Solar Econo - A Beginner's Guide To Solar Power System
Solar Econo - A Beginner's Guide To Solar Power System
Solar Econo - A Beginner's Guide To Solar Power System
A Beginner’s
Guide to
Solar Power
Solar Econo
Description here voluptatur, te niendig • INVERTERS
endemo cust, si occuptum idebi SYSTEM: i. STRING INVERTERS
• Savings
• Take Control of Your Bills
Increased Proper ty Value
• Remote Power SYSTEM TO GRID
• Clean and Green Energy • DIREC T GRID -TIE SYSTEM
• Cash
• Solar Loans
• Lease
• Power Purchase Agreement
Federal Income Tax Credit
State and Local Incentives
Tax Credits
Solar Renewable Energy Cer tificates (SRECs)
Tax Exemptions
Solar Econo
How does a solar power system
You might have come across
advertisements, or speeches by actually work? How does it affect
politicians and environmental activists, my home and neighborhood? What
imploring you to switch to renewable do I have to do to switch to solar
energy. The supposed benefits of this energy? How many solar panels
change, they say, will be two-fold: to would I need? What would I do if
save money and secure a future which there is a power outage? How can
the coming generations can comfortably solar power cater to my energy
cherish. needs at night? What if I cannot
manage the upfront cost at once?
And many of you may have paid heed
to their bits of advice, considering to go These are the questions our
solar but at the same time, you do have consultants frequently come
your concerns as well. For instance, across. While our doors are open
is a solar system reliable? Is it cost- for you to know more, we wished
effective? Does it really save any money to prepare a handbook that will
for me or is this ‘Go Solar and Save answer not only your frequently
More’ just a catchphrase employed by asked questions but discuss all the
the corporations to make more money? things you need to know before
going solar. Let’s go!
Solar Energy System:
An Overview
A Brief History of This phenomenon, known as
Harnessing Solar Power the “photovoltaic effect,” proved
Solar Energy
effective in later Photovoltaic
Humankind has been harnessing the (PV) developments with different
sun’s rays since time immemorial. Other elements, notably selenium.
than what is natural i.e. obtaining heat
and light from the sun, humans used A few decades later, in 1883,
solar power as early as the 7th century Charles Fritts actually produced
B.C. In its most basic form, they’d use a the first solar cells made from
magnifying glass to concentrate the rays
selenium wafers. For the same
onto a single point and cause it light a reason, some historians credit
fire. Some centuries later, the concept of Fritts with the actual invention of
‘burning mirrors’ was developed where solar cells.
large mirrors were used to light fires for
religious ceremonies. Fast forward to 1954, three
American scientists, Daryl Chapin,
These were the early uses of solar Calvin Fuller, and Gerald Pearson
energy. But as humanity progressed, developed the first-ever silicon
the scientific knowledge kept PV cell at Bell Labs. Since today’s
accumulating, and so came the solar power is silicon-based and
sophisticated technologies that enabled since it was the first instance
us to harness this power more efficiently where a cell could actually power
and for a plethora of needs. Today, an electrical device for many hours
its applications range from powering a day, many scientific historians
our gadgets to households and from credit these scientists with the
satellites to huge power plants. How did invention of solar technology.
we get here?
Regardless of who is the actual
Many scientists credit Edmond inventor, they all had a definite
Becquerel, a French physicist who, role in bringing us to where we are
in 1839, discovered that light could today. It is to the credit of these
augment electricity generation when great names that contributed to
two metal electrodes were placed into a
conducting solution. the development of making a solar
system work. But how does it
Solar Energy System: An Overview
Working of a Solar Power If your system generates more concentrate the sunlight using
than you need, it is fed to the grid mirrors. The heat produced is
and your meter keeps track of used to generate electricity.
how much you consume and how • Solar cars.
Sunlight falls on the solar panels, much you give to the grid. Don’t
also known as solar modules, • Solar water pumping in remote
let these names and concepts areas
and voila, electricity is produced. bog you down at this point—we’ll
This is known as the photovoltaic • Solar water heaters
discuss them in more detail in the • Solar power for
effect. These photovoltaic cells succeeding chapters.
are made from silicon, which telecommunication networks in
has the power to absorb energy remote areas
from photons—found in the sun’s Applications of Solar • Solar energy powers
rays—and convert it to direct spacecraft, operating in the
Energy inner solar system
current (DC) electricity.
• Residential applications
But most of our electrical and Solar power today is used in a • Portable solar power chargers
electronic devices use alternating diverse range of setups. The
current (AC). To convert it to AC, following outlines give us an These are but only a few of the
an inverter system is attached to idea of the applications of applications of solar energy. Some
these panels. From the inverter, this precious—but abundant— of them, such as solar cars, are still
this electricity is fed to your utility commodity. going through infancy. But as the
meter and from there, to the main • Large-scale electricity pace of developments shows, the
switch. If this power is as per generation. Here, day isn’t far where solar technology
your demand, it is consumed at Concentrating Solar Power will become as ubiquitous as the sun
your home. (CSP) is used to efficiently itself.
used to generate electricity.
Benefits: Why Should You
Go Solar?
Solar energy brings with itself Now, you might wonder, what
a host of benefits for the about the upfront cost? First of
consumers. Below, we give all, there are programs such as
an overview of some of those Solar Econo’s $0 Down Payment
benefits. Keep in mind that this is Financing Program. Install solar
not an exhaustive list. power system today without a
big upfront cost in easy monthly
• Savings installments and you take all.
Who doesn’t wish to free him- or
herself from the monthly hassles Our solar panels are long-lasting,
of electricity bills? With solar with more than 25+ years of life
power installed on your rooftop, span. Secondly, the payback time
you can turn this dream into a doesn’t last long, usually five to
reality. You not only reduce your seven years. Once you have paid,
electricity bill, but you can also enjoy free electricity for the rest
altogether eliminate it. of your system’s life. But when
we say it’s a good investment, we
Given that the electricity costs mean more than these savings.
are getting higher, switching to Keep reading and explore other
solar power can save you big benefits.
time. An example would help us • Take Control of Your
to understand this. The average
electricity bill throughout the US
is $111. In one year, it becomes Electricity costs are rising every
$1332. year! As the graph by the U.S.
Energy Information Administration
In 20 years, this figure will below shows, prices have risen
amount to $26,640. This is three percent annually and more
without factoring in the rise and than 70% in the last decade.
unpredictability of electricity Since most of our energy needs
costs. By opting for solar, this come from fossil fuels, these
figure becomes your savings!
Benefits: Why Should You Go Solar?
prices are more prone to Increased Property Value A 5-kilowatt solar PV system handier, powering your home and
fluctuations in the market. can add about $20,000, or more, fulfilling your other energy needs.
What if we told you that mounting to your home’s resale value.
With solar energy, you can shoo a solar system on your rooftop Doesn’t it sound amazing? Clean and Green Energy
away your anxiety associated adds 3-4% value to your home?
Solar energy is clean, green, and
with climbing and unstable That is true! According to a report Durability sustainable. Not only humans but
electricity prices. Besides, it by the Berkeley Lab, on average,
Solar panels are robust and come animals and plants too pay—and
lets you not only be energy homebuyers are willing to pay
with up to 25 years of warranty. have paid over the years—the
independent but also makes your $4 per watt for homes where the
But some solar panels are price of fossil fuel consumption.
budget more manageable. solar system is installed.
designed to last for more than
fifty years. Secondly, it doesn’t According to the US
ask for a thorough maintenance Environmental Protection Agency,
plan. All you need to is to the average household emits
clean it once a month so the roughly 20 metric tons of carbon
accumulated dust doesn’t affect every year. Turning to renewable
the efficiency of your panels. energy sources, solar being the
most notable and cost-effective
Remote Power of all, a typical household
Solar power is of great utility for of two persons can reduce
those living in remote locations. these emissions by 4 to 5 tons.
It may be too expensive or Similarly, when many people
impossible to run power lines into start relying on solar energy, your
your home. In such a scenario, a utility uses fewer fossil fuels to
solar system becomes even meet the energy demand, thus
fewer carbon emissions.
This way, we can not only save
the planet and its biodiversity
from the effects of climate
change but also secure our
future—in terms of both money
and environment.
This is simple. You do have Some solar companies have
the upfront cost, thus you can partnered with financial institutions
manage to install the system right that can enable qualified citizens to
away. Contact a good installer install a solar system at as low as
company, they’ll offer the plans $0 down payment.
based on your needs.
Both cash and solar loan enable
You select the one that suits you to claim the Federal Income
you, they install it, you pay them Tax Credit and other rebates. In a
and it’s done. In this case, you solar loan, the interests you pay on
receive the most benefits such as your loan may be tax-deductible.
all the tax credits and incentives More savings? Yes. Even if you
offered by your state, the federal obtain the system on loan, you can
government, local bodies and still save 40 to 70 percent on your
other organizations. monthly bills over the lifespan of
your system.
Financing Options
former, the homeowner rents the
• Lease solar system and its components
A lease is like renting a solar and pays for it. In PPA, the third
system. It’s another option you party installs the solar system
may consider if you want to avoid and sells you the electricity you
the upfront cost. If you lease a use.
solar power system, you don’t
own it—it is the property of the It may be fixed, or variable, as
solar company, or a third party, the agreement may be.
who pays for it. You just have
to pay a monthly agreed-upon The latter two options allow you
fixed amount for the time of your to save 10 to 30 percent per
agreement, usually 20-25 years. month over your electricity bills.
And all this, without incurring the
At the end of the term of your upfront cost.
agreement, you may buy the
system at its market price. However, since it is the solar
company or a third party that
owns the system, it is they who
• Power Purchase are eligible for the tax credits and
other incentives and not you.
Power Purchase Agreement
(PPA) is almost like a solar lease.
The key difference here is, in the
Incentives and Rebates
Here is a brief breakdown of the any bill. If however, your system
incentives and rebates programs generated more, you’ll be given a
the federal or state governments credit for that power.
provide to the Americans. The
goal here is that more people
• Federal Income Tax
and Rebates
should turn to renewable energy
Currently, this Tax Credit stands at
• Net Metering Policy
26% of the total cost of the system.
That is, if your solar power system
What is net metering? When you, is worth $10,000, you will be given
being someone who has installed $2,600 back in the form of a tax
a solar panel system, produce break.
electricity from the system, it
goes to the grid. Your utility This incentive, however, has an
gives you 1kWh power for 1kWh expiry date. As the table below
your system produce. But what shows, you can only claim
if your system generates excess 22% of the cost of the system
power? Fret not! Most states in 2021, 10% in 2022, and 0%
have offered this incentive where (for residential installations) in
if your system generates excess 2023. Now is the best time to turn
power, that will be fed to the grid. your rooftop into your own little
At the end of the month, if your powerhouse and earn 26% of your
consumption and generation cost back.
matched, you won’t have to pay
2 2019 30%
3 2020 26%
4 2021 22%
5 2022 10%
a Solar System
lighter and easier to install. But
Components of
Usually, when we think of a other than the divisions based on
solar panel system, a set of the number of cells, panels vary
rectangular PV cells come to based on how they are made.
mind. But behind the scenes, Usually, any solar panel that you
different equipment is at play may have seen will be any of the
to turn your power system on. below three.
They are the modules, batteries,
inverter, mini inverters, frames, i. Monocrystalline Solar
breakers, relays, grid, and wires. Panels
Let’s discuss each of them
separately. As the name suggests, each cell of
the monocrystalline panel is made
• Solar Panels from a silicon wafer that is made of
a single crystal of silicon. Since it
These are also known as solar
is made from a single crystal, the
modules. A combination of many
electrons have enough room to
solar panels, such as 10 panels,
move easily. That means higher
forms an array. We can rightly
efficiency. Of all the available PVs,
call these panels the heart of the
mono has the highest efficiency,
solar system. It is made of silicon,
ranging from 17 to 22 percent. This
metal, and glass—silicon being
is also the most expensive of all.
its essence.
ii. Polycrystalline Solar
You would have noticed squares
on a solar panel. They are the Panels
cells, each panel arranged in
Also known as multi-crystalline,
a configuration that contains
they are not made from a single
32, 36, 48, 60, or 72 cells. For
silicon crystal. Instead, many
commercial setups, panels
fragments of silicon crystals
consisting of 72 cells are usually
are melted to form wafers for
preferred since they are cheaper
the panels. They have lower
to install on a larger scale and
efficiency, ranging from 15 to 17
generate more electricity than
percent. Since they are cheaper
those with fewer cells.
to manufacture, they have a
lower price than monocrystalline
Similarly, panels consisting of
60 cells are more preferred for
Components of a Solar System
iii. Thin-Film Solar Panels • Inverters from where it converts the DC
your modules—panels—you will
have to install a new inverter.
Unlike the above two, thin-film Inverters are vital components coming from each string to AC
This will increase your upfront
solar panels are made from a of a solar system. Its role is to and sends it down to the main
variety of materials. convert the DC electricity to AC switch.
ii. Microinverters
electricity, making the power
Their process of construction suitable for our needs. A string inverter is a cost-effective
is also different, where a and short-term solution and can Microinverters are attached to
photovoltaic substance is work best for a row of 5-10 solar each solar panel. The conversion
Had inverters not been there, we from DC to AC happens
deposited on a solid surface, would have to switch our whole panels. Therefore, you can save
typically glass. more by installing one string separately in all inverters and
household electricity system to from there, this current is fed into
DC-based. inverter instead of going for 5-10
These photovoltaic substances micro-inverters. the main switch.
may be cadmium telluride (CdTe), Given that there are many types
amorphous silicon (a-Si), copper One of the disadvantages of a Since they work individually, the
of inverters available in the performance of all is not affected
indium gallium selenide (CIGS), market, a brief overview of each string inverter, however, is that
and dye-sensitized solar cells the strings attached to it don’t in case one cell—or inverter—
would help us understand the experiences a problem. They
(DSC). differences among them. work as individuals but more like
a team. If one of the cells breaks are used both in commercial and
They are lightweight and can i. String Inverters down, or comes under a shade, residential units.
even be made flexible. But their the performance of all is affected.
Its name says it all. This inverter Another benefit is that if you
efficiency is the lowest of all,
is attached to the solar arrays— wanted to expand your system
between 10 and 13 percent, and Secondly, if in the future, you
the combination of several in the future, you won’t need
for the same reason, are cheaper wished to increase the number of
panels—directly. Each cell is reinstallation of the existing
than the above two.
directly connected to the inverter, panels and inverters.
Components of a Solar System
Just add cells and the same iv. Central Inverter i. Lead-Acid Batteries More importantly, they don’t
number of inverters, and
This works a lot like a string require refills and maintenance.
congratulations, your system is Lead-acid batteries are a tried-
updated. inverter. The notable difference and-tested technology, serving
between the two is that the If you want your batteries to work
iii. Hybrid Inverters the car industry and off-grid solar
string inverter converts DC to AC for a longer period, lithium-ion is
system for decades.
These inverters are combining coming directly from each string. the best choice for you. However,
technology that mixes they are expensive as compared
As compared to its competitors,
inverters and batteries. In this In the central inverter, however, to lead-acid batteries.
they are less expensive and work
arrangement, the inverter is the strings are not directly well for a home that wants to go
attached to the inverter but are
iii. Flow Batteries
connected to the batteries, solar off-grid cost-effectively.
panel system, and grid. It’s an fed into a common combiner. The While not popular like lead-acid
all-in-one inverter responsible for collected DC from that combiner Their downside is, they have a and lithium-ion, flow batteries
many functions. then goes to the central inverter, shorter life-span and lower depth are making their presence felt
where it’s converted to AC. of discharge—the amount of everywhere.
Primarily, it converts DC to AC battery’s capacity that can be
but it also monitors the charge • Batteries used. They are suitable for long-
in batteries and controls this Another key component of duration storage, with no
charge. Other than this, when the the solar system is batteries— ii. Lithium-ion Batteries limitation on its cycle.
batteries are charged, and there provided that you are using an
is excess power, it sends that Unlike their lead-acid
off-grid or a hybrid system. The In fact, some developers opine
back to the grid using the charge counterparts, lithium-ion batteries
market is flooded with different that the flow battery’s technology
controller. are more compact and lighter.
types of batteries, each calling has no cycling limitations, and
They have a higher depth of
itself the best. Let’s see which can be charged and discharged
discharge and longer lifespan.
one could work best for your
Components of a Solar System
altogether without having a with a 30-degree pitch and no Another way is mounting them
significant impact on its lifespan. shading. Should you have an on poles. One advantage of the
They have the highest depth ideal roof? Not really. Even if it latter is that it can incorporate
of discharge and can tolerate is not, your solar company will a tracking system, which allows
extreme temperatures. install the panels in such a way panels to follow the path of the
that will work best for you. sun—exactly like a sunflower.
Their downside is, they are more
ii. Placing PVs on the
expansive than both lead-acid
and lithium-ion batteries. Ground
• Racking – How to Mount Only rooftop is not the favorite
habitat of solar panels. Since
Solar Panels
rooftop-mounted panels serve
i. Rooftop Mounting a residential unit well, and also
there is little space in homes, we
In residential units, this is the
don’t often see ground-mounted
most common mode of mounting
panels in residential areas.
solar panels. While mounting
your solar panels, you should be
Usually, for commercial usage,
careful about the direction, pitch
the PVs are installed on the
angle, shape, and size of the
ground as their energy needs
roof. The main aim is, to keep
require a bigger solar plant.
the panels in such a position to
These panels can be mounted
receive the maximum sunlight.
in two ways. A standard ground
mount is where panels are fixed
Ideally, your home should have
on the ground in one place.
a large, sunny, south-facing roof
Connecting Your Solar
System to Grid
Connecting Your
One of the notable concerns of arrangements to address what can
Solar System
our customer has been this: How we do about that.
to connect a solar system to the
grid and if there are different • Off-Grid or Battery-
arrangements through which we Based Grid System
can tailor our system to our own In this arrangement, your solar
needs. This chapter explores system is not connected to your
different arrangements in which main grid but batteries. These
you can connect your solar batteries store the excess power
system to your grid. your system generates for your
night needs and other unexpected
• Direct Grid-Tie System circumstances.
Asked Questions
monthly electricity bills.
They’ll assess your area’s climate, your roof structure, angle, pitch, and
orientation and suggest a system that would work best for you home.
• How long will it take to install a solar power system in my
Not much. It may take a day or two, depending on your location and home
parameters. Our crew is professional and well-versed in the solar technology.
Once the contract is finalized, we prioritize installing the system within a day,
without any compromise on the quality of the work and equipment during
• What if I decide to move?
If you own the system, the new owner will pay for the system. A solar home is
sold at premium. Studies shows that a solar home is preferred 20 times more
than a non-solar home.
But if you want to take it with yourself, the dismantling, transportation, and
reinstallation of the system may cost you a little. If it’s on lease or power
purchase agreement, we make it easy for you to transfer your agreement to the
new homeowner.
When you decide to move, give us a call, we’ll find an easy solution for you
based on your preferences.
Yes. While a solar system generates more electricity during summers, they Information: [email protected]
are designed to work in all seasons including winters.
• Does a solar system work if snow is accumulated on the Sales: [email protected]
But the panels are installed in a slope, allowing the snow to slide down
itself. If it is accumulated, you have to remove it to enable the panels to
generate power. The information provided in this booklet is accurate to the best of our knowl-
• What is kW and kWh? edge and understanding. It is prepared to give the readers a brief, simple yet
Kilowatt (kW) is a unit of power. It tells us about the rate of production or comprehensive overview of solar power in the U.S. It may not be used for
consumption of an electrical/electronic device.
research purposes, and should not be taken as a legal document. Readers
While kilowatt-hour (kWh) is the unit of energy. It tells us about the power are advised to exercise their due diligence while taking any decision vis-à-vis
used in an hour. For instance, if a 50-watt bulb is kept on for 20 hours, it’d installing a solar power system. Solar Econo, its affiliates, associates,
use up one kWh. Similarly, a 1000-watt device would take one hour to
consume one kilowatt of power. employees or other partner organizations do not take any responsibility of
any loss, in the broadest sense of the word, in the event of any decision tak-
en solely on the basis of this handbook.