Grade 9 English Quarter 3, Module 1 Lesson 1, Verbals

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Grade 9 English

Quarter 3, Module 1
Lesson 1, Verbals

Lesson 1
Competency: EN9G-IIIa-21: Use verbals

What are verbals? Can you explain how verbals can help us
In communicating the English language?

A verbal is a form of verb that does not function as a verb. Instead, it functions as a
noun, adjective, or adverb in the sentence.

Types of Verbals




A gerund is a verb form that ends in -ing and functions as a noun.
Fishing is relaxing.
Aunt Betty loves baking.
Joshua is better at painting than I am.

In the first sentence, fishing is used as the subject of the sentence. In the
second, baking is used as a direct object. In the last example, painting is used as the
object of the prepositionat. They all function as nouns.

An infinitive is formed by using to with the base form of the verb. It can function as a
noun, adjective, or adverb.
To fish is something I love to do.
Joshua has a portrait to paint.
In the first sentence, to fish functions as a noun, and to do functions as an adverb. In
the second sentence, to paint functions as an adjective.

A participle may be in the present participle form (ending in -ing) or in the past
participle form (ending in -d, -ed, -t, -n, or -en). It functions as an adjective.
The singing waiters entertained the diners.
The broken machine was gathering dust.
Singing is used as an adjective for waiters while broken was used as an adjective

Each time you encounter a verb form in the

sentence, analyze whether it is really a verb
or a verbal. This will help you become more familiar with verbals and
their different types.

Exercise A.

It is a form of verb that does not function as a verb in the sentence.

It is a verbal that functions only as an adjective.
It is a verbal that functions only as a noun.
An infinitive does not function as __________.
a. a verb
b. a noun
c. an adjective
d. an adverb
5. I just started baking.
In the given sentence, baking was used as ______.
a. a gerund
b. an infinitive
c. a participle
d. a verb
6. Did you understand the written message?
In the given sentence, the word written was used as ________.
a. a gerund
b. an infinitive
c. a participle
d. a verb
7. I dropped by to spend some times with them.
In the given sentence, to spend was used as

a. a gerund
b. an infinitive
c. a participle
d. a verb
8. Iza wrote a sentence that made use of a gerund.
Which of the following can be found in her sentence?
a. a verb form ending in "-ing"
b. past participle form of the verb
c. past tense form of the verb
d. "to" plus the base form of the verb
9. Which of the following sentences does not make use of a participle?
a. Her favorite hobby is swimming.
b. People jumped from the sinking ship.
c. The dancing girl impressed the audience.
d. I had to see the shooting stars.
10. In which of the following sentences is the infinitive used as a noun?
a. The person to ask about this matter is Joey.
b. He wanted to swim, but his mom did not let him.
c. Ingrid needs to go to the doctor tomorrow.
d. The only thing he can do then is to wait.

Answer Key:
1. Verbal
2. Participle
3. Gerund
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. A

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