Factors of Individual Behavior in An Organization and Its Performance at Work

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IMPACT: International Journal of Research in Business

Management (IMPACT: IJRBM)

ISSN (E): 2321-886X; ISSN (P): 2347-4572
Vol. 4, Issue 5, May 2016, 65-70
Impact Journals



Professor, University of Applied Sciences Ferizaj, Ferizaj, Kosovo


Professor, European College of Kosovo, Pristina, Kosovo

The main and most important problem that managers are facing today is the management of people. This is the
most challenging issues in each organization in daily life. Organizational behavior is studing individual, group and
organization in general to examine the effect of organizational structure, organizational culture and performance.
Human behavior which is very different from one to another, and knowing that each individual is different from
others, the challenge that we have in order to have an effective organization is based on the amounts you attune
success, managers and the rest of the organization. The behavior of an individual in the organization is the
combination between the individual and environmental characteristics. In reality, the manager should use existing
resources to a certain task, and should be able to understand the difference between the behavior of different individuals,
and use them in the appropriate way to achieve team collaboration in the organization.
In the world of the individual, there is a general sample of human behavior which explains the process of
differentiation between individuals. Knowledge or perception is a man thought process that describes how we transform
taken information, storeand use as knowledge in decision-making in the future. This includes things such as visual
images, language, problem solving, decision making etc. In order to understand individuals behavior and their
personalities, it is important to understand the basis of thinking of a person

KEYWORDS: Work, Behavior, Performance and Management

Factors Which Affect the Individual Behavior in Organization
Basic element and initiator of an organization is individual. With his initiative and organization, organization is
created and continuously renewed, and as a reward for the effortshe/she takes money from it. This means that the
organization depends on the commitment of the individual, and the individual depends on the tools that are implemented in
the organization. Every individual in another way, contributes to the success of the organization, so there is no need to
analyze the impact of his behavior on the results of the organization.3
Communication skills are some of the most important skills of organizational behavior of individual. How much
we are communicable to others it shows how successful will be our careers. In order to achieve this we should be familiar
with the concept of organizational behavior, to know how to gather force, to intertwine in politics and to manage
conflicts and stress. Have you ever thought why people behave in a certain way in their work place?! Organizational
Behavior presents the studying of actions that influence peoples behavior in the place where they work.
The purpose of the theoreticians of "Organizational Behavior" is to explain and predict people's actions and how
Impact Factor(JCC): 1.5432- This article can be downloaded from www.impactjournals.us


Afrim Loku & Fatlum Gogiqi

they affect in their behavior. Organizational behavior as study field is based on three levels: individual, group and
organization. Thus, organizational behavior is an applied knowledge which implements gained knowledge from individual,
groups and organizations in order to make the organization work effectively.4
There are many factors that determine this behavior:

Values: Built system of individuals values is a basic belief of a person, that a certain way or someone's personal
behavior is acceptable in aspect of some other behaviors. This is an assessment about what is good and bad. The
system of values according to which is the individual leaded, is important because of the way in which a
report is determined toward people, from which depends human relations in the organization. Also, value system
to the individuals contributes in the way of decision making and problem solving, as well as the method
of determining what is right and what is inappropriate for the organization

Attitudes: Attitudes are a system of beliefs and opinions that people have about what surrounds them in daily
life. Actually, attitudes are statements of individuals to contain assessment, favorable or unfavorable to the things,
events or people. Individual may have attitudes about many things. But what more important is for any
organization is which is the attitude for working duties, for the relation towards work, work conditions, for
managers, for equipment for work, etc.5

Personality: Every individual has a unique style of behavior and their attitudes. They determine the identity of
the individual personality. People can be described as calm, aggressive, ambitious etc. All these characteristics
are caused by environmental effects or inherited characteristics. Personality characteristics are reflected to the
organization on how individual is engaged in work.

Motivation: Motivation of individual has a big impact on his behavior in the organization. Motives encourage
workers to finish their duties. From this it depends the approach that individual will have toward work. The level
of motivation depends largely on managers, so from their ability in certain ways to enable individuals to make
more efforts.

Learning: People learn different things every day, thus they adapt their behavior to the environment. The
willingness of the individual to accept requests and suggestions of managers, to overcome and respect procedures
in work processes and so on, can positively influence his behavior in the organization.6

Skills and Abilities: Ability is preparation and knowledge to complete certain physical or mental activities. Skill
is the ability that quickly, correctly and precisely to fulfill or to complete a particular task. Skills and abilities
through learning and workcan change and can be improved. All this affects directly the behavior and contribution
of individual to the organization.7

Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulfer, Menagment, Prentice Hall, International, Londr 1996, f. 462
Vellkova Kovaevska Sllavica & Zllatkovski Zora, Dipensa e Biznesit, 2010, Shkup fq.14
Po aty!

Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 - Articles can be sent to [email protected]

Factors of Individual Behavior in an Organization and its Performance at Work


The individual is the basic element and the initiator of the organization, because with his initiative organization
is created and continually renewed. Groups are an unavoidable element of any organization, despite of size, interest,
their establishment etc. Needs of people become reasons or essential factors due to which groups are established.
Requirements and new market challenges more rarely can enjoy the skills and capabilities of best individuals in
the organization. They seek solutions to which there is only the formation of teams and practicing teamwork.

Figure 1: Factors that Determine Individual Behavior in the Organization

(Source: Dispensa e Biznesit, 2010, Shkup fq.14)
Individual Skills in a Working Environment
Persons skills are natural features or learned. Skills can be classified as mental skills and physical
abilities, so different tasks require different levels for both skills. Mental abilities represent intelligence, reasoning,
memory, analytics and communication. While physical abilities represent muscle strength, sustainability, physical
strength, and other physical skills. Awareness of an individual can determine which skills a person needs in a given task,
while manager perception based on skills of individual determine the type of assignment.8
Individual represents the basic unit of any ambition (enterprise) organized. Individuals dream the organization,
represent it, and change it. Through organized forms individuals realize their needs, by investing their effort or work and
by being rewarded.
Both individual and organizations serve each other. Perception includes the selection process and the emotions
organization in general, special entity or experience. With selection individual in a way opposes to admit some sensations
because it is not able to get everything at once.
Selective perception means accepting or denying something because we want to believe or we accept it because it
fulfills our needs. Organization of experiences or stimulating sensations also affects the individuals behavior, respectively
in the case of perception is done their mobilization so that the parts constitutes entirety. An important element of
perception is the completion or fulfillment of integrity with new elements (that may be lacking). However, during the
completing process or giving new elements can bes crated situations when we distort an individual appearance to the
entirety. E.g. than when we create the stereotype impression about entirety or phenomenon, respectively when creating
presuppositions about people by ranking in several categories based on similar features.9

L. Drakulevski, Lideriteti 1999. Fakulteti ekonomik - Shkup. fq. 67

Impact Factor(JCC): 1.5432- This article can be downloaded from www.impactjournals.us


Afrim Loku & Fatlum Gogiqi

Recently, for people as a source it is said that they are not only one of the factors of production, but they are the
most important factor of production. The reasons for this are numerous: the rapid developments of technology, economic
and demographic changes, productivity reduce and alienation of workers etc. Therefore, today many enterprises place
human resources at their long- term strategic plans. Skills in the work environment are the skills that enable that allow
people to perform a job. They constitute knowledge base that is necessary to perform at work, to agree with customers and
managers, as well as to compete with colleagues. These skills are necessary for each employee who will be part of a
Age in the Working Environment
Age has a role in behavior, productivity and satisfaction of an individual in an organization. It is believed by
almost all that the performance decreases with the increase of age. Whether this is true or not, many people believe and
act based on this belief. Age has major roles to individual and based in some research it is said that man as older it is, the
less it tends to leave work. As proof of this conclusion is that as many people grow older, the opportunity for employment
is lower. Factors that determine the status in informal groups appear: education, age, ability or experience.
According to international conventions, the minimum age for acceptance to any work, which by its nature or the
conditions of work damages health or morals of young person shall not be lower than 18 years. Legislation or the
competent authorities may authorize the employment since the age of 16, only if the welfare of the young will be
protected and in the cases when young people possess adequate information and professional preparations in the respective
Also is believed that in general productivity decreases with the increase of age of employee. According to some
surveys done to some individual is assumed that individual skills specifically extends the speed, strength and
coordination fall over the years and the continuous upset that work gives and lack of intellectual simulation, contribute
to the reduction of productivity.11
Gender in Work Environment
Although numerous studies have concluded that men and women are equal in their mental ability and
performance at work, often different societies emphasize some differences. According to the records, the results are that
there are few significant differences between men and women affecting their performance at work. For example, there
are no differences between men and women in the ability to solve problems in analytical skills, on motivation, leadership
or ability to learn. Psychological studies have shown that women are more likely to undergo authority and men are more
aggressive in this direction.
Regarding absence, women have higher rates because it is a known fact in society whim of family
responsibility is entirely on woman. Based on legal provisions approved by state, which prohibits discrimination of any
kind, employer may not prefer candidates according to criteria which are not related to work such as, gender, physical
look, religious or ethnic affiliation.12

Ramosaj Berim, Sjellja Organizative, 2012 - http://www.scribd.com/doc/164949705/Sjellje-Organizative- PersoneliUdheheqja#scribd (09.09.2015)

Aftsit n ambijentin e puns - http://mobile.ikub.al/Lajme/Gjeniu/Si-te-kuptoni-definicionin-e-aftesi-ne-ambjentin-epunes--1101180148.aspx (20.09.2015)
Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 - Articles can be sent to [email protected]

Factors of Individual Behavior in an Organization and its Performance at Work



Dr. Kiril Postolov, Organizimi, 2010, Shkup, fq. 94.

People in the organization perform numerous activities (job duties), realize their interests, by working with others

and trying to influence others in the organization, face with stress and frustration in the workplace, bringing decisions, etc.
When this behavior is important to the organization, it is about organizational behavior.
The purpose of this assignment is to understand today's complex work, and with this to improve individual and
overall effect of workand at the same time increase employee satisfaction. Organizational behavior should help in,
explaining the behavior of individuals and groups, in predicting the future behavior as well as control and management of
Gender is a factor of duties separation, hard physical work and activities which are done by men, while women
are engaged in easier physical work. It is a result from, physical-biological and sociological differences between genders.
Men were given higher positions with greater authority and better prices, while women are concentrated in lower levels.
Characteristic also for developed countries and with the same work position men and women are paid in different ways.
This stems from the role of women at home and non - payment for housework - which women do without payment, duty
household, the myth of romantic love and so on.
In a wider sense, gender discrimination at work, happens when a person or group of persons are treated unequally
in work context because of gender. Unequal treatment can affect the level of payment, for example when a woman is paid
less for a same work with a man. Gender discrimination can occur also in terms of opportunities, as well as the way of
handling the job. A study done in Harvard showed that professional yields of women are better than those of male
colleagues. In fact the only banks that are not included in the credit crisis are those that have women in leadership
positions, explains Heather McGregor, a finance specialist at the bank
"City" in London (Gazeta Shqip "If businesses were run by women, 2012).
Race and Culture in the Working Environment
Culture shows the values that employees should accept to act in accordance with the organization's goals. This
affects the way in which employees and managers are approaching with problems, serve customers, collaborate
with suppliers, react with competitors and lead activities in the present and the future. Each organization is
distinguished by a unique culture. It has its history, the way of access to his to problems and finishing its activities,
management styles, working methods, his heroes, experiences embedded in changing etc., In other words, the atmosphere
of its folklore, and personality.
Although all organizations have a unique culture, however, all cultures do not have equal impact for employees.
According to the type of culture, organizations can monitor as organizations with weak culture and strong. Poor culture
is characterized by the lack of a deep feeling for the purpose of organizing to the majority of workers. They see their
work as a way to get money and who share their loyal department, colleagues, unions or boss. Strong culture is
characterized by cohesion; employees understand the organization's goals and strategy, they know their individual roles
and work to fulfill their part. Strong culture is a powerful tool for channeling the behavior of employees in ways that will
support the strategy, as follows:

Ndikimi diskriminimt gjinor ne menaxhimin e karrieres - http://www.uamd.edu.al/new/wpImpact Factor(JCC): 1.5432- This article can be downloaded from www.impactjournals.us


Afrim Loku & Fatlum Gogiqi

Knowing exactly what is expected from them, employed in organizations with a strong culture must not lose
time to understand what and how to do - culture provides informal system rules and tension of submissions, in
order to determine a behavior in most of the time. In an organization with a weak culture, the lack of a strong
organizational identity and work climate full of proposals creates considerable confusion among employees and
unnecessary expenditure of effort.

Strong culture makes work a way of life, provides the structure, standards and value systems that need to
operate and to promote strong identification of employees in the organization. As a result, employees feel better
and often engage in work to help the organization to be successful.
Race and culture have always played an important role in the behavior of various individuals, both in the

workplace and in society, there has been considerable diversity. In these cases, this would create a contemporary culture
and the most appropriate in an organization and at the same time will eliminate wrong perceptions and offensive. Mainly,
management recruitment and career development regarding employment equity, equal opportunities and diversity aspects
(e.g. gender, sexual orientation, disability, age, race and religion

In conclusion, to understand the behavior of individuals and groups in the organization and development is almost
the key to success in the business world. Research shows that the formation of a group process is useful but it has a high
dynamic. The cycle of these groups often can be explained in various stages of development of an individual. To maintain
the effectiveness of the group, individuals should be aware about the key stages in order to avoid inefficiency
Good leadership skills and combination of group knowledge will help every group to reach its peak. In this
article, we discussed, examined also major individual differences that affect their attitude and behavior in the organization.
Values and our personality explain our preferences and environment where we feel most comfortable. Personality can
influence individual in his / her behavior, but the importance of the context in which the behavior occurs should not be
Many organizations use personality tests in the selection of employees, but the use of these tests may be
controversial because it can change values and forecast of the individual to perform certain work can fail. Also in order
motivation to be effective, individual or employee in order to manage to complete their jobs and develop a strong
relationship they have to create a basis of trust and cooperation


Vellkova Kovaevska Sllavica & Zllatkovski Zora, Dipensa e Biznesit, 2010, Shkup.


Ramosaj Berim, Bazat e Menaxhimit, 2008, Prishtine.


Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulfer, Menagment, Prentice Hall, International, Londr 1996,


L. Drakulevski, Lideriteti 1999. Fakulteti ekonomik Shkup


Dr. Kiril Postolov, Organizimi, 2010, Shkup,

Index Copernicus Value: 3.0 - Articles can be sent to [email protected]

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