This document provides a list of 10 chemistry experiments for a Chemistry-1 practical course. The experiments include determining alkalinity in water, using permanganometry to estimate iron in a redox titration, separately determining calcium and magnesium hardness in water, determining the rate constant for ethyl acetate hydrolysis catalyzed by HCl, measuring a partition coefficient using a heterogeneous equilibrium, determining sugar solution viscosity to find percentage composition, and conducting conductometric and pH-metric titrations of HCl against NaOH. Students must complete at least 6 of the 10 experiments in a semester.
This document provides a list of 10 chemistry experiments for a Chemistry-1 practical course. The experiments include determining alkalinity in water, using permanganometry to estimate iron in a redox titration, separately determining calcium and magnesium hardness in water, determining the rate constant for ethyl acetate hydrolysis catalyzed by HCl, measuring a partition coefficient using a heterogeneous equilibrium, determining sugar solution viscosity to find percentage composition, and conducting conductometric and pH-metric titrations of HCl against NaOH. Students must complete at least 6 of the 10 experiments in a semester.
Original Description:
Syllabus of Chemistry -1 [Lab] (CH191) for 1st Semester engineering students under WBUT.
This document provides a list of 10 chemistry experiments for a Chemistry-1 practical course. The experiments include determining alkalinity in water, using permanganometry to estimate iron in a redox titration, separately determining calcium and magnesium hardness in water, determining the rate constant for ethyl acetate hydrolysis catalyzed by HCl, measuring a partition coefficient using a heterogeneous equilibrium, determining sugar solution viscosity to find percentage composition, and conducting conductometric and pH-metric titrations of HCl against NaOH. Students must complete at least 6 of the 10 experiments in a semester.
This document provides a list of 10 chemistry experiments for a Chemistry-1 practical course. The experiments include determining alkalinity in water, using permanganometry to estimate iron in a redox titration, separately determining calcium and magnesium hardness in water, determining the rate constant for ethyl acetate hydrolysis catalyzed by HCl, measuring a partition coefficient using a heterogeneous equilibrium, determining sugar solution viscosity to find percentage composition, and conducting conductometric and pH-metric titrations of HCl against NaOH. Students must complete at least 6 of the 10 experiments in a semester.
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Chemistry-1(Practical) Code: CH191 Credits: 2
1. To Determine the alkalinity in a given water sample.
2. Red-ox titration (estimation of iron using permanganometry) 3. To determine calcium and magnesium hardness of a given water sample separately. 4. To determine the value of the rate constant for the hydrolysis of ethyl acetate catalyzed by hydrochloric acid. 5. Heterogeneous equilibrium (determination of partition coefficient of acetic acid between n- butanol and water) 6. Viscosity of solutions (determination of percentage composition of sugar solution from viscosity) 7. Conductometric titration for determination of the strength of a given HCl solution by titration against a standard NaOH solution. 8. pH- metric titration for determination of strength of a given HCl solution against a standard NaOH solution. 9. Determination of dissolved oxygen present in a given water sample. 10. To determine chloride ion in a given water sample by Argentometric method (using chromate indicator solution)
At least Six experiments must perform in a semester out of above Ten experiments.