Kim Young DR Vernese Final Eportfolio

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Running head: Briefing by Vernese Edghill-Walden

Seminar on Business and Society Chicago

Reflection Paper Briefing by Dr. Vernese Edghill-Walden

Kimberly Young
International College of the Cayman Islands

BE/SO 425
Instructor: Dr. David Marshall
May 18th, 2016

Vernese Edghill-Walden

On Wednesday May 18th, 2016 the Students, President and I from the International
College of the Cayman Islands started our Third Seminar adventure except this meeting was held
at the hotel in the Michigan Conference room. The meeting started at 7:00pm and we met Dr.
Vernese Edghill-Walden who was presenting on diversity and its role in business development.
Dr. Vernese is the Senior Associate Vice President for Academic Diversity and Chief
Diversity Officer at the Northern Illinois University. Dr. Edghill-Walden is the first to hold this
position, which reports to both the president and the executive vice president and provost and is a
member of both the Presidents Cabinet and the Council of Deans.
Dr. Vernese provides vision, leadership, and counsel on matters of diversity and
inclusion. The skill that I noticed Dr. Vernice most focuses on, would have to be that she is an
effective leader and mentor with a focus on inclusion and empowerment of others.
She has over 20 years of professional experience in higher education mentoring and
advocating for traditional age students, as well as adult undergraduate and graduate students at
two and four year colleges and universities in academic and student affairs. She has received
various education degrees consisting of a PHD in Sociology from Howard University, M E.D.,
Higher Educational Administration from the University of Delaware and BA, Sociology from
Bucknell University.
Dr. Vernese talked about Diversity, describing it as a variety of different thoughts,
perspective, identity, race, sexual orientation, belief systems, backgrounds and culture.
She explained to us situations that occurred and allowed us to give examples of situations
based on stereotype and racial comments. We then watched a video on YouTube from Mellody
Hobson, named Color Blind or Color Brave, which basically talks about race and how it can

Vernese Edghill-Walden

affect you. Dr. Vernese left us with a great quote saying you can value someones identity and
belief, but maintain your own.
In conclusion I learnt about diversity, and this was very interesting to me as it relates to
my topic based on discrimination. What Ive learned based on the topic of Business and Society
and how it relates to the text (Lawrence & Weber, 2014) (pg. 379) states that diversity refers to
variation in the important human characteristics that distinguish people from one another. The
primary dimensions of diversity are age, ethnicity, gender, mental or physical abilities, race, and
sexual orientation. The secondary dimensions of diversity are many; they include such
characteristics as communication style, family status, and first language.
The implications I would use from this topic to the Cayman Islands would be the method
Dr. Vernese uses to maintain a positive diversity level in the workplace, she says change
policies and practices that could be a barrier to welcome new students or staff. There is a lot of
diversity in the Cayman Islands and sometimes people dont want to accept it so I like how she
maintains positivity and an uplifting environment to everyone around her, which shows me to
avoid the negative and keep pushing forward.

Vernese Edghill-Walden

Lawrence, A. T. & Weber, J. (2014). Business and society: Stakeholders, ethics, public
policy (14th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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