Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains Moderate' and Radical' Islam
Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains Moderate' and Radical' Islam
Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains Moderate' and Radical' Islam
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First, there are, in fact, many people who identify themselves as Muslims but who do not
necessarily adhere to or support Islam’s more supremacist and intolerant doctrines. If you hav
lived in a Muslim majority nation, you would know this to be true.
The all-important question is, what do such Muslims represent? Are they following a legitimat
“moderate,” version of Islam—one more authentic than the terrorist variety? That’s what the
media, politicians, and academics would have us believe.
German Nazism is a widely condemned ideology, due to its (“Aryan/white”) supremacist eleme
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
But the fact is, many Germans who were members or supporters of the Nazi party were “good
people. They did not believe in persecuting Jews and other “non-Aryans,” and some even hel
such “undesirables” escape, at no small risk to themselves.
Consider Oskar Schindler. An ethnic German and formal member of the Nazi party, he went to
great lengths to save Jews from slaughter.
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
jihad3tracker says
August 17, 2015 at 8:04 pm
Thank you, Mr. Ibrahim, for using supremacist Nazism as an equivalent to Islam’s intent.
For most Americans under age 70, WW II might as well have happened a thousand years
ago, but I suspect that we still have a good idea of how pathological Hitler was.
And, because this post touches on a version of the current question “If Islam is violent,
why are so many Muslims peaceful?” let me HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS EXCELLENT
Go to www (dot) answeringmuslims (dot) com —- Find “The Jihad Triangle” . . . About 5
minutes of lucid logical factual explanation.
David has many other vids on Youtube, all with his dark humor and expert knowledge of
the Qur’an, Hadith, Sira.
Angemon says
August 17, 2015 at 8:29 pm
First, there are, in fact, many people who identify themselves as Muslims but
who do not necessarily adhere to or support Islam’s more supremacist and
intolerant doctrines. If you have lived in a Muslim majority nation, you would
know this to be true.
Angemon says
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
Ugh, accidentally posted too soon. Might as well post the whole thing:
First, there are, in fact, many people who identify themselves as Muslims
but who do not necessarily adhere to or support Islam’s more
supremacist and intolerant doctrines. If you have lived in a Muslim
majority nation, you would know this to be true.
Many of these Muslims know the bare minimum about Islam—the Five
Pillars—and are ignorant of Islam’s supremacist theories.
This is the correct paradigm to view Islam and Muslims with: Islam does
contain violent and supremacist doctrines. This is a simple fact.
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
epistemology says
August 17, 2015 at 8:34 pm
Nazislam is today the worst totalitarian ideology on this planet. Nazism and Islam the
same totalitarianism, anti-Semitism, supremacism and the aspiration to rule the whole
world and to impose some barbarian law
jihad3tracker says
August 17, 2015 at 9:05 pm
A SUPERB word combo — “Nazislam”. I hereby officially nominate it for 2015’s Best
Counter Jihad Neologism So Far.
epistemology says
August 18, 2015 at 8:37 am
Thank you, but I didn’t invent it. Great to see people passing it on
mccode says
August 17, 2015 at 9:04 pm
nicu says
August 17, 2015 at 9:42 pm
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
When you belong to an evil ideology you are as evil as that ideology whether you
personally commit acts of evil in the name of the ideology or not. Indeed you are as evil if
not more eviler then the people committing these horrendous acts of evil. THEY ALSO
vlparker says
August 18, 2015 at 8:29 am
Gotta agree with you. Mr. Ibrahim states that many people who identify themselves
as muslim actually know very little about the supremacist ideology of islam and know
only the basics. In the past that may have been a legitimate excuse, but with the
worldwide jihad going on full scale it is hard to believe these people are still
unaware. It’s time for them to face the realities about Mohammad and islam and
make a choice. No more excuses.
Many muslims may be non-violent themselves but that doesn’t mean they don’t
support the jihadists. Muslims come out in droves to protest cartoons of Mohammad
but when it’s time to show up for a anti-jihad rally your lucky to get 25 muslims. This
tells me the peaceful, moderate muslim is mostly a myth.
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
We know, of course, that racism and “Aryan” racial supremacy weren’t the only repugnan
features of Nazism, but also Nazism’s militarism, inhumane utilitarianism, and its
one-party totalitarianism and its enduring hostility to democratic pluralism. Its idolatry of
the state and violent intolerance of every competing creed are recognizably similar to the
imperatives of Islamism, of political Islam.
celticwarriorcanada says
August 17, 2015 at 11:45 pm
Great analogy ! I pray that more people will read your articles and be able to see through
the deception of these Moderate , Extremest categories, created by the multicultural
loving politicians .
mortimer says
August 18, 2015 at 12:33 am
A ‘moderate’ Nazi wanted to destroy the Jews, Gypsies and Slavs by sterilization.
A ‘radical’ Nazi wanted to destroy the Jews, Gypsies and Slavs right NOW!
A ‘moderate’ Muslim wants to destroy the Jews, the Christians and the Hindus by
sterilizing their cultures.
A ‘radical’ Muslim wants to destroy the Jews, the Christians and the Hindus right NOW!
Muslims immigrants are flocking to Germany as the absolute most favorite EU destination
like homing pigeons coming home to roost.
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
Don’t overlook that Germany is the wealthiest nation in EUrabia. Especially now that
Sweden is pretty much tapped out.
A fine analysis that goes to the heart of the matter. A checklist of facts to account for
based on this essay should be issued to every news entertainer in the world. Then
civilization would have a better chance of survival, even though most news entertainers
would pretend the checklist didn’t exist, a few would take it up. And that would cause an
uproar in the political discourse.
PigManFan says
August 18, 2015 at 3:01 pm
“Moderate” is the wrong word. The better word is “inconsistent.” Consistently acquiring al
your knowledge via faith is incompatible with life. Christians, Jews, & your neighbor the
Muslim-American live more consistently by reason than by faith and are inconsistently
religious (i.e. “in name only”) a tiny percentage of their time and in a tiny percentage of
their day to day life.
In addition to the analogy with Nazism, we can also look to other religions. Just as many,
if not most, Christians and Jews, do not strictly follow the precepts of their religion, so
many, if not most, Moslems do not follow the precepts of Islam. The difference is in the
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precepts. When Christians and Jews deviate from their religious precepts, they commit
bad deeds. When Moslems deviate from their Islamic precepts, they can be good people
doing good deeds.
voegelinian says
August 18, 2015 at 4:54 pm
“When Moslems deviate from their Islamic precepts, they can be good people doing
good deeds.”
Well, if that’s all we thought about the matter, we might be susceptible to that glibly
starry-eyed conclusion. However, Islamic taqiyya and its multiple permutations
renders the playing field paradoxical. Note especially, the bolded permutations of
Islamic deceit below.
Taqiyya (Shia) or Muda’rat (Sunni): tactical deceit for the purposes of spreading
Taysir: deceit through facilitation (not having to observe all the tenets of
And my favorite:
The problem of Taysir, Darura, and Muruna — coupled with the deadly dangers
Muslim fanatics pose for us — render the simplistic optimism of Abdul Ameer’s
comment which I quoted utterly useless for our #1 priority, the safety of our societies
Muslims no matter where they live, are of two groups. First the ones that have become
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
Muslims by reading the Quran and decided to lead their lives based on its instructions.
These groups of people actually behave according to what has been asked from them,
which include all the those that are wrongly known as extreme or radical Islamic group
but in fact they are the only Islamic people.
Second group are the ones that have not reviewed the Quran in their lives, but they just
got to become Muslim through inheritance or marriage, and as a result do not have exact
idea what has been asked them to do, they just heard the good things from their parents
about Islam as their parents have heard the same things from their parents. These group
are wrongly known as moderate Muslim but in fact they are the ones who are lost in their
lives and cannot be label as Muslims since they follow a grey and artificial pattern of faith
which is nonexistent.
Dave J says
August 18, 2015 at 11:58 pm
Yeah baby, got to be consistent with the teachings, kill an infidel every day or what’s your
“I was busy praying” ? Dude what about the other 1/6th of the day?
Now get back out there and kill one for your Allah.
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Ben says
August 19, 2015 at 2:28 pm
Most Nazi’s didn’t personally kill Jews, nevertheless the holocaust was, clearly and
proven, an important and horrific element in Nazi ideology. Neither did they all fight
personally in WW II, but of course they did pay their party contibution so they supported
the Nazi wars for world domination.
Likewise, most muslims don’t partake in violent jihad personally, they let the socalled
radicals do the dirty work and look the other way, paying generous amounts of money for
the good purpose, the spread of islam and subjugation of the world to the sharia.
Because clearly and proven for almost 1400 years now, in theory and practice, the
criminal jihad is an eternal duty for muslims, as the mother of all wars, and an essential
element in islam as a religion of war and oppression..
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Atlas Shrugs
American Thinker
Human Events
PJ Lifestyle
PJ Media
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
What's This?
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Raymond Ibrahim: How Nazism Explains ‘Moderate’ and ‘Radical’ Islam http://www.jihadwatch.org/2015/08/raymond-ibrahim-how-nazism-exp...
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