English: Quarter 3, Wk.3 - Module 3
English: Quarter 3, Wk.3 - Module 3
English: Quarter 3, Wk.3 - Module 3
English 11
Quarter 3,Wk.3 - Module 3
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Quarter 3,Wk.3 - Module 3
What I Know.................................................................................................................................................iii
Lesson 1:
What I Need to Know......................................................................................................1
What’s New ....................................................................................................................1
What’s More .....................................................................................................................2
What I Have Learned......................................................................................................3
What I Can Do..................................................................................................................3
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Key to Answers........................................................................................................................................5
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What This Module is About
As you go through this module, you will learn the significance of self worth through
engaging into activities that will develop your social skills. In this module, you are going to
learn about the importance of every feature of speech in delivering lines in a one act play.
As a learner, you will be involve in an acting simulation which can boost your
confidence in facing crowds. This lesson will allow the students to embark on a journey that
will allow them a better understanding and connection with individuals with a diversity of
beliefs or non-beliefs in order to promote openness and transparency as a way to share and
connect with the world. We all strive to maintain a sense of well-being.
What I Know
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.
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Prosodic Features of Speech
Lesson in a One Act Play
What I Need to Know
observe correct pause, pitch, stress, volume and tempo in delivering lines
demonstrate the prosodic features of speech from a scene in Romeo and Juliet
What’s New
Task 1: Before you venture into our new lesson, let’s try to answer these questions:
What Is It
Know this!
1. Pause is a temporary stop. This will give the listener time to understand or process the
words of the speaker. It can be indicated by, a comma, colon, semi-colon and period.
2. Pitch is the level of highness or lowness of tone in your voice.
Ex. Hi! Hello!
3. Stress means pronouncing the syllable of the word being emphasized.
Ex. INsult (noun) inSULT (verb)
4. Volume is used to show emotion such as fear or anger, etc.
5. Tempo is the rate of speed of motion or activity
What’s More
Task 2: Your task here is to match the lines from column A to the prosodic features in
column B.
1. Don’t desert me, I need you here in this A. Pause
desert land. B. Pitch
C. Stress
2. Please, don’t. I’m begging you to stay. D. Volume
3. For the pain you cost me. You will taste my wrath!.
4. Run! Run! Run! The criminal is here.
5. Hush!, hush! little baby.
Task 3: Copy Cat Game! Your task is to read the lines from an act in Romeo and Juliet and
make a recording from any available gadget.
If I profane with my unworthiest hand
This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this:
My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand
To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.
Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much,
Which mannerly devotion shows in this;
For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch,
And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss.
Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too?
Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.
O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.
Saints do not move, though grant for prayers' sake.
Then move not, while my prayer's effect I take.
Thus from my lipsy yours, my sin is purged.
Then have my lips the sin that they have took.
Sin from thy lips? O trespass sweetly urged!
Give me my sin again.
You kiss by thy, be book.”
Task 4: Who said it!: Your task is to identify who said the the lines stated below.
a. “Is she a Capulet? O, dear, account, my lie is a foe of debt!” Romeo says this when he
learns that Juliet is a member or the Capulet family. “O, I am fortune’s fool!” illustrates the
fact that Romeo sees himself as subject to the whims of fate.
b.“My only love sprung from my only hate. Too early seen unknown and known too late.”
Juliet says this when she learns that Romeo is a Montague, an enemy of her family.
Your Final Task: Skits!This is the part where you showcase your skills in creating a one act
I want you to think of a conversation you make daily with someone ( like mother,
father, siblings, store owner, drivers, etc. ) Write a script of the daily conversation among
them. Make sure to use the different prosodic features of speech in your one act play.
What I Can Do
For this activity, you are going to make a flip book to see if you understand the
lesson. You need to create a comic book for the balcony scene in the modern times. Your
comic book should have pictures and captions for each scene from the play. Just choose
important moments from each scene, and write a dialogue that might be spoken in that
scene. The comic books should be creatively done and in color.
Flipbook Rubric
Student Name: ________________________________________
Comments: ______________________________
Score: ________________
In our lives, we encounter diverse qualities of people. One of them might leave a
mark in our hearts and the experiences we shared with them becomes our tools in facing the
reality in life.
The prosodic features of speech helps you understand on how to become a great
speaker. In a one act play, these features such as, pause, pitch, stress, volume and tempo,
are your gears in achieving the goal of becoming an influencer or an inspirational speaker
one day.
Assessment: (Post-Test)
Key to Answers
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. C
5. C
Romeo and Juliet quotes by William Shakespeare. (n.d.). Goodreads | Meet your next
favorite book. https://www.goodreads.com/work/quotes/3349450-an-excellent-
Grade 9 English module. (2015, January 3). Share and Discover Knowledge on LinkedIn
SlideShare. https://www.slideshare.net/arethgimena/grade-9-english-module-
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