OB Task 1
OB Task 1
OB Task 1
The single most critical problem that the managers are facing today is managing the people.
This is the most challenging issues that every kind of organizations is dealing with now a day.
Organizational behaviour is the study of individual, group and organization as a whole that
examines the effect of organizational structure and culture on organizational performance.
Therefore, it mostly tries to define the performance and efficiency factors of an organization.
Organizational structure and organizational culture are highly correlated performance factors.
It basically defines the appropriate structure of an organization in order to get more than
average performance. Organizational culture is a primary factor for employee turnover and
job satisfaction (Bolden, 2004). If an organization possesses a strong culture of self-respect
and employee affiliation, it is no wonder that the employee retention rate would be very high
(Tracy, 2013).
Task 1
The organizational structure encompasses its culture, leadership, external and internal
environment etc. Every organization has some sort of organizational structure. It may be
formal or informal. Patton and Higgs (2010) hold the view that an organization structure is
the layout of organizational hierarchy and chain of command. Since ASDA and British
airways both are huge organizations, they has more formalized organizational structure and
strict rules and regulations.
ASDA has a formal hierarchical structure because it has a clear chain of control and
command-execution line. In ASDA a lot of people reporting to more than one people. It has a
multiple level command and decision stage. A hierarchical level tends to be effective in huge
and diversified organization like ASDA. The main problem of ASDA is that people working
together are on the same footing regardless of the seniority (Glassdoor, 2013). It also
provides a competitive pay for the new employees.
On the other hand, British Airways (BA) has a more official standards and structures. The
reason is simple enough. It has a massive size and its operations incorporate all over the
world. Moreover, the management is trying to accelerate the management capability by
exercising dynamic decision-making environment. It is trying to reduce the layers between
the chief executives and customer managers. Instead of fixed span of control, it is now
heavily relying on small ad hoc groups. As a result, these groups are now working along with
formal groups and managing some additional responsibilities in some certain cases.
Organizational culture is the set of shared beliefs, values and attitudes (Jones, 2007). These
factors can greatly direct the members of an organization how the works will be done. On the
other hand, culture is the internal environment and rituals of organizations, which play a very
crucial role in organizational success.
ASDAs success story is mostly influenced by its rich organizational culture. It has a very
strong culture of employee empowerment around the organization. It defines how employees
accommodate their customers and how they behave with each other. CAPCO believes that
every stakeholders of the company can help improve the company in a significant way.
Therefore, the main motto of the organization is to:
Since BA airlines is a huge company and has some strict rules and regulations, it has an
strong cultural influence behind its success. It follows some common rules as a part of their
organizational culture:
Dealing fairly
Updating customer base
Maintain standards
Meeting customers need and demands in the most efficient way
Re-enforcing the successful tasks
Organizational structure and culture are two crucial success factors for any organization.
Organizational structures are related in the following ways:
If the CEO of ASDA is not satisfied with the performance of his workforce, he needs to look
at the organizational structure. Much of the evidence shows that, people acts as like the
systems they are in.
Employee empowerment can be a very effective tool for organizational success (Robins,
2003). ASDA behaves this way. They usually try to empower their lower line managers,
which will ultimately ensure better performance and greater customer satisfaction.
ASDA tries to provide superior customer service to its customer. In order to that, it formed its
organizational base in such a way that ensures prompt response to customers any types of
call. It has a friendly customer interface for easy communication and better solution of
customers problem. There are many discussions on the relationship between organizational
culture and performance. The effects on organizational culture and performance are quite
Some different views exist on the relationship between organizational culture and
Strong culture- High; performance: There are strong relationship between strong
culture and high performance.
It is a rationally proved that strong culture leads to high performance. As in the case of ASDA
where the competition is high and customer management is very important, a strong and
service oriented culture is essential.
Another common point of view is that, culture contributes a lot to organizational efficiency
(Brown, 2006). It is to keep in mind that, appropriate culture is a relative issue. Culture in one
organization may not be appropriate or even acceptable in another. ASDA holds its culture in
a way that would ultimately contribute to its efficiency and prompt work accomplishment.
Workforce diversity and coping up with changes are the major challenges for the
organizations operating in multi-domestic countries (Thomas, 2009). In order to be
successful, creating an adaptive culture is very much important. ASDAs culture needs to be a
culture of adaptability so to have maximum flexibility in the face of rapid change. Cultures
that are characterized by proactive behaviours, taking risk, working together, trusting each
other should be favourable for the organizations like ASDA PLC.
Employees of ASDA are the people who work in the business for predetermined pay or any
other benefits. By definition, they are the internal stakeholders. ASDA needs a huge number
of effective and efficient employees in order to carry out its business effectively. The amount
of pay varies according to age, skill, qualifications and types of work etc.
Factors that influence the behaviours of ASDA:
Job security: The employees want the security of their job at first place. Without having it,
they cannot work peacefully and promptly. Employees at business should want to know how
much their job is really secured. A high level of job security means that the employees have
very little chance of becoming unemployed. As a result, they can work more efficiently and
their performance should be accelerated.
Job environment: Employees at ASDA definitely seek for a great work environment. Since,
airline work is tiresome and challenging, they naturally seek a comfortable and appealing
place for working. It is a very important factor for workers performance. Workers
performances ultimately contribute to the organizational performance.
Rates of pay: Like any other organizations, employees at ASDA need good rate of pay. It is
very natural a good pay always motivate workers to work more efficiently. Good rate of pay
also mean that the business is well enough to pay its employees at a high rate.
Respect: The employees at ASDA are mostly technical people. They know their jobs better
than anyone else does and they have technical expertise in their respective fields. As a result,
these employees do not always work for money. Self-respect and an environment of
appreciation can be their major concerns. At ASDA if these people are not treated accordingly
or not with adequate respect, their performance might be disrupted. For example, ASDA
conduct a survey-named we are listening regularly for their employees to listen to their
employees and to feel them more valued.
Task 2
2.1 Compare the Effectiveness of the different leadership styles used by
ASDA and British airways
Leaders at ASDA are committed to provide unique and superior service to its customers
and to make their organization a better place to work on. Andy Clarke CEO at ASDA tries to
focus on the seemingly unimportant things that could have the greatest impact on the
business. These focuses on unnoticeable things make the employees feel more fulfilled and
Andy Clarke tries to focus on the following things:
Equal opportunity of being promoted by the employees own quality. Fairness and
leadership at ASDA
Pride of working with ASDA as a leader or manager
Leadership can be defined as the capacity to transform an idea into reality (Aswathappa,
2004). Leadership style is simply the approach an individual perceives to lead his/her people.
The prevailing leadership style in British Airways according to observation is supportive. The
long used traditional leadership style used by British Airways had long been highly
concentrated, administrative, used for low employee response, negligence for subordinates
etc. Now this predominant style has been changed by the CEO Keith Williams into
supportive one. In supportive leadership style proper career mentoring, training, participative
decision-making are the keys to employee satisfaction.
This leadership style can create an environment of trust between management and
employees (Patton, and Higgs 2010). Managers now know how to communicate effectively
with the employees and how to motivate employees. They can let the employees develop a
vision and let the employees use their own self-judgement and discretion while taking any
important decision. Managers have built a support system in order to get help from one
another outside of the formal organizational structure. On the other hand, the employees need
to be shown how their works are contributing to the betterment of the organization as a
In BA Keith Williams leadership-style and motivation are followed by:
Motivating employees to compromise their own interest for the betterment of the
Creating awareness for the importance of the firms objectives
There are a lot of theories on organization. All these theories explain the organizational
structure and formation. Organizational theory explains the types and forms of an
Organizational theory includes
ASDA should be fall under administrative theory. This theory was first proposed by Henry
Fayol. It is based on several principles of dynamic management. According to this theory,
Organizational theory can be very useful for a business in different stages (Apter, 2001).
ASDA should try hard enough to get stick one specific theory. This adherence to one positive
theory can help the business to become better at their performance and service. In the case of
ASDA, adherence to administrative theory can direct the managers and employees to achieve
business specified goals. It can also provide a detail guideline to the workforce to follow. In
addition, the top-level management can re-engineer their job structure in order to achieve
firm specified goals.
There are usually three form of management and managerial approaches exist. These are:
We can see that, the management and working culture in the ASDA is participative.
There is no fixed command line and employee can report to more than one line manager.
Cultivating approach is a kind of facilitative management approaches that extensively rely on
people skill. This approach recognizes the need for external stimuli for better performance.
ASDA usually a follower of cultivating approach because of the following reason:
Task 3
3.1 Discuss the Impact that Different Leadership Styles on Motivation
during Changes
We are living in such a place where change is a must to survive in any industry. ASDA
might be engaged in business process re-engineering, or any types of technological or
incremental change depending on their needs and situation and to manage any change, good
leadership style is required in order to motivate employees.
There is a huge difference between leadership and management. Management is the
process of accomplishing the organization activities by using the limited resources wisely and
leadership is the way to lead the people of the organization in order to achieve this goal
(Gilmore, and Williams 2009). Leadership also includes the handling and motivating the
employees during the period of organizational change.
There are several approaches available for the leaders to lead the changes based on the
leaders authority and the employees freedom. The managers of ASDA may go for any of the
approaches to motivate the staffs during the organizational change. Some of the major
approaches for ASDAs leaders are:
When the change is going to take place, the leaders of ASDA can take the decisions
by themselves and then direct the staffs about what to do. This is an authoritarian
If ASDAs leaders go for consultative approach, they will involve the staffs in the
process by let them know about the upcoming changes and also by asking them about
ASDA leaders can use any of the last two approaches, because here the employees feel that
they are important and thus they are motivated. No matter which style is followed, it is
important for leaders to:
One of the most vital assets of an organization is its employees (Dessler, 2007). So it is
the responsibility of a manager to motivate the employees so that they become willing to give
their best. But employee motivation is no more a difficult job nowadays. There are many
motivational theories available but the ASDA should choose the one that best suits the
organization. A comparison of different theories for ASDA is briefly provided hereThe human management is divided between two groups-X and Y according to McGregor.
The X employees require strict management and monitoring, since they dislike work, lazy
and unable to fulfill duties. On the other hand, Y people are very active, love to work,
responsible and motivate them. By this theory, ASDA should motivate X employees. But
Maslow thinks that the Y employees also need proper direction.
Maslows theory consists of a hierarchy of needs which starts with the basic needs and
end up with self-fulfillment needs. If ASDA apply this theory, they will construct a strategy
that the better the employees perform, the greater they will get. In this way, every time they
reach a stage, they want to go to the next in the hierarchy and for that improved performance
is required.
But the problem is Maslow thinks that employees performance depends on his needs
whereas Vroom thinks that it is based on his internal factors like skills, experience,
knowledge etc. he uses three variables which are expectancy, instrumentality and valence in
this regard. Vrooms theory is the most applicable for ASDA because of various reasons. This
theory takes into account the fact of different perception of different people but Maslow
assumes similar perception.
If ASDA use this theory, employees will be motivated by thinking that greater effort will
bring greater performance and they will be rewarded. As a consequence, their performance
will improve. But the manager should make them understand that performance and reward
are closely related
To achieve the goals and objective of the organization, managers need to increase
productivity and high productivity means highly productive employees. To make the
employees highly productive, proper motivation is a must.
But employee motivation is a complex factor. After understanding the importance of
employee motivation in the organization, the managers need to select the motivational theory
for the employees. Many motivational theories have been introduced in this regard.
Motivational theories are useful, because managers have to encourage the employees for
their good performance (Robbins and Campbell et al., 2010). If there is no incentive like
status, fringe benefits etc. in the workplace, employees will not feel any willingness to give
their best. So the necessity of the motivational theories is huge. The motivated employees
ultimately raise the benefit of the organization by improved performance as well as
Based on this theory, ASDAs manager can motivate the employees. Motivating factors might
be change as well, but the need of the people to get respect as a human being will never
Employee satisfaction is gained by responsible, recognition and challenging work, and
dissatisfaction comes from hygiene factors like job security, fringe benefits etc. if absent. So
the managers of ASDA need to consider both job satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors. For
this purpose, they have to increase the opportunity of getting reward to raise satisfaction and
improve the working condition, procedures etc. to reduce dissatisfaction. By this way, the
productivity will increase.
According to the hygiene theory, which is the motivational theory of Herzberg, similar to
the certain factors that lead to the job satisfaction in the organization, there are some other
factors which cause job dissatisfaction.
Task 4
4.1 Explain the nature of Groups and group behaviour within organisations
Groups are formed to get specified results from an organization. The members of the
groups have some specified tasks and have some pre-specified set of purpose to work with.
The members became naturally dependant with each other (Ditomaso et al., 2007).
Like any other organizations, several types of groups may exist in ASDA. They can be formal
or informal, primary or secondary etc.
Several types of groups and their influence in ASDC are given below:
Formal group: A formal group is formed by the organization itself. It is formed in order to
achieve some specified task. The management create these types of groups and set specified
goals to reach. Members of this group have some fixed roles and responsibilities. Formal
groups can be divided into two categories:
Command group
II. Task group
A command group is not temporary in nature and has a fixed position in organizational
chart. On the other hand, task groups are formed a specified tasks and motive. These types of
groups are usually temporary. These groups have relatively small impact on organization as
compare to informal groups. It is to keep in mind that it has a great impact on organizational
performance. If this group forming have proven to be unsuitable, overall organization may
Informal group: Informal groups are formed not by the organization but by the members of
the organization themselves. There are two types of informal group:
I. Friendship group
II. Interest group
Members of a friendship group are bonded by pure friendship (Duwett and Jones, 2003).
They may have something in common like age, attitude or belief. Interest groups are formed
intentionally and are typically temporary. These groups have huge impact on overall business.
It may help ASDA for the betterment of the overall organizational structure. An informal
group can contribute a lot in enriching the culture in ASDA. It has also a great influence in
organizational performance.
4.2 Discuss factors that may promote or inhibit the development of effective
teamwork in organisations
When the managers of ASDA go to complete a task with the help of a team, they should
focus on the development of effective teamwork, because a lot of problems arise when
working in a team. But they need to overcome from these problems to reach toward the goal.
Some major factors that ASDA is required to identify to make the teamwork more effective
are categorized belowCommunication: It is mandatory among the team members of ASDA having a clear and open
communication. Team members have to feel free to ask anything, share information, and give
their suggestions in the organization.
Trust: Without trust, it is impossible for ASDA to promote any strategy or to make any
decision. Because if employees do not trust each other, they will not share information or
unwilling to take risks which may lead to organization failure.
Workforce Diversity: The people from different age, gender, ethnicity, religion, region etc.
think differently. So the more diversity is there in the teams of ASDA, the more chances of
creative and innovative ideas are there.
Leadership: An ideal leader drives the team quickly toward the goal. To make the teamwork
more effective, leadership is required, because the leaders direct the employees of ASDA,
coordinate them, handle any types of conflict among the members and try to resolve them.
Positive Attitude: If the teamwork faces any problem and everyone stops to give effort to the
project, then the project will fail for sure. So all of the team members of ASDA must have a
positive attitude to their task and put their best effort till the end of every project. Moreover, it
should be ensured by ASDA that every team member is getting adequate training and
motivation for his tasks.
Technology has made the world smaller and has brought the people closer around the
world (Burke and Cooper, 2007). The impact of the technology is also huge in the
organization like ASDA. ASDA has a geographically dispersed workforce from different
place. Most of the projects are done by the virtual teams which are connected by the
The technology makes it possible for ASDA to continue their activities in any time and
distance which increase the productivity. It has a great impact on different functions of a team
like team structure, trust, coordination, cooperation, leadership etc. So ASDA first needs to
understand the team members and their culture and according to that, they should report the
benefits of technology.
According to a research conducted in Florida, the impact of technology on organizational
team varies from tem to team, because it depends on the nature of the work as well as the on
the team members. But some study shows that team functions progress gently in virtual
teams. But with the time team members become close each other, share information and
become cooperative.
So we have found that, in spite of some temporary problems, teamwork brings positive
outcome to the organization. In fact, the contribution of team members will increase because
technology will help to make the members specialist and the more specialists in ASDA will
make the organization more effective. One thing that ASDA need to do is they have to put
great emphasis on reducing the distance among different geographical areas with the support
of technology.
Understanding the individual and group behaviour in an organization and developing them
efficiently is a key to success in the business world. It is possible by effectively motivate the
employees to accomplish their tasks and developing a strong relationship which should be
based on trust and cooperation. From this point of view, we may say that ASDA PLC is going
to the correct direction since their main objective is maximizing organizational benefit by
employee satisfaction. For this purpose, they try to understand the employee culture and their
needs and try to fulfil them as much as possible.
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