Mobilink Project
Mobilink Project
Mobilink Project
Introduction: ..............................................................................................................2
HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT AT MOBILINK.........................................4
Chapter 2: HR POLICIES IN GENERAL (MOBILINK):.............................................6
Policies in General:....................................................................................................6
1.WORKING HOURS:..........................................................................................6
3.DRESS CODE POLICY:....................................................................................7
4.SECURITY AND SAFETY POLICY:................................................................9
5.COMPANY PUBLICATIONS POLICY:............................................................9
6.ATTENDANCE POLICY.................................................................................10
Practices against the Policies in General:.................................................................11
Critical Review on HR policies of Mobilink in General:.........................................12
Chapter 4: RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION PROCESS:....................................13
Mobilink Policies for Recruitment and Selection: ..................................................13
Recruitment policy...............................................................................................13
Policy guidelines:.................................................................................................13
Practices at Mobilink regarding Recruitment and Selection:...................................17
Critical Review on Recruitment and selection process:...........................................17
Chapter 5: TRAINING.................................................................................................18
Training needs assessment Policy at Mobilink:.......................................................18
Foreign training policy:............................................................................................19
Training: Practices at Mobilink................................................................................20
Types of Training in Mobilink: ...........................................................................21
Mobilinks Training programmes: .......................................................................22
Critical Review on Training at Mobilink:................................................................24
Chapter 6: PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM:..............................................24
Policies at Mobilink for Performance Appraisal:.....................................................24
Practices at Mobilink for Performance Appraisal System: .....................................26
Critical Review on Performance Appraisal: ............................................................27
Chapter 7: CAREER PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT: ..........................................27
Critical Review: .......................................................................................................28
Chapter 8: Rewards System:........................................................................................28
Policies on Reward system at Mobilink:..................................................................28
Practices on Reward systems at Mobilink: ............................................................31
Critical Review:........................................................................................................31
ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS?...................................................................................32
CONCLUSION: ..........................................................................................................33
RECOMMENDATIONS: ............................................................................................33
There are about 5000 employees currently working in Mobilink of which 4500
are working on permanent basis and 500 on temporary basis, with average
of more than 800 employees hired every month. Among them approximately
5% are managers and operatives are 40%, rest are either contractual or not
directly related to core business.
In April 2001, when the OTH (Orascom
Telecom Holding) took over management
control of the company, the market share was
only 40% but as of March, 2006; Mobilink
served over 14 million subscribers,
representing a market share of
approximately 56.2% of total mobile
subscribers in Pakistan. However, during the
past two years the market share of Mobilink
has gone down to 41% (As of March, 2007).
The number of subscribes of Mobilink has been fast increasing since year
2000,the number of
subscribes of
Mobilink has
almost doubled in
the last one year
from 5 million
approx to 10
million approx this
figure has almost
increased by 50
times as it was in year 2000. This in fact is a milestone for Mobilink. Currently
the company has a customer base of over 24 million and its growing.
6. Planning
6. Recruitment
6. Selection
• Formal Interview
• Intelligence tests
6. Research and Development
6. Training
6. Compensation
6. Occupational Health and Safety measures
6. Career Planning and Development
6. Performance Appraisal System
In order to make its human resource productive and efficient, Mobilink
aggressively work in developing its human resource capital through
international and local trainings as well as structured employee ‘well-being’
programs, making it one of the most sought after companies to work for in
Pakistan. Mobilink conducts several training program in order to improve the
competencies and skills of employees.
Humans are the basic tool for having competitive edge in the market for most
of the organizations and Mobilink is one of these. Mobilink has one of the best
HR systems in Pakistan that gives it an edge over its competitors.
Like most big organizations, this process is also done in accordance with
company’s mission. First, Strategic planners analyze what actually is he
prevalent culture of the organization, what are the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, threats (SWOT analysis) of business and its market, and on the
basis of all the above analysis, company’s strategic plan is established. In the
end HR strategies are formulated in accordance with this overall
business’/companies’ strategic plans.
Based on these HR strategies, HR policies and practices are also formed and
implemented. Any abrupt change in the market requires the organization to
follow this analysis in order to be successful. That why organizations
continuously keeps on updating their strategies and policies.
Mobilink’s Competitive Environment
Economic, Political, Demographic,
Competitive and Technological Trends
Company’s Internal
Strengths and Weaknesses
Policies in General:
Purpose: Hours of work are scheduled to meet the production and work
requirements of the Company, and are in conformance with all applicable
local laws and practices.
Office Hours:
Sixty (60) minutes meal breaks each day from Monday through Thursday.
Shift work:
Employees working in shifts will follow the shift roasters prepared by the line
Breach: Any employee not abiding by the working hours Policy will initially
be counselled by his /her immediate supervisor / office manager. Any
repeated act will be reported to the Human Resources in writing who will
refer the discipline policy for further proceedings.
A) To provide all employees with the reasons for suitable attire,
acceptability of appearance and enforcement procedures.
B) For the benefit of the employee and all other employees in the working
area. The employees clothing, hairstyle and jewelry shall not be of the type,
which may interfere with the appropriate performance of his/her duties.
D) Employees who deal with the general public must maintain a suitable
appearance as their dress and actions reflect upon Company Corporate
Shalwar Kameez
Sari / Blouse
Dress Pants / Blouse or Shirt with Jacket or Waist Coat
Skirts / Blouse or Shirt with Jacket or Waist Coat (No minis / long slits)
Light makeup
Light jewelry
No Low Necks
• Employees who work on Saturdays, where they have customer contact will
wear Business casual. Business casual is defined as follows:
No joggers
No jeans
Any employee not abiding by the Dress Code under this Policy will initially
be counseled by his /her immediate supervisor / office manager. Any
repeated act will be reported to the Human Resources Department in writing.
Purpose: To provide a means of communicating Mobilink’s policies,
objectives, plans programs and development of all employees.
The Company maintains the rights to change, discontinue, reverse or edit the
content of any publication issued by the Company.
The President and the VP Human Resources & Administration must approve
all publications intended for all employees.
In case of any absence continuing for more than 24 hours must be reported to
concerned department, in case of illness, a medical statement concerning the
illness must be submitted to Mobilink within 24 hours from the time by which
the employee was to be on duty. The Company may request an examination
by a doctor designated by the Company.
Practices against the Policies in General:
Following are the main practices that we observed against the general Policies
as mentioned earlier.
4) Security & Safety Policy: Security at Moilink is of utmost interest for
the management and everyone working at Mobilink. To accomplish the
above policy, a Safety Committee is set-up as follows:
1. VP HR/Admin
2. Head of Security
3. Member
4. Member
Marketing must get approval from the President or his / her nominee
to place article in Newspaper or Customers Newsletter.
Most of the General HR policies are well practices at Mobilink with a few
discrepancies. This indicates that the organization does have a strong HR
system with an effective HR strategy. We may also see this thing as the
predictor of good Telecom level policies in Pakistan. The reason being that
the general policies, as mentioned above, are more or less the same for all
telecom companies. Most of these policies are formulated by the PTA
(Pakistan Telecom Authority). So reviewing the success of these policies at
Mobilink shows good strategy formulation by PTA as well as Mobilink.
Moreover, these policies are not only practiced and observed in telecom
sector only. We see such dress code policy, asset protection policy and like
in many other business organization. So these policies have a general
tendency of being followed.
Recruitment policy
Policy guidelines:
The recruitment policy must comply with regulations set out by the
Government of Pakistan.
Internal Advertisement.
Head hunters/executive search organizations.
Walk in candidates.
Colleges and Universities
a) External Recruitment:
b) Internal Recruitment
ii. Selected candidates will join the new job/position after getting
clearance from existing line manager.
General conditions for recruitment: All recruitment will be done through
the Human Resources Department in consultation with the Officers and
Heads of the concerned Department.
The Human Resources Department may conduct Profile and
Psychometric Tests for the selected candidate in order to evaluate the
suitability of the candidate.
Two Reference checks will be completed for the selected candidate either
before hiring or during the probationary period. Appointment will be
subject to satisfactory references being received.
In the Case of Consultants the Company will sign a contract with the
Consultant for a duration ranging from 3 months to 1 year.
These were the practices but what actually are the practices for Recruitment
and selection at Mobilink. Let’s explore.
Practices at Mobilink regarding Recruitment and Selection:
Practices regarding the recruitment and selection are in accordance with the
policies formulated by the HR department. According to employees following
were the recruitment practices. Two types of Recruitments: Internal and
Emplacement Agencies
Walk in candidates
It goes without saying that reference for job works. So it’s surely a flaw in
the recruitment and selection process of Mobilink. We know a number of
people who get job in Mobilink on reference basis. However, saying all
that, getting a job at Mobilink and retaining that job at Mobilink for a time
are two different things.
Chapter 5: TRAINING
The HR Department shall coordinate all the tasks until a total Company-
training plan is finalized, then follow-up with Department Heads on its
The plan is the result of focusing on the individual discipline needs into one
schedule designed to meet the training needs of the total Company.
Policy Guidelines: The Company shall pay all Training Expenses, Round
Trip Airfare, living Allowance, and Local Transportation in accordance with
Company regulations in this regard.
If the expatriate / contract employee being sent on the training does not meet
the above conditions, a waiver could be made on the recommendation of the
concerned Chief/ VP and the approval of the president/ CEO.
Surety for Mutual Benefit: To ensure that both, PMCL – Mobilink and the
employees mutually benefit from overseas professional training provided to
employees. The employees returning from training should continue to be in
the employment of the Company for following minimum periods as
mentioned in Para (4.2) depending on the training days. Failing of which
employees will be liable to pay the PMCL - MOBILINK expenses incurred by
the PMCL - MOBILINK on their training including travel and accommodation
In case an employee doesn’t pay back the due amount to the company, HR
will issue notice to the concerned employee mentioning that he/she has to
pay back the amount to the company, otherwise, company reserve the right to
take legal action.
Types of Training in Mobilink:
On a general basis the training done in Mobilink can be divided into two
• Technical Training
• Communication skills
• Anger management
Technical Training: This type of training has direct effect on the job of the
employee. Specific skills are focused and developed accordingly. The
engineering trainings of Mobilink are also included with this along with
All these types of training are done to enhance the employees job skills at
the level he is at.
Mobilinks Training programmes:
Practical examples, exercises and case studies are used to illustrate the
topics covered and show delegates how they can relate the techniques
introduced during the course to their own work situation.
The supervisor training programme helps those people who are at this
post to develop the right skills required and asked for at this job.
3. Leadership workshop: Becoming a Leader Good leaders are made,
not necessarily born. You can become an effective leader by developing
yourself through a never-ending process of self-study, education,
training & experience. To inspire your people to higher levels of
teamwork there are certain things you must be, know & do. Leadership
makes people want to achieve challenging goals & objectives. This
workshop is for managers who have the desire to ‘make things
happen’ & have a team who need to be inspired into action! Mobilink
offers this workshop for is specific employees.
4. Conflict management training: We are living in times where
chaos and conflict are on the rise. Lack of conflict can be as damaging
for any organization, as having conflicts that go out of hand. In fact
conflict is the very source of creativity, without which innovation is not
possible. Usually these conflicts are resolved, but occasionally they
grow to hinder one's job performance. This program is designed to
increase a supervisor's ability to prevent conflicts from reaching a crisis
stage and how to resolve it when a necessary conflict occurs. A
framework for tackling conflict is also provided that helps managers
who find dealing with conflict an unpleasant experience.
5. Development of oratory skills: With fit, healthy and active minds
perform faster and more accurately with minimal stress. How people
speak indicates their state of mind. Nervousness in making public
appearance is often the result of not knowing WHAT to do and HOW
to do it! Learn to control your nervousness and feel the confident -
professional image many seek! This workshop will provide hands-on
approach to polish oratory skills, use projected media, and present like
a "pro."
6. Motivating, Coaching & Delegating Any approach to develop
management skills must involve a heavy dose of practical application.
At the same time, practice without the necessary conceptual
knowledge is sterile and ignores the need for flexibility and adaptation
to different situations. They will also discover ways to manage
performance of individuals and teams in order to achieve
departmental/ organizational goals and objectives. All these
programmes are aiming at developing specific skills in specific people
for specified purposes.
7. It is believed that leadership skills and business goals are achieved
through the training and development of the employees. To make it
more motivating the participants of the training programme are
awarded a course completion certificate at a graduation ceremony
which is held after the completion of the training programme.
Critical Review on Training at Mobilink:
o To provide a solid path for career planning for each individual
Every employee should know what is expected from him / her through direct
supervisors. He / She should participate in & agree with the goals &
objectives set by himself / herself in accordance with the Company’s business
plans & objective goals.
Everyone should have the opportunity to perform & develop according to the
set objectives & agreed upon duties. He / she should also expect self-
assessment and take actions to develop his / her competency level & increase
his / her participation in the achievement of the Company’s objectives.
To give a chance to Subordinates to evaluate their seniors a 360 Degree
Evaluation will be conducted at the time of the Performance Evaluation.
Critical Review on Performance Appraisal:
There are a number of rewards that are tied to performance appraisals. So,
tool applied for performance appraisal justifies itself.
Critical Review:
Importance of Career planning in today’s competitive world is as
important as any other HR function. Retaining your valuable Human
resource today is one of the biggest challenges that organizations are
facing. So, HR needs to come up with new strategies. Career planning
and development is one of the basic tool and strategy organizations are
using for retaining their employees. This function actually makes
employees feel that they are important to the organization and
Mobilink wants them to be at the top in their careers.
As far as the practices are concerned, all the employees were reluctant
to talk about this during our interview. However, what we analyzed is
that career development is practiced but not that openly. Specially, in
case if some employee is considering of joining the competitor’s firm. If
such is a case then organization has discipline policies for that even.
Objectives: The purpose of this policy is to have salaries subject for review in
January of each calendar year in the light of merit and inflation.
Policy Guidelines: The Company will pay salaries of the employees and all
other amounts due to them during office hours and on the job site as follows:
All New Employees have to open bank accounts in specified banks prescribed
by the Company so that their salary will be credited at the end of each month.
Upon termination of service (end of service), the employee will receive his /
her salary within 15 working days up to the time of date of his / her last
working day.
Upon resignation, the employee will be paid his / her dues during a
maximum period of 15 working days from the date he / she left the job.
4. Ensure that salaries are competitive and in line with salary levels that
prevail in the industry.
o The HR Department will analyze each job and assign a job code, hire rate,
minimum, mid and maximum point rate. (Salary Structure)
o The HR Department will prepare the salary structure to be reviewed and
approved by the Director & VP HR.
Objective: To ensure that each employee is given the starting salary of the
title level in which his / her position and experience fall. Also to ensure that
consideration is given to past experience and qualifications when setting
starting salaries
Factors to be put into consideration for setting salaries within the range
determined by the departmental Head & the HR department
• The particular job level for which the job offer is being made.
• The candidate’s education, experience, qualifications as compared to
the minimum qualifications required by the job specification and
prevailing industry rates.
o Recruits, transferees
o Promotion and increments
o Allowances, bonuses and incentives
o Discipline
o Review the all documents affecting salaries.
o Entry of all salaries based on Salary, allowances, deductions and
Besides there are other intrinsic and extrinsic awards that leads
towards one objective only and that is: To compensate employee sufficiently
so that he may be motivated and constitutes an integral part of Human
resource of organization.
Medical care
Life insurance
Credit advance policyprovident policy/advance against provident fund and
acapping of gratuity
Club Policy Travel
Education assistance policy
Mobile phone
Business mobile phone policy
Official Balckberry Poicy
Policies regarding the reward systems are practiced quite strictly at mobilink.
Employees are paid when they are supposed to pay. Other rewards are also
fast but they are mostly tenure based rather than performance based.
Critical Review:
Reward system at Mobilink is quite complicate. The reason for this is that
there are many intrinsic and extrinsic, direct and indirect, compensating and
non-compensating rewards. There is even a department that looks after the
motivational aspect of the employees. How motivation level of employees can
be kept to a level so that they can be more productive. PMO (Project
management office) introduces many club memberships, game shows, lunch
arrangement and many more for employee to be motivated. Similarly, there
are special achievement awards at each individual level. Then there are even
team awards, department awards and division awards.
Well the answer is simple. Policies are going pretty well. Numerically, I can
say more than 90%. How? Well because these are being practices in the same
manner as was expected during the policy formulation time. Moreover, see
the results. Mobilink is considered to have the best HR in Pakistan and they
have retained this edge. So, it’s so obvious that all overall policies are good
and they are also being followed exactly the same way as required to achieve
organizational goals.
Mobilink has a strong HR system. That is the reason we didn’t found much
discrepancies in what management says, what policies state and what
employees say. 90 % of the times they were same. However, there were some
discrepancies that need attention and their adjustment can make this HR
system best in Pakistan.
understood for this is their lack of knowledge about policies
formulation. Employees are not encouraged to give suggestions in
policy formulation. So, our suggestion is that employees should be
consulted while policy formulation stage.
3. Benefits and rewards are too complicated for anyone to understand.
Though there are many of these but most of employees even have not
information as to for what benefit they can go for. So, Mobilink should
simplify its reward system for its employees to understand well.
4. The decision making is delegated to managers with goals set for each
term promotion, hiring and firing is virtually in the immediate boss’s
hand. This practice can cause disharmony among employees for
power. Team based structure (like the one at PMO) should be preferred
in all departments
5. Mobilink pursues Zero-tolerance policy for disciplinary actions. This is
good but not in all cases. Mobilink should look towards its discipline
polices and try to be a bit more lenient.
6. Mobilink HR lacks in terms of career planning and development. This
important function of HR does not have recognition in Policies’
statement. Mobilink should have a look at this.
7. Mobilink uses only policy specified sources for recruitment which are
only 5. In this way it can loose some potential applicants that can be
asset to organizations, just because they were not well communicated.
So, Mobilink should increase its recruitment sources. During an HR
specialist interview, we posed the same question and the answer was
“that’s what policy says; on ground level we do use as many sources as
possible”. If this is the case then our recommendation is that Mobilink
should adjust its policy accordingly.