Green Building Concept
Green Building Concept
Green Building Concept
• 30% to 40% reduction in operating cost. • Minimal disturbance to landscapes and site condition
• Health and safety of building occupants. • Use of Recycled and Environmental Friendly Building
• Incorporate latest techniques and technologies. Materials.
• The most tangible benefit is in reduction of operating • Use of Non-Toxic and recycled/recyclable Materials.
energy and water costs right from day one during the • Efficient use of Water and Water Recycling
entire life cycle of the building. • Use of Renewable Energy
• Indoor Air Quality for Human Safety and Comfort
V. GREEN BUILDING FEATURES • Effective Controls and Building Management Systems
Green Building Movement and facilitate in India emerging as An ideal building has life cycle of average 40 years and all the
one of the world leaders in green buildings by 2010. costs are to be considered which are initial constructions,
DEFINED AS PER IGBC operating, maintenance etc.
"A green building uses less energy, water and natural
resources, creates less waste and is healthier for the people A Sample calculation for normal building and green building
living inside compared to a standard building”. has been evaluated as below
No. Particulars Green Building Normal Building
14- 12-
1 First Cost 68 56
20% 16%
40- 75-
2 Operating Cost 180 308
50% 80%
3 Maintenance Cost 48 5-20% 36 4-13%
Total 296 400
Life Cycle Cost Comparison for 40 years life span, 4000 ft2
area building @ 1400 Rs/Sqft.
Total Expected benefits over life cycle of the building: Rs 104
Yearly Benefits: Rs 2.6 Lacs.
The green building movement & technology is here to stay for
the benefit of individuals, society and the country at large. It’s
a step to optimum use of relevant energy sources.