desires information. The
person addressed is asked to confirm, or deny the idea, to answer yes or no.
You are the secretary, aren't you"
In saying statements with tag questions you are not sure of the answer, use the falling
intonation on our voice goes down on the tag question.
4. Practice Exercises:
Read each sentence observing the correct intonation patterns.
1. We aren't safe from air pollution even inside our home, are we?
2. Cigarette, pipe, and cigar smoking cause lung cancer, don't they?
3. You don't use charcoal to barbecue indoors, do you?
C. Generalization
What is a tag question? How is it formed?
D. Application
A. Put a tag question after each statement on stem:
1. You are afraid of the dark, _____?
2. There are no black gumamelas, _____?
3. The vase is full of red rose, _____?
B. Call individual pupils to read each sentence above with correct intonation
E. Fixing Skills
Work in dyads. Using tag questions, Ask your partner about the following. The read his / her
work in front of the class observing correct intonation pattern.
1. whether he / she protects the environment.
2. whether he / she dusts the furniture at home.
3. whether he / she knows his / her duties as a pupil
F. Infusion of Values
Have you ever experienced being appreciated or praised because of being honest? Why is
being honest important Are you honest to yourself?
IV. Evaluation:
The statements below are either positive or negative, add a tag question in the affirmative or
negative to each.
1. He is the man you're looking for, _____?
2. Ana doesn't talk too much, _____?
V. Assignment:
Study the rules in forming / using tag questions. Then try to write at least 4
sentences with tag questions. Do these in your notebook.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Recite poem with varied moods, correct phrasing and intonation
2. Dark voices for lines expressing sounder serious thoughts.
3. Medium voices for refrains, narrative or factual lines or sections.
D. Engagement Activity
Dramatic reading by the pupils. Line are said for mastery. Gestures and movements are
E. Practice Exercise:
Recite the poem below. Remember to use the different suggestions learned.
The Sea
Choir 1: Why does the sea laugh, Mother as it glints beneath the sun?
Choir 2: It is thinking of the joys, my child That it wishes everyone.
F. Infusion of Values
How can we avoid giving unfair judgment or criticism?
IV. Evaluation:
Recite the poem below following the guidelines on how to recite poems cast for a verse choir.
All: Weather is something we all must share.
Weather is something we all must bear.
Solo 1: Whether it's cloudy
Solo 2 : Or whether it's bright.
Solo 3 : In the warmth of noon
Solo 4 : Or the cool of night Solo
Solo 6 : Or whether it's dry.
All: We simply must take it, you and I!
V. Assignment:
Copy a poem from your textbook and arrange it for a verse choir. Be ready to
recite it in class.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Tell the big ideas, key concepts implied in each paragraph.
Value: honesty
a. Who felt very happy?
b. What caught Poldo's eye when he looked down?
c. How did he feel?
D. Engagement Activity
Pick out the main idea in each of the following paragraphs from the given options.
1. Milk is the best food. It is good for babies, for children and grown ups. It is good for the
aged, for the sick and for the weak. It is also good for strong people who work haO.
a. Milk is good for everyone.
b. Milk is good for the sick
c. Milk is for babies only
2. Good books help us in many ways. They help us learn to read, write and count. They make us
happy with the stories they tell. They teach us to work. They teach us to be god and useful
a. Good books teach us to read and write
b. Good books teach us to work and play
c. Good books help us to learn to do many things and to be good children.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and be able to answer the questions that follow.
1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. All dreams may come true
b. We only dream of pleasant things
c. We are free to dream
d. Dreams may be bad or good.
2. Daydreaming means
a. Dreaming at daytime
b. Thinking about pleasant things
c. Dreaming unpleasant dreams
d. Dreaming at night
3. What is the author's attitude towards the poor?
a. He hates them.
b. He dislikes them
c. He doesn't want to help them
d. He has a great sympathy towards the poor.
V. Assignment:
Choose and copy two short paragraphs from any given selection or story. Identify the key concept
in each paragraph. Write each after each paragraph.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give the details that support the big ideas.
Value: Overcoming fears
1. Get a partner. Discuss the answer to the following questions
a. What are the main events in the story?
b. Why did Mafatu make a knife?
c. Why did he hate the hammerhead shark?
2. Answering motive question
3. Engagement Activity (Group Activity)
Refer to the text of "A Test for Mafatu" Number each paragraph. Which paragraph shows
that: (main idea)
a. Mafatu made a knife to kill the shark that destroyed his fish trpa. paragraph 1 -2)
b. In the morning, Mafatu saw how the shark , destroyed his fish trap. (paragraph 3-7)
c. Uri fell into the sea and Mafatu dived to save him. (paragraph 8-9)
D. Generalization
How do you recognize important or significant details in a selection?
E. Application:
Read the following selection. Have the pupils work out a semantic map to show the main idea
and the details.
Men have always been fearful and fascinated by sharks. Some people regard these animals as
sea monsters, man-eating and extremely dangerous.
The great white shark is the most sinister of these fishes. It is equipped with several rows of
huge irregular saw-edged teeth in its jaw. The teeth always grow back, no matter what the age of
the shark is. It always has a fresh supply of these jagged weapons.
What do most sharks at? Mainly other animals.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the poem "At the Park" Chose the details which support the main idea that "Young and old
alike enjoy different activities in the park."
_____ 1. Boys and girls laugh and chat.
_____ 2. Some skate, others march.
_____ 3. Old people stroll, or sit listening to the radio.
_____ 4. Children fly balloons.
_____ 5. Others come by jeep or bus.
V. Assignment:
Give at least 5 details that support this main idea. "Trees are very useful"
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give the main idea of a paragraph that is explicit or implied.
Value: Honesty
1. Greening the school and the community is an answer to air pollution. Plants give out oxygen,
the air that we breathe and take in carbon dioxide. Without, it plants; the air that we breathe
will be full of dust and smoke. This is dangerous to our health. Let us plant more trees so that
we will have longer lives.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and be able to answer the questions that follow.
Filipino have many beautiful traits. They show these in their customs, traditions and practices.
Filipinos are helpful. They are ready to help and another especially in times of needs and
They love and respect the members of their families especially the elders. They visit the tombs of
their dead relatives and place candles and flowers on All Saint's Day.
_____ 1. What is the main idea of the selection?
a. Desirable Filipino traits
b. Customs and traditions of Filipinos
c. Filipinos are hospitable
d. Filipinos are helpful
_____ 2. How do Filipinos show their love and respect for the dead members of the family?
a. They give them food. -b. They always remember them
c. They visit the tombs, offer flowers and place candles.
d. They respect their memories
V. Assignment:
Give at least 5 details that support this main idea. "Trees are very useful"
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Write a model composition
3. What activities do you enjoy? What activities can't you enjoy? What things delight you?
Write down the answers randomly on the board.
D. Generalization:
Say: Remember that a good paragraph must have an effective beginning and ending. The
body contains details that support the topic well.
E. Application:
Write the composition on a piece of paper. Be sure to apply the correct punctuation and
capitalization. Note the indention at the beginning paragraph. Write neatly and clearly.
IV. Evaluation:
Call on a volunteer to read aloud his/ her composition in class. Guide the pupils to evaluate it
considering these questions.
1. Does it have an effective beginning sentence?
2. What kind of a beginning sentence is it?
3. Do all the supporting sentences keep to the topic?
V. Assignment:
Rewrite the composition in your theme notebooks.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Write a home reading report correctly.
II. Subject Matter:
Writing Home Reading Report Correctly
References: PELC VI, B.2.p. 61
Materials: charts
Form a small group and talk about books that they have read. Plan to write a book report
using the sample format.
Place and Date of Publication No. of pages
Brief Summary
Setting Characters
F. Application;
Write a home reading report based on their reading about stories in the past.
IV. Evaluation:
1. Is the paragraph brief? YES / / NO/ /
2. Are the facts important? YES / / NO/ /
3. Are they told in proper order? YES / / NO/ /
4. Are all the parts of a book report present? YES / /NO / /
V. Assignment:
Rewrite the corrected report. Follow the guidelines.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give other events that could happen next
Value: Appreciation
2. Answering the comprehension questions:
a. What did the poet or writer of the poem says about noise? Does he like noise or not?
D. Enrichment Activity
Tony liked the book about horses. e book made him want to ride horse. Tony could think
about riding a horse. Tony's father said, "I know of a stable where people go to learn how to ride
horse. The stable is not far from here".
What do you think will probable happen next?
a. Tony's father will buy a horse for him.
b. Tony's father will read the book about horses.
c. Tony's father will take him for riding lessons.
d. Tony's father will buy other animal book.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and be able to answer the questions that follow.
Our class has an election yesterday. There were two nominees for president. One of them was
Daniel, my cousin. He is the leader in many of our class activities. But he is not a close friend. When
the secretary called Daniel's name, I did not raise my hand. He got twenty voles. Then
I heard Alberto's name. Again, I did not raise my hand. The secretary counted 19...20... Suddenly, I
put up my hand. Alberto had twenty-one votes. I know I voted for the right person.
1. Who was Alberto?
a. He is a cousin and a very close friend.
b. He is the leader in many class activities.
c. He is the class secretary.
d. He is the speaker / guest.
2. How many votes did Alberto get?
a. 20
b. 19
c. 21
d. 18
d. He felt worried
V. Assignment:
Annie went to a part, She saw the sign "No climbing", but she did not obey. Complete the
drawing to show what will happen to her.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give other events that could happen next.
Value: Appreciation
References: PELC III. C.5, 2.3; BES Reading. TM pp 33 -35 BES Reading TX pp. 65 - 66
Materials: Objects that produces sounds like bell, radio horn, Pictures of a cat, jet plane, grand
mother's clock
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Sounds people hear
2. Unlocking Difficulties
Introduce onomatopoeic words through semantic map
Ask: What produces sounds? What sounds each produce?
3. Motivation
Let the pupils listen to the sound of the horn, radio, bell...... Do you enjoy hearing
sounds? What sounds do you enjoy hearing?
4. What will you do if you heard some noise? Why?
B. During Reading
a. Reading of the poem by the teacher.
b. Second reading of the poem by the teacher and pupils.
c. Reading orally by the pupils for harmony and rhythm.
C. Post Reading Activities
1. Answering the motive question
2. Comprehension discussion
Work with a partner. Decide on the following:
a. What did the author say about noise and whether he likes it or not.
b. List down the sounds and what produces them.
c. What do you think will happen if there will be no sound?
D. Engagement Activities
1. Group the class into four. Let each group work on the following activities: Write the needed
Group I - What causes sounds?
Group II - If we hear pleasant sounds?
Group III- What do you think will happen if we will hear unpleasant sounds?
Group IV- Imagine our world without sound. What will happen if there is no sound?
World without sound
2. Infusion of Value:
E. Enrichment Activities
Give the event that will happen next.
1. If a man aimed his gun at something, what would you expect him to do?
2. What would you expect a horse to do if you cried halt to him?
run faster
start to trot
stop at once
3. If two friends who had not seen each other for years next, what would they do?
embrace each other
write each other
yell at each other
IV. Evaluation:
Work with a partner. Choose one from the storyline suggested below that you can talk about.
Write other events that could happen next for each.
1. Ismael's haiku wins in the national poetry writing contest. He's extremely happy to go on a free
trip to Japan. He tells himself, "Now I can learn more about this country"
V. Assignment:
Annie went to visit her aunt in a hospital. She saw the sign keep silent, but
she did not obey. Complete the event that could happen.
1. The guards will ___________________________________________.
2. The other patients will _____________________________________ .
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Predict outcome
Value: Being courteous
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Tell the relationship expressed in the selection as to cause or effect
Value: Conservation of wildlife
2. Comprehension Questions
a. What are the changes in the environment made by man?
b. How do these changes affect the lives of man and animals?
C. Presentation
1. Skill Development
a. Why dinosaurs become extinct?
b. How people have made many changes in their lives?
c. Elicit the meaning of cause as the reason for an action and effect as the result of a certain
d. Cause answers the question why, signaled of a certain cause.
2. Infusion of Values
Conservation of wildlife.
D. Generalization
How do we perceive causes to given effects?
E. Practice Exercises
Grouping. Use graphic organizer. Assign the following. Write the needed information.
Group I Causes why Body Healthy
Group II Effects of Having Healthy Body
Group III Give other possible causes of sickness
Group IV Give other possible effects of malnutrition
F. Independent Practice
Work with a partner. Tell which he cause is and which is the effect.
1. The Math problems were difficult. Rico was worried and unhappy.
2. He is not getting enough sleep. Claudine speaks much time watching television at night.
3. She kept her mind on her homework. The girl turned off her homework.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and be able to answer the questions that follow.
1. The boy Scouts distributed empty bags to their neighbors.
a. They were getting neighborhood census.
b. They were collecting food.
c. They were going to return after a week.
d. They were having garbage collection project.
e. They were giving bags as gifts.
2. The scouts collected loads of peach pits and nut hulls.
a. These were burned for energy.
b. They were used to make life jackets.
c. They were requested by the soldiers.
d. They were used for making gas-mask filters,
e. They were made bombs and weapons.
V. Assignment:
Read the paragraph. Underline the cause once and the effect twice.
Rodolfo wanted very much to paint. He painted whenever he got chance. He began sneaking into
the workroom at night when everyone was asleep. He worked al night long with only the light of full
moon. Soon he was painting very well.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give the possible causes to a given effect and other possible effects to a given cause.
Value: Conservation of Wildlife
D. Engagement Activity
Work with a partner. Answer the questions.
1. If people have made many changes in the environment, what will be its effects? Use graphic
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph and be able to answer the questions that follow,
Ways of Getting Healthy
"Health is wealth", so as the saying goes.
Being healthy and strong is a necessity for everyday life. It is also considered wealth. On the
contrary, being sickly and worn out can make us spend certain amount of many for a doctor's
prescription. To avoid such, there are several ways to achieve a healthy body.
What are the causes of the following effects?
1. Forest and mountains were denuded.
a. Illegal mining
d. Flash floods
b. Too much heat
e. Air pollution
c. Illegal logging
2. Life underwater dies.
a. Lack of oxygen
d. Dynamite fishing
b. No oxygen
e. Gases from vehicles
c. Sun's heat
V. Assignment:
Give two possible effects to a given cause and two possible causes to a given effect.
Jaime studied very hard.
Mikee drinks three glasses of chocolate drinks.
Earth - Friendliness
II. Subject Matter:
Identify the Main Idea
References: PELC 4, p. 23
Dynamic Series in English 6, pp. 163-164
Growing in English (Reading) pp. 91-92
2. Review
What are the elements of the story?
How do you recognize the setting, main character, climax and ending of a story?
3. Motivation
Guessing Name
Choose five pupils. Instruct them to think of some actions (e.g. playing, talking) and act
them out
in front of the class. The other pupils will then guess the action shown.
Ask: Do you think it is easy to communicate without language? Do you think language is
B. Presentation
1. Have the pupils listen carefully to the selection as the teacher reads it aloud.
Do you realize how important language is? Without language you would have to talk to
one another by means of signs. If you had a headache and you wanted to tell your mother about
it; you would have to use signs, such as pointing to your head or eyes.
By means of language, you can tell one another what you feel and what you think. You
can share your experiences with others. You become more truly a part of humanity.
Language is a wonderful gift. It opens your mind and leads into a magic world of
dreams and fancies. By means of words, you see the rainfall in slanting silver lines, you look a
far and see misty mountain tops of early morning; you thrill to the burning colors of a dazzling
Look upon language, therefore with respect. Learn to use it correctly. Try your best to
gain mastery of words because words lead to knowledge and power.
2. Comprehensive Check up
What is the selection all about?
Do you realize how important language is?
Why is it important?
How should we look upon knowledge?
How should we use language?
3. Reading of the selection by the pupils.
4. Discussion
a. Have the pupils identify and mention the nouns used in the selection. Have them explain why
are called nouns?
b. What is the main idea of the first paragraph? What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
What is
the main idea of the whole paragraph? What are the details that support the main
5. Fixing Skills
Listen to the paragraph. Choose the sentence that states the main idea.
1. Books are important to man. You got a lot of information from them. They tell stories of all
sortsfrom sad to funny, to exciting, to scary. Some books tell true stories and facts. Other are
Books can be our best friend.
a. Books are important to man.
b. Books are fun.
c. Books are our best friend.
2. Plants are useful to both man and animals. They are source of food for the two. They provide
for some animals. They are used to make clothes for man. Most importantly, plants provide
oxygen that we need in order to live.
a. Plants are useful to man and animals.
b. Plants are need by living things.
c. Plants provide oxygen to man.
3. Man can leave without food for several days but not without water. Water is very essential to
animals and other living things. Without water, nothing will survive on earth. Water is now
scarce. We should start conserving it.
a. We should conserve water.
b. We need water.
c. Water is essential to living things.
4. They are different kind of trees. Some are ornamentals and others are fruit-bearing.
Ornamental trees
make our surrounding lovely and pleasant. Their main function is to beautify our
environment. The
calachuchi tree and the fire tree are good examples. Fruit bearing trees, on the other hand, are
that produce fruit for our consumption. The mango tree and the coconut tree are some of
a. Some trees are ornamentals.
b. They are different kind of trees.
c. Trees beautify our surroundings.
5. Plants cannot move, but their seeds can move from one place to another. Some seeds are
blown by the
wind while others are carried by water from the rain. Some seeds even stick to the fur of
animals or on
peoples clothes. That is how they move from one place to another. Whenever seeds fall on
ground, they grow into new plants and propagate.
a. How seeds grow.
b. How seeds multiply.
c. How seeds travel.
6. Generalization
How do you identify or tell the main idea of a selection?
7. Application
Guided Exercises
Have pupils listen over a recorded reading of a paragraph and choose the sentence that
gives the
main idea.
1. One Sunday, shortly after receiving the learners permit. I drove my parents to church.
After a
long, rough ride, we our destination. I stopped at the front doors to drop my mother off,
and when
she got out of the car, she said Thank you.
Anytime, I replied.
As my mother slam the door shut, I heard her call out, I wasnt speaking to you. I was
talking to
a. The mother was angry with the son.
b. The mother has been in prayers all along for fears that the son who is just leaning to
drive might
not make It to the destination.
c. The mother was grateful.
2. I love to work with wood and decided to carve a rocking horse were shaped, my intension
clear to my next door neighbor. You must be about to have a grandchild, he called over
Our first I replied beaming.
I have six, he went on, After the first three youll buy something plastic at a discount
a. Being a grandfather is expensive.
b. The excitement about having grandchildren wears off as more and more of them come
c. The grandparent does not love the other grandchildren as much as the first ones.
3. I had just started a job, and money was tight. Nonetheless, I could not resist buying a
bottle of
favorite perfume. Mother instantly recognized the expensive box and asked, Nancy, why
are you
spending all that money on perfume?
When I wear beautiful, I feel beautiful, I explained.
Mother answered thoughtfully, Its too bad they dont make perfume called
Responsible or on
a. Mother wants Nancy to save her money for more important things.
b. Nancy is irresponsible and always late.
c. Mother has no money to buy expensive perfume herself.
4. I never eat food with additives or preservatives, boasted a health fanatic. And I never
anything thats been sprayed or fed chemical grain.
Wow, thats wonderful, her friend marveled. How do you feel?
Hungry, she moaned.
a. Additives or preservatives are bad for the health.
b. The health fanatic is proud and boastful.
c. One will go hungry if he considers that all foods are practically sprayed with additives
5. A Japanese dignitary was visiting the factory where I was consulting Physician in the
room. Just before he arrived a tour guide explained to us the importance of a low bow as a
sign of
respect. So when the dignitary entered the room and bowed, I bowed lower. He smiled,
bent again
and pointed to the floor. I bowed ever lower, whereupon he smiled and bowed and pointed
downward again. Wondering what I was doing wrong, I stooped as low my back would
The tour guide whispered, You can stop now. He wants you to check his stubbed toe.
a. Bowing among Japanese is a sign of respect.
b. The physician also tried to be respectful by bowing.
c. The messages or signals both were sending did not conform to the real one.
Independent Exercises
Divide the class into 5 groups. ask each to choose a leader. The pupils will listen as the
reads the selection. Then, have them answer the questions that follow and be able to report it
to the
A meteor is solid matter that falls from space. It is made of iron and stone. A million
meteors enter our earths atmosphere every hour. Some meteor ate very large, and other is small
as a speck of dust. All meteors burn as they come through the atmosphere, most of them burn
up completely. Sometimes, a meteor can be seen as a bright trail or light in the sky. The light is
caused by the friction made when the meteors come through the air around the earth.
Meteors are sometimes called shooting stars or falling star because they look like stars
that are falling from the sky. Not all meteors actually reach the earths surface before burning
up. The ones that do are called meteorites.
1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. Meteor is a solid matter from space.
b. Meteor is also called shooting star.
c. Meteor is also called meteorites.
d. Meteor is very large.
2. What is true about the paragraph?
a. All meteors burn as they come through the atmosphere.
b. Some meteors burn as they come through the atmosphere.
c. All meteors burn up completely.
d. All meteors are very large.
3. Meteors are sometimes called shooting star because _________.
a. They have bright trail of light.
b. They are falling from the space
c. They look like stars.
d. They reach the earths surface.
4. Those meteors that can reach the earths surface is called ________.
a. Small meteors
b. Falling meteors
c. Earths meteors
d. Meteorites
5. Meteors are made up of ________.
a. iron and fire
b. iron and stone
c. stone and fire
d. fire
IV. Evaluation
Listen to the following selections. Then, write the main idea of each on your paper.
1. Serious things can happen when an area is deforested. The topsoil can be eroded-washed or
blown away
because, no roots hold it firmly in place. In some deforested areas, weather patterns can change
because no
trees absorb and store water and recycle the moisture. Then severe drought can occur. Prolonged
can turn a place into a dessert, a phenomenon called desertification.
a. Drought can turn a place into a dessert.
b. Weather pattern changed in deforested areas.
c. Deforestation can have serious effects.
2. Pesticides are the chemicals used in farming, gardening and indoors to combat pest.
Unfortunately, more
pesticides are harmful not only to pests but to the soil and to the farmers or gardeners who use
them. They
are harmful to the people who eat contaminated foods as well. Pesticides may also leak into the
earth and
poison the underground water. Thus, they may kill wildlife and possibly trigger the spread of
pesticidesresistant strains of bugs and weeds.
a. Pesticides are harmful
b. Pesticides may leak into the earth and poison the underground water.
c. Pesticides may kill wildlife.
Besides food, clothing, shelter, and medicines, another essential in life laughter. Since life is
full of
problems and difficulties, we cannot do without laughter. It enables us to see the brighter side of
things. It
lightens our daily burdens. It attracts sunshine and happiness in our lives.
a. We need sunshine and happiness in our lives.
b. Laughter makes the world brighter.
c. Laughter is an essential as our basic needs.
All men are equal before God and in the eyes of the law. There are no whites, blacks, browns,
yellows. There are neither rich nor poor. There are no privileged few or exploited majority, but all
deserve to be treated equally.
a. Men belong to different races.
b. All men are equal.
c. Majority should always win.
When unsure of the source of your water supply it is best to boil your drinking water. If your
supply is drawn from a water pump or well, see to it that your water containers are properly covered
prevent dust and other materials from getting into them. You can also purify your water by allowing
suspended particles to separate them from the water.
a. Make your water safe to drink and use.
b. Drinking water should come from clean source.
c. Water from underground is unsafe to drink.
V. Assignment
Choose a selection from your book and write its main idea.
Date: _________
Lesson 28
I. Objectives
Give details that support the big idea.
Give the main idea of a selection listened to.
Write the details that support the big ideas.
II. Subject Matter
Giving Details
PELC D.2-2
BESR 6, pp. 39-42
pictures, chart
b. friendly
c. proud
d. intelligent
2. The rough surface of the jackfruit is hard to handle.
a. smooth
b. coarse
c. shiny
d. oblong
3. The roasted pig has scorches on its body.
a. patches
b. curls
c. wounds
d. marks
3. Motivation
Have you met proud and boastful person? Do you like to friend them?
4. Raising of Motive Question
Why do you think the shrimp was boastful?
B. Presentation
1. During Listening Activity
Pupils take notes of the segments that justify their opinions/ideas about the title.
The Boastful Shrimp
Once there was a shrimp who thought he was the most handsome shrimp in all worlds. In fact,
he believed that he was more handsome than any other creature on earth.
Just look at my sword, he proudly told the other young shrimps, pointing to the sharp-pointed
protrusion at the end of his nose. Of course, as far as shrimps were concerned,
the end of the nose was the most natural place for a sword to be.
And look at my thick, smooth shield, he would continue, Nothing can pierce this shield.
Like other shrimps, he carried his shield on his head. And he needed to do show off his shield was to hold
his head high.
You are indeed a handsome shrimp, said an old experienced shrimp. But you are just
reaching adulthood and have had no experience of the world. Do not display yourself too much, or else
one of those human might grab you, said the old shrimp, pointing with one of his many legs to a young
man swimming nearby.
Grab me? Who? That soft-skinned two legged creature? scoffed the young shrimp. he does
not even have a proper shell. He has those funny little bits of shell on the end of his fingers and toes,
which do not protect him at all, as far as I can tell. All I need to do is stab him with my sharp sword, and
that will be the end of h. Someday, he and other funny two-legged humans will look at me and admire
me! said the young shrimp.
Well, if you wont listen to my advice, said the old shrimp, you will have to learn
your lesson the hard way.
The young shrimp soon forgot about the old shrimps advice. He continued his habit of looking
for groups of other young shrimps his age, and showing off before them. He would engaged in shrimps
gymnastics, bending his body this way and that, to let them see how strong his muscles were inside his
beautiful glistening white shell, which hardly had any dark spots or lines on them, unlike the other
shrimps around him.
One day, a fishing boat passed by, with fishermen on board looking for a good catch. The
boastful shrimp saw his chance to display his athletic form before them. He swam to the surface of the
water, the fishermen saw him. They cast their net and, in few minutes, the boastful young shrimp was
caught in the net along with other shrimp and fish.
That day, at lunch time, the boastful shrimp was seen on the end of a barbecue stick, his shell
now in beautiful colors of pink, red and brown, with some scorched spots from the hot coals over which
he was roasted.
What a fine, fat shrimp! exclaimed the person around the dining table.
Its the best shrimp Ive tasted! said the person who picked up the barbeque stick and cut up
the shrimp, after putting a little portion in his mouth.
The boastful young shrimp got his wish at last to be admired by the human.
2. Post-listening Activities
a. Answering the motive question.
b. answering guide questions. Finding the paragraphs where the questions are answered.
a. How did the boastful shrimp display his shield?
b. How did he display his strong muscles?
c. How did the fishermen catch him?
3. Generalization
Why do we have to give details? What would you do to be able to give details/
4. Application
A. Guided Activity
Read the paragraph. Identify the details that support the main idea.
1. Ants are interesting insects. They live in colonies. There are three groups of ants, the
workers, the
soldiers and the queen. The queen ant is taken cared by the soldiers and the workers. The
hunt food for all the ants on the colony.
B. Independent Exercise
Find out which details would support the big idea.
Big Idea:
Technology is science in practice. It is the means by which improvements on existing
are undertaken.
a. It provides many comforts and conveniences of modern life.
b. It is dangerous and disadvantageous.
c. Many things were made possible.
IV. Evaluation
Listen to main idea and pick out the details from the list below that would support each big idea.
Main Idea:
One shrimp thought he was the most handsome shrimp in the entire world and refuse to listen
to an old
shrimps advice.
The details:
What a fine, fat shrimp!
You are indeed a handsome shrimp but do not display yourself too much.
The boastful shrimp got his wish at last to be admired by human.
The young shrimp would not listen to old shrimps advice.
The fishermen cast their net in a few minutes, caught the boastful shrimp with other shrimp s
and fish.
V. Assignment
Read any selection and write its details.
Date: __________
Lesson 29
I. Objectives
Care for animals
II. Subject Matter:
Retelling a Selection Listened to
PELC 4, p. 23
Dynamic Series in English pp. 116-117,151
1. Pronunciation Drill
The Schwa Sound
Key word ABOUT
2. Review
How do you identify or tell the main idea of a selection?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Select the right antonym of the underline words and write them on the blank provided for.
2. Comprehension Check-up
Who lived in the town of San Diego?
What did he have in his possession?
What did Tatang Juan do everyday?
How did Tatang Juan carry out his plan of not feeding Makisig?
As a pupil, how do you intend to keep your body and mind active for the whole day
3. Discussion
What is the big idea conveyed by the whole selection?
What are the details that support the main idea?
4. Fixing Skills
Have the pupils arrange the following sentences as they happened in the story, The
foolish Farmer and His Carabao. Then have them retell the story.
_______ 1. Makisig asked for an extra food but Tatang Juan didnt bother to give him any.
_______ 2. In the town of San Diego lived a farmer and his carabao.
_______ 3. Tatang Juan taught Makisig not to ear or to drink anymore.
5. Generalization
How do you recognize important or significant details in a selection?
6. Application
A. Guided Exercises
Divide the class into 5 groups. On a sheet of cartolina, have each group write the main
conveyed by the selection, The Tyrant Who Became A Just Ruler, and the details that support
the main idea.
B. Independent Exercises
Call on pupils to retell the selection, The Tyrant Who Became A Just Ruler, in front of
In olden times there lived a king, who was cruel and unjust towards his subjects that he was
always called The Tyrant. So heartless was he that his people used to pray night and day that
they might have a new king. One day, muchch to their surprise, he called his people together
and said to them.
My dear subjects, the days of my life tyranny are over. Henceforth you shall live in
peace and happiness, for I have decided to try to rule henceforth justly and well.
The king kept his word so well that soon he was known throughout the lands as a Just
King. By and by one of his favorites came to him and said.
Your majesty, I beg you to tell me how it was that you had this change of hearth
towards your people?
And the king replied.
As I was galloping through the forest one afternoon, I caught sight of a hound of a
chasing fox. The fox escaped into his hole, but not until he had been bitten by the dog so badly
that he would be lame for life. The hound, returning home, meat a man who threw a stone at
him, which broke his leg. The man had not gone far away when a horse kicked him and broke
his leg. And the horse starting to run fell into a hole and broke his leg. Here I come to my
senses, and resolved to change my rule. For surely, I said to myself, he who doeth evil will
sooner or later be overtaken by evil.
IV. Evaluation:
Provide pupils sentences (written in cartolina strips) from the story, The Tyrant Who Became A
Ruler. Have them arrange the sentences/events as they happen in the story to form the summary.
Have them
write the summary on their paper.
One day the king called his people and said that the days of his tyranny are over.
In the olden times there lived a cruel and unjust king, that he was always called a tyrant.
The king said that one afternoon while he was galloping through the forest, he witnessed
situations which led him to change his rule.
The king kept his word so well that soon he was known as The Just King.
One of the followers begs the king to tell reason why he had this change of heart.
V. Assignment
Get any fiction story and write its summary.
Date: _________
Lesson 30
I. Objectives:
Awareness, Accuracy, Courage
PELC 6, p. 23
Growing English (Language) p. 125
Picture, word cards, news report, a newspaper, taped news broadcast, cassette
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Unlock these words by giving clues and by using it in a sentence.
4. Motivation
a. Have you heard Mel Tiangco, Vicky Morales and Mike Enriquez giving news broadcast?
Who among you would like to be a famous broadcaster someday?
b. Show a picture of a depressed person.
What does the picture shows?
When you encounter problems in your family, what do you feel?
B. Presentation
1. Listen to this news broadcast.
(The Teacher reads the news broadcast aloud)
Too much of lifes hardship reportedly led a security guard to end it all as he shot
himself in the head with his service pistol yesterday morning in Valenzuela City.
The victim was identified by the police as Jeorge Santos, a member of PJ Can Security
Agency. Santos was next seen already on the floor with blood oozing from his head.
Co-workers and friends said that before the reported suicide, Santos was unusually
quiet and visibly depressed, complaining of financial problems in raising his family.
2. Discussion Questions
1. What is the news broadcast about?
2. Where did the incident happen?
3. When did it happen?
4. Who was the victim?
5. Why did he kill his life?
Discuss to pupils the steps on how to retell news broadcast listened to.
One pupil reads the news broadcast aloud. Be able to retell the news heard.
(Use the news read by the teacher)
3. Generalization
What should be remembered in retelling a news broadcast?
4. Valuing
Are you aware of the day to day news here and abroad?
Can you give accurate reports of the news youve heard?
5. Application
1. Divide the class into two groups.
Have a leader for each group.
The leader plays the role of a newscaster while the rest of the class listened.
News broadcaster (Pupils will retell the news broadcast heard)
Jean de Vega Reports:
The metro manila council has approved a resolution penalizing individuals who
purchase goods from the sidewalk vendors along all roads of the metropolis. The council also
approved Metropolitan
the regulationsManila
business establishment
that coddleBayani
Authority Chairman
campaign against sidewalk vendors would be strengthened by penalizing both the consumers
and establishment who tolerate or support the illegal activity.
IV. Evaluation
Listen to a tapped news broadcast, and then answer the questions that follow.
A low pressure area with a maximum wind of 65kms/hr was spotted 880 kms east. It is
moving northwest at 23 kms/hr in the general direction of Northern Luzon. Public Storm No.1
is now hoisted in Central and Northern Luzon. These areas will experience moderate wind of
not more than 60 kms/hr. Please take all the necessary precautions.
1. What is the news broadcast all about?
2. Are the details of the news stated?
3. Retell the news broadcast.
V. Evaluation
Listen to a news broadcast over the radio or TV and write a brief summary about it.
Date: ________
Lesson 31
I. Objectives
II. Subject Matter:
Writing from dictation
The Ice Palace
PELC 5, p. 23 Writing
Language for Daily Use, p. 29
Then have the pupils use the phrase in their own sentences.
3. Motivation
All countries have their own government, only of different forms. What form of
government do
we have in the Philippines? Who is its head? What is the name of the official residence of our
and her family. How many among you have seen the Malacaang Palace?
Our nations have the monarchial form of government which is headed by a king or a
queen who
lives in a palace. (Show picture of a palace)
I know that you want to enter a palace. Perhaps you want to know what can be found
inside. As
this moment, it is impossible for us to visit a palace so I will just tell you a story about a
palace. This is an ice palace.
B. Presentation
1. Reading of the selection by the teacher.
Listen very well and look carefully at the series of pictures that tell about the selection
you will
listen to.
The Ice Palace
One morning the Princess noticed the frosted windows of her bedroom. The panes were all
covered with fairy palaces and towers of ice. Then an idea came to her. She would build a palace of
So the Princess called a famous architect. Her plans were soon laid before him. After some
weeks, the ice palace was completed.
The palace contained only three rooms, a ballroom and a dining room in one large hall and a
bedroom. Each room was furnished with icy furniture. But no one slept on the icebed. The icelogs in
the icefireplace did not burn.
Naptha was poured on the logs and the naptha burned but icelogs didnt melt.
The windowspanes were sheets of clear ice. At night the candles glintened like diamond
through the ice windows.
2. Answering comprehension questions
With the help of the pictures, have the pupils answer the questions in
complete sentences.
a. What did the princes notice one morning?
Date: _________
Lesson 32
I. Objectives:
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Give the meaning of the underlined word through context clues.
a. The big black ants that ate the poisonous fruit died on the spot. (juicy, deadly, dirty)
b. Dont cry for I like to pinch your cheek, little chubby boy. (squeeze, hit, caress)
3. Motivation.
Do you know what a folktale? Can you name folktale that youve read or heard? Listen
and be
able to tell how the lansones became edible.
B. Presentation
1. Listen to the story (To be read by the teacher or a good reader)
Mang Selo and the Dream Angel
Did you know that the lansones fruit was once thought to be poisonous? Its name, lansones, is
taken from tagalong word lason, which means poison.
In ted very delicious but every one had been told not to eat them because they were
poisonous.The town of paete in laguna, a province, south of manila, there once grew tall trees with
bunches of cream-colored fruit. They looked very delicious but every one had been told not to eat them
because they were poisonous. One bite of the lansones fruit was enough to kill a man. Even the big
black ants that ate them died on the spot.
One sunny September morning, an old but dood hearted man called Mang Selo was walking
through one of Paetes thick forest. He was on his way to a fiesta in a nearby town. He has made this
trip every year, travelling on foot, with no trouble. But now he was old and became tired quickly. Soon
he needed to stop and rest.
Next year I will bring a walking cane and soon for my journey, Mang Selo told himself. I
will stop here and rest, perhaps my hunger will go away.
The old man tried to take a nap, but his empty stomach kept him awake. He sat up and looked
around for something to eat. There were no wild berries or nuts to sigth. He only saw the deadly
lasones trees.
A beautiful angel appeared to him in his sleep. She wore a white gown and seem to have come
down from the heavenly clouds. The angel stood next to Mang Selo and gave him a bunch of fruit.
Finall, she said, My good Christian friend and traveler, take these so you will not be hungry.
Mang Selo looked at the fruit the angel had in her hand. He was surprised to see that they were
lansones. Why would this good angel give me something poisonous? he wondered.
Do not worry, said the angel. Then she took one and pinched it, peeled it and put it in her
mouth. Then she took one of the lansones. Eat, she said.
At the moment Mang Selo woke up. The angel was gone! He rubbed his eyes and wondered if
the angel had been a dream. Slowly he realized that he was no longer tired or hungry. He looked
around and was surprised to see lansones peeling on the ground. The angel in his dream had been real,
after all!
2. Comprehension Question
When awoke he realized he had really eaten some lansones, but was not poisoned by
It had been told that one bite of the fruit was enough to kill a man.
Feeling tired, he took a nap and an angel who appeared in his dream told him to eat the
lansones fruit and he did.
Lansones was once thought to be poisonous
Mang Selo, a king hearted man was once walking through a forest.
4. Have the pupils read and arrange sentences. Tell them to retell the story by answering the guide
5. Generalization
What must you remember in sequencing the events of the story you listened to.
6. Practice exercise
a. Have the pupils listened to another short story.
Group the class into four.
Present the jumbled sentences and have the groups rearrange the sentences using the
guide questions to form a story.
Tell them to write the number sentence only on their show me cards.
Ask the pupils to retell the story using the questions as their guide.
Jack and his mother needed to buy food so they sold milk from their cow everyday. One day,
jack sold the cow for five beans. The mother got angry and threw all the beans into the garden. A
beanstalk grew from the beans. Jack climbed it and found a giants house. Jack always climbed the
beanstalk. The last time, he was chased by the giant. The beanstalk broke and jack could not go up
_________ A beanstalk grew from the beans.
_________ Jack and his mother badly need money for their food.
_________ The last time, he was chased by the giant and the beanstalk broke.
_________ Jack sold the cow for five beans
_________ Jack always climbed the beanstalk after finding a giants house.
Guide Questions:
Who are characters of the story?
What did Jack do to get money?
What happen to the beans?
What did Jack find upon climbing the beanstalk?
Why did the beanstalk break?
b. This time no guide questions are given. Tell them to listen attentively to be able to rearrange
jumbled sentences.
Apolinario Mabini was chatting with his classmates when his mother, tired and shabby arrived.
She had walked miles from Tanauan, Batangas to Manila. Thats why she looked like a beggar upon
reaching the city. Without hesitation, Mabini lovingly embraced his mother, and kissed her sweating
forehead. Then proudly, he introduced her to the people around. How delighted the teary-eyed mother
________ Mabini lovingly embraced his mother and kissed her forehead.
________ How delighted his mother was for his loving son.
________ Apolinario Mabini was chatting with his friends when his tired and shabby mother
________ He proudly introduced her to his friends.
________ His mother looked like a beggar because she walked miles from home.
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the story attentively. Arrange the sentences as they happened in the story by numbering
them on
the blanks.
One morning, Datuk and his dog Bakar were jogging lazily along the sandy shore. Bakar stop
and sniffed very cautiously up a shell. Suddenly, he jumped backward and bark aloud in fright. Datuk
quietly went near the shell. Usually, shells dont move but this one was actually walking! How was
that possible! Datuk quickly called Bakar to his side. Then, he carefully lifted the shell. Obviously, it
was not empty. A hermit crab rolled itself inside.
_______ Bakar saw a shell.
_______ Datuk saw a hermit crab roll inside the shell.
_______ The shell was actually walking!
_______ Suddenly, he jumped and barked in fright.
_______ One morning, Datuk and Bakr were jogging along the shore.
V. Assignment:
Rearrange the following sentences into a story.
1. That experience taught Ralph to put his toys in their proper place.
2. Yesterday, Ralphs dog, Linus, taught him a lesson.
3. He made one leap and began to chew the rubber band.
4. As Ralph dusted the furniture Linus sat watching him.
Date: ________
Lesson 33
I. Objectives:
Love ones neighbor
II. Subject Matter
Using Plural Form of Compound Nouns
PELC Speaking, p. 23
Growing in English Language
TM pp.59-63 TXT pp. 65-73
28 Mabini St.
San Jose, Calbayog City
September 18, 1999
2. Motivation
How many write letters to their relatives and friends? What do you usually write about?
Dear Lorena,
Greetings from Calbayog City!
B. Presentation
I was very happy to receive your letter. Everything seems to be well for you and the rest of the
1. Say:
My sister, Clara got married recently. The wedding party was held in the family garden. Music
of is
friend attended
Turn tooccasion
page 66.a The
in theMany
friends, and
who wished
lives inmy sister
both them
a washing
My someone
brother built
City. LetFather
us listen
your classmate
Letter. Will
to class? as his gift.
From my saving I bought and gave the couple a set of glassware. Of course, Sister Clara and
Brother Franklin loved their gift.
Next month we are going to visit them in their new home. They will have a house blessing. I
wish you were here to share the joy of the event with us. Anyway, I hope to send you a picture of the
wedding soon. You should see me in my pretty gown when I serve as the bridesmaid.
Goodbye for now. Give your family my sincere regards.
How well did you listen? What is Shielas letter all about? Can you give the following
nouns used
in a letter?
2. Skill Development
Have the pupils go over the chart of nouns on page 67, THINK ABOUT IT. Which group
list nouns that are singular in number? Plural in number?
Have there them read each pair of sentence (on sentence strips)
Notice the underlined words. How many words do you find in brother-in-law? In
a. I have a new brother-in-law.
I have two brothers-in-law.
b. The bride had only one bridesmaid.
The bride has three bridesmaids.
- What kind of nouns are the underlined words?
- How do they form their plural?
3. Fixing Skills
Write the plural form of the following nouns.
a. mouse trap
b. daughter-in-law
c. point of view
4. Generalization
How do compound nouns form their plural? Can you state in your own words, what you
observed? Refer to KEEP IN MIND, page 695.
5. Practice Exercises
A. Guided Practice
Complete the dialogues with the plural form of compound nouns from the box.
The first
done for you.
1. Father: Ismael, have you seen any of the stepladders? I need one to climb the rooftop
of the
Ismael: Yes, I have, father. I saw it in the backyard underneath the mango tree.
2. Mother: Aminah, prepare the bedroom for our _______.
Aminah: Will two pillow and two blankets, do mother?
Mother: Fine. But make sure to change the bedsheet. The ______ are in the big trunk.
Aminah: Yes, I will mother.
B. Independent Practice
Give the missing form of each compound noun.
1. Teacher-in-charge
2. _______________
3. _______________
IV. Evaluation
Read the selection below. Then, On a piece of paper, make a list of at least (10) singular
nouns. Opposite each noun, write its plural form.
A Farmhouse Party
Yesterdays, party was at Mr. Figueras Farmhouse. Mr. Figuera is my sisters father-in-law.
The party was held to benefit the childrens health in the barrio. The town Mayor was the guest of
honor. Everyone helped. The neighbors tables and benches were used.
My sisters mother-in-law cooked pork and chicken adobo. This recipe was a big hit. Mang
Beny sent over a special dish from his famous food center in the town. Aling Maris vegetable salad
was crisp and delicious. Aling Nenas rice cake and pancit were among the childrens favorite choices.
after the party, lunch, parlor games sponsored by the barangay captain followed.
What fun we all had! The visitors and guests congratulated the chairperson of the activity.
Who was no other than my sisters husband or my own brother-in-law.
Farmhouse Farmhouses
V. Assignment
Use the following plural compound nouns in to meaningful sentences.
a. bedsheets
b. stepladders
c. fathers-in-law
d. godparents
e. editors-in-chief
Date: _________
I. Objectives:
Courtesy, Politeness
II. Subject Matter:
Using Gerunds as Subject and Predicate Noun
PELC 5, 23
Growing in English Language pp. 76-81
Basic and Beyond Language VI pp. 111-112
3. Motivation
Do you have a hobby?
Show pictures of children who are reading, swimming and dancing.
B. Presentation
1. Have the pupils listen to the taped interview.
The writers of the school paper wish to feature pupils hobbies. To get facts or information,
they interview Nathalie, Victor, Minerva and Alfred.
Good morning everyone. This is Anthony and this is Lorena. We Are writers of our
We wish to
to know
a write-up
are. of
start with Nathalie?
Good morning.
be glad toCutting
share our
with dress
you. What
keeps meWe
on Saturdays.
making my own
feel confident. I enjoy putting buttons too.
Thats great Nathalie. What about you Victor?
I love swimming. It gives me a sense of freedom.
When do you usually swim and where?
I swim every Saturday afternoon in my Lolas place.
What do you enjoy doing in your free time, Minerva?
I enjoy reading. I like books in cooking best. Reading one books is never enough.
It is because you love learning from books. Alfred, I know you love gardening. Why
is it so?
Youre right. Who wouldnt love gardening? Taking care of plants and talking to
them when youre lonely simply make my day.
Well, friends, thanks for spending some precious time with us. Surely the information
you shared will inspire many children to work out hobbies just like you.
Goodbye. Watch for the interview article in the coming issue of our school paper.
Its a pleasure. Goodbye.
2. Comprehension Check
Why did the writers of the school paper interview some grade six pupils? What
information did
they get from them? Was the information worthwhile? Why?
3. Read the following sentences taken from the interview.
1. Sewing keeps Nathalie busy on Saturdays.
2. Minervas interest is cooking.
Compare the sentences.
What can you say about the underlined words?
What do you call those words?
What is a gerund?
How is gerund used in the first sentence? second sentence?
Below is a free verse written about a favorite activity or hobby. Read it silently. Notice how the
gerunds are used. Can you replace them using your own words.
Write 5 gerunds and be able to use them in meaningful sentences as subject and predicate noun.
Date: _________
Lesson 35
I. Objectives
Use gerunds as object of the verb and object of the preposition
Read paragraph and identify if the gerunds are used as object of the verb or object of the
Write sentences using gerunds as object of the verb and object of the preposition
Conserving gasoline
II. Subject Matter:
Using gerund as object of the verb and object of the preposition
PELC 5 (Speaking)
Growing in English 6 (Language) pp. 142-145
Learning English as a Second Language 6 pp. 101-102
Study the words again and find out what changes take place in some verbs when ing is
Before the ing is added, what happenas
a. When the final unpronounced e comes after a consonant?
b. When the words end in a single consonant (expect h,w,x and y) and the final consonant
comes after
a single stressed vowel?
2. ____________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________
V. Assignment
Write three sentences each using gerunds as object of the verb and object of the preposition.
Date: ________
Lesson 36
I. Objectives:
PELC 5.1 p. 23
Growing in English TM pp. 8-14
Growing in English 6 Reading pp. 11-20
doze those
does thus
laid lathe
ride writhe
2. Unlocking of Difficulties.
Answering of puzzle
Group the class into 4. Provide each group with a copy of the puzzle below. Give them at
least 5
minutes to work on the puzzle. The group who finished first wins.
3. Motivation
Ask the pupils who are their favorite superheroes. Then, show them pictures of foreign
superheroes such as Bathman, Superman, Spiderman, etc. Ask them what are the qualities of
B. Presentation
1. Reading of the selection. Lam Ang, a legendary hero
2. a. Analysis/Discussion
1. Who was Lam Angs parents?
2. What kind of child was Lam Ang?
3. What is the theme of the story?
b. Fixing Skills
Show the class the pictures showing the different important events in the story. Ask them
arrange it accordingly to show the proper sequence of the pictures as happened in the story.
3. Generalization
What is a story grammar? What is one way of showing the sequence of events in the
listened to?
4. Engagement Activity
By using the picture series of the story of Lam Ang, let the pupils write one or two
describing each scene/picture.
IV. Evaluation
Read the story The Lime and the Pomelo Tree on p. 19 of your book. Make a story grammar
(picture series) to retell the story. Use 6-7 frames in making the picture series. Make sure that it is
V. Assignment
Read again the story Lam Ang, a legendary Hero and in cartolina, make your own
comic strip.
Lesson 37
Use nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning
Give the main idea of a selection listened to
Spell nouns that are plural in form but singular in meaning
Subject Matter
Nouns that are Plural in Form but Singular in Meaning
References: PELC II 5.1
PELC 6 p. 23
Growing in English (Language) pp 87-91
sentence strips/charts
Learning Activities
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Pronunciation Drill
2. Review
In pairs. Read the limerick. Select all the nouns and write their
plural form.
A chick and rooster whom I happened to hear was complaining
Oh dear, our picnic is today,
But the weatherman say
That the sky will be sunny and clear.
3. Motivation
Let the pupils sing the song Learning Mathematics is Really Fun
How many like and enjoy Mathematics? Why?
B. Presentation
1. Show a picture of a boy talking in front of the class. This is Francis
of Marbel Elementary School. Listen as your classmate delivers a
portion of Francis talk, Be able to tell what the main idea is.
How do I develop such wonderful and speedy computational
skills? I believe its a matter of deep interest and constant correct
practice. Even before I went to school, Father would teach me how
to work with numbers patiently. Then now, I usually do extra
exercises in other books aside from my assignments. I dont miss
the mathematics portion of the newspapers of magazine. Well, I
think I have the best teachers at home; Father is in aeronautics;
Mother is a Mathematics teacher; and my eldest brother is a
computer analyst. In school, Mr. Lim, my teacher and coach, has
taught me how to develop concentrations in analyzing problems
and solving them.
a. What is the main idea of Francis talk?
b. Did you learn something from his talk?
c. What can you do to improve your skills in Mathematics?
2. Discussion and Analysis
Let the pupils read the sentences:
How do both underlined nouns end?
Explain to pupils that plural nouns usually end in s or es. The
nouns Mathematics and news are only two of the few nouns that
are plural in form but singular in meaning.
Notice the verbs after Mathematics and news. What verb form in
the present tense is used to these nouns?
Is and makes are in the present tense and singular in number. Is, is
the present form, third person and singular in number of the verb
BE, and makes of the verb make.
3. Fixing Skills
Show some pictures of nouns ending in s or es, but they are
singular in meaning and ask the pupils to tell something about each
picture. Encourage them to make the noun the subject for their
4. Generalization
Do all plural nouns ending in s or es mean also plural? How does
this noun agree with the verb in the present tense that is used with
5. Valuing
How much work an be done if all work cooperatively.
6. Practice Exercises
Choose the correct verb form
Use the following nouns in good sentences
1. Economics
2. News
3. United States
4. Civics
5. electronics
Lesson 38
I. Objectives
Reconstruct a dictated text by taking down important notes.
Write paragraph correctly.
Values: Importance of the forms of energy in our everyday life.
II. Reconstructing a Dictated Text by Taking Down Important Notes
Writing Paragraph
Giving the Main Idea
Ref. PELC 5.1,4,4.1,p.23
LP in Science VI pp. 120,124
LP in English VI pp. 336-337
Into the Future VI, pp.146
III. A.1. Write the following sentences that I will dictate.
a. Moving and doing work are possible because of energy.
b. A car can travel for several kilometres using gasoline.
2. What are the things to remember when taking down notes?
3. Present flashcards showing action words.
What do these words suggest?
B. 1. The teacher reads a paragraph, while the pupils take important notes.
Chemical energy is energy stored in materials. Materials possess chemical
energy due to or owing to their molecular structures. When chemical energy is
released, it becomes kinetic/mechanical energy. Furthermore, when chemical
energy is released, a new substance is formed different from the original material.
When you actually take in food, you actually take in stored energy. It is digested or
broken down into simple form (sugar,protein) that can be absorbed and used by the
different parts of the body.
2. a. What is chemical energy?
b. How do materials produce chemical energy?
3. a. What are some of the important notes you have taken down from the
b. have the class write their notes on the board.
4. How can we reconstruct a dictated text by means of taking down notes?
5. In what ways are forms of energy useful to people?
6. Listen to the following dictation. Take down important notes.
(Each group will write their written work in a manila paper.)
Moving persons or objects possess mechanical energy. It can be
produced through energy transformation. For example, in walking, running or
jumping, we use mechanical energy caused by the release and transformation of
the chemical energy in food we have eaten. A moving vehicle, a running machine
uses mechanical energy, made possible by the release and transformation of energy
from fuel.
IV. Group Presentation
Lesson 39
I. Objectives
Use a variety of sentences as to structure (simple sentences0
Identify the subject and predicate in a sentence.
Identify the key sentence that make up story selection
Write a simple sentence
Values: Interdependence
II. Using Simple Sentences
Ref. PELC Speaking p.24
Building English Skills Language pp.6-8, 51-56
Mat. picture of human body, chart, sentence strips, flaglets
III.A.1. Using flaglets, let the pupils identify whether the group of words are
sentence or not.
a. Miss santos is understanding
b. Jose won
2. What is a sentence? When can you say taht a sentence is really a sentence?
Give the two main parts of a sentence.
3. Showing a picture of a human body. The girl here is normal because she has
all the body parts. But how about if she losses her right arm?Is she still normal?
A sentence is like a human body. We cannot say that a sentence is a sentence
if its parts are not complete.
B. 1. Let us study and find out the parts of a sentence. What makes a sentence?
Reading of sentences (using sentence strips)
a. The sampaguita is a fragrant flower.
b. The sampaguita and the ilang-ilang are fragrant flowers.
2. Discuss the four structure of sentence.
Simple Subject/simple Predicate
Compound Subject/Simple Predicate
Simple Subject/Compound Predicate
Compound Subject/Compound Predicate
3. Give other example of sentence using four structures written in a piece of
paper. Let the pupils identify the sentence structure used. (Draw lots)
4. How can you identify the subject?
Give the four structures of sententence.
5. Identify the subject and the predicate in a sentence. Box the subject and
underline the predicate.
a. My parents are busy this weekend.
b. The program is open to the public.
IV. Form a simple sentence by supplying simple subject and predicate.
1. Books
2. The first lady
3. brought fans, too
4. were going to church
5. prayed silently in church
V. Write simple sentence using different structure.
Lesson 40
I. Objectives
Use compound sentences
Give the main idea of a paragraph read
Write compound sentences
Values: Appreciating the heroism of Filipino Heroes
II. Using Compound Sentences
Ref. PELC 6 (Speaking) p. 24
Growing in English Language 6, pp.45-54
Basic Communication of Todays Children pp.82-85
Mat. charts, pictures of Filipino heroes, strips of paper, sentences in strips, pocket
III. A.1. Combine each pair of sentences intio one simple sentence with a compound
subject or compound predicate.
1. The crowd waved the candidates.
The crowd cheered the candidates.
2. Norman finished his project.
He submitted it to his teacher.
2. Describe the structure of each simple sentences as to simple subject and
simple predicate, simple subject and compound predicate or compound subject and
compound predicate. Then opposite each number put the appropriate flashcards
with SS and SP, SS and CP, CS and SP or CS and CP
1. We need fresh air and clean water.
2. Birds and animals help propagate plants.
3. Show pictures of different heroes. Call on a pupil to choose a hero of his
choice. Tell what you know about his/her heroism using simple sentences.
When all the members have finished, the leader of the group will read their
word to the class.
IV. Use a compound sentence about each picture. Use the words under the picture.
1. Picture #1
(Paula) hungry-noy eating
2. Picture #2
(Aling Sila) tired-sleepy
3. Picture #3
(Luisa) poor-bright
V. Look for a picture of our modern-day hero. Paste it in your notebook and write 5
sentences about his/her heroism using compound sentences.
Lesson 41
I. Objectives
Tell the relationship expressed in the selection as to cause and effect
Write cause or effect
Values: Love for Nature
II. Telling the Relationship Expressed in the Selection as to Cause or Effect
Ref. PELC (Reading) 6.1
Growing in English 6 (Reading) p.177
Mat. pictures
III. A.1. Underline the subject and encircle the predicate.
a. A passenger ship and Super Ferry 12 collided near Corregidor islands
b. sARS and terrorism became serious problems.
2. Let pupils sing a [part of the song Anak ng Pasig, and tell the pupils that
the song gives the message that the river used to be clean and abundant with fish.
But because the people threw their waste materials into it, the river became what it
is nowsmelly and filthy.
What can we do about it?
3. Match the meaning of the words in Column A to Column B.
1. paraphernalia
a. Poisonous
2. adversely affected
b. rapid groth
3. proliferation
c. large, diverse phylum of
micro-organism with
complicated cycles
and parasitizing various animals
4. toxic
d. affected in the negative way
5. protozoans
e. Trappings or accessories of
equipment or adornment
B.1. Let pupils read the story, Lets Save Our Seas on p.182 of Growing in
English 6 (Reading)
2. A. Where did Rico and his family go?
What did they bring with them?
a. The river has become smelly and filthy because the people kept on
throwing their waste into it.
b. Fish in the river die because people use dynamite in fishing.
1. What made the river smelly and filthy?
2. What is the effect of throwing wastes/garbage in our lives?
How would you analyze your answers in questions 1 and 2?How
can you identify the cause and the effect of a given situation?
B. In each pair of sentences, which is the cause and which is the effect?
1. ______Math problems are difficult.
______Rinalyn was worried and unhappy.
2. ______She is not getting enough sleep.
______ Claudia spends much time watching TV at night.
3. What is the cause? What is the effect? What connectives are used to
introduce a cause or effect?
4. How can we help save our seas?
5. If people have made many changes in the environment, what will be its
What are the possible causes? Why many animals are in danger of
becoming extinct?
IV. Column A lists the causes and column b the effects. Match the cause and its
Column A
______1. because the air is not moving
Column B
a. a giant hole at the Arizona desert was
______2. When you rub them together
b. Your hands get warm
______3. because the lights are offs
c. Forest fires happen
______4. because a meteorite fell from d. The building is dark
outer space and landed to it
______5. because some people are e. There is no wild
careless with matches and camp fires
V. Read the paragraph very carefully. Then answer the questions on cause and
effect in complete sentences. Write your answers on a piece of paper.
There is no massive drought or dryness of land, in many places of the
country. This happened because the El Nio phenomenon has set into the
Why is there massive drought or dryness of land in many places of the country?
Lesson 42
I. Objectives
Use complex sentences
Predict outcomes
Values: Proud of being Filipino
Valuing good Filipino traits
II. Building Complex Sentences
Identifying Simple and Compound Sentences
Predicting Outcomes
Ref: PELC 6 p. 24, 7 p.24
Growing in English 6 (L) pp. 57-62
Mat. chart, sentence strips,picture
III. A.1. Find compound sentences in the paragraph below. Read them aloud.
Josefa Llanes Escoda was a great social worker. She was among the first
Filipino women to engage in social work. She planned projects for the welfare of
women and children, and she successfully carried them out. She started health
clinics for children, and because of her, the government put up playgrounds for
2. Combine these simple sentences (in chart) to form compound sentences.
Use and or but correctly. Five groups will be formed. Each group will work on a set
to combine and give the correct answers.
a. These heroes were usually unnamed.
They were recognized by their relatives.
b. Most of these heroes were unknown.
We will never forget them.
3. look at the picture. Can you describe the situation: What traits of the Filipino
do the setting show? How else do Filipinos show their warm hospitality?
B. 1. Study how the ideas in the two sentences below can be combined (in
sentence strips). Can you explain the meaning of each combination.
A Filipino family is united.
The members support each other.
1. Our family is united because the members support each other.
2. Our family is united if the members support each other.
3. Our family is united when the members support each other.
4. Our family is united since the members support each other.
2. a. How many ideas or thought are expressed in each sentence?What are
3. Ask the pupils to form groups and read the paragraph on p.59
Use the suggested conjunction to combine the ideas as sentences in
paragraph. Have each group read their paragraph.
Mang Tino moves his house. He will tend a new farm. Now he needs some
helping hand from the fellow villagers. His wife invites the men in the barangay.
Willingly, they heed the request. Together they carry the house on their shoulders
using poles. They reach Mang Tinos new farm. They partake of some food such as
coffee, pancit and suman.
4. How are complex sentences formed? What words/conjunctions join two or
more ideas that are related?
5. Are you proud of being a Filipino?Why? What are some good Filipino traits?
6. a. Read the paragraph (in chart) silently then, identify the complea
sentence in the paragraph that predict outcome. Write only the numbers
corresponding your answers.
1. The Spaniards watched Marcelo H. Del Pilar closely because a Spaniard
priest acused him as anti-Spanish.
2. He left the country after his relatives advised him so.
b. Use the most appropriate conjunction to connect the ideas in each
1. Traders trusted them______they, our forefathers, never cheated in their
trade and commerce.
2. They never ran away______the traders left goods with them for several
IV. Make a complex sentence by adding another idea using the given conjunctions.
1. I am proud of being a Filipino because......
2. Let us be warm and hospitable when..........
3. Perhaps you can be as great as our heroes if.............
V. what trait or traits of the Filipino are you proud of?
Lesson 43
I. Objectives
Use direct discourse (statement)
Get the main idea of what was heard/read
Write direct discourse
Values: Health consciousness
Current issue awareness
II. Using Direct Discourse (Statement)
Ref: PELC (Speaking) 6.1 p.24
Growing in English 6 (L) pp.158-133
Mat. pictures, newspapers, strips
III. A.1. Unlocking of difficulty
a. Jose was diagnosed of having pneumonia because of prolonged excessive
b. Corona virus is said to be the cause of the newly found disease.
2. Show pictures and ask the following questions. What is SARS? What
countries are affected by SARS?
B. 1.Read the dialog/conversation.
Before the flag ceremony, children gathered in the schools luncheon area.
They were talking about a problem on health.
Im afraid of the news today, said jenna. Why is the news all about? asked
Louie. Its the killer pneumonia that killed many from China, Hongkong, and other
countries, replied Jenna. Dont be afraid, WHO (World Health Organization) and
the DOH are working together hand in hand to prevent the killer pneumonia or SARS
(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) on spreading fast in our country, said Alex.
What must we do? asked Ysraelie. We must keep our surroundings clean and be
aware of the disease, added Rose. So lets start cleaning our areas and let other
people know that what we do could be a tool in preventing SARS, said Ivy.
Awareness and cleanliness is the key to a healthy country, the children agreed.
2. a. What is the product topic of the children in their conversation?
b. What does each one of them said about SARS?
3. Copy the following quotations, punctuate, and capitalize them correctly.
a. I wish I could help victims of SARS said Betty.
b. San Goku said Ill never quit helping poor people.
4. What is the direct discourse? What are the parts of a direct quotation?
What punctuation marks are used in a direct quotation (statement)?
5. Work with a partner. Read each situation. Then provide the exact words of
each speaker.
1. Sec. Dayrit told his men taht they would visit Pangasinan tomorrow.
His men replied yes to him.
2. A radio announcecer/commentator said in his daily news program
that SARS came out after the US-Iraq war. A listener added that it might affect our
2. Punctuate the conversation between Normie and her mother. Mother tells
Normie to do something.
Please find out from the paper whats showing at the Ideal Theater asked
Normies mother.
Mary Poppins Mother said Normie after looking at the movie
Are you going to the show tonight mother
IV. read the dialog. Change the exact words of each speaker in a correct discourse
format using proper punctuation marks. Write the main idea of this selection.
In a UN meeting in Singapore the leader asks each countrys representative
to lay their foremost problem.
Coordination between countries of the world with ours for a true world
peace is what we need.
Philippines: Peace and order situation in Maguindanao is getting worst.
SARS became our worst problem nowadays.
We need more job openings and investors.
UN Leader: With our hand in hand efforts and unity all these problems will be given
solutions. All we need is true solidarity.
V. Listen to a news broadcast this evening at 6:00 p.m on GMA 7s Saksi
a. Write about five (5) direct quotations from the news.
b. Give the main idea/topic of the news.
Lesson 44
I. Objectives
Use indirect discourse (statements)
Give opinions
Write reported statements
Values: Using Indirect Discourse
Ref. PELC 6.1 (Speaking)
Growing in English 6 (L) pp.125-136
Language 6,pp. 161-165
Building English Skills 6(Language ) pp.96-101
Mat. toy telephone, charts
III. A.1. Match the present tense forms of the verbs in column A with the past tense
forms in column B.
1. am,is
a. Might
2. are
b. would
3. will
c. was
4. shall
d. had
5. can
e. Should
6. may
f. Were
7. has,have
g. Could
2. Saying direct quotations correctly. Listen to your teacher read the following
dialogue. Then read after her. Remember when your voice should go up or down at
the end of the sentence.
1. I want to stay near the window to breathe fresh air, answered Lety.
2. I can hear very well here, said Fe.
3. How can I hear and see you, Grandma, if i sit in a far place? murmured Noli.
3. Giving opinion- Exercise No.7- The Coco Shell( Reading Comprehension,
Exercises in English VI)
Read the story and tell the direct quotations used.
The Coco Shell
A father sat under a mango tree. He was cleaning a coco shell. His son, who
was playing nearby stopped and asked him, What are you doing father?
The father answered, I am cleaning this coco shell for your grandfather to
use. His son went away and after a while he too had a coco shell in his hand. He
sat beside father and started cleaning his own coco shell.
Now it was the fathers turn to ask, Son, What are you doing?
The boy replied, I am cleaning and I shall keep it for you when you grow
The father threw away the coco shell he was cleaning and said to his son,
Son, forget it.
This is a case of the father learning from his son.
Do not do unto others what you wouldnt like others to do unto you.
A wrong act may appear right to a young child if he sees an adult he respects
or honors doing it. Adults should therefore weigh very carefully what they do and
say in front of children.
Giving Opinion: how would you react if you were the son in the story? If you were
the father?
4. Have you ever experienced using the telephone? Call two volunteers to act
out any situation using telephone.
a. You cannot find your assignment notebook. Call a classmate about the
assignment in English.
b. Call your mother to explain why you will be delayed in coming home.
B.1. Have three pupils play this dialogue.
IV. Work in triads. Read and transform the following dialogue into reported or
indirect paragraph. Do it on a piece of paper. Then, ask a member to read aloud the
triads work.
The San Julian barangay officials are having a meeting.
Barangay Captain: What do you think about having a solar dryer for our rice and
Councilman 1: The idea is good.
Councilman 2: We will be storing our products fully dry.
Councilman 3: Drying our palay and corn harvest will be faster.
Barangay Captain: we need at least one hundred fifty square meters of land space.
Councilman 4: We can use the space near the barangay plaza.
Barangay Captain: Our children need a larger space for recreation.
Councilman 5: Why dont we just widen the barangay plaza? It will serve a double
purpose-recreation and solar Dryer.
Barangay Captain: Right. In the next meeting, we will talk about the construction
budget and schedule.
V. Copy and write a telephone conversation in a book. Then relay the message of
the caller in indirect course.
A. A Telephone Conversation.
B. A Message from the Caller in Indirect Discourse.
Lesson 45
I. Objectives
Use indirect discourse (do question)
Drawing conclusions
Write reported questions
Values: Valuing parents advice
Lesson 46
I. Objectives
Use indirect discourse (Yes-No Questions)
Draw conclusions
Write reported questions
Values: Pollution control awareness
II. Using Indirect Discourse
Ref. PELC 6.1 (Speaking) p.24
Mat. charts, pocket chart
III. A.1. Read the following sentences. Which are the questions?
1. Pollution can destroy the balance in nature.
2. Is pollution caused by people?
2. Report each direct discourse into indirect one.
1. father told his children: We will visit Lolas farm next week.
2. carlo said, Saturday is the best day for our hike.
3. Show picture of polluted river. Tell something about it.
B. 1. Read the letter on the chart.
Pulilan, Bulacan
May 26, 2003
Dear Patrick,
I received your letter three weeks ago but I wasnt able to write you because
we had a big problem here in our town.
Two weeks ago, our river turned black with dirt coming from piggery. The
owner dumped all the waste of his pigs, including dead piglets into the river. Most of
the fish died and the very few that the fisherman caught made people sick.
The newspaper helped us solve this problem. After the storu was published,
the owner stiopped polluting our river. Today, we are careful nbot to cause any
pollution in our place. By the way, Is pollution also a problem in your town? Are
the fishermen complaining about the polluted rivers? I hope the authorities there
can find ways to solve the problem.
Wtite me soon.
Your friend,
2. What was the problem of the people in Pulilan?
How did the problem resolve?
3. Present the following direct quotations taken from the letter:
1. Rommel: Is pollution a problem in Pulilan?
2. Rommel: Are the fishermen complaining about the polluted rivers?
IV. Report the following questions that the teacher asked: Write your answer in your
1. Are you a member of the Green aand Clean Brigade?
2. Are your parents working?
V. Write 5 yes-no questions and write their reported form.
Date :______________________
Lesson 47
I. Objectives
State the main idea of a paragraph that is explicit or implicit.
Give the main idea of the paragraph.
Values: Appreciation and awareness
II. Give the Main Idea of a Paragraph that is Explicit or Implicit
The Mobile Classroom
Ref. PELC 4.2, p.23
Growing in English TM, pp.63-65
Mat. strips of cartolina, chart, picture
III. A.1. Word Drill
2. Study the words in Words to Learn on p. 61 (GIE 6 Reading). Then, answer
the following questions with YES or NO. If your answer is Yes, clap once. If your
answer is No, stamp your feet twice.
1. Does the development of a product mean the making of it?
2. Is it true that that the Filipinos have a high rate of literacy?
3. Show a picture of a computer. Ask the pupils what are its uses. Tell the
class the advantages of having the knowledge of operating the computer.
B. 1. Reading of the selection on pp. 61-67 of the book (The Mobile Classroom).
Date: _____________________
Lesson 48
I. Objectives
Use direct discourse in commands and requests
Follow directions
Copy sentences in the direct discourse using correct punctuation marks.
Values; Obedience, helpfulness
II. using Direct Discourse in Commands and Requests
Ref. PELC 6.1 (Speaking/Writing) p.22
Growing in English 6 Language pp. 128-131
Mat. dialogue and exercises written on charts, box of folded pieces of paper where
commands/requests are written
III. A.1. Change the following questions from direct to indirect discourse.
a. Lorraine asked, Mr. Santos, how many irrigitaion pumps does our barrio
b. Father, will you also register for the use of a pump? Dan required.
2. Have the pupils sing Row your Boat as they pass along a flaglet.
B. 1. Assign two good readers to read the dialogue for the class.
Meg: Mother left some reminders while she and father are away.
Hanz: Read them, please.
Meg: Clean your rooms.
Do your homeworks.
Please wash the dishes after eating.
Hanz: Oh, father left a list, too!
Meg. What did he say?
Hanz: Pleasde, dont play with matches.
Check the lights and the faucets before going to bed.
Please do not quarrel.
Meg: Oh, how I missed them.
Hanz: Dont worry, theyll be back soon.
2. What does mother asked the children to do?Father?
What does mother request the children to do? Father?
3. Study the sentences:
Mother said, Do your homeworks.
Father requested, Please, dont play with matches.
4. Have the pupils say and write these sentences using the direct discourse.
Lyn: Please, help me clean my room.
5. What must you remember in using direct discourse for commands and
6. Write the following using the direct discourse.
a. Ruby:
Please, put back your books in the shelf.
IV. Rewrite the following commands and requests using the direct discourse.
1. Carol:
Kindly run to the store and buy some onions.
2. Angie:
Please answer the phone.
V. List down 5 things your mother, father, sister or brother tekls you to do using
direct discourse.
Be able to use commas and quotation marks correctly.
Lesson 49
I. Objectives
Use indirect discourse (commands and requests)
Follow direction from a dictation
Give and follow direction
Write reported commands and requests
Values: Obedience
II. Using Indirect Discourse (Commands and Requests)
Ref. ELC VI. C. 3.3.1 p.69
English for Filipino Children p. 297
Mat. charts, books, strips
III. A. 1. Do what I tell
a. stand up
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Change statement, questions, requests and command to reported sentences
Use direct and indirect discourse
Yes, Mother.
Mrs. Alba:
I will Mother. But please, set the alarm clock before you leave.
Mrs. Alba:
(Speak to her brother) Why do you feel that way? Mother is
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. Where was Mrs. Alba going?
b. What did she do before she left the house?
c. Did Edmund like being told what to do over and over again?
3. Analysis and Discussion
a. Study the following sentences from the dialogue
1. Mrs. Alba:
Im going to my dressmaking class in short while.
2. Mrs. Alba:
Nora, wake your father up at three-thirty
3. Nora:
But please, set the alarm before you leave.
4. Edmund:
May we watch the next TV program, Mother?
What kind of sentence is 1? Sentence 2? Sentence 3? Sentence 4? Discuss again the
changes made on reporting statements, questions, commands and requests.
b. Fixing Skills
Ask the pupils to change these sentences from dialogue to reported speech.
Do the necessary changes, including punctuation and capitalization.
4. Generalization
How do we change statements, questions, command and requests to reported sentences?
5. Valuing
Should we obey our parents? Why? What must we do to save energy?
6. Practice Exercise
Change the following quotations to reported sentences, punctuate and capitalize them
1. The broadcaster said, Five barangays will receive irrigation pump this week.
2. Mrs. Sison asked the pupils, Take down the important facts.
3. The health officer said The water is not safe for drinking.
IV. Evaluation:
Work in triads. Read and transform the following dialogue into reported or indirect paragraph. Do it
on a piece of manila paper. Then, ask a member to read aloud the triads work.
The San Juan Barangay Officials are having a meeting.
Barangay Captain: What do you think about having a solar dryer for our rice and
Councilman 1:
Councilman 2:
Councilman 5:
Barangay Captain: In the next meeting, we will talk about the constructions
V. Assignment:
Read Lam-ang, a Legendary Hero, Growing in English VI (R) pp. 11-14. Pick out a statement,
a question, a request and a command and transform them to reported speeches and sentences.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Read orally a poem cast for verse choir
1. Over flowing
2. Old testament name for God
3. Inexperienced
1. Supplies that can be drawn on
2. A Moslem priests
3. Unhappy
4. The supreme being in the Moslem religion
B. Presentation
1. Motive Question
What should youth do to save Mother Philippines?
2. Dramatic Reading of the Selection
Ask the pupils to listen to the first reading of the teacher.
Then, assign them to participate in the dramatic reading. Where are the Youth
3. Comprehension check
a. Answering motive question
b. Answering comprehension questions
Describe our country as pictured by Mother Philippines
What was Mother Philippines suffering? Why was she unhappy?
What can the following contribute to help Mother Philippines in her dilemma?
*Social Worker
Which of the character do you like best?
What will the Philippines become if all the characters will do their job?
If you were to contribute to help Mother Philippines, what could you give or do?
4. Literary Appreciation
Reciting a Poem for a Verse Choir
Group with your classmate. Assign the different speaking parts to each group and individuals.
The solo parts are Mother Philippines and the different professions. Then, recite the poem as
choir in your class. It is better if you can memorize the parts. Ask some teachers to act as
judge. Let them choose the best speaker. If the presentation is performed in stage, it is
suggested that the participants wear the appropriate costume or attire.
IV. Evaluation:
Reading a poem, Where are the Youth?
Encourage the participants to memorize their parts to make the presentation more realistic.
V. Assignment:
Memorize your part in the poem Where are the Youth? and be ready to recite this tomorrow.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Recite a poem cast for verse choir
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
2. Motivation
Show the pictures of the different stages of development of a frog in random order. Then
have the pupils sequence them according to the life cycle of a frog.
Have you heard the frog singing?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties
Choose a word from the box to complete the statement below.
1. The conductor used his _________ to cue the violin section to slow down.
2. The _______ of that song is familiar to me.
3. There are frogs hiding behind the __________.
B. Presentation:
1. First Reading by the teacher
Have the children listen carefully to your phrasing, pronunciation and intonation as you read
the poem.
The Frogs Singing School
Down in the rushes, beside the pool
The frogs were having a singing school;
Doing their best at their leaders call
Solo 3:
Solo 4:
Solo 6:
Choir 1:
Choir 2:
V. Assignment:
Recite the poem cast for verse choir:
BES 6 Reading
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
PELC 5 English for Grade VI, pp. 37-38 Growing in English Reading, pp. 183-185
Materials: chart, flashcards, strips of cartolina
3. Motivation:
Class, I have here a real egg and a fork. I am going to strike the egg with fork, what
happened to the egg?
B. Presentation
1. Have the pupils listen as the teacher reads the selection. Save the Earth
2. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What day-to-day activities do you think contributes to the endangering of our planet
2. What are the sources of air pollutants?
3. What is the effect of this greater heating of the earth?
(Effects) B
5. Generalization:
What is cause? What is effect?
What would you do to give possible cause/effect to the situation heard?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Listen to these situations and be able to give the possible cause and effect.
1. Mario was very delighted over his high score in Science.
2. Your neighbor's three-year old daughter is crying.
b. Independent Practice:
Divide the class into groups of four. Each group will give the cause/effect of the
following situations.
1. The door bangs as Albert leaves the room.
2. The pupils suddenly keep quiet.
7. Valuing:
Why is it important to save our planet from destruction?
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to each situation and answer the questions that follow by selecting the letter of the correct
Kevin smelled smoke in the air. He looked down the street and saw a fire blazing in old garage. "I
have to do something fast," he said to himself.
Kevin knew that he could not fight the fire himself, so he ran to the nearest phone. He reported
the fire. Soon a fire truck was on the day to the garage. By nine-thirty, fire fighters from 5 action Five
had put out the fire.
1. Kevin smelled smoke to the air. What was the effect?
a. He checked and saw fire
b. He started to feel funny
c. He bought someone was smoking.
He reported the fire.
V. Assignment:
Give three possible causes and three possible effects to this situation:
The street are flooded every time it rains.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the verb that agrees with the singular indefinite pronouns
Being respectful
PELC Building English Skills (Language) pp. 47-49 Growing in English
(Language) pp. 99-101
chart, flashcards
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What made Lita laugh?
b. What did Aurora say to Lita?
c. Was Aurora right? Why?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
What are the indefinite pronouns used in sentence 1 and 2?
What do the words everybody and everyone mean?
4. Generalization:
What are indefinite pronouns? What form of the verb is used with singular indefinite
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Choose the correct form of verb inside the parenthesis for each
indefinite pronoun.
1. Everyone (is, are) a unique person, with or without defect.
2. Everyone at the Science Fair (is, are) curious.
b. Independent Practice:
Complete each sentence with a verb in the present tense.
1. A few of the contestants ____________.
2. Either of the subjects _____________.
6. Valuing:
How will you show respect to people with defects?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph below. Copy the verb that agrees with each indefinite pronoun.
Everyone in my class (has, have) a pen pal. Several write to more than one person. Nobody
(forget, forgets) to send letters every week.
Everybody (is, are) always eager to check the mail. Something usually (arrive, arrives) in the
mail for me. Each of my pen pals (is, are) special. Both of my pen pals live in America. Some of us
read the letter about the class. Many hope to visit their pen pals someday. All enjoy communicating
with new friends.
V. Assignment:
Use each of the following singular, indefinite pronouns in a sentence.
1. anybody
2. someone
3. everybody
4. none
5. anyone
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the verb that agrees with the plural indefinite pronouns
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
When the generator is turned on.
If we strike a match
because the air is not moving
because the lights are off
because brakes are applied
A car stops
The building is dark
electricity flows out of it
the friction produces some heat
there is no wind
2. Review:
How can you distinguish cause from given effect?
3. Motivation:
What news report did you hear this morning?
B. Presentation:
1. Listening to the taped news report.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the recorded news broadcast then fill up the table below.
1. A total of 3780 students enrolled this school year at Manila High School. It is four percent lower
than 3933 figure last school year. This is due to change of residence and unemployment.
2. Most failures and inability of students to hurdle the College Entrance Test are due to poor
reading ability and comprehension and deficient mathematical ability.
V. Assignment:
Read news stories in the news paper. Then list down 5 possible effects to a given cause and vice
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
B. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils read the selection Noise.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive questions.
b. Answering guide questions.
1. What did the writer of the poem says about noise? Does she like
2. If you heard a boom of thunder, what would you do?
3. What would you expect a person to do if she heard a moaning
Divide the class into groups of 4. ask each leader of the group to
pick a piece of paper having a situation. Then, on a piece of cartolina,
each group will write the events that could probably happen next.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the situations. Then, select from the given choices the events that will happen next.
1. A band is playing in the plaza one early morning. Many people are there. All of them are well
dressed. They are standing around the flagpole. Two of them are holding the string of the big
a. The flag will be raised.
b. The flag will be changed.
c. The flag will be lowered.
2. Mildred is putting on a beautiful long gown. Her mother is helping her. There is a crown on a
table. There are decorated candles, too. Downstairs Mildred's father and brothers are decorating
an arch. What do you think is going to happen?
a. Mildred is going to a wedding.
b. Mildred is going to have her picture taking.
c. Mildred is going to join a Santa Cruzan.
V. Assignment:
Write the appropriate event that will happen next to each of the following situations.
1. Mina had a very beautiful voice. She joined the singing contest in school. She practices very well
for the contest.
2. Nick planted some santan cuttings/ but he forgot to water them. What do you think will happen to
the plants?
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Being cautions
2. Motivation:
What special gift to you want to receive on your birthday? Why?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the word box.
a. I embraced Mother tightly after she forgave me for breaking her favorite jar.
b. Hanz longed to see his father who had been abroad since he was born.
4. Motive Question:
What birthday gift did the girl in the story received?
B. Presentation:
1. Silent reading of the selection written on chart.
2. Discussion/Analysis:
a. Answering the motive question.
The girl received a motorbike on her birthday.
b. Comprehension Questions:
Why was the father unhappy with the birthday gift?
How did Theresa learn to ride a motorbike?
c. Valuing:
Why do you think did Therese meet an accident?
3. Skill Development:
Present a picture from the selection read. Have the pupils arrange them according to how
they happened in the story.
4. Fixing Skills:
Group Work.
After reading the selection, have the groups draw the incidents that are possible to
5. Independent Practice:
Have the pupils read the selections that follow, then draw the incidents that are possible
to happen.
The Foolish Chicken
One day a chicken stood near a pond watching the ducks swim fast. It longed to swim
like them. But its mother had warned it not to go near the pond, as it could fall into the water
and drown.
IV. Evaluation:
Draw the incidents that may happen in this story.
A fox saw a crow upon a tree with a morsel in. its beak. It wanted that bit of food very badly. So it
flattered the crow and asked her to sing.
V. Assignment:
Draw the incidents that may happen to your favorite tele-series.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
2. Review:
Read each sentence. Find the error and encircle it.
a. Animals are producers in this world.
b. The sun provides water to the living things.
3. Unlocking Difficulties:
Pick out a leaf and match to its appropriate meaning.
monastery chapel
1. The people cheered loudly for Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo because he had announced
his plan to proclaim Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898.
b. Independent Practice:
Do as instructed
1. List down all possible causes to flash floods in different places.
2. List down all the possible effects to big families.
IV. Evaluation:
Analyze the given ideas as to cause and effect. Complete the following sentences.
1. The pedestrian broke a traffic role so __________.
2. He studies hard, that's why __________.
3. We experience flash floods because ___________.
4. She finished her assignment in order to __________.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences showing cause and effect.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
2. Motivation:
How did you feel doing a job alone? Were you able to do it alone?
B. Presentation:
1. Read the story.
What do you think happen to Sir John Trevanion?
How did cryptography help him escape prison?
2. Analysis and Discussion:
Go ever the underlined verbs.
a. Cryptography has grown in recent years.
b. This form of communication has been known for centuries.
c. Many have seen its usefulness.
3. Fixing Skills:
Here are sentences. Which sentences are in the present perfect tense?
a. His mood grew gloomier.
b. He saw no way to escape.
c. Many people have used it.
4. Generalization:
When do we present perfect tense?
How do we form the present perfect tense of verbs?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Use the following present perfect tense in sentences.
1. has/have been
2. has/have felt
3. has/have looked
b. Independent Practice:
Form the present perfect tense of the following using has/have. Use it in meaningful
1. are
2. break
3. choose
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct verb in each sentence.
1. Thess (bas forgotten, have forgotten) her books on the table.
2. My scoutmaster has (taught, teached) me raised the flag since I was a Grade Four scout.
3. My teacher (has choosen, bas chosen) our group to perform the dance tomorrow.
V. Assignment:
Give the missing forms of the verbs in the chart below. Use each present perfect tense in sentence.
Past Form
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Concern to others
4. Motivation:
How many of you are easy to deal with? Are you friendly? Do you like to be with your
B. Presentation:
1. Ask children to read orally the story.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who were the main characters? Describe each.
b. What did Delia do with the money given by her father?
c. What did Delias father command her to give to Auring?
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
b. Phrase Drill
shame on you
wash the dishes
2. Review:
Review on Cause and Effect
1. You saw a snake under an old bench.
2. The milk gets spoiled
3. He slipped and fell down
3. Motivation:
Look at the picture. What neighboring country reminds you of a rickshaw? The kind
of dress that the person wear? Does China and other countries like Singapore, still have
rickshaw on their streets? Further ask the pupils to describe the scene they see in the
picture on page 244.
B. Presentation:
1. Ask the pupils to listen to an incident which happened 50 years ago in China.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who is the main character in the story?
b. What did the rickshaw man do?
c. How did Lu Hsun react to the situation?
3. Discussion Question:
How do you think the story ended? Welcome some endings. Then invite the pupils to
open their textbooks on page 244. Listen well, and choose the most likely ending.
4. Fixing Skills:
Try to create a story similar to the story you have listened to. Instead of a rickshaw man,
make a bus driver or a taxi driver as the main character. Be sure that everyone participates.
5. Generalization:
How do you give an appropriate ending to a situation? Based on known
facts and familiar events, you can draw up the logical consequences of an
action or event.
6. Application:
Analyze and write the appropriate ending below the given situation.
1. The maid left a pot of mongo beans to boil on the stove. She did some laundering outside
the house. In less than an hour ...
2. A gate with a sign, "Beware of Dogs," had been left open. A boy of 12 was passing by,
suddenly ...
7. Valuing:
In what ways safety precautions help? Cite examples.
IV. Evaluation:
Write an appropriate ending for each situation.
1. A pedestrian hurried to cross the street. He had not reached the other side when the traffic light
switched from yellow to green. Wheels of waiting vehicles rushed impatiently on. In an instant...
2. Nico and his playmates wandered by a construction site. A painter working high up on a
scaffolding, accidentally dropped his can of paint. Directly below was Nico picking up a scrap of
wood. Luckily, an alert foreman had heard the painter's shout, and just in time ...
V. Assignment:
Read the situation and write the ending in your English notebook.
One Saturday afternoon, Jerry and Tony climb on a tree to pick some guavas. Tony saw a big, ripe
guava, he tried to reach it op but the branch is too small for him ...
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
you think it is important to have our own language? What does it symbolizes?
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils listen as the teacher reads the news, "Cherokee Tribe Tries to Save Dying
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What is happening to the Cherokee language?
b. What is the reason why Cherokee language is dying?
c. How was the Cherokee language saved are revived?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Write the pupils answer to Question A on Comprehension check-up and analyze it.
What part of the sentence is the cause? How did you identify it?
What part of the sentence is the effect? How did you identify it?
4. Fixing Skills:
In the following sentences taken from the news, identify which is the cause and which is
the effect.
1. A classroom was offered in Lost City School to teach Cherokee language because of the
plea of the tribe leader.
2. Some were being punished because of speaking the Cherokee language.
5. Generalization:
What is cause? What is effect? What connectives are used to introduce a cause or an
6. Infusion Values:
How can we show that we are proud of our national language?
IV. Evaluation:
Analyze the ideas I the following news. Then, underline the causes and box the effects.
A strong typhoon hit the town of Many Kardo so their place was flooded for almost three days.
Because of the heavy rain, the drops were submerged in the water. The crops was getting ready for
harvest time but the typhoon swept the rice field in no time. Some had gathered whatever they could
save from their field even if it was drenched and smelling.
V. Assignment:
Write a short paragraph showing the cause and effect on the topic "Urban Gardening.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
a. How does he see stars that could not be seen by naked eyes?
b. What other things he saw in the sky?
c. What did he do with his observations?
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the following sentences by supplying the verb and direct object.
1. The pretty girl ______________________.
2. Our class ______________________.
3. The man ______________________.
4. The workers ______________________.
5. A strong typhoon ______________________.
V. Assignment:
Write a paragraph about the topic cleanliness in the school. Use the active voice of verb in your
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Listening politely
PELC 8.1 Speaking, p. 24 BES 6, TM, p. 129 BES 6 LP, pp. 370-372
pocket chart, card with words written.
b. Phrase Drill:
named for me
scrubbed the floor
c. Sentence Drill:
The flower looked very pretty.
The dancers walked to the stage.
The food victims needed money.
2. Review:
Complete the sentence by choosing the .correct form of the verb below. Write only the
letter of the correct answer.
1. Peter _____ to the movie by this mother.
a. take
c. was taken
b. taken
d. has taken
2. A strong typhoon ______ the school building.
a. destiny
c. destroyed
b. have destroyed
d. was destroyed
3. Motivation:
Ask: "Did you see a shooting star last night? Did you make a wish?
B. Presentation:
1. Direct pupils to read the sentences in letter B, text p. 160. Here are some facts about shooting
1. Shooting stars are not really stars, but masses of rack. They are called meteorites.
2. Meteorites move through outer space. They are attracted by the force of gravity of the
2. Analysis and Discussion:
The above statements tell about general truths. They are in the simple present tense.
Read the underlined words in sentences 1, 2, and 3.
What do you noticed about the composition of the verbs?
4. Fixing Skills:
Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.
1. The members of the club planned some activities.
2. The girls collected pictures of heavenly bodies.
3. The boys prepared some albums.
5. Generalization:
How do we write sentences in the passive voice?
6. Valuing:
How did you listen to the teacher during class discussion?
7. Practice Exercises:
Pupils will be grouped into 6. Each group will choose its leader. Then on the board are
pasted drawings of different science concepts.
1. shooting stars
2. a solar eclipse
3. lunar eclipse
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following sentences. Then write the passive form of each sentence without a by-phrase.
The beginning of each passive sentence is given.
1. Our club holds monthly meetings in the school library. Our monthly meetings ___________.
2. The president asks us to attend1he meetings. We ____________________.
V. Assignment:
Go through the headlines and news reports in newspapers. Underline sentences with passive
constructions. And on a piece of paper, list down at least five of them. If the passives are abbreviated
in headlines, expand them into sentences.
a. Fort Santiago renovated by NGO.
b. Fort Santiago was renovated by a Non Government Organization.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the verb that agrees with the singular indefinite pronouns
2. Review:
Encircle all the verbs in these group of words.
3. Motivation:
Have you ever written your life story? What make up ones life story or autobiography?
Form small groups. Tell each other some of your unforgettable experiences when you
were little children.
B. Presentation:
1. Turn to page 139 LISTEN WELL. Do you remember the girl in the picture? She's Melissa
Mauricio. Listen to her life story. Have a picture of a girl as someone in class reads the life
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. When and where was Melissa born? How old is she now?
b. Who are her parents? What are their occupations?
c. How does she spend her weekends?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Study the sentences about Melissas autobiography.
a. Melissa's father is a school principal.
b. Her parents come from Tarlac.
c. She helps her mother in the store every weekend.
4. Generalization:
What tense do all the sentences express?
What does the simple present tense show?
5. Practice Exercises:
Used the correct form of the verbs in the simple present tense.
How often do farmers harvest their crops?
They harvest two to three times a year.
1. What part of the country do your parents come from?
2. How many member nations does the ASEAN have?
IV. Evaluation:
Write a short paragraph using the sentences below. Use the correct for of the verb in each blank.
1. It _____ Clean-up Day at Taal, Bocaue, Bulacan.
2. The people _____ early in the morning.
3. The men ______ the canals and the dirty places.
V. Assignment:
Write the paragraph about what you feel when you are in school.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Self confidence
2. Review:
The sun is behind the mountains. The flowers are all in bloom. Birds are chirping. The
children are laughing.
What word best describes the mood of the passage?
a. funny
b. romantic
c. gay
3. Motivation:
Have you done your best before? How did you feel?
The poem in todays lesson challenges you to be your best in anything.
B. Presentation:
1. Read the poem with expressions by the teacher while the pupils listen.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Do your best when given a task?
How does it feel to dot he best and be the best?
How can you be best in anything?
3. Generalization:
What is meant by mood?
How would you determine the mood of the selection?
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Identify the mood expressed in each .stanza below and write the correct answer.
1. Lord, let the rain water the plain! Lord, let the sun ripen the grain!
a. forgiving
c. envying
b. pleading
d. exciting
b. Independent Practice:
Infer the mood of the following passages.
1. These past several weeks when you had not written, I realized how
much you mean to me.
2. What a beautiful picturesque! It deserved a price, cried Zeny.
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the answer the best express the mood in the paragraph.
1. Robert was driving along the highway when his front tire went flat. He walked to the nearest
telephone and called mechanic for help. They were very busy at the garage. Nearly an hour went
by before help arrived.
a. hopelessness
b. restlessness
c. tiredness
V. Assignment:
Read again the poem "Be the Best of Whatever You Are" Write the general mood on your
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the expressions about the future plans, hope-can and wish could, would
PELC Growing in English Language TM, pp. 152-154, Txt, pp. 196-203
word cards, cassette, song When You Wish Upon a Star
Astronomer Analyst
2. Motivation:
Have you ever seen a star shoot across the sky one starry night? What did you do?
B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity
What does the song tell about making a wish?
What does the line Makes no difference who you are mean?
Do you believe in wishing upon a star.
2. Discussion:
a. Who among Lorens well wishers tell what is/are likely to happen? Go
over their statement.
What expression of desire or want is used in these sentence?
What form of the verb follows the expression hope?
3. Fixing Skills:
Read the following sentences. Choose wish sentences tell about (a) thins that are likely to
happen (b) things that are not likely to happen. Write a or b for each sentence.
1. I wish I were the President of the Philippines
2. Father hopes Natalie can make the best decision for herself.
4. Generalization:
When is hope used?
When is wish used?
6. Practice Exercises:
Read this dairy entry written by David. Be able to point out his hopes
and wishes.
Be able to point out his hopes and wishes.
I often dream of flying to mass with my friends. I wish a large spaceship could take all
of us here. I also wish that the spaceship were fast enough to bring us back and forth to the
earth. I hope I can find evidences showing that life is possible there. I hope I can do it as
soon as possible so that some people on earth can migrate there. The population on earth has
increased very much. Mother earth is already suffering from destruction. I wish I council do
this to save her.
What does David wish?
What are is hopes?
IV. Evaluation:
Write your own dictionary entry telling about your own hopes and wishes.
V. Assignment:
Interview five classmates about their hopes and wishes. Chart the information you will gather.
1. Ex. Aminah
Can finish her studies and can
She were a strong tree
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Tell how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed
2. Motivation:
"Lawyers defend anyone who is treated unjustly. Anyone can play "lawyer" to anybody
as the need arises. In the story, find out how a gypsy acted as a "lawyer" to save a poor man
from a big trouble."
3. Motive Question:
"How did the gypsy save' Janos from the big trouble of losing all his money to a greedy
B. Presentation:
1. Silent reading of the story. Defending a Poor Man
2. Discussion/Analysis:
a. Answering the motive question
The gypsy compared the impossibility of increasing the number of boiled corn to that
of the hard-boiled eggs being hatched into chicks.
b. Comprehension Check
What did the poor Hungarian owe the innkeeper?
How much did the innkeeper want the poor man to pay?
Who defended the poor man? How?
c. Skill Development:
Tell how the story would turn out if some episodes in the story
were changed.
What would have happened if the gypsy had not appeared in court?
What would have happened if the innkeeper had gotten all the
money from Janos?
3. Practice Exercises:
Read the following stories, then fill the blanks with possible endings.
a. There was once a tired bird that was very thirsty. It saw a jar with very little water. It tried
to reach the water but could not do it.
"Aha, I know what I shall do. I shall put stones in the water." After putting stones, the
water level rose and the thirsty bird's thirst was quenched.
If the bird wasnt witty and patient, ______________________________.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the story then complete the sentences that follow.
A. One day, Ruth planted a bean seed. She watered the seed daily. After three day, she saw a little
plant growing. There were two little leaves coming out. The next day, the little plant grew taller.
But she went to visit her grandmother in the city for three days. When she returned, she saw that
the little plant died. 1f Ruth had not watered the seed daily,
V. Assignment:
Change an incident in your favorite tele-series. Then write what could have happened had the
character took the action which you've written.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Having an ambition
Growing in English Language TM, pp. 159 162; TXT, pp. 206-213
wordcards charts, cassette tape,
If I were, I would, if I am, I will, If
3. Fixing Skills:
Complete the following expressions. Which express things that are likely to happen?
Which don't?
a. If I were a butterfly, ________________.
b. If Father comes home early, _________________.
c. If Mother were here today, __________________.
4. Generalization:
When is If (I) (present tense of verb) used? What form of the verb
follows it?
When is If (I) were used? What verb follows it?
IV. Evaluation:
Write an interesting answer to each of the following questions. (complete sentences)
a. What would you do if ..
1. you were born deaf and mute?
2. you were the richest person in the country?
3. you were a scientist?
b. How will you react if .
4. you top the final examination in mathematics.
5. you meet the president of the Philippines?
V. Assignment:
Memorize the song El Condor Pasa.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
PELC II 9.1 PELC 6 p. 24 English for Grade 6 p.90 Adventure in English p. 182
pictures, charts, sentence strips real Sampaguita
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Appreciation of Artworks
2. Review:
3. Motivation:
Do you know some famous art woks? Name some paintings, sculpture, songs plays, etch.
Describe them.
B. Presentation:
1. Present the paragraph below.
Michaelangelo was a famous Italian sculptor, but he also did some paintings. He painted
the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome which took four and a half years to finish. The
ceiling was very high and curved..
b. Independent Practice:
Read the following pairs of sentences. Complete the second sentence with the
appropriate expressions.
1. A symphony is long. It cannot be composed in just a day.
A symphony is __________ in just a day.
2. Grandfather is old. He cannot do heavy work.
Grandfather is __________ heavy work.
IV. Evaluation:
Form a sentence from the following pair of sentences.
1. Lita was tired. She could not join the choir practice.
2. The stage is small. It cannot accommodate all the singers.
3. Ana is sick. She cannot attend her art class.
4. My son is stout. He cannot run fast.
5. My baby is small. She cannot be left alone.
V. Assignment:
Study the following expressions carefully. Use them in meaningful sentences.
Too wonderful to believe
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3. Fixing Skills:
Give the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following irregular adjectives.
1. ill
2. bad
3. many ___________________
4. Generalization:
How are the comparative and superlative degrees of irregular adjectives formed?
5. Practice Exercises:
Write the correct form of the adjective in the parenthesis. Write your answer on the blank
provided for.
1. If you like sun, the Sahara is the (good)_______place to go.
2. Is the rattle snake the (bad) ______ snake?
3. Desert have (many) ______ poisonous snake or scorpions.
IV. Evaluation:
Use the following phrases in meaningful sentence. Use the three degrees of comparison of
1. bad day
2. many horns
3. ill feelings
4. much rain
5. good performance
V. Assignment:
Use the following phrases in sensible sentence using the three degrees of comparison of
1. little rainfall
2. many fruits
3. good trait
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
PELC Speaking 9.2 p. 25 Growing in English TM - pp. 185-187; T.B. pp. 235 - 243
(Language) Building English Skills (Language) pp. 16-19
chart, pictures of Great Pyramid of Egypt, pictures for Which Game.
4. Fixing Skills:
Make the following descriptions into two-word adjectives
a. travel done in two hours.
b. a letter made up of these pages
c. a house with three bedrooms.
5. Generalization:
What are compound adjectives? How are they formed? How are adjectives formed out of
other words, such as nouns and verbs?
6. Valuing:
What can you say about the attitude of the workmen in the selection? How will you
compare yourself to them?
7. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Copy the following sentences and write an appropriate two-word adjective in the blank.
a. We bought a _________ticket for the show.
b. Ramon lives in a ______ apartment.
c.The class recited a ______poem about the elephant.
b. Independent Practice:
Think of 10 two-word adjectives and use them in a sentence.
IV. Evaluation:
Change the underline phrases to tow-word adjectives.
1 The mother has delivered a baby of ten pounds.
2. The class wrote a story of three paragraphs?
3. He watched the show of two hours.
4. The chairman reds a report having ten pages?
5. The pet is a kitten of three colors
V. Assignment:
Change the following into phrases containing two-word adjectives.
a. a cake with three layers.
b. a cell phone measuring three inches long
c. a library having thirty- five rooms.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Expressing Pleasures
1. Sometimes you use two or more adjectives in one sentence. In what order
should they be placed? Note the underlined words.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What did Melissa have for the first time?
b. How did she feel?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Notice that more than one adjective was used to describe a noun. Take a close look at the
series of adjectives arranged?
1. I saw two long narrow rivers which looked like thousand white threads.
2. Several huge, majestic purple (numeral - size - quality mountains fascinated me.
4. Fixing Skills:
(Form 4 groups. The first to finish will win.)
How would you put these series of adjectives in order?
1. a red huge old ---- truck
2. two oversized black well-trained --- dogs
3. large white one brand new --- bungalow
5. Generalization:
6. Valuing:
After visiting a panoramic view, how do you feel? In what ways can you express your
6. Practice Exercises:
Rearrange the following groups of words such that the adjectives are in correct order.
1. that book interesting red
2. boys five healthy young
3. large one dozen yellow flowers
IV. Evaluation:
Rewrite the following sentences on a piece of paper. Rearrange the order of adjectives properly.
1. He brought with him (rectangular, a, black, disposal) camera.
2. With it, he took, (thirty, interesting, good) pictures of the tourist places he went to.
3. There in Singapore, he rode in (blue, several, new, mini) taxes.
V. Assignment:
Copy the adjectives. Write them in the correct order.
1. The (summer, dry) heat bothered the children.
2. The (orange, big, bright) sun begun to set.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
3. Comprehension Questions:
3. Skill Development:
Each group will be assigned a heading. This time choose any graphic organizer and make
a subheading for the headings you have made.
Group 1
- What is Corn?
Group 2
- How to Grow Corn?
Group 3
- Growing Corn in the Philippines
Group 4
- Corn Cropping Season
Group 5
- Importance of Corn to Man
4. Generalization:
What must we remember in making heading/subheading for paragraphs in a selection?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Select the best heading in the paragraph.
1. For many years; educators have engaged in a controversy over the best method of
teaching deaf children to communicate. For a long time, only one spoken language
was encouraged. Sign language was dismissed as something to be used only as a last
resort. But recently, people have begun to accept a new idea. It is called total
communication. Total communication, means the use of sign language along with
oral language.
a. Language for the Deaf
b. Sing Language for the Deaf
c. Oral Language for the Deaf
d. The Deaf
b. Independent Practice:
You now have the heading for each paragraph, this time make subheadings for each.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraphs below. Then complete the outline by arranging the given subheadings and
headings. Producing and Marketing Bananas pah. 164
V. Assignment:
Read the selection "Where Will Our Forest Go?"
GIE (R) pp. 154-156. Complete the outline for the selection by writing the details for the given
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Why does the coal became happy and thankful in spite of its appearance?
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils read the story. I am a Piece of Coal, on p. 146 of growing in English 6
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive question.
b. 1. What does the story about?
2. Who was the main character in the story?
3. Why did the coal unhappy?
4. Which part of the story did you like best? Why?
3. Discussion:
Have pupils give the main idea of the story they have read.
Have them tell the key concept sentence that make up tile story, "I am a Piece of Coal".
4. Fixing Skills:
Have pupils tell a simple story about the picture.
5. Generalization:
What are the key concepts? How do you identify the key concepts/key ideas that make up
the story?
6. Practice Exercises:
Using the chain figure, arrange the concepts below to show the wholeness of the story "A
Reason for Everything."
1. Don't lose hope.
2. Typhoons are destructive to crops.
3. God has a reason for everything.
4. Gather what you can after a disaster.
5. There are reasons for calamities.
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the key concepts/ideas that make up the story. "I am a Piece of CoaL"
1. All old things are useful
2. The older things are useful
3. One should not give up
4. Patience pays
5. Good appearance is needed to be useful
V. Assignment:
Choose a story. Identify/write the key concepts/sentence that make up the story.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
a. authorities
b. stagnant
c. dinoflagellates
d. appreciate
2. Review:
Listen to a story about a barangay in the province of Nueva Ecija. This was worst hit by a
deadly disease called dengue H-fever. Note details and be able to answer the questions.
Emergency TM p. 146
a. What was the problem of the barangay?
b. How was it solved?
c. What did the barangay captain do?
3. Motivation:
What can you say about our forest now?
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils read silently the article Where Will Our Forests Go? pp. 155-156
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Dead Volcanoes
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
D. ____________________
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph below. Then, complete the outline by arranging the given details and
Growing Bananas
food markets
loading on ships
V. Assignment:
Do you have a province to go home to once in a while? If you don't choose an province you
want to adopt as your own. Find out the main product (preferably fruit) of that province. Discover
how the product is produced and marketed. Make an outline of the information you have gathered.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Conservation of plants
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
II. _______________________
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph. Make a three point outline by supplying the subtopics to the main
topic..see pp. 171
Clara Burton
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
Dead Volcanoes
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
D. ____________________
I. Objective:
Make inferences.
Value: Love for nature
c. a big turtle
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the selection and answer the test items that follow. Write the letter only.
Aling Dely, A Kindhearted Woman
Why are you so early today, Ivy? Mother asked. Ive got something to do at Aling
Delys store because there is an important occasion tomorrow, Ivy answered yawning.
Without wasting time, she took a bath and prepared her Mothers food for breakfast,
lunch and supper.
Mother, everything is ready for your days needs. Im off to Aling Delys store, Ivy
asked permission as she kissed her mother.
Be watchful on the way, Ivy, her mother advised her. People say that here is a
black bird that can carry a person with its claws bringing them to the distant places and
swallowing them, her mother reminded her. Besides, dogs only bite children of your
age, her mother added.
Dont worry mother, I can manage, Ivy assured her Mother and off she went.
At the store, Ivy busily cleaned and stacked up the goods. Everything was in order
when Aling Dely came.
Youre early Ivy, Aling Dely commented.
Answer the following questions.
1. Why do you think Ivy helped Aling Dely in her store?
a. To know more people
c. to live with Aling Dely
b. To earn money
d. to go back to school
2. What do you think is the occasion for buying a present for her mother?
a. Birthday
b. baptism
c. wedding
d. confirmation
3. Why do you think Amy accompanied her mother to the hospital?
a. To visit a friend
c. she works in the hospital
b. Because she is sick
d. her mother is a nurse
4. What could be Aling Delys reason for offering Ivy to go back to school? Ivy is ___________
a. Intelligent
b. studious
c. responsible
d. lazy
5. From the story, do you think Ivy will go back to school?
a. No
b. Yes
c. Maybe
V. Assignment:
Write sentences telling inferences.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Infer the mood of certain events through the speakers actions / intonations / utterances.
Value: Concern for other people
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Evaluate and make judgments
Distinguish advertisement from propaganda
Value: Concern for Mother Earth
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Match the words in Column A with the meaning in Column B
1. advertisement
a. developed
2. advertise
b. to call public attention to especially emphasizing desirable
qualities so as to arouse a desire to buy or patronize
3. propaganda
4. movement
5. evolved
6. innovation
7. sustainable
8. judicious
9. equitable
10. credo
c. supportive
d. a set of fundamental beliefs
e. the spreading of ideas, information or rumor for the purpose
of helping or injuring an institution, a cause or a person
f. characterized by sound judgment
g. an organized effort to promote or attain an end
h. fair
i. something new
j. a public notice especially one published in the press of
broadcast over the radio
3. Motivation
Lets have a guessing game. Listen to this.
Is this an advertisement or propaganda?
Sleep soundly, be happy, live forever. CONVI, Portable Bed & Mattress available at
all branches of SM Shoemart Inc. including Cebu and Iloilo, Uniwide Warehouse Club Inc.,
Amilgrahen Nationwide Distributors, Inc., and other department stores in Metro Manila and
key cities nationwide.
4. Raising the motive Question
What is the credo of the earth savers?
B. Presentation:
1. First Listening
Teacher reads the selection while pupils just listen.
2. Second Listening
Teacher reads the second time while pupils take down notes.
Earth Saver: A Continuing Battle to Save Mother Earth
The Earth Savers Movement, which was organized in 1987, evolved into an
internationally recognized body involved in various eco-scientific programs
employing innovative methods to fight poverty and pollution.
The movement is listed as a voluntary, private, non-profit and non-stock
corporation. Its objective is to promote sustainable development, strategies
underscoring population health through housing, livelihood, education and
employment needs co-existing with environmental protection, the judicious and
use of natural
resources and the preservation on indigenous heritage.
3. Comprehension
a. Answering motive question.
b. Answering the guide questions.
1. When was the movement organized?
2. What is its objective?
3. Do you think this movement has good motive? Why?
Allow the pupils to react or give their opinions or views.
4. Analysis and Discussion
What type of selection is it, an advertisement or propaganda?
How about the one given in the guessing game, is it an advertisement or propaganda?
What is an advertisement? Propaganda?
Discuss some common ways or means of propaganda. Refer to page 270, Growing in English
5. Fixing Skills
Listen to the following advertisements. Find out if they are simply advertising or informing
I. Objective:
Use the comparative form of adverb in sentences correctly
III. Procedure:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill/Review
Reading of the following adverbs in flashcards
2. Motivation:
Look at the picture posted on the board while I read to you some sentences about it. Listen
carefully and take note of the adverbs used in sentences.
A child who dresses neatly is a pleasant sight.
Mother waited patiently for her child.
The little boy in blue shirt recited the poem expressively.
B. Presentation
Dina speaks more softly than Joyce.
The sun shines more brightly than the moon.
Can you stay underwater longer than I can?
H. Analysis and Discussion
What adverbs are used to compare actions?
What word is used with adverbs ending in-ly to show comparative form of
What suffix is added to adverbs like fast, long, strong, pretty to compare
action of two persons or things?
I. Generalization
What form of adverbs is used to compare two persons/things actions? What is added to the
adverb to show comparison?
J. Practice Exercise
Give the comparative form of the adverbs in parenthesis.
1. The boys sang the National Anthem _________(loudly) than the girls
2. Lito writes _________(neatly) with a pen than a pencil.
3. Your brother plays the guitar _________(skillfully) than I do.
K. Application
Here are some pictures. I want you to study each of them and be able to give sentences using
the comparative form of adverbs.
IV. Evaluation:
Select the correct form of adverbs to complete the sentences.
1. Pilots fly the helicopter _________ than airplane.
a. effectively
b. more effectively
c. most effectively
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Differentiate between comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.
Lets go over the conversation of two girls who watched a track race. Find out
how they compared the participants.
Vina ran fast but Elsa ran faster.
Cherry ran the fastest in the race.
The crowd cheered enthusiastically for Vina.
The crowd cheered more enthusiastically for Elsa than Vina.
But they cheered the most enthusiastically for Cherry.
C. Analysis and Discussion
Who ran faster, Vina or Elsa?
Who ran the fastest?
For whom did the crowd cheer more enthusiastically?
Like adjectives, when use in comparing actions and descriptions,
adverbs have positive, comparative and superlative forms.
1. Vina ran fast. (Positive)
2. But Elsa ran faster. (Comparative)
3. Cherry ran the fastest. (Superlative)
How do the adverbs change in the comparative degree? In the superlative
more enthusiastically
more recently
most enthusiastically
most recently
D. Generalization
What are the differences between the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs?
E. Practice Exercise
Give the comparative and superlative form of adverbs of the following
f. soon
g. hopefully
h. excitingly
i. much
F. Application
Using the adverbs given, fill in each blank with the correct form of comparison.
1. The Grade Vi pupils work _________ than the Grade V pupils.
2. Among the staff members, pearl writes ________ when it comes to poem.
3. Jets are _______ than gliders.
IV. Evaluation:
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of adverbs in the parentheses.
1. Emmanuel walks _______than Ed.
2. Among the five girls, Daisy knows _______.
3. Section one children borrow books _______ than section five children.
4. Mac wakes up _______ than Baby.
5. Good children always act ________.
V. Assignment:
Complete the table on the degrees of comparison in adverbs.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
IV. Evaluation:
Think Fair Share
Pupils are divided in pairs. Each pair has a flap. Have them construct a sentence using
each of the given words on the board with reference as to how they are used, whether an
adjective or an adverb.
V. Assignment:
Decide whether each underlined words as an adjective or an adverb.
1. Try not to come late to church.
2. The late pupils missed part of the recitation.
3. There is a saying the early bird catches the worm.
4. Children should come early for the presentation of the program.
5. The audience was quiet throughout the program.
6. Raymond reads the best of all the contestants.
7. He is the best reader of them all.
8. Most people in Ilocos are good weavers.
9. Maricel nailed her project to hard cardboard.
10.She nailed it hard to prevent it from falling.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Talk about topics of interest using preposition and prepositional phrases.
Identify whether the prepositions/ prepositional phrases are used as adverb of time, place or
Show sentences which are taken from the selection written on sentence strips.
A US roborocket has discovered the pressure of water on the moon.
Pools of frozen water were spotted in the dark cold shade of deep craters at the
lunar poles.
2. Encourage the pupilsto give other examples of prepositions/prepositional phrases in the
selection on page 281 of Growing in English.
3. Show pictures. Encourage the pupils to talk about the pictures using prepositions/prepositional
phrases. Guide them in doing this. Then discuss.
Pupils planting trees.
4. Show more examples of sentences with prepositional phrases. Have the pupils discover for
themselves the uses of prepositional phrases as adverb of time, place and manner by asking
them how, when or where.
Example: I read the book in my room.
I read it at night.
What do the phrases in my room and at night tell about? What word do they modify? How
does each prepositional phrase function? Why?
5. Group Activity
a. Each group will be given 5 prepositions and one leader from the group will
report on how their group used each preposition in meaningful sentences.
b. Encourage the pupils/each group to relate their sentences with their areas of
interests, i.e. the TV show they like most, their friends, etc.
6. Generalization
What is a preposition? A prepositional phrase? When/How is it used as an adverb?
7. Application
Instruct the pupils to form small groups or triads and choose one of the topics
below. Talk about it using prepositional phrases by giving facts, truths and other ideas. Ask
someone in the group to list down the statements. Then report it to the class.
a. Tidal waves
d. Thunder and Lightning
b. Volcanoes
e. The North Pole
c. Earthquakes
f. Cloud Formation
8. Fixing Skills
Pupils may work individually or in dyads. Read the news story below. Then,
on a piece of paper, list down all the prepositional phrases you can find. Encircle each
preposition used. Write whether each is used as adverb of time, manner or place.
Example: on foot adverb
(Please see pp. 285-286, Growing in English Language VI for the selection)
C. Value Integration/Value Infusion
1. Why is space exploration important? In what way does it affect our lives?
2. What must you keep in mind in sharing/talking about your topic/s of interest?
IV. Evaluation:
Complete the sentences with the appropriate prepositional phrases indicated in parentheses.
(adverb of place)
1. For the trip I will ride ____________.
(adverb of time)
2. I can reach the place ____________.
(adverb of place)
3. Maybe I will be landing __________.
(adverb of time)
4. I will stay there __________.
(adverb of manner)
5. For surely I will enjoy __________.
V. Assignment:
A. Read the paragraph silently. Look for errors in the use of the prepositions and
prepositional phrases. Check these errors and then, read the paragraph
aloud. (See Read and Do on page 288 of Growing in English Language VI, for
the paragraph/selection)
B. Study the list of common prepositions on page 283 (Growing in English
Language VI) Then, choose at least five (5) prepositions and use them in
meaningful sentences as adverbs of time, manner and place.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use prepositions/prepositional phrases in sentences appropriately.
Identify/Tell whether the prepositions/ prepositional phrases are used as either adjective phrase or
adverb phrases.
2. Motivation
a. Show an enlarged illustration of the event on p. 259
b. Who among here are members of scouting? Have you ever heard of a boy named Sahjid
S. Bulig? Richard H. Celestino?
3. Presentation
Have the class listen while one volunteer/best reader of the class narrates the
selection/story on pp. 259-260.
Comprehension Check:
Answer each question with a phrase. Ask your classmates to answer the
succeeding questions.
a. Whose floating shrine is the Pagoda?
b. Where was it used?
B. Developmental Activities
1. Analysis and Discussion
a. Put each phrase strips on the board. Have the pupils discover that their answers to all the
questions in comprehension check are all in phrases.
b. Ask the class to find out that prepositions may eithr be made up of single-words or
compound words.
c. Show more written examples of prepositional phrases on the board.
d. Lead the class in discovering the two uses of prepositional phrases as adjectives or
2. Practice Exercise
a. Exercise #1
What are the prepositional phrases in these sentences? Identify the prepositions and their
1. Having an aquarium is the next best thing to living under the sea.
2. A tropical fish store owner will give advice on the kind of tank and fish for a
3. Many start with a ten-gallon tank.
C. Generalization
What is a prepositional phrase? What does it consist of? How does a prepositional phrase
When do we say that it is used as an adjective? As an adverb?
D. Application
A. Work with partner. Draw a circle around the correct preposition in the parentheses.
1. The scout badge is composed (with,of) two major parts: the trefoil and the scroll.
2. The trefoil is the three-pointed portion (of, at) the badge, each point representing one
of the three promises of the scout oath.
3. The three stars stand (for, of) the three geographical divisions of the Philippine
Archipelago: Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
E. Fixing Skills
Work in dyads. Remember that anadverb phrase answers the questions when, where, how often,
or with or to what extent. Supply an appropriate adverb phrase.
1. The reenactment of the suffering and death of Jesus is another tradition __________.
2. The event is observed ____________.
3. The observance usually starts _____________.
F. Value Infusion/Value integration
Why does helping others without expecting something in return pay off?
IV. Evaluation:
Copy on a piece of paper the prepositional phrases in the following sentences. Underline each preposition
once and its object twice.
1. Oceans cover much of the earths surface.
2. We do not know very much about life under the sea.
3. Sealab I was an experiment in undersea living.
4. The experiment was run by the US Navy.
5. Sealab I was built in 1964
V. Assignment:
Choose any/at least 5 prepositions from the list below and use them in meaningful sentences
Single-word Preposition
Compound Preposition
instead of
on top of
along with
by means of
in front of
up in
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Determine the purpose of the author based on the selection read.
Write the authors purpose based on the selection read.
1. Pronunciation Drill
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Match Column A with their meaning in Column B.
1. elevator
a. extreme pain, unhappiness
2. escalator
b. to challenge
3. misery
c. cage or platform for moving something from one level to another
4. dare
d. to terrify, to scare
5. frightened
e. a motorized set of stairs arranged to ascend or descend
3. Motivation
Do you still remember the first time you went to school? How did you feel? Why
did you feel that way
Remind the pupils of the standards in silent reading.
Have the pupils read the story silently.
The Frightened Shoes
Comprehension Check-up
a. Why were the shoes frightened of the stairs?
b. What may have the shoes afraid of an escalator but not an elevator?
c. Have you ever taken an escalator? An elevator? How did you feel on your first ride?
d. How did Tinas mother solve the problem?
e. Was it really the pair of shoes that are afraid of the stairs? Why? What do you think is the
authors purpose in making it appear that the shoes are the ones afraid and not the one who
wears it ?
Why do you think the writer writes that kind of story?
After reading the story The Frightened Shoes, write the purposes of the author
in writing this kind of story. Use the semantic web.
Value Infusion
Can trials in your lives make you quit and afraid to face the challenges that come
your way? Why?
Fixing Skills
Read each passage. Then write whether the purpose of the author is to entertain,
to inform, or to persuade. Write it on a sheet of paper. (See page 61 English For All Times, R)
What are the purposes why the author writes?
Practice Exercise
Read the selections. Determine the purposes of the author.
1. Cigarette is not good in ones health and can cause lots of diseases like cancer of the lungs
and tuberculosis
2. Juan Tamad opened his mouth and waited for the guava to fall into his mouth.
IV. Evaluation:
Read each passage and tell the authors purpose. (English For All Times VI pp.127-128)
V. Assignment:
Read a short story then make a summary. Tell the authors purpose in writing.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify authors device to bring out his message
Being humble
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Meanings are placed in the basket. Call one from the class to pick one and read. Call one
volunteer to answer by putting the right letters together to complete the puzzle.
3. Motivation
Are you fond of looking up and watching the clouds? What feeling does it gives you? What
does the cloud look like?
B. Presentation
1. Have them read the poem Clouds (English For All Times (R) p 144
2. Comprehension Check-up
a. What are the clouds being compared in the poem?
b. What characteristics of clouds that make them silver lambs? Like snowy?
c. What make them like huge butterflies?
3. Value Infusion
If you were one of the clouds, are you going to be proud since you are so high, so pretty and
so clean and everyone adores you? Why?
4. Analysis and discussion
1. Try to analyze the diagram
clouds butterfli
Copy at least two sentences that compare two things. Identify the device of the author used.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Give opinions based on the information read
Write sentences with expressions/words used in giving ones opinion
2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Arrange the jumbled letters in Column A to form a word that matches the meaning in Column
1. oorihnz
The apparent line of junction of earth or sea with the sky
2. ecltascep
A display usually on a large scale which attracts attention
3. ifraeniot
The technique of determining the refractive condition of the eye
4. simpr
A solid figure having two parallel polygonal faces
3. Motivation
Have you seen a rainbow? Are you attracted to its color? What can you say about
a rainbow? Have you heard a saying about it?
B. Presentation
1. Have the pupils read the selection The Rainbow (Reading Comprehension Exercices in
English VI, p. 88)
2. Comprehension Check up
a. According to an old story, what can you find at the end of the rainbow?
b. Do you think there is really treasure at its end? Why?
c. What maybe seen below the horizon?
d. When is a rainbow best to see by an observer?
3. Analysis and discussion
According to an old story, there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
1. Is the sentence a fact or an opinion? Why?
2. What word in the sentence was used that made you believed that it is only an opinion?
3. Read the sentence below and try to analyze
a. I think her father is the best lawyer in town.
b. According to my grandfather, spirits can travel for 3 days before going to heaven.
4. Fixing Skills
Read the selection and identify what opinion is best given based on the information read.
The Two Sides of a Coin (Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI p. 81)
1. One of your basic rights is to receive basic education? What do you think is your
responsibility in return?
a. Study harder
b. Give your time to play
c. Socialize with others
2. If you demand rights, you will be willing to take on
a. Praises
b. Criticisms
c. Works
d. Responsibilit
5. Value Infusion
If you are asked to choose between education and money, which one are you
going to choose? Why?
6. Generalization
What is an opinion? How can you give opinions? What words can be used in
giving opinions?
7. Application
Complete the dialogue to show that one is giving his opinions. Use the expressions/words in
giving opinions.
What do you _______ of Mr. Johnsons?
__________ hes very good and intelligent.
__________ to my father, he is a good doctor.
Were having a program next week. Lets invite him. _______ hell accept?
__________ he will.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph. Give your opinion in the situation given using the necessary expressions.
Carlos performs better in Mathematics than in Science, so he wants to be an engineer. After
meeting Dr. Johnsons, he decided he would like to become a doctor instead. Should he become a doctor
or an engineer?
V. Assignment:
Read the story The Two Peso Coin (BES p.43). Then, give your opinions using necessary
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Draw conclusion based on information given
Write conclusion based on information
III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Pronunciation Exercises: /m/
Tongue Twister
Mrs. Master
Mrs. Master mixed a mess of messy mustard
A mess of messy mustard Mrs. Master mixed
If Mrs. Master mixed a mess of messy mustard
Wheres the mess of messy mustard Mrs. Master mixed?
2. Review
Give strips of cartolina with idioms on the first group. The second group will have strips with
meaning. The first pair who will be able to match the idiom with its meaning wins.
3. Motivation
What would you like to be when you grow up?
B. Presentation:
Make a survey of the profession the pupils would like to take. Use the chart below.
Number of
Social Worker
1. At the beginning of the story, it was as dark as night during the day. Why?
a. There was an eclipse
b. Darrel closed his eyes
c. A storm was hitting the town
d. The sky was so blue
2. What is true about the wind?
a. It was light
b. It was moderate
c. It was very strong
d. It was very light
3. What is true about Darrel?
a. He was afraid of the storm.
b. He was very relaxed.
c. He was looking forward to the coming of the storm.
d. He thought it was fun to play during the storm.
V. Assignment:
Read then give your conclusions.
Ranier was walking home from school. It started to rain and the rain was muddy. Soon the mud
covered Raniers shoes. Then the mud was up to Raniers ankles.
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify sufficient evidences to justify conclusions
Write evidences to justify conclusions
on the values and attitudes of consumers in the Asia Pacific Region including the Philippines.
The question asked is: If you won a million US dollars in a lottery, what would you do?
A total of 405 Filipino respondents made their choices.
The results of the survey are shown below.
MasterCard International Philippine Survey
Which statements are true based on the result of the survey? Write the letters in
any order.
a. Thriftiness is a common trait among Filipinos.
b. Most Filipinos want luxury.
c. Majority of the Filipino cosumers who answered the question are not afraid to take risk in
What are the basic steps in drawing a conclusion? ( analyzing and interpreting)
F.Infusion of Values:
Did you just give your opinion? Or did you first analyze and interpret evidences presented to you
before giving conclusions or generalizations.
G.Practice Exercises
(Partner or group exercise)
Study the cough syrup label and answer the following questions.
Useful for the relief of respiratory infections due to common colds and allergies,
acute and chronic bronchitis ,laryngitis, pharyngitis, asthmatic bronchitis and bronchial asthma
and for the removal of thick mucous masses from the chest.
Antihistamine may cause moderate drowsiness. Patients should be warned
against driving or operating moving machinery while under treatment. Gastric disturbance and
nausea may be experienced.
To be taken three to four times daily.
Infants: 2.5 mL ( tsp)
Children: 2 to 6 years: 5 mL ( 1 tsp)
7 to 12 years: 5-10 mL ( 1-2 tsp)
15 mL (1 tbsp)
Or as prescribed by the physician
Storage Condition:
Store at room temperature not exceeding 30 C. Protect from light. Keep bottle
tightly closed.
Syrup-in bottle of 30 mL, 60 mL, 120 mL.
1. Why would someone want to use this medicine?\
a. to treat flu
b. to stop cough
c. to remedy cold
d. to follow the doctor
2. Who should NOT work while under treatment?
a. A mother who stays at home
b. Someone who takes charge of a sari-sari store
c. A jeepney driver
d. A comics illustrator
3. Which statement is true?
a. The medicine can be bought only in liquid form.
b. It is available in all drugstores.
c. Its an over-the-counter medicine.
d. A person who can not sleep should take it.
Here are generalization/ conclusions. Choose the best evidence that supports each.
1. In a few years time our forests will be gone.
Date: ____________
d. the science that deals with collection, tabulation and systematic
classification of quantitative data
e.occurring regularly once a year
f. a concise summary containing all the necessary parts
g. an exclusive right to reproduce literacy, dramatic artistic or musical
work given by law for a certain period to an author.
i. height above sea level
4. How are the different materials used?
B. 1. Each group is assigned to present their report on each kind of reference.
(previously assigned)
Group IAtlas
Group IIEncyclopedia
Group III- Yearbook/Almanac
Group IVGazetteer and maps
2.a. What are the different reference materials in our library?
b. What are their uses?
c. What was each group report about?
d. Of the different reference books, which have you tried using?
e. Which do you find the most important? Why?
C. 1. What reference can give you for the following information?
a. the exact location of Mt. Pinatubo
b. the population of the Philippines last year
c. the history of air transportation
d. maps of Asian countries, like the Philippines, Thailand and Japan
e. the mountains found in Japan
f. all about flowers
g. the news of Princess Dianas untimely death in 1997
h. the number of births and deaths in 1995 in China
Group II-
variety of orchids
What reference materials will you use to get the following information?
(atlas,, encyclopedia, map,globe, almanac, yearbook, gazetteer)
1. Kind of fish
2. The bodies of water surrounding the Philippines
3. President Arroyos first 100 days as President
4. Map of Asia
5. The International Dateline and the Prime Meridian
6. All about weather
7. Exact location and distances of places
8. Name of provinces in Luzon
9. The Coconut Industry in 1987
10.List of seas, oceans, lakes and canals of the world
Lesson 96
Use the library resources effectively.
Use card catalog to locate information.
Values: Self-discipline in the library.
A.1. Every school has a ,library and every library has a card catalog. What
is a card catalog? What do we find in it? Why do we usually find it in the
library?Of what use is the card catalog?
2.Supply the missing word in each sentence. Choose your answer from
the word bank.
author card
Group II-
title card
Padilla, Zeny O.
The Tree and the Birds/Zeny
Quezon City: New Life
Publication, 1998
175 p. III; 25 cm.
ISBN 921-20-08361
V.Using one of your textbook in Grade VI, make a sample of an author card, subject
card and the title card.
Write it in a 3 x 5 index card.
Lesson 97 k
I. Objectives
Get information from the different parts of a newspaper.
Value: Being up-to-date to events.
Realize the importance of newspaper.
II. Parts of a Newspaper
Information One Gets from Each Part.
Ref: BEC PELC 12.2
Growing in English 6, Reading pp. 109-115
Mat. newspaper, pictures
III.A.1.Hidden in the puzzle are names of the different parts of a newspaper. Search
for them up, down, forward, backward or diagonally.
Classified Ads
TV Guide
2.What do you know about satellites? Are you familiar with the first ever
Filipino satellite that was launched on August 20, 1997? What is its name?
3.Match the underlined words in Column A with their meaning in Column B.
Column A
Column B
1. successful launching
a. checked for equality transmission
2. broadcasting company
b. causing to be airborne
3. 56
c. something involving a risk that
one decides to attempt
4. broadcasting
d. fabricated; made
5. will be monitored
e. something transmitted
6. still being manufactured
f. sent out signals
7. five percent stake
g. average length of life
8. being mapped out
h. transmitted by radio
9. with a lifespan
i. interest or share in an undertaking
10. transmit signals
j. planned in detail
4.The first Filipino Satellite Aguila II was launched last August 20, 1997.
Put the motive
question on board/chart. Let the pupils answer this after reading the news
What does the alunching of the first Filipino satellite mean to us Filipino
and to our country
as a whole ?
B. 1. Have the pupils read the news article.
-Mabuhay Launches First Philippine Owned Satellite, Growing in English 6,
pages 110-111
2. What is the news about?
Why is it relevant?
Answer the motive question.
In what section of a newspaper can we find information like this?
Why are newspapers important?
How will it help you?
How could you become up-to-date to current news events?
3.A. Have pupils get their newspapers and run through its different
Which part / section of the newspaper:
1. gives information on job opportunities (classified ads)
2. gives opinion on the most significant news items of the day(editorial)
a name of deceased person
job opportunity
stock exchange
a tournament
Lesson 98
Organize ones thought in writing
- Information
- Descriptions
Write paragraph correctly
Values: Neatness, Accurateness
Organizing Ones Thought in Writing: Information, descriptions
Writing Paragraph Correctly
Ref: PELC Writing 10, p.25
English for All Times 6/Language, pp. 43-44
Mat. charts, flashcards, sample forms, family tree
III.A.1. Drill: Adverbs with ly
Change the following adjectives to adverbs.
Have you seen a family tree?
What can you see in it?
B. 1. Have the pupils look at the illustration of a family tree. Then using it, let them
tell something about their family.
2. The form below is an information sheet filled up by Lorenzo. Study it and be
ready to answer the questions about it.
Lorenzo Miguel
Given Name
Middle Name
Gr. & Sec:
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Sta. Cruz
Address: 12
Mahabang St.
Teachers Village
Quezon City
Tel. No. (if any):
Lito A. Angeles
Guidance Counselor
Place of Work: Don Bosco Technical Institute, Makati
Mother: Carmen C. Pacia
Occcupation: Teacher
Place of Work: Claret School, Manila
5.What do you always remember when answering or filling out forms about
IV. Go over the information sheet you have just answered. On a piece of paper,
write a paragraph about yourself using some of the information you wrote down.
Observe the correct format in writing paragraphs.
V.Find someone whom you want to be your friend. Ask him or her to fill out an
information sheet then write a paragraph from the information sheet he/she gives.
Then present
it to the class. Be sure that the rules on punctuation and
capitalization were followed.
Date: ___________________
Lesson 99
Organize ones thought in writing
Fill out form
Values: Hardwork/Industry
Organizing Ones Thought in Writing: Resume/Biodata
Filling Out Form
Ref. PELC Writing 10, p.25
English for All Times 6/Language, pp.276-277
Mat. biodata form, chart, flashcards
A.1. Spelling
The teacher will read and use them in meaningful sentences.
2. What do you write in an information sheet?
3. Is hardwork or industry important to succeed in life?
B.1. Show a sample form of biodata. Ask:
Do you know how to fill this form?
Where do we use this form?
2. Study the form.
AGE: 35
COMPLETE ADDRESS: #60 Waling-waling St., Roxas District , Quezon City
TEL. NO: 371-5459
BIRTHDAY: October 4, 1967
BIRTHPLACE: Solano, Nueva Vizcaya
SPOUSES NAME: Josue Acosta
St. Louis School
St. Louis School
St. Marys University
POST-GRADUATE: Ateneo De Manila
Private Sector
Saint Louis University
Bonifacio Road, Baguio City
TELEPHONE NO: 432-6971
FAX NO: 356-51-26
Mrs. Liberty Rosario
Mrs. Marivic Cortez
Mrs. Luisa Tantiaco
#3 Washington St, Solano
Nueva Vizcaya
#60 Maguinhawa St.,
UP Village, Q.C.
# 144 Felix Huertas St.
Sta. Cruz, Manila
3.A person who is applying for a job needs to fill out a biodata sheet.
Who fills up biodata?
Why do companies/agencies hiring new workers require applicants to fill up
What information/data should an applicant put in I?II?III?IV?
What should be observed in filling up biodata? (neatness, accurateness, etc.)
4.RMC Company is hiring new workers for the positions as: cashier,
receptionist, saleslady, messenger, janitor, and salesman.
Prepare your own biodata. (Use form given as sample)
I V. Below is a blank biodata sheet. Copy it and with the necessary information
about an adult in your family. Fill it out. Make sure that all data are entered
FULL NAME:___________________
AGE: ______
COMPLETE ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________
TEL. NO: _________
BIRTHDAY: _______________ BIRTHPLACE: ______________________
SPOUSES NAME: ______________________
POST-GRADUATE: _____________
Private Sector
TELEPHONE NO: __________
FAX NO: __________
V.Imagine that you have fulfilled your ambition or have taken your chosen
profession. You are now ready to apply for a job. Make or write an application letter
addressed to the person and company to whom you are applying.
Date: ____________________
Lesson 100
Respond in writing based on stimuli and triggers
Write an application letter
Values: Neatness
Writing an Application Letter
Ref. PELC II, p. 25
Growing in English 6, Language p.204
Mat. chart, advertisement from newspaper
B. Let some fast workers read their letter aloud. Have other pupils critic the
V. Copy at least 2 letters to the editor from any of the newspaper available at home.
Lesson 102
I. Objectives
Respond in writing based on stimuli and triggers
Write an editorial
Values: Concern for the environment
Lesson 103
I. Objectives
Write directions clearly and accurately
Values: Accuracy
II. How to Write Directions
Ref: PELC 3.3
Growing in English
Mat. toy tree, toy fruit, arrow, flashcards
III. A. 1. Lets play a game. I have here a toy tree and a toy fruit. Ill place the toy
tree here. Place the toy fruit as fast as you can when I give the instruction.
a. Place the toy fruit under the tree.
b. Place the toy fruit above the tree.
2. I have here arrows and phrases. Match the arrows with the phrases.
a. Turn clockwise.
b. Turn counterclockwise.
B.1. Read the following conversation.
As Fido is going to the school canteen, he meets a lady who addresses him as
Lady: Son, can you tell me the way to the principals office?
Fido: (pausing a moment) Sure, Maam. Please walk straight ahead until the
quadrangle. Then, turn left, you will see the school chapel on your left. Go
past the chapel, then turn right that says Principals Office. This is located
near the accounting office.
Lady: Thank you very much.
Fido: Youre welcome. Im glad to have assisted you.
2. What did the lady ask Fido?
How many turns did the Lady have to do?
3. Somebody is asking where the hospital is. Write the directions that should
be followed by the
One asking. Use the following guidelines.
a. Directions should be clear.
b. Must be direct to the point.
c. Be very sure of the directions youre giving.
d. Person asking and person giving directions should show spirit of respect
and courtesy.
4. How should we write directions?
5. A new classmate is asking where the school canteen is. Write a short
direction about it.
IV. Write a short direction on how to go to the Municipal Hall.
V. Write the direction to be followed on how to use the rice cooker.
Lesson 104
I. Objectives
Write an effective ad for work.
5. Improve these ads for work. What should you add to make it more
attractive to the people?
Wanted Immediately:
P2,500.00 monthly
Wanted Saleslady
Apply inside
IV. Write a good ad for work, out of this situation. You are in need of 2
housemaids for your aunt who resides at 142 Mabini St., Tibag, Baliuag, Bulacan.
V. Get an ad for work from a classified ads section. Tell whether it is a good ad
and why?
Lesson 105
I. Objectives
Fill out information sheet/community tax certificate.
Values: Self-confidence
II. Filling Out Forms
References: BEC
Skillbook in English VI pp. 34-36
English for All Times pp. 20-21,43-44,112-115
sample biodata, residence certificate
III.A. 1. Fill up the sample English Club identification card.
Grade & Section:________________________
Name of School:_________________________
Lorenzo Miguel
Given Name
Middle Name
Gr. & Sec:
Religion: Roman Catholic
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Sta. Cruz
Address: 12
Mahabang St.
Teachers Village
Quezon City
Tel. No. (if any):
Lito A. Angeles
Guidance Counselor
Place of Work: Don Bosco Technical Institute, Makati
Mother: Carmen C. Pacia
Occcupation: Teacher
Place of Work: Claret School, Manila
Address of School
Family Name
First name
Grade & Section
House Number and Street
Zip No.
Date of Birth
Place of
Lesson 106
I. Objective
Fill out deposit and withdrawal slips correctly.
Values: Self-confidence
II. Filling Out Forms
Ref. Skillbook in English VI
Mat. sample of deposit and withdrawal slips
III. A.1. What are the things that we wrote on the information sheet and community
tax certificate?
2. How many of you have experienced depositing and withdrawing cash in a
B. 1. Class, this is a cash deposit slip. If you open a savings account in the bank,
the bank will you give you a bankbook or a passbook in your name. It also has
savings account number. In order to make a cash deposit, you are going to fill out a
cash deposit slip.
A withdrawal slip is used when we want to withdraw the money from our
savings deposit.
2. What form do we use when we want to deposit cash in a bank?
What form do we use if we want to get certain amount of cash we
deposited in a bank?
3. Play bank with one or two tellers and a pupil manager. Show how to deposit
and withdraw money from the bank.
4. Its your first time to deposit money on your new bank account. What are
you going to do? What character trait are you going to show?
5. How do you fill up a deposit slip? Withdrawal slip?
6. Fill up each form correctly using your own name.
a. Deposit Slip
Account No. ___________
Please endorse and list each check separately.
Bank Initial
Total Checks
Total Deposits
Amount in Words
Check No.
b. Withdrawal Slip
Account No._________________
Received from Balanga savings and loan Association the sum of of
________pesos (P_______)
Amount is withdrawn from my/our savings account above numbered.
Passbook must be presented with this withdrawal slip.
Signature of Depositor
IV. Fill up the following forms correctly.
Rural Bank of Pilar (Bataan) Inc.
Pilar, Bataan
Deposit Slip
(Submit with Savings Bank)
Savings Account No. __________________
Date:________, 20_____
Checks, money orders, etc.
List Separately
Total Deposits
_____ ___________________________Pesos
Deposited by:
b. Withdrawal Slip
__________________________________________ /100 pesos on account of savings Book
Depositors Signature
V. Get a copy of a deposit slip and withdrawl slip from your bank and fill it up