GrimoiriumVerum (Ed2)

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<i3rimoirinm ~ erum



'. inDdo; np:crotDrpcr nlCc~mia et I[Onnnm, Foci [ rHEI to.m op GUif 3C) ~£'1111 on lim

p OItcli1ri 01 durn tum rpn agontu r.



A treafore-trove of Lore in Diabolifm, wirtL rc:f~rence to th. e S.crip. tures 3.n~ the who~e ret in. t~ th.eEngliD.l bn~,a~ for the firll tune with a cuneus colletti,on of M.agical Secrets. Taken fr()~ various mmufcripts in the original rongues of the Anaents.



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fi}r the

.rlytn Qu(uimtl 'a.h M OlWI'Umt


Vuit publifhlX! in ~1J'94 bl' T rident Pl·~fs

Pose Offi[~ 8j(lu

Seattle, W dhingit.oll '!ihOj

Cup)'figh~ © t994 l'ridelu Prefs

All cights ~ferved. N,o, part of 1 hi ~ publication ~~!;iy be reproduccd or tnnfm~tled in !w)' form or b)' 3.t:1iy mea 1:1.'5, eldh(l rlie or Itlc&::hanical. .i~cJuding photooopy,. without pcrmiffiofl ill wi:iting (rom Trident p~rs. RCvll:wers m:l)' quote brjefpg«~ge~ ..

Printed in. the Ur.lil·~ States of AmcnC<\,




1. ~Concerning the Characters of the Demons (This Chapl,e7gl~ves the OjJiceJ, Names, Powers and Sz"gils or Se.a/s of/be Demons 'wl; ich au conv?if1: !.,~:lllrzdi n vfJked by the Opemtof in their work.. Theft dev£ls w£ll {].a;:ompany the Praditioner oftbis Art for alltbei'r days yet with'"'t{e.£~it. The ,;

L.! \"_;; . - /!f!_!~!!~,!f;~S which govern theft quarter: are N_pj;/e and com-» mand r.eJpr:lt and mZ#.hefotiJliedt·n tbdr own ftlTI.el.ft they will do no flruir:e to them tbat call them flrtbnorfhcrw themfolves wbrmc;alled.)

U. 4J Of the Nature afPaEIl (Giveth an explanation of the types of Palls ·wbh:h are made with the Deods and i1ljlruClicms con cern ing the altitude ojthe operatrrr that is to be held w.hcn de.ali,zg with the Devils. Theft dioers palls may all be used with imp,unity.) .

__ ••. 4.: ~ ...

~/ ", '" _ •• ~J """;;'_':'_


" 1 )

lll, ~The Kinds of'Spirits (Notes the Earthly domintons of tbe Devils and flems to di'V£de the Devils into two dijfonmt daffesJ viz., Superior and Injmor atfo'imparb a flaet Tf!,gar;dillg their lrifernal Heiranby.)

IV. ,The Vifibl!e Appearane,e of Spirits (ExplaiuJ

the divers frJmlJ which the Droi/s am take'ill orderto begui} the MagitianJ' giveu a{fo are the Charae/en of Lucifer, Blelezihuth a-nd Aftjtarotbfor ufo in calling them forth as

one w(Juld[uppose,.)

v. ,To Invoke the Spirits (Reform,g to themal'mer

of calling Forth tbe Devils [vide Bk. Ill, § 19-]1 and' the method ofinvokingthe Devils iogi'Ve them bumanfom: and

-hn",ulI'Y )

r- ~~ .. /




]Flatural Qnd £lopcm,Qtuml ~eIrrts

I. 'TOf Planetary Hours {This the true ordering (and nome'S of the Kofinokrators,' of the C'r£lejlia/ bodi::S with the regular times of their dominion is ,given; tbiJ fch~ma is of value in its Planetary Magid~. as given by Solomon and cannot be ignored without a price. We arc gi'Ve,n bert a lifling of the planeti ruling the bours of the day.)

II. ~rro Make Three Girls or Three Gentlemen

Appear in Yow' Room, a(ter' Supper (AJiqn:eiln,dfurprifing < : Juptrnatural ferret. The !£'fJ!Jifites for' tbis rit.e r;e'(j11. ire no ) \' P' ".".', g~dit£'mal wo~d; the Lesser Conjuration is give;; in its -~

I "original Latin tongue and thiS' is tat: language .that it is

\ given in tift it will render Thel no fervice. Likew,ifo it is

: fttggestedby Solomon that the comfort oflb~firjlw()1nan'$

busom may he gran-led.)





III. lIToM~ea Girl Corne to You; However Moden She May' Be (A mojl exeellen: and 'cJliCtl,iOllS Ritual of the Moon whoich produces uionderous tfleflsJor the is in' no w'ay wife to perform alls ofpuri.ftcation antecedant to' working this ritual: doingJbbringeth no nfult to the operator.)

IV. ~~e Conjuration (This is tol}f;given in thejiifl nadurnal ~admd of tbe Heavenly duration. The five Princes are called to feruice and it is them that tbee w£lt accept the allegiance to in tbis working. This conjuration is: rightlypeiformed without hefitatirm and may not be uftd more' than once every twenty-eigbt days elfo loe/piritn"·' 'Uifttetb (and beguiletb) the operator tJj'this Work.}

v. 'Divination by the Word of'U riel (This work of dilV'inati on is dam nable, which is not 1,0 IN? obJeruui lightlybyhe who undertaketh it. The/atwhich isufldforlhe candleflicks muflbc that ofan enemy oradverforyl w,ith(}ut exception,for in their drunk.enrufiand wea}'onry may be found tbe retribution of fouL Tbis worki:ng Wt1i veritably

peiform,edbJ'D.r. Iohanne D'e~ w~th a((eptabl~ ~ifultJ. as we are told by M. C aufaub on tn hts book 0 n S p~nts. In. no wifl floulJ you be perceived by the 'Vu(gar whi!ft peiform~~ng this 'Work or in interring thf: UJrpfl to its rcjling place,.)

VI. ,The Conjuration (This is the method ofgainil1K the audihle cOll'lJeifatioll with- theJPirit Uriel, who with its (troitorl can provide miraculous tn'ings for thofo wbom






dtmonjlrate tiJ'emjil1)cr worthy of receiv£'llg them. This is mofl difficult to be underftood or to become dear that 'W'hofoever C}tdea_wT-S ,this may obtain the End florur than the

Beg£n'l'ling.)/-~·-,;':- '".' .

VII. ',-Divination by the Egg (Here 'We art given. the true method of divil:ting the purity if iJny one fCifotlj no matter to whom tbey arrive. This method is ,approv,fd and verifitd to ,br~·ng rejitlts and may be applied to any perfon ,Qj; young as twelve, and flr,any age laterfbeu: no concern; as we

are told.)

VIII ,A Rare and SurprifmgMagical Secret (Another nut bod ojdivi,wtion, being approved and g£'l),€H by Solomon. The ~wq_r!Joftbu wark,Jlxtuld !'lotbe ljueflioned not ref1ifedfor. by an~ hy) i! .isgiven as and we are reminded by the Authorities.) '.~I(' r». : .•

. IX. 'IJTo Make One£elfInvifible {As is requi~ed in the matter 0/' Divination by ~heWmd ofUriel you mlfft ta~e t;be life ofa /JUm an bei tJ,g in. order to do' ,bis W()' As al/l'natters of the Lord arc ()1Je1foen. bJ Him, there is .n'ojin in ,this and ,~~tfoall be carried. out 'witbout t.a"!Ying')r~ .

.J'~ .. .a -: .. :~/~r·



TA,BLE OF CONTENTS you m~y gt)' am ifi in a II uf.t.his "W'ork.)

lV. "Conjuration of the Inftrument {This is the Ancienlformultl! afconftcratio72 of/be MagicalKnift; it is to be accompanied by areadingfrom the HQIy Writ. T'hiJ is the fame p~ay{!r''Whi,b SOlOlTIOnperj"cnmedin /)-is.Holy Temple hifore God; il is fo'd.)

v. 'nne Sacrifical Knife (This is.the defeription of the knife which is to ble ufld £'11 the killing of the' and en,emieJ for the completion ofthife warkingx. Itfoo.uld neuer hav,e been uJedfor any otber /1,[/ no'rjhe<Wn to .any:me whom

is not II oartieioa nt in thZ:s work) <. :'~, ~ , ~, ,,'. "_ \

r' T - : ~ , r.,l :J' , ,_ '_ ,'-

VI. lIThe Manner ofAfperfjon &Fwiligatioll. (This

bo(y orifon i; to he peifOrmed" without delay when. the n:ee~ is preflnt. {t Jbould he memorized by whotvt:r taluth ,Cln tbis

"Work.) ",

VII. .Of the Virgin Parchment {Here we II1';C gi'Vcn the manner ifcotiflruElicm of the panbment 'Which you will ufo for fbe bcoke and (lifo thefolumn pa8 which you 'Will make with the devils in you.r wfJrkingr. A!fo 'Wi:! are told likew.ifo in the makingoftht: magicalfltl./f which will be .ufod in the eeremanies.}

VIU. , Of The Lancet (.11 br-iifitiflru,Elirm on the need

for a Lancet; tbis is to' be ufod in the ble'cding of the animals and "topic whicbyou mufl render unto Gad in these Holy Wo.rk:ings. This tyP'r: ofwor:k can (In/y be rightly pnformed h)t one whom hath no ftar" as 'We are tald . .)



. 'I~']i RD PA·'R T T',~I ~.', '.'

'1[ht fuy of the ~ork

1. 1ThePreparation of the Opera tor (Tbis e:xp.laintfh the requifttes and preparati()n of whojot'Vtr may do the wa'rkings difcribed berein. The praClit:irJ-ner of tbis oooke will.fil;tdptllr/s ofwlfdom, ifh.e be ready in Spirit and

" Coriflitution to accept them .. The admonitions given are not to b~ ignored but are to be carefully abided by.)

,.--; (D:;, !"QE~C?n: Preparation (Giv.ethan humblingadoration if the God which hath created .all thingsJholhviJib'/e' andinvijibleJyeai euen the PillarsoJtht Uniuerse. It i~alfo a of abfolutio1l, as a c(jllieffirm.)

IlL '~Of the Magical Knife (Giveth tbe .t~nJl:ructions ojth.e uHlftrul}ioll o/ihe knife which is to be uftd in many of the wor.kings in Grimoirium Verum .. The time arid mater,ial afits conflruOion m.,Ufl not bt! ov,er-IQoked,·for in doil1gfo


(V1 )


C 1/11 >


IX. ,Makjng the Sacrifice of the Kid (lnjlrulliolJ in tbe killing of tbt. kld is heregiven hut this irifl;rufliotl is not explicit hut rather impl£cil. All of this is to he carried out w,£tbou/ reflrv'ation em your part:,)

X, lIInvocation {TJ3e' boly names and pray(!r~'With the manner of a Eli()1t for the conje,rvatim! or preftrv,atir:Jn (if the J7(Jnof fbe kid.)

Xl 1l0f Mpedion (This deals with the crmjlruEHon of the (ljlMrflr~ lo.oe uftd in the aJPerftolls and confo.crations in the ceremonles.]

XII. ,Of the Afperfion of theWater (qi'velh thr manner and words which are uftd in tbeasper./io'no/lh.e parcbmentJ Jkin and 'Water; after this is peiformed theft items are to be kept in the temple o/thy7J)'orking andjhould not be remcued.]

.XIII. 10frhe Perfumes (Expli'dt orders in. the 'ypeJ of

p.r!ifumes used in theft't:xperimcll/J,.) .

XIV. .The Orifon of the Aromatic Perfumes (An ancient method offon'e1ijj,:ng the perfumes oftlleftworki n.gJ~. this 'WClS taken dire£1ly from the Hebreu: tcmgutJ from the writings tfthe Rabbi Solomonandit ,is to he recltedin tbe

prefl nee oft bes e flnu perfumes.) _

xv, '~Of the Pen of the Art (Tbisis the manner of confir;r:atio.7l ojtb't ,(}(gil/which you wilt Iffo in the k,e.ep'ingoj the records of your w'orkingsl' it is to be dipped in your own blood and with this you wiilfign the fllumn paO of alliance

"l"ABLE OF CONTENTS with the' devils.)

XVI. .. Of the Ink Hom (Here we are Jald of/.be~ method wbich is lobe ufld to gain thtfoV(J't'ofGodin the'.ufo of/be InkHorn.)

_XVll. ,Of the Pentacle and Manner of Working (This is thefocred Pentacle of King Solom.on which be ufld to great @fl in hi1 expcrime,ts'b, or If)' we are to/d. It is a figur:e o[ great antiquity and mt1/ he reproduced in your work exal1ly as it is Jbewn.}

XVIII. ,IDifini:IIa1 of the Spirit (This is the ge,uTaJ dumiffid of tbt j}iriu wbich you will convocat« in theft expen'ments; this mufl be comittedto memory and be ready for tfe at any tim,(j!'which youm.ight TlJis 'Was taken

from the Latin: Tongue and is fo,~;d,to have In!:C1l' originally l!fod by our Cburchfothers.)

. XIX. Uhe Invocation (The in'lJoetltiongiven ber« brings forth an .interm.edJ"ary ;Pint which will render you flrvice~ if you in'V(JCnU him. It iJ this Jj>irit, of the rankof' Empe.rarJ whicb bri'ngs fort/; any of the devili Wbi~,h you may wf/h tbe conuerfation 0./)

xx 'fBenediftion of the Salt {Additional information on the c;o,yervation of the.fkin of the kid isgiven, alang with an orifon 'which hringeth fovarable refults.)

XXI. ,The OrifOll of the Stones (Thil u a rare and ejfiC(J,ci:ouI method ofbleffing the jJ:07leJ which you will ufo in thefl flcred experiments.)

r viu J


.( IX)

1Ch£ ,~an[tum 1R.fgnum


S av£arforh is ahedt·r!11(:e to depart uplHz/he arrrual ofChrifl.) IV. ~Conjuration for ASTAROTH (Tbeft are the words which evoke th~ i'nftrnal king Ajlaroth [oc Afhtaroth] in theft experiments.)

v. 1Delcending to the INP£JUoRS (Here noe are given tbe chtzraflerJ cf:tbejeruitors of Lucifer, B'Ielzibulb with a lable containing tbenames of/he inftrnoljubjetho[Syracb.)

VI. fI"he Cha.ra8:ers of the [5 INfERIOR SrUtffS (Here gi~etl are exo[J renditions of the {h,ara[}ers oftbe fifteen inftrior Ji'i,rils. When theftfpirits are brought forth they are to be brrJught to obedience. The method is to compel tbern to place their band upon the ,haraUe!" and fwea.rabedi:en.u. Tbil! demon giveth the prallitioner a fingle word to mlljorlh

the fPirit havingfworn the de· obedierue.]

V11. 'iConjuration for INfE.RroR SPIRrfS {Tbe lhirty-

two diab.olic names of power are given in their complete form. [cf. Pnak. Mss.~ 51°3; FOL. 7: ad (1 'V II ~K~ I &~6~ ·1 miser I IA-OEU I N:xghflreL ... H] This i,,(rr£bed in the hooke if the workings in thele.tteiform~;y S cirli n.}

VIH. 'lDifiniflil of the INftruo'R SPUIITS {This is" the manner ofliccnfing the devils to depart unto their abodes.] IX. ,AuQther Conjuration (EjJicacious and ventable (Qnjura tlon. Take dofo not ice to deflrrry the charaEiers or

fools after their u fe.) . '...

x. 10,rifon of the SALAMA.NDERS (This or.iftm bath been tefled and app~(}ved and is [aid to come from tbe





I. 'Invoc.ation to SClItUN (Here are tbe-uiords which britlgforth Selrlin in theft experiments.)

11 , Conjuration for LUClFER (Th' are the w~,t:ds whicbmiift befpokenby thepral1iti.oner to bring forth Lucifer in theft experiments.)

HI. "Conjuration for BEELZEBUB (The.foare the words which hring forth Be,elzebub [or Beelzebuth] in theft experiments. Blelztbutb, 'U.J0s confil)nled, by . the MeJliah

• while in tbe bo,dy of a beafl,. andjled. [C£ Nico. XVIII .. I4, ~VVhile the prince of Hell was [peaking t? Satan,. the King of Glory f~id to Bedzebuth~ the pnnc~ ~f hell~ Satan, the prince {hall 'be fubjeC1 to thY,dom!nlOn for ever, in the room of Adam and his righteoll..<i fons~ _who are mine. ti'] Bteizlbuth., it £y Jaid.'Wll-S later dignified by tbe



r xi )


authari'ty 0/ Appolonius ofT is inde,ed a powerjill conjuration" being given here for the firfl Iyme in the Englifo·)

Xl. .To Sec Spirits of the Ai.r (This paflicc is

defpiftd by GQd yet is ,required for tb« completion and requirement of/heft artes.]

XII. ,Difmi1l1ng Any Spirit (This is the manner of licenfi'ng the' .dev'ils to depart un to their abodes. It is identical It;thedismijfalofthe i'!fe:riorslvide Bk.w, §. '8.] except/bat it is to be given without bUn1'ing thu.haraBer.ulihe deolls.]


- N the ftrfl part is contained various

diJPoJitions ofcbarallers, by wbicbpowers theJPir£ts or, rather; the .dev'ils are invoked, to mahe them come when you will each

according to his powet; and to bring whatever is aJked: and tbatw,t"thout any diflomfort, providing a!fO that tbeyare content on tbeir ,'art; for ibis fort oj creature does not give anything for nothing. In theftr.ft part is taugbt the means ofca.llingflrth the Elemental Sp£rits of the Air, Earth, Sea or of the Inftrnus, according to tbeir affinities.

In the,focond part are exprrJfod the [ecrets, both Natura! and Supernatural which operate by the power of the Demons. You will find the manner to


(XU )

c xni )


maAe Ufo' oftbo», and all without deceit,

I n the third part is the Key to the Work, with the manner ofuJing it. But), before flart-ing this, it will be necejfory to he infouf/:ed in the flllr;;wing: There are three pow'en, 'which are /;Jtriftt; 'Beelzehuth and',c.lfftaroth. You muft. engrave their CharaeterJ in the correEl manner andat tbe appropriate hours. Believe me, all this is ofconJequence, nothing is to he





,. Concerning the Charallers of the 'Daemons'

- -- - au .MUST C.A.RRY the aforefaid chua8:er

with you; if you are male, En. the righ t pocket, lind it is to be writte n in yo ur own blQ~d or that of a fea -turtlc, You mufr pur

_ at the two half-circles the firfl IDener of

_ ,your and fiirname, And if you more, yo\.ll may draw the character on an emerald or ruby, fo.[ they have 3. {yrnpa'l:hy for the fpici,t5. ,efpe:cially thofe of the Sun, who are the' moil: know ledgE:ablc, and are be tt er th an the others. If you are a female, can)' the c.haraHer on the leftfidcJ between the brealls, like a Reliquary; and always obferving, as much as the other feX1 to v vrite or have engtaved the characleron the day and in the hour .0£.0. Obey the Ipirirs in.





THE F.IRST HOOKE S'1IJe ViJihte ,uIppearance ofJpiritJ

S piri ts do no r:: allways a,pp ear in the famefuape. Th is is becaufe they ;J.,£,C not thcmfelvcs of matter or form. and to find a body to appear in, and one fuitable to their intended rnanifeflation and appearance.

4c[ferappean in the form and figure ofa fairboy.\N'hen angry, he feems ted. There is, nothing monflrous about him.

CJ1ee./zebuth appears fometimes in mon1l:row: forms, fometimes like a gian t cow .a.l times like a .he-go at, wi th a. ~ollg tail, When angry, be vomits fire.

cAflarotb appears black" in human fllape.

Here follows the characlcIS of I.¥tifrr~ CBedzebu.thand c./ljlamth.

this, that:!: they may obey thee.

The, Ipirirs who are powerful and lexal~cd.) ferve only their confidants and intimate friendsJ by the pall: made or to be made according to certain c:haJ'3!Etclls at thewill ofJingamlmib or of his Secretary c.A"tlbidandes> of whom we will give you informatica, is the perfea- acquaintance to can" conjure and conflrain, as you will fee in the Key, where you wiU be given a method of makinga pall with the fpirits.

!T Of the :J!(g.ture' of Palls .' . _. _ .

There ;lire only two kinds of paB!:i; the tacn [or tmplUlI]

and the appareiu [or explicit]. You will know the one fro'fO the other, if you read this little booke, Know, however, ehat there are many kinds of fpirhs, fome atttaEl-ive and others not :attraCiive.

It is when you make a pa& with a Ipirit, and h~ve to give the [pint fon'letrung whwd~ belongs to you" that you have to he on your guard.


!17he Kinds of Jp£rits

-, 1 n regard to fpirii.ts ~ there are the Iupericr and the inferior.

Names of the fiiperiors are: .(urift:rJ "Beelzebu!/), djlarotb. The. inferiors of£...uciferare in Europe and Afi3~ and obey him, r:B'e,e/zehuth lives in Africa, and ,c./fflarolh inhabits America,.

Of there, each of [hem has two who. order their fubje€..9:s all thatwhich the Empemr has refolvcd to do in all the world, and vice-verfo.



- ,

F.N_ rr 0 ~rlJr


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..- ..=;~~ ... :.- -- ,=. '..'-'.-.- .. ~.. ... - .. '.-,~~

natural & 15up ern am ra I 15ccf'cts


,; O· Planeta Hours

.. -.- _-- :' LANET ARY HOURS can often be of great

, ... : lmportance in performingva.rious experi-

• 1 ments, Failure to obferve the pr'opcr day , and. hour may nullifyyour effort or be the I: efficient caufeof an unwanted eff"e8. The _. _ allrologic day is divided into 24 hours, and begins, and ends at Sunrisewith one of the Koq.wtq)u1:wp (kofmokraters) ruling each hour. The wcekis feven days with a kofmokrator ruling each day,

The fev,en days with rulers are as follows: 1fSaturday; Shabbathi, ruler: 1); IIffhurfday; T zedek, ruler: '4; -'TuefdaYt M:ldinl, ruler: d; 'Sunday; Shemefh, ruler: 0; 'Friday; Nogah, ruler: 9;, '~edneCday; Cohab, ruler. 9; 'Monday; Lebanch, ruler: )_


Hr M Tu W 1"'h F Sa Su
I 0 ~ d 9 1j « b
2. 9' 1) 0 ) 6 9 It
J, Q "It () b '0 ) 0
4 ) d Q ~ « b 0
5 1) 0, ) d QI It 9
6 1t 9 b ,0 ) d 9
7 d Q It '9 b (3 ~ Since hours 1,8,,15, 22;1, 9.,~61,23; ].j 10, 17, 24; 4" II, 18;

5 12 19'··. 6 13-,2.0· and 7···TA• 21 are identical, repetition lS

, -- ~ )., . _ J J . , ...,.. -


~~O' make 'Three fjirls or nne gent/erne,!, appe'ar in your CZV!.o'm~ after Jupper

It is neceffarv ro be three days chafle, and you will he

'-J - "),

elevated. /. " - '. ',' . .


On the fouTtll day, as: Coon as it is morning, dean, and prepare your room, as foon as you have dreffed. yo~ mUll be fafting a.t: this time, 1Vbk.e furerhar Y'OUJt room ''V'111 not be difiuebed for the whole of the enfuing day. Note that. there fhall be nothing hanging, neither anything cToffwife to a.nything dfe, no t~pefuies or clothes hanging.and no hats O[ cages of birds, or curtai~s of the bed, and [0 on. Above all,


llilake Cure that everythiD.g is dean in evcry-w:ay.


Afreryou have fuppe,dt go kcnztly to YOW" room, which has been cleaafed as already defcribed, Up-on the table there is now to be ret a white cloth, and three- chairs at the table. In front of eachplace, ret a ~~~~ar:~n roll.and a g)a& of clear and fn:fh. water. Now place a chair at the fide of the boor and retire" wh i Ie [a yin g this:


"'l1:Jlidtum umfo.latio oeni ad me vertat Creon, CreotJ', Creon, caniar laut/em ommpotrmtis ,et non commentur. Stat jup,erior earta bien! laudcm omviifb'.a pri.ncip£rJm da montem d in imicas meas opr.oflam is vohis e/ mihi danles que paJli um .fieri. fincifibul. I'

The thrice people, having arrived, will fit by the fire, eating and drinking" and will thank the perfon who has entertained them. If you Me a gentleman. three girls: will come; but if you are a lady, three )"Oung men will be involved,

Then the three will draw lots as to whom. is to' na.y with you. If the operator is a man, the girl who mills will fit in the chair which you have platred by the bed, and The will nay and be with you untli rnidnight.. At this time {he will taketh her ~!eave~ with her companions, all withourhsving been difmiffed. The two others will !lay by the fire, while the firfr entertains you.

While {he is wish you" you may afk her any queflion, about anyart or fcience, or upon a.nyfubjeCl at all, and file will


at once givcyoUi a certain reply. You. can afk the whereabouts of hidden. treafure, and {he will. rell you where it is, and how and when to remove it. If the trealure is under theguardianfhip ofinfcmal [pirit5~ rile will come he:mfe;lf, with hercompanions, and defend you againft thefe fiends.

When Ihe leaves, {he will giv,e yOll ;01 ring, If you wear this on your finger ~ you will be fClTtunate at gambling. If you place it on the finger of any woman or ,gid; you will he able at once to, obtain your will ofher .. NOTE: The window is to be left open. You can do this experiment as often as you ple:afe.


~To c7W"ake a girl come to You huw'(J'VcrcJ'vtodejl

fit! may CBe . '.. .

Experiment of a marvelouspower of the fuperior intel-

ligences. Watch for the crefeenr or the waning moon, and whenyou Iee it, make Cure tha:cyoufiee:lJfo, between the hours of eleven and. midnight. Before beginning the procefs, do th us; take a virgin parchmen t, and write 'on it the nam e of the girl whom you defire to come. Thou mufl ~olcl in thy mind the face of the woman of your defire, As with the rea of the the experiments in this booke you muft onJy use the virgin parchment which you ycurfelf have prep~ed. in th.e hour and day which arc prefcribed. The fhape which IS to be written on the parchment is: to. be as rOll fee in the figure following.

On the other fide of the parchment, write MaClilAi!:L, BARESCHAS, Then put the parchment on the earth" with the part'iI! the name of the penon. is written next' to the ground .. Place your right foot upon (he. parchmellt~ and your .left kriee, bent, upon the ground.

Then look to the higheft Gar in the Jky .. while in this pOlltion. In y'Our rightha.nd hold a raper 'of white wax, f~den.cly Ia,rge to hum for one l'tollr. Th.l,;:fIl fay the' followiflg' c:ollJuranon.

~ Tbe Conjuration

I talm,e thee and conjure thee, 0 be~utifulMoon, 0 mQfi: bealrtiful Star, 00 brilliant lightwh:ich I have in my hand. By

(100 )

en ;.


the light which I have in my hand. By t~e air_that.1 bre3_rhc within me, by the earth that I am touchmg~. I ,conJu~e thee. By the narru~s of the f~irit prinDes living "' ;o~. By. the ineffable name ON, wl'l1ch ~.eated evcrythmg. ~Y Y~~J ,0 refplend,ent angel GAIIRIEL, WIth the planet Mercury, I nncet

M]Cl-l.t'EL and lvlELcHmJEl.. . . . .l . .' .'.'., '. ~_

I conjure you by ill the Holy N ames of God, ~f)

. that you may tend down power to opprefs, torture and bara[s the body and fOld and the five fenfes ofN.t fhe whofename is'W1ittcn here, fo that file may come UL1tO me. Let her then 'be tortured, made to luffet. Go~ then, at once! GOt MF.l.£~ nDNL~

"7.... F "'.~, M· " ...... ·,·A· and an rhofe who are

B.ARESCHES~ ~EL, ·l ..... ."..._." .... ~-:!-·I '. . ....

with theel Lconjure you by the Crcat Living God to obey my

will. a n d 1, N., prorniie tc tatiff.y you. . .

When this conjuration has been faid thr-ee times, burn

. ·L. . hment with the t p- .. · .. Take g. reat cere to see that the

tfle. pare 'men,- . •. .1.. . -' - ..

parchment is enrlrely and wholly burnt. Oot~le n~tda:, take the pau:hment, put it in your left fhoe, and let it fla? there urrtil the perfon whom you have called comes to (e~ky au 01..11.

, •• - - '.' . ft· r_y the dare that {he. IS. to COl.ll;C"

In. the c:onjurahOn I.a. . .. .._ ... _ .... - . . •.

and :ille will not be abfent. All of this ¥Viti come to be.lfyo~ are caIcful in out the fteps and do not tarry m this


.g'Divination fry the Word of .oriel '. .... ' .. _ ... _

T' .. 1: .... d in this ope ranon he who mak .. es the ex. pen.

o 1l.UCccc. .. '. " ... -' . ~

_ .. -.' .a.'d--.- .. £1' '.1 th'i in g'~Whl·c·h.a.remldherein.HeistochoQfe

fl'I.:entn'luu _0 aLL , ' ~, . .... .-

( 12 )


aImall room Of" placewhich for nine days or more has not been vifit,ed by women in an impure flare.

This place mull be well cleaned and cOfJfeaared~by means of·con(ecrat.lOns. and afperlions .. ln. the: middle of the mom there is to be a table covered with a white doth. On this is a new glafs via] full of [pring water, brought !hortly before the operation, with three finall tapers of ~rgin wax mixed with human fat; a piece ofvirgin parchrnent, and the quill of a raven fuitable for writing with; an inkpot ofchine full of fn';lh ink;a. fmalleoneainer of metal with materials to make a fire. You mufralfa. finda boy of nine or ten years of aget who Dud! be well behaved and cleanly drdfed. He fhou%d be intellige-nt and fenfitivc and in a Hate ofpurity~ .He fhould he [!landing] near the table. A large new needle is taken, and

"one of the three tapers is mounted upon it'll fixinches behind the gIafs. The other two tapers i'houfd be pofitioned at the .right and left of the glaIsJ and an equal diflance away.

\Nhlle you are doing this) fay: g.abamiah, cAdonaYJ v4g1a, o Lord a/Powers; aid us.' Place the virginparchment on the right of the glafs ana the pen and ink on the left .. Before fiartin,g~ clofe the door and windows. Now fti:r the fire, and light the wax tapers. Let the boy beon his knees, looking. into the glafs: vial that he may behold the vifion therein, He Ihould be bareheaded and his hands joined in order to do this. Now the Malle.r orders the boy to flare fixedly into thevial, and [peaking fofdy into his right ear, he Giys the following conjUf":n:~on~

(13 )

GRI MOl RI U M VERUM, 11 Tbe Conjuration.


I beg and conjure thee by the four words that God fp'oke with His mouth co His Iervanr Mo[es.


And by the name of the Nine Heavens in which thou livcfl.and alfo by the virginityofthl$ child who is before thee, to appea:r at once, and vifiblYJ to reveal that truth which 1 defile to know. And when this is done, I fhall difcharge thee in peace and benevolence, in the. Name of the Moll Holy Adonay.

'vVhen this conjuration is firufbed, aik the childwhcther he eipies anything in the vial. lfhe anfwers that he feeth an angel or any other materialization, the Mailer of the opera ~ tion Ih .. ill fay in a friendly tone:

Bldred [pi.r'r:, welcome, 1 conjure thee again, in the Name of the Moil Holy Ado nay, to reveal to me imrneoia.ldy whatfoever 1 may afk of thee ...

Then fa.y to the [pirit:

Ifr for any realon, thou daft not willi what thou f3:y,e:;fi to be heard by others:

I conjure thee to write the anfwer upon this virgin parchment, between this time and the morrow, Orherwife thou mayfl: reveal if to me in my Ileep,

If'rhe fpirir anfwers audihlYt you mufllillen with refpect.

Ifhe does not Ipeak, after you have repeated the fupplilcation


three times, Inuff the tapers, and leave the room muil the following day. Return the next mo'rningJ and YOll will find the anf'We.r written on the vjrgin parchment, if it has not been revealed to you in the night.

S"'TJiv,inati:ot1 by llie egg

The operation of the Egg is to knowwhat will happen to anyone who isprefenr at the experiment.

,One ,takes an egg of a black hen, laid in the daycimeJ breakcrh it, and removerh the germ.

You rn un have a la.rg,e glafsJ ve,ry thin a nd dear ~ Fill this with clear water and into it put the. egg-germ ..

TIl'l! gla[s is placed in [he Sun at midday in fiirnmer, and the . Dlr~aor of the operation will recite. the prayers and conjurations of the day.

Th e fi:: prayers and conjurations are {uen asare found .w n the Key of Solomon. in which we treat ll,mply of airy fpirits. -

And with the indCJ>fi.nger, agitate the water, to-make the germ turn. Leave it to rcil at moment, and then look at it through the glafs~ not touching it, The:n you wiU fee the anfwer, and it Ihould he tried 'on 31 Working-day ~ becaufe th'efe are fpir~t5 that will come during the times of ordinary occupataons .

. . Ifone willies to fee if a boy or a girl is a virgin, the germ will fill toO the bottom; and if he (or ,{he) is not, it will. be as ufual.


~A ~re fs Jurprifing .:;iW.agical Secret . ..

The manner of making the Mi1"ror o[Solomon., u(efu~ {or

all d~vin3cions~

In the name of the Lord, Amen. YI.: Ihall fee in [his minor

anvthingwhicbyo'lll may dcfire,.,In the nameofth,e; Lord who is blclfedl in the name of the Lord, Amen. Fldl1y, you nuill abfiain fmm all aCtions of the flclb,and alto from any [j,~~ whether in word or a.e.tion] ,during the period of time laid down herdn. Se.condly, you rnufl:pe:rfonn albs, of good. and piety. 'Thirdly, take a plate of finen fteel~. bur~ifued a~d ilighdy curved, and with me blood of a w~ute pIgeon wnte upon it~ at the fou.r corners, rhefc n9me:S~ J1H-tOVA~ ELOYM,


- Phll,e,e the fieel in a clean,'l! doth. Look for the new

.MQont in the firf!: hour after the Sun has (et~ and when you fee it, go to awindowllookdevol1tlrtowardsHea~~n~ and fay:

a tEternal, 0 KinglEterna11 God Ineffablel T~lOU, who

IUlftcreated all things for the love .afmco, andbya cOllceah::d dccifion tor the well-being of man, ddgn Thou to. look on

m .. N.. wbo am Thy·' monunfit and unworthy Servan.t, and

..... , • ~I

look upon this, whlch is my intention. . . .

Deign to fend unto me T~ill.e An.~l, ~na€1 up~n this fame mirror; he does command <lfld order hIS comp;;l.lUons~ whOID Tholl h,aft formed, 0 MOon p.o:wcrfu~ Lord, who ha.ft always been" whoorrt, and who !baU e:'er b~; .[0 that in Thy nam~e they may work and aEt with equlty, glvmg, me knowledge in e~erything that 1 (hall reek to kno,w of then)..


N ow you~re to throw down upon the burni.l}!g embers 3. perfume. While you axe doing this, L'1y:

In. this and with this, th~t I pour ((}l"rh before Thy fa ce I' ? GoOd, my God, Thou who art blefl"edjThree in One, and III th.'e fiat<: of exaltation mofl (ublirn,eJ who fits above the Cherubim and Seraphim, who wiD judge the earth by fire, hear me!

. This is to be raid three rimes. WhC'll you have done fo, breathe three times upon the Iurface of the: mirror, and fay;

. Cm:oeJ• come: and let ilr he thy agreement to be.

Wl~ • me willmg~y! in the name d'!: of the Father, the ,MoOll Pmfiant, in the name. lit of the SOon, .M.oil \Vi£'eJ in the name Jl4 of the Holy Spirit, the Mofl; Livin,g!

Come, . r;...A"nall, . In the terrific: name of jehoval Corne, ~1l(Je1~ ~Y thepower of the ev.erliving Elohiml Corne, thee, by ther,gnrarm of the mjghty .Met:atmn!

Cume to me. N., ;md order thy fubje8s fo rhat thej- may m~ke ~Qwn to .me through their love, joy and peace, the thm.gsth:at arc hidden from my eyes.

\J\fhen y~u have .finifhed th~5) mire YiOur e.yes toward He aven and fay:

. 0 moll powerful Lord, who does caufe ill things to move ~n rucc~rdance with Thy will, linen to my prayer, and nnay my m~cntu:U1s be aggre,eable to Thee! 0 Lord, if tt be Thy will) dClgn~ogrt:z.cupon ,this mirror and fa.nal:ty itt that Thy Servant c../Inael may comethereto with his compauions, and be agreeable to me, N'.I Thy poor arid humble fcrvand 0

(17 )



God, bleffed and raifedabove all the fpirit5 of'Hcaven, . J 'hem who liveft and rcigncll for all time. fE Amen ID

VVhen this is done, make the Sign of the Crofs over yourfelf. and alfo on. the mirror on the fira day ~and alfo on the next fourty and fiv'e days. At the end ofrhis time, theangd c./l-'u;l,il will ap pea.r [0 you, like unto a bca utiful ch ild, Hew ill gred you, 'and will order hlscompanions to obey Y1()u.

Itdoes not always, require as long as this to caufe the angel to appear, however. He may come on the fourteenth daYJ but this will depend upon the degree of application and fervor of the operator,

\Vhen he comes, afk him whatever you ma.y deJin~.1 and alfo beg him to come and do your will whenever you Ihall call him.

When you want r./fnail to come again. after the firH rirne.all you have to do is to perfume the mrrror, and fay chefe words: Come, c.lfnaif4 come, and let it be thy:agfeem,cntand the rdlof this prayer to dnael as we have given you

. . .

above, until the Amen,

-$7"0 ,cYW"ake Onifelf Invijible

CoUelt [even. black beans .. Start the rite on a. W,ednefday, before (un rife. 'Then take the head of a dead man.and put one of the black. beans in his mouth, two in his eyes and [lNO in his ears. Then make upon h.~s bead the character of the spir~t U'Vf,oraH which follows,

When you have done this, bury the head, with the face upwards, and fOT nine clays, before fiinrife, water it each ","~i~l excel~ent brandy, On the eighth da.y you will find the fpH'a mentioned, who will:lay to you; "VVhat wilt thou?"'

. .. You:~ reply: "I am warering my plant.' 'Then the fpirit will fay: ?IV'C ~e the bottle" I defire to' water it myfel£" In aflf~er" refufe ,~un this, even though he will a,fkyou again.

Then he will reach out with his handJ' and will d.ifplaytQ you that fame figure which you have drawn upon the bead. N o,w you can. be Cure that it is the right fpirit, the fpirit of dl~ head .. T~ere as a danger that another one might 1:1)'" to trick you. J\'Vhtch woul d hi ave evil confe que n.,ceS-----and in th a t cafe your operatlon would not fucc'eed.

Then you may,give him t1:H! bottle, and he will. water the bead. and leave. On the next day when you return, you will

(18 ;;

( 1'9 )


+ . t· • ng·· T'ake them and put (hem

d 1 - b rhatare germuu. 1 ' • ' '

fin t:le ,cans - .' . - • .'.' ,-.r:-1If·. the minor. If you can

. . "'.' th and ~ookatyouneil.' In" ...

m your rnou , ,. _ . Ie r., "way either

" ' , . " .' ',' " :", well. Ten the others III tne I,arne,. " ~ ,

fee oothm,g~ It lS . , _. tb: ' f "hild. Th.ofc wluch do nO~

., ' ' " wn mouthl or m t. at 0 a c -, "

m your 0, ' ",k ~"'~ ,f·th the h'ead.

I' • - r,;~~:1 ;"" 'ut· to, be :rt'lJu,nc(, y,: J ' '

l,'l ~HH'r I 'Il~·un' ,n.' • ' ' ~


The )Krn of 'The {([ork


As he fays this the operator is to wa.fu his face and hands with the water that he is bleffing.

NOT£.: Til is water is to. be ufed fo:rwafiling the hands and feet, and know alfo----and know and know again-that it is neceffary and. 010:0: neceflary, to abQain three days fro',m ,:fin

( 21)

(2.0 )


and above all mortally, however much the human frailty may be" and efpecially guard your dla.fiity.

During the: three days} fl:udy the book and during this time} pray five times. during the day and four times each night, with the following form:

cAjlrachior; darh,. cAcala, t..4/J'.edum a baIt J ila/, c/lrs.aDot,QS, Jefi,bilhl~ Jdngin, qetu!or1) 'Domol. ,0 Lord my God> Thou who art feared higher than the Heavens, Thou who Iecth even unto the depths, I pray that Thou bestcw unto me the: things which I have in my mind and that I may be fuccefsful in them: through 'Thee, '0 Great God, rheiEc,ernal and who. reigns fo rever and eve r. 'Ii A men ffi

All this having been. done correctly, all that remains is to follow your invocations and draw yourcharacters and you do which follows.

( 22)

~- .: ~ I.E THl RD BOO KE

• ~

I i


~ Ori.fon.~ 'Preparation

'1J'1N, who haa made man in Th', .... '., '

r: '. 1(...1_ . '. me own Imag.,e and

r,elemuance Out of not-run 'I '1" . fi'- .' . . .

T- hee . 1 • ' .•• g .. ~ POOL Inner that I am be .

.ee t,o delgn b1efsand fa If h'm .. " . ..1 g

healthy for my bod-- and 7ni'"Jt " water, fa. that It ~ay be fu· Jd d . - . . ! - . r foul, ,and that all foolillin efS

OU ' epart from.t.

Lord God~ aU-pow.erful a d '_cr bl '. - .

. '" . _ . . -. . -. n· mCJ..ra .. e, and who ledTh .

p .... e.ople .ou.t. 0. f t ... h.· 'I.e lando. f iEPVnl. an d h . s : ibl d h . .,r. emes the R .. .. ... .. OJ r "... ·.·as enao e· t em to

. .' ne Red Sea With ci:ry feed Accord me this, that I may

(2] )


be purified by this water of all rny fiilSt fo that I may appe:ar innocent before Thee! ffi Amen ~

Vlhen the operator has thus purified himfdf,. he is to fet aboutthe making of the Inflrurnents of the Art.

:r Of the c5'V!ag;call(yifo _.

It is ncceffary to ha.v!e a knife or lancet, of new fled, made on the day and hour ,0fJ upiter with the Moon crelcent, If it cannot be made, it may be bought" but this .muft be done at the time, as above.

Having achieved this, you will fay the Orifon or Conjuration following, which Will Ce,I1lC for the knife and lancet,

SCo1'ljurat£on oftbe Injlrumc.nt ,

I conjure thee, 0 form of the Inftrum,enf~ by the authority of our Father God J\lmmghty, bythevirtues ofHeaVlc.:n and by the Stars, by the virtue of the Angels? and by the virtue of the Elements, by rhe virtues of the ilones and herbs, and of fn,ow-ilonns, winds and thunder: that thou now obtnin all the neodlruy power into thyfelf for the perfeEHoniog of the achievement of thole things .in which we are at prefent concernedl And thiswithout deception, untruth] or anything of that nature whatfeever, by God the Creator of the Sun of Angels! ffi Amen III

Then we recite the Seven Pfalms, and afterwards the following words:

Dalmaley lame£h cadat pa71'cia ve/ouf merroe lamidecl:


caldur:ecl.J' 4'turelon mitraton.Mofl Pure Angels, be the: guardians of there i:n£lrumem:sjj they are needed foX" many things.

1J"'n.e SncrijicialKrJifo

On the day of 0 (T uefday J at the New Moon, make a knife of new fl:edwhich is frmng enough to cut the neck of a kid with oneblow~ and make a wooden handle on the [a:rne day and in the fame hour, and with it you ret down 0.0 tbe handle thcfe ,elnua8:crs:

Then afperge and fu,migat.e it, and )IOU have prepared an inftrument for Ierviee when. and where you wifh. -

fj"T1Je c.?W'"ann'cr ofcAJjerg£ng & 7umlgation

Firft, there is t.he Or-iron which is needful onafpcIgingt

and it: is thus ;r'ecited:' .

A lperge.r m c. Domine, o),.rso1'oJ cJ m ulld'aoor;,' La<oab,:s me~, et mj)'cr fJ'ivem de.a,ibalu)r:.

In the name of the im.mortal God"Afpcrge N. and dean yo~ of all foolifhnelSand deceit) and you will be whiter than en,ow. .~ Am,en f.h

Then pour as the afperfion blefled water thereofl,f.'lying:

(25 )


"~n the name of the. Father ~~and of the Son ~ and of the Holy ~ Chon, EE4 Amen .~

There afpt::rGoru are neceflary for CV'1;;iY item of cqu ipmen r; fo alfo is the fumiga tio n which follows.

To fumigate, it is neoeff:uy to have a crufe, ill you plac1e coal newly kindled with a new fire, and let it be wcl~ ablaze .. On this youphc.e arornatica.and when perfi.:uning the: article inquefhion, fay the following:

Angels of God~ be our help, and may our work be acco mplifhe d iby you~ .Zg lt1y~ J abnay,CJJalmaYJ r;;.A.n.gre8017 .• ijdricm, L.lfmifor~ Eucbey. Or:. Gr,eatAngeh: And do thou ai[o~ 0 Adon;ay,. come and giv,e to this. a virtue fo dlal this creature may gain a fhape, and bythis let our work be accomplifhed, In the: namecf'rhe Father W and of the Son III and of the. Holye Ghon, w Amen IB

Then recite the Seven Pfalms which come after Judicu.m .tuum Regida and Laudase Dominum. omnes gC7Jtes.


You make '[he magical fiaffoftheArt from Hazel wood. that has never home] and cut It with, a lingle flake, on the day an.d in the hour oft? rWrednefd:ayJ,:llt the) [CreLcent Moa'n]. A .. nd you engrave it with the needle, the pen or th'e lancer, in the following ·c::bara8el's:-the fe;a1 andcharnCl:er of :Frimofl to he infcribed on. thefirfl Rod.



Then you make anothcrflaff of Ha.21d wood, which has never borne, and which is without feed, and cut it in the day and hour of r:be 0 [Sunday], and on this you engrave thefe chru:a,tiers ~

'!J. Of the Virgin Pan:h'ment

Virgin. parchment can. be made ~n rnanj: vrnys. Generally it is made of the non of 3. goat or a larnh, or other animal,

!L' h a ·b· •..

'Vn~C .. rmnt I ,e vugln.

After infcribing on the blade AG.LA and havin.g fumigated it, the knife will reeve: you for all purpofes.

Remember that when you make the Sacrifice in order to <obtain the virgjD parchment from the lad, all the imllrum.cnts . mufr be on the altar,


.. The feal andcharact,er of K:l..€fpotlJ [or QJiphoth] is to be infc:ribed on the Cccond Rod ..

(26 )


'This havi ng belen done, you L'ly over your b~Lt{)n the

following Orifon: . . ' ..

Mot1wife, mofl powertulAdon~y~ deign to blefs, [a~chfy

and confervethis rt:afffo that it may have the' neceffaryvirrue, o 'moil holy Adonay, to whom he honor and g]ory for a~

time. !It Amen IIi

fJOfrhe l§ncet .,1

It is necefiary to have a new lancet, conjured and pre-

pared like the knife and fickle, Make iti~ t~e, day and hour of Mercury. at the C:refcentMooo. Now follows the method

of Making the Sacrifice. of the Kid.

!f c2\1.aking the Ja.crifice of theKj,d

. Take your gnat and place it on a. fIla.t lurfaceJ' 10 tl~at the

throat is upperman, the better to cut it. Take your kI~lfe and cut the throat with a Jingle ftroke1 while pronouncing the name of the Spirie you wifh to invoke.

For example. you fay: . .

"Jk'illy~'u in the name ami in the banor of:J(."

Thisis to be well undcrll:ood~ and take care that you fever the throat at frill. and do nor take two hut fee that he

dies at the urfl:. -

Then you £kin him with the knife, and at the Ikinning

make this I nvocati on which followeth.


'!t Invocation

r:A'.donay. VolmaYJ .('auday~ TeIT:agrammat().n~ ,uifMrdon, and all youlHoly Angels of God}ca,.m,e and be here, and deig,n ro infufe .into this ficin the power that it maybe correEUy co nfervedJ Co that all that is written upon it may become penccb::d.

Mer the Ikinning, take well-ground Ialt, and lhew tills upon. the i'kint which has been nretched~and let the' faltcover the ficin welt Before you ure the fall it muft be confecrared ufin,g the B.enedilrjon of the Salt, which is given elfewhere in this Hooke.

!T Ofc.AJPcrJiOll

You take an afpcner made with a bunch of mint, marjoram and rofemary which is fecured by ,3 thread which has been made by a 'virgin maiden.

The afpergcJ is made in the day and hour of Mercury when the Moon is at its crefcene,

~ Of the cAJPe1ion 0/ the Wafer

All water ufed in there experiments :muft be afperged, by fayingtnis avec it: Lord Godt Father, ali-powerful, myrefug'e and my life, help me. Holy Father, for I love you~ God of Abr,aham,, ofIacob" of the Archangels and Prophets, Creator of All. In humility" and, calling upon Thy holy Namc~ I fupplicate that thou wilt ~gree to ble[s this water, fo that it mar fanaify OUf bodies and our fouls, through Thee,

1 I·

(29 )


moll. holy Adonay, Everlafting Ruler. I!iI AmenliC

The Ikin is allowed to dry after this, and before qu i t"

the Ipor, fay over the parchment;

"'"./ r ".,_. ff ;g··.I,.a· "".·."',..",d· .... ~,roi %. Emmtltl.u.e/.I Stand gu ... ard over

J"_" b!':lJ,' - 'J. J'I'J' - J ~t:1(. -) ,.,

this parduncnt~ in order that no fpe&a may take charge of


When the Han is dry .it ,may he' removed fro,mils wooden

frame, blefled and fumigated, and then it is ready for ule, It is important that this muG: not be feen by any wonlc~, and more efpecially ,dwin,g certain. times of theirs, othcrwiie

it willlofe its power. ._ Theopcra.tor is to fay one Mafs ofrhe Nati-vity'mcn} and

all the ~nfirunlent'S are to be on the altar.

~ Of the Peifum(!J .. .

Thefe 31J"ie to be wood of aloes, Incenfe and mace. As for

the mace, this is all that you need for the ciacle, and over the pertumes is to he [aid the following Oriion,

grOt! Oriflm ojlbe,rAromali.c Peifumes ._..

Deign, 0. Lord, to f:mtHfy tbe creature of this, m. order that it may be a remedy for the human. race, and that rt may be a remedy for our fouls and bodies, through the invoking of Thy holy Name! Agree that all c;re31tures. which ~a:y breathe in the vapor of this may have wealth of their bodies and fou1s~ through the Lord who has fafllioued the time

a!t,ernal! ill Amen i>B

(30 )

THE THIR.D BOOKE !f Of the Pen oftbe drl

Take a. .l'U . ."W 'quiiUy and afperge and,te this in the fame way as the other infirumen:t5:;. and when you are cutting its: poin ts, fay:

cAbabaloy~ Jamo)', Bjcnvort c.A'dona),~ I have from this quiM. driven out all illufions; [0 that it may hold within irwieh effe&ivencfs the power needed for all th~ie things which are u(ed in the Art: for both the operations and the characters

d .. A

an .coujuranons, lit . men 1{4


~ . :1'1 I

! i :d


~Oftht! Ink-bar»

You. buy a new Ink-horn on. the day and in the hour of Mercury ... ,;l.t this: time, alfo, there characbers are (to be j infcribed upon it:


Then .newly-made ink is exorfized with (his exoreifin before being placed in the horn:

I exorcife you~ Creature of this Inkr by the o/a.mcsdt!ftonJ, Cerrdon.,, cA"donay, and by the Name of He who created all by one word) and who call achieve all} fo that you i'hall a.ffin: rnc in my work, and fo this work rn~y be accornplifhed by my defire, and brought to a fuccd5ful end through the a:gr,eemen(' ofGod~ H,e who rules all things, and

. through all things, omnipr,efenr and <etcxnal, ffi~ Amen ~ Then the ink. is to be blefled with dlis Bleffing:

Lord God" Nmig.ho/) ruler over ill and foreYler, Thou

f ].1 )


who doft cauG::. to take place the gr1catdl wonders in 'Thy creations, deig,n to g,rant the grace of Thy holy fpirit through this ink. Slees ~t, andf.'luliify it, and impart to it a i1Jc'cial po:wer,that whatever we may fay or do or ddirem~ly be aceomplifhed: through Thee, Mofl Holy Prince) Adonay..

~ Amen lit

!T Of the Pentacle and the c..?\t!annerofW()~king

1 have put here the form of the Pentacle ofSQlrJmcm fiJ that you may mike the arrangernents, t:heybeing of,great impor-


~t11m(lt of ilolomon

(32 )

" , '

',' .. ,

f •

: i ,


. , ~


Whe~ you make your circle, before cn(e~'~ng therein, it is to be perfumed with mufk, ambez.aloes, wood and incenfe, And ~o~ the perfume which you will need for the invocations, that 15 incenfe alone.

It is to be obferved that you need to, have always a fire invocations, and when you perfume, [his, m.ll he in the na~:e of the fpirit that you would invoke. VV'hen you are placing the perfume on the firel fay all the time:

I burn this, N.~ in the' name and to the honor o.fN.

It is to be remembered th~t YOll muil hold. the invocation in the fleft hand, and in the: right a rod ofelder, and a. ladle and a knife are to be at yOUl' feet.

'''hell all rhis is ready, nand infide the circle. If you have companions with you~ they are to hold a hand one of the other, "\\'hen infidet trace the form of the' circle with the knife of the Art. Then pick up the wands, one after the other, reciting the fifdeth Pfalrn. \¥hen the circle is, complete, perfume' and fprinkle it with holy water. CharaCters are to written at the four corners of the circle, There are generally ~urpe?t~desJ on~ateach_pointoftheeompafs:; and thefpirit fS pr,olublted fpeclJically from cnrering into the precincts of the circle.

Then the invocations am to' he repeated feven times .

When the fpirit appears) make him fign the: character which you are holding in yOU! hand, which promifes [hat he will come whenever you may call him, Aik for what you think

needed and he will give it to you.. .

(33 )


! q]ifmiJJal "1' tbe Spirit .

Let him go away in there words: ..

Ire in pace ad lora veflra et paxfit interoos redirur} ad 1nccu.m: vosinvotarUtro~ i.n nomine Patris ~. etfiiii if! it Spiritus SanS: ~ Amen liE

[uGo in peace unto your abode and let there he peace between you and I,and be ready to come to me when. you are invoked; 'in the name ofrhe F ather~ and the. Son WaI1.d of the Holy Spirit w Amen ~""'J

STh,e: Inuocation .


This Invocation is to be made on virgin parchrncnt, with the characters of the dsemon upon it" which cauCes. the intermediary JeirHn to come. It is,Scirlin who bringcth all the others to your oonvcrfatkm. For from this d.ep~nd, ~ the o rhers, and it can confrrain. them to a.ppear In ~pLte of thc.mrclves, as he has the power of the Emperor ~m11s re~~y to fcrve him wbo who giveth.a facrificc; as ~t is fald, that It IS important that these creatures be. content on thier own. part elfe they will do, you no fervice ..

fTbe CBenedif1ian of the Jalt '...

I exoreife you, o creature of the Salt, by the Gud ~ho ],S living~ the God of all Gods, the; Lord of all Lords, that all

(34 )



.1 j




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, ..

, ; 1. .~ ~


fant'afics. may leave YOU; and. that you may be fuitable fOf" the virgin parcbment.

Men this is finiihcdl, let the lkin with the faIt upon it ~eJn a in in th e fun for a full day ~ The n obtai 11 a. glazed pottery Jar; and write there cJl:.lI'atters around it with the Pen of the Art:


Get q' uic1dime and lla.k, ·C· this ,~";th ....... onrr;rp..-1,.~ .. _ ... __ . ..l

. . ,-' ' •. "' • .11 ~ .. ,- ~---:. .................. .__ "fA'~",,",''', dJJI'U

pu t thefe in (.he j ar. Whc,1) it is Ii q placei t i no yo UT goatfkln,

and Ieave irlong enough for the hairs to' peel offpf rhcm1clves.

As LOOn as the h.a~r is in fuch a. condition as to come off with a touch, remove it from the jar and peel the hairs with a, knife made fi:omcarved Hazel The knife muf] have bad there words { over it: '0 holiefi: Ado nay. put intQ this wood the power 11::0 deanfc :this Oci.n,throu,ghth.e holy name cA'gafon. !ii. Amen.!l3'

Theflcint when peeled, m~y be J1r,ctdled over a piece of newwood, and nones arc to be placed on the Ikin, fo that they hold it down. 'Thefe are to be Hones from a river bank Before thou placerh the fiones it is important to recite the Orifon of the Sto'.nes Over them, which followeth"


f7he Orifon of the Jtones '. . .

o Adona)" mofi puiffan.t and all-powerful Lord} allow

[ there from:s may fi:rerch thisOcin, a.nd eernove from them all w:~c~ednief5, fo that they may poffefs the r,equired power.






f5anctum Bcgnum


fJ_ IntnJdul1i,(:Ju ta t.he Janilum ~num

. - ERE BEoGIN'NETH the Sa.ncrum Regnum,

called the Royalty ofSpirits, or the Little Keys of Solomon, a moG learned Hebrew nigromancer and Rabbin. This book

,I .' . . h -.. b·'· f

~~~-"l,i'lt;,";::;,"'U,;'l"!' cont:::unet. varrous come matrons <0.

__ _ _ _ ~. charaeters whereby the: powers can be in-

voked or brought forth whenfoeveryou may determine.each one acoordirrg to his faculty.

$lnvoc.l1ti()11- to Jcirli.n

In the day and hour of 6~ Luna being at the crefcent, and at the firft hour of the: day--which is a quarter of an. hour before fum:iCe--you will prepare 3. piece of virgin parchment~

CJ7 )


which fuall contain. an. the characters and tile invnc<ltions of the fpirits which you wifh to produce.

For exam pic, in the L'lid day and hour, you w~ U attach to the fmaUfinger>ofth.c hand (which is the finger of 9) arhread spun by a virgin girl. and pierce the fingcI with the lancetof . the .Art~ to. gerblood from it, with which. you form your SdrNn character, as is givei;!. at the commencement of th1s book, Then. write your invocation, which is that which follows.

HEWN ij;l TAUL ~. VARF ~I~ PAN ~ HEON 4!


You. nlufl: write: the tirfr Ietter of your name where is the letter A [in the Hgn ,&dlara8cr of Scidiu]'~ and that of'your fiirname where is the letter D'. The fpidt dglajjis, whore. char:!Ei:er it is t is very po ten t to fen der you :fervic e ~ and will caufe you to have power over the other fpiI'its.

.Make above the Character of the Spirit that you defire w, eorneyand bum incenfe in .. his ~onor. Then make the conjura tion wh i ch i sad drefled to the fpiri t tha.tyou wa nt to cau fe. to appear ~.a:n d burn inc eme in his ho nor.

~ ConJurati.onforljtciftr

Lucifer. Ouyar, Chameron, Ali.reon~ Mandoufinj Pre my, Orier, Naydrus~ EfrncmYt Eparinefonr, Eftiot~ Dumoflou, Danochar, Cafmiel, Hayras, F abelleron thou! Sodirno, Peatham, Corne, Lucifc.r~ lfI Amen J:Ei

(38 )

THE FOURTH BOOKE ,"C01'ljuralianfor Cf1lelzibuth

B6elzebuth~ Ludferl Madilon, So~y:mOf S3roy~ Theu, Ameclo, Sagrael, Praredurr, Adric3Lnorom~ Martino, 'Timo, CamcJ!~nt Phor(y, Metotite, Prumofy~ DumafoJ Eli.-vifa, AlphrolS, .FLLbentroty~ Come~ B,6eIzebutll, ffi Amen.~

g Conjuration fa'T C/(flamtb

An:~roth~ Ador ~ . Camefot Value..ritu£: Mare[Q, Lodir t Cadom1r~AJuicl, Caln~fQ" T dy, P~orimJ Viordy, Cureviorbas, Cameron, V db..trid, VUlnavij, 13enez mens Calmiront Noard Nifa Chenibranbe CalelllJdium., Braw TahmCol.· Come~

)r, a ' .... ~

.l1.l[axotht~: i\mcn. tIl

. After 1l8lving faid f~-v'en times the conjuration add.reIIed to fuperior fpirits~ you wiU fee the {pint at once appear, to do wha.tever yo u defire,

W.:neflending to .the Infiriors

.(gcifi:r has two Dsemons under him.: Jatmuukia and ~gajlfier(Jp.ThofeofCfJieIZllmthare Tanl:"~mathe and7Jau.ty. Th.e dla:n.1i"t:teI~ of Jalanackia and JTleruty are!

(39 )


Thet\'vo inferiors of ~flar()th M,eJagatana ;and,:J(gbiws, and their d)ara8:e(s are:

There are yet other deemons, apart from thefe, who are under Duke Jyral'h. There are ,eighteen of thefe, and thei.r names are:

Ill. IV.


V1 vn.







XVl. xvn.


I., Claum:,k

11. Mufifirl

Bechaud FrimoJf Kle:potb

Kb.£l Merfilde Clijlhert Sirchadt! Segal Hicpaf1:h HUmtJt:s Frncij{ure Guland Sur-gat Mar.ail Frutimiere H uiEtiigal'Qs

(40 )

[ ~ (-

Ii lJ











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j: .f






1 " I ..



1 11


. ~umots






! '












There are other Dsemons but as they have no powcr~ we Ihall not fpeak of them. The powers of the ~ighteen abo v e-

mentioned ones are there:

Cl..,1.UNECK bas power over riches, can caufe treafures to bt;

found, He can give great riches to' he who makes a paa with _ him, for he is much loved by.Qi& is he who caufes money

to be brought.

MUS[:SJ.N has power evergrcae lords, reaches all that

happens in the Republics; and lth, of the Allies.' FruMOGT has power over women and girls, and will help

you to obtain their u,e.

MEPOTH makes you fee ill forts of dreams and vifions,

Knn ,,,,... .. 1_.,.,,, 0"1",,,"'-:1 t- ·e·art·hq,]·."k."'''

_ "Jl.l:U ...... "~y~ b" _'_ - ','I.. 'II L,..(iII~

M.EllSILDE has the power to rranfport anyone in an

infian r, an Y""h,ere.

CU:STrJERT allows you to have d~yor night, whichever you

wifh, when you defire dther.

SllOCHADEmakes you fee all forts of na:turaland fl.1per-

natural animah.

H1CPACTuwillbringrou a. penon ill an inftantl though he

be far away.

HUMOTS can bring you any book you defu·e.

SECI\l. will caufe all forts, of prodigies to appear~

FkUClS::lltJ?E revives the dead

GULAND caules ill illnefles.

SUR:GAT opens every kind of lock,

MOIWLcal1 make 'anything i[lv;,liblc.

(56 )


THE F-OURTH HOOKE F;RUTlMIERE prepare's aU kinds of feafts: for you.

• .HVICTI[CARAS caufes rneep in the cafe offome, and lnfornrna In others.

U~der Jat'allachia and are fourty~five [or,

ac,co.r'chng .. to other vecfioIls,c.:-1'V."_co-· ] d - . F... f

'. .. . .. ~ Ill'..; U:U{" · ... re.mons. our '0·.

thefe, t~e chiefs,~. are Jerg.uuhYt 4/eramael 7Hmafael and Jl!flugnei. ~~~ others are of no grea.t confequence,

~efe .fpu·~tsarc of great advantage, and they work well and ipeedlly, m the cafe that they are plcafed with the operatOlr.

. Jtrgutthy has power over maidens and. wives, when thUlg5 are favorable.

q{eramard teaches (he art of healing, indud~ng the complete knowledge .of any illnefs and its cure. He alfo makes known the v irtues of plants , where they are to be found, when to pluc~ them, and their making into a complete cure.

" .. ~l'Hnafoeltead~e6(:he~iacyand all means of,conjuringQf the nature of deceic or UClght-of-hand. He alfo teaches the [ec~,et of making the Powder of Projeaion~ by means of which the bare metals rnay be turned into gold 0.(' filver,

. .Jziflugriel teaches the Art of Magick, He gi.ves familiar [pUlts that can be ufed for all purpofes, and he alIo g;ves mandragores.

. c/lgalierept and Tarihimal are me rulers of El(:lognp~ who

mturn governs matters connected with water.

:AC!.hir:ots rules ~el and J urgulath. The former enables anyone to fpcak hl any language he wm~andalfo teches the


means whereby any type of letter m;ay bcwrrtten. He is 011[0 able to teach thofe things which are moil Iecretand complet el y hidden.

Sergulath gives every means ofIpeculation, In addition, he inft:ru8s as to the methods of breaking the ranks and firategy of opponents. SubjeEt to thefe are the eight moll; powerful fubordinates:

PROCULO, who can caufc a pcrfon to Ilccp For fourry-cight hours, with the knowledge of the fpberes of Ileep.

I-lA.RISWM) who can caufe anyone to pafs through fire without being touched by it.

BlillLEFER, who cauies a. pcrfon to be beloved of women, PENTAGNONY, who give~ the; two benefits of atld191ing invifibaityand the love of great lords.

ACLAS1SJ who can carry anyone or anything anywhere in

the world.

SmRAGOSAJ'ltl1 caufes ,any girl to dance. in the nude. MINQSON:. is able to make anyone win at any game. BUCONJ can caufe hate and Ipiteful jealousy between

members of the oppofite £

5" Conjuration for Inferior Jpiritt



! .


, I



grvifmiffol if/he Irlftrior Jp£rits

Ite in pauad Iota vtj1ra d paxfit inlervQs refiituri ndm€cuJn V(JS ill,.,).oc.aver()~ in nomine Patris PI! et fill'; m e:t Spir£tus San[/i. wAmen.~

['~Go in peace unto your abode and let there be peace ~enve,cn ~ou and IJ, and be re,ady to come to me when you are invoked, in the name of the Father ~ and the Son ~ and of the Iloly Spirit ~ Amen 1lt'~J

Then you. will burn the charafrcrs, becaufs theywill ferve onlronce.

fJ Another Conjuration

.' I c~njur,e the-e, N.~ by the name of the Great Living God; SovcreJ~n Creator of all things, that thou appear in human .fonn, fair and aggrecaMe1, without noife or inconvenience.~ to an f wer tru tbful1y in all the intle.rrogati 0 ns du, t I Ihall make. I conjure thee Ito do this by the power of the Holy and Sac'red Na.mes.

!T Oryan of the ,Jalamanders

. Immortal, rete:mal, ineffahleand Holy Father of all thjngs, who is canicd by the revoivin,g chariot unceaGngly, of


the wodds WhlCh conunually revolve: dominator of the Etheiian countries where there is raifed the. throne of Thy power: above which Thy redoubtable ey,es [DC a.U, and Thy holy ears hearall+-aid Thy children whom Thou han lO'll'cd fino;: the birth of the. centuries: for thy gold,en and great and 3!ternal majcfty lhines above the world, the 1lcy and. the (blfS~ Thou art elevated above all, a. fparklin,g fire, and Thou illurninatefl Th)fdf by Thy fplcndof, and there g'o out from Thy effence unramifhable rays of light which nourifh Thy infin.i te [pint. That infinite fpirit produces all thingsl and makes the mighty treafiire which cannot fai~) to the creation which Iurrounds Thee, due to the numberlefs forms ofwhich Ihe bears, and which Thou haft Iilled at the Ilarr. From. this fpirit comes alfo the origin of thcfe moll boll' kings who arc around Thy throne, and who compare Thy court, 0 U niverfa! Fathed

00 Unique One, 0 Father of happy mortals and immortals! Thou bail created in particular rhe powers 'Wh~ch are rnarvelloufly like theiEtcrnat Thought, and from Thyadorable dTence. Thou h.a.ft e1lablillle:d them over the angels" Thou hail created a third kind of fcvereign in the dements. Our continualexercile is to worfhip Thy defires, We burn with thedefire to poirefs Thee, 0 Father, 0 Mother, the moll tender of Mothers! 0 wonderful example of feelings and tendernefs of Mothers] 0 Son, the flower ofall Ionsl 0 Form of all forms! Soul, Spirit, Hawmony~ and Name of all things, preferve U5 and. we Ihall he ble(fe.d. ~ Amen ffi

TH E. FOURTH BOO KE g'Difmiffi.llg c_d'n] Jpirit

When he has anfwercd your q'. ueilions and .'. n . _

f 'ffi- d . 1 IJ....1 . you are

an .' C WItH Hun, you mu'!l:' fend 1..J•m, a''''''''' b ' .. r: . ~. - '. his:

_' . . . .... ' .. n .... ' no.!y Y laymg t ,~,S:

I thank thee~ cAnal//. for having., appeared .. d h.' ."

_ . '.. .• '.'." ... )-- .. -, .. f-o:!I..U;:; an -3VUlg

fulfilled my requ~s. Thou lnilydl therefore depart in. p€-ace,

and Ihall return wh en I call un to th ee ..

~ To J ee ~Jpir,ifs of the cAir

Take the br:aifJ ofa Clock, the powder from the grave of a dead man (which touches the coffin) ··~~n· ,~ .'1 . d ." ..

.... .' -. _ . . ....~ - . HI J YVaI u~ 01 an v~rg~n

wax. Make all [thIS] mto a mix tu re, ~~""'ap' p" . d . , ... -.' .

_ .. .' . '"_ . :. 1 TH ': e, In VllgUl

parch.mentt 1011 which 1:; ' .... nUen the words:

GOME.RT K..i!JLOETH~with the char-alier ofi@il .

_~lUn .ltall, and you will fee prodigious things. But this eJl.penmeAt fhould be done on]y br thofe who fcar nothing.

ff q)ifmiiJal 0/ tbe ,J'pirii.

When you h3(Ve wrjttcn the co.njur:ation on the virgin p:uc~~e?t, and have Ieen the ipirir, being fi&tilliedt you can dl[mlfs llii m by fayi ng this:

!te'in paCt! adloea vtjha et pax fit inter 'V!1j redduri ad mecusn

w.· . 'S mvo.c.t1'Uer()~ in nomin.e Palris lit et. t:. 'I;,' 'if e.'! S".h··~' 8.... n.· '.'.

. . .I~h "T,rtUS . an~/:~.

,tIj: Amen ffii

_ ~'!Go in peace unto your abode and let there be peace bet;""t;.:e~ you and I, and ber'eady to come to me when you are ca. Iled in the name of the Father ffi and the S·o.n· ~ ... d' f th

H ,- . _ . . ' .. '. - an . 0 . he

. .oly Spmlt ~ Amen ffi~J


Th,r :Book,c of the ':Black 15crpcnt


!iTbe: :Foundation oj'the Work

- -- HE OPERATOR of tbefe rituals would do

~~~55~~ well to ahftain from the companionihip of the vulgar-minded during the time of the working and the three days preceding the

, I aCtual experim c nts, It is no t nee d ~ul to


~~§~~~W remain pure [or chane] in this work,

for it is the end of this work that all fhculd 'be fatiffied and without want. Let it eunice that one who conduHs this work fpcndil g-oocUy time in thought cog,ent to the work. It is important that whoever does this work takes the time to remove ill6bfiades which may interfere with the completion of the work; this is Vlt'ry important-forl, if you cannot do the work in its entirety ~t is better never to commence.


,;ne InjlrUmentl oftbe U[rt. . ' ...

The-infiruments of this Art arc few, but: mufr be

before you begin the convocations of the fpirits. T11.e..{;c appurtenances may be con~~~. by the hands, ,. of the operator, or bou,ght before the imtranon of the ,expc.rllHcnts. In either cale, the inftruments lhould be con(ecratcd as to dedlc:u:e their uri! for the affiJtancc in this ope ratio n, The

inH:ruIt\.ents are as tOUOW5.

'!Tnt" Configuratio.rt >if the 7'em:ple. '

This temple is ttl' meafiire fifteen feet (quare and ~3.y he

conrtruc(,c;::d out of either ftonc or wood, as is prefermd. There lhould be a window to allow light 10:1:.0 the temple, as this is a. work oftll!f~. attainmenr of'Llghr. and where there is no light there is only da.rknc[s, as we are told. The ceiling of the temple ib.ould nat be Iefs than fllX feet high.; both it and the ceiling fhouid be unadorned, unlefs there ssa reafon to do


-S-'Tbe ,UVf,agick Cirde& Triangle of the c.A'rt _

The circle is to' nine :fc;;:et acrofs, It may be infi;;;,ibed for ,eidl:er permanent or for tcmporaiy ufc, aod is 'to be adorned with theCe Names of God: EHIEH!IF JAH 8!~ YHVIW. ELOHIM ~ AL ~ ELOHIM GIBOR ~ YHVH EuOAH VADAATH YHVH TZABAOTH ~ ELOHIM TZABAOTH ffi SHADDAl EL-CHAlIf:! ADONAI MELEKfl.,

The: tdangle is to meafule nine feet in equal mea(urr;-



ment, thus nine feet in circumferance .. Each of the three angles Ihould be bcfet with there angelic names:

ANAPHE·X1L'fON ,ffi PRIMEUMATON ~ 'TETRAGRAMMA-fON his to be ret down £or either permanent or temporary ufe, as we have [;Jiid before.

~ne Uvlagical Weapom & croois of the cArt 'THE HOOKE

It is :aggreeabk to ,6nda. pen or quill whicb Glen be ufed for the time of working which you perform. The booke is to he wed to keep a record of the magick Atlimu and the l'lmyeHit invocations, rituals or .figils you wiU ufe in this operation. TIle booke Ihould be new, uninfcribed by anyone elfeand Ihould be confecrated fur ufe as we have raid.


'This {]lould be crafted &om rofewocd or' cedar and Ihould meaiure half the length of YO'U£ arm. I t is, to be ufed to trace the li,gils of the Qya:rrers which will he given in the recond part of this monograph. It is to be marked with the N am e 5 0 f God w hi'c:h the angels will give you in. the;: c~ rcle,


The knife mull be new and Iharp enough to cut cauiy,. for this is to be its purpo£'e.lts blade Ihould be no more than nine inches long and may be infcribed with there names: AGLA tB YtIVH IE ON ~ ADONAJ. The handle of the knite is to be

(65 )


fafhjoncd ufing the fame wood as was uicd fo1' the rod of the Art.


It is necetTary to confiruEt talifrn.ans for the objetl of each of your op eriments l' one fo r each of the p urpofes, "J'h c nu Cure of the talifmans and their manner of confecration w~u be given to you by God's angels at the altar in. temple, Thefe talifmans cannot become ufeful until they have become confecrated and dedicated ito their purpofe, as it is (aid.


It mull: be confuuB:cd of Linen orfomc Iuch material and is beft when it is made by the operator of this work, The robe may he fafuioned with a hood and fhould be no longer than you.rankle:sand the fleeves of which £hould be no longer than your wrifls, An emblem maybe appropriate to rome AtHons and ali with the holy names of the rod of the Art, thde will be giv,en to you by God tru-ou,gh his miniftcring angels.


The typ,es of perfumes, and incenfes and their quali ties or purpcfes have been defcribed in many other books on. the 'R.£.v.tllc.llrtoJr::Afagid:., rome falfelyfo and others trudy. Here f6UOVlS a lift of the incenles and perfumes which may be ufed and their prilllcal aITociatlons, in this work.

(66 )


Myrrb" 0'

Saffron ~

Sulfiu d

Olibanum 0

Benzion 9

StOfax 9

Jannine J


Thl.!i is to be filled with ·cle;J.r water and ble,1Ied and is to b~ ~~ed in the confecration of the temple, weapons and took of tms:,""ork.h' lhauld never have been ufed [or eating or any other ~urpo(e. As the operator of the afpcrfion eJc:abs the water m prayers and bleffings and then brili1gs it low in af p~rfion, ,fo does our Crea ter fan8ifJr and b1efS the rain

which beg.1ns by the Sun' s day· 5 over lh· J".o' S···· . I" -. be eh

-. .. . '" e leas ... 0 et It 1 e tJrJat

the afperfion brings, a deanfing not of'filrh but of evil.


~ The Types o[Jpirits

qJ Thami.d _. . . ' ... ~ .' _ .. ' , ." ZlEL ~

. THADEKlEL ffi ABRAX5U.L at MJ\HA. --


Ghaigidel _ . '. - EL



Sateriel . . - - q . AS"I~E' I!H EL

SATURNIEL ~14 AL ~ TAGARU1L fIL.- . ~...._. .....


Gamehioth .. -, . L






,0' Tagaririm. ........., .' -, '-UEZ~EL



« H arab-Serape! _ _ . .. < .'. -'. , . _ .



9 Samacl _ . . .' " . I' ,. n- EL


) Gamaliel . ." ""DREZIl[;'"L

GEDEBRIEL ,1{4 :MATERIEL ··14 Lnr .. ' ' ..... ~ .


..:. Na-he-moth . . .'





There arc the 'ilJjph'Othic orders of the averfe fephirorh and their orders offc rvi tors which number fiX a_od fifty. They are to be called forth in the day and .hour of their rule, or elfe they will not do the :Cer-vice. Some ofthefc Spirits demand ~~ facrifice of the: m~.gician before they will honor the rcql1.eJl:s hut it h:1vi11g been made they are amiable to the dema nds made. Each of rh e fe orders rule 490 leagu:'es 0 f Spirits: except thoi7e ruled by 'Iagaririm, whore dominion is fevenfold that of the others,

5"''lbe ~p-h()th

Thefe be they who he uneleanand evi], even the ,difl:omon and perverfion of the Scphirothe the fallen Relbi&ion of the uni VI! rfe, the rays 'of th e coils of the !l:Qoping Drag-on .. Eleven are their da1fes, yet Ten are theyc-alled. Seven are the Heads, yet au Eighth ariferh, Seven are the Infernal Palaces, yet do they include Tell.

In the Tree of Life, by the Wa.:tcrs, of the River, in the Garden of Wifdom. is the Serpent of the Paths; it is the Serpent in the Ce1e.fiial Eden. Bm the Serpent of the Temptation is that of the Tree QfKnowledg,e: 'of Good and EviJ~ the anti-thefts and oppofer of the other: the Red coiled Stooping Dragon of the, Apocalypfe, the Serpent of the Terreflrial Eden. Regard thou, therefore the Celefhal Serpent, as of Br~fstgi~Ih:ning' with Green <lad Goldl the Color ofVegetation and of growtb: banifh thou therefore the Evil and reek


the Good .. For as Mores lifted up the Serpent in the Wadcrncfs, even fo mufi the Son of Adam be Iifted up~ raifed through the balance offtrife and of trial, ·through the Pathway of ..iEtem.u Life. And when, like our Mafi:er, thou art extended on that Tree:, through. fuffering and through pain, let thy countenance be railed up towards dIe: Light of the 1-101y One to invoke the Divine Brighrncfs, not for thyfd£ but for thofc: who have not yet attained to the PathWtlYS, even though they he thy tormentors,

Balanced 'between the. Spiritual and the Material, the type of Reconciler, remember the fymbol of the Brazen Serpent .. Mark thou well the difference between the two ferpents, fo" before: the Serpent of Bra(s of Nu.mbef5. the Serpent of fire could not: ftand. But: at the Fall. the Serpent of Evil arifing in the Tree. fur-rounded Malkuth~ and linked her thus~nto the outer and the cJ!jipboth} for this is the Sin of the, Fall, even. the fcpara:tion of the Material Plane from the Sephiroth through the inrerpofition of the Cosls of the Stoopin g Dragon. Thus, therefor,e~ mu11: M:illruth be cleanled, and this is the Rede,mption to come, For alfo Chrnt expiated noe Sin tin aftJe,r he had overeome {he Temptation. But,Gure1y all things in the; Creation are neoc.JTary; feeing that one c:xilleth not without the other, and the Evil alfo helpeth the ·Wor~ for rhus the greater and more intenfe thee Darknefs, by fa much more doth the Light become bright by Contraft and drawetb, as it were, iacreafed force from the B13ckncfs.

(70 ,





TH E D'·UOKE· OF TC r: ~

- '. '- . . HE BLACK SERPENT

fJn,e Infernal %l'itat1~ons

In the Circle are the W ....... - . f' 'r .. · , '. h

• . Q'~""",~ 0 ·ears 'n t· c r: _J

elIde are th W' .. ". .'. .... .1. L " . leConu

'.' . e. .' atcrs of CreatlO(l,. in the third C' . cl .. ' he

Waters of th 0 .. ' '.'. . II" e are t e - .... .:.'. e ',cean~.111 the fourth Cin::ie is the Fili:"e Sea. Upon th. e nghthand In the 1 ~. , .·.1 ._ .' ..'

S. . " .. '. . .eUc.r eire es an: ruunes .of, the

even Earths: .' Il e

Aren AdalUah Cia Nefhiah Tziah

_ Areqa

T.hebd or Cheled

Dry~rrom/; .(!:artb ReJdifb mOJd-d Undulat.t"ng grtumd P'!flurc:,or meadaw Sandy or de/crt land Earth '

lvJi.-:-rd· {! .and "lJJ4te.r

Up'on the left hand arc the Seven 1-C' e ·rn- _1 H ab .. ' ...

1Ut"., ill .. a .·ltat&Ons:

Abaddon TitalIion Ber Shacheth Teelmorh Sham Moth Gebinnom


The Clay rifDeath The It ofDetrut1£on TIM Sbadow o.fDeatb The 'Oates of Death Hdl

(71 )

APPENDIX !1 ne Bvila,nd cAverfePower:r

beneath the :feet ofthe:fou.r Cherubim

Lilith Machaloth Samac!


Babel j(mia Media Edom

KSplmdou.:r on every fuie fire en,djoldi'ng Whirlwi,~d" ,

Thefe are from Cherubic eJCpreffions of Force and the Evil and Averfe Powers broken beneath their feet are: 'RBbahl whofe fymbol is a terrible demon leaping upon an Ox; C7Vlarb(1lotb~ a form ,compounded of a ferpenr and a woman; and !he rideth upon a fcrpent Icorpion; and. .(i1itb~ a woman outwardly beautiful but inwardly COHlJpt and putrefying, riding 'upon 'allrangeand terrible beaft To thefe four (Babel, Joniar Media~Edom) are attributed four Kingdorns.

'Bairironj This spirit so called becaufe they are derived from the Fourth Evil" namely Jamad. the Black. Their colors are dull red and a black, and their form l s thai of a D rage n- L io n.

dd£miron; whore colors ate like blood mixed with water, a. dull ydlow and gray. Thetf Corm ~5

that of a Lion-lizard.

'Izeliadimiron; whore co~ors are like limpid blood, bronze and crirnlon. They are like ravage rrian.bru-

hr-headed dogs.

(72 )


Jchech£riron; whore colon are black, and their form blended of Reptile) Infc.a and Shell-fifh, f~ch as: the crab and the lobtlert yet demonfaced withal

Tzepharinm; whofe colors are fietyand yellow; and their form like mercilefs wolves and jackals.

Obirinm; whore colorsare like douds, and their form

. _ like gray, bloated goblins.

:Jl€thefl1!thiTcm; whore color is like cop'- m .. · ... and . f-IL ..... 1:'.. •

- , r""'t ,,", .... dl",.U lonn IS,

like that of a mo a d evilifh and alm of] human-headed In£e.a .

.5VJ:chafoirQT1.j. whofe colors are like fe:rpents, :and their form like dog-headed feJF,t::n rs. cn~gd(Jgi+ron; whofe colors are reddifh and gleaming, and their form like vafi3Lnd devouring tl.'1 t-headed

fillies. -

'Behemiron; whofe name is derived of"Behemodl,.7' and their colors are black and brown, and th~i.r forms thofe ~f awful beans like a Hippopotamus, and an elephant, but crufhed flat, or as if their fkin was fpread out fl:u: over the body of a gigantic beetle orcockrosch, a.awliug yet having vaft fhength.

Nefl~·mirlJnJ" whofe colors are of a fiagnant gleaming~ wa rery hue, and rhei r forms l~ ke h ideo us women, almollfkeletoas, united to the bodies ofIerp en ts and fiilie s,

« 73 )


In the midflofthc circlcarepltl.cedJamael andcAfim}(Jai~ The fymbo-lic form of the former is lorncwhat like (hait of the Devil of the Tarot, but colo:Cfal. and attenuated; that of cAJmodai is. as, a bloated) be£l:ial Juan. but in a crouching po.(ition. At the South-EaftAng~eare plotted the. Evilc.lfdam. a. goat-headed fkeleton-like ,giant; and :I thoufand- hended Hydra Serpent; ever-changing and dillorted countenance, At' the North-Eall Angle is r.Aggerath, the daughter of C;'Wo.chaMtbl a Iiendilh witch with '~rpcnt hair euthroned in a chariot drawn by an Ox and an Ms., At me North-Well Angle is a gigantic Scorpion with a fearful countenance, but fianding upright as it were, and formed Q r pu trefying wa ter, After him cometh the Un-nameable One and hisappearance and fymbol is that ora dofeIy-veil.ed illack gitQlntic figuret covered with whirling wheels 'and in his hand is a van wheel whence iffueas it whirls, multitudes of eat-like demons, Behind cometh c7V/.oamah like a crouching woman with an animal's body. crawling along the ground and eating the earth. And at the Soulth-E-afr Angle are the winged lion and a winged horfe drawing in a chariot the younger £jli-to,. the wife ofulJmodai. She is dark) a woman to the waifi and a man below 'it, and the appears, as dragging down with her hands [mall fi.gurcs of men into HelL

'Of the '1hr.f!~ Bvil :FQrces behindJamae.!

The firft is %matr£dt whofe form is that of a black" man-headed Dragon-ferpentvand he united under him the


force of KC,thcr of 'the. Infernal and averfe Sephiroth. The fecond~ a Mack, bloar:ed M:an-dragon" qj,'elial, he denieth a G?d; ~nd he urlttcth the forces ofthe averfe Chckmah. The thlr~ .05. Oflfl;fteJl or :q'oflfo.(itjll a black" blQated Man-inCeCl~

. ho~nblc~f afpeCt; hIS brcrh gteater ,than his lengrh,:a:nd he

ul,l1teth 'the force of the Averfe Binah T'· he fo rth 1:., .'.. •

. . . - ~ ".... ~ Ie· U ' ~ I fOnn is

J~mad the Black. All there are of gigantic nature and terrible

a1pC!Ct. .

g'Thecvil andcdv.erfi Jephiroth

Thefe be the EvB and Averfe Se:phimth contained in the Sev~n Evil Pal:cest 'andrhefe Sephitoth have their place from be~~ndrhe hohnc(S of the W QrJd of Affi~h. And Jama,dthc ~"il rU~,[Qundeth the whole Evil Sephiroth who are thus E[even mftcad ofTen. There are eleven letters in the word "L.ieutenant GovernQrs': EfiherlX.3;e1e,'cn days frQmHoreb-t Dcur. 1 •. 2; the word (where' in De u r, XXXll.3.7 is in value eleven; eleven 'Were the curfesef Eb.a1; eleven were the Dukes of Edom, etc. In the Evil PaJaces, rhe firf] containeth Kerher Ch,o.~ah and ~in"ah. _Umo Ketlser is. attribu~ed K!rtthial:

WhlC~ rneaaerh cut off from God' (PfalmXXXVli.34); l%en the wlckedarc cut off (from God)' and the {ymbolic form is

that of .black~ evil. Gia.nts. .

. .. Alfo to Kether belong [he. 7haumi.e1 [or 'Thamiel]~ the Blceph~~us onc~; an~ their Forms are thofe of dual, giant heads, with bat-like ~ngs;. they have not bodies fOf" they are thore who feek continually to unite themCdves unto the

<( 75)


hod ies '0 f other beings and .60 rces,

Unto Chokrnah are referred the Dllkcs o f Era UI and the

Ghogid (fr. Og~ King of Bafhan), or, as it is f~l~drulncs written, Ogbid. and they attach thernfclvcs unto hvmg and material appearances I and their form is like that of the bhlCk, evil Clants with loathfome Ierpents twined around them.

Unto Binah are referred the Ja/ariel or Warafiel, the Concealers and Deftroyers, whofe forms. and appcar.lnccs arc a gLgantic~ veiled Head with horns and hideous c:ycs .kcn thro~gh the veil, and they are followed by evil oent:lu:s: There are alfo called Jeriel f!Om Elau, becaufe of their hairinefs,

The Second Palace cont~inedl Chefed, unto which are attributed the gagh Jl)ekt'/a b, the Diflurb ing 0 nes, and. their fymbolic forms are thofe of the Mad; cat-headed Giants, They are alfo called c.Ilt, ic4 Chozan'e/ and ,dgn iel.

Th~ Third Palace containeth Geburah whereunro are attributed Qoiahtb. or Burners with fire, otherwife can~d Z',gphiel~ and their forms. are thole of enormous black heads

like a volcano in eruption.

The Fourth Palace containeth Tiphcrcth whereunto arc

atUiblJted zpmie~ and they are great black giants~ Lover working againft each other.

The fifth Palace: conraineth Netzach, whereunto are

attributed the ghareb Z;re'l' or Diiperfing Ravefl_S: Tl~eir form is that of the hideous Demon-headed Ravens iflueing from a volcano, alfo called ,getzphid.

The Sixth Palace canta~neth Hod, whereunto an; i1C-


ferred the Jamaelor Deceivers [jugglersj.whofe form is that of a dull Demon-h,eadcdt dog-like monilers ..

The Seventh Palace clontainerh Yefod and Malkurh, Unto Yeroa are referred the gamaliel or Ohfcene Ones" whore form are thofe of corrupting, loathforne bull-men, linked. together. Thereunto arc a1fo refe ned :J(glhajhiel~ E vii Serpentst and Obrlel, Thereunto belongeth the Blind Dragonforce. Unto Malkuth is attributed iili.thj the Evil Woman~ afterwardschanging to a black, monkey-like demon. The name of the Ierpent, ::N:t!(bafo~ hath the fame number as that of [he Mefliah, who wm rootout the !2.ljphothfrom the wodd.

. ~neft are the evil (JJiifi

Kether Chokmah Binah Chefed Geburah Tipheredl Netzach Hod Yefod MaJkuth

Satlln or Molach Beelzebuh £r'J;cifugt Afotaroth AJmadai BelphegoT

Baal .Adr~m.alach L£l£th


'lJdJe1fJolh and f.!v£at!J·an: are two evil forms, ofwhich t.he fitft~s the fynthefis of the tjjJjphMh already defcribed under the head of 'llebem ira 11. in the ~ipb(Jtl; of the Months 'rJllb~ Y:ear (the rrth], The Leviathan are, as it were" numberlefs


Dragon forms united togetherJ fo that each ofhi~, Icales is, as it wer'el a fepara te evil ferpen t,

O/the Defiending Hierarchy called tbe Deeansof the Signs 0/ the Z9di:ock

!plIie r:Arch-Vevils

Thefeare the dX1TIOnS which rule over thcIigns; they are prefiding under the fupreme rule of the Infernal Dignitaries 'Paiman, r../fmaimoll, Egym~nd Uriens.


f - 97

10'·' - 14"

1.5· - 19" 20" - 14'

25· - o" - .• (


,- - 9~ 11)" - I.'_' is" - 197 zoo - 4· z{ - ;J:9~ '0" - 4

f - 9'

H]P - 14·

If - l?~ :1,0· - 24·' 15· - :19·

MARCH :u- 2.5 lVIAIlCH :16 - :19 MAllen JO - APIU.L J Ann. of -II

ApR.] L '9 - 14-

Al"llll. 15 - 19

ApiRu. 1.0 - ~ AI1'KU··:L5 ~ ~9 APRlLl0' - MAY 4 MAY 5 - 9

MAYlO -4

MAY 15- ZoO

MAY 21 - ~5

MAY 26 - 3I


JUNE 6·~ to

JUNE n - 15

JUNE 1.6 - ;u







BAT,Hlllo'l VALEFOn.



fulLIT Ak04~H EllER






0" - .( JUNE U - 2.6

S .. - 9~ JUNE :q - JULl' I

10" - 14· JULY:1 - 7

If - 119 JULY Il - 11

2.'0' - :2.{ JULY 1] - 17

::If - '29" JULY 1'8 - 22;

o' - .{ JULY 23 - 1.7

s" - ~f JUl.V :1:8 - Auc, I

10- - 4~ 15· - 19" 2,0"' - 24· 2;f - :t9' 0" -4~

s" - 9· ]'0' - 4"

;;-5-' - .i;'9" 2.0- - l4· :15" - 29 0- -.{

f ,_ 9· m" -4" l:~/- 19"

20~ -.24,·'

25' - 19~ c" - ,( j.- 9

10+ -4-. IS· -19· :;:'o~ - :1,,f 2f - :i.yi~ o· ~ 4- s' - 9~



AU(i:UST :Ii - ., P AlMON

Au c: U:liT8 - ~;I B.ELU,L




AUGUST ~B- SEn. 1 FQRll.1

SEl"tEMIU:lt : - 7 MA9:AX

SF.:P'I'~MIlIEH 8 - 1'% GMP

S!!:PT.EM itER. I} - 17 lIiIARBAS

SEM'£M8ER r8 - l~ BOT]S

S~fTEMOF.R 23 - 1;7 ZEltA.R.


OC-fof.UIER) - '7 . BEIU'CH

DCTOUr!.)!:!I - u A1.l.eGos


OCTOB ~ R ~ 9-;:1; ACAIilES

Oel"ODER ~1 ~ :q iPO,s

OCT'O~E,R.:18 - Nov .. I GlJI.,sYA-U0 Ol.A:i

NOVEMfll::iI: 2- - 6 MARAK

N O'VF.M IHJ;R 7 ~ 1:1 RENOvi

NnVEMJ! Eli!. I) - ,17 Bon:;;

NOVF.Mif!:B.R I;B - Z~ B1F[tQNS

NOV.EMBU. :13 - '),7 BAilBATOS

NOVEM a Eli! :l;8- DEC.;1 .B~ ~ it

(79 )

[0. - 14· If - r9~ ~IJ" - 204· lS~ - 29' o"_ 4"

5" -9'- 10·' - 14-

If- Ilf 10"- 2.4" l5' ~ 19" O· - 4,

s" - 9· 10· - I.f

1,>" - 19"


Dp;;tltoHIJUl.] - 7 DEctMBEk 8, - n

D ECi:M .. B Eft 12 ~ 16 DECEMBER 17 -:H DE~F.MIlER. 2\l - 26 De.CEMI,H:R. 27 ~ 31 Jil.NUhRY 1- 5 JII.NUhRY 6 - ~o j';"NUAKY II ~ 15

.J I\N lIARY t.6 - 19 JANUARY 20 - Z4 Ji\NUA.RY :<l5 - 29 JA.NUAP..Y 30 - FIB. 3 FEDJl.UhltV 4- - S

ZoO· - 24" FKIIJU,JIi.RY 9 - IJ

15.-19' Fe[JRuARY 14 - lS

o' - 4" FEIIIlUARY 19 -1)

,5~ - 9" FEBRUARY 2.t - :1.9

m· - 14· MARCH [ - 5

Is" - 19 MARCH 6 - lO

;u,· - 2;4 MARCH U ~ 15

2;$. - 29 M I\II.CH 16 - so

VASSACO Snu."",s, SrTll.l

SEJ::RI!. SA8NOCK VINE I-lAIIGE~'n B;\U\.AM. OROn. .... S ANllilAl) PHCF.:NU( VEPAR CRDCld.l. D,!\ Wrlll.! ON . FOCAl.Oll ZEI'AIi !3AII.II.;\'t(jS BOIil.hl VA6:iAGO STOl.AS SrT'Il.1


~ne ,C}vtanncr of Calling the Jpirits to Vijiblf c/fppt:amnce

It is agreeable CO ErR frace that the Arch-demons mull be called in their time of dominion, or clfe they will not render themfelves Iervicable t-o the magj,cian. 11:: is neceflary that the operator of thefe Aaions prepare the place of wor ki ng before a. ttem p ring to call forth the Arch -dse mons J but this .is not the cafe with the f}(fjpIJoth-ilicy may be

(80 )

THE J.OUKE OF THE BLACK SERPENT invoked or called forth without. a place which has been arranged for them"

The method of calling forth the Arch-ruemons requires a fourfold operation, and that is, the :fun.damental pr:ay,er, the banifhing of all malign ant fpirits, the invocation of the Archangels, and lafrl:y~, the evocation of the Arch-dsemonaJt Is very importantthar no part of this he ;,eft out, fttl that would Cutely lead YOll to ruin. The Arcn-dam1ons may appelU" (at fuft) in an invifible form. To make them become vffible to the your eyes alltha t is nec:effouy is to fhed blood, either that of an ani malt or th~1 ofa woman. or your own, and by and by, they will appear in their true fOrm~:Ji5 the blood giv,es tlu~m the powe,r to take eha pes) fueh as they are ..

Here follows the manner of invoking the Arch-angels, :aU the rcll of th~5 will be given unto you by them:

!f7h,e r/fngc/ick Conjuration. .

Begin this by recitIng P5 rxu, CXU, CJXX &l.XXXVI" Then begin the following Oraeion.

o Moft UluftriolJs Prince: of the h.eavcn]y holts, holy l'41CHtEL ~~ GABRIEL .~: URlf';L W RAPH£L; the: Archangels, from thy cdefiial home defend me, a human being, whom God has created in His own ima:ge and likenefs, and whom He has p\1fch:afed at a great price from Satan's

o Holy and Almighty God who fafhionedthe earth and all things by a wordl Who rent His only-begotten Son into the world to erufhthe (piri t of evil with its bellowing; do

,,81 )


Thou Ipeedily g~ve heed and fend Thine. holy and effulgeur rnlniflering angels from. their {lations. Let them ccrne thOJit they might admi.n~fbeI 'Thinevirtuev Ijrengrh and w~fdDm unto me, in there AD:ions" with whatever fpiths lc.aJl forth . Lei the Prince cf Darknefs have no power over me and his fervimrs no powerm enflave me but aillfl: me that 1 may at[ to the glo'ry of God.

Bring nreogilit 0 Lord, by Thine holy angels RAPHtEL, GABRJELJ UruEL and Micnst .. ; who rehfred againll f.Jlciftr and his raving fo·llowers which fell from Hcaven. end W~:ie eonfigned to Hell fora time. and a time; who rerve God in confiftancy and faith; who fing "HQlyI Holyl Holy! Art the Lord of Hoftsl" To thee 0 Lord; who has entrufied the fervice of learung the (OWS of the redeemed into heavenly bleffednefs. ~ Amen al

Theil finifh bYlLeciting J n 1.1-18J 1[3:.8.19-22, Ps 69' '& 90.

. j i

~qbe Jhekinah

The four great: prin.ces Tll:ling over the four camp's of the Shekinah are M1C'H£L,~ G.t\BRlEl.~ URlEL and RAPH.£L,. Michd is appointed over me water or feas7 Gabriel rules over the .fire, Uriel over th e 'Wind and Raph;id over the d all ;(tf the earth .. The lisrwhich followeth giveth the names of the Seven Great Princes which are appointed over the (even heavens ..

(82 )

THE BOC.:_. .~ OF THE BLACK SE.RPENT Mtcl'1-E.L rulee over the (cycnth (and highefl) heaven, GABltl£L rules over the ruth heaven,

Sl-lA'['1\ G:.! Et is a p pain ted over the fifth heave: n, SH.AJMQ!El. is given dam in~(m. over the fourth heaven, BADA1tl ilL govCnl1$ the thi rd heave o,

BARAKlEL isapp ointed to the fOOOl1Ji:d hen ven,

PAZruEL is ghten the realm of the firft heaven.

:!f''lbe UYliniflering c/tnge1sojtbe Thnme cf1udgemcnt

There are the angels of the! Shekinah and are JOUi in nu m ber tt\VO 1& and two QEDUSHSHA; t heyne the court officers who ['alee ~ :1rgue and clore ev,e.ry cafeth.a.t comes before the Holy One when. Heis Ieated on the: Threne of Judge me ht. It is they who give effe8:: to the decrees of me Moil: High over the lcingdoms of men; thefe. angels form the council of the Almighty. The ddeft Servant of His houfc: is METAl'll:ON NAAa~ the angel which. maintains the heavenly treafures.

gne Watchers and the Holy On':;l

Theies ate the Fallen H~g,h Angels and were known to tfl.e Gn~:eks as fuchon5~ their names axe RAo\wRJn;. he is the cceleflial fcr.iJbe; RAHAniEL is dl!l~ ;angel ruling over the roni1ella:.tions. Unto him an: the Prngelick Decans which rule rh e 12 figns:; SO.rUE-RlEL is the angd fet over the books of th e Living and the Dead. The Gbie( of the Watchers lcS named AzAzEL~ whogoverns with Uzza and UZZl.EL.


!'The Merkao,ah

In the Merkabah Vifion of Ezclciel it is written: "And I looked and behold a. VVhirlwind came out of the North, a. great Cloud" anda fire enfolding id"df and a Splendour on. everyIide, and Halhm:al the ,Brilliance ohhe innerrnofi fhune i rl th e midfl of'fire."

~71Je S~aphim

. The Seraphim is four in number and is ruled by S.ERAPH1EL; he is a prince, wonderful, noble, great, honorable" mighty; terrible, a chief and leader and a. [witt feribe, His body is, like that of an eagle and he wears. a crown. He is accompanied by SATAN~ SAMAEL and DUBBIEI .. Thefe arethe accufers, It is through the fpirit 'SAMi\.El. in which rheabfolutlon of theSeven D'eadly Sins is aocomplifued~ through the bidding of God.

;ne Ofonnim

Tb~ Ofannimis four in number and is ruled by OFFAN NIEli he is a. pri nee and rules over the Moon, He ~ s an an ci ent and great Prince, He has [u::teen faces, four on each fide and ~66 ,eyes. He is beret -with two hundred wings, one hundred on each fide,

~7he Cberuhim

CHERUBlEl, IS the Prince of the Cherubim and it is.thefe

angels who, by their wings" make toe {fou,r-Mnds~ blow. The

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wind gocth toward the Iourh and turned} about uneo the north; it turneth about continually in its courfe and retumeth again unto its: circuits, Arlid &om the Iphere of the Sun. ,they T:tum a~~ defcend upon the riven and the [eas and upon the hills, asu IS written: "1~r1o~ oethatfomuth tmmountainsalld creattth tf.,(t wind. 1O

'f7be Wyyoth

. There are four in number and are gov1erncd by the angel

HYYLfF.L. There four angels are the next above the Galallim, ~~y have four faces" four wings and wcareth crowns upon the rr heads, Thea ngels of the H yyoth aCt in Cc rvice to, the. Min~fiering Angels of the ThroneofJudgemem. -

~'2'be galagallim

. . Thefe are eight in number and each has eleven angels which accompany them~ they arc ruled by GALGAlUEI., who rules, o~v,cr the globe of the Sun; and they rule under the dominion of the Seven Great A.ngellc.k. Princes.

!2]~ %JlI,and Cboir oj uf'lgels

,The Hoff: of Angels are eleven in number and thefe are their names; SALL1SIM, PARASHIM, GlBBORIM~ S&I1A'[M, GEDU"fltlMjo MEMUNNIM, SAR~Ml HAYUM) Mml.ARETHIM. lvLu.'AKl:M & DEGALIM.

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APPENDIX '!t' of toe Twelve Jigm




.,I'"\.. Zuru.EL



:::x: GAI'\1Bl£L


There are the angels which affift: the magidafi in all his experiments; all according to their offices. It is unlawful that you fhouId call upon the Seraphim, but all the 'rea may be called upon for furtheranc e in rna tters divine.

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