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Summer Assignment/ Project: Course Code: BBA 360 Credit Units: 03

This document provides guidelines for a summer assignment/project for a business course. It outlines: 1) The project aims to give students research experience and exposure to research methodology through working closely with a faculty guide on an in-depth topic. 2) Students must communicate their research in a written report. The project should help develop skills like critical thinking, decision making, and written/oral presentation. 3) Detailed instructions are provided on choosing a topic, planning the project, keeping a project diary, preparing the written report with components like the title page, abstract, contents, introduction, methodology, results, conclusion, and references. 4) The project will be assessed based on criteria like the

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Summer Assignment/ Project: Course Code: BBA 360 Credit Units: 03

This document provides guidelines for a summer assignment/project for a business course. It outlines: 1) The project aims to give students research experience and exposure to research methodology through working closely with a faculty guide on an in-depth topic. 2) Students must communicate their research in a written report. The project should help develop skills like critical thinking, decision making, and written/oral presentation. 3) Detailed instructions are provided on choosing a topic, planning the project, keeping a project diary, preparing the written report with components like the title page, abstract, contents, introduction, methodology, results, conclusion, and references. 4) The project will be assessed based on criteria like the

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Shubham Jain
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Course Code: BBA 360 Credit Units: 03


Research experience is as close to a professional problem-solving activity as anything in the curriculum. It

provides exposure to research methodology and an opportunity to work closely with a faculty guide. It usually
requires the use of advanced concepts, a variety of experimental techniques, and state-of-the-art instrumentation.

Research is genuine exploration of the unknown that leads to new knowledge which often warrants publication.
But whether or not the results of a research project are publishable, the project should be communicated in the
form of a research report written by the student.

The project should build the attributes like intellectual ability, professional judgment and decision making
ability, inter-disciplinary approach, skills for data handling, ability in written and oral presentation, and sense of


The relevant topic has to be defined with the mutual consent with your guide. The project is to study the selected
problem, quality and shortcomings of available solutions. Your project must also include any new solution you
can think of and general comments on why the problem is important. It is important to note that it takes time to
write a good report.


It is the sole discretion of your faculty guide to allot you a topic for the project. If you have been thinking of
some topic over a period of time and do the research work on the same, than it has to be with the consent of your

Normally, the topic must be picked carefully keeping in mind

 Related to one or more subjects or areas of study within the core program.
 Clearly focused so as to facilitate an in-depth approach for finding the solution.
 Subject to availability of relevant information and to you knowledge
 Relevant to the current business scenario
 It is of interest to you and will lead to you all round development.


The planning of the project is always recommended since it is an outline of what you intend to do. It will
schedule you working and act as a guideline right from the outset.
The planning should entail the following:

 Defining aims and objectives of the project

 Formulating questions to be investigated
 Calculating the feasibility of the investigations.
 Working out various stages of the project
 Devising a time table to see the timely completion of different stages as per the schedule.

Benefits of planning

 Formulating a plan is creating an ideal model of your project, thus builds up your confidence.
 Make aware your guide to provide constructive comments as each stage of your project and provide you
appropriate feedback of your work.
 It helps you concentrate on your thoughts.
 A plan can act as a guideline which helps you to keep check with the proceedings and direction.


This includes the following:

 Making a note of everything you read; including those discarded.

 Ensuring that when recording sources, author’s name and initials, date of publication, title, place of
publication and publisher are included. (You may consider starting a card index or database from the
outset). Making an accurate note of all quotations at the time you read them.
 Make clear what is a direct a direct quotation and what is your paraphrase.


The file aims to encourage keeping a personal record of your learning and achievement throughout the project.

The file is a document that helps the evaluator assess your analytical skills & ability and present the evidence of
the serious work carried out by you.

In general, file should be comprehensive and include:

 A short account of the activities that were undertaken as part of the project;
 A statement about the extent to which the project has achieved its stated goals.
 A statement about the outcomes of the evaluation and dissemination processes engaged in as part of the
 Any activities planned but not yet completed as part of the project, or as a future initiative directly resulting
from the project;
 Any problems that have arisen that may be useful to document for future reference.


The format of the report should comprise of the following components

1. Title/cover page
It should detail the project title, student’s name, course, year, guide name, date of submission (As per
the format in annexure-1)
2. Acknowledgements
Acknowledgement to any advisory / financial assistance received while working on the project may be

The writer recognizes his indebtedness for guidance and assistance of the advisor/guide. Courtesy
demands that he also recognize specific contributions by the other persons and institutions like
libraries. Acknowledgements should be expressed very simply.

3. Abstract
An abstract is a brief or condensed statement by the writer, or the essential ideas of the writer’s work. It
should be straight to the point, not too descriptive but highly informative. It is a statement of the
problem, a summary of the scope, methods and procedures, findings and results of the project.

4. Table of contents
This gives page references for each chapter and section. Titles and subtitles are to correspond exactly
with those in the report.

5. Introduction
This brief documentation provides with the following facts about the project

 The background of the project,

 The objectives of the project
 The rationale for the project
 The limitations of the project should also be listed.

6. Materials and methods

This section should aim at the methodology, research design, sampling and fieldwork (if any)

Research methodology should be explained including modifications if any

Reflect the reliability and validity of the methods

Analysis and interpretation is to be shown.

7. Result and discussions

In this section emphasis should be laid down on

 What is performed and achieved in the project rather that the available literature in the context
of the project.
 Discussion on your results with reference to the literature review.
 Matching your own results against what was established in the literature review. From this
you should draw conclusion and make comments.
 Add value to the results with your own comments
 Highlight and provide analysis of any new themes that have emerged from your own research.

8. Conclusions and recommendations

In this section the outcome of the work is mentioned briefly. This should be a conclusion to the whole
project. Check that your work answers the following questions:

 Did the research project meet its aims (check back to introduction for stated aims)?
 What are the main findings of the research?
 Are there any recommendations?
 Do you have any conclusion on the research process itself?

9. Future prospects
This section must give clear picture of where should further research be focused and for what other
projects this project could be taken as input?

10. Appendices
It contains the material which is of interest to the reader but not an integral part of the project and
statements of pros and cons that may be useful to document for future reference.

11. References
In this section you should give a list of all the references you have used. This should be cross
referenced with you text. This includes papers and books referred to the body of the report.

For books, the following details are required:

Levi, M. 1996, International Financial Management, Prentice Hall, New York, 3rd Ed, 1996

For articles from journals,

Draper P and Pandyal K. 1991, The Investment Trust Discount Revisited, Journal of Business Finance
and Accounting, Vol18, No6, Nov, pp 791-832.


The weightage of the report will be based on the following criteria

 The quality of the report.

 The technical merit of the project which attempts to access the depth of the intellectual efforts
put into the project.
 The project execution is concerned with how much work has been put in.
The file should fulfill the following assessment objectives

 Has the student made a clear statement of the objective or objective(s)?

 If there is more than one objective, do these constitute parts of a whole?
 Has the student developed an appropriate analytical framework for addressing the problem at
 Is this based on up-to-date developments in the topic area?
 Has the student collected information / data suitable to the frameworks?
 Are the techniques employed by the student to analyze the data / information appropriate and
 Has the student succeeded in drawing conclusion form the analysis?
 Do the conclusions relate well to the objectives of the project?
 Has the student been regular in his work?
 Is the layout of the written report is as per the format?


The total weightage of the Project is 100 Marks. The evaluation of the project should be as per the
following heads

 Faculty Guide 20
 Viva 20
 Presentation 20
 Report 40
Content and layout 10

Conceptual framework 10

Objectives and methodology 10

Implication and conclusions 10


1. Registration
First week of the last academic month

Allotment of Faculty Guide takes place in accordance to the area of interest / stream chosen by the
student at the time of registration.

2. Allotment of project topic

Week following the ‘week of registration’

3. Submission of synopsis to faculty guide

Prior to the completion of End-Term Examination. The synopsis could be submitted any time after the
allotment of project topic but certainly must be before completion of last examination.

4. Duration of Project
The project stretches for the full duration of the Semester break

5. Submission of Reports
First Report – After 20 Days from the commencement of the project

Second Report – 20 days after submission of the first report.

The first and second reports could be submitted through e-mail or any other medium as per the consent
of faculty guide.

Rough Draft – Within first week of rejoining of institution

Final Report – Within second week of rejoining of institution

6. Evaluation
Evaluation of project should be done as per the scheme in the first week of August.

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